Conditions Treated by Chiropractors

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Conditions Treated by Chiropractors Chiropractors diagnose and treat the spinal disorders that are the main cause the pain of musculoskeletal or nerve. Like normal doctors, a chiropractor also performs several examinations as part of his treatment process to make an accurate diagnosis. He often asks you to go for X-ray or CTscan to make sure with his diagnosis.

This article mainly deals with spine-related problems that are treated by chiropractor Menomonee Falls. Almost every person experienced Back Sprain and Strains. Ligaments holding bones when become overstretched –sprain occurs. Strain usually involves a muscle and a tendon. This can occur when you lift weight beyond your limits, play an exhausting sport, even twist or bend in an improper way during regular activities. Cervicogenic headaches are a type of a headache that is caused by another physical issue like neck pain. The pain can be felt at the back of the head, behind the eyes or in the temples. The symptoms of a cervicogenic headache are wrongly diagnosed by the doctor as migraines or cluster headaches.

A pain develops in the tailbone of the spine is Coccydynia. People who fall down or who ride a bike for hours may face the coccydynia problem and this can get more severe on sitting abruptly. Degenerative disc disease or DDD is acute pain associated with disc degeneration. With aging, your intervertebral discs can break down due to years of excessive use and because of this discs also lose shock absorption, flexibility, and elasticity.

Herniated disc problem occurs in the region of the neck and the lower back. The disc can cause discomfort when interior matter or outer ring presses on nearby nerves. Myofascial pain is a type of chronic pain disorder. This pain occurs when pressure on sensitive points in your muscles sources discomfort in unrelated body parts. Piriformis syndrome occurs when piriformis muscles spasm and causes buttock pain. Piriformis muscles can also disturb the sciatic nerve and cause discomfort and numbness along the back of the leg and into the foot. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerves are compressed. The symptom of sciatica is moderate to severe pain that moves down below the knee of one leg.

Leg length discrepancy or limb length discrepancy can be caused by postural or structural problems. Spondylosis or spinal osteoarthritis mainly affects the facet joints of the spine. This type of arthritis develops with aging. Whiplash is a hyperextension or hyperflexion injury occurs when a motor vehicle is rear-ended.

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