CHKD Surgical Group Journal, Volume 3, 2014

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Journal CHKD Surgical Group

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Surgery corrects ear deformities


CHKD Surgical Services Directory


Phased approach for treatment of pectus carinatum


CHKD welcomes new surgeons

CHKD Surgical Group Journal is a publication of Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters Health System Medical Editors: Joseph F. Dilustro, MD, FACS Robert E. Kelly Jr., MD, FACS, FAAP Jyoti Upadhyay, MD, FAAP Douglas Mitchell, MD, FAAP Executive Editor John Hamilton Vice President, Physician Practice Management Managing Editor Ridgely Ingersoll Director of Marketing Editor Sharon Cindrich Marketing & PR Manager Graphic Designer Dawn Midgette

Arthroscopic surgery corrects hip impingement in adolescents by Allison Crepeau, MD

muscle strain, FAI is often diagnosed after conservative treatments for these more comSummary: New techniques in hip arthroscopy mon conditions fail. While the underlying offer resolution in adolescent patients with fem- cause of FAI is not completely understood, we oroacetabular impingements (FAI) in the hip know that genetics and involvement in certain resulting from sports and dance injuries. sports and activities may play a role. The average patient profile tends to be an active adolescent athlete with unHip pain and joint damage resolved hip or groin pain. Sports are often associated with an older activities associated with FAI inpopulation; however, an increasclude field and ice hockey, soccer, ing number of younger patients are lacrosse, martial arts, tennis, golf, being diagnosed with labral tears rowing and dance. Dancers usually of the hip and/or femoroacetabular have less bony-type FAI, but more impingement (FAI), hip conditions labrum damage based on unusual associated with both acute and overAllison positioning of the hip joint during use injuries caused by sports and Crepeau, MD dance activities. Female patients dance activities. Children’s Hospipresent symptoms at a younger age tal of The King’s Daughters can now successfully treat adolescents diagnosed with due to an earlier onset of puberty. There are three main FAI designations: labral tears and FAI using minimally invasive pincer, cam and combined. Pincer-type presarthroscopic surgery. FAI is a spectrum of bony abnormalities ents when there is over-coverage on the around the hip that can lead to damage to the acetabular side of the hip (socket is too deep), labrum and cartilage over time. Ultimately, causing the labrum to be compressed when the this may lead to early hip arthritis. FAI is not hip is flexed. Cam-type FAI occurs when there an uncommon condition for adolescents, espe- is a bony prominence on the femoral neck that cially those in their mid-to-late teenage years impinges during flexion, damaging the labrum who have a history of sports participation. and grinding cartilage inside the acetabulum. Wear and tear on the hip joint from even mild In many cases, both FAI types are present in a bony abnormalities can cause erosion of the combined condition. Symptoms of FAI include groin pain, hip cartilage and tearing of the labrum. Frequently misdiagnosed as a groin pull, tendonitis or pain or aching after sitting or walking, locking continued on page 2 CHKD Surgical Group | Journal | Vol. 3, 2014


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