2015-2016 Chapel Hill/Orange County Access Guide

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2015  – 2016 Chapel Hill /  Orange County Access Guide

A guide for those with physical limitations, 1including young families with strollers

W e l co m e A guide for people who roll rather than stroll Who require assistance while walking Who need hearing or vision amplification And families needing easy access and diaper


 changing tables

Welcome to Orange County, North Carolina! Whatever brings you here, we hope that you find this to be a comfortable visit with all the amenities you require accompanied by the helpful good graces of those you meet during your stay. We can all be grateful to the American Disabilities Act (ADA), which since 1990 has, among many other things, eliminated steps, or incorporated ramps into the entrances of all newly built public places, and specified accommodations for older buildings. Yet, some places, especially in historic areas, are still not accessible to those using a wheelchair or walker, pushing a stroller, or who cannot easily negotiate steps. This guide is intended as a companion to the standard Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Guide, with added information that will assist anyone with physical limitations requiring extra help to get around, whether because of a disability, recovering from an injury, illness or surgery; those with vision or hearing impairments; or young families needing a diaper changing table and easy access. For the most part, the tips here are for those with ambulatory restrictions, so that your excursions around Orange County will elate, rather than frustrate. Our hope is that use of this guide will help you get out and explore while avoiding surprises that might hinder your enjoyment. 2

2015 –  2016 Chapel Hill /Orange County Access Guide

C on t e n t s Our Communities

4 – 7

How to Use this Guide

8 – 9

Sightseeing & Shopping

10 – 15


16 – 17

Community Services

18 – 20

Outdoor Recreation

21 – 22

Self–guided Tours

23 – 31

Dining Options

32 – 42

Transportation & Parking

43 – 47

This inaugural access guide was prepared by Valarie Schwartz, former writer of the Neighbor’s column for the Chapel Hill News, from which she derived her 2009 book, Remembering Chapel Hill: The 20th Century As We Lived It, published by the History Press; and Ellen Perry, a longtime disability rights activist born with cerebral palsy, who moved to Carrboro while still mobile and taught her adopted town about accessibility as her needs for it increased. Together, they enlightened many people during their research and sincerely hope you will find the people of Orange County as accommodating as they did. © Chapel Hill  / Orange County Visitors Bureau 501 West Franklin Street Chapel Hill, NC (USA) 27516 888.968.2060 | 919.245.4320 | Fax: 919.968.2062 info@visitchapelhill.org | www.visitchapelhill.org Material in the Access Guide may not be reproduced without written permission. 3

Chap e l H i l l www.towno f chapelhill.org

Chapel Hill, the lovely “village” that developed around the University of North Carolina as it grew, is the largest town in Orange County, with mostly accessible destinations, though most visitors gravitate downtown. Sidewalks and curb cuts are maintained regularly to keep them as even and smooth as nature allows, and restaurants, coffee shops and the bounty of stores from Henderson Street on the East, to Merritt Mill on the West end of Franklin Street, offer many welcoming places to stop and catch the beat of this university-centric town. Unless it is an exceptionally busy time (graduation or homecoming weekends; or before, during or after a football or basketball game) there is plenty of parking in Chapel Hill, though you may have to pay for it. Every attraction includes recommendations for the most convenient parking lot to use when where to park is not obvious. Maps of town parking lots are on pages 44–47. Enjoy many historical sites with a self-guided car tour on pages 23–27.

Touring Downtown at 140 West Plaza


Th e Un iv e r s i t y o f Nor th C aro l i na at C hapel H i l l www.unc . e du

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill provides accessibility to most areas of its vast campus for those associated with the schools and UNC Healthcare. However, parking for visitors, including those with a disability parking placard is greatly limited. Especially helpful are maps and information at move.unc.edu. Click “Visitor Parking,” click on “Disability,” scroll down to “Important Links.” Among the links are an “Accessibility Map” showing the location of button door entrances to all buildings on campus, and a “Disability Parking Map.” If you use a wheelchair and have a parking placard, try parking in one of several unlimited handicap campus parking spaces or in a suggested town lot and roll; or take a bus to your destination (most buses accommodate electric wheelchairs). If you will be spending a great deal of time on campus and need accessibility assistance, you may contact the office of the University’s ADA supervisor. Whatever your needs, feel free to call either UNC Parking Services or the UNC Department of Public Safety about the best way to access the venue you plan to visit.

University Accessibility/Parking Info move.unc.edu (see above for more details) UNC Parking Services 919.843.0897 UNC Department of Public Safety 919.962.3951 University’s ADA Supervisor 919.966.3576 5


www.townof carrboro.org

Carrboro emerges as one travels west on West Franklin or West Rosemary Streets and opens many offerings within a few short blocks on Main and Weaver Streets. If using a car, you may wish to drive through the area first to get the lay of the land, but the pulse of the town is best felt from street level, and parking in any of the free community parking lots can get you there easily. If you want to venture along the two main blocks, park in the five-story parking deck at 300 East Main Street, next to the Hampton Inn & Suites. From there you can roll or stroll either direction on Main Street, checking out shops and restaurants along the way. Carrboro still has a few shops with steps leading up to front doors, but back or side entrances are usually accessible. Warning: Only park at Carr Mill Mall if you are using the mall. This is a place where you can be towed if you are seen parking and leaving the premises (camera surveillance).

Shopping at Carrboro Farmers’ Market


Hill s borough

www.vi s i t hh i lls boroughnc .co m

Hillsborough evolved as many historic towns did, at the point of crossroads used by Native Americans and other early travelers across the state. Being historic brings challenges to Hillsborough’s Churton Street, which has the steepest incline of all the downtown locations, and tricky paving in places. Wheelchair users may wish to avoid the (very bumpy) stone sidewalks alongside the historical courthouse square. In 2015 with accessibility as an impetus, the Town of Hillsborough is making improvements to downtown sidewalks and its largest central parking lot (lot #4, see the Downtown Hillsborough Parking map, p.47). Though unmarked on the map, there is parking for those with disability placards behind businesses on the east side of Churton Street (behind Radius Pizzeria & Pub). If you love historical homes, drive through the downtown residential areas to see lovely mansions, cottages and mill houses. Couple that exploration with the Self-guided Driving Tour (p. 28–31) for a fun excursion.

The Shops at Daniel Boone feature nearly 30 antique stores


A Guide to using this Guide Change happens constantly, so if you wish to visit a place reported as inaccessible, give them a call!



Getting around in a place you don’t know is an adventure regardless of one’s abilities, but when extra effort is required, wrong moves can spoil your day.

When two people of opposite gender travel together with one using a wheelchair, a good sense of humor is as necessary as preplanning. This guide aims to help you customize your visit according to the best choices for your needs.

In downtown areas, knowing where to park for easiest access is essential to a smooth excursion. A parking key has been developed to guide you to the best area to park, wherever you go. Parking codes for sites are at the bottom of each attraction description, listed before the Restroom code (RR). When the best parking option is an off-site parking lot, either FPL (Free Parking Lot) or PPL (Pay Parking Lot) will be listed with a number symbol (#) followed by the numeral representing that parking lot. See maps for parking in each downtown on pages 44-47. If no number is listed after the code, then parking is on site.

Frequently the greatest limiter of independence in public places is the doors into an establishment or its restrooms. Assuming the doors are wide enough for a wheelchair, most business doors are selfclosing, or “weighted,” making them difficult to open for a person alone in a wheelchair, or a person pushing someone in a manual wheelchair. Some doors have attached door stops, which wheelchair users learn to look for. The key was written based on the highest level of ability of a person using an electric wheelchair, one who typically needs no assistance getting to and from their chair, washing their hands, and opening the door to enter and exit — unless there are obstacles, like a heavy door, or too little space.


Handicap Parking Spaces in front or nearby Valet Parking (no curb cuts) Metered Parking Free Street Parking Free Parking Lot (see parking map for lot # location) Pay Parking Lot (see parking map for lot # location) Shopping Center

Chapel Hill Note: When using parking lot #20, enter Franklin Street by traveling through Post Office Alley. Carrboro Note: Only park at Carr Mill Mall if staying on site. Hillsborough Note: More HP parking behind businesses on east side of Churton Street. 8

These assessments were based on an electric wheelchair 27 inches wide.

the opposite sex. The partner can open the door and then wait outside.

Even within ADA guidelines, restrooms vary widely. Some “accessible” stalls allow a wheelchair in, but not always with enough space to close the door; or without room for an unaccompanied person to get the chair inside and reach around to lock the door.

In some, the light switch, soap or towel dispenser cannot be reached by a person in a wheelchair. In all of these cases, a person who is highly independent in a wheelchair, will need assistance to use this particular restroom, thus it will be listed as an AWA restroom.

Solitary wheelchair users especially will appreciate the restroom assessments, as AWO means that they will be able to open doors and all else unaccompanied.

When a restroom is not accessible by a wheelchair, the code provided is NAW. A site that is not accessible by a wheelchair will have no restroom assessment provided.

If light switch, soap dispenser and paper towels are within reach and there is room for the stall door to be closed with a wheelchair inside, but the entrance door is heavy, the assessment will be HWD, making this restaurant manageable for a couple of

For young families, some sites have diaper changing tables (DCT) in both restrooms, but most frequently only in the Women’s room. By the way, young moms, breastfeeding in public is allowed in North Carolina.

RESTROOM KEY – RR: AWO Accessible WithOut assistance HWD (may need) Help With Door AWA Accessible With Assistance inside NAW Not Accessible by Wheelchair DCT Diaper Changing Table If the site is not accessible by wheelchair, there is no RR assessment.



a t t rac t i on s There’s plenty to see and do in Orange County and these listings will help you know what is available based on your needs. Please refer to the standard Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Guide for more details including addresses, websites and any fees.


Ackland Art Museum 919.966.5736 Chapel Hill Ramps on either side of front door; security guard will assist with opening the double set of doors. PPL#15 RR: AWO (in back, third door to the right) Carolina Basketball Museum 919.962.6000 Chapel Hill Spacious, with multiple mounted TVs playing coach and player stories (script rolling at bottom for hearing impaired).

no attendant is present, press the intercom button. RR: HWD Kenan Football Center and Charlie Justice Hall of Honor 919.966.2575 Chapel Hill Besides displays, the center is outside of the glass-walled weight training room of the football team. One free accessible Visitor’s Parking space. Drive behind the Bell Tower on an unnamed street off South Road (across from Caudill Labs). RR: HWD

Metered visitor parking across the street. Accessible parking for vans with handicap placards is on the east side of the museum (on the left when facing building). Pull up to parking booth — if For parking options on the UNC campus see: move.unc.edu/visitor/ parking 10

Parking & Restroom Keys: pgs 8, 9

Kidzu Children’s Museum 919.933.1455  Chapel Hill RR: HWD; HP, SC DCT, child-sized toilets.

Morehead Planetarium & Science Center 919.962.1236 Chapel Hill

Orange County Historical Museum 919.732.2201 Hillsborough

Many spaces front and back in the auditorium for wheelchairs, strollers, etc.

Seven outside steps and no inside elevator makes it inaccessible to wheel users.

HP PPL#21; or MP RR: AWO in gift shop by front door

HISTORIC SITES & HOMES Alexander Dickson House Hillsborough 919.732.7741

Side ramp access through the gift shop door, which is usually locked. If unaccompanied, call and ask that the door be unlocked, or have companion ask upon arrival. FSP RR: HWD (outside building) Ayr Mount Historic Site Hillsborough 919.732.6886

North Carolina Collection Gallery, Wilson Library 919.962.0104 Chapel Hill Button door on east side (may need pushing several times). Pass through two more doors to elevator on the left, follow signs. Some areas of the collection not accessible by wheelchair but many historical exhibits available. Enjoy the hallway displays on each floor. Free HP in lot on South Rd. RR: (varies) AWO or AWD

Wheelchair users need to give a call before going out for directions to the driveway parking next to the ramp. Only first floor is available to wheelchairs. Chapel Hill gravel, sand and pineneedles on pathways OK for wheels. FPL RR: NAW Burwell School Historic Site 919.732.7451 Hillsborough There’s a ramp, but narrow doors make the building inaccessible to most wheelchairs. FPL RR: NAW

Ayr Mount is celebrating its 200 th anniversary in 2015. Visit the website for activities planned throughout the year.



A r ts c e n t e r

Horace Williams House 919.942.7818 Chapel Hill Call to arrange electric wheelchair access through kitchen door near parking; manual chairs can manage two shallow steps in front. Art gallery several steps up. FPL in rear off Rosemary RR: AWA; no handrails, tight space.


North Carolina Botanical Garden 919.962.0522 Chapel Hill Wheel users feel free to roll throughout, even inside the Paul Green Cabin. No access to the bird observatory, where bird identification signs are posted, but birds at the multiple feeders are still visible; just wait for the show. HP, FPL


PERFORMING ARTS The ArtsCenter 919.929.2787 Carrboro Fully accessible art gallery and reception area; theater has space for wheelchairs but most seats require steps up or down. HP, FPL#13,#14 RR: HWD Carrboro Century Center 919.918.7385 Carrboro

Coker Arboretum 919.962.0522 Chapel Hill Sandy pathways offering many shaded benches wind among mature trees, native plants and running brook. Wheelchair users beware of any exposed roots along paths (skidding hazard). PPL#21, HP; MP Montrose Gardens 919.732.7787 Hillsborough Accessible paths covered with Chapel Hill gravel and pine needles. Call to schedule a visit. 12 

Parking & Restroom Keys: pgs 8, 9

Lower entrance for art exhibits on North Greensboro Street; auditorium entrance (second floor) by way of ramp behind fountain on Weaver Street. HP, FPL#6 RR: HWD Deep Dish Theater Company 919.968.1515 Chapel Hill Front row seating for vision, hearing impaired, wheelchairs, and any companions. Tell Box Office when making reservations. HP, SC RR (in mall): HWD (tight, may need assistance)

UNC Music Department: 919.962.1039 Chapel Hill Free visitor HP near entrances to all music halls off Cameron Avenue. • Kenan Music Building Button door entrance; all rehearsal halls easily accessible by wheelchairs. RR: AWO • Hill Hall In 2015 renovations begin, addressing accessibility throughout Hill Hall. Previous updates provide many spaces with companion seats at the back of the auditorium for wheelchair users. Visitor’s HP near two ramp entrances in back of building (entrance in the middle of the building is closest to the auditorium). HWD NOTE: The official accessible restrooms, which are modern and spacious, are upstairs and require traveling to the elevator at the back of the building, then back around to the upstairs auditorium rotunda. However, there’s a secret restroom. From the auditorium, go toward the back doors following the signs to accessible restrooms. After

the water fountains and the double rehearsal hall doors, the first door on the right, with “III” on it, is an accessible restroom. If it is unavailable, continue to the elevator and follow the signs while appreciating the historical value of this fine old hall. • Person Recital Hall Ramp on south side of building with button-door entrance. RR: AWA (heavy door, tight stall for chair) DSI Comedy Theater Chapel Hill 919.338.8150 Easy access, no bolted seating, flat surface. MP, VP; PPL#3 RR: AWO Forest Theatre 919.962.0522 Chapel Hill This stone amphitheater was not made with wheelchairs in mind, but if one is able to get to the backstage area off the parking lot (downhill), there are places on the lower wings where a wheelchair can be positioned for a partial view of the stage. MP (no curb cuts) RR: NAW




Photo: Nisian Hughes

W e ndy W h e l an

Memorial Hall 919.843.3333

Chapel Hill

Easy access throughout (ramps, button doors, elevator). Several sections with removable seats for wheelchair placement; also an in-house wheelchair for seating those not stable on their feet. In the balcony, “Mezzanine” seating for wheelchairs (like having a box seat) and companion seats. Infrared listening system. HP: Two accessible van parking spaces in the back; golf cart shuttle available from Swain Lot on Cameron Avenue for those with parking permits. Reserve headsets, special seating and parking through Box Office. RR: AWO (button doors) PlayMakers Repertory Company 919.962.7529 Chapel Hill In both the Paul Green Theatre and the Kenan

Theatre, there are wheelchair bays with companion seats. Students will assist with walking, etc., during intermission and at end of show. Audio interpreters available for sight-impaired; assistive listening devices for hearing impaired; sign language available for some performances. State your need when reserving seats. HP on Green Road (next to Old Chapel Hill Cemetery) RR: HWD Stone Center for Black Culture & History Chapel Hill 919.962.9001 Button entrance doors; wheelchair seating at back of auditorium. HP (free for anyone with placard) next to ramp on Bell Tower Drive RR: AWO (two sizes of accessible stalls, if wheelchair doesn’t fit in one, check stall across the aisle)

University Accessibility/Parking Info move.unc.edu (see above for more details) UNC Parking Services 919.843.0897 UNC Department of Public Safety 919.962.3951 University’s ADA Supervisor 919.966.3576


Shop t i l You D rop All shopping centers in Chapel Hill and Carrboro are accessible, with handicap parking spaces for those with placards. The following tips are for places in Hillsborough. Shops at Daniel Boone Drive around the complex and pick where you’d like to go, then find the nearest handicap parking space. Most stores have accessible entryways and clear aisles to accommodate wheelchairs. Vietri Outlet Store 919.245.4181 The store is at the back of the parking lot. Though handicap parking is nearest to the door, it is still quite a distance, but vehicles


showing a handicap placard are welcome to drop off passengers at the door before the driver parks. Wide aisles. RR: AWO Dual Supply Company 919.732.2442 115 West King St. Get lost down memory lane in this old-style hardware store. It’s jam-packed, but the aisles will accommodate most wheelchairs. FPL#4, HP; FSP

A cco m m oda t i on s The ADA rooms of each hotel vary widely, but all provide a comfortable stay that includes many amenities, great hospitality, and the distinctive charms of each location. Remember to ask for anything you need — this is the South where innkeepers want to please and take every request seriously. If you are traveling alone and your room door or an inside door is too heavy for you to manage, let the front desk know. There are often ways to assist you, including opening doors for you. In several hotels, each ADA room has an adjoining room, but early booking is required to guarantee that room’s availability. All hotels with swimming pools have chair lifts and steps with handrail for getting in and out of the water. In each hotel, the needs of anyone staying in an ADA room will be noted in a handwritten ledger kept at the front desk in case of an emergency or power outage. If immediate evacuation is required, a hotel employee will personally assist ADA guests to safety. TTY — all hotels listed have telecommunication devices for those with hearing impairments. Aloft Chapel Hill 919.932.7772 Chapel Hill Modern, spacious; sliding door in bathroom for easy access and open shower with many grab bars. The closet has a highly accessible T-bar hanging system. All 12 ADA rooms have adjoining rooms. The Carolina Inn 919.933.2001 Chapel Hill Chapel Hill’s first hotel has been fully renovated and offers very spacious, elegantly appointed ADA rooms that include a separate 16

sitting area; palatial bathroom has easy-access door, roll-in shower, lowered mirror, towels within reach. Lowered peep hole and thermostat controls. Five ADA rooms all located next to emergency exit. Chapel Hill University Inn 919.929.2171 Chapel Hill Two cheery ADA rooms, each with one double bed and adjoining room. Lowered peep holes and drape pulls, shower chair, hand-held shower; microwave, mini refrigerator.

Courtyard by Marriott 919.883.0700 Chapel Hill

Holiday Inn Express 919.644.7997 Hillsborough

With indoor pool and spa, this hotel has 18 ADA rooms. Flashing alerts in case of fire for the hearing impaired; multiple plugs for charging and wide clearance in rooms and bathrooms for electric wheelchairs. Extra handrails, roll-in showers with shower chairs or bathtubs with shower seats. Passes available for the UNC Wellness Center at Meadowmont, across the road.

Comfortable, plenty of room in five ADA rooms with either a roll-in shower or tub with seat. Alarm or lights available for sight or hearing impaired. First floor laundry facilities.

Days Inn 919.929.3090

Chapel Hill

The two ADA rooms and one mini-suite are roomy, with microwave and mini fridge; bathrooms have showers with adjustable seats and mirrors tilted down for wheelchair users. Braille room numbers.

Handicapped parking outside of four ADA rooms, all with either king or queen bed and connecting room. Three rooms have tubs with seats; one has a roll-in shower; all have a tall mini refrigerator and microwave oven. Peephole, towel hooks and clothes racks all lowered. Strobe light for alerting hearing-impaired.

Quality Inn Chapel Hill 919.968.3000 Chapel Hill

The Franklin Hotel 919.442.9000 Chapel Hill

Of the seven ADA suites, one is a studio and another is a two-bedroom, both with roll in showers. All have roomy kitchens with sinks a wheelchair can slide under, hot plates, microwaves and dishwashers; doorbells with flashing light; thickly carpeted hallways.

Big city flavor with door man, wide aisled bar with sidewalk terrace, and elevator that deposits guests on three floors with short hallways that face away from a natural light-filled atrium offering seating areas on each floor. The five ADA rooms (choice of two with king-sized beds and a study, one king suite, or two rooms with double queen-sized beds) are all stylish and elegant. Hampton Inn & Suites 919.969.6988 Carrboro Ten ADA rooms with different levels of accessibility, including flashing strobe lights, doorbells and phone alerts. People in wheelchairs will find low curtain pulls and peephole as well as a shower seat. The swimming pool has steps across the length and a shower in the pool area. 17

Microtel Inn & Suites 919.245.3102 Hillsborough

A hidden gem, the four ADA rooms each have handicapped parking spaces outside their door and a roll-in shower with seat. Some rooms have double beds. Staff will remove furniture that interferes. Residence Inn by Marriott 919.933.4848 Chapel Hill

Sheraton Chapel Hill Hotel 919.968.4900 Chapel Hill This four-story hotel has two ADA rooms on each floor with large bathrooms that have roll-in showers and seats. There is a telephone amplification system and flashing lamp alarm. The Siena Hotel 919.929.4000

Chapel Hill

Six spacious ADA rooms with roll-in showers or tubs with seats and a phone by the toilet. Lowered thermostat controls; benches at the end of the bed can be removed for extra space; emergency flashlights in all rooms. Complimentary use of nearby YMCA.

C o m m un i t y S e rv i c e s

UNC HOSPITALS 919.966.4131 101 Manning Dr.

Chapel Hill

Free parking with a handicap placard is available for up to four hours in front of the Memorial Hospital entrance. Take the loop around the hospital entrances and drive to the end. Additional handicapped spaces in Dogwood Parking Deck. Free handicapped-accessible shuttles make regular trips to each of the hospitals. Call box phones available for assistance. Parking deck: $1.50 per hour. Valet parking also available by pulling up the main drive of the hospitals and looking for the Valet sign. Fee: $10.

Chapel Hill / Orange County Visitors Bureau



Carrboro Branch Library 919.969.3006 Sited inside a school with button entry doors. HP, FPL RR: HWD Carrboro Cybrary 919.969.3006 Enter the Century Center at the button doors, take the ramp on the right into the lobby, follow signs to the Cybrary. HP, FPL#6 RR: AWA Chapel Hill Public Library 919.967.2780 Automatic doors, elevator to second floor. HP, FPL RR: HWD Orange County Main Library 919.245.2525  Hillsborough Automatic doors, elevator to second floor. HP, FPL RR: HWD

Volunteer Appreciation Event at Seymour Senior Centor

SENIOR CENTERS Visitors are welcome to both Orange County Senior Centers where good company and many activities fill each day. Central Orange Senior Center 919.245.2015  Hillsborough Ample space easily maneuvered even when crowded, conference space available with reservation.


Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau 919.245.4320 501 W. Franklin St. Chapel Hill

Roll in the front door, gather materials and get your bearings. Bus schedules available and answers to any question about your visit. Free HP in front RR: AWO UNC Visitors Center 919.962.1630 250 E. Franklin St. Chapel Hill

HP, FPL RR: AWO Robert & Pearl Seymour Center 919.968.2070 Chapel Hill

In the lobby of the Grand Hall, the entrance ramp is on the southwest side of the Morehead Planetarium (to the right as you face it). Includes a large interactive map of places to visit on campus and friendly, informed people.

Natural light, open spaces, accessible auditorium. HP, FPL RR: AWO

HP, PPL#21; MP RR: AWO, in Planetarium Hillsborough Visitors Center 919.732.7741 150 E. King St. Hillsborough Sited in the historic Alexander Dickson House, a side ramp offers access through the gift shop door, which is usually locked. If unaccompanied, call first and ask that the door be unlocked, or have companion ask upon arrival. FSP RR: HWD, outside 19


U N C A T H LETI C S UNC Department of Public Safety will work with you to make your visit on campus as safe and smooth as possible. Parking for each venue can be found at the provided links below. If your disability is temporary (broken bone, post-surgery, etc.) and you do not have a parking permit, or for any questions about parking or getting around campus that are not covered here, call 919.962.3951 at least 72 hours before game day. Dean E. Smith Center Many areas throughout for wheelchair users to watch games. Disability parking information at: move.unc.edu/events/ mens-basketball/ RR: AWO Carmichael Arena Home of the Women Tarheels Basketball and museum.


Accessible seating at midlevel and court level. Disability parking information at: move.unc. edu/events/womensbasketball/ RR: AWO (button door opener, spacious) Boshamer Stadium Disability parking information: move.unc.edu/ events/mens-baseball/ RR: AWO Kenan Stadium Wheelchair “parking spaces� in many stadium areas. Parking information: move. unc.edu/events/football/ RR: AWO For parking options on the UNC campus see: move.unc.edu/visitor/ parking Call: 919.962.3951

r e cr e a t i on Pleasant weather in Orange County entices everyone outside! Here are some especially enjoyable suggestions for wheelchair users, as well as two indoor spaces for catching some exercise. University Lake 919.942.8007 and Cane Creek Reservoir 919.942.5790 are both drinking water sources for Chapel Hill and Carrboro. They offer places to fish, rent an electric boat or a canoe, or have a picnic. Both areas have accessible restrooms and fishing docks.

Orange County SportsPlex 919.644.0339 Get a workout in Hillsborough where a ramped indoor pool, ice skating rink and fitness center are offered. Adult swim: $5; senior swim: $3.50; adult skate: $6.50; fitness day visit: $9. oc-sportsplex.com

Open mid-March to midNovember, visit Cane Creek Friday and Saturday; University Lake on Saturday and Sunday. At Cane Creek, park at a picnic area above the lake then drive to the pier for fishing (steep hill). Restrooms and boat rental near picnic area. Owasa.org/recreation


Occoneechee Mountain State Natural Area in Hillsborough has accessible fishing (or bench-sitting) at a small pond, and a picnic area at end of a short road. The Chestnut Oak Trail is a 0.6 mile wheelchairaccessible part of the 2.2 mile wooded hiking area.

Chapel Hill Community Center & Rose Garden 919.968.2790 Button door opener, family dressing room and family restroom. Indoor pool (25-meter) with ramp and chair. Admission, under 18: $2; age 19 and above: $3.

Gravel RR: AWO


Parking & Restroom Keys: pgs 8, 9   21

C e l e b rat e Hillsborough Riverwalk www.ci.hillsborough.nc.us/content/riverwalk

There are three places to access this 1.8 miles of paved trails which have informational markers pointing out historic elements. Downtown Hillsborough provides access at the Gateway Center parking deck behind Weaver Street Market (228 S. Churton). A boardwalk delivers visitors to a choice of paved trails. Park in free deck or handicap spaces across from market. Access boardwalk from sidewalk along parking deck. This is the busiest area of the three access points. River Park can be accessed by turning into the parking lot next to the Orange County Justice Facility at 140 E. Margaret Lane. There are HP spaces at the Farmers’ Market pavilion.


Gold Park at 415 Dimmocks Mill Road. Newly created Gold Park has a playground, soccer field, dog park and picnic pavilions with charcoal grills. There are four HP spaces (two for vans), next to a restroom building with drinking fountains. The park is edged on two sides by the 8-foot-wide Riverwalk, which crosses a creek and runs along the Eno River. DIRECTIONS: From King and Churton, take King Street west (left if arriving from Chapel Hill) 1 mile to a left turn at the light, onto Nash Street; 0.3 mile to sharp right curve, followed by left curve onto Dimmocks Mill Road. The park entrance is on the left.

t our s Maple View Farms Ice Cream & Country Store

SELF-GUIDED DRIVING TOURS Refer to the pull-out maps in the standard Chapel Hill/ Orange County Visitors Guide for road details. If you’re here in a car, these two tours will help you explore what this stretch of North Carolina is all about. The Historic Chapel Hill Tour can be done in half an hour without stops, but you will find prompts for good places to get out and absorb several aspects of Chapel Hill’s unique atmosphere . The Chapel Hill–Hillsborough–Carrboro Tour provides more Chapel Hill history and a lovely drive in the rural and pastoral areas of Orange County, both to and from historic Hillsborough with its many charms; plus an introduction to former mill town grown into hip town, Carrboro.

Historic Chapel Hill Tour 1 100 Block East Franklin Street The village of Chapel Hill started here as the university was created. The first intersection was at Columbia and Franklin Streets, which create the west and north boundaries of campus. The main business district in the 100 block has been bustling since the 1790s.




8 BO









































.15 501

2 McCorkle Place South of the Henderson Street intersection, this quadrangle includes the historic Davie Poplar tree and extends to the Old Well and the first buildings of the university, on Cameron Avenue. 3 Morehead Planetarium 250 E. Franklin St., 919.962.1236 The Morehead Planetarium and Science Center, built in 1947, is one of the oldest and largest in the country.

2 24




H i storic C hap e l Hil l Tour

4 Chapel of the Cross 304 E. Franklin Street, 919.929.2193 The oldest remaining Chapel on the Hill, built in 1842, the Gothic Revival architecture was carried through with the second chapel in 1925; and a third structure, 2014. 5 Coker Arboretum Five acres of botanical beauty developed since 1903 by William Chambers Coker, the first Professor of Botany at UNC, maintained by the N.C. Botanical Garden. It is to the left of the planetarium and behind the church. 6 University President’s House 400 E. Franklin St. Built in 1907, after earlier house burned down.

6 25

7 Hooper-Kyser House 504 East Franklin Street Built in 1814 by the grandson of William Hooper, a signer of the Declaration of Independence; former home of Kay Kyser and Georgia Carroll. 8 Horace Williams House 610 East Rosemary Street (see page 12 for details) If interested in a walking/rolling tour, park here and pick up a brochure inside for a two-block audio tour available on your cell phone. 9 Gimghoul Neighborhood and Castle The first neighborhood developed outside of the “village” from 1922-30s, includes a medieval castle, completed in 1927. Drive slowly around the circular driveway at the end of the street (unless posted to keep out), to see the stone castle with its three-story battlemented parapet, the meeting place of a secret society. 10 Old Chapel Hill Cemetery Cross over Country Club Road at Gimghoul Road to drive along the back side of the Old Chapel Hill Cemetery, taking the first left to exit onto South Road. There is parking on both long sides of the cemetery with a paved lane to walk/roll through its center. First recorded burial was a student in 1798. 11 Raleigh Road Raleigh Road is the steepest of four roads which demonstrate the “hill” — the Eastern edge of the Piedmont  — where the university was built. Raleigh Road descends east, becoming NC 54 (the first paved road in the state), and leads to Raleigh. 12 Quail Hill Halfway down Raleigh Road, Quail Hill, built in the 1960s, became home of the university chancellor in 1995. Down a long, winding driveway, it may be slightly visible off the south side of the road during winter months.

9 26

1 3 North Carolina Botanical Garden 100 Old Mason Farm Road With public offerings since Arbor Day 1966, and an environmentally sustainable and highly accessible education center, this is a recommended place for catching fresh air and natural beauty year-round. 1 4 Carolina Basketball Museum 450 Skipper Bowles Drive Tar Heel basketball fans will love this museum. See p. 10 for special notes on handicap van parking. 1 5 Dean Smith Center 300 Skipper Bowles Drive The first game played in the Dean Smith Center was on January 18, 1986, between the #1 UNC team and #3 Duke. Both teams entered unbeaten until UNC christened the 300,000 square-foot structure with a 95-92 victory for their beloved coach. If the doors are open, you might catch a Tar Heel practice or find summer camp attendees shooting it out. 16 UNC Hospitals 101 Manning Drive Opened as NC Memorial Hospital in September 1952, five hospitals on the site now serve all 100 counties of North Carolina. 1 7 The Carolina Inn 211 PIttsboro Street Built on the western boundary of the university in 1924 by John Sprunt Hill (class of 1889) on the site of the original “Chapel on the Hill,� for which the town was named. The address is PIttsboro Street, but it can also be seen on South Columbia Street nearing Cameron Street.







7 40









C hap e l H i l l /Hillsborough /  Carrboro Self-Guided Tour This approximately 30-mile tour takes a drive through mostly rural residential areas sprinkled with some remaining farms and can be done in as little as an hour if you never leave your vehicle; or take an entire afternoon, depending on how much of it you wish to experience as well as add in. Throw in shopping, walking on the Riverwalk and a meal or two and make a day of it! 1 Horace Williams Airport 1001 Estes Drive Extension Built on 50 acres in 1928, the Chapel Hill Airport became the Horace Williams Airport when it was bought by UNC in 1940 and named for the professor who donated most of the land needed to expand it. The airport is slated to close and become part of Carolina North, a 250-acre planned expansion of the University of North Carolina. 28



2 Chapel Hill High School 1709 High School Road Established in 1916, Chapel Hill High School moved from its location near the Columbia and Franklin Street intersection in 1966, to what was then the country. It remained the only high school in the district until 1996; there are now three high schools and the “country” around it continues to sprout housing. 3 Homestead Road Besides centuries of farming, some of the fields along Homestead Road were once training fields for World War II pilots. In 1950, Andy Griffith and his bride moved to a farmhouse on Homestead Road, walking trails and fishing nearby creeks for two years while writing and performing monologues that would launch his career and lead him to become the beloved TV icon, Andy Taylor, of the “Andy Griffith Show.” 29

4 Won Buddhism Temple 8021 Old NC 86 Always open, the temple is accessible by wheelchair and offers a calming respite. Check wonbuddhismnc.org for meditation and program schedule. You may prefer to go when nothing is scheduled. There is a garden, which is not wheelchair accessible. RR: HWD 5 Daniel Boone Village South Churton Street at Exit 164 on I-85 You never know what you might find at one of the 30-odd shops here, but chances are it will be different from anything else you’ll find during your visit to the area. 6 Historic Downtown Hillsborough Drive around, stroll up and down, check it out! Find shops, restaurants, the Riverwalk, and delightful historic residential districts in vicinity of the main intersection of Churton and King Streets. 7 Occoneechee Mountain State Natural Area 625 Virginia Cates Road Enjoy a pretty day sitting by a pond with fishing access, or have a picnic nearby. Details on page 21. RR: AWO 8 Maple View Farms Country Store 6900 Rocky Ridge Road, 919.960.5535. Rocking chairs on a wraparound porch overlook lush, rolling fields that support the Holsteins from which the ice cream comes. For over 90 years, these 400 acres have supported farming and dairy operations. The barley and corn crops provide healthy nourishment for approximately 300 cows, which produce two million gallons of milk, plus butter and ice cream, each year. Lick it up — the cream and the view! RR: AWO 9 Cane Creek Reservoir NC 54, eight miles west of Carrboro Plaza; entrance is next right after Stanford Road. 919.942.5790. The source from which clean, pure water is provided to the towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill, the reservoir also offers a 540-acre surface of blue, open space for respite from the trees! Picnic on a promontory above, where you can rent a canoe or an electric-powered boat, and get a fishing license, as well as assistance, for those requiring it. Drive down to the dock below, which was especially designed for wheelchair users. There is also a nature trail with 60 identified plants. Open Friday and Saturday only, late March through mid-November. RR: HWD




12 1 0 Honeysuckle Tea House and Gardens 8871 Pickards Meadow Road, entrance on Jo Mac Road. 919.903.9131. When you see the open-sided structure, you’ll understand why it’s only open mid-March through mid-November, but you can’t imagine the many intricacies of this oasis without experiencing it. Many teas served here originated from the surrounding gardens, with much more to come as the great variety of tea and berry bushes mature and bear fruit. A wonderful place for children, gardeners, meditators — and of course, tea drinkers. RR: HWD 11 Hank Anderson III Community Park NC 54, less than a mile west of Carrboro Plaza. This 54-acre recreational area offers time with nature a few moments from downtown Carrboro. A wheelchair negotiable crushed gravel trail surrounded by woods, encircles a pond frequented by waterfowl. There are tennis courts, horseshoe, baseball, basketball and volleyball areas, plus an 18-pin disk golf course and dog park. RR: HWD 12 Carrboro Farmers’ Market 301 West Main Street Sited at Carrboro Town Commons next to Town Hall since 1996, this market has been incorporated since 1977. Seasonal vegetables and fruits, meats, cheeses, breads, jams, relishes, flowers, soaps and craft items — all produced within 50 miles by the vendors who sell them. Saturday market year-round, 9-noon in winter; 7-noon summer hours. Wednesday market April to mid-November, 3:30-6:30pm. 1 3 Carr Mill Mall 200 North Greensboro Street The heart of Carrboro beats from the lawn of Weaver Street Market outside the former hosiery mill built in 1898, that town residents insisted be saved from the wrecking ball in the 1970s. Carr Mill Mall is on the U.S. Register of Historic Places and offers an exciting mix of locally owned shopping choices. 31

R EST A U R A N TS HERE YOU WILL FIND best ways to negotiate a restaurant, whether, among other things, wishing to avoid steps, requiring tables at an appropriate height for wheelchairs, ensuring that the restroom can adequately accommodate someone using a wheelchair or a walker; and best parking options. There are very few food-serving establishments in Orange County that cannot be accessed by electric wheelchair. A manual wheelchair can get places an electric one can’t, just as a person using a cane or crutches can navigate places a person using a walker can’t. Climbing steps is difficult for many visitors and this will guide you around stairs when possible. If walking is an issue, be aware that most restaurants on Franklin Street in Chapel Hill, on Churton Street in Hillsborough, or on East Main Street in Carrboro will require parking at a meter or in a lot, then walking or rolling to. All parking options are noted in the PARKING KEY. In Hillsborough, parking lots with disability parking spaces can be found behind both sides of Churton Street businesses between King and Tryon; and a large parking deck is behind Weaver Street Market (228 S. Churton St.).


Handicap Parking Spaces in front or nearby Valet Parking (no curb cuts) Metered Parking Free Street Parking Free Parking Lot (see parking map for lot # location) Pay Parking Lot (see parking map for lot # location) Shopping Center

Chapel Hill Note: When using parking lot #20, enter Franklin Street by traveling through Post Office Alley. Carrboro Note: Only park at Carr Mill Mall if staying on site. Hillsborough Note: More HP parking behind businesses on east side of Churton Street. 32

Acme Food & Beverage Co 919.929.2263 Carrboro FPL#10 RR: HWD Aidan’s Pizza 919.903.8622 Carrboro HP, SC RR: None (take-out)

Armadillo Grill 919.929.4669 Carrboro No steps through side door on Roberson Street FPL#12 or in rear RR: HWD

Akai Hana Japanese 919.942.6848 Carrboro HP RR: HWD Alfredo’s Pizza Villa 919.968.3424 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD Allen & Son Barbeque 919.942.7576 Chapel Hill No access for most wheelchairs HP Al’s Burger Shack 919.904.7659 Chapel Hill Ramp by parking; bar height seating inside, picnic tables outside (enclosed in winter) HP in rear off N. Graham St. RR: AWO

Artisan Pizza Kitchen 919.929.9119 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20 RR: HWD

Amante Gourmet Pizza 919.929.3330 Carrboro HP, FPL#13 RR: HWD Wheelchairs use ArtsCenter American Hero 919.732.1900 Hillsborough HP, FPL RR: AWO

Chapel Hill RR: AWO

Anna Maria’s Pizzeria 919.929.1877 Carrboro HP, SC RR: AWA (high paper towels) Anna Maria’s Pizzeria 919.245.1900 Hillsborough SC RR: AWA (high light switch) Antonia’s 919.643.7722 Hillsborough Rear entrance for wheels HP, FPL#4 RR: HWD

Asia Cafe 919.929.0168 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20, #15 RR: NAW Bagel Bar 919.929.7700 HP, FPL

Bailey’s Pub & Grille 919.918.1005 Chapel Hill Tall tables or booths except second dining room HP, SC RR: HWD Bandido’s Mexican Café 919.967.5048 Chapel Hill In “basement” alley with stairs PPL#21 Bandido’s Mexican Café 919.732.8662 Hillsborough FSP, FPL#3 RR: AWA (Men’s, behind bar) Bella’s International Cuisine 919.903.9963 Carrboro FPL#13 RR: AWA

RESTROOM KEY – RR: AWO Accessible WithOut assistance HWD (may need) Help With Door AWA Accessible With Assistance inside NAW Not Accessible by Wheelchair DCT Diaper Changing Table NOTE: If the restaurant is not accessible by wheelchair, no RR assessment. If the only accessible restroom is for both genders, it will be noted as (Men’s) or (Women’s). 33

Ben & Jerry’s 919.967.9068 Chapel Hill PPL#15, #12 RR: HWD Big Bob’s City Grill 919.732.2953 Hillsborough Entrance too narrow for most wheelchairs FPL Bin 54 Steak & Cellar 919.969.1155 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO Breadmen’s Restaurant 919.967.7110 Chapel Hill HP, FPL RR: HWD Brixx Wood-Fired Pizza 919.929.1942 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO B-Ski’s the Wrap 919.969.9727 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#15 RR: AWO Buns 919.240.4746 Chapel Hill Ramp PPL#15 RR: AWA Cafe Carolina and Bakery 919.945.8811 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD Carolina Brewery 919.942.1800 Chapel Hill VP, MP, PPL#3 RR: AWO, DCT Carolina Coffee Shop 919.942.6875 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20, #15 RR: HWD (tight), DCT Carolina Crossroads 919.918.2777 Chapel Hill VP, HP, PPL (hotel) RR: HWD Carolina 1663 919.969.2157 Chapel Hill HP, FPL (hotel) RR: NAW (stalls too narrow) Lobby RR: HWD 34

Carrboro Pizza Oven 919.904.7336 Carrboro HP, FPL#8 RR: HWD (across hall at Elmo’s) Carrburritos Taqueria 919.933.8226 Carrboro HP, FPL RR: AWA (get key at counter) China Fuji 919.732.3588 Hillsborough Wheelchairs enter through take-out HP, SC RR: AWO China Wok 919.929.9988 Carrboro HP, SC RR: AWO China Wok 919.942.6388 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD Chipotle’s Mexican Grill 919.942.2091 Chapel Hill HP, FPL; PPL#10 RR: HWD Cholanad Restaurant & Bar 800.246.5262 Chapel Hill HP, FPL RR: HWD Chopsticks & More 919.933.5277 Chapel Hill PPL#20 RR: HWD Cinco De Mayo Restaurant and Cantina 919.929.6566 Chapel Hill HP, FPL RR: HWD City Kitchen 919.928.8200 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD Colorado Burrito Place 919.245.8094 Hillsborough HP, SC RR: AWO Cosmic Cantina 919.960.3955 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20, 21 RR: AWA (stall door won’t close with chair inside)

Country Junction 919.929.2462 Carrboro HP, FPL RR: AWO

EVOS 919.929.5867 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD

Courtyard Bistro 919.883.0700 Chapel Hill HP, FPL (hotel) RR: HWD (double doors)

Farm House Restaurant 919.929.5727 Chapel Hill Gravel parking lot FPL RR: NAW

Crook’s Atrium Cafe 919.933.2473 Chapel Hill HP, FPL RR: HWD

Fiesta Grill 919.928.9002 Chapel Hill HP, FPL (gravel) RR: AWA Firehouse Subs 919.969.4212 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD Fitzgerald’s Irish Pub 919.240.4560 Chapel Hill PPL#12, #10 RR: HWD, DCT Five Guys Burgers & Fries 919.942.1515 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD Four Eleven (411) West 919.967.2782 Chapel Hill MP, HP, PPL#5 RR: HWD Glasshalfull 919.967.9784 Carrboro HP, FPL RR: HWD

Crook’s Corner 919.929.7643 Chapel Hill PPL#2 RR: HWD The Dog House 919.644.0100 Hillsborough Drive-through The Egg and I 919.537.8488 HP, SC

Chapel Hill RR: AWO, DCT

East Main Meatball Shoppe Open early 2015 300 E. Main St. Carrboro FPL#13, #14

Grille at Four Corners 919.537.8230 Chapel Hill Main level tables are bar height; table moved from lower level upon request MP, PPL#20 RR: HWD Guru India Restaurant 919.942.8201 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#2 RR: HWD

Elaine’s on Franklin 919.960.2770 Chapel Hill VP, MP, PPL#3 RR: AWO

Hibachi Sushi 919.265.0285 Chapel Hill SC RR: AWD

Elements 919.537.8780 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD

Hickory Tavern Cafe 919.942.7417 Carrboro HP, FPL#14 RR: HWD

Elmo’s Diner 919.929.2909 Carrboro HP, FPL#8 RR: AWO El Restaurante Ixtapa 919.644.6944 Hillsborough Deep gravel parking lot RR: NAW 35

Gourmet Kingdom Chinese 919.932.7222 Carrboro HP, FPL RR: AWA (high soap & towels)

Hillsborough BBQ Company 919.732.4647 Hillsborough HP, FPL RR: AWO Hong Kong Buffet 919.918.2068 Chapel Hill HP, FPL RR: HWD

Parking & Restroom Keys: pgs 32, 33 35

H i l l s borough B B Q

Hong Kong Chinese 919.942.0850 Hillsborough SC RR: AWA (high towels) Huey’s Restaurant & Oyster Bar 919.563.6731 Mebane HP, FPL RR: HWD Hummus Cafe 919.240.7001 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20 RR: HWD Hunam Chinese Restaurant 919.967.6133 Chapel Hill SC RR: NAW Hwy 55 Burgers, Shakes & Fries 919.732.3734 Hillsborough HP, SC RR: HWD I Love New York Pizza 919.968.4224 Chapel Hill PPL#15, #12, #13 RR: HWD Il Palio Ristorante 919.929.4000 Chapel Hill HP (hotel) RR: HWD

Japan Express 919.928.9600 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO Jay’s Chicken Shack 919.732.3591 Hillsborough HP, SC RR: NAW Jersey Mike’s (Elliott Road) 919.918.7827 Chapel Hill SC RR: HWD Jersey Mike’s (MLK Blvd) 919.903.8946 Chapel Hill SC RR: HWD Jimmy John’s Sandwich Shop 919.968.7827 Chapel Hill PPL#10, #11 RR: AWA (soap high) Joe’s Joint 919.942.6060 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20 RR: AWD

Industry 919.918.3932 Chapel Hill FPL#7 RR: AWO Insomnia Cookies 877.632.6654 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20 RR: None The Iron Skillet 919.304.8124 Mebane HP RR: AWO, DCT Italian Pizzeria III 919.968.4671 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#2 RR: AWO Jack’s Country Restaurant 919.732.7022 Hillsborough HP, SC RR: AWA (paper towels high) Jade Palace Chinese & Seafood 919.942.0006 Carrboro FPL#6, #10 RR: NAW 36

Parking & Restroom Keys: pgs 32, 33

Johnny’s Gone Fishing 919.932.5070 Carrboro Ramp; outside seating HP, FPL RR: HWD Jujube Restaurant 919.960.0555 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD K&W Cafeteria 919.942.7809 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD

Kalamaki Greek Street Food 919.240.7354 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#3, #4 RR: HWD Kelsey’s Cafe 919.732.1155 Hillsborough Take out or sidewalk FSP, FPL#4 FSP RR: NAW

Lantern Restaurant 919.969.8846 Chapel Hill HP (free, in rear) MP, PPL#3,#5 RR: (3) HWD Laplace Louisiana Cookery 919.245.0041 Hillsborough FSP, HP in FPL#4 RR: HWD Lime & Basil Vietnamese 919.967.5055 Chapel Hill PPL#12, #9 RR: HWD Lime Fresh Mexican Grill 919.904.7270 Chapel Hill PPL#12 RR: HWD, DCT Linda’s Bar and Grill 919.933.6633 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20 RR: HWD

Kipos Greek Taverna 919.425.0760 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#3, #4 RR: HWD Kitchen 919.537.8167 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO

Looking Glass Cafe & Boutique 919.967.9398 Carrboro HP, FPL RR: AWO

Krispy Kreme 919.929.3466 Chapel Hill MP, PL#20 RR: HWD

The Loop Pizza Grill 919.969.7112 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD

Kurama Sushi & Noodle Express 919.968.4747 Chapel Hill PPL#15, #13 RR: AWO

Los Potrillos 919.932.4301 Chapel Hill No wheelchair access PPL#12

La Hacienda 919.967.0207 Chapel Hill Bumpy tile floor HP RR: AWA

Lucha Tigre 919.904.7326 Chapel Hill HP, FPL,SC RR: AWO, DCT

La Residence (Cafe La Rez) 919.967.2506 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#12, #13, #15 RR: AWO La Vita Dolce & Gelato Bar 919.968.1635 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO


Lockhart’s Trading Post 919.969.6789 Chapel Hill No HP, one step up to enter

Mama dip ’s Kitchen

Mama Dip’s Kitchen 919.942.5837 Chapel Hill HP, FPL RR: AWO Maple View Ice Cream 919.960.5535 Hillsborough Side door wheelchair entry near end of ramp HP RR: AWO


Med Deli

Margaret’s Cantina 919.942.4745 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWA (stall door can’t close w/chair) Matthew’s Chocolates 919.732.0900 Hillsborough One step at entrance FSP, FPL#4, HP McAlister’s Deli 919.969.1102 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20 RR: AWO, DCT (both)

Missy’s Grill 919.732.7721 Efland Take-out or eat outside

FPL RR: None Mixed Casual Korean Bistro 919.929.0047 Chapel Hill HP, FPL RR: HWD Monterrey Mexican 919.696.8750 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD

Mediterranean Deli & Catering 919.967.2666 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#5 RR: HWD Mei Asian 919.537.8409 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20 RR: HWD Mellow Mushroom 919.929.1941 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#10, #5 RR: HWD Merlion Restaurant 919.933.1188 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD Merritt’s Store & Grill 919.942.4897 Chapel Hill FPL RR: AWO Milltown 919.968.2460 Carrboro FPL#13, #14 RR: HWD


Neal’s Deli 919.967.2185 Carrboro Bar height dining inside; Picnic tables outside. FPL#6, #10 RR: AWO Noodles & Company 919.967.7320 Chapel Hill Enter through patio on east side (near Bicycle Chain) RR: HWD, DCT HP, FPL

Mina’s Italian American Cuisine 919.903.9619 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#5 RR: AWA (27” clearance to RR) MinGa Korean Restaurant 919.933.1773 Chapel Hill HP, FPL RR: AWO

Oishii Sushi Bar & Restaurant 919.932.7002 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD

Mint Indian Restaurant 919.929.6188 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#2 RR: AWO

Olio and Aceto Cafe 919.903.8958 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD

Old Chicago Pizza & Taproom 919.903.9150 Chapel Hill PPL#12 RR: AWO, DCT; family restroom

[ONE] 919.537.8207 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD

Raaga Fine Dining 919.240.7490 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO

Panciuto 919.732.6261 Hillsborough MP, FPL#3 RR: AWO

Radius Pizzeria & Pub 919.245.0601 Hillsborough Side entry off the patio HP in FPL RR: AWO; DCT

Panera Bread Company 919.929.9189 Chapel Hill HP, FPL RR: HWD

Rasa Indi-Chinese 919.929.2199 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD

Pazzo! Trattoria & Pizzeria 919.929.9984 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD

Red Bowl Asian Bistro 919.918.7888 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO

Penguin’s Cafe 919.968.1983 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD The Pig 919.942.1133 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO Pita Grill 919.929.6800 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO PizzaVito 919.537.8699 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO Pop’s Pizzeria & Ristorante 919.932.1040 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO

Red Lotus Asian Kitchen 919.968.7778 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD Root Cellar Cafe & Catering 919.967.3663 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO Russell’s Steakhouse 919.241.4902 Hillsborough Very steep ramp to get inside and into dining room HP, FPL RR: NAW

Provence Regional Cuisine 919.967.5008 Carrboro HP in rear RR: AWO (Women’s) Pueblo Viejo 919.732.3480 Hillsborough Rear entrance best HP, FPL RR: HWD Queen of Sheba Ethiopian 919.932.4986 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO R&R Grill 919.240.4411 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20 RR: AWA (Can’t close stall door w/chair) 39

Sage Cafe 919.968.9266 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO Sakura Xpress 919.960.0440 Chapel Hill Tight space PPL#15 RR: AWA (soap and towels high) Sal’s Ristorante 919.932.5125 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO

Parking & Restroom Keys: pgs 32, 33 39

Sandwhich 919.929.2114 Chapel Hill HP in rear, access through patio RR: HWD Saratoga Grill 919.732.2214 Hillsborough Upstairs FSP, FPL #3, #4 Southern Rail 919.967.1967 Carrboro HP, FPL in front but don’t park in Carr Mill lot RR: HWD (in a train car) Spanky’s Restaurant & Bar 919.967.2678 Chapel Hill Double set of swinging double doors MP, PPL#15 RR: AWA (tight access past bar) Spicy 9 Sushi & Asian Restaurant 919.903.9335 Chapel Hill PPL#12 RR: HWD The Spotted Dog 919.933.1117 Carrboro Wheelchair dining on patio FSP, FPL#12 RR: NAW Squid’s Restaurant & Oyster Bar 919.942.8757 Chapel Hill HP, FPL RR: HWD

Sutton’s Drug Store 919.942.5161 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20 RR: NAW Sweet Frog 919.537.8616 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#15 RR: HWD Talulla’s Mezze Lounge & Bar 919.933.1177 MP, PPL#3 RR: NAW (table in the way) Tandoor Indian Restaurant 919.967.6622 Chapel Hill Downstairs, no elevator HP, FPL

Sugarland 919.929.2100 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20 RR: AWO

Tasty Bakery 919.245.8541 Hillsborough Entry NAW (entrance steps, narrow doorway)

Sunrise Biscuit Kitchen 919.933.1324 Chapel Hill Drive-through

TCBY 919.967.0629 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO

Sup Dogs 919.903.9566 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#15 RR: HWD

Thai Palace 919.967.5805 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD

Southern Rail

Top o f t h e H i l l

Thirty-Five (35) Cafe 919.968.3488 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO

Tutti Fruitti 919.929.6333 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO

Time-Out Sports Bar & Grill 919.918.1081 Chapel Hill HP, Hotel RR: AWO (off lobby)

Twisted Noodles 919.933.9933 Chapel Hill SC RR: HWD

Time-Out Restaurant 919.929.2425 Chapel Hill Not accessible for wheelchairs (steps) MP, PPL#20 Tobacco Road Sports Cafe 919.537.8404 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD, DCT

Toledo’s Taqueria 919.967.1556 Carrboro SC RR: HWD

Tyler’s Restaurant & Tap Room 919.929.6881 Carrboro Manual wheelchair entry; electric wheelchair users call for directions to the alternate door. RR: HWD, DCT FPL#10, #9

Tom + Chee Opening 2015 Carrboro FPL#14 RR: HWD

Venable Rotisserie Bistro 919.904.7160 Carrboro HP, SC RR: HWD

Tokyo Express 919.245.0809 Hillsborough HP, SC RR: AWO

Top of the Hill Restaurant & Brewery 919.929.8676 Chapel Hill VP, MP, PPL#15 RR: AWA (soap high), DCT Toppers Pizza 919.903.8880 Chapel Hill PPL#12, #11 RR: HWD Town Hall Grill 919.960.8696 Chapel Hill HP, FPL RR: HWD TRU Deli + Wine Bar 919.240.7755 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20, #18 RR: HWD 41

Vespa Cibobuono 919.969.6600 Chapel Hill HP, FPL; PPL#10, #11 RR: HWD Parking & Restroom Keys: pgs 32, 33 41

Village Burgers 919.240.4008 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD (use City Kitchen or mall)

Weaver Street Market Cafe 919.245.5050 Hillsborough HP, SC RR: HWD; DCT

Village Diner 919.732.7032 Hillsborough HP RR: HWD (in back dining room)

Weaver Street Market Cafe 919.929.2009 Southern Village HP, SC RR: HWD Windows Restaurant 919.442.9000 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#10 or hotel garage RR: HWD Wingman 919.928.9200 Carrboro HP, SC RR: NAW (equipment blocking)

Vimala’s Curryblossom Cafe 919.929.3833 MP; PPL#4, #3 RR: AWO

Wings Over Chapel Hill 919.537.8271 Carrboro HP, FPL RR: None (take-out)

Vinny’s Italian Grill & Pizzeria 919.732.9219 Hillsborough HP, SC RR: HWD Waffle House 919.960.6770 Chapel Hill MP, PPL#20 RR: HWD Waffle House 919.644.0040 Hillsborough HP, SC RR: HWD Walt’s Grill 919.933.1744 Chapel Hill Tight space FPL RR: NAW

Wooden Nickel Public House 919.643.2223 Hillsborough Manual chairs OK, tight FSP, FPL#4 HP RR: NAW Ye Olde Waffle Shoppe 919.929.9192 Chapel Hill Tight space MP, PPL#20 RR: HWD The Yogurt Pump 919.942.7867 Chapel Hill Four steps up to enter PPL#15 Yopop Frozen Yogurt 919.537.8229 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: AWO


Weathervane 919.929.9466 Chapel Hill HP, SC RR: HWD

Yum Yum Chinese 919.732.8036 Hillsborough SC RR: HWD

Weaver Street Market Cafe 919.929.0010 Carrboro HP, SC RR: HWD

Zhang Garden 919.643.0000 Hillsborough HP, SC RR: AWO

Parking & Restroom Keys: pgs 32, 33

Tran s por t a t i on TAXIS


Getting to Orange County from RDU in a taxi with an electric wheelchair requires planning as there are only two options and both require 24-hour notice.

Chapel Hill Transit Chtransit.org

Take the bus from RDU to downtown Chapel Hill using:

Free bus service around Chapel Hill, Carrboro and the UNC campus. A new fleet of buses easily accommodates electric wheelchairs; some older buses may experience mechanical issues with lowering the ramp, in which case you will be told to wait for another bus. Ensure that the driver checks with dispatch for a bus that can accommodate you, or call: 919.969.4900.

Triangle Transit Authority (TTA) 919.485.7433 triangletransit.org

Bus schedules available at Chapel Hill Visitors Center, many hotels, and at Chtransit.org.

RDU Airport Taxi Inc. 919.840.7277 rdutaxiinc.com WH Transportation Group Also available for getting around Orange County 919.623.3380 whtransportation.com.


See the standard Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Guide for more information.


Hillsborough Circulator Bus and Orange Public Transportation 919.245.2008 orangecountync.gov/ transportation




7 440 South Lot

• 602 W Cameron St

• 400 W Rosemary St

• After 5pm & weekends

• After 5pm & weekends

2 Graham St Lot

8 440 North Lot

• 108 S Graham St • After 6pm & weekends • $1.50/hr • Free after 8pm  3 427 West Franklin Lot • Next to Lantern Restaurant • $1.50/hr (4 hour max) • Free after 8pm

• After 5pm (not available 9pm-6am Fri-Sat)  9 UNC Development Lot • 307 W Rosemary St • After 5pm 10 Mallette Street Lot

4 Courtyard Lot

• 106 Mallete St

• Access near 423 W Franklin St

• $1.50/hr (4 hour max)

• $1.50/hr (4 hour max)

• Free after 8pm

• Free after 8pm

11 University Square West Lot

5 415 West Franklin Lot

• After 6pm–blue spaces only

• Next to 411 West

12 140 West Parking Garage

• $1.50/hr (4 hour max) • Free after 8pm  6 West Franklin Valet • 400 W Franklin St • Mon-Sat, 5pm-9pm • Free to participating restaurants: $5 for others 44

• 401 W Rosemary St

• Access –201 W Rosemary St • $1.00/hr 13 West Rosemary Lot • 104 W Rosemary St • $1.50/hr (4 hour max) • Free after 8pm

Map: Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership


Metered Parking

14 PNC /Sea Turtle Lot

• Free after 6pm & all day Sunday

• 164 N Columbia St • After 6pm 15 Rosemary / Columbia Lot • 100 E Rosemary St • 75 cents / half-hour

• Accepting cash & credit Information for all lots • Free on Sunday except the  Morehead Planetarium

16 CVS Plaza Parking Deck

• All accept coin and credit

• 125 E Rosemary St • $1/hr + $2 surcharge from 10am-2pm

For More information and a list of free Valet Parking Restaurants:

17 Porthole Alley Lot

• www.parkonthehill.com

• Behind 123 E Franklin St

• #parkonthehill

• After 5pm & weekends 18 BB&T Bank Lot • 143 E Rosemary St • After 6pm 19 Swain Lot • Access on E Cameron Ave • After 5pm & weekends 20 Wallace Parking Deck • 150 E Rosemary St • 50 cents/half-hour 21 Morehead Planetarium Lot • 250 E Franklin St • $1.50 hr 45

• $1.50/hr (2 hour max)








Farmers’ Market



.M W






Carrboro Town Hall


Fitch Lumber








1 3

1 2 S NE









D O W N T O W N C A R R B O R O PA R K I N G L O TS ▲ 1 Town Commons/ Farmers' Market

Additional parking available to Saturday Farmers' Market patrons.

2 Chapel Hill Tire Lot

Lot across Roberson from the Open Eye.

10 Municipal Parking Lot behind Acme. Follow the

Lot available to Saturday Farmers' Market patrons.

municipal signs and enter

3 Akai Hana Lot

Roberson St.

Lot available to Saturday Farmers' Market patrons.

4 West Weaver Street Lot Enter off Weaver Street, across from PNC Bank.

5 PNC Bank Lot Lot available to Saturday Farmers' Market patrons.

6 Municipal Parking Lot

Across from the Century Center, behind Cliff's Meats.

7 Fitch Lumber

Park here when Fitch is closed — after 5pm weekdays, afternoon Saturdays, and all day Sundays.

8 Carr Mill Parking


9 Municipal Parking

Spaces are for Carr Mill Mall only. Free for customers.

the lot off East Main St. and

11 Carr Mill Employee Lot Lot available for long-term parking on weekends.

12 Municipal Parking

Gravel lot across the street from the Armadillo Grill.

13 ArtsCenter Lot

Free parking for customers only.

14 Hampton Inn Parking Deck Access to deck behind Hampton Inn is off East Main St. and Boyd St. See signage for free parking directions.

15 Rosemary Street Lot Enter off Sunset Drive.


3 Mayo Park Parking Lot Public parking. Three-hour time limit.

1 Eno River Parking Deck

4 Bank of America Parking Lot

Public Parking.

Three-hour time limit.

No time limit.

2 Link Center/Cameron Street Lot

5 Public Market House Parking Lot

Public parking.

Public Parking.

No time limit.

No time limit.

Public Parking—No Time Limit


Public Parking—3-Hour Limit On-Street Parking—No Time Limit On-Street Parking—3-Hour Limit Parking time limits applied 8am to 6pm, Monday-Saturday



RD .

To US 70, NC 86N, NC 57




Hillsborough Police Station



Orange County Campus West

Orange County Courthouse

Gateway Center


Link Center


Public Market House









To I-85, I-40, NC 86S


Hillsborough Visitors Center


MARGARET LN. Orange County Public Library

Historic Courthouse






V ISITC H A P EL H ILL .O R G 888.968.2060 48

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