The Threshold Bookcast : Chapter 14 – Silent Talking

Page 14

2206 : Window Onto A New World

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XIV. Silent Talking

{ They only care about their organization, they aren't concerned with the wider implications of their decisions, we would soon lose them to their own aims as they would obtain some of the powers } { The same thing can happen to any of us at the beginner levels } { Evidently, but with the CSS our safety would be at risk, most ordinary disciples don't have that kind of reach, the ramifications of the Syndicate cover a surprisingly large scope } { Exactly, we could teach them basic skills, remote vision, influence, and enhanced intuitive abilities, and in return require their organization to serve our objectives, you always advise to favour cooperation over competition } { I often do } corrected the priestess, her mouth contracting barely perceptibly, { however in this case, they would rapidly figure out there are higher levels, and then they wouldn't accept being confined to beginner ranks any longer, they would demand to know more } { The higher powers we have to protect at all cost } { Just imagine if they merely knew about the existence of parallelism, priority of intention, or universal knowledge } { They could never develop those abilities without first aligning their aims with ours } { Evidently, but would they believe that this restriction is real ? Their suspicions towards us suggest that they would rather think we are deliberately keeping them in the dark, and thus they would do awful things, their methods are well-known, they would try to force us to use our powers against our best interests, in their aims, or they would use the law against us to eradicate us if we don't comply, or simply for the threat we pose } { But as long as they don't know the full story – } { Our secrets keep us safe, yes, the leaders of their union fear us precisely because they don't know the full extent of our powers, and yet, they can't run the risk of getting rid of us without first discovering what they could gain from us } { I understand, but what do we reply to those who have had enough of their attempts } { We simply explain that our mysteries guarantee our security } { We could also tell them that resisting the attempts is part of the training } { That would surely work for some, yes, I encourage this } { There are also concerns about eventual infiltrations } { We explain that only gifted individuals can fool a Cerberus, such individuals are generally wise enough to avoid the trappings of joining the CSS } { Yet manipulation is a possibility } { We explain that if a need should arise, we can launch an operation to keep their agents at bay, our powers make this feasible, but at the cost of delaying our plans, and for now there are more pressing – }

Aeira then quickly glanced in the direction of the guardian and saw the man as he stood up The Threshold


Christopher Stewart

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