Placement Report | School of Everything - Christopher Kamper 2009

Page 19

2. Project Outline As I have stated in the introduction, the SOE embodies a

and teach everything – it is not “professional teachers share

strong philosophy about learning, specifically about learn-

expertise with their highly qualified students”. Therefore, I

ing exotic topics that lie outside the scope of the main-

went for candid, natural shots; nothing should look staged

stream. That is why we have decided to find and contact

in any way (a rule that only had to be broken for some pic-

teachers of these topic in order to portray them; our search

tures in the Jujutsu series that would have been too dan-

included: Hula hooping, astronomy, astrology, jewellery

gerous to take otherwise).

making, TV presenting, yoga, meditation, pottery, knit-

The shootings themselves turned out to be of much

ting, homeopathy, taiko, various exotic martial arts, play-

more value to me than just some photographic practice: I

ing the didgeridoo and many more. I easily gained the

have learned a great deal about every subject photographed

support of many teachers by offering them all the pho-

and tremendously deepened my interpersonal skills as a

tographs taken during the session for no fee or condition

photographer working with real people instead of models.

other than stated in the “Creative Commons Attribution-

I have documented every step of each individual project

NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0” license model.

and kept in touch with both my placement provider and

I have chosen to use a visual style that is as far away

the people photographed to involve them in the selection

from the polished looks as found in advertisements as pos-

process. I am extremely grateful that I had the opportunity

sible. The philosophy of the SOE is that anybody can learn

to do this project exactly the way I intended to. 19

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