Global status on ambient water quality and acceleration needs to achieve target 6.3 by 2030

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4. Indicator 6.3.2 interlinkages across the SDGs

The importance of indicator 6.3.2 is key not just

These measures were namely the expansion of

to SDG 6, but also to many other SDGs that rely

construction of wastewater treatment plants in

on good ambient water quality, whether directly

the 1970s, and the ban of phosphate in laundry

or indirectly. Information from indicator 6.3.2 can

detergents, which came into effect in the country

inform decisions related to ending hunger (SDG

in 1986. Each lake is unique and responded

2), improving health (SDG 3), increasing access

slightly differently, but a significant reduction is

to energy (SDG 7), promoting sustainable tourism

clearly observed in each one.

and industrialization (SDG 8 and 9), reducing marine pollution (SDG 14) and safeguarding terrestrial biodiversity (SDG 15). In this way, developing strategic partnerships that both use and provide indicator 6.3.2 data will significantly contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

4.1. Indicator 6.3.1 – Proportion of wastewater safely treated The close relationship between the two target 6.3 indicators on wastewater treatment (6.3.1) and ambient water quality (6.3.2) is demonstrated by historical data collected for the national and transboundary lakes of Switzerland, which show a clear reduction in lake phosphorus content following implementation of nutrient control measures in the lake catchments (Figure 14).

Inle Lake, Myanmar by Jade Marchand on Unsplash



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