mdma for sale

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mdma for sale mdma for sale 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), often called ecstasy (E), is really a psychoactive drug used primarily like a recreational drug. Desired results of MDMA include increased empathy, euphoria, and heightened sensations. When taken by mouth, effects begin after 30-45 minutes and last 3-6 hours. It is also sometimes snorted or smoked. By 2016, MDMA has no accepted medical uses. Negative effects of MDMA use include addiction, memory problems, paranoia, insomnia, teeth grinding, blurred vision, sweating, as well as a rapid heartbeat. Use can also result in depression and fatigue. Deaths happen to be reported because of increased the body's temperature and dehydration.[12] MDMA increases the release and slows the reuptake from the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in elements of mental performance. It has stimulant and psychedelic effects. The first increase is followed by a short-term reduction in the neurotransmitters. MDMA belongs to the substituted methylenedioxyphenethylamine and substituted amphetamine classes of medicine.

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