The Threshold Bookcast : Chapter 11 – The Preacher The Teacher

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2206 : Window Onto A New World

XI. The Preacher The Teacher

than anyone else that top secret information is at risk here » the muscular helper hinted with amusement, before staying silent for a second, « so... looks like I'm done now ! » he then announced, « have a nice day... or night... or... whatever time it is where you are ! » he joyfully hazarded, chortling once more, « talk to you later professor ! » he concluded the call. The postponement had somewhat relieved the smiling physicist, even if the pressure was now on him. He reflected that, though Milton had mostly speculated, he had brought up some interesting points. Still, one unavoidable fact had been established with certitude. Sturn had to unearth the truth regarding his new assistant, and he had to start digging as soon as possible. If he could prove that the techie was indeed the spy, the ordeal would quickly become old news, to be remembered as one of those strokes of bad luck that necessarily had to occur once in a while. The investigators would not need to know of his whereabouts during his sojourn on Ovel, they would only require the details of the events in Pefki Park. Manifestly, he would have to hire a replacement software engineer, but he could interview the candidates who had made it to the ultimate stage of the elimination process. On the other hand, if he could figure out a way to clear the coder of any suspicion, the troubling matter would be far less urgent as there would be no direct threat to the privacy of his project anymore. The security enforcer would fill the paperwork, and yet, given that the attempt had been foiled, probably no official inquiry would ensue, or if one were to be launched it would potentially end up lost in the mazes of a bureaucracy that was already overburdened by more important issues. One way or the other, the scientific adviser couldn't wait. Obviously, the chauffeur had made up his mind. As the hours would pass, it would get increasingly difficult to change his opinion, and his hypothesis, however unfounded, would slowly become his reality. Worse, the longer the scholar would delay, and the longer SAVIA would be exposed to the risk of being compromised, and he just couldn't let that happen. He had to be at peace with the whole affair, and the earlier, the better. While the situation was anything but straightforward, he could rely on the secret weapon he had cultivated in his many years of practice in the occult arts the disciples of the Community protected so fiercely. He had learned how, after quieting his psyche, he could discern when he was being lied to, and he intended to – – – – –

« Hello Bernard ! » cheerfully greeted Frank Evans as he appeared at the open door of the spacious room, interrupting his supervisor's train of thought. « Hello Frank » the quadragenarian reacted tardily to the unannounced yet anticipated arrival, evidently concerned. « You wanted to see me ? » immediately replied the grinning young man. « Yes » the pundit responded following one more pensive lapse, his expression going from preoccupation to warmth, « I'd like to talk to – hmm... sorry... please come in » he uttered confusedly, motioning to invite his coworker inside, « do you have a moment ? » he asked politely.

The Threshold


Christopher Stewart

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