Champlain View

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Barracano also spearheaded production of The Worst Thing about Coming Out, a GRFXPHQWDU\ ÀOP IHDWXULQJ interviews with members RI WKH /*%7 FRPPXQLW\ telling stories of coming out RI WKH FORVHW 1RW RQO\ GLG the production attract local and national press, but it also gave participating Champlain VWXGHQWV D FUHGLW RQ D IHDWXUH OHQJWK GRFXPHQWDU\ ÀOP—the equivalent of a gold star for a JUDGXDWLQJ ÀOP VWXGHQW

The opportunities to create independent short films and work on stage are

7KDQNV WR JUHDW IDFXOW\ OLNH expanding at Champlain College. Barracano, Champlain has WKULYHG DW FUHDWLQJ VXFK H[SHULHQFHV Build It and They Will Come for students, often across disciplines. 1RZ WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ SODQV WR VHL]H WKH In January, Champlain partnered with 9HUPRQW 3XEOLF 7HOHYLVLRQ 937 WR VWDJH RSSRUWXQLW\ FUHDWHG E\ FROOHJH UDQNLQJV and national press to compete with D ´'RZQWRQ $EEH\ ([SHULHQFH Âľ )DFXOW\ WRS WLHU DUW VFKRROV ERWK UHJLRQDOO\ DQG PHPEHUV 6X]DQQH *ORYHU *UDSKLF nationally. 'HVLJQ 1DQF\ .HUU 3XEOLF 5HODWLRQV (ULF 6DPSOH 6RQLF $UWV DQG 3HWHU 7KH FRQVWUXFWLRQ RI D SURSRVHG QHZ 6WUDXEH (YHQW 0DQDJHPHQW JXLGHG CCM building, some believe, is critical student interns in graphic design, publicity, WR JHWWLQJ WR WKDW QH[W OHYHO ´3URVSHFWLYH VRFLDO PHGLD DQG HYHQW SURGXFWLRQ 7KH students come visit Champlain and go event, which attracted more than 400 on a tour and there’s no [CCM] building. DWWHQGHHV ZDV D JUHDW IXQG UDLVLQJ VXFFHVV 7KHUH LVQ¡W D VHQVH RI FRPPXQLW\ WKDW ,¡YH VD\V 937 &RPPXQLFDWLRQV 'LUHFWRU $QQ seen at other film and art schools, because Curran. there’s no center,â€? says Barracano. “Really, the perfect world for the arts at Champlain $QRWKHU HYHQW NQRZQ DV WKH $UW would be a nucleus that the programs orbit 0DUDWKRQ RU ´ +RXUV RI $UW Âľ ZDV VSRQVRUHG E\ WKH QHZ &UHDWLYH 0HGLD %)$ around,â€? he adds. major and organized E\ 5RQLV ´7KH Creative Media major is concerned with innovation as artists, so bringing in such ‘art ZRUNV¡ DV D EDVNHWEDOO game, one’s rejection OHWWHUV D KRXU ORQJ PRQWDJH RI Ă€OP FOLSV DOO GHYRWHG WR FORFNV as well as traditional poetry, music, and paintings is a way for us to really question ‘what can art be?’â€? Ronis says. 3UHVLGHQW )LQQH\ DQG RWKHU G G administrators have already made great (YHQWV OLNH WKHVH ZKHUH HQJDJHG strides in raising the needed money for the DQG WDOHQWHG VWXGHQWV ZRUN RQ FUHDWLYH EXLOGLQJ WKH 5REHUW 3 6WLOOHU JLIW ZKLFK projects, illustrate why Champlain’s CCM included $10 million for the business 'LYLVLRQ KDV DWWUDFWHG QDWLRQDO DWWHQWLRQ Champlain View | Spring 13


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