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4.1.3 Changes in the Biden Administration (starting in 2021) On the day of his inauguration, President Biden signed an executive order that required the immediate review of all agency actions, including the fuel economy standards for light-duty vehicles, taken during the Trump administration that are or may be inconsistent with the protection of public health and environment.38 The same executive order reinstated the Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases, which shall publish a final SCC, social cost of nitrous oxide, and social cost of methane by January 2022. The interim value of SCC published in February 2021 ranged from 51 to 76 in 2020 U.S. dollars per tCO2 emitted in 2020.39 We anticipate the Biden Administration returning to the traditional co-benefits policy if not strengthen it.40 The new administration’s budget request for fiscal year 2022 included a significant increase in proposed budgets for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and U.S. EPA. Its 2022 discretionary request for DOE was USD 46.1 billion with a USD 4.3 billion or 10.2% increase from the 2021 enacted level, including: USD 1.9 billion towards new energy efficiency and clean electricity standards and clean energy workforce development; U.S. dollars (USD) 8 billion towards clean energy technologies such as advanced nuclear energy, electric vehicles, green hydrogen, and innovative air conditioning and refrigeration technologies; USD 1 billion for advanced research projects; and USD 7.4 billion for foundational research on climate change and clean energy technologies. Its request for the U.S. EPA was USD 11.2 billion with a USD 2 billion or 21.3% increase from the 2021 level, including USD 110 million to restore staff capacity and USD 1.8 billion in programs that would help reduce GHG emissions.41 Moreover, Biden rejoined the Paris accord, is incorporating climate considerations into his entire administration, and proposed a multi-trillion dollar infrastructure plan with significant climate elements.

4.2 Energy Efficiency and Air Quality Strategies in California 4.2.1 Energy Efficiency in California’s Climate Policies


The White House. (2021, January 20). Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis. Executive Office of the President. 39 The White House. (2021, February). The White House Technical Support Document: Social Cost of Carbon, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide Interim Estimates under Executive Order 13990. Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases, United States Government. 40 Friedman, L. (May 14, 2021). Biden Administration to Repeal Trump Rule Aimed at Curbing E.P.A.’s Power. The New York Times. 41 The White House. (2021, April 9). Summary of the President’s Discretionary Funding Request. Executive Office of the President.


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