VISTA Magazine Issue #62

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Make Sure Your Little Explorer Stays Active All Winter!

Introducing Hyland’s Sniffles ‘n Sneezes 4 Kids Winter doesn’t need to be a constant struggle with illness. This all natural, homeopathic medicine offers kids relief from the uncomfortable symptoms of the common cold - from sneezing and sore throat to runny eyes, runny nose and headaches. Sniffles 'n Sneezes 4 Kids is formulated especially for children ages 2-12 and features Zincum Gluconicum, an active ingredient proven to shorten the duration of colds by nearly half. After all, exploring requires a lot of time and energy and we want your kids to have plenty of both.

Safe. Natural. Effective.

contents I s s u e 6 2 | j a n / Fe b 2 0 0 9



Heavy issues By Carol Crenna

Why are you overweight?

Feeling Out of Joint?

By Sophia Stewart

Help for aging joints

10 The Fighting Five: Supplements for Healthy Aging

By David J. Wirth help stop disease?

Which five nutrients will

14 Prepare and Repair – Halting Inflammation

By Maureen Fontaine Nutrients to reduce inflammation


16 Dermatologist Helps Damaged and Aging Skin

By Dr. Madalene Heng Help for aging, scarred and acne-prone skin

18 Net Gain: Boost Energy through Conservation


By Brendan Brazier Don’t spend so much energy digesting food

20 Why is Alignment Important for Health?

By Dr Christian Guenette

Part II – Energy

22 Eating Patterns - It’s Time to Hold the Bacon

By Vince Ziccarelli eat healthier

Tips for your family to

24 The Fat Follies

26 It’s Okay to Want to Look Fabulous



Dr Michael Colgan Part 1: The fattest problem

By Carol Crenna

Skin care secrets

28 Sarah Chalke Writes a Prescription for Success

By Carol Crenna actress Sarah Chalke

Interview with TV

30 Clean Bill of Health




VISTA Magazine Issue 62

By John Austen system

Use heat to clean out your

32 Beneficial Bacteria By Dr Serenity Aberdour take probiotics?

Why should you

VISTA Publisher’s M A G A Z I N E


Trent Nellis


Carol Crenna

Marketing Director & Associate Editor:

Shelly-Lynn Nellis

Copy Editor:

Dan Tidsbury

Art Director:

Cindy Hughes

Graphic Design:

Chris Hart

Vice-President, Sales:

Paul Airut tel (778) 222-7775 e-mail


ABC / Bob D’amico

Contributing Writers: Alain Prud’homme, Brad King,

Brendan Brazier, Bruce Schennum, Carol Crenna, Dr. Christian Guenette, Dr. Claude Gallant, Cory Holly, David Suzuki, David J. Wirth, Franco Cavaleri, Dr. Janine Bowring, Jason Mann, Joel Thuna, John Austen, Jolie Root, Dr. Lawrence Sosna, Dr. Madalene Heng, Maureen Fontaine, Michael Bloch, Dr Michael Colgan, Michelle Kwon, Scott Gray, Dr Serenity Aberdour, Sophia Stewart, Tracy Holly, Vince Ziccarelli, Zane Boronowski VISTA Magazine publishes bi-monthly issues and is distributed through the health food retailers of Canada. Send all questions, comments, and inquiries to: VISTA Magazine 13256 55A Avenue Surrey, BC CANADA V3X 3B3 Tel (604) 591-9991 or (877) 905-7771 Fax (604) 591-1989 e-mail VISTA Magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Opinions expressed herein are those of the ­authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect those of the VISTA Magazine publisher, editors or staff. Readers are encouraged to consult with their health professional before embarking upon any exercise, medical or nutritional changes. Contents of VISTA Magazine are copyright 2009, all rights reserved. VISTA Magazine may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without written permission of the publisher. To subscribe to VISTA Magazine and receive delivery to your home or office bimonthly, send $39.95 plus GST = $41.95. ­Include your address and we’ll ship you our next issue. Single copies are also available for $6.95 plus GST = $7.37. Canadian Publications Mail Products Sales Agreement #40025872 ISSN #1715-8214 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Magazine Fund toward our editorial costs.


Happy New Year everyone and welcome to 2009.


ith the world economy in turmoil, the past year has been a difficult one for most people. Stock prices are way down, corporate downsizing is at an all time high and there is a sense of panic amongst the North American public as to what the future holds for us all. In these tough economic times, the pursuit of better health is one of the few things we can have power over. No matter how poorly your investment portfolio has fared, or how much the value of your property has fallen, the state of your physical and mental well-being is still completely and firmly within your grasp. How we deal with stress and pressure largely determines how we perform in our daily Trent, Shelly and Ainslee on a family trip to Hawaii lives. It is obviously easy to turn to vices for relief during stressful times but this is not the answer. Instead, be extra conscientious of what you consume and how you treat your body. We say this a lot throughout the magazine but its importance cannot be overstated: fuel and move your body. As a father and a husband and a business owner, I often feel overwhelmed with things that are largely out of my control. My answer is to exercise and push my body to overcome any mental anguish I may be experiencing in my everyday life. With the proper nutrition and rest, it is amazing how our bodies will positively respond to movement. Get off the couch and get to it. Start this year off by developing some new habits that will make everyday easier and more enjoyable. In this issue we have many helpful tips to get your new year started on the right track. Internationally renowned scientist, Dr Michael Colgan, has given us his latest article on “The Fat Follies”. This is the beginning of a series of articles from Dr Colgan that deal directly with our nations obesity issues and how we can overcome them. Dr Colgan is conducting a lecture launching his latest books at the Vancouver Wellness Show on February 6, 7, 8. Old man winter can wreak havoc on our joints. For some simple pain relief and an education on why we start to creak and ache as we age check out Sophia Stewarts article, “Feeling out of Joint.” For those of you who perhaps did a bit too much celebrating during the holidays investigate our detoxification features on infrared saunas and vibration therapy. Both of these articles offer pleasant, potential life saving relief with minimal effort. Best selling Canadian author and health expert, Brad King has just written a new book titled Beer Belly Blues: Becoming the Ultimate Male again. This book deals with the issues we men face as aging becomes apparent in our physiques, moods and virility and the fallout from this experienced by the women in our lives. We have reviewed his book in our Paperback Heroes section and having just finished reading the book myself all I can say is “Thanks Brad for exposing the inevitable decline of my manhood and providing some relief as to how I can deal with it.” This is a seriously good and necessary read for anyone over the age of 40. Make it your New Years resolution to approach every day with one thought in mind, “How can I make myself a stronger, happier, healthier and better person today?” For the sake of you and your loved ones make it a priority to improve your health. Remember, no one but you has control over your body.

Trent E. Nellis, Publisher To contact Trent Nellis via e‑mail, write to

Health Action Network Society


VISTA Magazine Issue 62

contents 34 The Healing Properties of Pinecones

By Zane Boronowski Pinecones help to boost your immune system

36 Recipe for Health By Tracy Holly

Post celebration soup

38 Know Your Whey

By Dr. Lawrence Sosna about whey protein

Learn more

57 How to Lose Weight and Slow Aging

40 Everyday Detox

By Michelle Kwon daily

Do a body cleanse

58 Male Menopause – Yes, It’s Real

42 Nutrition for a Healthy Heart By Jolie Root What vitamins will protect your heart?

New hope for a

By Joel Thuna arteries?

What creates clogged

By Franco Cavaleri Your pet’s food may not be as healthy as you think

By Brad King The obesity, prostate, testosterone connection

50 Lessons in Longevity

By Dr. Claude Gallant Learn about this important aspect of health


Shedding Light on Oregano Oil

By Alain Prud’homme Collagen is your body’s youth-building material

52 Six Basics to Burn More Body Fat Lose weight naturally

54 Herpes – Stigma, Responsibility and Treatment

By Bruce Schennum old disease

By Cory Holly Choose the best oils to protect your body

64 Your Blood Pressure

48 Sexual Feelings: Erectile Dysfunction

By Michelle Kwon

Things you should know

62 Lubrication: Oil Up for the Sport of Life

46 Artery Health:

By Brad King after age 40

59 Do Pets Need Supplements?

44 When Will We See The End of Thid Disease? By Michelle Kwon growing disease

By Dr. Janine Bowring, ND Fruits and veggies are the prerequisite cure-all

Help for an ages

By Jason Mann Misinformation abounds about this medicinal plant

72 Hair Loss Help

By John Austen strands?

Starting to lose your

74 Paperback Heroes

By Michelle Kwon healthy living

Books that inspire

67 Help the Environment While Keeping Fit By Scott Gray

Simple ways to get eco-exercise

68 If I Had Four Trillion Dollars

By David Suzuki What the world could do with that bailout money

69 Beyond Baking: 30 Baking Soda Tips


By Michael Bloch humble product

VISTA Magazine Issue 62

Household uses for the

Editor’s Healthlines


Carol Crenna, rhn

board o f adviso r s

Heavy issues: Why are you overweight?

A Dr. Michael Colgan, PhD, CCN

Dr. Gloria Gilbère

Dr. Christian ­ uenette, DC G

Cory Holly, DN

Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky, BSc, MA, ND

Tomás Nimmo

Dr. Terry Willard, ClH, PhD

t this time of year, you may have good excuses for why you’ve gained weight, but sometimes it’s less about what you’ve been eating and more about what’s been eating you. Your body wasn’t made to deal with the constant stress in our world, and it’s often a root cause of emotional eating. Food has been linked to strong emotions since you were born. A few minutes after birth, you were given your mother’s breast and cuddled, immediately connecting food with love and comfort. If you don’t get nurturing from yourself and others as an adult, you find temporary substitutes for oral gratification that become addictions. If eating is often triggered by cravings or emotions, rather than a conscious effort to nourish your body, you need to discover exactly why you’re seeking comfort. In Kristina Sisu’s book Food and the Emotional Connection (Seraphine Publishing 2002), she states, “Understanding your relationship with food can be an amazing path of self-discovery, an opportunity to know your deepest secrets and your greatest strengths, and to unravel the chaos that dwells within us all.” It will not only help you to lose weight, but to live a healthier, happier life, at peace to eat only for your well-being. Why do you eat? Is it due to hunger, boredom, lack of sleep, worry, loneliness, or to temporarily avoid having to do something that you don’t enjoy? The next time you reach for a snack, ask yourself three questions: 1. Am I hungry? 2. Am I trying to avoid or ease or energize? 3. Is there something better that I could do to relieve the feeling? “Stressed” spelled backwards is “desserts.” Taking control of stress takes thinking ahead. Consult this to-do list the next time that you want to put something in your mouth: 1. Wash the dishes. When you become constructive your mood changes, and that’s the goal. 2. Pick up the phone instead of a bag of Pringles, and talk to a friend 3. Take your dog for a walk…or at least walk into another room to change your environment. 4. Give yourself a pedicure or hot bath. Caring for yourself banishes the munchies. 5. Drink water or herbal tea. Cravings are often caused by dehydration, and drinking something soothing satisfies your need for comfort. 6. Paint, doodle, or just mend something. Creativity lifts your spirit. 7. Keep an inspirational book or motivational CD close by for when your

mood sinks. 8. Relax by doing stretching exercises or 10-minute yoga, even at your desk. 9. Do you eat too much because you always have “too much on your plate”? Unload a task onto someone else, mend a broken relationship, or schedule that holiday you’ve been putting off. 10. Breathe. When you’re feeling stressed, tired or your mind is preoccupied, your breathing is very shallow. Oxygen re-energizes your brain. 11. The fastest way to change your emotions is by changing your body. If you put a big smile on your face and stand with shoulders proudly back, it’s literally impossible to be in a bad mood! The next time you want to comfort yourself with food, jump up and down like you just won the lottery! 12. Maybe you just need to have a good long cry or laugh or hug. Hiding something behind your fat? It’s often a safety blanket or a suit of armour that keeps you from having to deal with the outside world. It’s easier to wage war on fat by going on a strictly regimented diet or exercise crusade than to confront unmet needs and unresolved emotional issues. In Sisu’s book, she says that we tend to be unconscious of the effects of the food we eat, and the vicious cycle of craving foods with little nutritional value, and then the negative self-image that follows eating them can be overwhelming, making us feel trapped by an inner demon. Let go of “good” or bad” labeling of foods and moral judgments placed on yourself when eating. Instead ask, “What will serve my body?”, and then feel the effect that a food has on your body after eating it. Spit it out to get slim! Become completely honest with yourself (and everyone else), and stop hiding your feelings. If you stuff something into your mouth, you may actually need to get something out, but can’t say it. “Swallowing” negative thoughts doesn’t get rid of them. If the food of choice is something crunchy, you need to relieve anxiety, boredom or anger. If it’s a comfort food like ice cream, you need conscious comforting and to openly express your sadness or frustrations. Learn to ask for what you want from others and say “no” to what you don’t want. And when you’re finishing off that tub of ice cream, think “short-term pain, long-term gain!” Carol Crenna will be teaching “Why Weight?” – a personalized weight loss course – through Vancouver School Board Continuing Education beginning January 24, 2009 (six Saturdays)

Dr. Zoltan Rona, MD


VISTA Magazine Issue 62

Feeling Out of Joint? By Sophia Stewart


ou’re not going to let getting older slow you down. You take long walks, work out at a gym, ski, and maybe even still ride a bicycle. You plan to stay active for life. Sure, your knees and your hip creak and complain a bit more with each passing year; and there’s a touch of stiffness in your shoulder getting out of bed in the morning. But by continuing low impact exercise, making the right food choices, and using a handful of natural remedies, you’ll be able to avoid major joint degeneration for decades. You don’t need to be a marathoner to appreciate the pounding your joints take during daily activities. Over a lifetime, joint cartilage that’s overworked from everyday exercise can develop into arthritis. However, there’s plenty of scientific evidence that dietary supplements including glucosamine sulfate and MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) can alleviate joint pain, improve mobility and even help damaged cartilage regenerate.


Cartilage is the rubbery, slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones in a joint. Healthy cartilage permits bones to glide over one another and absorb the shock of physical activity. Unhealthy cartilage, like that in arthritic joints, is broken down or worn away, and bones tend to rub together, causing pain and inflammation in the tissue surrounding the joint. Glucosamine and MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) get, and deserve, the lion’s share of acclaim for joint health. They actually rebuild ailing joint cartilage by helping the body make a spongy material to hold water within joints, providing a springy resiliency. Glucosamine, as the name reflects, is a combination of glucose (a sugar) and an amino acid. The body makes small amounts of glucosamine. The glucosamine in a supplement bottle, however, is derived from chitin (from crab, shrimp and lobster shells). It is concentrated in joint cartilage where it is found in large structures known as proteoglycans. These proteoglycans work to attract water into the joint area to lubricate the cartilage during movement and that’s where glucosamine is believed to play a role in cartilage formation and repair. It may protect joint and tendon from injury and decrease inflammation in joints, tendons and cartilage. MSM is naturally occurring sulfur found in all living plant and animal tissues. Sulfur is important in the formation of collagen and glucosamine. It helps nutrients and fluids to flow through cells and removes toxins from the cells by increasing their permeability. This maintains healthy bones, joints, ligaments and tendons and helps to reduce pain and inflammation that might occur. Some researchers believe that supplementing with MSM provides an anti-inflammatory, pain relieving effect similar to that of aspirin. MSM requires the essential amino acids methionine, cysteine and other proteins to find its way into the collagen of skin, joints and blood vessels, and also hair and nails. MSM and glucosamine sulfate taken separately have been well documented in treating osteoarthritis, but research demonstrates that the beneficial effects are increased when both are taken simultaneously. The equally important role of the mineral silica is often overlooked in managing joint pain. Silica stimulates the deposit of chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid into cartilage. This function of silica has important implications in managing joint pain. Silica improves the function of glucosamine sulfate, which is required for both chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid. Recent research shows, however, that dietary supplementation of chrondoitin sulfate and particularly hyaluronic acid will provide little if any benefit in dealing with arthritis pain or joint health. This is because chrondoitin and hyaluronic acid are large molecules that are broken down by digestive enzymes in the stomach without being used. Glucosamine sulfate, on the other hand, is a very small molecule and will be absorbed intact from the intestine. Studies show that silicon was present in decreased amounts in animals presenting with bone and cartilage malformations. Formation of collagen and glycosaminoglycan are negatively affected by a silicon deficiency. Making sure silicon is available in conjunction with glucosamine could be useful in the treatment of connective tissue disorders. Other nutrients can also be beneficial to joins including vitamin C, which is required to create connective tissues such as chondroitin sulfate and collagen, and for its role in wound healing. The most important factors in keeping your joints nimble and youthful are exercise and nutrition. But if you are too busy to think about getting older, and can’t slow down for bothersome cartilage problems, consider promising pain relievers like glucosamine, MSM and silica.

VISTA Magazine Issue 62

Vegan Joint Health Formula With age, over-use and injuries, our joints go through a lot of abuse and we become more at risk for chronic pain. Help ease and relieve the symptoms with Joint . This advanced formula combines optimal amounts of : Vegan Glucosamine Sulfate (GLS), MSM, Organic Silica andVitamin C in 3 tablets to provide the world’s most effective nutritional supplement for joint health. BothGlucosamine SulfateandMSMhave been clinically proven toreduce the symptoms of arthritis, but new research shows that when combined, they have an even greater benefit than either on its own. Joint represents the first complete formula to deal with both the pain and inflammation of arthritis, as well as to provide essential silica and vitamin C to aid in the repair of damaged tissue.

Benefits & Features GLS helps to lubricate the cartilage during movement and plays a role in cartilage formation and repair. GLS & MSM has been clinically shown to be more effective together than either one alone. Silica stimulates bone growth and enhances the absorption of calcium. Silica improves the function of GLS. Vitamin C aids in the synthesis of connective tissue and plays a role in wound healing. GLS helps to reverse osteoarthritis, protect joints and tendons from injury and decrease inflammation in joints, tendons, cartilge and soft tissue.







Enerex Botanicals Ltd.


• • • • • •



The Fighting Five: Supplements for Healthy Aging By David J. Wirth


f someone held up a bottle of pills and told us that they could slow aging, or prevent or improve serious degenerative diseases, we might be somewhat skeptical – and rightly so. But what if that someone was a Harvard health researcher or a Nobel Prize-winning scientist? And what if these pills had been the subject of a series of clinical trials and double-blind, placebo-controlled studies at world-renowned medical research labs and universities? The truth is that these types of pills do exist and are easily acquired from health stores. They are safe and natural, and the volume of research into their health benefits is immense and growing. While many natural supplements might qualify as anti-aging and disease prevention options, the focus here will be on five heavy hitters that stand out due to the volume and quality of research on them.

A radical theory: aging and oxidation

Before discussing health benefits of the “top five,” it’s important to understand a little about aging. In 1954, Dr. Denham Harman of the University of California, Berkeley, first described the “free radical theory of aging.” He claimed that unstable molecules, produced both inside and outside our bodies, literally break apart healthy tissues and are the main force behind aging and degenerative disease. Though Harman’s theory was largely ignored until the 1970s, it is now recognized and accepted worldwide as the most credible, proven explanation of how and why we age. Free radicals, or oxidants, are natural byproducts of living and breathing. Through metabolic processes, our bodies produce molecules that are unstable because they are missing an electron. Laws of chemistry dictate that unstable molecules try to “steal” electrons from something nearby – in this case, from other cells in our body! Worse yet, we create more free radicals through stress and inflammation, and ingest them via toxins in food, air, drugs and water. Free-radical damage to our cells is the main force behind what we call aging. It wrinkles our skin, clouds our vision and may even clog our arteries. It can also lead to diseases such as arthritis, cataracts, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and cancer.

Antioxidants are substances that limit or repair damage from free radicals. Our bodies produce some antioxidants naturally, such as glutathione. We can also provide the body with antioxidant vitamins, minerals and compounds found in healthy foods and select dietary supplements. Here are some of the best.


One of the most recently celebrated super-antioxidants is resveratrol, a polyphenol. In the early 1990s, researchers suggested that the French population’s higher consumption of red wine (one source of resveratrol) could explain the relatively low incidence of heart disease among the French, despite a diet relatively high in saturated fats. Animal studies reveal that resveratrol benefits the heart by fighting oxidation (free radical damage) of LDL cholesterol in the blood. When LDL is damaged, it begins to stick to artery walls and can eventually lead to heart attack. Other reported heart benefits include blood pressure and heart rate regulation. The anticancer properties of resveratrol are similarly exciting. In July, 2008, laboratory research revealed that it suppresses the abnormal cell formation that leads to most types of breast cancer. “Resveratrol has the ability to prevent the first step that occurs when estrogen starts the process leading to cancer,” states Eleanor Rogan, PhD, researcher at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. “We believe that this could stop the whole progression that leads to breast cancer down the road,” Rogan added. Perhaps most surprising are the experiments initiated by Harvard scientist David Sinclair which suggest that resveratrol can prolong lifespan by up to 60 percent in yeast, fruit flies, fish and mice. In 2003, Sinclair discovered that resveratrol switches on a gene called Sirtuin 1 that regulates the rate of aging. (A gene variation is also in humans.)

Coenzyme Q10 (Co-Q10)

This vitamin-like nutrient is considered one of the most powerful for anti-aging because it can slow the wear and tear on tissue and organs, strengthen and energize the heart, and help stem the natural decline of immune function. One



VISTA Magazine Issue 62

study showed that mice given Co-Q10 supplements entered their senior years with a better appearance and more energy than their counterparts. Other studies have focused on Co-Q10 deficiency in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s patients, and have documented reversals of mental deterioration using Co-Q10. Some of the most dramatic research findings involve Co-Q10’s benefits for heart health. One 1994 study from the University of Texas looked at long-term Co-Q10 therapy for heart disease. It found that almost 60 percent of patients improved by at least one heart disease rating scale level, and half of the patients were able to stop taking up to three prescribed heart medications. Scores of other studies support Co-Q10 supplementation for heart disease treatment and prevention. Co-Q10 supplementation may also help boost a waning immune system in the elderly. Older adults often have only a third of the antibodies found in healthy young people. (Antibodies are manufactured by the immune system to seek out and destroy invaders such as viruses.) Chronic impaired immune function is also a factor in more serious health disorders such as arthritis, diabetes and cancer. Research shows, however, that giving the elderly Co-Q10 can more than double the production of antibodies and restore immune function to about 80 percent of its original strength.

Alpha-lipoic acid

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a superstar antioxidant with powerful anti-aging and disease-prevention properties. Tory Hagen, a researcher at Oregon State University, says that ALA can slow down the process of aging because it “turns on the basic cellular defenses of the body, including some that decline with age.” In animal studies, Hagen states, “It tends to restore levels of glutathione, a protective antioxidant and detoxification compound, to those of a young animal. It also acts as a strong anti-inflammatory agent, which is relevant to many degenerative diseases.” ALA has shown age-altering potential in human studies. In 2007, German researchers reported that taking ALA can dramatically slow the continued, page 12

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progression of Alzheimer’s disease. In the study, 43 patients with mild or moderate Alzheimer’s who supplemented with ALA had dramatically lower progression of the disease over a period of 48 months compared to data from patients not receiving ALA.


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Quercetin is a potent antioxidant flavonoid found in a variety of foods including apples, peppers, onions, berries and green tea. Like its cousin resveratrol, it has been well researched for heart health and anticancer benefits. In 2004, scientists from the State University of New York reported that quercetin significantly inhibited the growth of both moderately and highly aggressive prostate cancer cells. In this test, they were surprised to witness that quercetin increased the production of anti-tumour genes while reducing cancer-promoting genes. As seen with resveratrol, quercetin counteracts free radical damage to LDL cholesterol and helps prevent dangerous plaque buildup within the arteries. Another heart health benefit is a reduction in high blood pressure. Some additional health properties of quercetin have been identified, and include protection from inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis and enlarged prostate.

B vitamins

This group of eight water-soluble vitamins is commonly featured in multivitamin formulations or “B-complex” supplements. As a group, B vitamins are essential for healthy skin, muscle, immune and nervous systems, and proper cell growth and division. Certain B vitamins become



more important as we age due to absorption problems and increased requirements, and may need to be supplemented to ensure adequate levels. B2 (riboflavin) is crucial for energy production and vital in the regeneration of glutathione, the body’s own super antioxidant. Through this relationship with glutathione, B2 may be critical to prevent cataracts, and low levels have also been linked to esophageal cancer. B3 (niacinamide) is a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory effects. Niacinamide is an important component of two coenzymes which reduce oxidation and limit damage within our cells. Of all the B vitamins, B12 is perhaps the most important in terms of aging and disease prevention. By age 65, most of us can no longer properly absorb it and end up with low levels, which are linked to impaired mental function, Alzheimer’s and heart disease. Studies show that Alzheimer’s patients are nearly always deficient in B12, and that supplementation – especially within the first six months of symptoms – can promote a complete reversal in some cases. Aging is inevitable – but healthy aging is a choice. Along with healthy diet and lifestyle choices, these five supplements represent a strong list of safe, natural, evidence-backed options to support and protect the aging body in today’s environment. Choose one or two from the list to complement your daily supplement regimen, or seek out antioxidant blends that may feature some of them in combination. Remember to check with a healthcare professional before taking a dietary supplement if you are taking prescription medications or have a health condition. References available from VISTA.

VISTA Magazine Issue 62


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Prepare and Repair – Halting Inflammation By Maureen Fontaine


nflammation is the health buzzword of late and rightly so. Inflammation is at the root of all disease conditions, whether they’re simple or monumental. It is the expression of damage caused during everyday living and leads to a deeper process called the “inflammatory cascade.”

The blood speaks volumes

An intriguing illustration of cellular health can be observed through a drop of blood under the microscope. Within that hologram is the clear and indisputable presentation of the damaging effects of inflammation. The beauty of this vital aspect of the body is that it is both preventive and predictive. It gives you the heads up on the path you are heading down and the opportunity to create change.

Free radical damage

Perhaps the most astounding representation of free radical damage in my clinical experience has been in pilots. Their exposure to high levels of radiation for long periods of time significantly impacts their cell health. If only given the right support, damaged and unstable cells have the potential to respond favourably. Free radical damage is connected to most degenerative conditions including heart disease, cancer, arthritis, liver disease, periodontal disease, diabetes, autoimmunity, gastrointestinal disease and asthma. It significantly damages tissue causing spasm, pain, inflammation and disease. When the cell membrane (protective layer near the cells’ outer wall) and extra-cellular matrix (connective and structural tissue around cells) are harmed by free radicals it leads to diminished health and slow healing. Inflammation alone creates free radical damage, which in turn creates more inflammation; it’s a vicious cycle! Inflammation is in fact a natural response to injury, whether it is from poor diet, stress or an airplane ride, and is indicative of our lifestyle. It is the body’s ability to respond and repair the site of injury that makes the difference. In the case of chronic systemic inflammation, it is not contained in any one area but instead infiltrates many internal organs and blood vessels potentially leading to debilitating conditions and diseases. Often pain is not felt in the affected organs so extensive damage can occur un-

beknownst to the individual. Oxidative stress (a destructive chemical reaction caused by oxygen) follows when the free radical process spirals out of control, damaging much of the body’s tissue in its path. The good news is that if the tissue is prepared for this natural body process through a daily diet of whole nutritious foods, the ravaging effects of the inflammatory process are mitigated and repair occurs readily.

Be prepared

A 24-year-old man, who shall remain nameless, is an outstanding example of “prepare and repair.” After sustaining extensive injuries in an avalanche, he amazed doctors by having minimal inflammation and bruises considering the significant damage he incurred. In addition, the mending of his bones and integrity of surrounding tissue exceeded doctor’s expectations. He had a daily regimen of supplementing with six foundational nutrients before the accident and during his recovery, which provided increased flexibility, elasticity, and circulation and accelerated repair after injury. Six foundational nutrients to halt inflammation: 1. Bioflavonoids are powerhouses! Some of the most impressive come from grape seed, grape skin and green tea. These contain properties that maintain the connective tissue of the skin, increase the strength of capillaries and regulate their permeability, prevent ruptures and provide protection against infection. The bioflavonoids called proanthocyanidins, EGCG, resveratrol and theaflavin from grapes and green tea fix themselves in the cell membrane and reinforce the matrix, reducing damage and inflammatory reactions. They also help hormones such as thyroxin, insulin, and IGF, necessary for growth and healing, enter the cell’s membrane. Important components of these bioflavonoids prevent the body’s natural inflammation promoters such as serine, histamine, prostaglandins, proteases and leukotrienes by stopping the release of pro-inflammatory enzymes. 2. MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) is known to reduce inflammation and eliminate lactic acid and other toxins. Josef Strauss Allee from the Department of Hematology and Oncology at the University of Regensburg, Germany, speaks of the correlation of elevated lactic acid levels, depressed immunity and disease. Toxins of any kind, whether internally generated or ex-



VISTA Magazine Issue 62

ternally introduced, create cell damage resulting in inflammation. 3. Glucosamine is found in small amounts natrually in the body and is a combination of glucose and an amino acid. As a supplement glucosamine hydrochloride is best sourced from non-GMO corn. It is a building block for connective tissue, increases fluid content of joint lubricating fluids and decreases joint stiffness and pain-inducing friction. 4. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is also naturally occurring in the body but as a supplement is produced through microbial (bacterial) fermentation. HA provides improved inflammationmodulating properties, additional lubrication, soothes irritated nerve endings, increases circulation, nourishes cartilage and is essential to the synovial fluid that is found around joints such as the knee for protection. 5. TMG (trimethylglycine hydrochloride), also known as anhydrous betaine, is best found in plants and is important for a healthy cardiovascular system. Research on TMG supports its ability to protect the liver and raise S-adenosylmethionine (SAM-e) levels. 6. Antioxidants from blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and cranberries provide the widest possible array of beneficial compounds and include anthocyanins and other powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants protect against cell damage by guarding cells from reactions with free radicals. Better known antioxidants include vitamins A, C and E and bioflavonoids. Opening cell “receptor sites” provides the opportunity for proper nutrients to enter the cell and reinforce the elasticity and strength of connective tissues such as ligaments, cartilage, tendons, bones, fascia, skin and blood vessel walls. It also improves the protective skin-like surfaces of organs found in the respiratory and digestive tract. By lubricating and enhancing cell membranes throughout the body, youthful elasticity and cell fluidity are possible and the inflammatory process is diminished. Wisely chosen nutrients provide the cells with precisely what they need. By using nutrients that are supported by extensive research and clinical trials, your cells will be able to halt the inflammatory cascade and heal at the root of the problem. It’s that simple. Maureen Fontaine, B. Ed, ECS, CN, MH, is a diet and wellness consultant.

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Dermatologist Helps Damaged and Aging Skin By Dr. Madalene Heng


uring my career in dermatology, I have seen all kinds of skin problems. They have ranged from prematurely-aged or cancerous skin caused by over-exposure to UV rays to devastating scars caused by burn injuries. I have had success in treating both at the Centers for Family Health, Community Memorial Hospital, in Ventura, California. “Photo-aging� is the term dermatologists use to describe the aging and damage to the skin caused by chronic sun exposure, which causes most signs of aging skin. The visible effects of photo-aging are fine wrinkles, mottling and pigmentation (also called age spots), actinic keratoses (thick wart-like, rough patches), rough and leathery skin, freckles and facial spider veins. Though usually associated with chronologic aging (calendar years), photo-aging is not a good indicator because it can make you look much older than your age. Without protection, just a few minutes of exposure each day can cause noticeable changes, the amount depending on your skin colour and history of long-term or intense exposure. Most important, photo-damaged skin is associated with the development of skin cancers such as basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas and malignant melanomas. These develop from pre-malignant lesions – the dangerous warning sign. Because age spots, poikiloderma (reddish brown mottling) and actinic keratoses can be warning signs for skin cancer, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends having them examined each year. In light of the lack of adequate protection against UVA exposure by current sunscreens, use of alternative measures directed at antiphoto-carcinogenesis is being explored. More recently, curcumin, the active ingredient in the common Indian spice turmeric, has been shown to have anti-carcinogenic properties, with the ability to selectively cause apoptosis (cell death) in photo-damaged cells while leaving normal cells unaffected. This extract from turmeric is also known to fight the visible signs of aging. In sun-damaged skin, topical curcumin helps improve the texture of the skin and decrease the appearance of wrinkles, pigmentation and redness. Using topical curcumin on sunburned skin may decrease pain,

sensitivity and reduce long-term photo-damage. Topical curcumin also helps unplug skin pores so that the pores decrease in size, which creates a more youthful appearance. Daily use under makeup, sunscreen and moisturizers helps to decrease the comedogenic effects (producing or aggravating blackheads and whiteheads) of these products. Topical curcumin may also be used to help reverse early scarring in inflamed skin. After aiding in the discovery of its effects, I have used it on many of my patients. When I was working at a burn unit in Auckland, New Zealand, we rushed severely burned patients into the operating room, removed the dead tissue, grafted the wounds in order to prevent keloidal scarring that regularly accompanied the healing phase, and performed lengthy Z-plasty operations to make the scar less noticeable. (Keloidal scars are elevated, expansive and continue to grow.) When these keloidal scars occur from an injury to the face, they are usually deforming and distort facial features. Frequently, the scarring recurred despite repeated surgery, often resulting in chronic ulcers that could not



VISTA Magazine Issue 62

heal because of poor blood supply in the scarred tissue. As a physician I have also found that scarring in young acne patients, although less dramatic than that encountered in burn patients, is just as devastating to their self-image. Although the scars tend to improve, the pitted scars are permanent reminders of adolescent acne. Thankfully, I found that topical curcumin, used early after injury, could prevent the formation of scarring in burns and acne. How was it discovered? As a dermatology professor at the UCLA School of Medicine, while investigating causes of psoriasis, I found that psoriatic skin had many fewer glycogen (sugar converted to energy in the body) granules compared to other skin disorders, including skin cancers. Since the enzyme in the body that breaks down glycogen to create energy is phosphorylase kinase (PhK), my colleagues and I guessed that high levels of PhK may be our target not only in psoriasis but in skin burn injuries, sunburn and acne. Once PhK is activated, a chain of events occurs to help the skin heal unless the gene that sends the signal to Phk to stop enzyme processes and allow healing does not work. I found that many effects of this chain of events, such as increased formation of scar tissue after burns and acne, go through the same process that triggers psoriasis. This healing attempt by the body after injuries causing scars is also associated with elevated PhK. Once again, blocking PhK with topical curcumin could prevent the formation of this scarring. However, when we tried using curcumin in a cream base, it did not work because the cream prevented the curcumin from being absorbed, so I formulated a curcumin-based gel that I began using on my patients. The results were very successful on burns, acne scarring and psoriasis, and I found that the more damaged the skin, the more remarkable the results. If you suffer from any of these conditions, I suggest that curcumin may help to alleviate them. I will continue using it on my patients and teaching about it at UCLA and UCLA hospitals. Madalene Heng MD, FRACP, FACD is a dermatologist at the Centers for Family Health, Community Memorial Hospital, in Ventura, California, a researcher, and teacher at UCLA and UCLA-affiliated hospitals.

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Net Gain:

Boost Energy through Conservation By Brendan Brazier


re you a food label reader? If so, good for you, but something to keep in mind is that the nutritional value of food as stated on the label pertains to what is in the food, not what the body actually gets from it. A more sensible way to assess the energy-providing attributes of food is to consider its net gain. The net gain of food is the term given to what we are left with once the food has been processed for energy by the body. We all know that the body gets energy from food in the form of several nutrients. However, the more energy the body has to expend to digest, assimilate and use the nutrients in the food we give it, the less we are left with. An example would be the consumption of white bread. How many restaurants have you been to that serve French bread before the main course? In the past, I would wolf down the bread and though my stomach was physically full, I would still be hungry. Since white bread is basically void of any useful nutrients, my body wanted to continue eating despite the fact that my stomach was full. To digest, assimilate and then eliminate the white bread requires a great deal of energy. As a result, the net energy gain from it is very low. In fact, if the bread is buttered or if a trans-fat containing spread is added, the result can actually be a net loss. In today’s hectic, fast-paced world, we are inundated with nutrient lacking foods. Consumed mostly for convenience, processed and refined foods have led to a decline in health and elevated medical costs. Having to consume more of them to “fill up” due to their absence of usable nutrients, yet high sugar and calorie counts, we have become an obese, energy depleted society. A few years ago, when I thought more conventionally, I would try to gauge my caloric intake requirements based on my activity level and body weight. Eating about 8,000 calories on heavy training days as an ultra marathoner, I would usually need a rest day soon afterward. I realize now that a large part of my need for the extra rest day was not just to recover from the energy expended during training, but primarily from the energy expended digesting all that food! By consuming more easily assimilated foods, a large amount of energy can be conserved due to two main reasons. First, the nutrient rich, easily digested foods can be absorbed and used by the body with less expenditure, and second, the more nutrient-rich foods that are present in the diet, the less the body needs to function than if it were fed “average” foods. As a direct result, not as much food needs to be eaten and, consequently, digested. This is a huge net energy gain, to be spent as you please. If the body is left to decide what is done with that energy, it will likely choose to improve its immune system function and to restore cells damaged by stress – essentially, anti-aging activities. Once I realized the value in a food’s nutrient density, assimilation and absorption, I began eating in terms of net gain, without following calorie consumption guidelines. I focused on consuming nutrient dense, easily assimilated foods. As a result, my recovery rate from exercise has significantly improved. I no longer need an extra day to recover from eating copious amounts of conventional food. By simply increasing its efficacy, my body now pools its retained energy resources to more quickly recover from muscle damage associated with training. Today, I consume about 30



percent fewer calories than I did just two years ago yet have more energy – by means of conservation, as opposed to consumption. Instead of feasting on common refined foods, I now consume whole foods almost exclusively. Raw, alkalizing, enzyme intact, living foods (that are fresh and whole) have become the foundation of my diet. Switching my main carbohydrate source away from refined starches to whole fruits, vegetables and grains was my starting point. Raw nuts and seeds, with an emphasis on hemp and flax, and legumes supply me with protein and essential fatty acids. The majority of vitamins and minerals I require come from fresh, raw vegetables – dark leafy green ones in particular. Specifically, foods that offer a superior net gain are: • • • •

alkaline forming, high in chlorophyll rich in enzymes, raw and alive rich in prebiotics and probiotics best consumed in liquid form such as a smoothie

It’s easy to pack nutrients into liquid form to improve their assimilation by the body; basically allowing the body to get what it wants while expending less energy to get it. I have one or more nutrient-packed shakes daily to ensure that I get all the nutrients I need to support my activity level. Also, since it’s important to eat several meals and/or snacks a day, it’s convenient to make one or more of the liquid variety when you’re busy. Ideally, a shake should contain all the nutrients that a compete meal does. First, make sure that the protein is an easily digestible one, such as hemp, which is packed with live enzymes that improve digestion and absorption. The shake also includes several supplements. For essential fatty acids (especially omega-3), I use ground-up whole flax seeds. Maca, a powdered root, which is an adaptogen, adrenal tonic and a source of sterols and sterolins, is also a critical ingredient. Chlorella, for its detoxifying properties, naturally occurring vitamin B12, growth factor, nucleic acids and rich chlorophyll content, is another worthy addition. After adding these four ingredients, I blend it all up with whole fruit and water or nut milk. Feel free to experiment with all kinds of fruit for variety. Berries are always desirable as they are loaded with antioxidants. Raw carob powder is also a nice addition. Remember, when it comes to improving net gain, the key lesson is if you don’t spend it, you’ll still have it. Think in terms of energy conservation when it comes to vital body functions such as digestion and assimilation to help you perform better at work, home and play. Brendan Brazier is a professional Ironman triathlete, two-time Canadian 50km Ultra Marathon Champion and bestselling author of “The Thrive Diet”. He is also the creator of the award-winning VEGA line of whole food products. Brendan’s latest book, The Thrive Diet (Penguin, 2007), includes 100 balanced, plantbased, whole food recipes.

VISTA Magazine Issue 62




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Why is Alignment Important for Health? Part II – Energy By Dr Christian Guenette


f we compare the body to a simple machine, we see that it has many similarities: moving parts designed for locomotion (joints, muscles and ligaments), a fuel-distribution system providing energy for the moving parts (circulation and digestion), an on-board computer to regulate all of these systems (brain), and an electrical system to connect the computer to the rest of the body (nervous system). When everything works properly, the human machine can be considered healthy. Alignment is a key factor in ensuring proper function in all of these areas.

Have you ever felt chronically fatigued? Have you felt that a workout was harder than expected – perhaps an easy five kilometre run felt more like it was 10 kilometres? You could have been experiencing an alignment problem, and this may have been what was “zapping” your energy. When proper alignment is lacking, your physiological systems are required to work harder, consuming more energy and functioning less efficiently, leaving you feeling drained when you shouldn’t. If you experience this condition over a long period of time, this could be one of the factors that lead to chronic fatigue.

fore, if misalignment exists in the musculoskeletal system, tension in the muscles can cause abnormal compression of blood vessels in these tight areas. Varicose veins are a common sign that this type of compression exists. When tissues do not have proper drainage through veins, waste removal can be hindered, and toxicity can build up in these cells, creating ill health. When arteries are compressed, tissues supplied by these blood vessels will receive less nutrition and oxygen. Your body’s energy is produced by the combustion of glucose (blood sugar) in the presence of oxygen; therefore, cells will not survive without oxygen or food. Many diseases can be caused by the deprivation of proper circulation, which in turn may be directly caused by improper alignment of the body.

Alignment for locomotion

Alignment and brain-body communication

Alignment and circulation

Dr. Christian Guenette owns Back2Health Chiropractic in Vancouver, BC. His clinic is the first in Western Canada to incorporate Trigenics® treatments which, when combined with chiropractic adjustments, constitute the “missing link” in mind-body medicine. For more information, visit

Alignment affects energy

Mechanically speaking, the body functions best when all moving parts are in a state of ease and alignment. It’s nature’s design. Symmetry can be observed in the human body from left to right, and your undulating spinal curves help to absorb the shock of walking, running and jumping. When the body is in this naturally-aligned state, minimal stress is felt in the joints, and movement is relatively easy. When the body experiences postural misalignment, greater muscular effort is required to keep you upright relative to gravity, and this can result in the typical feeling of being tense in specific areas. Increased tension in the muscular system leads to greater compressive loading of your joints. Consequently, freedom of movement within the joint decreases. With less movement, the surfaces of the joints receive less nutrition, and this can lead to early degenerative joint disease, also known as osteoarthritis. When joints are restricted due to poor alignment, more muscle contraction will be required to produce the same movement. Since movement represents the conversion of cellular energy to kinetic energy, joint restriction produces a greater drain on the body’s energy systems. Thus, even the simplest movements will require greater effort. Over time, if this misalignment persists, it can contribute to the feelings of fatigue and chronic pain. Wherever muscle tension and joint restriction exist, tendons and ligaments are also prone to experiencing greater tension, which can lead to friction spots wherever they cross each other. Inflammation typically accompanies these areas of friction, and tendonitis and bursitis are commonly found associated with joints that are not aligned properly. Alignment in the body is also very important to the body’s fuel distribution. Blood vessels often pass right through the abdominal muscles. There-



Alignment influences proper functioning of the brain-body communication network. The brain is the master-controller of our physiology, and it communicates with the rest of the body via the nervous system. The main conduit of this communication network is the spinal cord, contained within the column of the 24 vertebrae (plus sacrum and coccyx) that make up the spine. Information is passed along this system by means of electrical impulses, and these impulses represent a form of energy transmission. It has been shown that when vertebrae get out of alignment, this can cause either inflammation or pinching of nerves, both of which may interfere with the electrical transmission of information along these nerves. When the electrical transmission of these impulses is diminished, proper feedback loops between the brain and the body required to regulate all physical systems cannot be maintained. As a result, dysfunctional patterns are likely to develop in any tissue affected by this communication breakdown. Since many systems of the body can be affected by misalignment, paying attention to proper alignment is critical to your health. Aches and pains, strains and sprains, and symptoms of chronic fatigue can all be caused by misalignment. Particularly important is the spine because all other systems depend upon the proper alignment of this part of the body. Chiropractors are specifically trained in the detection and correction of spinal misalignment. Have a spinal assessment with your chiropractor; you will be amazed at how many different symptoms you may be having that could be caused by misalignment!

VISTA Magazine Issue 62

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Eating Patterns – It’s Time to Hold the Bacon By Vince Ziccarelli


anadians are very accepting of many different foods, both ethnic and local. Acceptance and tolerance are fundamental to humanity, and are great societal traits of Canada. Unfortunately, an increasing tolerance of unhealthy foods is also an undeniable Canadian trend.

Time to hold the bacon

Between 1981 and 1996, the percentage of overweight Canadian adults rose from 48 to 57 percent for men, and from 30 to 35 percent among women. Despite these figures, the pace at which Canadians are gaining weight appears to be tapering off. A recent National Population Health Survey following a select group of people between 1996 and 2005 found that the weight gained was significantly lower in more recent years. The report noted that adults aged 18 to 33 experienced the greatest weight gain, while those between 50 and 64 gained the least. This suggests that as we age, we start to make lifestyle changes that help to curb unhealthy weight. However, it is imperative that Canadians make positive lifestyle changes sooner since most chronic diseases start to develop early in life.

Canadian children are far from the ideal

According to results from the 2004 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), high calorie beverages account for 20 percent of children’s and teens’ caloric intake. To compound this, 7 out of 10 children do not consume the minimum of five servings of fruit and vegetables daily and 37 percent aren’t consuming the recommended two servings of dairy products. Although children are missing food groups critical to health, the number of obese children is growing, indicating a diet rich in calories yet low in essential nutrients.

Canadian adults are poor nutrition role models

The Canadian Community Health Survey reports that half of Canadian adults don’t consume the minimum five servings daily of fruit and vegetables. Over a quarter of Canadians obtain more than 35 percent of their calories from fat. Canadian adults consume more calories from snacks daily than from breakfast. This suggests that many Canadians are compromising their breakfast, one of the most important meals of the day. Children make poor nutritional choices because adults set poor examples.

Make a change for the better

Step 1: Drink for health. One of the simplest ways to get a handle on your weight is to make wiser beverage choices. Instead of designer coffees, soda pops and sweetened juices select plain water and flavour it with a twist of lemon or orange. Water hydrates the body, lubricates joints, supports natural detoxification and curbs appetite. Also, teas such as fennel, chamomile, rooibos, green and white tea are rich in antioxidants and support digestion. Step 2: Watch portion distortion. Most people are unaware of portion sizes and consume super-sized meals. Check the Canada Food Guide for healthy eating (, and become familiar with serving sizes from each food group, and the recommended number of servings that should be eaten daily. Sedentary lifestyles require a smaller number of servings while active ones require a greater number of servings.



Step 3: Eat three square meals a day. It never ceases to amaze me the number of people that skip meals. They go most of the day without balanced meals and then more than make up for it when they get home in the evening. To distribute your fuel evenly, have at least three meals from healthy, whole foods daily. Eating five smaller meals throughout the day optimizes blood sugar levels, metabolic rate, digestive function and energy levels, and your appetite will be regulated, which prevents cravings that lead to poor nutritional choices. Step 4: Select healthy snacks 90 percent of the time. Over 60 percent of Canadians prefer snacks to meals. If you are going to snack, choose foods that support your health and boost your metabolism like fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products. Step 5: Bulk up on fruits and vegetables. Eat more vegetables. These are very rich in vitamin C, carotenoids, vitamin E, bioflavonoids, trace minerals, phytosterols, folate, fibre, vitamin K, potassium, magnesium and thousands of health promoting phytochemicals. Eating more of these is the single most important change anyone can make to their diet. A medium sized fruit or vegetable (such as a carrot), a half cup of dense vegetables or one cup of leafy vegetables provides one serving. Step 6: Supplement sensibly. The vast nutritional supplement options can be overwhelming and lead to selecting inappropriately. Look at your own dietary gaps and supplement with nutritional whole food supplements that fill those gaps. Choose products that are plant based with protein, dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. There are excellent options that taste great, provide balanced nourishment and can be used as a quick snack or meal substitute on hectic days. Healthy whole food meal supplements are a much better choice than eating calorie rich, nutrient poor fast foods. Used sensibly, these supplements can help you to achieve a healthier body weight. Step 7: Be organized. Whether or not you eat healthier is dependent on your food organizing abilities. Make foods easily accessible by stocking up on healthy pre-prepared lunches and snacks made the night before or early in the morning. Research quick and healthy recipes that can be made ahead and stored in your fridge and freezer. Step 8: Have fun with food. Enjoying meals together is integral to our existence. Most cultural and social interaction revolves around food. It’s time to celebrate with choices that respect our rights for health. References available from VISTA. Vince Ziccarelli has a private nutrition practice. You can learn more about him at

VISTA Magazine Issue 62

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VISTA Magazine Issue 62



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The Fat Follies Part 1: The fattest problem Dr Michael Colgan


he latest figures from the US Centers for Disease Control show that 7 out of 10 Americans are fat to the point of illness. Health Canada figures show that 5 out of every 10 Canadians are in the same condition. In October 2008, Health Canada reported that Canadians are fatter than had been reported because investigation of previous surveys shows that many people under-estimated their weight and over-estimated their height. This massive overweight burden and its resulting diseases drive sufferers to desperation for anything to help them shed fat. In 2007, the US spent $26 billion on prescription drugs for weight gain and its complications, more than the cost of medications for any other illness, including cancer. That price is small, however, compared with the amount spent on popular diet plans, health clubs, boot camps, fat farms, liposuction, low-fat foods, and the bewildering array of non-prescription weight loss lotions, potions and pills. Then there are the gismos: crunch boards, abdominal machines, elliptical trainers, stair-climbers, treadmills and vibrating platforms. At spas, there are saunas, steam baths, seaweed body wraps, fierce pummeling by Amazon ladies wielding weird vibrating machines, and the latest fad: foam rubber clubs to beat the reluctant fat off. It is simply not working. Despite all of this, since I first wrote The Battle of the Bulge 27 years ago, we have grown a lot fatter during the last decade. Since 1995, for example, the proportion of US children who are seriously overweight has doubled, from 8 to16 percent. The US Centers for Disease Control consider the present overweight epidemic to be by far the biggest health problem in America, a problem that is now dragging American health down towards the level of health in developing countries. US life expectancy increased by two years each decade from 1980 to 2000. Since then it has hardly increased, and the latest figures suggest it has been declining since 2005. Unfortunately, despite the evidence, body fat is still considered mainly a cosmetic problem. One of the largest insurance companies will not pay for weight-loss drugs, even for those who are obese. The primary motivation to lose weight is still to look better. As with all look-better products, the market attracts every swindle in the book. In this series of articles, I will expose some

of the worst offenders, show you the science of being overweight, and pinpoint exactly what you can do to lose fat and stay lean for life.

Fat is not a simple problem

Body fat is not simple. It is not just “calories in and calories out.” It’s not just “eat less and exercise more.” Recent science has defined the mechanisms of fat control very well. They are an integral part of the same exquisite chemistry that runs everything else in your body. Multiple systems exert tight and continuous controls, right from the DNA code buried deep in the nuclei of your brain cells to the fatty liquid that oozes out of your feet every day. These controls are there to protect you from harm by preventing any rapid change. They neutralize almost anything you do that threatens the body’s cells or organs, including its adipose cells (where fat is stored). We know now that adipose cells are not simply deposit bags for fat. They are superb electro-chemical systems that emit and receive hormonal and neural signals every second. They know a lot better than you do what is going on in your metabolism. If you use drugs to up-regulate one or two controls that release fat from adipose cells and enable its use as energy, other controls will combat them immediately. The best we can do is to use a combination of strategies that affect most of the fat control systems lightly, so the alarm bells do not ring. We literally have to fool the chemistry of the body to allow us to make any permanent change in our level of body fat. That is not the story you get in the marketplace. In advertising, every new fat loss product is a burgeoning “miracle” that melts fat away. The fanciest ploys are big budget productions with white-coated physicians of serious mien showcasing their trim and supple trophy bodies that, a few months before, reputedly resembled Porky the Pig. Every new product has to mount similar charades because it is competing with more than 200 other “miracles” in one of the most cutthroat markets in the world. Because of novelty, each new product gains sales for a while. Often, however, the salespeople confuse novelty with efficacy. Their repetitive superlatives run sour as the customers see only their wallets grow slimmer. But there is always another new “miracle” out there just waiting for your online clicks to find it. One dear client of ours summed it up recently: “I have tried every-



VISTA Magazine Issue 62

thing, but I’ve been losing the same 20 pounds repeatedly for the past decade. The fat comes back, the cost per pound to lose it again is rising out of sight, and all of the best-performing drugs are now banned.”

Prescription drugs for fat loss

Where is weight loss science now? Totally reject the deluded fat loss advertising on TV, in other media, and in the raving reports of multi-level salespeople. As a medical scientist studying the problem for the last 34 years, I can tell you that I have never encountered any secret formulas, mysterious herbs, hidden knowledge, or magic potions that will remove body fat. The scientific research on fat loss is all published, known, and freely available to every biochemist. Weight loss is a very lucrative field for pharmaceutical companies, offering over 200 million potential customers worldwide who can afford their costly patented wares. If there are effective fat loss drugs, pharmaceutical companies are the most likely to have the best chemists, best technology and greatest motivation to make them. But are they doing it?


A few years ago, some drug combinations offset some of the major fat controls of thermogenesis, metabolism and appetite. Preparations containing the amphetamines dexedrine and methamphetamine were legally prescribed and used by many millions of people in the 1970s. These drugs disrupt fat control systems primarily by accelerating brain function out of control. They produce excitement, high energy and high activity for long periods, often to the point of aggression and violence. When they wear off, the users suffer depression from exhaustion of brain neurotransmitter systems and organs such as the adrenals. Stay tuned for part two, in the next issue of VISTA. Michael Colgan, PhD, CCN, is an internationally renowned scientist. He is acknowledged as an antiaging expert. He formed the Colgan Institute in 1974, a consulting and research facility focused on nutrition, athletic performance and anti-aging, and has served as a consultant to the US National Institute on Aging and to the Canadian and New Zealand governments. His latest books are Save Your Brain, 2008, and Strong Bones, 2009.

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It’s Okay to Want to Look Fabulous By Carol Crenna


f we all lived in the fictional world of Stepford, Connecticut, we could manage the time consuming rituals that make others envious of our perfect, youthful skin. But at the end of the day when we’re handed our reality check, as the book The Beauty Prescription states, “We’re just trying to do whatever we can to look beautiful while juggling life’s other demands. Sometimes we succeed. Other times we just thank our lucky stars that we’re not followed by paparazzi.” As authors Dr. Debra Luftman and Dr. Eva Ritvo remind us, we can’t hide from our outer beauty. Skin is a hyper-sensitive link to our mind, body and the outside world, and is a walking billboard for our overall health. A new field of medical research, according to these doctors, suggests that the skin is an intelligent, independent system of its own. And unfortunately (or fortunately) it’s not good at keeping secrets; it reveals everything that’s going wrong, whether we’ve had a bad week at the office, had too much cheer over the holidays, or caught an illness. When we look at someone, how do we try to

determine their age? By their skin, of course. Many external and internal causes of aging skin are determined by the decisions we make every day. An important part of any skin care regimen, then, is to know what we may be doing that is harming our skin. We all know the usual culprits like smoking, not getting enough sleep, eating processed “dead” foods, and drinking alcohol, but there are many others. They include wearing a skin cream that is too heavy, which may cause clogged pores and whiteheads, and wearing foundation on age spots (or keratoses) when in the sun, which can make them larger due to UV rays’ reactions with certain makeup chemicals. Here are five other habits that make us look older than our years: 1. Poor digestion: If we experience bloating, gas, acid reflux (heartburn), constipation, diarrhea or indigestion, it is often revealed on our skin as adult acne or scaly dermatitis. The food we eat isn’t being properly digested and used but is putrefying and causing toxins in a backed-up system. To clear up skin, lose weight and feel more energetic, we should combine foods eaten together better (avoiding starchy carbs with meat, and not eating fruit after a meal, just before). We should avoid coffee or black tea right after a meal since it disrupts digestion, and eat four or five small meals instead of two large ones since they are much easier to digest. To find out if we have an intolerance or sensitivity to a certain food, which often causes skin reactions, we should avoid all wheat, dairy, red meat, nuts, soy, corn, eggs, alcohol and caffeine for one month and then slowly add them back into the diet one by one, watching for reactions. 2. Frowning: We carry a lot of tension in our face, which shows up as deep furrows, frown lines, tight lips, a clenched jaw and hollow eyes. As Dr. Steven Melemis states in the book Make Room for Happiness, aging is not just the passage of time but the accumulation of tension, which takes its toll on our face. Relaxation gives us an inner and outer beauty that can’t be faked. Melemis says that almost as much of our brain is used to control the muscles of our face as the rest of our body, and to relax all of the 70 muscles in our face, we simply need to smile. A gentle smile is said to reach up to our eyes, relax the forehead



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and continue right down to the jaw to smooth away tension. Gently smiling for 10 minutes prevents wrinkles… and makes us feel happier. 3. A low fat diet: If we begin a crash diet to drop a few pounds fast, the results will show up on our face as sagging, sallow skin. A low fat diet makes skin drier since moisture to the skin comes from within the body not just from creams put on the surface. It also deprives our skin of the vital nutrients that it needs to be healthy. Essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 help lock in skin moisture. Supplementing daily with 1 to 3 grams of fish oil, one to two tablespoons of flaxseed oil, or 270 milligrams of gamma linolenic acid (GLA), which is the active ingredient in borage oil and evening primrose oil, will help. Dabbing a few drops of either borage or evening primrose oil on the face after moisturizing also increases suppleness. 4. Lack of romance: We all know the look of falling in love: a glowing, slightly flushed, youthful complexion, sparkling eyes and a faraway permanent smile. When we don’t have this in our lives, or the phase of love that follows it – deep, companionable but still passionate love – our skin reflects that love deficiency just like any other “nutrient” deficiency. In the book Put Passion First by Dr. Carol Cassell, she says that chemicals including dopamine, norepinehrine and seratonin create that rosy-hued euphoria, particularly dopamine, which is released when thinking about our lover. We need to work to either find a love interest, or to rekindle this connection in our mate simply by daydreaming about them in the same way that we used to, not noticing any of their faults. 5. Sloth-like behaviour: Energy and vitality in the skin come from an energetic, vital lifestyle. Exercise is the youth elixir, with many restorative powers that are directly revealed in our face. We need to participate in an activity every single day that engages our muscles and elevates our heart rate. Skiing, swimming, climbing stairs or having a snowball fight are all aerobic exercises that induce perspiration which flushes toxins, reduces the effects of stress, and increases oxygen circulating to our skin. Strength training creates muscle which burns 20 times more calories than fat and also creates a more shapely jawline because it makes us clench our jaw when straining to lift weights.

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Sarah Chalke Writes a

Prescription for Success With two Prime Time TV shows airing at the same time, ABC’s Scrubs and CBS’s How I Met Your Mother, you would think that former Vancouverite Sarah Chalke wouldn’t be able to take time for anything more than her act‑ ing career. However health and wellness was important to her long before she began playing a doctor’s character on Scrubs. VISTA speaks with her about her lifestyle. 28


By Carol Crenna

VISTA: You’ve been Dr. Elliot Reid on Scrubs for eight years. Have you learned much about medical science from being on the show? Sarah: I’ve always been a hypochondriac; I think I got what some medical students have — they diagnose themselves having everything that they study. I’ve been convinced that I had half a dozen diseases over the years. The medical jargon is more like speaking another language; I just memorize it. We have a doctor on set to make sure we pronounce terms correctly and that surgery procedures are done accurately. That said, we still get calls because the opening credits show backward x-rays. VISTA: Are you vegetarian? Sarah: I was, but not now. I read Diet for a New America when I was 12 years old and it was so painful to read that, though I loved meat at the time, I became vegetarian overnight. I grew up in a household in which half of the people were vegetarian anyway – my sister, my grandmother, and my father, after he was diagnosed with arthritis. But I gave up all protein at

VISTA Magazine Issue 62 that age, not knowing what to substitute meat with, and I think it stunted my growth. I was the shortest person in my class until I started eating fish again. When Scrubs started, I began eating chicken and now I also eat red meat once in a while. VISTA: Why? Sarah: My diet has evolved; I think you have to go with what you feel your body needs. For me it was difficult working on a set for 12 to 14 hours a day and still getting enough energy from the right foods. I also only had access to what was available. At first I tried to prepare my own and bring it, but trying to make something at 4 a.m. for the next day became ridiculous. VISTA: You’re still a healthy eater. Sarah: We grew up eating healthy food finished with decadent dessert so that’s still what I crave — it’s all about balance. I eat lots of veggies and fruit… and dark chocolate. I read Fit for Life 10 years ago and began proper food combining, which I found very helpful and gave me a lot of energy. Eventually at work, we found a healthy caterer that allowed me to specifically order what I wanted to get all of the nutrients that I need. They deliver three meals and two snacks per day which keeps my energy high. Of course it’s difficult to eat five times a day if you’re busy and don’t have someone delivering it! VISTA: Do you take any supplements or do alternative therapies? Sarah: I get acupuncture on a weekly basis, and take traditional Chinese herbs. It’s been for great for stress relief since I had been working very long hours. My mother and a couple of friends had incredible results with acupuncture, and I have noticed such a difference; you go in for one ailment and it ends up curing three others. Sometimes I’m so relaxed afterwards I feel like I shouldn’t be driving home. I take supplements including an omega-3, -6 and -9 combination, and a multivitamin every day, and I pour flax oil right onto grainy artisan toast instead of butter; it tastes great! VISTA: You were very active when you lived in Vancouver: you skied, snowboarded and kayaked. What do you do now to keep in shape? Sarah: I have the cutest dog, a chocolate lab that the show’s cast got for me at a charity auction, and I take her hiking at least four times a week. We take our dogs to work so there are about eight dogs on set. I love yoga and do it when I can squeeze it in, and a class that combines yoga, kickboxing, rope jumping and other cardio. I got very spoiled growing up in Vancouver close to hiking trails and ski hills.

VISTA: What do you do to unwind? Sarah: Going for a hike or having friends over and cooking dinner are my favourite ways. After completing Scrubs and then How I Met Your Mother, I have had some time off to do those things. It’s made me appreciate balance; it’s as important to not do work as it is to do work. In order to really unwind you have to take a substantial amount of time physically getting away with cell phone turned off. VISTA: You’ve been on David Letterman, Ellen DeGeneres and Conan O’Brien. Do you get nervous? Sarah: It’s different than acting, and a very unique experience. I do get nervous. It has to do with loss of control; the interview can go in any direction that the interviewer wants to take it. It’s becoming easier, but I still get that feeling in my stomach before I walk on set and think, “Why am I doing this? Was this a good idea?” They brief you beforehand, but sometimes they spontaneously steer you in a completely different direction. I think interviews are the most fun for people to watch on TV when not pre-determined or rehearsed. VISTA: Do you think about aging, living in LA as a TV celebrity? Sarah: Yes, of course. It’s an industry that keeps a lot of pressure on women. I feel lucky that I’ve been on Scrubs for all of these years but I look back on the first episodes and say, “We were babies! What happened?!” It’s important to keep it in perspective, enjoy the ride while it’s happening, and try not to get too attached, though I would be lying if I said aging never crosses my mind. I don’t know whether I will ever get facial surgery, but I do know that my grandmother was the most beautiful looking woman until the day she died and did nothing but put a little cream on her face. Aging is part of life so we shouldn’t fight it too much. VISTA: You played Becky on Roseanne for a long time. Was it difficult breaking free from the teen image in TV roles?

“My parents own an adoption agency in Vancouver and I’ve traveled around the world to orphanages with them, the first time when I was three.”

VISTA: Why do you focus on giving to children’s charities? Sarah: My parents own an adoption agency in Vancouver and I’ve traveled around the world to orphanages with them, the first time when I was three. I accompanied them to China to coordinate the adoption of several orphans there. You learn firsthand how the majority of the world lives so it has become a huge priority to help. I work with a charity called Half the Sky that helps orphans in China and with a charity in South Africa. VISTA: You play a self conscious, slightly clumsy character on Scrubs, and in real life you have sprained your ankle four times… Sarah: I’ve actually sprained my ankle seven times. I’ve done it four times while working on Scrubs and it gets more embarrassing every time I do it. I’ve sprained it doing everything from walking my dog to getting up from a chair — my foot fell asleep and I fell flat on my face when I tried to get up. VISTA: Do you believe that your body is trying to tell you something? It’s thought to spiritually mean “not knowing confidently which direction to turn in your life.”

Sarah: I was on it when I was 17, and it was an incredible learning experience but I didn’t have enough of a part to become well identified with that.

Sarah: That is very interesting.

VISTA: Before that you played an environmental reporter on Kids Zone at age 12. Does environmental preservation still interest you?

Sarah: Maneater. It’s a miniseries based on Gigi Levangie’s book and is being directed by Timothy Busfield.

Sarah: Absolutely. It’s important to my entire family. My parents wanted us to grow up aware and eco-conscious so we recycled and had a compost system.

VISTA: Do you get to Canada often?



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VISTA: On that note, what’s next, since Scrubs had its final season?

Sarah: Yes, my family is still in Vancouver. I was there to take my nieces and nephew out on Halloween and ski at Whistler during the winter.

Clean Bill of Health By John Austen


here’s a lot of talk about detoxification – detoxing diets, detoxing therapies and supplements – and experts claim these can help you to get clean from the inside out to lose weight, gain energy, boost mental clarity, clear skin, purify organs, and even aid in reducing serious diseases. Toxins are eliminated through your liver, bowel, kidneys, lungs, lymph and blood…and one very important but sometimes disregarded organ, the skin. Your skin is the largest organ, and anyone with skin troubles (such as acne or eczema) knows that when your system is clogged by an unhealthy lifestyle or stress, those

toxins show up on your skin before they are eliminated. Even if you’ve sworn off diet pop and Doritos in the New Year, your body still gets hit with a daily barrage of toxins, from coffee to cleaners. Over time, a buildup of toxins can cause problems such as fatigue, sluggish digestion and allergies. Even if you’re health conscious, it’s a good idea to detoxify the body to push those toxins out of your system. Yes, they may first end up on your skin, but then they will be gone. One way to come clean, inside and out, through your skin is by sitting in a sauna, particularly one using far infrared heat. This heat causes toxins to be released by cells. The sweating process it produces carries away deeply imbedded impurities and dead skin cells. Your skin also benefits from increased blood flow, leaving it glowing and clean. Increased circulation draws the skin’s nutrients to the surface, improving skin tone, texture, elasticity and colour. If you suffer from ailments such as acne, eczema, psoriasis and burns, very good results have been reported after using an infrared sauna regularly. A few decades ago, Japanese researchers looked into the therapeutic benefits of far infrared heat. Dr. Toshiko Yamazaki MD, author of The Science of Far Infrared Therapies, investigated how far infrared helps body tissues release toxins. Dr. Yamazaki discovered that capillary vessels dilate when exposed to far infrared heat. Once dilated, these vessels kick-start a process that helps eliminate toxins such as lead, mercury and chlorine from the body. He found that water molecules in the blood vibrate when exposed to a far infrared wave. This causes the bonds of hydrogen, oxygen (and toxin) atoms in water molecules to weaken and break down, releasing toxic substances in the process. As a result, toxins are more easily removed from the body through sweat and breathing.



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During far infrared exposure, as your body performs work to cool itself, your heart rate goes up. All this activity conditions your cardiovascular system and burns calories just like exercise does. In fact, some people burn up to 600 calories during a typical one hour sauna session. The radiant heat also provides pain relief from injuries and chronic conditions. It is said to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels and stimulate your body’s immune response. Muscles relax when tissues are warm, offering greater flexibility, decreased joint stiffness, and better range of motion. Far infrared is also now being used to treat arthritis and fibromyalgia. (Many sufferers have gone into remission after undergoing a regimen of far infrared sauna treatments.) Researchers in Japan are investigating the effects of far infrared treatment for cancer. Cancer cells become unstable at elevated body temperatures and die at temperatures above 107 degrees Fahrenheit (41.7 degrees Celsius). Far infrared heat from these saunas penetrates deep into tissues, up to 3.8 centimetres (1.5 inches), and heats up cell tissue as it passes through. These saunas feature special heaters that emit far infrared light in a controlled fashion so that you perspire at a lower, more comfortable temperature than with traditional saunas or steam rooms. Some far infrared saunas incorporate full spectrum lighting, which is the closest thing to natural sunlight. At this time of year they can be a lifesaver for SAD sufferers or just those with winter blues. Just as lying in the sun gives you that overall feeling of warmth, spending 30 minutes in a sauna also leaves you feeling relaxed, but with no damaging ultraviolet rays. In simpler times our bodies were equipped to cleanse themselves by using the foods we ate, the water we drank and the active lifestyles we lived. With today’s environmental toxin and stress filled lifestyles, our bodies are ill equipped to detoxify themselves. Avoidance is essential, but finding a way to rid ourselves of the toxins that have already accumulated is also an important part of the equation. Hyperthermic (sweating) treatments have been used by cultures for millennia. Saunas are a modern equivalent to the “sweat lodges” of the past. It’s important to keep hydrated when using any sauna. Drink pure water before and after since water loss can disturb normal heart rhythms and also cause dizziness, nausea and fatigue. Begin slowly and gradually work your way up to an hour each session.

Beneficial Bacteria By Dr Serenity Aberdour

Though the word “bacteria” is often associated with epi‑ demic illness and an unsani‑ tary environment, not all bac‑ teria are a cause for concern; in fact some are essential for our health. Probiotics are a category of beneficial bacteria that help to promote not only wellness of the gastrointestinal tract, but also overall health. Although they have been around for decades, probiotic supplements are garnering increased attention in recent years as more products appear and as research points to their many health benefits.


robiotics are lactic acid producing bacteria that live in our gastrointestinal (GI) tract and on other mucus membranes in the body. In the intestine, there are two main groups of these bacteria: Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. Within these two groups there are various species and strains, each with their own unique benefits. But in general these friendly bacteria participate in: digestion, nutrient production (some vitamins are made within the gut), reduction of infection and disease of the intestinal tract and, as recent research suggests, support of immune function.

How to take them

In order to provide the most benefit, it is important that probiotics be present fairly consistently over time. The length of time that a probiotic will

remain in the body varies by the ability of that probiotic to hold on to the cells of the GI tract and this quality differs between different species of probiotic. Because of this, taking a probiotic regularly and in two to three doses per day is the best way to ensure consistently balanced flora (both “good” and “bad” bacteria that live inside us).

How much to take

There is a range of dosages that can be recommended for probiotics depending on the goal. For treating specific health complaints, some studies have supplemented adults with hundreds of billions of friendly bacteria a day. For general health promotion, much lower doses of five to 10 billion have been used successfully. In general, probiotics are very safe. As a naturopathic doctor, I regularly recommend doses in the 10s to 100s of billions for various health complaints in adults without any adverse effects.

Do you need a probiotic?

When considering all of the issues that can lead to imbalance in intestinal flora, you will see why most people can benefit from probiotic supplementation:


As we age, there are gradual decreases in the number of bifidobacteria in our intestine, a factor that may reduce our resistance to infections. In addition, preliminary research shows that some probiotic supplements may improve impaired immunity in elderly individuals. Oral use of probiotics has also been shown to help reduce oral candida albicans (yeast overgrowth) in the elderly, reducing the risk of high yeast counts by 75 percent.


Fermented foods and fibre found in vegetables such as onions, leeks and asparagus can help to increase our intestinal flora naturally. However, people with busy lifestyles may not include high enough amounts of these types of foods in their diet.


Although these medications help to kill disease causing bacteria, they may also disrupt beneficial bacteria, leading to gastrointestinal side effects.



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A common side effect experienced is antibioticassociated diarrhea. The use of probiotics has been shown to be helpful in preventing this side effect in adults and children. The many potential therapeutic uses for probiotics include: relief from inflammatory bowel disease, reduction in inflammation of colon tissue in ulcerative colitis (UC), improvement of eczema in children over two years old, relief from diarrhea, and more. There are many potential benefits of probiotic use, and with current research only beginning to scratch the surface of the health potential of friendly bacteria, there is no telling what the future may hold. Dr. Serenity Aberdour, ND is a naturopathic physician in Vancouver. She has a general family practice focusing on natural and preventative medicine. For more information, please visit

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The Healing Properties of Pinecones By Zane Boronowski

During the course of human evolution, it was discovered that many plants con‑ tained substances which prevented or cured disease. Knowledge regarding the cura‑ tive powers of plants and plant extracts became enshrined in what is now known as “tra‑ ditional medicine,” even though the way these substances worked was not known.


oday it is common knowledge that plantderived products, such as vitamin C (derived from fruits and vegetables), aspirin (made from the bark of the willow tree), and taxol (a potent anti-cancer drug derived from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree) are important tools of modern medicine. More recently, it has become highly publicized that plants like the one producing green tea are great sources of antioxidants. Pinecones also offer health benefits. They have a long history of medicinal use dating back to the Greek physician Dioscorides in 514 AD. The Japanese discovered the medicinal benefits of pinecone extract 500 years ago, and its extract is still used in Japan for illnesses ranging from the common cold to cancer (Sakagami et al, 1991). Ingestion of pinecones, called “matsu,” or drinking tea brewed from them has long been associated with increased health and longevity in

Japan, and since that population has the longest lifespan in the world, there is evidence that the immune system may benefit from pinecones. Over 20 years of research and 35 peer-reviewed scientific studies in the US reveal the pinecone’s antibacterial, antiviral and anti-tumour properties. There is compelling evidence pinecone extract has very strong immunologic effects. One experiment on cancerous tumours in mice (Jaroszeski et al 2006) combined electrochemotherapy (ECT) with pinecone extract. Success in this experiment was defined as the complete absence of the tumour at the end of 50 days. The results were remarkable. Groups of animals that received oral pinecone extract after ECT had complete response rates (absence of tumour) ranging from 50 to 64 percent 50 days after initial treatment. In contrast, animals in these same experiments that received only ECT had a 31 percent complete response rate. This represents a doubling of the complete response rate attributed to pinecone extract. Similarly, animals treated with intratumoral (inside the tumour) pinecone extract after ECT had complete response rates ranging from 81.8 to 100 percent. Animals treated with ECT alone had a 25 percent complete response. Thus intratumoral PCE administered for five days post treatment increased the complete response rate at day 50 three to fourfold.

What’s in a pinecone that promotes healing?

Current studies show that a highly concentrated extract derived from pinecones called PPC (polyphenylpropenoid-polysaccharide complex) acts to bolster the immune system, and significant progress is being made in understanding the way it works.



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How do its substances heal?

Pinecone extract promotes immune cell development. It has been demonstrated (Bradley et al, 2003) that the active component of pinecone extract is capable of promoting immature dendritic cells into mature dendritic cells. Dendritic cells in turn stimulate killer T-cells (super fighters that protect the immune system) that are then able to respond to bacteria and foreign invaders that the immune system has not yet encountered. That makes dendritic cells central to the body’s defense against viruses, bacteria and destructive cells involved in illnesses including cancer. As soon as dendritic cells recognize a foreign invader such as infectious agents, cancer or an immune disorder, they send “troops” (other immune cells) to eradicate the problem. This process is enhanced by PPC (polyphenylpropenoid-polysaccharide complex). The way it works is still under investigation. At this time, research is being conducted to gain a fuller understanding of the specific interactions occurring between the dendritic cells and the troops under their command (macrophages, natural killer cells) and the way PPC exerts its effect. We all know that lifestyle decisions impact the health of our immune system. There are occasions, however, when our immune system requires a boost to fight illness. This is when supplements become an important component of health. Pinecone extract is proving to be an effective herbal remedy to support our body’s defenses. Scientific research into the medical use of pinecone extract is ongoing, and results continue to increase researchers’ understanding of how this natural remedy can help the body to heal itself. Zane Boronowski is a certified nutritionist.

Recipe for Health

Post Celebration Soup By Tracy Holly


he holiday celebrations have come to an end and you’re probably feeling a bit out of sorts with a diet of rich and fancy fare over the past month. This soup recipe is going to assist in holiday fat loss and give you more energy to start the New Year off with a bang! Post celebration soup not only tastes great but it’s a natural cleanser and has healing properties to boot. Post celebration soup is easy to make and you can freeze it or store it in the fridge for a couple of days. Take it to work with you in a thermos; you can enjoy this soup for lunch or dinner. Your family will reap the multitude of health benefits. Fresh ginger can help with alcohol withdrawal, act as an antacid, work as an anti-inflammatory and has antiviral properties. It’s a powerful immune booster. Fresh garlic has antibiotic properties. It reduces and prevents fever, helps to expel parasites, is a sudorific which promotes sweating, and a diuretic which boosts the excretion of unwanted fluids. Chilies contain capsaicin, the potent substance that gives them their fiery character. Almost 80 percent of the capsaicin in a chili is in its seeds and membranes. Chilies can act as a beneficial digestive tonic, and benefit the heart and circulation. It is a mild but effective “pick-me-up.” Chilies are a source vitamin of C and valuable antioxidants, and are used by herbalists to treat high blood pressure.

Your family will reap the multitude of health benefits. Fresh ginger can assist with alcohol withdrawal, act as an antacid, work as an anti-inflammatory and has antiviral properties. It’s a powerful

Post celebration soup In a large pot add 8 cups of filtered water and ½ cup Braggs Aminos. Add 1 Tablespoon of each of the following: Grated fresh ginger, grated fresh garlic, crushed chili peppers, Mrs Dash Original (unsalted). Bring to a boil then turn heat to simmer. Add 1 cup each of five different vegetables in chopped uniform pieces. For example: arugala, asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, celery, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumber, green, red or yellow peppers, green beans, kale, onions, spinach, tomato. Simmer all of the above ingredients for two hours. Voila! You have a clean burning soup that is going to get your engine started, warm you up on a cold winters’ night and satisfy your cravings for the celebratory foods that you’ve been accustomed to over the last few weeks.

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Know Your Whey By Dr. Lawrence Sosna


he word “protein” means “first substance.” Our first protein food was mother’s milk. Milk is the only food that optimally sustains human life. In fact, the root word for nutrition means, “to suckle.” As a species, we would not have survived if not for the nutrition and protection mother’s milk offers.

In the 5th century BC, Hippocrates (known as the father of medicine) stated that the body has an inner adaptive or healing power. To strengthen this healing power he prescribed liquid native whey derived from raw milk to his patients. This 2,500 year-old prescription provided full biological activity and numerous health benefits. Whey is one of the two protein groups found in milk. When whole milk is allowed to separate, whey is the clear liquid portion. It is a complex combination of a wide range of proteins. The other protein group is casein from which curds form. Whey is a complete protein food. In its non-denatured form it contains powerful immune system modulating and cell regenerative components. Presently, commercial methods of processing whey do not maintain these fragile components or the biological activity found in the milk. Commercial whey undergoes high heat processing and drastic acidification that damages them. The quality and effectiveness of whey is dependent upon a production method that maintains the protein components in their original form as nature provided.

Dairy protein promotes weight loss

Healthy metabolism relies on the regular intake of complete protein. Our bodies cycle proteins into amino acids constantly. Non-denatured whey protein has the highest biological value of any protein. It is a complete protein, providing all nine essential amino acids in the correct balance. A number of studies have suggested that high-protein diets may help people shed weight more easily. Eating protein keeps you feeling full longer, which may reduce overeating or snacking on less healthy foods. In fact, a 2008 study published in Nutrition & Dietetics found that overweight men and women burned more post-meal fat when they ate a high-protein breakfast and lunch than when they had lower-protein meals.

Disease prevention

Native whey is excellent for building and maintaining a strong immune system. It is an excellent source of an amino acid called cysteine, which helps to ensure that the body produces enough glutathione. Glutathione (GSH) is the body’s master antioxidant and immune booster and it also detoxifies carcino-



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gens. It is responsible for numerous defense and repair functions and is an effective anti-aging substance. Glutathione is manufactured inside the cell from amino acids glycine, glutamate and cysteine, which is deficient in modern diets. To increase glutathione you must ingest these “precursor” amino acids. The manufacture of glutathione inside your cells is predominantly limited by the amount of cysteine that you ingest. High serum (blood) levels of cysteine are linked to a lower risk of breast cancer, according to a presentation at the 94th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research. Dr. John Lee’s book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer is required reading for all women wanting to learn more about the critical role of glutathione in preventing breast cancer. In addition to its immune modulating properties, glutathione may also improve cardiovascular health. A study done at Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany found that low levels of glutathione predict the incidence of a heart attack. The research also suggested that increasing glutathione might lower the risk of cardiovascular problems. High quality non-denatured native whey provides optimal nutritional and health support. When shopping for whey, look for products derived from cows that graze year-round on pesticide-free, chemical-free, natural grass pastures. Avoid products that use milking cows fed grain or those subjected to growth hormone treatment (rBGH, rBST), chemicals, antibiotics and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Choose products that undergo minimal processing to maintain the full range of the fragile components found in fresh raw milk. You may have already known that whey protein helps to manage hunger, build lean muscle and sustain optimum energy levels. But you may not have known that it promotes heart health and detoxification of the body’s carcinogens. It’s a healthy easily digested snack in smoothies or shakes for adults and children in addition to athletes looking for the perfect workout nutrition.

Dr. Lawrence Sosna is a naturopathic doctor and has a PhD in Myology with an emphasis in orthomolecular biochemistry. He practices integrative medicine with a focus on cellular regeneration, anti-aging and bioidentical comprehensive hormone replacement therapy.

Everyday Detox


By Michelle Kwon

eeling lethargic and headachy after the holidays? Excessive eating and drinking and reduced sleep during the party season can leave your body begging for a detoxifying overhaul. Periodic inner cleansing programmes can be very effective, but a healthy daily lifestyle is much better for you than trying to play catchup a couple of times a year. Simple, everyday decisions about nutrition, exercise and healing techniques help your body regain its vibrant energy and strength naturally.

How do you tame the toxins?

Toxins, substances that damage the structure or function of body cells, are in food, water, and the air, and include everything from prescription drugs and heavy metals to airborne allergens and internal metabolic waste. Most toxins are eliminated through pathways including the bowel,

kidneys, liver, lungs, the lymph and blood. Your body usually works like a well-organized sanitation system to clean out accumulated toxins, filtering impurities and carrying pollutants out of the body or rendering them harmless. When your body gets overloaded with toxins, the pathways can’t do their job properly. Sometimes it needs help, especially if your system has been burdened for too long. This is why intervention through daily detoxification is needed. Simple habits such as drinking plenty of water to flush the system, and reducing alcohol and caffeine, will help ease the toxic load on your liver and other toxin taming organs. (Caffeine over-stimulates the adrenal glands that produce stress hormones, temporarily raises blood pressure, and is hard on the liver, and liquor increases a toxin called acetaldehyde that destroys liver cells.) Be sure to eat whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables full of antioxidants and fi-



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bre; avoid refined flour, sugar, hydrogenated fats, and chemicals in and on food; and exercise for at least a half hour every single day. In addition to these strategies, studies have shown that vibration therapy substantially enhances blood and lymph circulation, which is critical in detoxifying the body and in regenerating damaged tissues. This technology, which is not new but has been newly adopted by the mainstream for its health-enhancing benefits, has also been proven to assist the circulatory system’s ability to deliver vital nutrients and hormones throughout the body, and to improve muscle and bone strength and joint flexibility. This type of therapy provides the same effect as exercising, and yet it simply involves standing on a machine for 10 to 15 minutes per day. It can be used by anyone regardless of age or physical condition to help rejuvenate and detoxify the body. Used alone, or to complement a pre or post workout, vibration therapy – also called rhythmic neuromuscular stimulation (RNS) – uses technology embraced by scientists and adopted for astronauts dealing with zero gravity in space, but it is now being used by everyone from pro athletes to aging celebrities. During vibration training the tissues are warmed up and blood circulation increases, and by having more oxygen in your blood, waste products are removed from the body more efficiently. Accumulation of these wastes therefore decreases and their removal from the body is promoted. Poor circulation is a common dilemma for many boomers, and stimulation is the key. When this technology stimulates circulation and lymphatic drainage, it also increases the amount of nutrients that cells absorb and stimulates cellular fluid movement. As a result, new cells are more resilient, and function together within a healthier, more youthful body. Human cells go through a life cycle. They are created, then wear out and are replaced in a cycle that varies from two weeks to seven years. Lack of mobility, bone loss, aging, and degenerative disease conditions can all be attributed to not enough cellular stimulation. As the living cell struggles with low oxygen, poor nutrition, toxins and stagnation of lymph fluids, the life span shortens. Vibration therapy is said to be able to reverse that process. It is supposed to decrease body fat by increasing metabolism which burns calories more rapidly. It reduces stress by increasing human growth hormone secretion and serotonin (the happiness hormone), and by lowering the stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine. January is the perfect time to set new goals; so as this New Year begins, why not make health your number one priority? Consider all of the daily detox strategies mentioned for increased energy, reduced anxiety and irritability, a leaner, stronger physique, and a healthier immune system.

Nutrition for a Healthy Heart By Jolie Root


ebruary is heart month. We can expect the media to be flooded with commercials promoting cholesterol lowering drugs and blood pressure medicines. “Get your check-up; know your risks” will be the message. On Wear Red Days all across North America, women will be encouraged to wear red to work as a reminder that heart disease is the number one killer of women, too. It is good to be aware, and great advice to know your risks. However, I disagree on the type of action needed to best deal with those risks once you are aware. I favour the integrative approach to cardiovascular health. Choose a drugless approach first and fill a prescription only when lifestyle changes are not sufficient. Let’s look at the major risk factors for heart disease and the many nutritional approaches: Consider your cholesterol and lipid levels. Are they where they should be, or is your LDL too high, or your HDL too low? Maybe you have elevated triglycerides. Your doctor should ask you to change your diet and start exercising before he or she suggests medications such as statins. Adopting the Mediterranean Diet is always a good place to start for both weight control and heart health. This diet includes olive oil, lots of fish and fresh vegetables and fruits to support healthy lipids and blood vessels. You should also begin daily walking, working up to 30 minutes to an hour each day. Exercise normalizes blood pressure, works off extra pounds, lowers LDL and triglycerides and raises HDL. There are many dietary supplements that may help. Fish oils are fundamental to heart health and are the best place to begin. Fish oils that provide at least 1,000 milligrams of combined EPA and DHA are recommended for anyone with a heart disease risk factor or history of cardiac problems. EPA and DHA do not lower LDL but they do make the LDL particles larger, more buoyant and, consequently, less dangerous. Fish oils do support higher HDL levels and they are marvelous for reducing triglycerides. The caveat with EPA and DHA for triglyceride reduction is the recommended dosage: no longer only 1,000 milligrams, but 4,000 milligrams daily. Fatty fish such as salmon, cod and mackerel are good sources. Elevated LDL also responds well to time-released niacin, or vitamin B3. You may become facially flushed by taking larger doses, but it will usually pass within a half hour. Niacin not only helps support ideal LDL levels, it also

raises HDL, lowers triglycerides and even lowers Lpa, a separate cardiac risk factor. Good food sources include meat, poultry, fish and some legumes such as peanuts. Don’t be fooled by reports that claim vitamins E and C don’t support heart health. The largest study to date on vitamin E and heart health found that vitamin E supplementation significantly reduced the number of heart disease–related deaths in healthy women over a 10-year period. In the study, 39,876 women over the age of 45 took either a vitamin E supplement (600 IU alpha tocopherol every other day) or a placebo. There were 24 percent fewer deaths due to heart disease in the women between age 45 and 64 receiving vitamin E than in those receiving the placebo. In women over age 65, at the greatest risk for cardiovascular death, there was a 49 percent reduction in deaths due to heart disease. To my knowledge no drug has been proven to be as effective in reducing cardiovascular deaths. The Physicians Study and the Cambridge



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Heart Antioxidant Study found that vitamin E also protects men’s hearts. Vitamin E may also be so important for other reasons. Larger doses of vitamin E have been found to reduce inflammatory markers associated with increased heart attack risk. In diabetic and healthy patients, vitamin E doses of 800 to 1,200 IU daily reduced C- reactive protein and interleukin 6, which are markers of inflammation. Heart disease is an inflammatory condition; therefore, reducing C-reactive protein and interleukin 6 might be protective. Good food sources include mustard, turnip and dandelion greens, chard, spinach, sunflower seeds and almonds. Vitamin C is required for the production of collagen and elastin, compounds that help to support blood vessel elasticity. Vitamin C has had its share of successes in reducing heart risk, too. The NHANES I Study showed the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases was 42 percent lower in men and 25 percent lower in women who consumed more than 50 milligrams/day of dietary vitamin C and who took vitamin C supplements, boosting total vitamin C intake to about 300 milligrams/day. Higher levels of vitamin C had major benefits. Low serum ascorbic acid levels (blood levels of vitamin C) were associated with prevalence of coronary heart disease and stroke; a 0.5-milligram per dl increase in serum ascorbic acid was associated with an 11 percent reduction in coronary heart disease and stroke. In another study, more than 290,000 adults who were free of coronary heart disease (CHD) were followed for an average of 10 years. Those who took more than 700 milligrams/day of supplemental vitamin C had a 25 percent lower risk of CHD than those who did not take vitamin C. Good food sources are broccoli, bell peppers, strawberries, oranges, kiwi fruit, papaya, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens and Brussels sprouts. When it comes to promoting heart health and living a long and healthy life, nutritional information really does provide some important answers. Happy heart month, everyone! References available from VISTA.

Jolie Martin Root, NC, is a licensed practical nurse, nutritionist and medical journalist in private practice in Denver, Colorado. She counsels and educates about the role of nutrition in integrative medicine. She lectures nationally and has been interviewed on dozens of television and radio programmes.

When Will We See

The End of This Disease? By Michelle Kwon


oday’s “fight against cancer” has created a massive consumer drive to help find the cure, and thoughtful individuals respond by purchasing a variety of products with proceeds going to research or by participating in national events. It has transformed the illness from a stigmatized tragedy rarely discussed into a highly public cause that promotes survivorship and even kinship among those afflicted. Though philanthropy and promoting research for new drug therapy are vital, we don’t want this to dwarf the most important aspects of the disease – investigating why cancer is now affecting such vast numbers of people, finding the underlying causes, and focusing on obvious prevention steps. If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, you’re probably feeling confused and overwhelmed. Knowing all available options for treatment, not just the widely accepted ones, will help you to face the challenges. It will also help you to stay focused, and not get lost in the press coverage, the promotions, and the pressure of others (no matter how good intentioned it may be) to consider their advice. A more enlightened mindset must be taken to understand the disease. Surviving is about personal empowerment and engagement in your own health through nutrition, exercise, and emotional support. It’s also about understanding the fact that the disease is not an alien being that has inhabited the body, but a growth of the body. It needs to be handled in a way that heals, rather than drastically tries to eradicate the invader at great expense to the rest of the body. To support your journey, you need a personalized plan which considers aspects of your illness, your health and your lifestyle. And though surgery plays a very important role, other treatments will also aid your healing. Given the side effects and inconclusive results of chemotherapy and radiation, your best hope may be in therapies that enhance the body’s own immune protection and the way it responds to cancer cells. Dr. Mamdooh Ghoneum, PhD, Chief of Research, Department of Otolaryngology, Charles Drew University of Medicine in Los Angeles, has spent 20 years studying substances that affect im-

mune response. He discovered that compounds found in nature may be just as effective as drugs for cancer treatment. While experimenting with extracts from mushrooms, herbs, fungi and bacteria, he stumbled across a substance that interested him enough to abandon all other projects, including government-funded research, in order to focus on it. The substance, MGN-3, is an extract of rice bran, modified by enzymes from shiitake mushrooms. In studies involving 72 patients, the efficacy of MGN-3 equaled or surpassed all commonly used immune-modulating drugs (those that affect the body’s immune response) but, in stark contrast, showed no toxicity or negative side effects. The data regarding MGN-3 was published in technical journals and presented at international research conferences, but the information remains largely unknown to oncologists and other health professionals dealing with cancer patients.

What is its role in cancer treatment?

Our immune system’s natural killer (NK) cells are white blood cells which fight infection and disease. They work independently to recognize and attack a foreign cell and are considered to be the body’s first line of defense against cancer. Once activated, the NK cells begin aggressive search-and-destroy activities. Upon encountering a tumour cell, the NK cell injects a substance that quickly dissolves it. In less than five minutes, the cancer cell is dead and the NK cell moves to its next victim. A single NK cell can destroy up to 27 cancer cells before it dies. However, the number of NK cells present doesn’t indicate the efficiency of the body’s immune system. Instead, it is the activity – how well NK cells are recognizing and binding to tumour cells – that is important. In a healthy person, NK cell activity is from 60 to 75 percent, and in cancer patients, activity ranges from near 0 to 30 percent. Most substances that affect the immune system, including MGN-3, do not increase the number of NK cells, but increase their function. MGN-3 may stimulate the production of chemicals that have direct anti-tumour effects



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and activate the body’s NK cells, B-cells and T-cells (other protective cells). He found that MGN-3 can be safely used in conjunction with conventional treatment, including chemotherapy, to decrease side effects. In 32 cancer patients with different types of advanced malignancies who had completed surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, taking MGN3 led to a significant increase in NK cell activity after only one to two weeks. The increase in NK activity in patients taking MGN-3 correlated with increased survival rates. In long-term follow-up of patients (up to five years), Dr. Ghoneum’s team observed that the effect of MGN-3 on NK cell activity is maintained indefinitely with continued use. Conventional medicine has excellent anti-tumour therapies that reduce cancer cell numbers. Unfortunately, as Dr. Ghoneum explains, it is difficult to achieve a 100 percent kill rate without killing the patient in the process. At best, doctors can hope to kill 95 to 98 percent of the cancer cells with these therapies. At this point, a patient may be considered “in remission” and treatment is stopped. Following treatment, the few hardy cancer cells that survive are left to replicate largely unchallenged by a damaged immune system, and the cancer eventually resurfaces. Dr. Mamdooh Ghoneum feels that the practice of “watchful waiting”, monitoring patients in remission, wastes the opportunity to provide increased support to the immune system. At early stages of detection, or in more advanced stages when the tumour has been reduced as far as possible by surgery and/or chemotherapy, boosting the immune system allows the body to eradicate the remaining cells that have escaped the chemicals, radiation or surgery. However, substances including MGN-3 cannot replace these therapies, especially in the case of advanced malignancies. In these cases, even an extremely active immune response is easily overwhelmed by the huge numbers of cancer cells present. Instead, Dr. Ghoneum recommends that cancer patients begin MGN-3 at the same time or immediately following other therapies. He has found that leukemia and multiple myeloma have been particularly responsive to MGN-3 therapy.

Artery Health:

Arterialsclerosis and Atherosclerosis By Joel Thuna

Arterialsclerosis and athero‑ sclerosis are words that strike fear in the hearts of men and women. They refer to hardened and clogged arter‑ ies leading to cardiovascular disease, meaning bad news for you and your fear-struck heart. It’s the leading cause of death and disability in North America, and awareness and prevention are the first steps to heart health and longevity. What you should know

Arteries carry blood from your heart throughout your body. When healthy, arteries are flexible, strong, elastic muscular tubes. High blood pressure can make the walls thick and stiff, and restrict blood flow to organs and tissues. This is arteriosclerosis; hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis refers to clogged arteries and follows hardened arteries, making it a type of arterialsclerosis (they’re often used synonymously). Other names that are used include coronary artery disease, coronary arteriosclerosis and coronary atherosclerosis. Doctors believe that atherosclerosis starts when damage or injury occurs to the inner layer of an artery, the athus layer. High cholesterol, blood pressure, chemical irritants (such as nicotine) and vascular diseases like diabetes can all damage the athus layer. Once damaged, blood cells clump at the site to repair the damage, causing arterial inflammation. Over time, plaque (a build-up of fat, calcium, cholesterol and other substances found in the blood) accumulates and clogs arteries, restricting blood flow and increasing blood pressure. Connecting organs and tis-



sues then suffer reduced blood flow and can die. From there the plaque can break off and travel, creating blood clots that cause damage elsewhere in your system. Fortunately, this is preventable and treatable. It can take many years to develop and starts as early as childhood. Unfortunately, waiting for symptoms to surface is a bad idea. By this time, it may be too late, with arteries no longer supplying adequate amounts of blood to organs and tissues. Symptoms depend on the affected arteries. Symptoms for arteries of the heart are similar to signs of a heart attack – shortness of breath and chest pain. For arteries leading to the brain, signs are similar to those of a stroke – sudden numbness in your arms or legs, and difficulty speaking. Signs of clogged arteries in arms and legs include pain when walking or lifting things. Sometimes atherosclerosis also causes erectile dysfunction.

For prevention

Exercise regularly. Routine activity conditions muscles to use oxygen efficiently and improves circulation. It also promotes development of new blood vessels that potentially may bypass obstructions that you may have. Aim for at least 30 minutes each day: take the stairs, walk to destinations whenever possible, get off the bus a few stops early or park further away in a lot. Avoid smoking; smoke damages arteries, and second-hand smoke is just as harmful as sucking on the cigarette. Relax. Practise healthy techniques for managing stress such as muscle relaxation, exercising, deep breathing, yoga, tai chi, and counting to 10 before reacting. Eat healthily. Emphasize fresh, unrefined, high fibre foods. Minimize foods with sugar, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, and avoid processed, artificial foods. Check labels. Look at what you’re putting into your body, and pack the most into the foods you eat. Add fibre, use natural low sodium salts and add anti-inflammatory spices like ginger, garlic, curry, turmeric, onion, oregano and rosemary. Fresh food is best, but when you can’t get enough, supplements can help make up for the deficiency that may be due to season, your location, or because you don’t have enough time. Read supplement labels, too, and be sure to take

VISTA Magazine Issue 62 them; supplements won’t benefit you sitting on your shelf. Preventative supplements to consider: • Fibre and vitamin D: We know that low levels of vitamin D and fibre are linked to heart disease and atherosclerosis. Unfortunately, most people are deficient in both. Ideally, your supplement should contain vitamin D3 (the absorbable form of vitamin D). • Omega-3: Numerous studies show that omega-3 essential fats, specifically EPA and DHA, reduce triglycerides (fats in your blood) and increase “good” cholesterol levels. They're also anti-inflammatory and can help reduce plaque build-up. Health Canada and the FDA agree that EPA and DHA reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease. For maximum benefit, your supplement should contain DHA and EPA, which are the absorbable forms of omega-3. • Coenzyme Q-10 (also called CoQ10, ubiquinone, or ubiquinol): Our bodies naturally produce this vitamin-like antioxidant for cell function. Age, degenerative diseases and prescriptions, particularly cholesterol medications, decrease natural production. Evidence shows that increased CoQ10 intake helps reduce risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease

Eat healthily. Emphasize fresh, unrefined, high fibre foods. Minimize foods with sugar, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, and avoid processed, artificial foods. Check labels. Look at what you’re putting into your body, and pack the most into the foods you eat. by improving energy production in cells, reducing blood clot formation, and through its antioxidant properties. Look for ubiquinol, the more absorbable form of CoQ10, when you choose a supplement. • Garlic: Multiple studies have shown reductions in total blood cholesterol and particularly “bad” cholesterol with the consumption of garlic, particularly in those who regularly consume it raw. Garlic's ant-inflammatory properties and ability to reduce bad cholesterol contribute to reducing your risk of atherosclerosis. • Green tea: Numerous clinical trials show that regular consumption of green tea reduces risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease. It lowers total cholesterol and raises good cholesterol. It is believed that polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) in green tea may block the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and promote its excretion from the body. Atherosclerosis is prevented the same way that weight and diabetes are controlled, and the way we preserve good health. Stop smoking, eat healthily, exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, drink less alcohol and supplement appropriately. There's a reason that you've heard these lifestyle choices a hundred times before! Making manageable changes one small step at a time can go a long way towards good health. Joel Thuna, MH, is a fourth generation master herbalist with over 25 years experience in nutrition.



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Sexual Feelings: Erectile Dysfunction By Brad King


rectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough to begin or complete sexual intercourse. ED was once thought of as a disorder that affected only the so-called older population (over 60); however, newer accounts indicate that almost 50 percent of men over age 40 suffer from ED at one time or another. Why aren’t we more aware of such numbers? Well, when was the last time you heard a man confiding in others about his lack of sexual prowess? ED along with other sexual problems (including premature ejaculation) is unfortunately often experienced in silence. A 2002 Wall Street Journal article indicated that 80 percent of men never seek treatment for their condition.

What’s the prostate got to do with it?

Most men begin to experience some degree of prostate disorder, including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or prostatitis (prostate inflammation or infection) or both, with advancing age. It is no coincidence that ED and prostate disease are closely related since the prostate is an integral part of a man’s sexuality, and proper ejaculation is dependent upon the health of the gland. In fact, half of all men who suffer from prostate disease also suffer from ED. The problem is that the majority of early prostate disorders eventually lead to prostate cancer. In numerous studies, excess body fat, especially in the abdominal region, seems to be a determining factor when it comes to both ED and prostate cancer risk. Although the exact reasons for this are still unclear, there is speculation that the reduction of testosterone, the increase of estrogens and plaque buildup (especially in the arteries of the penis) from excess fat interfere with the health of the male reproductive system. There is even speculation that ED may be an early sign of heart disease. Researchers from the University of Minnesota School of Medicine believe that anyone experiencing ED should be immediately assessed for cardiovascular risk because the body isn’t likely to concentrate fat deposits in this one area only.

Feeling blue without testosterone

When we think of sexual problems like ED, most of us then think about “the blue pill.” Despite the fact that ED drugs such as sildenafil citrate don’t work for everyone and are associated with numerous possible side effects, this doesn’t stop millions of men from using them. Figures show that one out of every five men over the age of 40 has tried ED drugs, with 48 percent experiencing at least one side effect. The problem with most of these drugs is that they do nothing to increase sexual arousal. Just because the blood is pumping, it doesn’t mean you’re in the mood to make things happen. This is where testosterone comes in. Testosterone is the key hormone of desire. As testosterone levels decline through age, libido also declines. Studies show that low testosterone can lead to ED, especially in people with blood sugar disorders. Studies presented in the International Journal of Impotence Research showed that testosterone supplements should be considered in the treatment of ED. The studies indicated that testosterone therapy was able to alleviate ED in 34 percent of men who were unable to experience benefits from sildenafil (Viagra) alone, whereas 38 percent of men showed improvements by using testosterone along with the ED drug.



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WARNING TO MEN OVER 35 Reduce Testosterone Loss Now! ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Increase Muscle Improve Libido o you remember what life was like when you wereAbdominal 20 years old? Those were the Reduce Fat days when you had the energy to shoot hoops for three hours just for something to do. Increase Energy Those were the days of a 34-inch waistline and maybe some blonde highlights in the hair that Protect Your Prostate grew on top of your head (not out of your ears).


And “ready for action” meant “ready anytime”

for the next 36 hours likedecrease the Cialis comAfter agenot 35just testosterone levels while mercial promises. estrogen levels increase creating a multitude of Then along came your 40s with some problems.paunch Brad King’s Malethat’s Solutions Line around the waistline now reached addition to thinning hair, includes 40-something nutrients itself, thatin support testosterone less energy and perhaps decliningestrogen. libido, levels anda lot reduce the impact of aexcess if you’re willing to admit to it. If you don’t, you

Ask for Ultimate Male Ultimate probably just shrugEnergy, off that lack of desire asLibido being caused by too many hours spent at work. and Ultimate Prostate at your local Health Food After all, you can’t expect to stay young forever! Store. Wouldn’t it be great if you could extend the perSign upformance for Brad’s FREE monthly e-letter at you had in your younger days well into

Therefore, with proper diagnosis and treatment, things may be looking up for the silent (ED) majority.

Tackling ED naturally

• Eat a healthy diet. Italian researchers discovered that those who most closely followed the Mediterranean diet (consuming lots of fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts and monounsaturated fats) had the lowest incidence of ED. • Exercise regularly, which effectively reduces blood sugar and helps to clear occluded arteries (yes, even that one). • Supplement with nutrients such as beta-sitosterol, flower pollen extract, natural lycopene, stinging nettle root, pygeum, selenium and zinc which have been shown to help maintain healthy prostate function. • Supplement with tongkat ali root. Studies indicate that a water-extracted 100:1 extract of tongkat ali root can help to naturally elevate testosterone levels and increase libido. Tongkat ali root has been used for centuries throughout Asia as a traditional remedy for sexual dysfunction and lack of energy. References available from VISTA. Brad J. King, MSc, MFS, is a nutritional researcher and author of 10 books, including the new Beer Belly Blues: What Every Aging Man and the Woman in His Life Need to Know. Subscribe to his free monthly newsletter at



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your later years? After age 30, most men can expect a loss of almost 10 percent of their male hormone levels every decade. Once you reach your 40s you have already begun to experience the effects of this drastic decline. Reduction in male hormones –primarily testosterone – through age has been well documented for over 60 years, yet very few doctors will admit that it exists. The “it” is referred to as male menopause syndrome or andropause. However, I prefer to call it the “beer belly blues” because a couple of the hallmarks of this syndrome include an enlarged waist circumference followed by a decline in your usual jovial mood. In fact, belly fat is so closely linked to testosterone levels that Norwegian researchers have actually discovered that most men can determine whether they are deficient in testosterone just by off the of measuring the size of their waist.purchase Researchers found that men with waist sizes greater than 40 one of Brad King’s inches had on average 30 percent lower testosterone levels than men with waist sizes that were less than 37 inches. Testosterone may be the most important health factor in the male When naturally Malebody. Solutions products abundant, testosterone is at the core of energy, (Male Energy, stamina, sexuality and a lean body. But when it is Prostate) deficient, it is at the core ofLibido fatigue, or aging, disease and obesity. Without adequate testosterone you can experience: Offer available at participating Fine Health Food Stores coupon expires April 30, 2009 03-888 • decreased energy • lowered metabolism • decreased muscle mass

Lessons in Longevity By Alain Prud’homme

Purported fountains of youth are everywhere these days as baby boomers facing their mor‑ tality become keenly interested in longevity. With their first 50 years behind them, many are considering what the next 50 might look like. Although scientists theorize that aging is based on a combination of factors includ‑ ing genes, environment and lifestyle, many believe these factors can be managed to slow the process.


our body ages because changes occur in cells which lessen their functioning. Eventually cells die as a normal part of the body’s processes; either they don’t divide like they should or they’re damaged by harmful substances in the environment or within the body. Whether the body can efficiently rebuild and repair itself and create new cells is dependent upon its ability to build different types of protein. This process requires collagen, which is a construction worker in the body’s building (and rebuilding) project. So one way that can you make the most of years to come is to protect your collagen.

What is collagen? The short answer is a fibrous protein found everywhere in the body.

The longer answer: collagen is made up of proteins that play critical roles in tissue architecture, tissue strength, and cell to cell relationships. It is found in skin, blood vessels, joints, muscles, hair, bone and ligaments, and is also a major component of all connective tissue. Collagen provides the structure to your body, forms the cables that strengthen tendons, and makes up the sheets that support skin and internal organs. Bones and teeth are formed when the body adds other minerals to collagen. Collagen is both the material and the glue that holds your body together. Any time the body needs to build new cells, such as in the healing process, collagen plays the central role. Your body manufactures its own collagen every day, but since production diminishes with age, the available supply of collagen quickly becomes less than enough. As production of collagen decreases, the resource that your cells need and the catalyst to help build tissue are reduced. Deterioration of various body parts gradually follows. Things you have always done, like running or lifting, suddenly seem more difficult. Injuries that have never proven serious before begin to hurt. Joint pain becomes more problematic. With continued aging, your connective tissues and muscles break down due to collagen deficiency and damage. As a result, you experience a weakening of your skeletal structure. On the outside of the body, the slowing of the skin’s production of collagen becomes more pronounced. You develop wrinkles, ridges, furrows and brown spots, and your skin loses elasticity and moisture. Aging skin is only part of the result, of course, because collagen affects all of your cells. Other indicators of advancing age lurking within your body include decreasing muscle mass, loss of bone density, joint pain and dulling senses. To maintain healthy collagen, consider what you shouldn’t be doing in your daily activities. Many lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, sugar (which is responsible for nearly half of skin aging because it inhibits the effectiveness of collagen, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone),coffee, stress and even excessive physical training can harm and also reduce your body’s collagen production. Infections, pollution, medications and drugs deplete the body of collagen. Nutrients obtained from foods and supplements can aid collagen and enhance the rebuilding process of your body. For example, collagen fibres have large amounts of two amino acids (building blocks of protein) called hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline, which may be important for forming collagen and providing strength and flexibility. It is logical to eat foods high in lysine and proline to potentially support collagen. Animal foods are the primary source of both amino acids; egg whites and wheat germ are good vegetarian sources of proline, and low-fat dairy products, fish and legumes are significant sources of lysine. Vitamin C has been cited as a major aid in increasing collagen, and is required to change proline into hydroxyproline and lysine into hydroxylysine (their collagen forms). Vitamin C is an antioxidant, so adding it can help reduce skin and other tissue damage caused by free radicals. Garlic and two sulfur-containing nutrients, taurine and lipoid acid, may have the ability to support damaged collagen fibres. Phytonutrients are important in collagen-building. Catechins found in green tea have been shown to help prevent breakdown of collagen, and anthocyanidins found in cherries, blueberries, and blackberries help collagen fibres link together to strengthen them. It’s inevitable. From the moment you’re born, you begin to age. But not until your 50s do you typically begin feeling the effects of aging. Stimulating cells to produce collagen can partly reverse this process. Supplements and a healthful diet that support your collagen construction crew can help prevent or treat the issues associated with aging.



VISTA Magazine Issue 62

Six Basics to Burn More Body Fat By Michelle Kwon

Weight loss is based not on a silver bullet ap‑ proach, but a machine gun approach. Your body is a complex creation that has hundreds of processes working within it all the time to keep you alive. Therefore it is not only one thing – like eating too many carbs or not ex‑ ercising every day – that put it off balance. It has taken several factors to make your body in its current condition (and not working ef‑ ficiently) which may include years of ne‑ glect and misguided decisions. In the same way, it isn’t going to become instantly lean and healthy with just one lifestyle change.


very mouthful of food you eat is either helping to make your body work more efficiently or less efficiently. If it’s not helping, it will make you gain weight. Why? Because your metabolism (meaning the way your body uses food as fuel that creates energy to keep it going) won’t be buzzing along at top speed. Increasing your metabolic rate through the type of foods you eat is therefore paramount not only to losing weight but to making your entire system work like a finely tuned machine. Metabolic rate is the rate at which the body burns calories. If you consume and burn the same amount of calories a day (for example, 2,000) you will stay the same weight. If you consume 2,000 calories a day but burn only 1,500 you will gain about 1 pound (3,500 calories) per week. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of calories you burn just by being alive. It includes the calories burned to breathe, pump blood and other body processes. It accounts for approximately 60 percent of the calories you burn in a day. Then you have the calories you burn during activity such



VISTA Magazine Issue 62

as cleaning the house – the energy used during movement – which totals about 30 percent of daily calories burned. You also have the “thermogenic effect” or heat produced during eating, digesting, absorbing and using food which also burns calories.

Here are half a dozen ways that you can speed up the rate that you burn calories. 1. Spice up your life. Evidence shows that chili peppers, especially the active component called capsaicin that makes them hot, can boost your metabolic rate by up to 50 percent for three to five hours after you’ve eaten them, according to research from Oxford University. Capsicum is shown to aid weight loss by increasing heat production which burns calories. It also may play a role in curbing appetite. 2. Build more bulk. Muscle burns a lot of calories simply to function, far more than other body tissue, even when lying down because muscle is “metabolically active.” Researchers found that regular weight training boosts basal metabolic rate by about 15 percent Using weights with exercise three times a week for 20 minutes is enough to build muscle. Muscle also dramatically enhances your appearance, which includes making you look more feminine and well proportioned if you’re a woman. 3. Acquire a drinking habit. Drink lots of water and tea. Dehydration slows your metabolism because your body tries to conserve its water stores to protect itself so it will not burn fat efficiently. Water clears toxins from your body and lubricates organs so that they work effectively, also leading to increased metabolism. Dehydration creates fatigue so that you don’t feel like doing any exercise, sabotaging weight loss efforts. In addition, drinking green tea may accelerate metabolism. According to clinical results published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition an average of 78 more calories are burned per day when green tea is consumed in an average person. This study showed that substances found in green tea known as catechins may trigger weight loss by stimulating the body to burn calories. A study published in the medical journal Obesity following 240 men and women showed that their BMI was significantly reduced in 12 weeks by taking green tea extract. Catechins may also affect body fat accumulation and cholesterol levels. 4. Power-up on protein. Your body burns about 10 calories digesting and absorbing every 100 calories of protein but just four calories for the equivalent amount of carbs because protein is so much more difficult to digest. For this reason protein also satiates the appetite longer than other foods and decreases cravings for sugar, which are often caused by a protein deficiency. One study suggests protein’s thermogenic effect burns close to 30 percent of the total calories of its own calorie count. 5. Eat little meals often. Eating small meals every few hours will keep your metabolism burning calories at a higher rate than eating larger, less frequent meals. This keeps blood sugar stable, so that cravings decrease, and enables the body to use the food as fuel rather than storing excessive amounts. Thyroid hormones begin to drop within hours of eating a meal which triggers metabolism to slow down. Also the thermogenic effect of eating several small meals (the calories required to eat, digest and absorb the food) is higher than eating the same amount of calories all at once. 6. Consider natural supplements. There are many fat burning pills on the market but many have unhealthy side effects or offer little benefit. Stick to those that contain only botanical ingredients that have research supporting them such as tea catechins and capsaicin to increase metabolism, and dill seeds and dild, which work to reduce and prevent cellulite that often accompanies obesity.



VISTA Magazine Issue 62








Herpes – Stigma, Responsibility and Treatment By Bruce Schennum


ne of the most difficult moments for people with herpes may be telling a new partner about it. When to inform a potential partner is a personal choice, but keeping silent too long can affect your relationship. Some who suffer from herpes feel guilty or excessively worried about it so they are unable to respond naturally during intimate moments. It’s important to be open before risking the loss of your partner’s trust, or becoming intimately involved, with the possibility of not using a non-barrier birth control method. When and how to broach the subject depends on you, your partner, and the relationship you share. Most adults are infected with at least one form of herpes. According to blood tests, more than 80 percent of adults test sero-positive for herpes simplex virus 1 (the virus that causes cold sores), and 40 percent for HSV2 (genital herpes). North Americans also generally test positive for the herpes zoster virus, which can cause shingles if activated. Although the number of people infected with the herpes virus continues to increase, genital herpes has been around for a long time. According to Dr. W. Benson Harer Jr., there is an ancient papyrus text which describes a woman whose persistent sores were very painful, and the description sounds like genital herpes. Why is herpes so difficult to cure? Between outbreaks, the herpes virus retreats into nerve cells and hides. Once in hiding, the virus is invulnerable to treatment. New research from Duke University suggests that a gene controls the virus’s ability to lie dormant in nerve cells. Scientists are seeking techniques by which they can “wake up� the herpes virus. Once it is flushed out of hiding, it can be destroyed by anti-viral drugs. Although many people think of herpes as a skin infection, it is actually an inflammation of the sensory nerves. HSV-1 (herpes simplex 1, usually symptomatic as cold sores) and HSV-2 (symptomatic as genital herpes) are transmitted by contact – usually kissing or sexual contact. They tend to occur orally or genitally because our skin provides sufficient protection against transmission except on very thin and sensitive areas. Both HSV1 and HSV2 infections often don’t reveal symptoms. The CDC estimates that the majority of those infected are unaware that they have the virus. Only about 25 percent of North



Americans get cold sores – fewer than one in three of those who are infected with the HSV1 virus. The statistics on HSV2 are similar. Safe natural treatments for herpes are now available. One treatment is l-lysine, an amino acid found in protein. In one placebo controlled study, a dose of 1,248 milligrams per day of lysine decreased herpes reoccurrences (Cutis, Oct. 1984). In another study (Oral Surgery, Dec.1984), 1,000 milligrams of lysine per day decreased both the frequency and severity of outbreaks. The Canadian government recently approved lysine as a treatment for oral herpes at a dosage level of 3 grams a day. Lysine can also be applied directly to sores. A new study found that median healing time for cold sores was four days when participants applied a lysine-based ointment. (Alternative Medicine Review, July, 2005) This compares to a median healing time of 10 to14 days for untreated cold sores. “The lysine ointment showed remarkable efficacy in shortening the duration of cold sores, compared to untreated cold sores,� said Dr. Singh, co-author of the study. While prevention remains the first line of defense against herpes, the discovery of the gene that allows the virus to hide may lead to other treatment approaches. Once activated, the virus can be destroyed. Until these drug therapies are discovered, however, prevention and natural lysine therapy remain the most effective approaches to dealing with the virus.

VISTA Magazine Issue 62

Just for You Genacol


This high quality product is a topical gel with added Genacol® microbeads designed to relieve local muscular, rheumatic and arthritic pains. These microbeads are essential and in large part responsible for the excellent results of the product. Here is why: due to the bio activity of collagen, the laboratory concentrated on developing a new technology able to adequately isolate the Genacol® in order to maximize its bioactivity only when applied.

Psoria-Gold is the result of 25 years of research into reversing skin damage by Madalene Heng, M.D. Psoria-Gold has been used on 10,000+ patients and is a patented formulation designed to inhibit the enzyme phosphorylase kinase to reduce psoriasis, acne, hyperpigmentation, scarring and precancerous changes to skin cells. Learn more about Psoria-Gold and see the results achieved with before and after photos at

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How to Lose Weight and Slow Aging By Dr. Janine Bowring, ND

Can simply eating fruits and vegetables help us to lose weight and slow aging?


ruits and vegetables provide antioxidants, phytonutrients (the disease- fighting nutrients that give produce its colour), vitamins and minerals. All are essential to counteract the free radical damage that we are exposed to daily. Free radicals, produced by environmental toxicity, toxins in food and water, and both emotional and physical stress are constant threats to our body’s cells. Free radicals cause premature aging, weight gain, and many symptoms of illness from joint pain to heart trouble. Weight loss can be achieved by eating fruits and vegetables that are nutrient dense, low in calories, and high in fibre and water because they tend to satisfy the appetite and make our bodies work better so that our metabolism speeds up. Not all fruits and vegetables are created equal; some have higher antioxidant capabilities than others. One test called the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) scale ranks fruits and vegetables according to their ability to neutralize free radicals (changing their form to make them harmless). Some potent disease fighting fruits are not those traditionally eaten in North America, but these exotic varieties are becoming more available. Goji berries, acai berries, bilberries, prunes, acerola cherries and blueberries ranked highest among the fruits. Common North American vegetables including kale, spinach, broccoli, brussel sprouts, garlic, carrots, beets and red bell peppers ranked highest for their antioxidants. It is best to obtain antioxidant nutrients— which include vitamins A, C and E, carotenoids, co-Q 10 and minerals like zinc and selenium— from whole food sources, meaning those which have not been changed from their original form. It is increasingly clear, however, that it’s no longer possible to obtain what we once relied on from food. It‘s been estimated that we would need to consume four to five times the amount of food we currently do in order to get all of the nutrients required in a day due to the depletion of the soils by over-farming. For this reason, concentrated whole food supplements derived directly from fruits and vegetables have become popular.



Most vitamin supplements found on store shelves are not made from whole foods. They are often synthetic forms of vitamins and minerals extracted using various chemicals, and they lack the important cofactors and accessory nutrients (found naturally in whole foods) required for the proper absorption and digestion of the vitamins and minerals. One example of this is the vitamin betacarotene. Almost all beta-carotene supplements available are an isolated synthetic compound made from acetylene gas. Beta-carotene is part of a family of antioxidants called carotenoids. It is never found alone in nature; carrots and tomatoes have alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, cantozantheen, gamma-carotene and omega-carotene. And although beta-carotene is a well known antioxidant, cantozantheen is now thought to be an even more effective antioxidant. Therefore, by isolating beta-carotene from its family of carotenoids, the even more beneficial antioxidant cantozantheen has been eradicated. Mother Nature made the nutrient composition of whole natural foods in the perfect balance for those nutrients to be best absorbed. The next best thing is a whole food supplement made from fruits and vegetables in their entire form, not just vitamins and minerals that have been chemically isolated. Dr. Janine Bowring, ND, is author of The Healthy Millionaire. For more information you’re invited to visit or check out

VISTA Magazine Issue 62

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VISTA Magazine Issue 62

Do Pets Need Supplements? By Franco Cavaleri




VISTA Magazine Issue 62

increased health potential is not only required because of the nutrient limitations of pet food. When we impose environmental pollution and lifestyle stresses on our pets on top of this nutritional limitation, their bodies simply cannot cope. These deficiencies and stresses set the stage for premature aging, skin disease, joint degeneration and other common ailments. Is the improvement in health and appearance of your animal an improvement beyond what is normal or is it an improvement toward that which is normal? The answer is that this improved state of health is your pet’s full life potential, or one closer to that potential. The pet’s state prior to providing the right nutritional food and supplements was a struggling state. The full genetic potential of your pet is limited by the food’s nutritional limitations. Supplementing your animal’s food bowl daily with essential nutrients which are in their active

state and are in forms that are easy to absorb empowers the animal’s cells to withstand adversity. It helps them to tolerate seasonal changes; it provides an increased resilience to allergens and toxins; and it improves the ability to restore tissues such those of the joint after they have been worn by physical activity, injury or allergens. It literally slows the rate of aging to preserve their youth. Franco Cavaleri is a Nutritional Science and Biochemistry graduate of UBC. His efforts in scientific research and development have led to several awards in the Canadian health industry, and he has a bestselling book, Potential Within. Franco has won several bodybuilding titles including the pro-qualifier, IFBB North American Bodybuilding Championships. Today Franco is an adviser to companies involved in human and animal nutrition, and was inducted into the CHFA’s Sports Nutrition Hall of Fame.


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e are told time and again by manufacturers of dry bagged and wet canned food that everything our precious pet needs is accounted for in the package. It’s a wishful thought that we readily accept without much contemplation in order to justify our poor choices for their food. It’s true that most pet foods are fortified with essential nutrients, but it’s also irrefutable that the extreme processing methods used to produce these foods create irreversible damage to both the food’s inherent nutrition and the added nutrients. Most guardians of companion animals are pleasantly surprised to see improvements in their pet’s coat lustre, skin condition, joint health and general wellness when a correctly designed supplement programme is added to the diet, and see benefits even if they’ve been buying premium brand food. It doesn’t matter what the perceived quality of the commercial food is, it cannot be fresh enough after processing and shelf storage to deliver the full benefits of the original preprocessed nourishment, just like shelved food for humans. To make matters worse, the raw animal ingredients used to make these processed foods are often compromised and low quality even before the process begins. As much as whole raw foods are the best source of nutrition, there is another man-made challenge which has also reduced the viability of this source. The content of the meat has been manipulated because the nutritional profile derived from domesticated livestock is dependent on their feed. Meat sources from animals in the wild have a different level of nutrients that include higher mineral, vitamin and even antioxidant levels. They also generally have higher levels of naturally occurring creatine. Domestic meat sources provide different fatty acid proportions that might not be as healthy as the fatty acid profiles found in wild meat sources. Fruits, vegetables and grains used for animal feed are also nutrient-compromised due to today’s commercial practices. They are grown during faster growth cycles in chemically fertilized plots and picked earlier in their maturation phase to ripen during transit across the continent. This reduces the nutrient density of the vegetable ingredients. Supplementation of any diet with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients and polyunsaturated fatty acids increases nutrient density and the health benefits of the feed. This

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Male Menopause – Yes, It’s Real By Brad King


o you remember what life was like when you were 20 years old? Those were the days when you had the energy to shoot hoops for three hours just for something to do. Those were the days of a 34inch waistline and maybe some blonde highlights in the hair that grew on top of your head (not out of your ears). And “ready for action” meant “ready anytime” not just for the next 36 hours like the Cialis commercial promises. Then along came your 40s with some paunch around the waistline that’s now reached 40-something itself, in addition to thinning hair, a lot less energy and perhaps a declining libido, if you’re willing to admit to it. If you don’t, you probably just shrug off that lack of desire as being caused by too many hours spent at work. After all, you can’t expect to stay young forever! Wouldn’t it be great if you could extend the performance you had in your younger days well into your later years? After age 30, most men can expect a loss of almost 10 percent of their male hormone levels every decade. Once you reach your 40s you have already begun to experience the effects of this drastic decline. Reduction in male hormones –primarily testosterone – through age has been well documented for over 60 years, yet very few doctors will admit that it exists. The “it” is referred to as male menopause syndrome or andropause. However, I prefer to call it the “beer belly blues” because a couple of the hallmarks of this syndrome include an enlarged waist circumference followed by a decline in your usual jovial mood. In fact, belly fat is so closely linked to testosterone levels that Norwegian researchers have actually discovered that most men can determine whether they are deficient in testosterone just by measuring the size of their waist. Researchers found that men with waist sizes greater than 40 inches had on average 30 percent lower testosterone levels than men with waist sizes that were less than 37 inches. Testosterone may be the most important health factor in the male body. When naturally abundant, testosterone is at the core of energy, stamina, sexuality and a lean body. But when it is deficient, it is at the core of fatigue, aging, disease and obesity. Without adequate testosterone you can experience: • decreased energy • lowered metabolism • decreased muscle mass • cognitive decline • increased risk of cardiovascular disease • increased risk of diabetes • increased body fat, especially a potbelly • diminished sex drive or sexual ability • depressed mood or lack of motivation The good news is that men can restore their testosterone to youthful levels again and in the process reverse the above conditions.

Free the testosterone

The reality is that it really doesn’t matter how much total testosterone you have in your later years, especially if the majority of it is out of commission! The only testosterone that counts is referred to as “free” or “unbound testosterone.” Most testosterone in the body is bound to specialized proteins (like sex hormone binding globulin or SHBG), which make it a lot less functional then the testosterone that is free (unbound) and ready for action. The bad news is that as we age, we experience increases in these



binding proteins and more testosterone is taken out of commission. This is why free testosterone is the ultimate measurement of a man’s true testosterone status.

Testosterone and estrogen

Unfortunately declining levels of free testosterone are far from a man’s biggest threat as he ages. It turns out that we also have to contend with ever increasing levels of estrogen — yes, the same estrogen that helps give women those soft curves. Your body can turn testosterone into estrogen quite easily. The conversion of testosterone to estrogen is called aromatization and is carried out by the enzyme aromatase. The aromatase enzyme creates trouble as men age because it lives in their belly fat, which quite literally becomes an estrogen producing factory (the larger the belly, the more aromatase gets made). More aromatase means less testosterone and more estrogen. In fact, it is not uncommon for a man of retirement age to have higher estrogen levels in his body than a woman of the same age! Researchers have discovered that this high estrogen/low testosterone status is responsible for the majority of the negative effects men experience with the beer belly blues, especially heart disease and prostate problems including prostate cancer. The other problem with rising estrogen levels is that they increase the body’s binding of free testosterone by increasing the production of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), further reducing testosterone.

Reversing the effects of male menopause

In order to effectively increase the amount of natural testosterone, men must find ways to reduce SHBG and reduce excess estrogen production. Here are a few natural proven ways for most men to reclaim their health through age: • Maintain muscle through regular resistance training (with weights), one of the best ways to increase free testosterone. • Consume quality protein from organic lean chicken, turkey, fish and vegetarian sources (which has been shown to lower SHBG levels, thus freeing up more testosterone) and try supplementing with one or two high alphalactalbumin whey protein shakes per day, especially after exercise. • Limit alcohol consumption (one night of drinking can lower testosterone levels for 24 hours). • Supplement with stinging nettle root because this has been shown to help free testosterone from SHBG. • Supplement with the isoflavone called chrysin; it is a highly effective aromatase-inhibitor when it is combined with black pepper extract. • Eat cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Supplement with cruciferous vegetable extracts like indole-3carbinol (I3C) and broccoli sprout powder because these natural indoles reduce estrogen levels and block one of the most harmful forms of estrogen—16-alpha hydroxy estrone. • Get sufficient sleep and reduce stress. Brad J. King, MSc, MFS, is a nutritional researcher and author of 10 books, including the new Beer Belly Blues: What Every Aging Man and the Woman in His Life Need to Know. Subscribe to his free monthly newsletter at

VISTA Magazine Issue 62

Sports Nutrition Update

Lubrication: Oil Up for the Sport of Life By Cory Holly

Your body is put together from the elements and dust of stars, and is truly biological. Therefore, no doctor or drug heals anyone. It is the body that heals itself, provided it has the raw materials and energy to do the work of healing.


his healing process can be severely hampered by excess body fat, toxic cellular waste and foreign chemicals that interfere with organ function and structure. Fear and negative emotions also interfere with the healing process, but I will focus on physical aspects of healing in this article, particularly the importance of lubricating the body to protect it. My wife, Tracy, and I have been taking oil and protein together for so long that one without the other is simply not an option. In fact, if a protein shake doesn’t have any oil added to it, I won’t drink it. In the wild, you won’t ever find a high-quality protein not connected to essential fatty acids in structure. Consider wild salmon, free-range eggs, caribou, bison, venison, soy, hemp and even algae. There are no exceptions to this rule. We use omega-3 rich multi-blended oils in our salads and Tracy rubs them into her skin, including her face, hands, feet and cuticles. These oils are wonderful for dry, parched aging skin. The essential fatty acids (EFAs) are absorbed directly by the body through the dermis into the bloodstream. Omega-3 rich oils are also good for the scalp and can be applied topically to chronic skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. When fresh flax seed oil or fish oil rich in omega-3 fats is combined with a high-quality protein, the EFAs combine with the amino acids in the protein to form “water-soluble” lipoproteins. This allows fatty acids to be immediately transported through the bloodstream, and once this effect is accomplished, the body can begin to heal itself (according to research by Dr. Johanna Budwig). EFAs help to control inflammation, improve cellular metabolism, in-



fluence the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides, and increase energy. Through numerous biochemical steps linolenic acid, the omega-3 EFA, is anti-inflammatory within the body whereas linoleic acid, the omega-6 EFA, depending on your diet and state of health, can promote inflammation. EFAs enhance thermogenesis (heat production), improve endocrine (hormone) function, strengthen the immune system, improve neurological function, and speed wound healing and recovery from workouts. Thyroid, adrenal conditions and especially adrenal exhaustion respond well to liberal amounts of EFAs. It’s important to recognize that the environment you put these essential fatty acids into, meaning your body, is related to what happens to them. They are definitely not metabolized well if, for example, you routinely drink excess amounts of alcohol, have a poor functioning thyroid or have a sluggish metabolism caused by poor physical condition. The ratio between the two EFAs and the total amount of EFAs you ingest in a day is also important. Your diet should be dominated by more omega-3 fats than omega-6 fats. The North American norm, however, is lopsided in favour of omega-6, and most of these fats and oils are heatdamaged or sterile, a far cry from our original ancestral diet. Flaxseed oil: Flaxseed oil is an excellent source of the two EFAs: alphalinolenic acid (omega-3) and cis-linoleic acid (omega-6). Flaxseed oil is the second best known source of omega-3 (57 percent), surpassed only by chia seed oil. Chia seed oil: Chia seeds are imported from Mexico and South America. Chia seed oil, an outstanding source of both EFAs, is now recognized as the richest source of omega-3 (62 percent). It is extremely high in antioxidants (protecting cells, mitochondria and DNA from free radical damage), offering more than antioxidant-rich blueberries. Hemp seed oil: Hemp seed oil is derived from Cannabis sativa hemp seeds. Like flax and chia, hemp is also a great source of EFAs and a rare natural source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) (2 to 4 percent). GLA helps to manage salmonella infection, inflammation, PMS, ADHD, depression, skin disorders, arthritis, asthma, allergies, autism and weight control. Red microalgae: Red microalgae are grown in fermentors, then harvested and processed to extract the DHA-rich oil. The finished product is an amber-coloured oil rich in DHA. DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is a type

VISTA Magazine Issue 62

Don’t underestimate the importance of mixing oil with protein. EFAs reduce inflammation, and silent inflammation is correlated with the top three killers: heart disease, cancer and diabetes. of omega-3 fatty acid found throughout the body that provides many health benefits. It accounts for up to 97 percent of the omega-3 fatty acids in the brain and up to 93 percent in the retina, and is also a key to a healthy heart. Rosemary oil: Rosemary oil extract is an antioxidant, and is sometimes added to other oils to protect them from peroxidation and rancidity. Peroxidation occurs when fats are exposed to oxygen and light. Oils derived from flax, chia, hemp and red marine algae offer total body lubrication – inside and out – from omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in an excellent EFA ratio of 3 to 1 (dominated by omega-3s). Don’t underestimate the importance of mixing oil with protein. EFAs reduce inflammation, and silent inflammation is correlated with the top three killers: heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Get into the habit of “shaking and taking” every day and promote the concept to friends and family. A protein shake consisting of the highest quality oil and protein blend you can buy prepares the body for the stress of physical activity and protects it from depletion, injury and fatigue. As always, stay well …CH The Cory Holly Institute (CHI) provides students and members everywhere with the most comprehensive and reliable sports nutrition education in the world. Visit

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Nutra K2

Your Blood Pressure By Dr. Claude Gallant

from New Nordic

VITAMIN K2 FOR BONE AND CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH!! Major double blind clinical studies have recently linked vitamin K2 to improved boned health, particularly in post-menopausal women. Researchers in Maastricht reported that daily supplements of vitamin K2 maintained hip-bone strength in postmenopausal women, while placebos led to weakening. In other clinical studies, the same researchers found that vitamin K2 also inhibits the calcification of the cardiovascular system and may even reverse it. New Nordic now introduces Nutra K2 Solo, in the recommended 45 microgram daily dosage, of the effective Menaquinone-7 form of vitamin K2 (from natto soy beans). Look for the Silver Tree logo - your guarantee for high quality. For more information, please call 1-800-261-4223 or visit


ne in five Canadians has high blood pressure. It is one of the main risk factors for atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, stroke and kidney disease, so it is very important that it is properly controlled. Often labeled “the silent killer,” high blood pressure or hypertension has no symptoms, so 43 percent of people who have it have no idea that they do. If left untreated long enough high blood pressure damages blood vessel walls, causing scarring which promotes atherosclerosis. It puts a heavy strain on the heart, eventually weakening it. Consistent high blood pressure can cause blood vessels in the brain to burst, resulting in a stroke. Treatment includes anti-hypertensive drug therapy and lifestyle modification. The best way to protect yourself from high blood pressure is through small modifications within daily life. Blood pressure is the measure of the force your blood puts on the walls of your arteries. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg (millimetres of mercury). The top number represents the pressure when your heart contracts and pushes blood out (systolic pressure) and the bottom number is the lowest pressure when the heart relaxes between beats (diastolic pressure).

Maintain a healthy body weight

In the last 25 years, the number of overweight Canadians has increased dramatically. Studies show that body weight is directly associated with high

Available at participating health food stores and pharmacies across Canada. Also available online at



VISTA Magazine Issue 62



VISTA Magazine Issue 62 blood pressure, and your BMI –body mass index, a ratio of weight-to-height – can be an indicator of health risks. It’s recommended that you maintain a BMI of less than 25 kilograms/metre2. If you are overweight, any weight loss (even 10 percent) will effectively lower your blood pressure. Calculate your BMI at www.nhlbisupport. com/bmi/

good source of antioxidants and has been used for centuries to treat ailments. Clinical evidence demonstrates that epigallocatechin gallate (ECGC) and other green tea constituents help to reduce blood pressure, lower bad (LDL) cholesterol and enhance the functioning of cells in blood vessels.

Increase your physical activity

In cases of hypertension, potassium is the opposite of salt. High levels of potassium intake are directly linked to low blood pressure. The easiest and best way to increase your intake is to select foods rich in potassium. These include bananas, papayas, raisins, broccoli, artichokes and potatoes.

Exercise can dramatically lower blood pressure and help maintain healthy body weight, but remember to set realistic goals. • Find enjoyable scheduled activities like an aerobics or yoga class. You simply show up, follow the instructor, and you’re done! You’ll also meet people with similar interests who may help to keep you motivated. • Make small changes: use the stairs instead of elevators or escalators, walk instead of driving, and instead of sitting in front of the television or computer after dinner, take a stroll. • Surround yourself with a support group of family and active friends to keep you motivated and moving.

Eat a balanced diet

Studies confirm the correlation between a healthy diet and healthy blood pressure. One type of diet called DASH (dietary approaches to stop hypertension) is recommended by the American Heart Association and was proven to help maintain a healthy body weight, and lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. It emphasizes a diet rich in low fat dairy, fruits and vegetables while reducing bad fats and cholesterol. Its tips are available for free online at

Lay off salt

Blood pressure is negatively affected by salt. Clinical studies show that reducing salt intake can prevent and manage hypertension. • Try cutting the salt in recipes in half and see if you can tell the difference. You can always add it later. • Restrict fast food restaurant meals and prepackaged foods high in salt and fats, which are bad for your weight and heart. • Be a smart shopper by checking labels. Buy unsalted alternatives of soups and canned foods. Avoid salt-preserved foods like smoked, salted, cured or corned meats. • Look for low sodium alternatives when buying salt. You can now get products like healthesalt, which tastes and bakes the same as salt with half of the sodium (but lots of healthy potassium).

Brighten up your dinner plate

Colourful fruits and vegetables contain higher antioxidant levels, so eat up! Blueberries, pomegranates, cranberries, kale and spinach are great choices. Fresh is best, though some of these are seasonal, so frozen is an option. Green tea is a



Increase potassium

Give your heart what it needs

Reduce alcohol

There is a direct correlation between alcohol consumption and blood pressure. Adult men should consume no more than 14 drinks spread out during the week, and nine per week for women. Keeping within healthy limits will benefit your entire health.

Eat fibre

Fibre helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, improving circulation and reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease. The Heart and Stroke Foundation recommends including lots of fibre in your diet, from 25 to 38 grams daily, but a typical Western diet provides about half of that. Supplements are available but don’t rely only on them. Foods like whole wheat, oatmeal, and raw fruits and veggies are great sources. If you choose to combine a healthy diet and a fibre supplement, read labels. Many products claim to have high fibre content, but may not. The newest types can be added to any drink or soft food without any taste or texture.

Maximize omega-3’s

The evidence is so strong for omega-3 fats and heart health that every health agency recommends increasing your intake. Consumption of omega-3 from fish oil, fish or supplements reduces blood pressure and is critical for overall good health. There are three kinds of omega-3s: DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). All are beneficial but the first two, DHA and EPA are more absorbable. Fatty fish like salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna, sardines and anchovies are great sources. ALA is the vegan friendly omega-3, but is not as easily used by the body, having to go through multiple inefficient steps before it may be used, so vegans should consume more (almost 15 times as much) to get the same benefits. ALA can be found in walnuts, flax and hemp oils. Multiple factors influence blood pressure, but the best option for you and your loved ones is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Love your heart and it will love you back!

VISTA Magazine Issue 62

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VISTA Magazine Issue 62

Help the Environment While Keeping Fit By Scott Gray


hy not help the environment, save on gas, generate less greenhouse gases and burn more calories, all at the same time? It becomes a win-win situation to improve not only the health of the world but your health as well. Follow some of these simple ways to save the environment and also improve your own fitness.


For shorter distances, why not walk? Driving the car around the block to local shops or the school can use a lot of fuel. Walk the kids to school. Everyone will benefit: you will be able to listen to your children attentively instead of concentrating on traffic, and your children will burn a few calories, which is not bad considering the childhood obesity pandemic.

Ride your bike.

For distances that are too far too walk, riding is another very environmentally friendly form of transportation. You will be amazed at how much fuel you will save in a week by biking to the office instead of driving. Riding a bike is an excellent way to burn calories and improve your aerobic fitness.

Take the stairs.

This is better than a StairMaster. Your legs and butt will get a real workout with real stairs, while you will also not be using the electricity needed to power an elevator or step machine.

Jog or run.

These are great ways to improve aerobic fitness. Why use your treadmill when you can use the great outdoors when the weather is nice? Not only are you getting fresh air in your lungs, but you will also be reducing your power bill.

Hang your washing on the line.

Why waste all that power when the sun can dry your wet washing for free? Pegging up all that laundry is actually a great upper arm workout. Drying washing on a clothesline will significantly reduce your power bill since a dryer is one of the most energy intensive appliances in your home.

Join a green gym.

Consider working out at a “green gym.” These are just starting to gain popularity and actually use the power created from the exercise bikes to run electrical equipment in the gym such as the TV’s, stereo, and lighting. Stationary bikes are connected to a generator, which captures the produced power and then utilizes it to charge batteries, so you keep fit while fuelling the TV! Look for an environmental gym in your area.

Compost/work in the garden.

Get those arm muscles toned and strong by spreading mulch or compost on your garden beds. Using the shovel will give you a great shoulder and back workout, and the compost ensures you will not need to use quite so much water on your garden.

Pedal your own generator.

The newest eco-friendly generators are powered by pedaling. The longer you pedal, the more power you produce: 45 minutes of pedaling can produce enough energy to power a laptop, fluorescent lights and other small electrical items. Imagine how much a whole family pedaling on one of these bike generators could power in a day.

Clean up a beach or park.

While out walking, take along a bag and pick up any trash you spot along the way. The park will look better for your efforts and you will feel fitter and



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more productive. You may want to wear gloves for this task to protect your hands from injuries and dirt. Take this task a little further and join a volunteer group to help clean up your community. There are many ways to save the environment while improving your own fitness. Burn calories, not fuel or greenhouse gases, and everyone will benefit. Scott Gray is a fitness enthusiast and website publisher who enjoys providing fitness information to consumers. He maintains a fitness website where you’ll find tips for getting in shape and losing belly fat.

If I Had Four Trillion Dollars By David Suzuki


any of you are working to recycle, reduce energy consumption, and improve the world for your families and neighbours. The collective impact of these many small efforts is making a big difference. But just think what you could do with $4.1 trillion! That’s how much the US and 17 Western European countries are spending to bail out financial institutions involved in an economic crisis that began in the US and soon reverberated around the world. (The final amount will likely be a lot more.) It’s difficult to fathom such a large number, but consider that one trillion seconds is about 32,000 years! To top it off, most of the details are secret; we don’t really know what the money is being used for – although it probably hasn’t stopped your retirement savings funds from plummeting. The effect on people in developing nations is even worse. Most of them didn’t have savings to begin with, and now the economic crisis, coupled with the effects of the climate crisis – including drought and food shortages – is causing more of our human family to suffer from extreme poverty and joblessness. Just think what they could do with $4.1 trillion! A report from the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) called Skewed Priorities: How the Bailouts Dwarf Other Global Crisis Spending points out that the amount is 40 times what the US and Europe are spending in developing nations on programmes to deal with poverty ($90.7 billion) and climate change ($13.1 billion). The US spent far more to bail out insurance firm AIG, $152.5 billion, than all the countries together spent on developmental aid last year. And what did the AIG executives do after getting the taxpayer-funded bailout? They celebrated, with a $440,000 trip to a luxury spa resort. The cost of the trip is about what the US spent on food aid last year to Lebanon, “a country struggling to recover from conflict,” according to the IPS. If we think we needn’t worry about what happens to developing nations because it isn’t affecting us, we should remind ourselves that just as everything in nature is connected, so is everything in our global economic and political systems. Increased international job competition and reduced export opportunities are just two of

the smaller impacts mentioned in the IPS report. But the worst meltdown isn’t of the global economy. Another report, Climate Safety, from the Public Interest Research Centre, shows that the Arctic’s late-summer ice is melting much faster than scientists previously predicted and may disappear within three to seven years. The cascading consequences of such an event could be catastrophic. Instead of giving companies these huge sums of money so they can continue business as usual, buying and selling, merging, and paying their executives obscene salaries and bonuses, we could put it toward renewable energy, sustainable urban planning, and research into ways to lessen the impact of climate change – things that really would stimulate economies. But, as the world’s nations meet at the UN Climate Change Conference in Poland this month, the focus remains on the false dichotomy of economy versus environment. Canada has continued to bolster its reputation as a country lacking in imagination and concern for the planet. Environment Minister Jim Prentice told Alberta business leaders recently that, “We will not aggravate an already weakening economy in the name of environmental progress.” His job is to protect the environment yet he sounds like the minister of finance! Though Canada is hindering progress, other nations are showing more enlightened leader-



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ship. French President Nicolas Sarkozy said before heading to Poland that nations must keep their commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “Climate change is so important that we cannot use the financial and economic crisis as a pretext for dropping it,” he said. Eminent economist Sir Nicholas Stern has already told us that meeting the challenge of climate change could cost about one per cent of annual GDP but doing nothing will destroy the global economy. It seems there’s only one thing that we can do, and it won’t cost $4.1 trillion. As citizens, we can and must do everything possible to keep our finite world alive and healthy. Along with the small but important changes we are making in our own lives, we must also call on our leaders to stop downplaying the unequivocal science and quickly address the climate crisis that may soon make the economic crisis seem like a minor blip in history. David Suzuki is the Chair of the David Suzuki Foundation, and is an award-winning scientist and broadcaster. He is host of the television series, The Nature of Things. He founded CBC radio’s, Quirks and Quarks and presented documentary series, From Naked Ape to Superspecies and It’s a Matter of Survival. Dr. Suzuki has received a UNESCO prize for science, a United Nations Environment Program medal and the Order of Canada.

Beyond Baking: 30 Baking Soda Tips By Michael Bloch


aking soda, the modestly priced and plainly packaged baking ingredient, has been used as a deodorizer and cleaner since the 1800s when Arm and Hammer launched its ubiquitous brand. In my previous articles, I have written about baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, because it’s such an Earth-friendly household chemical. In this article, I’ve jotted down lots of baking soda tips – some that I’ve tried myself and others I haven’t yet.

spoon of (Earth-friendly) dish detergent and a gallon of water to make a spray for treating roses against black spot fungus.

In the workshop/garage

Mix a paste of baking soda and vinegar and apply with a pot scourer to remove light rusting • A baking-soda and water paste applied to chrome surfaces, allowed to dry then buffed off will leave chrome shining. • Baking soda applied to fresh grease and oil spills on your garage floor will draw away the oil, which can then be scraped off.

Baking soda in the kitchen

A cup of baking soda in your fridge will help remove excess moisture (in addition to the well known use to absorb odours). • Sprinkle some in your vegetable crisper and cover with a cloth or paper towel for crisper veggies that last longer. • Sprinkle baking soda onto a damp sponge for cleaning out your refrigerator without scratching. • Sprinkling baking soda in the bottom of rubbish bags will help to control odours as you add trash. • To give your dishwasher a good clean, run it through a cycle using baking soda instead of detergent. • Wash chemicals and pesticides off of fruits and vegetables in a pot filled with water and 3 to 4 tablespoons of baking soda.

General home uses

Do you have crayon or other marks on walls? Try applying a baking soda and water paste on an old toothbrush and lightly brush the affected area. • Water stains on wooden floors can be removed with a sponge dampened in a solution of baking soda dissolved in water. • Sprinkle baking soda on rugs and carpets before vacuuming as a deodorizing treatment. Most store-bought carpet powders are baking soda based! • Well used mops can really stink. Rather than throwing it out, try soaking it in a mixture of 4 tablespoons baking soda and a gallon of water for an hour. • Stains on porcelain sinks, toilets and plastics


Baking soda lightly sprinkled and mixed into cat litter will help control odours. • Eliminate odours after you’ve cleaned up pet accidents: sprinkle over the dampened area with baking soda, allow to dry and then vacuum. can be removed by applying a layer of baking soda and then using a damp sponge to scrub. I found this worked particularly well on a water-stained sink that couldn’t be cleaned without the use of heavy chemical scrubs that scratch the surface. • As an alternative to caustic products for clearing blocked drains, throw a cup of baking soda down the drain followed by a couple of jugs of boiling water. • Work a baking soda and water paste onto stains prior to washing to clothes to help remove them from the fabric. • Half a cup of baking soda added to a full load of washing will help brighten your clothes and remove odours. • To clean jewelry, use a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water, apply the mixture, allow it to sit for a couple of minutes, rinse off and then polish with a soft cloth.

In the garden

Baking soda can deter ants. Pour a solid line in areas of activity and they won’t cross it. • Mix a tablespoon of baking soda, a tea-



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Personal care uses

Do you have smelly running shoes? Get a couple of old socks, fill up the toe and heel sections with baking soda, place into the offending shoes and leave overnight to help remove odours. • A thick paste of baking soda and water applied to bug bites can provide relief. • A half teaspoon of baking soda mixed into a glass of water can act as mouthwash, and sprinkling baking soda onto regular toothpaste to create a whitening toothpaste. You will be using more sodium bicarbonate if it becomes your must-have cleaner. You can save money by reusing it. For example, once it has served its purpose as a fridge deodorizer, you can put it down your sink to help keep your drains clear. Versatile baking soda is a greener way to get many jobs done around the house. Michael Bloch publishes Green Living Tips, an online resource powered by renewable energy offering a wide variety of Earth friendly tips, greenguides, advice, and environment related news to help consumers and businesses reduce costs, consumption and environmental impact.

The 28th Annual Guelph Organic Conference, Expo & Tasting Fair


is for Opportunity

Shedding Light on Oregano Oil By Jason Mann

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Since its introduction to the Canadian mar‑ ket in the early 90s, many things have been written about oil of oregano. Most of the in‑ formation written about medicinal proper‑ ties and treatable conditions is accurate and is based on scientific studies and a long his‑ tory of traditional use. Yet when it comes to understanding the actual plants and their es‑ sential oil, there is plenty of misinformation.


ven researchers looking for the facts find many contradictions in the literature. Why is Mediterranean oregano such a mystery? To a certain extent, our knowledge is influenced by European botany and herbalism, which never fully explored the wide variety of Mediterranean species. Also, much of the authoritative research available today is not in English, but in foreign languages. Oregano oil is a traditional medicine used for centuries throughout the Mediterranean, Middle East and parts of Asia. For instance in Turkey, oregano and thyme are referred to as “kekik,” and age-old methods of extracting the oil are still used to this day. Cultures have different names for oregano, and although there is a wide variety of species, many of them were traditionally used in treating respiratory and digestive illnesses. Therefore, it is a myth that there is only one “true” species of medicinal oregano. If you research Mediterranean oregano you will find that most literature mentions the better-known species called Origanum Vulgare. Some herbal and aromatherapy texts state that this is the prized Mediterranean variety, while other writers contradict this by suggesting it has little medicinal value. The fact is that O.Vulgare is one of many medicinal oreganos, but it is not the highest-potency species, and is by no means superior to the others. It has received an inordinate amount of attention. It is estimated that there are over 40 species of oregano around the world, and over 20 in the Mediterranean alone. Most if not all of these varieties have medicinal merit because they contain a beneficial compound called carvacrol. Species that contain higher levels of carvacrol are more potent against infection-related conditions, and they grow in the Mediterranean. Oreganos contain varying amounts of another beneficial compound called thymol, which works in combination with carvacrol and has similar antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidant properties. One source has warned that thymol is toxic at high levels and consumers need to be wary of oil of oregano that is derived from the “wrong” species. This has generated unnecessary fear and confusion because most Mediterranean varieties contain very low levels of thymol (less than 5 percent). Though both car-

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vacrol and thymol may be toxic if enormous amounts are consumed, oil of oregano products are considered non-toxic and safe when manufacturer’s guidelines are followed. Another myth is that oregano oil must be “wild crafted” in order to be effective. Though the benefits of wild crafted herbs are known, organic farm-raised oregano is also full of beneficial nutrients, is contaminant free, and can produce a high level of carvacrol, depending on the species grown. Tests performed in Canada have confirmed this. Misinformation also surrounds the subject of carvacrol. In this competitive marketplace, manufacturers have placed an exaggerated importance on the concentration of this compound which is thought to provide more potency. While it is true that higher percentages are advantageous, most types of dried oregano and their oil, regardless of where they are sourced, contain some amount of carvacrol and are beneficial for fighting infection. A more important determinant of oregano oil quality and effectiveness is purity. In aromatherapy, a perfectly pure essential oil contains the identical phytochemistry that was originally present within the dried herb (The term “pure” is also used to define an essential oil before dilution in a carrier – oil or alcohol, which is a different subject). Pure oils contain an intricate combination of compounds working synergistically together that only nature’s intelligence could design. Aromatherapists are adamant about sourcing pure oils because therapeutic results are dependent on it. The medicinal effectiveness of such oils is far superior to versions that have been standardized or adulterated with a focus on one active compound such as carvacrol. Naturally-occurring carvacrol exceeds 70 percent in several oregano varieties. But it is important to recognize that there is a natural limit to carvacrol concentration. The highest-potency species is Origanum Minuti‑ florum, which on rare occasions can reach 85 percent. Oregano is an important “herbal antibiotic” that is easy to grow in your garden. While certain high-potency species are rare and more medicinally effective, we can rejoice in knowing that most types of oregano boost immunity, fight infection, and are great for overall health. Jason Mann is a researcher, health nut, and a lover of all things natural.



VISTA Magazine Issue 62

New Books By Dr Michael Colgan Meet him at the Wellness Show Vancouver Convention Center February 6, 7, 8 2009 Colgan Institute Canada Ltd. Phone.250 537 2069 Fax.250 537 2148 Toll Free.1 800 302 3032

Hair Loss Help By John Austen

You lose from 50 to 100 strands of hair a day. It sounds like a lot, but you don’t lose it all at once. To keep that in perspective, the average human head has about 100,000 hair follicles. However, each follicle can grow only about 20 individual hairs in a person’s lifetime.


hy do you lose it? A small bulb at the base of the hair follicle (dermal papilla) is highly sensitive to hormones and other chemicals secreted by the body (or ingested from medicine), which impacts hair growth. The genetic predisposition to a receding hairline (common in men) or hair/follicle thinning over larger areas of scalp (common in women) results from hormonal changes caused by an enzyme in the dermal papilla called 5-alphareductase. This enzyme breaks down the hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Over time, an overabundance of DHT causes the hair follicle to degrade, leading to hair loss. There are many questions surrounding causes of baldness. Here we’ll try to demystify the age-old problem. Can blow dryers cause hair loss? Hair dryers can over-dry and damage your hair? Yes, but once the damaged hair has fallen out, new hair will replace it if it’s healthy, so baldness isn’t connected with blow-drying your hair. Is it true that women aren’t attracted to bald men? Since Bruce Willis, Billy Zane, Michael Jordan, Andre Agassi, Samuel L. Jackson and Nicholas Cage are missing hair but not women, let’s just say that if you’re good looking and successful, don’t worry about your hair. Do you inherit baldness from your mother’s father? Research suggests that the gene that determines the probability for hair loss is located on the X chromosome and so is always inherited from the mother’s side; there’s a 50 percent chance that you share the same X chromosome as your maternal grandfather. Research also shows that if your father is balding you have an even greater chance of hair loss. Is it true that if you brush your hair too much, you lose more of it? Excessive brushing is the leading contributor to split ends and breakage of hair. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t brush your hair, it just means that you shouldn’t constantly fuss with it. The old adage to brush 100 strokes a day must have been very tough on hair. Does shaving your head make it grow back thicker or make less grow back? Neither. You can’t shave away your hair follicles, so the same amount of hair will grow back if you shave your head. Shaving doesn’t increase the



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number of healthy hairs on the scalp, and no extra thickness has been proven. If I’m under a lot of stress, will my hair fall out permanently? Stress has been shown to make hair fall out and also accelerate baldness in genetically susceptible men. If I’m of a certain ethnic background does it increase my chances of going bald? Probably not, but studies show that men of Greek or Macedonian heritage have the highest percentage of balding in men aged 16 to 28. Do tight hats and caps cause baldness? If this were true then all baseball players would be bald. While this is a myth, hats do cause hair breakage, which can begin to look wispy from split ends. Are bald men more sexually virile? Levels of free testosterone are strongly linked to libido and also DHT levels (high levels of DHT cause baldness), but unless free testosterone is virtually non-existent, levels have not been shown to affect virility. Because hair loss is progressive and free testosterone declines with age, your hairline may be more indicative of your past than present sex life. Keep your head – don’t try fad products in desperation. Though there are many products on the market which claim to miraculously grow hair, herbal helpers have been used for over a thousand years to treat hair loss, and offer a natural and effective approach. They include extracts from fenugreek seeds, saw palmetto berries, pumpkin seeds and burdock root. The most successful are those herbal formulas that can stop the aforementioned enzyme 5-alphareductase. They have the best chance of preventing, slowing down, or in some cases reversing hair loss. Herbal formulas also now include an extract from flaxseed; its lignans contain high amounts of a phytoestrogen, known to help stop the enzyme 5-alphareductase’s activity. Some herbal ingredients also contain compounds that remove excess cholesterol (the building blocks of testosterone) so excess DHT cannot be produced. The B vitamins folate and biotin may help to support the growth of hair. The efficacy of these ingredients is being investigated in human clinical studies. Eat well, sleep well, manage stress well, supplement with nutrients to give your genetics a boost, and try natural products that may work well to keep your hair loss to a minimum.



VISTA Magazine Issue 62

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Paperback Heroes

Books that Inspire Healthy Living Make Room for Happiness: Improve

Beer Belly Blues: Becoming the Ultimate Male Again By Brad King, published by Abundant Health Systems, $22.95

How do you let go of tension and anxiety? Dr. Melemis says that it takes three steps: identify the underlying causes, let go of tension so that you can make room for change, and replace your anxiety with something positive. Similar to other writers, he states that living in the moment is the only place where you can feel happy, but that living in the moment is not the same as living in the present. You can still plan for the future, but mindfully enjoy what you are doing right now, whether it’s completing a work task or conversing with your kids. He says letting go of tension means relieving it on a physical level by grounding your body. How do you relax? He says don’t try to relax your mind; relax your muscles and your mind will follow. You hold tension in your core, your chest and your face. According to Dr. Melemis, your face is the tensest part of your body. You use your face to both express and to hide emotions, so over time it builds layers of tension, anxiety and resentments. Therefore, the first step is to relax your face – with a gentle smile (for at least 10 minutes) that takes tension from your body and age from your face. To relax, he instructs, breathe from your abdomen, turn your focus away from your tension toward your body, “name” what you’re feeling tense about, and tell yourself to let it go. Focus on becoming grounded and loose by repeating a phrase such as “let it go.” You need to relax for at least 20 minutes before tension releases, and to do it every day to enable your body to “remember” how to relax. With this book’s simple relaxation techniques you can learn to sleep better, improve your relationships, increase your health and become happier.

Author Brad King tells it like it is in his new book about the fallen superhero – or almost every man who is over 50 and can’t figure out what happened to his virility, energy and svelte physique. Andropause, or male menopause, when lost hormones and gained weight cause havoc with a man’s self esteem, is a normal part of aging, but King says that its symptoms aren’t inevitable. A nutritionist specializing in physical performance, he has done the research to help you to reinvent yourself whether your issues are a sore back, prostate gland troubles, sagging sex drive, weight gain, stiff joints, heart troubles, hair loss, mood swings, flabby muscles, frequent illnesses or stress overload. Beer Belly Blues is written in an easy to read, humorous format featuring “Fred,” the middleaged, overweight, under-sexed, newly-separated guy without-much-of-a-career, as the guinea pig who undergoes a transformation. Part One tells you what’s happening to your body in simplified scientific terms – testosterone, DHT and inflammation are the culprits for almost everything. Part Two discusses the path to take to turn back the clock 20 years. Interesting bits: “A low-fat diet with a high stress lifestyle can be the worst caloric cocktail of all where testosterone is concerned.” He explains that not eating enough of the right kind of fats that increase testosterone and the anti-aging hormone DHEA, and having too much stress, which increases the hormone cortisol, result in many andropausal symptoms. Eating enough lean protein along with healthy fats is your ticket to increased testosterone. King also discusses the right way to exercise to increase testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH), and build lean muscle while burning fat. He talks about using the right supplements like whey protein, maca, tongat ali, chrysin, beta sitosterol, lycopene and zinc. Written for a guy by a guy, but with the guy’s wife in mind, Beer Belly Blues is a little book that might do wonders.

Your Life by Letting Go of Tension By Steven Melemis, PhD, MD, published by Modern Therapies, $22.95



VISTA Magazine Issue 62

By Michelle Kwon

The Healthy Millionaire By Dr. Janine Bowring, ND, published by Dolce Book Publishing, $21.95 You can never be Secret Healthy Manifesting Health too rich or too MILLIONAIRE™ healthy. This book combines elements of both to enable a truly full life, because if you’re rich financially and poor physically neither does you much good. The author, an energetic healer DR. JANINE BO WRING, ND and naturopathic doctor, focuses on detoxification and says that the human body becomes clogged with external and emotional toxins that push your life off balance, even if your finances are stable. The book moves swiftly between the spiritual, like creative visualization and balancing your chakras, to the physical such as adrenal gland fatigue and chronic candidiasis. She discusses heavy issues: she explains how to rid your body of heavy metals such as mercury in amalgam fillings, aluminum from antacids, and excesses of copper from pipes, but also delves into heavy relationship issues such as creating healthy boundaries, giving unconditional love, and “detoxifying” negative patterns. The book is filled with charts offering useful information that you can refer back to such as a caffeine meter that tells the amount per serving in everything from green tea to hot cocoa, the types of vegetables with the most soluble fibre (like oranges, cabbage and sesame seeds) and insoluble fibre (like strawberries, apples and carrots), and sources of environmental toxins such as the formaldehyde in a countertop, the mould in your mattress and the electromagnetic energy from TVs. She offers advice on proper juice fasting, food combining, Chinese remedies, hydro and colon therapy, effective supplements, and the importance of sleep to cleanse. Though she doesn’t discuss how to increase financial wealth, she implies that health can indirectly help you to create affluence through increased energy, mental clarity and motivation for life. THE



and Wealth

“This powerful book is an essential tool for learning how to live a life rich with well-being .” – City Life Magazine





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