An Investigation into the Human Energy Field

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words the fact that our thoughts can affect the nature of light and matter) indicate its possible role as an interface to the non-physical realms of mind, psyche and consciousness. Bohm importantly also notes that primary physical laws cannot be discovered by a science that attempts to break the world into parts. As I mentioned earlier we must move from analysis to synthesis if we are to really work out the magic or unknown forces behind nature’s laws. Bohm writes of what he calls an "implicate enfolded order" which exists in an unmanifested state, and is the foundation on which all manifest reality rests. This manifest reality is or what we call “normal” life is "the explicate unfolded order". There seems to be a pattern, an order, a template of geometric intelligence to all of nature’s creations and this is something that Melchizedek delves deeply into. Indeed, Marciniak touches on the same idea of there being a geometric pattern or as Bohm put it an “implicate enfolded order” to what we call life or reality. Marciniak says that geometry (the foundation on which mathematics and thus science is based) is “an evolved intelligence, a collection of experience that can communicate huge amounts of information”. She then goes onto to say that “geometric shapes and forms are carriers of intelligence and are frequency waves that can be modulated and changed”. Intuitively, this suggests to me that maybe consciousness is what is created from these invisible fields of patterns, shapes and geometric templates or consciousness is actually what creates them. Either way, the existence of the HEF is a direct example and proof of how an invisible field of organised energy (the implicate enfolded order), can then produce or manifest the physical body or reality (the explicate unfolded order). So what does all this mean? In my opinion it means that the physical world is like a holographic projection. Including time it is the most amazing of 4-D interactive computer games! Holograms are made of light and our projections of light, so are we. Shakespeare’s famous quote comes to mind of "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players”. We are players of the game, actors on the stage but we must open our awareness to the audience, stage directors and critics who are watching us act. They are

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