xauart #0.8

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#0.8 “PUNKED”

front: Luna Tristรก index: Guille Chipironet editor: Chipironet.com graphig design: MARYTRINIstudio.com style: Alberto Shock computer services: Rada team: London: Coco Dรกvez Spain: Sbastian Montello Berlin: Oscar Von Kant Mexico: Carlota Pastor collaborations: Luna Tristรก, Jesus Pastor, Antonio Calderรณn (Matalafria), Elena San Francisco, Avispelmann Productions, Montse Villanueva, Markus Lanson, Jorge Nieto.v


Luna Trista Vj Electric Ganesha

punked with this shoes by Guille Chipironet

HEiL POnY Photos: Rakul pidalgo & Geradr Estadella (icanteachyouhowtodoit) Athletic Disco Club (Barcelona)

www. pornoparaprioncipiantes.wordpress.com

Flying Kicks define us. We belive it is a symbol of a life-time friendship. We are not the fastest guys on the block. We just feel something with what we post.

Luna Tristรก

www.lunatrista.com Born in 1980 in Havana/ Cuba, she formed herself as a photographer at the IDEP (Superior Institute of Photography) in Barcelona where she lived until now. Currently she lives in Milan. Her world in black and white shows her obsession for the past. Her images communicate a mixture between glamour and decadence. It is difficult to feel indifferent in front of their strength. Her mainly female bodies are portrayed in their intimacy, they show themselves without fear to her eye that looks them from the inside. ..::I dont search perfection but the untiring conquest of their monsters. The obscurity, at the same time, is the beauty that seduces::.. Luna Trista.

...cooming soon...

Vj Electric Ganesha


VJ , Videoartista y Artista Visual en general, comienza su carrera como VJ en Espa単a,en el a単o 2001,realizando proyecciones para festivales de arte y exposiciones en diferentes galerias e instituciones como el CCCB . Tambien ha realizado diferentes sesiones para un gran numero de DJs en importantes clubs de la capital catalana (Moog,Sidecar,New Oven) , tambien en Madrid, Estados Unidos e India. Es co-fundadora del colectivo de artes visuales Art Factory Art desde hace mas de diez a単os y colaborador activo de diferentes fanzines digitales incluyendo el mau mau underground cubriendo conciertos pricipalmente (air,depeche mode). Actualmente trabaja como VJ y Video Artista y realiza eventualmente trabajos de produccion para defiles de moda (Gori de Palma) y diferentes actividades culturales como el festival de Cine Mecal entre otras. Links : http://www.myspace.com/artfactoryartbcn Montserrat Villanueva in Vimeo Facebook : vjelectricganesha VJ Sesiones recientes : 2010 VJ session Club Sidecar Barcelona VJ Electric Ganesha session de VJ en el festival Mecal Pro fiesta de Clausura. Inauguracion Bac 10 . Hall del CCCB Barcelona VJ session Sessions de Visuales en India , Madrid y E.E.U.U para diversos clubs y eventos culturales. 2010 VJ session Mostra Sonora Convent de Sant Agusti.

The revolution will not be televised: @SpanishRevolution

The protests that took place in Spain during this spring, know as ‘Movement 15-M’, were numerous spontaneous demonstrations, citizen generated via social networks and civil platforms and collectives. The outrage was linked by the media to the economical crisis and is believed to follow the example of the revolts and civil movements in Iceland, the Arab world and Greece. On the 15th of may 2011, more than 60.000 anonymous, Spanish citizens cried for a change and camped in significant squares all around the country. But, who were they? While demonstrators are an ambiguous and heterogeneous group, they share the weariness against the political class and the shortages in Fundamental Rights due to non-functioning democratic institutions. They pleaded for the practical application of the law, for the end of bipartisanship in the country and for the end of corruption, widely spread in Spain. All this is referred to issues concerning basic needs like housing, jobs, culture, health, education, political participation, personal development and right to basic necessities. They define themselves as unemployed citizens, badly remunerated and precarious employees, young adults without future, politically en-

gaged people… They do not represent any political party. They believe that power has shifted away from citizens. And, as a of peaceful civil disobedience movement, even supported and acclaimed by well know intellectuals like Stéphane Hessel, Hörður Torfason and Jose Luis San Pedro, they claim for taking back the streets and to plea for a wider participation in real politics. Anyone could join them and feel included. That could be seen as the key of their success. This event, that came close in time to the local and regional elections in Spain, which were scheduled on May 22th, resulted in thousands of anonymous citizens continuing camping and protesting, like a quiet storm, against the will of the judicial establishment that even banned those actions and took hard police reaction, that reminded us to the old times of Franco’s dictatorship. Even though the election finally turned into an overwhelming victory by the rancid conservative party, an early analysis suggested that the movement managed to increase the number of blank and null votes, to swift votes to non-mainstream political parties, and which is more important, to wake up people’s mind, showing that a change is possible and that is only up to them. As Gil Scot-Heron stated in one of his visionary poems: ‘the revolution will not be televised. The revolution will be no re-run, brothers, the revolution will be live”. 41 years later, this happened in today’s Spain. And whatever the outcome of this protest may result; it is already a part of ​​History.

www.jorgenieto.com http://jorgenieto.tumblr.com/ http://www.goldenpowdertower.blogspot.com/

Photo: Elena San Francisco Make up: Fernando Madro単ero Style: Steffa Superheilig Model: Temper

Xauart Magazine is always looking for new collaborators, if you believe that your work will fit with our publication please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are open to any kind of work. Send us yours and you will receive a response from us. xauart@gmail.com If you have any questions about us, what we do, who we are, what we want here is also our mail



with this shoes by Guille Chipironet

www. pornoparaprioncipiantes.wordpress.com

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