Lent Bumps Report 2023

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Lent Bumps 2023 Report

Day 1

Day 1 of Lent Bumps saw W2 and M2 racing fiercely on the water whilst our M1 and W1 had to wait for their Bumps debut on day 2. Despite 7 out of 9 members of the boat having never faced bumps before, W2 were fighting ready for day 1, with a strong paddle down the river. The canon went off and with a steady start, W2 felt that Wolfon W1 was in their control. Unfortunetaly, whilst Wolfon gained quickly on Cauis W2, Clare W2 closed their gap with Christ’s as they reached first post corner and took the opportunity to bump

Likewise, M2 had a strong start under their belt and kept Queens’ M2 at close proximity as both cews gave it their all. Whilst Christ’s attemped to close the gap, Trinity Hall M2 behind them were flying, and eventually bumped them in the gut. Shortly after conceding, the entire race was halted, meaning that M2 narrowly escaped a re-row! Both crews paddled home under the snow, ready for day 2, and hungry to get back their previously positions!

Day 2

W1 and M1 were eager to start their own Bumps campaign, despite the snowly conditions, having not rowed on day 1. W1 were off to a great start, hitting a 1:45 split at a rate 42 as they chased down Churchill W1 Unfortunately, First and Third W1 were hungry to regain the position that they had before W1 bumped them last year, and eventually caught them after the Plough. M1 fared better, with a stellar performance from their 3 seat who noviced last term! They secured a row over, not managing to bump Maggie M2 but staying far ahead of Fitz M1. Despite W2 securing a whistle on Clare who bumped them the day before, they were soon bumped by Emma W3, after clearing first post corner. Likewise, as M2 braved the snow, Fitz M2 maintained pace as they tired, resulting in them conceding shortly after Grassy.

Day 3

W2 and M2 were taking a well-deserved break after the past few days’ racing, but M1 and W1 were back on the water, eager for some bumps. M1, having rowed over the day before, attempted a strong start, to catch Maggie M1. Whilst they did gain a whistle on Maggie under the Railway Bridge, this motivated Maggie to push away. However, M1 were three boat lengths away from Fitz, so comfortably rowed over, conserving some energy for the next day. All in all, it was a well fought race given the circumstances. Our W1 were hungry for a bump after the previous day’s disappointment and were looking forward to chasing down FaT W1. Despite a strong start, W1 did not receive the first whistle that it hoped for. By First Post Corner, they were confronted by Queens’ first whilste on them, but they locked on to push away. Luckily, Fitz were closing the gap on Queens, who themselves took a truly awful corner (which must have been caused by a rudder malfunction!). Overall, W1 secured a strong row over, safe from spoons, and gained continuously down the reach, closing the gap from Churchill from six to four lengths.

Day 4

Unfortunately, Day 4 of Bumps had to be cancelled due to dangerous rowing conditions, with a very strong current, high water level and sub zero temperatures.

Day 5

After the sad cancellation of racing on Friday, all crews were waiting, hopeful and wanting to row. However, due to the unseasonal snowfall and rain, and the banks at risk of flooding, the council had no choise but to let the locks open, causing a dangerous stream. Just an hour before arrival times of M2 and W2 crews, it was announced that their races had been cancelled, but that the first divisions would go ahead under a yellow flag. The chase was on! W1 attempted to bump Clare W1 quickly before Fitz could bump them. Soon past the Motorway Bridge, W1 was gaining momentum, taking their first whistle on Clare. However, Fitz continued to gain on W1, obtaining their first whistle by the Ditch. As W1 unfortunately lost their line around the Gut, Fitz gained a third whistle on them, and closed in for the Bump. M1 was being chased by Caius M2 for the final day of Bumps, who had bumped Fitz M1, in Division 2. After an unlucky start, with the canon unexpectedly delayed by 7 seconds, M1 tried to regain their lost half length. Whislt M1 pushed forwards and gained a whistle on Peterhouse, Caius were hungry for Blades, meaning that they sadly got bumped around First Post Corner.

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