Estudia en Irlanda con UCC

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University College Cork Una tradiciรณn de pensamiento independiente

Irlanda – ubicada entre Europa y las Americas

La Isla Esmeralda

Educacion, Cultura, Literatura, Musica La educación esta en nuestro ADN Larga y clásica tradición: “Land of Saints and Scholars” Hoy en dia gozamos de destacada inversión publica en la Educación

Literatura: 4 escritores irlandeses recibieron el Premio Nobel de Literatura – George Bernard Shaw William Butler Yeats Samuel Beckett Seamus Heaney

Música: U2, Enya, Sinead O’Connor, The Cranberries, Riverdance

Irlanda y Mexico Historia •  El Batallón de San Patricio •  Juan O’Donoju •  William Lamport Participación Económica Intercambio comercial valuado en casi $1 billion por año en agricultura, bebidas, químicos, vehículos y software

Irlanda – Datos Generales Tamaño: 70,282 km2 Idioma: Inglés (y Gaélico) Único País Angloparlante de la Euro-zona Miembro de la Unión Europea desde 1973 Moneda: Euro € Población: 4.5 millones y el 50% es menor de 35 años

Irlanda es No 1 en Europa en Eficiencia Terminal en Educacion Superior

Rankings Investigacion Global •  •  •

* Impacto Imunologia Animal y Lacteos

#3 en el mundo en nano-ciencias #4 en el mundo en ciencias de computacion #6 en el mundo en ciencias de materiales #20 en el mundo en research citations

Irlanda y Cork son la base europea para muchas empresas globales Miembro de la UE, poblaciรณn 500m, representa 28% del PIB mundial.

Ireland: The Multi-National Hub 8 of the top ten gaming companies 9 of the top 10 global ICT companies 50% of world’s leading financial services firms 15 of the top 20 medical device companies 6 of the top 7 diagnostics companies 9 of the top 10 global pharmaceutical companies

The European Union and Mexico have reached an "agreement in principle" on the main trade parts of a new EU-Mexico association agreement. The new agreement replaces a previous deal between the EU and Mexico from 2000. The original association agreement brought many trade benefits to the EU and Mexico, though some trade barriers still remain. The new deal will: •  scrap high Mexican tariffs on European food and drinks •  allow EU firms to sell more services to Mexico •  pledge to protect workers' rights and the environment

¿Por qué estudiar en UCC Irlanda? •  Universidad en top 2% a nivel global en rankings •  Fuerte enfoque en investigación aplicada •  Programas de estudio incluyen prácticas laborales en industrias relevantes

Puedes trabajar durante y quedarte despues de los estudios El país más amistoso del mundo (Lonely Planet) País europeo moderno y cosmopolita •  Mexicanos no requieren visa •  Puedes trabajar mientras estudias •  Visa de egresado de 24 meses

UCC data de 1845 como Queens University Cork, hoy forma parte de National University of Ireland

Combina una amplia tradiciĂłn de enseĂąanza, investigaciĂłn y destacados egresados

Facultades en UCC •  Facultad de Arte, Estudios Celtas y Ciencias Sociales •  Facultad de Negocios y Derecho •  Facultad de Ciencias, Ingeniería y Ciencia de los alimentos •  Facultad de Medicina y Salud

Humanidades: College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences CACSSS Schools/Departments: Applied Psychology

World Languages

Applied Social Studies

Literatures & Cultures

Asian Studies

Irish Learning


Music and Theatre

Digital Humanities

Sociology & Philosophy



English Film Studies History (including History of Art) Geography & Archaeology: The Human Environment Politics

Facultad de Negocios y Derecho College of Business and Law Schools/Departments:

Language and the Law

Child and Family Law

Medical and Mental Health Law

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Private Law

Corporate, Commercial, Consumer and Financial Law

Business Information Systems

Criminal Justice Cyber law Intellectual Property and Information Law

Accounting and Finance Centre for Co-operative Studies Centre for Policy Studies Economics Food Business and Development

Environmental, Marine and Natural Resources Law


Human Rights and Public Policy, International Law

School of Mathematical Sciences

Management and Marketing

Facultad de Ciencias, Ingeniería y Ciencias de los Alimentos College of Science Engineering and Food Science Schools/Departments: • Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences • Computer Science and Information Technology • Engineering • Food and Nutritional Sciences • Biochemistry and Cell Biology • Microbiology • Mathematical Sciences • Chemistry • Physics

Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud College of Medicine and Health Schools/Departments:

Medicine (Department)

University Dental School and Hospital

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Medicine, Nursing and Midwifery


Paediatrics and Child, Health


Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Clinical Therapies Occupational Therapy


Clinical Therapies - Speech & Hearing Sciences


Anatomy, Epidemiology and Public Health General Practice

Psychiatry Surgery

Ciencia de los Alimentos en UCC Postgraduate - Food Science (MSc) - Food Business (MSc) - Food Marketing (MBS) - Food Microbiology (MSc) - Food Science and Technology (Hdip) - Nutritional Science (MSc)

Principal research themes - Food Science - Food and the Consumer - Food and Health - Nutrition and Human Health

3+1+1 programmes in food science

Diana & Elisa, IIA in QRO – Diploma in Food Studies

Elisa Valdamares IIA Tec QRO

Diploma in Food Studies in UCC – year 3 60 ECTS / credits from the modules: FS3602 Chemistry of Food Proteins (5 credits) FS3603 Chemistry and Technology of Oils and Fats (5 credits) FS3604 Sensory Analysis, Flavour and Colour (5 credits) FS3605 Macromolecules and Rheology (5 credits) FS3606 Food Processing and Preservation (10 credits) FS3608 Fundamentals of Food Packaging (5 credits) FS3610 Food Analysis and Processing (5 credits) FS3612 Library Project (5 credits) MB3103 Food and Industrial Microbiology I (5 credits) MB3114 Food and Industrial Microbiology II (5 credits) Plus 5 credits from: LC1003 Advanced English for Academic Study (C1 - level = Lower advanced) (5 credits) LC2105 Advanced English for Scientific Studies (5 credits)

BSc Hons Food Science – Year 4 - 60 credits:

Food Chemistry and Processing Technology (Option) Students take 15 credits as follows: FS4001 Research Project (10 credits) FS4003 Advanced Analytical Methods (5 credits) or FS4002 Team Product Development Project (10 credits) FS4014 Food Product Development and Innovation (5 credits) Plus 45 credits as follows: FS4006 Cereals and Related Beverages (5 credits) FS4010 Food Shelf Life Control (5 credits) FS4011 Advanced Food Packaging (5 credits) FS4020 Dairy Science and Technology (5 credits) FS4021 Meat Science and Technology (5 credits) FS4022 Topics in Food Science (5 credits) FS4023 Food Biopolymer Ingredients and Mixtures (5 credits) MB4011 Microbial Food Safety (5 credits) NT4010 Topics in Nutrition and Food Toxicology (5 credits)

BSc Hons Food Science – Year 4 - 60 credits:

Food Microbiology (Option) (not on offer in 2017/18) Students take 35 credits as follows: FS4001 Research Project (10 credits) MB4001 Methods in Microbiology (5 credits) MB4010 Food Fermentation and Mycology (5 credits) MB4011 Microbial Food Safety (5 credits) MB4013 Food Biotechnology (5 credits) MB4114 Hygienic Production of Food (5 credits) Plus 25 credits from the following: FS4006 Cereals and Related Beverages (5 credits) FS4010 Food Shelf-Life Control (5 credits) FS4011 Advanced Food Packaging (5 credits) FS4020 Dairy Science and Technology (5 credits) FS4021 Meat Science and Technology (5 credits) FS4022 Topics in Food Science (5 credits)

Visiting Students – Application online Academic information: 30 ECTS Credits per semester link: Requirements: English: IELTS 6.0 (with no individual section lower than 5.5), or TOEFL iBT 79-80 or above - valid for 2 years • Completed application • Copy of passport • Official transcript of records (translated to English) • English Language Test Scores (IELTS or TOEFL iBT) ORIENTATION: SPRING SEMESTER DATES: EASTER RECESS: STUDY REVIEW WEEK: FINAL EXAMINATIONS:

Thursday 11th & Friday 12th January 2019 Monday 15th January – Friday 20th April 2019 Saturday 24th March – Sunday 8th April 2019 Monday 23rd April – Thursday 26thApril 2019 Friday 27th April – Friday 11th May 2019

1 Sept 2019 to 20 Dec 2019 & 10 Jan 2020 to 15 May 2020

UCC Ranking - Top 2% mundial No. 1 en Europa 2015 por U-Multirank

Europe’s top 100 innovative universities 2017

Local Presence Global Reach

Campus Verde

No 9 en el mundo por Universitas Indonesia (UI) Greenmetric World University Rankings

Environmental Research Institute (ERI) 300 researchers in 17 Schools & Depts 6 research centres: • Marine and Renewable Energy, • Aquaculture and Fisheries • Atmospheric Chemistry, • UN GEMS/Water Capacity Centre, • Cleaner Production and Promotion Unit, • Centre for Law and the Environment

3 global challenges

Proposal Masters in Sustainable Development (Joint with Latin American & US partners) •  International & Interdisciplinary •  1+1 Masters with key partners •  include research projects with ERI

Topics : Climate Change, Environmental Management, Conservation - Heritage - Museum Studies, Community Engagement with Arts, Eco-cosmologies, Memory & Peace Process Environmental Geology & Illicit mining.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Masters in Rural Development Sustainable Development in Agriculture - UCC, Politecnico de Madrid, Spain & Montpellier, France MITRA – Intercultural Mediation: identities, mobilities, conflicts

Moisés Akkin-mai Jezzini de Anda, Tamaulipas, egresado de ITESM MTY Doctorado en Optoelectrónica @ Tyndall National Institute UCC - Becario Conacyt

“En UCC y Tyndall el nivel de investigación es muy alto y los laboratorios están muy bien equipados. Cork es un lugar muy bonito, con personas muy amables, y lleno de cosas que hacer”.

Magaly Mora – egresada ITESM MTY

Enrique Abraham Chan Gutierrez, Yucatan Doctorado en Bio-gas en el Centro de Investigaciones Ambientales (ERI) UCC Becario Conacyt

Octavio Vazquez Becario Gobierno de Irlanda y UCC

Egresado del ITESM Santa Fe - Ingeniería en Negocios y Tecnologías de Información MSc in Data Science & Analytics – 1H1



4 Becarios Gobierno de Irlanda - UCC 2017 / 2018 Stephanny Benítez Márquez, Comericio Internacional, BUAP Masters by Research in Business Information

Systems Brenda Mondragón Toledo, Antropología BUAP Masters in Sociology of Development and Globalisation

Claudia Hernandez, UNAM MA Public Health Hector Sanchez MA Contemporary Religions

UCC y Mexico Unico Centro de Estudios Mexicanos en Irlanda (1997) licenciaturas y posgrados sobre cultura Mexicana. Visitantes distinguidos: Carlos Fuentes, Juan Villoro, José Emilio Pacheco, Carmen Boullosa, y Sebastian

Cátedra Juan Rulfo – UNAM Cátedra Cine y Literatura John Huston - CUC UdeG Cátedra Carlos Fuentes con UV

Sobre Cork Cork has a thriving commercial, social and cultural sector‌



Cork – Ciudad Cultural y Estudian1l •  Ireland’s Fes1val Capital •  24 fes1vals annually: Food, Film, Literature, Music, etc… •  Interna1onal Jazz Fes1val October •  St. Patrick's Day Fes1val in March 20% de la poblacion son estudiantes y hay 24 fes1vales anuales: Comida, Cine, Arte, Literatura, Musica, etc… Fes1val Internacional de Jazz en octubre San Patricio el 17 marzo 13/03/19


Aeropuerto Internacional en Cork Vuelos baratos a todo Europa y muy pronto a Boston en Estados Unidos

Irlanda – votado el mejor lugar en 2015 por estudiantes internacionales en Europa

Estudiantes de intercambio de ITESM 2018

Ricardo (Finanzas), Yael y Bernardo (Biotecnologia), Connie y Maria (Nutricion)

Lizy Uriegas IIA in 2019

Clubs & Societies

Instalaciones Deportivas

Alojamiento en el Campus

Becas para Posgrado en UCC Becas UCC – Quercus – 50% Becas Gobierno de Irlanda: CONACYT – Becas Becas Préstamo con Banco de Mexico: FIDERH: FUNED: Inglés Certificado: TOEFL iBT 90 o IELTS 6.5

Como buscar opciones de Maestrias, Doctorados y Posdocs Maestrias de 12 meses: PhD Projects: UCC Research Vacancies (PhDs & Post-doctoral) financiados por UCC: research/

Amanda in UCC

Contacto Cliona Maher Coordinadora de Cooperación con América Latina Facebook: UCC Latin America Representante en México Student World Carlos Villaseñor Cel.- 04455 2854 2709

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