American Christian Voice

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American Christian Voice Volume 12 No. 4 Contents  Don’t Miss These!

No More Responsibility?

Does Liberalism Create Wimps?

Puzzles!!! HE is the All­Consuming Fire!

Is Manifest Destiny a Myth?

Is this Really the Last Days?

Is Capitalism Evil?

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.Feed Back From Our Readers

We tend to place our hopes for this nation on one man, or woman as the case may be. I am reminded that Jeremiah said blessed is the one whose hope is in the Lord. "He who puts his confidence in man shall be like a bush in the desert. But the one who trusts in the Lord shall be like a tree with roots that extend by the stream. He shall not fear when heat comes or cease to yield fruit." Jer. 17: 7-8. This is the absolute Holy Ghost breathed truth! And yet... that verse has created an apathy of Christians who did not bother to vote in an important presidential election. Mitt Romney would have won the election if it were not for Christians who have lost sight of the idea that we are obligated to participate in the things we can. In this case the political process. Is Donald Trump an egotistical, blustering buffoon? Yes, he is. Am I going to vote for him? Yes I am and I hope every Christian out there votes for him as well. Why? Ideology verses personality. Clinton vs. Trump? No brainer! I can have that belief and not put my trust or confidence in him or any other man or woman. As long as we are in this fleshly realm we are obligated to participate in doing good.

Woodmansee’s column “Networking is Ubiquitous”. I am 80 years old and still remember like it was yesterday the moment when I saw my first public telephone booth. I marveled at the technology then and marvel at the technology of cell phones today. But alas, technology doesn’t change the human heart only the head. Good article, good magazine, good work.

Sagis Denton, Shiner, TX __________________________________ We loved the “Stop Playing God” issue. Especially the feature story from Carlyle Stewart. As African Americans we are so proud of his wisdom and leadership.

Maria Wattson, Springfield, MO _____________________________________ Seriously, “Why Legalistic Preaching Doesn’t Work” by Dr. David Prince was the most exciting, liberating, truthful commentary I have ever witnessed by a Southern Baptist. LOL (I am one as well)

Wayne & Nellie Hume, Nashville, TN _____________________________________ I Loved the cartoon in Marla


Frida Colucci, Sharon, PA Editor: We are aware. Here ya go: Send your “letters to the editor” to:

Thomas Kanen, Tulsa, OK _____________________________________ I met Gary S. Paxton over 20 years ago in Nashville. All I remember was him talking about Jesus. Without a doubt he was totally sold out to the Lord and was an awesome talent. A talent that he always gave credit to God for. See you on the other side, Gary! Bill Rosen, Cleveland, OH ______________________________________ Disappointed that you would print an article by a self professed atheist (Gerald Leung) in Volume 12 no. 3. However, Christians also would be afraid to speak against the doctrines of their own denomination despite the fact they know many of them are wrong. So...

Donald F. Anderson, Des Moines, IA _____________________________________


The American Christian Voice has printed some questionable articles over the years, flirted with certain heresy and infuriated me on more than one occasion. But, printing the wrong answers to your sodoku puzzle was totally unforgiveable. or mail to:

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American Christian Voice

ACV Mission Statement Holy Spirit, thus allowing an open mindedness to differing opinions on complex matters. We strive not to be the fire alarm, but the fire extinguisher Please be advised that the contents of this publication often do not represent the positions held by many of the sponsors of the American Christian Voice (or for that matter, the publishers). Would you remember to favor the advertisers here in the ACV? They pay for the free issues that we distribute so that the ACV can be found by folks who will eventually become subscribers. John & Lorri Sacoulas

SENIOR STAFF WRITERS Veeda Smith, Kathy Caruso O’Neill, Jeremy Storch, Dee Wampler, Marla Woodmansee SYNDICATED WRITERS Max Lucado, Tim Challies, Thomas Sowell, Star Parker STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER George Kurland ARCHIVISTS Marvin & Regina Reynolds GRAPHIC DESIGN Lorraine Sacoulas

ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER Jeff Wilson (417) 336­3636

Past issues are FREE online under “Previous Issues” tab on our website. Subscriptions pg. 36

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Joseph Giddens, owner of Endless Images Productions (417) 559-2529

PUBLISHER Lorraine Sacoulas MANAGING EDITOR John G. Sacoulas

DISTRIBUTION Ubiquity Magazine Dist., Brooklyn, NY

We encourage our readers to eschew religion and pursue a relationship with God through Jesus Christ as led by the

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The American Christian Voice is published with the primary purpose is to edify the body of Christ through inspirational articles of Christian faith and courage, educate the body of Christ through informative articles and by promoting the message that disciples of Christ are not under the penalty of sin or condemnation of it. It is because of what Christ has done... not what we do. Our obedience to the law, and our good works, now is out of our gratitude for that precious gift of grace and salvation; not as a motivation to be in right standing with God. We are dedicated to be Kingdom builders as we realize that our unity can only represent God in our diversity as we love the lost through Christ. Our focus is on, and to, the invisible church which Jesus said, “The gates of hell would not prevail against.” We report the good as well as the bad within our church family as a testament for the necessity of a Savior. Our observations are made from a fairly moderate to conservative viewpoint.

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cultural commentary

Is Personal Responsibility Obsolete? mong the many disturbing signs of our times are conservatives and libertarians of high intelligence and high principles who are advocating government programs that relieve people of the necessity of working to provide their own livelihoods. BY DR. THOMAS SOWELL


Generations ago, both religious people and socialists were agreed on the proposition that "he who does not work, neither shall he eat." Both would come to the aid of those unable to work. But the idea that people who simply choose not to work should be supported by money taken from those who are working was rejected across the ideological spectrum. How we got to the present situation is a long story, but the painful fact is that we are here now. Among the leading minds of our times, including Charles Murray today and the late and great Milton Friedman earlier, there have been proposals for ways of subsidizing the poor without the suffocating distortions of the government's welfare state bureaucracy. Professor Friedman's plan for a negative income tax to help the poor has already been put into practice. But, contrary to his intention to have this replace the welfare state bureaucracy, it has been simply tacked on to all the many other government programs, instead of replacing them. It is not inevitable that the same thing will happen to Charles Murray's plan, but I would bet the rent money that there would be the same end result. Just what specific problem is so dire as to cause some conservatives and libertarians to propose that the government come to the rescue by giving every adult money to live on without working? Poverty? "Poverty" today means whatever



government statisticians in Washington say it means — no more and no less. Most Americans living below the official poverty line today have central air-conditioning, cable television for multiple TV sets, own at least one motor vehicle, and have many other amenities that most of the human race never had for most of its existence.

Most Americans did not have central air­conditioning or cable television as recently as the 1980s. A scholar who spent years studying Latin America has called the poverty line in America the upper middle class in Mexico. Low-income neighborhoods suffer far more from social degeneration, including high rates of crime and violence, than from material deprivation. Welfare state guarantees of not having to work, however the particular policies are applied, are not a solution. Relieving people of personal responsibility for their own lives, however it is done, is a major part of the problem. Before there can be a welfare state in a democratic country, there must first be a welfare state vision that becomes sufficiently pervasive to allow a welfare state to be created. That vision, in which people are "entitled" to what others have produced, is at the heart of the social degeneration that can be traced back to the 1960s. Teenage pregnancies, venereal diseases, dependency on government and murder rates were all going down during the much disdained 1950s. All reversed and shot up as the welfare state, and the social vision behind the welfare state, took over in the 1960s. That vision featured non-judgmental rewards and non-judgmental leniency

toward counterproductive behavior, whether crime or irresponsible sex and its consequences. But relieving people from the responsibilities and challenges of life is doing them no favor. Nor is it a favor to society at large. American society has become more polarized under the welfare state vision. Nor is it hard to see why. If we are all "entitled" to benefits, just by being present, why are some entitled to so little while others have so much? Too many social problems are conceived of in terms of what "we" can do for "them." After decades of massive expansions of the welfare state, the answer seems to range from "not very much" to "making matters worse." Undaunted, people in a number of countries are coming up with new proposals that are variations on the theme of government-provided income — which amounts to relieving people from personal responsibility. Yet even some conservatives and libertarians are coming up with proposals for more "efficient" versions of the welfare state — namely direct cash grants for life to virtually all adults, instead of the current hodgepodge of overlapping bureaucratic programs. Charles Murray recognizes that "some people will idle away their lives" under his proposal. "But that is already a problem," he says, and therefore is no valid objection to replacing the current welfare state with a less costly alternative. Everyone recognizes that there are some people unable to provide for their own survival — infants and the severely disabled, among others. But providing for such people is wholly different from a blanket guarantee for everybody that they need not lift a finger to feed, clothe or shelter themselves.

we have done no favor to the “poor”

In both England and the United States, the massive expansion of the welfare state since the 1960s has been accompanied by a vast expansion in the amount of crime, violence, drug addiction, fatherless children and other signs of social degeneration. Maybe that was just coincidence. But there have been too many coincidences in too many very different times and places where people were relieved from the challenge of survival by windfall gains of one sort or another. In 16th and 17th century Spain — its "golden age" — the windfall gain was gold and silver looted by the ton from Spanish colonies in the Western Hemisphere. This enabled Spain to survive without having to develop the skills, the sciences or the work ethic of other countries in Western Europe. Spain could buy what it wanted from other nations with all the gold and silver taken

from its colonies. As a Spaniard of that era proudly put it, "Everyone serves Spain and Spain serves no one." What this meant in practical terms was that other countries developed the skills, the knowledge, the self-discipline and other forms of human capital that Spain did not have to develop, since it could receive the tangible products of this human capital from other countries. But once the windfall gains from its colonies were gone, Spain became, and remained, one of the poorest countries in Western Europe. Worse, the disdainful attitudes toward productive work that developed during the centuries of Spain's "golden age" became a negative legacy to future generations, in both Spain itself and in its overseas offshoot societies in Latin America. In Saudi Arabia today, the great windfall gain is its vast petroleum reserve. This has spawned both a fabulously wealthy ruling elite and a heavily subsidized general population in which many have become disdainful of work. The net result has been a work force in which foreigners literally outnumber Saudis.

enabled a large segment of their own citizens to live in subsidized idleness while many jobs stigmatized as "menial" are taken over by foreigners. Often these initially poor foreigners rise up the economic scale, while the subsidized domestic poor fail to rise. Do we really want more of that? British historian Arnold Toynbee proposed the "challenge and response" thesis that human beings advance when there are challenges they must meet. The welfare state removes challenges — and has produced many social retrogressions.


The financial cost of providing such a guarantee, though huge, is not the worst of the problems. The history of what has actually happened in times and places where people were relieved from the challenge of survival by windfall gains is not encouraging.

Those with the welfare state vision often want to remove challenges even from games by getting rid of winning and losing. That is consistent with their overall assumptions about life. But it seems very inconsistent for conservatives and libertarians to support plans whose net effect would be to reduce the inherent challenges of life for still more people. Thomas Sowell, a National Humanities Medal winner, is an American economist, social theorist, political philosopher and author. He is currently Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Some welfare states' windfall gains have



written by a not­yet believer


Jesus, Capitalism and Manifest Destiny rowing up as a Muslim in the United States was often difficult, but it provided me a wonderful gift - the privilege of being an observer. As I have discussed in previous posts, the Muslim experience in America is in many ways similar to the feeling that many Jews have in our society - the loneliness that comes from being different in a nation of Christians. But this position allows members of minority religions to be observers, to notice the paradigms and the assumptions under which American society functions. And it allows us at times to provide an objective critique of America’s worldview.


entire life was spent on helping the poor and attacking those of wealth and privilege who abused the weak. As a Muslim, hearing the vitriol against the Pope for simply pointing out what everyone already knows - that Christianity should be about helping the poor - was shocking. I turned to a Jewish friend and asked: “Well, isn’t that what Jesus Christ was all about?” And his response was: “Mahatma Gandhi was right. Everyone in the world knows what Jesus Christ was about - except for Christians.” Ouch.

So the question arises - why? How did the Jesus of the Gospels, the good shepherd who fed and healed the poor and overturned the moneychangers in the Temple, become the poster boy for Wall Street? How is it that the Pope’s simple Where are all the disciples? reminder of I thought they were all in one “Accord”? Christ’s values create such Who are we kidding, Jesus would drive a outrage among Rolls Royce... right? the economic elites that think they are good Christians? So in the spirit of that observer’s duty, let me jump into the fray about an issue that is As an observer inside the United States, I dominating the conversation among am able to see many of the myths by which American Christians today - Jesus and his this country was founded for what they are economic views. Pope Francis struck a - intentionally crafted stories that were very painful nerve in recent days, at least effective in pulling together a diverse group for Christians in the United States, when he of European immigrants into a cohesive made critical comments about predatory political entity that would go on to conquer business behavior and called for increased this continent. America’s entire myth is compassion for the poor in the modern rooted in the idea of Manifest Destiny - that capitalist world. In one fell swoop, the Pope God had chosen the European newcomers has become Socialist Enemy # 1 in to subdue and colonize this country. And it American political discourse, dethroning is an idea that worked. Manifest Destiny President Obama as the most feared threat brought together the United States into one to capitalism today in the minds of many nation (under God!) and that idea remains conservative Christians. deeply embedded in American psychology. But for those of us who aren’t Christian, Pope Francis was simply reiterating what all of us instinctively know - Jesus Christ’s



The vast resources and open space provided by this new continent provided the chance for an entire civilization to be

built from scratch. And new myths were required to motivate the incredible effort needed to build a New World out the forests, plains and deserts of this virgin continent. The Calvinist movement with its focus on “salvation through hard work” provided exactly the kind of ideology that could tie in with Manifest Destiny and build a prosperous nation. American Christians from the very beginning believed that commerce and conquest were not only a practical necessity of survival, but also a divinely-ordained endeavor. And the results are clear. Within a few centuries, the United States became the richest and most powerful country on Earth. For believers in the American Dream, this was proof of God’s divine favor toward this country. Sadly, the American Dream has been somewhat tarnished over the past few decades. America was once the creditor to the world, and is now its largest debtor. Military adventurism, fueled by the military-industry complex President Eisenhower warned of, has weakened the United States both financially and morally, and its influence in world affairs is arguably losing ground to China, Russia and other emerging powers. A student of the great Muslim historian Ibn Khaldun would simply see this as the natural cycle of history that all nations go through, from birth to prosperity to inevitable decline. And yet this idea, that America is like every other country and subject to the laws of history and economics, violates its foundational myth. The United States was born under Manifest Destiny, and the idea of “American exceptionalism” - that the rules of the world don’t apply to us - is deeply embedded into the psyche of a nation built by risk-taking entrepreneurs and explorers. The fact that this myth has always been expressed in religious terms, that God supports America in a special way, makes facing its current problems inherently a question a faith. What are we doing wrong that God has taken His favor away from us? The answer is of course the bogeyman of “socialism.” For a civilization built on the myth of self-reliance and frontier independence, the idea of a powerful government is inherently threatening. And the idea that this powerful government

But these regulatory norms of the Old World are seen as a direct attack on the

Manifest Destiny of the New World, the Divine force that underlies American identity and individualism. And so the inevitable rise of the bureaucratic state is seen in terms of religious conflict. And its current head, President Obama, is not just demonized, he actually becomes a demon in the eyes of his opponents - the Antichrist of Revelation sent to unravel God’s plan for America and the world. When Pope Francis made his noble and inspiring comments calling for the world to help the poor, he was interpreted in the ugliest and stupidest possible way by the right-wing media machine that labeled the leader of 1.2 billion Catholics as an enemy “socialist.” And yet all the Pope did was actually point to what Jesus Christ taught according to the Gospels. I have been fascinated by the history of Christianity all my life. And I am currently working on my third novel on the birth of Christianity (my first, “Mother of the Believers“ followed the birth of Islam, and my second, “Shadow of the Swords“ chronicled the Crusades). The more I study the early sources on the Christian tradition, the more remarkable the journey appears from the simple Jewish sect that Jesus led into the global culture that Christianity has created in his name.

I have come to realize that the reason that Pope Francis hit such a deep nerve among many American Christians is that they are willfully ignorant of who the Jesus of the Gospels actually was, as it violates their foundational myth of Manifest Destiny. I have already stirred the pot with my post on whether Jesus was a vegetarian, where I question whether the Christian vision as promulgated by Paul was in conflict with the practices of the earliest followers of Jesus who knew him in his lifetime. And I must ruffle feathers again, by asking whether Christianity as imagined through the lens of American Manifest Destiny has any relation to the actual teachings of Jesus in the Gospels.

In the past several decades, many American Christians have been drawn to the claim that Jesus was a teacher of free market capitalism, leading to very successful “prosperity gospel“ movement. This movement has indeed inspired many people to lift themselves up from poverty and find financial success, and I applaud its efforts to guide poor people to work hard and become prosperous. In fact, the “prosperity gospel” movement is a natural extension of the frontier entrepreneurialism inspired by the Manifest Destiny myth. But does it actually have anything to do with Jesus Christ as the Gospels portray him? What we know of Jesus from the Gospels does not support the idea that Christ was a successful businessman or entrepreneur (unlike Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, who was a prosperous merchant before his spiritual calling). As discussed in “Young Jesus“ by Jean-Pierre Isbouts (an excellent primer on the economic realities of first century Palestine), Jesus is called a “tekton” in Greek (often translated as carpenter, but the term also covers others artisans and craftsmen). Dr. Isbouts suggests that Jesus probably worked as a laborer in the Greek city of Sepphoris, near the hamlet of Nazareth where the Gospels say he was

raised. His familiarity with agriculture in his many parables makes it likely that Jesus also learned farming skills necessary for survival in rural Galilee. There is no evidence that I am aware of to suggest that Jesus was involved in the merchant trade that could have brought him riches and social standing in the economy of his world. The Jesus of the Gospels is an itinerant teacher and healer, moving among working class people, fisherman and the like. He appears deeply suspicious of wealthy merchants and landowners, such as the rich man who wished to join his movement, only to be told that he would be required to give away all his wealth to the poor to follow Jesus (Matthew 19:16-24). When the wealthy man left dismayed, Jesus made his famous comment: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” This incident, which is seen by many Christians as simply a nice parable about greed, may actually reveal much more about Christ’s attitude toward personal property than many Christians are comfortable admitting, as we shall soon see.


could swoop in and “enslave” people with high taxes and strip them of the very guns that their ancestors used to conquer the land from its native population is a threat not only in physical terms, but also in psychological terms. The rest of the world, for better or worse, is accustomed to mundane government activities such as taxes, regulations and restraint on weapons possession by the populace (since by Max Weber’s definition, a state’s very claim to existence is its monopoly on violence).

The Jesus we see in the Gospels is most comfortable nursing the poor, and his opposition to the powerful elites of his time brought his mission to a shocking and bloody end. Indeed, the event that nearly all historians and believers accept as the catalyst for the crucifixion is Jesus going into the heart of the Jewish Temple and overturning the money changers in its midst (as well as releasing the sacrificial animals that served as the economic foundation for the Jewish priesthood). This attack on the rich and powerful of his society branded him a political threat, that soon led to Jesus being labeled as a seditious troublemaker. And the Roman overlords who ruled Palestine disposed of seditious troublemakers quickly and horrifically through public crucifixion. I don’t think any Christian of any political stripe would disagree with my extremely basic characterization of Christ’s earthly life here. But these events do not really support the idea that Jesus was a “self help guru” teaching people how to be economically successful, as many American Christians like to portray him. Since Christ’s life story is not particularly instructive in wealth building (by all accounts Jesus remained poor his whole life), continued on page 11.





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perhaps it’s just where the heart lies continued from page 9 many Christians choose to prune general principles in support of capitalism from a broad reading of the Bible as a whole. So we are told that Jesus would have supported the free market economy because he taught “personal responsibility.” That he would have opposed “big government socialism” because he spoke out against the rulers of his time. And that he believed in private property rights because they stem from the free will God has given us to do right and wrong. Christ’s call for helping the poor is transformed into a more complicated idea - “help the poor, but do it freely and don’t let the oppressive government tax you to feed the poor, as it takes away your freedom of choice, which God uses to judge righteousness.” Wow, that’s a lot of caveat to insert into pretty straightforward teachings. The problem is, in re-imagining Jesus as Adam Smith, (poster child for capitalism) many Christians find themselves jumping through tortuous hoops to prevent cognitive dissonance when actually confronted by the man in the Gospels. The Jesus of the Gospels appears to condemn wealth accumulation in his criticisms of the rich. Many “prosperity gospel” proponents soften these harsh words, saying that Jesus meant that wealth accumulation is acceptable if followers tithe 10% of their earnings to the poor. While Jesus does support tithing (Matthew 23:23, Luke 11:42), he also condemns a Pharisee for believing that his tithing is sufficient without embracing justice and righteousness as well. More problematically for American conservatives, Jesus has no problem whatsoever with paying taxes to the government. Indeed, he commands his followers to “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” (Matthew 22:21) specifically when questioned as to whether he opposes paying taxes to Rome. Jesus as a Tea Party activist simply doesn’t fit with scripture. But perhaps the most troubling fact to many American Christians is that the earliest Christian community was essentially a socialist commune. According to Acts of the Apostles, the followers of the Jerusalem Church were required to reject private property and give up all their goods to be shared in common with the community and the poor (Acts 2:44-45, Acts 4:32-35). So when Jesus told the rich man to give away all his goods and follow

him, he appears to not be making a broad point about greed, he appears to have been presenting an actual membership requirement to his movement! Of course, it is inevitable as Christianity expanded from a small fellowship of believers into a global civilization, that such communal practices would be rationalized away and forgotten. Trade is the lifeblood of a nation and people will always be selfinterested despite moral exhortations otherwise. The failure of ideologies such as Marxism and communism is proof of that. It makes perfect sense that the developing Church tolerated and eventually embraced business enterprise because there was no other way for the Christian movement to survive and grow. And yet the asceticism and anti-materialism at the heart of Christ’s words can never be erased. And it is that painful reminder that fills many American Christians with pangs of secret guilt, despite all their talk of “Jesus was a Millionaire.” No matter how hard they try to justify it, the poor and pacifist Jesus will never fit into the box of capitalism, imperialism and Manifest Destiny they have constructed. And that deep subconscious guilt feeds the rage toward sincere Christians like Pope Francis. The tragedy is that it is humble believers like Pope Francis who provide the world something greater to aspire to than just material success. Christ won over the hearts of the crowds exactly because he did not judge the weak or blame the poor for their plight. He offered love, kind words, healing and forgiveness to all. And in the process he inspired within people a hunger for something more than the kingdom of this material world. He showed them a glimpse of the Kingdom of God that they could find within themselves through humility, service and compassion. And this hunger cannot be satiated with all the shiny baubles offered by the free market.

that they have in Christ’s living example and not just pay lip service to his legacy with empty words. Christ’s simple actions of generosity and compassion feed the soul more than all the complex theology Christians use to explain and justify their beliefs. It is Christ’s living example, his actions, that draw people to faith, not convoluted arguments about the Trinity or clumsy efforts to disguise economics as spirituality. The latter are merely breadcrumbs of words that get stuck in the throat and don’t touch the heart. And as Jesus Christ so wisely said 2,000 years ago: “Man cannot live on bread alone.” Kamran Pasha is a Hollywood filmmaker and the author of Shadow of the Swords, a novel on the Crusades (Simon & Schuster; June 2010). For more information please visit: editor’s note: I have to be careful about my prejudice against Muslims. I tend to use a broader brush of condemnation than I am allowed. This is one Muslim who will make an easier transition to saving faith because of his heart. The heart is an amazing thing. His head believes in a religion that was conceived in the pits of hell but his heart is soft. He is someone I could have a dialogue with and if the conversation became argumentative it would surely be from me. I disagree with some of His conclusions, obviously, but his research is honest. Some of his observations are painfully true but believers don’t want to face that prospect. Please do not be afraid to give credit to people who are seeking. We can completely disagree and in love our behavior still honor God. Now, having lunch with an intellectually dishonest liberal? God have mercy on me. LOL.

If I can provide any insight as a Muslim observer of Christianity, it is that many American Christians do not really appreciate what wondrous beauty they have in the character of Jesus, their teacher. Too often, they place Jesus on a pedestal as a divine being to be worshipped, rather than doing the hard work of molding their lives according to his simple and powerful human example. I encourage my Christian brothers and sisters to emulate the beauty VOL.12 #4 | WWW.AMERICAN CHRISTIAN VOICE.COM



It’s a Mindset! “You are what you think!” Dr. Archibald Hart, a psychotherapist pointed this out in his book, Habits of the Mind: Ten Exercises to Renew Your Thinking. Hart says that thoughts come before feeling and action. This means that your thoughts control the outcome of your attitude and behavior. If you want to influence how you feel or how you behave, you must first pay attention to what you’re putting into your mind; because, what goes in will come out. Thoughts become words; words become actions; actions become behavior, and behavior becomes your reality.

Mind: As you evaluate what you’re feeding into your mind, consider this: toxic thinking produces toxic outcome; but, positive thinking produces wellness. When you allow your thoughts to be toxic and poisonous; defeat is the result. On the other hand, when you choose to control your mind by placing healthy, positive, and encouraging thoughts into it, emotional wholeness and well-being will occur. Mouth: Words are one the most powerful forces available to humanity. Your words may influence, encourage, and shape and define a moment. Words can heal, encourage, express hope, and inspire. However, words also have the energy and power to hurt, hinder, humiliate, and harm others. That old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” was a lie. Life and death are in the power of the tongue! Your words have the ability to convey respect, display honesty, and build a lasting relationship with others. Words also have the power to direct your actions. Let’s say you want to produce peace in your life. Then begin to self-talk by saying to yourself, for example: God is peace and His peace is within me. I trust in the LORD with all my heart and my confidence is in him. My peace and competence comes from God. God is working all things out for my good. God gives me peace with inner calmness and tranquility. I have peace. As you begin to say words out of your mouth, your actions will follow.


Gary Chapman expresses in his book, Love as a Way of Life, that words are ‘bullets or seeds.’ If your words are toxic, then your outcome will be toxic. But, if your words are used as positive seeds, the outcome will be positive and healthy.

Heart: Filling your heart with positive

thinking and replace it with encouraging positive thinking. It’s a mind set! Renew your mind by taking action. What goes in; will come out! Dr. Marla is a Radio Host, Women's Conference Speaker, and a Writer. She is available to speak at your events!

Contact her:

and encouraging ideas and messages are essential. Read or listen to the Bible on a regular basis. Get the free Bible Gateway App on your phone. This provides you with the opportunity to listen or read the Bible anytime. Choose to read devotionals that bring positive results: 1,000 Gifts; Jesus Calling; God at Work; God Calling; Jesus: CEO. Read encouraging books by uplifting authors: Joyce Meyer, Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Dr. Caroline Leaf, Lee Strobel, John Ortberg, or John Maxwell.

Defeat from Toxic Thinking: Beware of toxic thoughts that lead to defeat. Toxic thoughts are thoughts that trigger negative and anxious emotions. According to Dr. Caroline Leaf, meditating on toxic thoughts increases their biochemical strength which increases one’s tendency toward poor behavior, illnesses, and self-defeating choices. Leaf explains that the mind and body are inherently linked, and that we have a choice. She says, “We can let our thoughts become toxic and poisonous, or we can detox our negative thoughts, which will improve our emotional wholeness and even recover our physical health.” Beware of what you’re putting into your mind. What you feed your mind grows; what you starve dies! Detox negative


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a great book

of the 21 white, self-avowed socialist, atheist and Marxist founders of the NAACP and their impact on the Black community’s present status at the top of our nations misery index. It highlights the decades of anti-Black legislation supported by liberal black leaders who prioritized class over race in their zeal for the promises of socialism. Their anti-Black legislation, dating back with the 1932 Davis-Bacon Act, continues today to suppress intercommunity Black capitalism, federal construction related Black employment, work and job experience for Black teenagers, quality education access for urban black children, and the role of black men as leaders within the family unit. Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies and Wimps highlights the strategy, used in 1910, to inject the atheist ideology of socialism into a once enterprising, self-sufficient, competitive and proud Christian black community. A portion of that community, the conservative Black middle class, is positioned to pull our nation back from this abyss. Americans can ensure that the century-long sacrifice of lost hopes, dreams and lives

When Burgess Owens retired from football in 1972, he didn’t plan on becoming political or an activist. After seven seasons in the NFL with the New York Jets and three seasons with the Oakland Raiders, Owens transitioned to the business world. He was an entrepreneur who started his own business and ran it, eventually transitioning into corporate sales. But during this time he went through a period where he re-evaluated his thoughts and mentality on government and politics, seeing how it affected his life and the lives of those around him. Owens began to look and see things that troubled him, causing him to question his political outlook. He grew up and voted Democrat “because that’s just what you did.” Yet with time, he saw things on the political left that didn’t align with his personal world view. Owens told

Breitbart News: White Americans, stop apologizing; we live in the greatest country in the history of mankind, and it’s there because of our ancestors–those who came to this country and did their very best. And every generation has gotten better at what we’re good at. Looking to find our better ourselves. That’s who we are. We have a black president for the last eight years because of America who saw past the color, who thought he was a guy who was going to deliver what he was talking about.


Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies and Wimps documents the role

made by the proud, courageous, patriotic, capitalist, Christianbased, self-sufficient, education-seeking Black community of the early 1900s was not in vain—but only if we choose to learn lessons from those past Black generations.

“The other part is,” he said, “don’t apologize to me as a black American.” He continued: One of the things I did in my book, I start off with, is explaining how great our grace was, the things we were able to accomplish after the first one-hundred years from slavery. If you apologize to me, I look at it as an insult because my parents, my grandparents, my great-grandparents, like every other culture out there, did exactly what they needed to do. They worked hard, and they became part of the American way, and they earned the respect of Americans across the board. We need to do the same. We need to step up because our past generations did their jobs; we now need to do ours. Owens’ book is Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies and Wimps. • Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

edicated on Sunday April 11, 2010, this monument is the result of a vision given to Gene Bicknell by our Lord. That vision specifically outlined how it was to be constructed from top to bottom. The reaction to this vision was immediate and truly driven by the Holy Spirit. The journey to find the appropriate location and placement of this structure took several turns before it ended up in Branson, Mo. The design and blue stone materials were also decided in and through the Holy Spirit.


It is our belief that this place of worship will be blessed by God in such a way that you feel the joy and presence of the Holy Spirit. When entering the Chapel, we pray that you will feel the presence and be moved by God’s Holy Spirit at work in your life. At the time of dedication Gene said: “It has been five years since God gave me the first vision for this project, it has been a labor of love to see it through to completion and I am humbly honored to be chosen to make this structure a reality.”

The Shrine of the Holy Spirit Visit our gift shop 179 Expressway Lane • Branson, MO Mon ­ Sat • 9 am ­ 5 pm • Sunday hours vary



would Jesus wear a Rolex?


Was Jesus A Socialist, Capitalist, Or Something Else? oliticians demonstrate uncanny Like most of Christ’s ministry, Matthew 25 P memories for selected Bible passages teaches spiritual lessons. We are to serve Elections are popularity contests and trumpeting secular economic platforms. Christ with all our talent which entails democracy allows crowds to compel The Left’s emphatic opposition to intermixing church and state rarely precludes recitation of Scripture for progressive causes. Liberals suggest it’s “un-Christian” to deny lavish benefits for illegal immigrants; or, equate socializing medicine with Moses freeing Israel from Egyptian slavery. President Obama repeatedly references the “least of these” even as he avoids crediting “their Creator” when quoting the Declaration. Obama disdains association with those bitter Bible clingers except to heap guilt upon taxpayers. It’s fascinating how frequently modern dilettantes re-make Christ in their image via Matthew 25. Socialists finesse Scripture to justify redistributing wealth to “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40), while capitalists overplay the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). Both tout Christ’s teachings as a crucial trump card. Other passages are mentioned. Socialists highlight descriptions in Acts of voluntary, privately orchestrated, local and temporary communalization to prescribe permanent, coerced communism under a distant, godless government. As shown previously, Christianity and Marxism share little similarity. Likewise, capitalists espouse Proverbs and various idioms found throughout the epistles. But Matthew 25 leads from both directions. The rapidity and carelessness of these misappropriations of “End Time” parables startles anyone who actually reads Matthew 25. Either these essential lessons are torn from context transforming Christ into favored worldly philosophers, or this man who changed history contradicted himself within the span of several sentences. He demanded sustenance for “the least of these” twenty seconds after declaring “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”


supporting brothers and sisters being persecuted. The “least of these” in Matthew 25 are Believers enduring the tribulation described in Matthew 24.

Taking these passages in an economic sense eschews their essential meaning. Christ’s mission wasn’t to elevate our physical status, but to redeem mankind. Christ came to ransom sinners, not to cure cancer and extend voting rights; nor implement free markets. He comforted temporal afflictions to authenticate his claims so we’d believe, not for humanity’s physical comfort. Politicians expand power by sowing discontent with our worldly estates relative to others – what the Bible calls covetousness. Demagogues encourage jealousy to justify looting taxpayers. They violate the eighth and tenth commandments through programs enabling recipients to avoid the fourth commandment’s requirement of work (Exodus 20:9). This misaligns incentives from the underlying goal of economics: efficient allocation of scarce resources. To fund this largesse, Washington employs counterproductive policies that arguably violate Scripture: progressive taxation which distorts incentives (Moses instituted a flat tax); exploding public debt (Proverbs says borrowers are slaves to lenders); and debased currency (the Bible repeatedly condemns false balances). Old Testament rules for Israel’s small, homogenous theocracy are less relevant to large, diverse secular states except in principle. Christ freed his followers from the Law anyway so applicability to present conditions is tenuous, but redistributive “social justice” appears un-biblical even if the “poor” get part of the booty in exchange for votes.


injustice, but God’s truth is eternal. Divine justice doesn’t flutter per public opinion. Our Heavenly Father shows no favoritism. We stand equal before Him, but not in an egalitarian sense. Biblical jurisprudence entails impartial application, not neoMarxist conceptions of “social justice” enforcing equal outcomes. Nowhere in Scripture are states tasked with leveling wealth. Egalitarianism rarely lifts the “least of these.” Instead, it deprives their right to rise beyond their circumstances. Even the poorest in America generally have more than anyone save perhaps the dictator’s inner circle where governments enforce equality. The Bible prescribes impartial justice, sound money and sanctions property. Scripture also advises limited government – the foundations of free markets. Christ even employed capitalist principles in several teachings. Jesus obviously understood incentives. He created us. However, Christ wasn’t Adam Smith any more than liberals fancy him a hippie. The Bible provides a guidebook for life including politics and economics. It ought to inform our very essence. Yet, when Joshua asked pre-incarnate Christ before Jericho, “Are you for us or for our enemies?” “Neither,” Christ responded. He captained the Lord’s army. Capitalism began in Christendom and surged post-Reformation. Some say John Calvin invented capitalism or attributed its success to the “Protestant Work Ethic.” This is exaggerated, but Calvinists did commend material progress as socially desirable and developed usury codes in keeping with the spirit rather than letter of Mosaic Law. Although capitalism appears compatible with Christ’s teachings the Bible never specifically endorses free enterprise. Neither are markets anywhere condemned, only the sinful actions of those abusing others. Markets offer freedom, which amplifies character. Without room for good or ill, morality is irrelevant.

pursue. Capitalism wonderfully fulfills the supply half of economics. It says nothing about applying the output. Free enterprise bestows bounty extraordinarily well, but Christian compassion remains a vital complement filling the gaps. Charity is necessary helping those incapable of fending for themselves. Benevolence is best done privately through evangelistic outreach. Charity ought not to enable those who could, but won’t provide their own needs. Nor can voting others’ wealth into your coffers be supported scripturally. As detailed here: Government welfare is often counterproductive and unbiblical. Capitalism is the best platform man has yet devised. However, the Bible consistently condemns its corruption by sinful men and Scripture allows other systems. Communalism if private and voluntary can certainly reflect Christianity well, but will inevitably collide with human nature. No economy can thrive without acknowledging our character. Socialism misses that men are inherently selfish. Adam had everything, yet still sought more. Biblical depictions of humanity mirror life today: people exhibiting good (charity, industry, inventiveness and art) and bad (greed, sloth, envy and violence). Capitalism is imperfect because man is flawed, but it may offer the only avenue where otherwise debilitating qualities orient toward harmonious community. Free markets reward our positive attributes by spurring production without enabling our propensity to only take. In capitalism, wealth generates by mutually beneficial trade. Profit comes by boosting value. Competition for scarce resources channels self-interest into cooperation. Markets guide our unique talents for society’s benefit. There is nothing exploitative about profits derived by honest, free exchange serving others. But what of greed? Capitalism forces the greedy to produce thereby growing the overall pie. To gain they must provide what others willingly purchase. It’s ironic that while those relentlessly pursuing materialism search for contentment in error, the rest richly benefit by the impoverishing lifestyles they

Those most responsible for increasing wealth accumulate more, they should, but in so doing lift their community’s living standards. Even America’s poor live well by any material measure. In socialism, greed shifts from productivity into consumption. Without property rights or opportunities for profit, men quickly descend into mutually destructive envy. Our base instincts betray us. Output plummets. When we see someone slacking and still taking – we produce less. When we see others hoarding – we snatch more too.

In addition to Forbes, my work has appeared on American Thinker, RealClearReligion and elsewhere. I'm also a contributing writer for The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. My book, The Courage to do Nothing, will likely be the most politically incorrect take you'll ever read on economics. Please contact at The author is a Forbes contributor. The opinions expressed are those of the writer.

If nothing can be acquired, advantage is only feasible by consuming beyond one’s share of public goods. As Adam Smith said of slavery,

“A person who can acquire no property can have no other interest but to eat as much and to labour as little as possible.” Without freedom to elevate one’s family, production falls forcing government to become oppressive. Socialism renders workers slaves to the state. Finding scriptural support for secular, state administered socialism that ineluctably involves coercion is puzzling. Biblical teaching does not sanction involuntary socialism by secular governments. Jesus was, as C.S. Lewis posited, lunatic, liar or Lord. Those thinking the former should stop citing him for pet, secular purposes. If acknowledging his divinity, don’t diminish it be remaking his mission into yours. I’m a capitalist and you might be socialists. Christians can be both, but Christ was neither. He was the Author and Finisher of faith. Bill Flax Bio: I explore the intersection of economics and culture. I am a Christian, a patriot and a defender of liberty who tries to keep a sense of humor through the madness. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio and work in the banking industry. I'm blessed with a beautiful wife who homeschools our three children. It has become evident Washington now embodies the gravest threat to freedom. We must restore the vision of the founders before it is too late. This prompted me to begin writing.

And what’s with all the “God hates this and God hates that?” Why do we primarily define God on the basis of what God hates rather than what God loves; what God condemns rather than what God appreciates? ­Carlyle Stewart



all things being equal


Abortion Activists Upset Pro­Life Advocates Have Adopted the Term “All Lives Matter” arlier this year, the phrases “Black Lives Matter” and “All Lives Matter” became cultural rallying cries on social media amid concerns about discriminatory police violence against racial minorities.


Later, pro-life advocates began adopting the fitting phrase to raise awareness about another area of racial violence – abortion. Through legislation, sidewalk counseling and many other venues, pro-life advocates have been using the phrases to emphasize the value of unborn babies’ lives and the violent destruction of their lives by abortion. African Americans and Latinos are known targets of the abortion industry. Unborn African American babies are violently aborted in disproportionately high numbers, and in New York City, more are aborted than are born. Planned Parenthood, which performs more abortions than any other group in the U.S., was founded by a racist and eugenicist; and the abortion chain routinely plants its clinics in minority neighborhoods. Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, who is pro-life and African American, has emphasized that the unborn should be included in the “Black Lives Matter” campaign. But as is so often the case, abortion proponents are angry that pro-life advocates have adopted the phrase as a means to expose the violence of abortion. Journalist Emily Crockett, writing for the liberal news site Vox, said abortion activists are calling it “a finger in the eye of women of color in particular.” She mentioned pro-life Missouri State Rep. Mike Moon, who introduced a bill in the Missouri State House that would protect unborn babies by defining personhood at the moment of conception. Moon titled his bill the “All Lives Matter Act.” Abortion advocates quickly attacked Moon’s life-


affirming bill and its title, ignoring Moon’s intent to protect all unborn lives. Click here to sign up for pro-life news alerts from “By sponsoring this bill, Rep. Moon suggests that the state of Missouri codify into law the assertion that Black women are killing their own children, are incapable of making decisions about their own bodies, and cannot control their sexual desires,” Christine Assefa wrote at the Feminist Wire. “All of these characterizations perpetuate historical, violent, and harmful stereotypes of Black women that reveal the deeply-rooted relationship between race and sexual politics.” Pro-life sidewalk counselors also are using the phrase outside of abortion facilities to help women realize that their unborn babies are unique, living human beings. Abortion clinic escort Lauren Rankin told the news site that she has seen signs that read “Black life matters” and “Hands up, don’t abort!” Abortion advocates called pro-lifers’ comparisons between civil rights and abortion “wildly offensive,” according to the news site. Their outrage and offense is a deflection from the scientific fact that unborn babies are living human beings from the moment of conception. It is a fact that abortion advocates work desperately to avoid. Most abortion facilities do not use the word “baby” because the term points to the humanity of the unborn child. “All Lives Matter” is a powerful phrase because it encompasses every group of people, including the privileged, the downtrodden, the targeted and the powerful. But, the powerful abortion movement continues to ignore the full meaning of the phrase as it perpetuates the discriminatory idea that some lives do not matter until they exit the womb.


Would you like to join the ministry of the American Christian Voice? The American Christian Voice Ministry Team is looking for retired persons who would like to join us in promoting this magazine in your area. We would send you approximately 75 copies of each issue that we publish. You can then distribute them to hospital waiting rooms, nursing homes, Christian Book stores and any place magazines are displayed. You have the option to cover the cost that we charge ($25.00 or approximately 33 cents per copy) and just paper your travels with them or you are permitted to sell each copy to book and gift stores. An example: Sell each copy for $1.50 and the retailer would sell it for $3.95. You would receive $112.50 less your $25.00 and have $87.50 for gas and lunch expenses. (However magazines are normally sold on consignment) As your ministry grows you can order as many issues as you would like at $25.00 per box of 75. If you have been blessed by the ACV just think how rewarding it will be to bless others that would never have come across it otherwise! Just drop us a note with your first $25.00 check or call us with a credit card at: (417) 336-3636. Obviously you would not need to pay for a personal subscription anymore.


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Author bio­ J.D. (David) is an idea person, communicator and visionary. He is a former missionary and minister. He worked in advertising in NYC and spent years serving businesses in telecommunications. Currently, he is the owner of a small advertising company. Most important of all, he is a life­long dog owner. He and his family reside in Ozark, Missouri.

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interesting perspective

The Book of Revelation... Is it in the Past or the Future?

Lucy was one of the most popular young ladies in Washington, D.C. at the time and will was only the first of many men who could contend for Lucy’s affections. Another suitor of note was also a Harvard student, Oliver Wendell Holmes, who went on to become a justice of the United States Supreme Court. Lucy broke many hearts until she finally settled on a suitor named John; they became secretly engaged shortly after Lucy’s twenty fourth birthday. Theirs was a stormy relationship. they even quarrelled during President Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address. the relationship ended soon after because of something John did. you see, John was John Wilkes Booth, President Lincoln’s assassin. The application is this: we must all be discerning in who we marry, but as pastors and Christians you need to be even more discerning in what you believe and teach. For instance, do you believe Jesus Christ could return at any moment? I will explain why I asked that question shortly! Let me now prove to you using scripture only that the book of revelation is about a past event not something that will happen in the future. We will start with things that moses taught back in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Moses clearly states in Lev. 26:18 where he is addressing the nation of israel that if they disobey God and break his covenant he will do this: “and after all this, if you do not obey me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.” the same thing is said again in Lev. 26:21, 23, 25, 27, 29 also I suggest you read: Deut. 28:15-68, to sharpen your understanding of what will happen to israel in the book of revelation.

In revelation God pours out the seven seal, seven trumpet, and seven bowl judgements upon the nation of Israel in A.D. 70. this is exactly what Moses said would happen in Israel’s future in Leviticus chapter 26. He would punish them 7 times for their many sins. Also, many pastors and Christians fail to biblically interpret revelation because they fail to understand its time texts properly.

He says the time is at hand for the things written about to happen. Also, he is coming quickly to the seven churches in vs 12 and 20. these verses are speaking about his coming in judgement against Israel, destroying their temple, and Jerusalem and scattering the Jews all over the world. please read matt, 21:3346, 22:114, matt. 23:3739, matt. 24:13 and luke 21:2024. All these things take place in a.d. 70 at the end of the old covenant.


ill Chandler, while a student at Harvard in the late 1850s sought the affections of Lucy Hale, the daughter of a U.S. senator. unfortunately for Mr. Chandler, Lucy didn’t share the feelings he had for her.


Back in Deut. 32:39 Moses says, “for I know that after my death you will become utterly corrupt and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you. And evil will befall you in the latter days.”

Notice Revelation starts out in verse one telling us that the things written about in the The latter days moses refers to are not book will happen the end of the world but the end of the shortly and in old covenant. remember my quesThe phrase “last verse three that tion? can christ come at any modays, latter days” or the time for ment? you would have to say no “end of the age” is really according to II Thess 2:3 if you them to happen is near. In believe revelation is yet future. about a first-century chapters two well, the good news is both transition to the New and three he things spoken about already Covenant order. is writing to happened in a.d. 70. seven literal It is the end of what was churches The man of sin being revealed and the beginning of about the and the great apostasy are something new! great tribupast events that happened in Be careful not to apply lation that a.d. 70. therefore, jesus christ will happen to can come at any moment yet these verses to the them. not us. if many pastors and christians second coming of it would not hapteach II Thess. 2:3 is in our future. Jesus! pen to them why that is a great, great error. want to did he write to them hear more? go to about it? Only chapter 20 is in their and listen to my radio shows on revelation. future since it is about the future judgement of all persons ever born, the great Also, I am available to speak in your church white throne judgement. Then in chapter with no speaking fee desired. 21 and 22, again widely misinterpreted, it speaks about the current kingdom of our time the church age. Many think these chapters are speaking about heaven, they are not because gospel invitations to come to Jesus Christ as your Savior are given in both chapters. There will be no gospel invitations given in heaven because everyone there has already been saved. Read it and you will see in chapter 21:67 and chapter 22:1417 that there are gospel invitations. Prosperity makes also, in Rev. 22:6, 10, 12, and 20 Christ tells monsters us just like he did at the very beginning of Revelation that he is speaking about things ­ Victor Hugo that will take place shortly.

Adversity makes men.



ephesians 3:16


Letting God Out of the Box he preacher arrested my attention. He spoke of extravagant giving with a joyful – even hilarious attitude. I thought he was crazy but I continued to listen. He gave cars, houses, retirement accounts and savings accounts. How could he? Why did his wife go along with this insane desire to be broke? It made no sense but I was compelled to listen.


After getting the teaching from the ministry, I put it in my car’s CD player and listened to it over and over. As I listened I realized that he had taken the limits off of God. He had believed Him at a very deep level. He gave out of gratitude for the riches he received when his life was dramatically changed. I began to ponder my own life. My husband of almost 35 years had moved to heaven and I found myself in charge of the money for the first time. Because of Joe’s faithfulness, we always had more than enough yet I found myself wanting to give beyond it. First I gave tithes, as was our practice, and then I began to give offerings. The last offering was extravagant and cut into my retirement savings. Fear tried to come on me. I sat with Pastor and he assured me

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that whenever we obey God in new ways, the enemy always pesters us. For a time, I battled fear until my heart outran my thoughts. You see, I had put God in a box. It isn’t about feelings; it is about obedience. There is plenty in Father’s house. He isn’t working to pay the bills or waiting for me to give so that He can repair heaven’s walls. Just like the Prodigal, I am coming home to abundance. I know that everything has already been paid for by my Big Brother, Jesus. Just like salvation, forgiveness and healing, the provision for living is totally available at all times. I am seeing what I have never seen and doing what I never thought I could do. As I give, I see everything around me changing. My attitude truly is gratitude. I live in a home that I had never even imagined. It is so beautiful that even if I had a billion dollars, I wouldn’t move – unless instructed by God. For some time, I have known that if I will take care of God’s business in obedience to His Word, He will take care of mine. I have struggled for so long to try to make things happen, but now I have entered into unlimited breakthrough. It is a year of Jubilee for me; everything is being restored for His good pleasure and mine. The riches of God come to us when we receive Him into our lives and hearts. The wealth of God comes when we lay down our hold on our own finances and trust Him with everything. His resources are unlimited and it is up to us to remove the limits that we have placed on Him and let Him out of the box.

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A short version of the history of Christianity: Christianity started in Palestine as a fellowship; it moved to Greece and became a philosophy; it moved to Italy and became an institution; it moved to Europe and became a culture; it came to America and became an enterprise.

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The basis for loving our neighbors, and for unity in Christ, is not proximity, understanding or commonality. We are one in Christ not because we are one in the same, but because Christ is the same. It is an impoverished theology that mistakes unity in Christ for sameness in Christ. - Leslie Leylands VISIT ONCE AND YOU ARE HOOKED ! ! ! 42 years of Healing Hurts and Building Dreams. FAITH ASSEMBLY 2 miles South of Beautiful Harrison, MO (2 blocks West of Hwy. 7) 9:30 A,M. Sunday School: 10.30 A.M. Worship; 6 PM. Praise; Wed. 7 PM. Training for all ages. Pastor Arlis Thrasher. (870) 741­2635

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a good system ruined

The risk of unfettered capitalism


did with diesel emissions. Or companies may create enough doubt that consumers can’t determine the truth, as tobacco companies did with the health dangers of smoking. Consumers who want to continue enjoying a product may choose to believe the company so they can continue doing so. Many smokers did just that.

With some of those examples, providers knew of problems long before they were disclosed but kept selling their wares, sometimes even covering up problems, all for profit.

Critics of regulation don’t just attack its costs. They also ask who is better able to protect your family: you or a government employee. Perhaps the people who lost their homes because of predatory lending would have been better off if policy makers had decided earlier that sometimes the answer is a bureaucrat.

Our economic system uses three main mechanisms to rein in misbehaving companies.


is that businesses themselves may eschew dangerous choices, either because of their decision-makers’ consciences or out of selfinterest, because they fear that their reputation — and therefore, sales — would be injured by damaging disclosures. But businesses also face countervailing pressure to generate profits. If competitors get away with cutting corners, more ethical companies that incur higher costs and so must charge higher prices may lose market share. As a result, companies may feel pushed to make choices that impose risks on consumers.

Two Another check on business misconduct is consumers themselves. Consumers can choose not to buy dangerous products, and declining cigarette sales indicate that many have. But while consumer decision-making can be a potent restraint on matters consumers pay attention to — like price — consumers can’t protect themselves against hazards they don’t know about. Sometimes consumers can’t understand the risks of their conduct, which may help explain why so many consumers lost their homes in the subprime crisis. Other times companies conceal their misconduct, as Volkswagen

problems, they may now have to spend money complying with regulations. Consequently, many businesses and their lobbyists fight hard against regulation. They argue that regulation raises prices and restricts access to things consumers would otherwise have. Sometimes, that is so. But other times it isn’t, and even when it is, society is sometimes better off as a result.


apitalism may be the best economic system ever devised, but one of its drawbacks is that it provides financial incentives to harm and even kill people. Just ask those people who say they have been victimized by cigarettes, predatory lenders, Volkswagen diesel emissions, Takata airbags, General Motors ignition switches, Trump University, Vioxx, asbestos or other products.

Three The third protection is regulation. Lawmakers can study problems and require businesses to protect consumers against risks that ordinary people might not anticipate. For example, consumers getting credit cards need not master the meaning of universal default or doublecycle billing because Congress has forbidden credit card companies from employing those methods. But regulation is under constant attack. The Republican Party platform proposes a “regulatory budget” that would limit the costs regulation can impose on the economy. Many of the attacks take place outside consumers’ view, in arcane congressional bills or when bank lobbyists are named to head government agencies. But though out of sight might mean out of mind, it doesn’t mean nonexistent. One problem with regulation is that often the people who benefit from it — consumers — are not the people who feel most keenly the burdens it imposes. The businesses that must comply with regulations no longer make the money they once made from selling injurious products. Even if their products did not cause

The more we discard regulation, the more consumers must depend on companies to protect us from risks from their products that consumers cannot readily understand or don’t have time to study. And as the examples above indicate, companies sometimes succumb to the incentive to dispense with that protection. Many voters will base their decision in this year’s election on the character of the candidates, or other issues, like immigration or foreign policy. But how we protect people though regulation is also very much on the ballot. When you hear complaints about too much regulation, don’t forget to ask what harm that regulation may prevent. Capitalism lifts standards of living — but regulated capitalism keeps us well enough to enjoy a higher standard of living. Jeff Sovern is a professor of law at St. John’s University School of Law and co­coordinator of the Consumer Law and Policy Blog.

Yesterday is history, tomorow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present - Bill Keane



WHAT IS YOUR PAKISTAN? ere is a fast chat with Jeff Holden. Jeff and Debbie Holden are owners of Seamless Siding. You have seen their work all over SW Missouri. Be inspired by their calling and work and ask yourself, “What is my Pakistan?”


Q: How did you get a heart for Pakistan? A. It all started with an article in Voice of the Martyrs magazine May 2015, "Pakistan's Brick Kiln Martyrs" in short a mother and father of 3 were martyred for their faith after an all-day torture event. After reading the article it moved my wife and I into action. My military background

made me want to grab a rifle and go set things right but since they were in Pakistan we decided that was not the best option. My business side of me said lets go buy the brick factory and give it to the children of the martyrs to try to make amends that way, we decided this may be a better course of action. so we started asking around to different organizations active in Pakistan how we can go about this, we got laughed at and told on several occasions that this was an impossibility in Pakistan and when we asked then what can we do we were told to pray...that is all you can do for the Christians in places like Pakistan is to pray for them. Although we didn't believe this, we decided it was all we had to do at this time so we prayed. Not the oh by the way God be with


the Christians in Pakistan prayer but my wife and I got serious about praying and fasting daily for what God would have us to do in Pakistan prayer! (May I caution people about praying a prayer like this unless you are serious at taking God serious) after about a month we received a friend request from someone in Pakistan. (This was not something that had ever happened before and I would caution anyone about meeting people like this) this led to another friend request from Pastor Vicky our contact in Pakistan. I was very skeptical at first and my wife had most of the conversations with him, then she mentioned about sending him a little money...$20.00...after all I have wasted more than that on a bad dinner, after we sent it pastor Vicky sent back all kinds of pictures of things he bought for some people in his church, I still wasn’t sold on the idea that 20 dollars could go so far but I was intrigued at this point. Now I started talking more to him and skyping sermons on Sunday morning, our Saturday night and the next time we sent $40 and even more pictures came back. Me still being the skeptic I was analyzing all the pictures waiting to start finding duplicates to see that he was just using us. Well I never found one. over time gaining trust with each other pastor Vicky confided in me that some Muslims were threatening his life because his church was growing very quickly, I brought this up to a group of pastors I meet with and one of them looked at me and said lets go to Pakistan and visit him, as I laughed and made excuses why we couldn't pastor Lance Ogden said well lets pray about it. About a week later I got an invite from Pastor Vicky to come to Pakistan. As I chuckled and all the doubts come through my mind that we have been told there is nothing we can do in Pakistan I told him that I would at least look into it. To make a long story short pastor Lance & I were told at every turn we would never get a visa but God provided a visa in record time. Every time we turned around we would see another hurdle...time away from work, not enough money to go, not enough funds to fund the crusades...but before we even got to the hurdle God had made a way time after time in such a way we could see His hand in this entire trip.


Q: So, this led to the start of Adventure's in Pakistan, Tell us the main objectives of AIP? A. I didn’t really know what to expect, I had been on many mission trips but never to a hostile country I kind of assumed we would go meet in dark buildings underground somewhere so we could encourage the believers that hid there...boy was I ever wrong! We held 17 crusades in 13 days most of them outside with huge loud speakers...the police did tell us to turn them down many times...reaching thousands of people in Pakistan, many Christians, some non-religious and even Muslims would come out to listen Instead of us encouraging them they ended up encouraging us, one of the first young ladies I had a chance to talk to made a statement I’ll never forget, "she said God makes Pakistan Christians tough because in Pakistan we have very tough soil to til". The one thing I noticed about Christians in Pakistan is that there are no luke-warm Christians. Once they make the decision to follow Jesus they know their life will change. I say I went to encourage them but instead they encouraged me! Q: What are some interesting facts about Pakistan that most people are unaware of? A. Pakistan is a religious free country. It is not illegal to be Christian in Pakistan; it is only illegal to convert from Islam to Christianity in Pakistan. If this happens there will be a bounty placed on your head

and whoever kills them will receive the reward. in a place where some people only make $2 a day, then you see a reward of $5000 to kill changes things quickly in that kind of environment.

Q: Are there many missionaries in Pakistan?

person go to Pakistan and back. Pray the churches work together better to make Christianity stronger in Pakistan. Our goal is to set up Christian business so Christians can do work for a fair pay.


Q: Can our readers plan a trip to go there with you?

A. I know many who used to be missionaries and most have either retired out or rotated out without a replacement, Pastor Vicky is familiar with one English missionary in Pakistan. It can be a dangerous place most organizations use indigenous missionaries which I agree is always best, they know the customs of their area better than anyone.

A. We have teamed up with Project H.O.P.E. in Springfield, MO.

Q: Do your fear for your safety? A. I was never afraid for my personal safety. Although there was a time when I saw our security guards standing more alert once when the Muslim crowed got so large they circled around us but they were just listening to our testimonies, they dissipated when the service was over. Another time my heart skipped a beat when we turned a corner and found many armed security guards for a government group that came to the same event we did for the Easter bomb blast victims in Lahore.

It will be a while before we send large teams in for mission trips, but we are planning two trips a year at this point, April & October. If God has placed it on your heart that this is a place you need to go we will certainly do everything possible to help you be obedient to the will of God

Pastor Vicky and his wife just had a baby last August and it is not safe for all 3 of them to ride around to the Christian villages but they do. We are right now raising money to: • Buy them a good used car so that they will be safe. About $6,000 is needed. • Of course there are many other ways to help financially the local churches are always in need of bibles - $6. • You can send a child to school - $35 a month. • We are building on to the church - $6000. • Something as simple as buying someone a quality video camera can set up a small business - $500. • Sewing machine $35-100. Or any other thing God places on the heart of His people to help Christians work their way out of poverty.

Q: Can our readers help financially? A. Yes! The great thing about Project H.O.P.E. is that everyone pays their own way, even the president of the organization. Of course this is possible by many people working together to help send someone who might not be able to afford it financially it cost about $2000.00 per

See “Adventures in Pakistan” Facebook page See article on next page regarding Asia Bibi. Go online to sign petition to save her life.

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Q: What can our readers pray specifically for in your ministry and the Pakistan people? A. Pray that they stay strong in the persecution. Not just the physical persecution but emotional as well. If you work for a Muslim and they find out you are a Christian they will automatically cut your pay in half. Their belief is if you are a Christian you are not worth much money so good jobs are hard for Christians to get

417.334.2049 • Now serving all of southern Missouri and northern Arkansas. VOL.12 #4 | WWW.AMERICAN CHRISTIAN VOICE.COM


♪money money money♪


Make the Most of Gifts to Grandchildren Did you know that National Grandparents Day is celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day, annually? While this “Day” is not as widely known as Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, it is nonetheless important, as it recognizes the key role that grandparents play. If you are a grandparent yourself, you might expect some cards or phone calls or emails from your own grandchildren – but you will probably experience even greater enjoyment in the gifts you can give them. If you’re thinking of making a financial gift, consider your options carefully.

very good investment in your grandchildren's future – but higher education comes with high costs. If you want to help your grandkids go to college, you could establish a 529 plan. Earnings in a 529 plan can grow federal tax-free and will not be taxed when the money is taken out to pay for college. Plus, you may receive state tax incentives if you invest in your home state’s 529 plan. (However, if withdrawals are not used for higher education expenses, the earnings portion is fully taxable and will incur a 10% penalty.)

To begin with, don’t forget about your own needs. As much as you love your grandchildren, you can’t afford to provide significant finan­ cial gifts to them at the expense of your own retirement savings or the resources you might need for health care or long­term care. So, review your budget to determine what you can afford to give. This amount may change year by year, depending on your circumstances, so you may want to review your potential gifts annually.

Keep in mind, though, that a 529 plan could affect your grandchild’s financial aid. While a 529 plan owned by a grandparents generally won’t be reported as an asset under the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), withdrawals used for school will be treated as student income on the next year’s FAFSA, and so could lower your grandchild’s financial aid package. So you could wait for your grandchild’s final year of college, when he or she won’t be applying for future financial aid, before you allow withdrawals from the 529 plan. (You may want to discuss a 529 plan’s potential financial aid impact with a financial aid professional.)

However, assuming you can afford to give regularly to your grandchildren, how should you go about it? Here are a few possibilities: Establish a 529 plan. A college degree is a

“Our Christ sacrificed His life on the cross for our sins.... Our Christ is alive.” Asia Bibi, a wife and mother, used these words to defend her faith

Contribute to a custodial account. You can

She was later convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to death. In Pakistan, more than 150,000 Christians have signed a petition demanding justice for persecution victims, including Asia Bibi. Now you can join with The Voice of the Martyrs and our Pakistani brothers and sisters in a call for mercy. We hope to gather 1 million signatures on behalf of our sister Asia, who now sits in prison awaiting the Lahore High Court's ruling on her appeal. Invite your friends to visit

against mocking co-workers who tried to make her convert to Islam.


and add their names to the petition as well. VOM will deliver the petition, along with the list of signers, to the Pakistani Embassy in Washington DC.


give money to your grandchildren through a custodial account, known as UGMA or UTMA. These are irrevocable gifts that minors gain control of at the age of majority. Be aware, then, that once they get the money, they can do with it as they choose, and their choices may be far different from what you had intended. Pay college bills directly. You can simply write a check to the college to help pay for your grandchild’s expenses. By making any of these gifts, you can help your grandchildren move forward through life — and their journey can provide you with the gifts of pride and joy. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Tax issues for 529 plans can be complex. Please consult your tax advisor about your situation. Edward Jones, its financial advisors and employees cannot provide tax or legal advice.

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ACROSS 1 Biblical word for You idiot! 5 Artist Chagall 9 Upon (2 wds.) 14 Asian country 15 6th month (Jewish calendar) 16 Bowed stringed instrument 17 Cosmic 18 Yawn 19 Devourer 20 Time period 21 Curbing 23 Jewish teacher 25 Director (abbr.) 26 Opera solo 30 Began 33 Approaching 35 Book of facts 37 Moisten the meat 38 Air Cushion Vehicle (abbr.) 41 Liners 44 Aurora 45 Doorbell sound 47 Present time 49 Bars 52 Fighter 56 Baths 57 Winder malady 59 Struck (KJV) 60 Godliness 64 Rumpus

65 Sarah's handmaid 68 Church part 69 Transgressions 70 Deduce 71 Gruesome 72 Stake 73 Butterflies' cousins 74 Monetary unit 75 What children make DOWN 1 Creeks 2 Where Noah's ark landed 3 Sweet melon 4 Picnic pest 5 They visited Jesus 6 __ and Eve 7 Sudden 8 Foolish person 9 Baker's need 10 Famous falls 11 Kid 12 Bullfight cheer 13 Standard or average 21 Smaller 22 Anger 24 Bikini top 27 Ascend 28 Within 29 Gets older 31 Samuel's mentor 32 Tribe of Israel

34 Inflamed area 36 Transgression 38 Book after Gospels 39 Lad 40 Brand of milk 42 Cain fled to this land 43 African antelope 46 Survivor of fiery furnace 48 Shade tree 50 Football assoc. 51 Hurt arm holders 53 Salt addition 54 Periods of work 55 Tightens up 58 Single 61 Mined metals 62 Wicked 63 Partial 65 Dress edge 66 Hoopla 67 __ feeling 69 Surface to air missile

Dear Lord, Help me not despise the things I do not know or understand. ~William Penn

Answers to Sudoku Puzzle on Page 22

Answers to CrossWord Puzzle on Page 42

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...but it’s so hard


Six things I wish Christians would stop doing s a parent, there are many things I love about Christianity and want my children to fully embrace as they get older. But I also don’t want them to pick up some of the bad habits Christian culture has a tendency to instill, and here are six things I wish Christians would stop doing:


Arguing: Instead of having a reputation as being peacemakers, promoting reconciliation, and working towards unity, Christians are known for being loud, argumentative, petty, and contentious.

Unfortunately, any semblance of Christ’s gospel message of hope, love, and grace is lost within the endless noise, debates, accusations, division, and hatred. Christians need to stop obsessing over being right and having all of the answers and start focusing on following Christ’s example: sacrificially serving, helping, comforting, and loving everyone around us. For Christians, it’s often easier to yell and scream instead of doing the very hard—and humble—work of loving others. Arguing is addictive because it feeds off of our need for self-glorification, self-righteousness, pride, power, and recognition. Acting like Jesus, a person who ultimately died on a cross and devoted His life to selflessly helping others

Idolizing Famous Christians: One of the most popular—yet subtle—idols Christians worship are, well, themselves. As believers, we respect, honor, and admire those who lead us towards a better understand of Jesus—but we can quickly turn these individuals into false idols. Our pastors, favorite theologians, Christian reality TV stars, Christian athletes, and Christian celebrities can become a personification of our faith—a modern day Golden Calf that represents our belief in God. We put lots of hope, confidence, and much of our identity into these idols, and when they inevitable fail, we assume that God failed. But they aren’t Jesus. Too often, people abandon Christ not because of anything He did, but because of the people that represented Him. Ultimately, are we putting our hope in Jesus or in the people that are trying to symbolize Him?

Craving Power: The irony of Jesus’s story is that He defeated evil by being sacrificial and loving—not through manipulation, political influence, or physical power. Yet Christians continually ignore this lesson and strive for corporate, social, legal, political, economic, and religious control. We want to rule the world!

doesn’t seem that appealing—it isn’t. But we need to try—and the first step is to stop being combative and start focusing on being a peacemaker.


In many ways, we’ve devolved and become like the Israelites who wanted an earthly king and physical victory instead of a spiritual one. We want our laws to be passed, our customs to be the most socially acceptable, our beliefs to be enforced, our leaders to be popular, and our lifestyles to be preferred over those of everyone else. Christianity isn’t meant to be a religion of dominating control, authoritarian influence, or a popularity contest. It’s meant to focus around a relationship with Christ, but instead we’ve turned the gospel it into a mechanism for gaining power— God help us.


Being Judgmental: …Which leads us to our next problem: being judgmental. Almost on a daily basis there’s another news story about a Christian who derisively attacked someone because of their “immoral lifestyle.” Instead of being agents of grace, hope, and inspiration, Christians often bring condemnation, guilt, and shame. Jesus routinely warns against judging others, and throughout His ministry He created meaningful friendships with society’s “sinners” and “outcasts.” Unfortunately, many modern-day Christians do the exact opposite, preferring exclusion over inclusion, judgment over grace, shame over praise, legalism over freedom, and fear over joy. Jesus wants people to be full of hope, joy, and freedom—why is it so hard for Christians to desire those things for others?

Christianity is about bringing an uplifting and energizing hope—but we’ve turned it into a fear-based horror story.

Playing the Victim Card: A loss of worldly power, pessimism, combined with fear and a sense of judgment, is the perfect recipe for creating a mentality of victimization. To be fair, Christian persecution is real, and it is happening throughout the world, but Christians see persecution even when it’s not there. Christians have become used to creating, upholding, and enforcing the status quo, but when we’re no longer the majority, and lose “control,” we immediately become defensive and assume everyone is out to get us. The irony is that for years, Christians often ruthlessly enforced their expectations upon others, and people had a legitimate reason to fear those who called themselves “Christians.”

Being Pessimistic: Christians can basically be divided into two main categories: optimists and pessimists. Believers are hopeful or hopeless, happy or sad. Jesus is either restoring a broken world and fighting to bring restoration— ultimately bringing salvation—or, Satan is controlling everyone (especially the youth) and they’re all (you, not us!) headed to hell. Today’s Christians have a bad habit of seeing the worst in everybody and everything: A natural disaster is surely a sign of the end times. An MTV show reflects our hideous moral decline. A particular nation (obviously not one of our political allies) is being used as the AntiChrist’s puppet to eventually invade and destroy the United States. The apocalyptic and hopeless assessments about our world—and Christianity— propagated by Christians themselves are pathetic and worrisome. Do we have nothing to be thankful for? We treat our faith as if it’s in a rapid decline, as if the “glory years” are over. Really? The past was Christianity’s brightest moment? When racism, segregation, sexism, war, and fear plagued our country—this was the high point of Christianity?

But when the Ten Commandments are removed from City Hall, or you can’t publicly pray at work, gay marriage is approved, or a “liberal” politician is elected into office—this isn’t Christian persecution. Christians need to accept that they’re no longer considered the respected moral majority—and this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. For years, we’ve associated the health of Christianity by numbers: the popularity of our denominations, church attendance, the amount of “believing” elected officials voted into office, and the quantitative influence of our institutions. We evaluated our faith using data and figures—not spiritual issues that Jesus was passionate about. Helping the poor, giving to others, being sacrificial, and loving everyone—this is what matters to God. If Christianity isn’t doing those things, then it doesn’t matter how popular it is—it’s worthless.

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Let’s start emulating Christ and stop trying to turn Christianity into a religion that it was never meant to be. This is an edited article that the author originally featured at VOL.12 #4 | WWW.AMERICAN CHRISTIAN VOICE.COM


America cannot help the world if we are broke

Greed Is Not Good n 1987, Wall Street tycoon Gordon Gekko stepped onto the silver screen to announce, “Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.” It is no wonder why people hesitate to embrace capitalism, and why Christians in particular have trouble understanding how a system fueled by greed can be compatible with biblical principles.



I would stand behind every word of this clip had the director— himself a socialist—chosen to use “capitalism” instead of “greed.” Let that be a lesson: Do not leave the task of free enterprise advocacy to Hollywood. Philosophers and theologians throughout history have contributed to a rich repository of arguments for human dignity and relational ethics. The assertion that we are driven merely by selfishness, and that this is a good thing, appears misguided on its face and leaves distaste for any social system based on such an idea. To set the record straight, greed is never good. And before any conversation about alternative economic systems, we must understand that no system can get around human nature—greed will play a role in any social structure. What kind of role will depend on the particular structure. As markets rely on trust and cooperation, unmitigated greed has the potential to undermine a free economy. On the other hand, capitalism is the system best equipped to channel greed into more productive ends by providing a way for individuals to make unlimited profits through production and exchange rather than stealing. Greed, one could say, is less destructive under capitalism, but still not “good.”

Why the confusion? Behind this misconception is a reckless


(But Self­Interest Is)

interpretation of the economic principle of “self-interest.” It was Adam Smith who argued, “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we can expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.” Self-interest also plays a starring role in the political work of John Locke and David Hume, yet none of these philosophers viewed it in the same manner we view selfishness or greed today. Rather, they understood it to be the underlying motivation to most human action. Self-interest, rightly conceived, is about self-preservation, responsibility and increased quality of life. It is self-interest that motivates us to get up and go to work, tend to our home, care for our children, seek education and follow doctors’ orders. The natural desire and core motive of human action is simply to better one’s condition. Furthermore, self-interest does not exclude charitable behavior. In “An Economic Theory of Democracy,” Anthony Downs noted how “self-denying charity is often a great source of benefits to oneself.” Both Locke and Hume call for individuals and societies to be resourceful, efficient and always caring for those in need. There is far less room for charity if we conceive of selfinterest as it is portrayed by Machiavelli or Hobbes, who imagine humans as brute creatures driven by appetite and vice. In their world, fear and power rule the day. Unfortunately, this view is all too common.

The Difference There is a difference between loving yourself exclusively, and “loving your neighbor as yourself.” In the former, you stand as the sole intended beneficiary of your actions, regardless of harm to others. In the latter, one’s motives encompass loved ones, friends, strangers or even enemies (John Mueller’s “Redeeming Economics” is


a brilliant piece of work on this notion, rooted in the natural law of St. Thomas Aquinas). There is nothing wrong with seeking recognition for a job well done in hopes of a promotion. But it should be done without tearing down one’s co-workers. There is nothing wrong with accumulating wealth, but when possible, store savings in an interest-bearing account where it can be accessed by others. The parable of the talents applies here. The Ebenezer Scrooges and Bernie Madoffs of the world give capitalism a bad name because, as some would suggest, their greed epitomizes the problems inherent in capitalism. But would we say the same for Bill Gates and Steve Jobs? Do Jim Cramer and Dave Ramsey give millions of people financial advice because they are greedy? Are you selfish for going to work or school, preferring tasteful food to bland, or driving a car instead of public transportation? For many years the Catholic Church believed profits and pleasures were unfit for Christian life, but theologians corrected this view centuries ago, paving the way for Western progress. We are free to seek improvements to our lives—the pursuit of happiness, if you will—provided that we are not denying the same for others.

Beware the Straw Man Only if we understand self-interest in this way can we make sense of law, ethics, economics, international relations and the realities of the human experience. The argument that capitalism is based on greed is a “straw man” that is not only inaccurate, but suggests that alternative systems are somehow friendlier. Correcting this misunderstanding is one important stepping-stone between Christian values and free enterprise. “Greed” seeks pleasure at the expense of others. It is a part of human nature—a fact recognized and redirected by capitalism. But a sustainable free economy is based on individuals pursuing their interests with goodwill and social responsibility constantly in view. The moral case for free enterprise is incomplete without this often overlooked but vital arrow in the liberal

quiver. Wesley Gant is an art director and brand strategist for Houston Baptist University, where he graduated in 2011 with honors in government. Having witnessed poverty at a young age, Wesley developed a passion for understanding how individuals and communities become both peaceful and prosperous. To this end, he has a strong interest in the role of faith, family and free enterprise in society, and seeks to influence culture and policy through effective communication of these principles. He has been published in the Acton Institute’s “Religion & Liberty” and HBU’s “The City,” and is currently writing a Masters thesis in political theory at the University of Houston. Wesley enjoys Fender guitars, Jeep Wranglers, Apple computers, 18th­century books, Belgium tripels and his wife’s exceptional culinary skills. Follow him on Twitter @wesgant.

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we have to pass it to see what’s in it. LOL

Aetna defection highlights Obamacare’s affordability problem ajor insurer becomes third to pull out of healthcare exchanges over major financial losses



(WNS)--Insurance company Aetna announced Aug. 15 it will withdraw in 2017 from Obamacare exchanges in 11 of the15 states in which it currently operates. Aetna is the latest insurer to pull out of exchange plans offered under the Affordable Care Act, reinforcing critics’ early claims the healthcare reform package would not be financially sustainable. The company, which cited a $200 million pre-tax loss in the second quarter of 2016, said policyholders are turning out to be sicker and more expensive to cover than expected. CEO Mark Bertolini said in a statement the company’s plans to not have enough healthy participants to help offset the costs for lesshealthy customers. “As a strong supporter of public exchanges as a means to meet the needs of the uninsured, we regret having to make this decision,” Bertolini said. “Providing affordable, high-quality healthcare options to consumers is not possible without a balanced risk pool.” Aetna’s announcement comes one month after the Department of Justice blocked the company’s plan to merge with Humana, saying the merger would leave consumers at risk by reducing benefits and increasing premiums. Bertolini said Aetna would consider reentering the Obamacare markets in the future if lawmakers adopt some meaningful policy improvements. In April, UnitedHealth also announced it would pull out of Obamacare exchanges in several states by next year. The nation’s largest health insurer said the company expects losses from its exchange business to total more than $1 billion for 2015 and 2016. Humana followed with an announcement in May that it will pull out of nearly 1,200 counties in eight states by 2017.

its participants, who will either have to sign up for other Obamacare plans or purchase individual insurance out of the exchanges. The recent withdrawals would mean people who receive subsidized coverage would have fewer choices, while participants who are off the exchange would face higher costs, said Edmund Haislmaier, a healthcare policy expert at the Heritage Foundation. The Kaiser Family Foundation projects the premium for an average plan could increase by 9 percent next year. “Aetna’s exit isn’t the beginning and it won’t be the end, but it is another unmistakable sign of Obamacare’s slow-motion death

Meet Jonathan Gruber, a professor at MIT and an architect of Obamacare. During a panel event last year about how the legislation passed, turning over a sixth of the U.S. economy to the government, Gruber admitted that the Obama administration went through "tortuous" measures to keep the facts about the legislation from the American people, including covering up the redistribution of wealth from the healthy to the sick in the legislation that Obamacare is in fact a tax.

Jonathon Gruber

spiral,” Ben Sasse, R-Neb., said in a statement. “With ugly withdraws, painful co-op failures, and rotten choices and costs, Obamacare’s collapse is crushing American families.” About 11 million Americans currently have insurance through the exchanges, but battles continue over high costs, bureaucracy, and heavy taxation, among other problems. The Department of Health and Human Services last week said it will propose modifying the risk adjustment program to take on some of the cost for claims that exceed a set limit, funded by payments from all insurers. But with the mounting frustrations, lawmakers would either have to put more money into insurance coverage, which Affordable Care Act supporters want, or open the legislation and start making significant changes, Haislmaier said. “If Congress can come to an agreement, the next president would probably sign it, whoever it is,” he said.

Aetna’s withdrawal will affect 20 percent of


Obamacare Architect: Yeah, We Lied to The "Stupid" American People to Get It Passed


"You can't do it political, you just literally cannot do it. Transparent financing and also transparent spending. I mean, this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO (Congressional Budget Office) did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies. Okay? So it’s written to do that," Gruber said. "In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in, you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing to pass.

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unless the Holy Spirit draws... The gospel that is beautiful and transforming to God’s people is ugly and odious to those who are not his people. The gospel that so satisfies those who believe it revolts those who reject it.

When Jesus Brings a Sword BY TIM CHALLES

he Prince of Peace once told his disciples “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Many antagonists have interpreted this to mean that Jesus incites his followers to acts of violence—if not physical violence, at least relational. In their view Christians are cruel, Christians are mean, Christians are eager to separate themselves from anyone who disagrees with them.


But any fair reading of the Bible will show that sword is not meant to be understood literally. No, sword is meant metaphorically, as a representation of conflict—the inevitable conflict that will come to Jesus and to those who follow him. Just as a sword divides, Jesus will divide. But who will he divide? What will be the nature of this division? “For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.” This sword will disrupt and at times even destroy the most natural, precious relationships any of us can have. Fathers

and sons and mothers and daughters will be sliced apart, divided from one another. Jesus is the sword. His gospel is the sword. Every Christian soon finds that the most divisive thing he can do is tell someone else about their sin and their need for a Savior even or especially the ones he loves most. He finds that living for Jesus brings even greater and deeper division. The thrusts of this sword are acts of love, care, concern, pleading. I think of Keith Green and his “Song To My Parents:” “There’s a heaven waiting / For you and me / I know it seems every time we talk / I’m only tryin’ to just make you see / And it’s only that I care / I really only want / Just to see you there.” His relationship with his parents was strained and breaking because he had turned to the Savior and now pleaded with his parents to do the same. The gospel that is beautiful and transforming to God’s people is ugly and odious to those who are not his people. The gospel that so satisfies those who believe it revolts those who reject it. This difference in taste, this difference in perception,

brings division. It divides so that the One who brings peace to the Christian’s soul also brings division to his relationships. One commentator says it well: “Hostility against Christians results not from their making themselves obnoxious but from the sad fact that … sometimes the gospel so alienates unbelievers that they lash out against those who would love them for Christ’s sake.” It isn’t the believer who pushes away the unbeliever, but the unbeliever who pushes away the believer. This distance is caused not by the believer’s hatred but by his love—love that is rejected and despised. Christian, you cannot be surprised when you experience division. You don’t need to seek this division or long for it or glory in it, but you do need to expect it. Jesus and his gospel bring division between those who embrace him and those who reject him. As Matthew Henry said, “Christ came to give us peace with God, peace in our consciences, peace with our brethren, but in the world ye shall have tribulation.” Even with those you count nearest and dearest to your heart.

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it’s not a Christian issue... it’s just smart

Target reports sluggish sales following Restroom Controversy But many did not take kindly to Target’s decision.

will have the option to use a singleoccupancy stall with a lock.

(WNS)--Target announced Aug. 17 a decline in sales, earnings, and store foot traffic in its first investor’s report since changing its restroom policy to accommodate transgender customers.

Days after the announcement, the American Family Association (AMA) started a petition to boycott Target stores. The group said this policy is “exactly how sexual predators gain access to their victims” and asked others to join them in shunning a store that allows men to use women’s restrooms based on how they “feel.”

Smith said only 400 of Target’s 1,800 locations do not offer such faculties now and it expects to have most renovations finished before the holiday shopping season, with all work complete by March.

“It’s clear that some of our guests like and some dislike our inclusive bathroom policy,” said Cathy Smith, Target’s chief financial officer, in a conference call with media and investors yesterday. Target shareholders took a big hit. Stocks fell 5 percent after America’s secondlargest retailer reported a loss of quarterly sales for the first time in two years—down 7.2 percent. Corporate executives did not attribute the slide to the transgender policy, offering as explanations its lagging grocery department and CVS taking over its pharmacy division. But executives admitted some customers disagree with the company’s restroom stance. In April, Target jumped into the national restroom debate by announcing it would focus on “inclusivity,” allowing customers to use whichever restroom or fitting room they choose, regardless of biology. “Given the specific questions these legislative proposals raised about how we manage our fitting rooms and restrooms, we felt it was important to state our position,” the company said on its blog.

So far, more than 1.4 million persons have signed the petition pledging to stop shopping at Target. Spokeswoman Katie Boylan told me the company has no evidence at this time that the new policy has had a negative effect on business. She said dips in sales can come from a variety of variables and there’s no way to determine whether the restroom controversy is to blame. Boylan added Target has been listening to its customers, but “at this time there are no plans to change the policy.” Although the outcry has not persuaded Target to change its policy, the company is making a significant investment to address complaints. Yesterday the company announced a $20 million plan to install single-person restrooms in all its stores. Anyone who feels uncomfortable using a public restroom with a transgender person

Target CEO Brian Cornell told investors that long-term goals are still on track and claimed short-term losses are of little concern since all businesses are dealing with America’s “difficult retail environment.” But during the last quarter, Walmart, Target’s main competitor, saw an increase in customers visiting its locations.


Retailer claims pro­transgender policy has nothing to do with keeping customers away

Walmart announced today foot traffic increased in its stores by 1.2 percent from May to July. During the same three-month span, customers visiting Target dropped 2.2 percent, its first decline in 18 months. Cornell said the weakest pockets of foot traffic have been on the East Coast, while stores near Los Angeles and San Francisco are doing exceedingly well. Meanwhile, AMA is praising Target’s financial downturn: “After seeing Target’s latest earnings report, the retailer can’t afford to have millions of families shopping with their competitors. The privacy and protection of women and children are important and that is why we will continue to stand against Target for its reckless policy.”



banking’s best kept secret


The Rule of 100 ’ve spoken with thousands of people to cause you to send that extra money to the over the years while helping them with banks. I know you’re asking, what’s wrong financial planning, and developing strategies for debt related issues. One thing I’ve “It is well that the people of the Nation noticed is, that it doesn’t matter do not understand our banking and how much money people make, monetary system, for if they did I fear it all boils down to multiples of there would be a revolution before $100.


tomorrow morning.”- Henry Ford I want you to ask yourself this question; How much extra money am I sending to creditors each month in an effort to accelerate my debt pay off? Now ask yourself this question; How many hours, based on my current income, do I have to work in order to earn that money? If you make $31,200 per year, your hourly rate is $15, so you have to work over 6.6 hours for that $100. How do you feel about giving the bank that many hours of your time every month? Contrast that with how much time you actually get to enjoy with your family and friends. Now I want to ask you this; Would you rather be able to make that time and money work more for you than for the bank? Here’s an example of what I’m talking about. Let’s say you have a car payment of $386 per month on an automobile you financed for $20,000 at 6% for 5 years. Conventional wisdom says that you have to send extra money to the bank, if you want to get that debt paid off early. Since you follow that philosophy, you start sending an extra $100 per month to the bank ($486). Sending an extra $100 per month to your $386 per month car payment will pay that debt off 13 months early, and save you $755 in interest. That’s a win for you, according to the people on the radio and television telling you that this is the only way to be debt free. Oh yeah, those people are paid

with this? I pay the debt off early and save hundreds in interest. Using the Rule of 100, I say put that hundred dollars in your sock drawer or the cookie jar instead of sending it to the creditor. This might sound absolutely crazy at first, but do the math. If you save $100 per month for 12 months you have $1,200. If you do that for 5 years, you have $6,000. The key here is that in 3 years and 7 months you have enough cash in your hands to pay that car off, if you want. The real question here is; Would you rather have $755 cut off what you owe, or $6,000 in actual cash? You can multiply that by however many hundreds you currently send to creditors above your contractual obligation. If you’ve been sending $500 per month extra to creditors, you’d have $6,000 per year in your sock drawer, and in 5 years you have $30,000 in cash. I guarantee you won’t save that much in interest. The reason I share this with you is because of a newspaper poll conducted by USA Today a few months ago. That article stated that more than two thirds of Americans would have a hard time coming up with $1,000 in case of an emergency. What happens when you’re sending all your extra cash to creditors? When something unexpected happens, you typically have to go right back to the bank you just sent all your money to and borrow more. Yes, this is the same with credit cards, because banks issue credit cards. This is what I call the “Hamster Wheel of Debt”. If you follow my advice, and keep your cash



where you can get to it, you get off that hamster wheel because don’t have to borrow from someone else. If you want to talk about saving money on interest, think about how much you’ll save if you never have to borrow anything else to begin with. I’ll close with this one thought from my book titled “The 7 Indisputable Laws of Financial Leadership”, “The only person who can benefit from your money is the one who has access to and control over it”. If you have seen the light and want more information about the “rule of $100”, or education about how money really works, visit IFLA University for Financial Freedom at, or call

888­779­8972 If you want to take control over your money with REAL financial education, visit our website at: Rodney Ballance has been a licensed financial professional for over two decades. Throughout his career he’s worked with people from all walks of life helping them build wealth and expand fortunes. He often says that he has learned more from his wealthy clients about how money really works than in any classroom. He’s served as a regular contributor to the CBN television network, and the American Family radio network as a financial expert for many years, and has been written about in a subsidiary of the Wall Street Journal. He recently filmed a segment for a television program titled “Consumer Advocacy” to be aired on all four of the major television networks.

we’ll miss you, Phyllis! “Seven Dangers Of Human Virtue: 1.Wealth without Work 2.Pleasure without conscience 3.Knowledge without character 4.Business without ethics 5.Science without Humanity 6.Religion without sacrifice 7.Politics without Principles” ― Mahatma Gandhi

"Kindness makes a person attractive. If you would win the world, melt it, do not hammer it." (Alexander MacLaren)

DeLauer’s Newsstands 1310 Broadway Oakland, CA 94612 On Broadway between 13th and 14th streets, next to the 12th Street/City Center BART station (510) 451­6157

Feminism has nothing at all to do with being 'feminine.' Feminine means accentuating the womanly attributes that make women deliciously different from men. The feminine woman enjoys her right to be a woman. She has a positive outlook on life. She knows she is a person with her own identity and that she can seek fulfillment in the career of her choice, including that of traditional wife and mother. -Phyllis Schlafly

Phyllis Schlafly is a conservative icon who led millions to action, reshaped the conservative movement, and fearlessly battled globalism and the 'kingmakers' on behalf of America's workers and families. I was honored to spend time with her during this campaign as she waged one more great battle for national sovereignty. I was able to speak with her by phone only a few weeks ago, and she sounded as resilient as ever. Our deepest prayers go out to her family and all her loved ones. She was a patriot, a champion for women, and a symbol of strength. She fought every day right to the end for America First. Her legacy will live on in the movement she led and the millions she inspired. ­Donald J. Trump Trump attends her funeral service, pic below.

1412 Park Street Alameda, CA 94501 Located in the heart of the historic Park Street business district (510) 521­1197

If home is to have a greater lure than a tavern the wife must be at least as cheerful as the waitress. -Phyllis Schlafly

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DR. HILL’S Secret to Improving Brain Function!! Most chiropractors don’t even know this information!! I believe every person should have an understanding of this 2007 study from the “Journal of Neurophysiology”(3). In this study Drs. Heidi Haavik and Bernadette Murphy clearly show that a cervical spinal adjustment (ON PATIENTS WITH NO PAIN) influences the cortical brain and can create neuroplastic changes in the brain tissue. THIS IS HUGE! There are counselors and emotional modification programs that cannot create neuroplastic changes in the brain over months and months of therapy like one single chiropractic adjustment can. I believe the best part of this study is that the subjects receiving adjustments DID NOT have neck pain but had confirmed vertebral subluxation. (In other words....subluxation is not about pain!) How many of the people in our community need to know that subluxation (interference in the nervous system from a malfunctioning portion of the spine) creates abnormal brain physiology without causing any known symptoms? The adjustment they received had a direct influence on sensory input and resulted in attenuated brain cortical evoked responses. This means it changed their brain for the better! It was noted that “enhanced active inhibition” of the sympathetic nervous system tone occurred in ALL post-adjustment measurements! The other cool thing it proved was that it clearly wasn’t a placebo effect or just “laying on of hands”. One group was set up for an adjustment but the high velocity low amplitude thrust was not made and this group had NO cortical neuroplastic change. The bottom line here is that the vertebral subluxation leads to a bombardment to the Central Nervous System with afferent signals from joints and surrounding muscles. A chiropractic adjustment reduces excessive signals and improves altered input into the CNS, resulting in better adaptation to any internal or external input the brain perceives. Know this.... How to improve brain adaptability is one of the most important areas of study today in all of healthcare. And NOBODY EFFECTS IT LIKE THE POWER OF A CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT! It has been proven that abnormal posture has a destructive impact on your health! This was a study published in the reputable Medical Journal of SPINE in 2005 and was done by a team of all Medical Doctors headed up by Dr. Steven Glassman. They measured posture in 752 subjects from the sagittal

New Patient Exam* ~ 50% off ~ only $40.00!! ($80.00 value) *This includes: ­NASA certified nervous system scans to get your neuro efficiency core score, ­advanced postural evaluation, and ­a chiropractic spinal exam. **Does not include x­rays if they are needed.

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HEALTH TIP plane using full-spine x-rays. Their findings were ASTONISHING!! Even minor forward head posture was shown to be detrimental. From breathing and heart rate, to pain and disability, all health markers that were measured worsened as the posture deviations increased. Chiropractic adjustments help to restore posture by improving motion and spinal integrity which improves afferent input into the spinal cord and brain, thus, allowing the body to comprehend and balance itself better in relation to gravity. A chiropractic adjustment removes interference to the nerve system and improves brain function. It’s ALL ABOUT THE NERVOUS SYSTEM and Chiropractors are one of the only DOCTORS addressing this! Also noted in these studies is that chiropractic adjustments improve the CNS function while producing brain changes and better overall health with patients that had confirmed subluxation but NO PAIN! This shows us why every human should be checked and adjusted if necessary throughout life by a chiropractor regardless of symptoms. This is why myself, my family, my team, and 1,000’s of chiropractic patients get their spine and nervous system checked regularly whether they have pain or symptoms.

Here are the Take-Aways from the scientific research studies: 1) There is no way to be healthy without a healthy spine. 2) There is no way to know if you

Hill Family Chiropractic 800 State Hwy 248 • Suite 2D Branson, MO 65616 • 417.339.3978

have a healthy spine unless you have it checked, regardless of pain or symptoms. 3) The health of your body is dependent on the health of your spine. 4) These are reasons (backed by science) that you and everyone in your family should have a Chiropractor from birth to death. Don’t miss out on one of the most important pieces of your health puzzle! You deserve to know what is

It's the "Good ol' Summertime!" It's a great season to get inspired to do fun and active things with our family and friends. Our family loves to create a "Bucket List" of activities to accomplish during the summer. Examples are: Doing a Family Hike and Pic Nic, Swimming, Running a 5K Color Run, Taking a Bike Ride Adventure, Having a Neighborhood Cook Out and Kickball Tournament, and Making Pottery! Our "Bucket List" helps us to stay active while making memories that

necessary for you to be healthy! Most people are aware of the many things that can improve health (diet, exercise etc.) But what most are unaware of is this: you can have no pain, spend your whole life eating well and being physically fit and STILL not be healthy! So, how do you know if you have a health problem with your spine or nervous system? We want to give you the opportunity now through July 31 st to come into our office and have your spine and nervous system evaluated at 50% off! We have NASA certified technology to measure the health and function of your nerves. And our advanced postural equipment will determine the chiropractic care necessary to improve your health and quality of life. When you are ready to see how we can help you function better and reach your full God­ given potential, give us a call at 417­339­3978. We have the technology and the team ready to serve you!

truly last a lifetime! Exercising and having fun relieves stress too, so you just can't beat this winning combination! In John 10:10 Jesus says, "The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." So what would make your "Bucket List?" I encourage you to create one and live your life to the full! This summer is a great time to start!! Carolyn Hill is passionate about worshiping Jesus and serving with her husband, Dr. Jerod Hill. Together they encourage and equip people to reach their full potential in đ&#x;’— Christ. Carolyn is also passionate about being a wife and a mother to two boys â?¤



there are other ways to live


Communal Living

Distributism was an attempt at forming an economic ideology out of the wake of the May 1891 papal encyclical, the Rerum No­ varum, which dealt with the need to ameliorate "the misery and wretchedness pressing so unjustly on the majority of the working class". The Rerum Novarum stated the opposition of the Vatican to both unrestricted modern capitalism and to state socialism, while reaffirming the right to private property and labor unions.

There are plenty of pros and cons with living in a community of fellow believers. Unfortunately most problems arise from our western culture of “Americanism”.

Distributism took this opposition to both modern capitalism and state socialism and attempted to form an economic ideology around it. Distributism makes the case that ethics has a place in economics. In theory, Distributism sounds a lot like the same things espoused earlier by such writers as Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, and later by the 1970s back-to-the-land movement. An economy consisting entirely of small-scale entrepreneurs, skilled craftsmen bartering their trade, small family farms, mom-and-pop shops, worker owned cooperatives, and universal property and home ownership was envisioned. To accomplish this, Distributism put a great deal of emphasis on the need to make ownership of private property as widespread and diffuse as possible, with everybody owning a small piece of land, but nobody allowed to accumulate large amounts of land. Mass marketing and commercialism, absentee ownership of rental housing units, and large factories would not be part of this envisioned society. G.K. Chesterton summed up his opposition to modern capitalism this way: "The problem with capitalism is not too many capitalists, but not enough capitalists". He idealized a world in which everybody was a small-scale capitalist, but no monopoly capitalism could emerge.

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We are now experiencing third, fourth and fifth generations of folks seeking the “American Dream”. Initially, the American dreams of our forefathers were relegated to desires of religious freedom and economic prosperity. It eventually devolved into consumerism... the ever increasing lust for more stuff. Communal living has garnered a new interest as a prolonged, wrecked economy made us rethink our priorities. (Not to mention the hollowness that materialism has left recent generations.) The modern commune has shed it’s stereotyped, hippie image to a modern socio-economic enterprise of something dubbed, “intentional living”. Certainly nothing new. In the earliest experiences of the Christian church we see the model as Paul writes in Acts 2:42­47 (NLT) The Believers Form a Community 42 All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper and to prayer. 43 A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. 44 And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. 45 They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. 46 They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity (47) all the while praising God and

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Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.


enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved. Granted, persecution of the new believers made this option more appealing and if Hillary Clinton gets elected as president of the United States in November you will see an explosion of communal camps rise all over the country. The only way for this to work is that individuals have to give up the self centeredness that the American dream fostered for the last three decades. Also, the members have to have a genuine desire to serve others more than themselves. The God ordained system of familial communities gave way to the modern plague of handing the family responsibilities for it’s members to the state and federal government. Our elders are farmed out, non family members became the baby sitters, and individual family members did not need the patriarch to be the problem solving leader. The unprecedented prodigal children that so many couples face today was created by the rebellious or wayward personalities not needing to rely on family ties. Four tips for creating or joining an intentional living arrangement: 1) Be willing to share your material resources and your personal talents. 2) Do not insist on perfect agreement on the “twigs” of theological doctrines. 3) Have a strict processing on evaluating the hearts of the members to determine how selfless the candidates are willing to be. 4) Have a very strong leadership in place that can arbitrate disputes and not be afraid to make the hard decisions.

If the Arabs layed down their arms today, there would be peace in the Middle East. If Israel layed down their arms today, there would be no more Israel. -Benjamin Netanyahu

CrossWord Answers to Page 27

if we are being honest social life. Economics was becoming an imperial domain. Today, the logic of buying and selling no longer applies to material goods alone. It increasingly governs the whole of life.”

Capitalism Is Amoral, Not Evil BY PAUL B. FARRELL

at apitalism is killing our morals, our future because in a Market Society, everything is for sale


Yes, capitalism is working … for the Forbes 1,000 Global Billionaires whose ranks swelled from 322 in 2000 to 1,426 recently. Billionaires control the vast majority of the world’s wealth, while the income of American workers stagnated. For the rest of the world, capitalism is not working: A billion live on less than two dollars a day. With global population

Yes, it’s everywhere: “Markets to allocate health, education, public safety, national security, criminal justice, environmental protection, recreation, procreation, and other social goods unheard-of 30 years ago. Today, we take them largely for granted.” Examples … for-profit schools, hospitals, prisons … outsourcing war to private contractors … police forces by private guards “almost twice the number of public

But unfortunately, market capitalism “has exacted a heavy price … drained public discourse of moral and civic energy.” There is more and you should probably go read it. I was kinda surprised to find that essay in a subsidiary of the Wall Street Journal. Not so much for the point of view expressed as for the poor reasoning and poor use of supporting facts. Progressives have a strange “love-hate” relationship with morality. They despise traditional morality, especially if it is connected to religion, but at the same time they think they are better people than everyone else. But their concepts of reality tend to be flexible and unevenly applied – for instance they support abortion but oppose the death penalty. Capitalism is amoral, not evil. Capitalism is an economic system, and only (some) people are capable of moral behavior. But morality should affect the choices we make, including the value judgments we assign to different things. This may shock some of you but I am actually a believer in objective morality (at least for other people). That objective standard of behavior is in large part been codified into law. Prohibitions against theft and killing are expressions of morality.

exploding to 10 billion by 2050, that inequality gap will grow, fueling revolutions, wars, adding more billionaires and more folks surviving on two bucks a day. Over the years we’ve explored the reasons capitalism blindly continues on its selfdestructive path. Recently we found someone who brilliantly explains why freemarket capitalism is destined to destroy the world, absent a historic paradigm shift: That is Harvard philosopher Michael Sandel, author of the new best-seller, “What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets,” and his earlier classic, “Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?” Today “almost everything can be bought and sold.” Today “markets, and market values, have come to govern our lives as never before. We did not arrive at this condition through any deliberate choice. It is almost as if it came upon us,” says Sandel. Over the years, “market values were coming to play a greater and greater role in


police officers” … drug “companies aggressive marketing of prescription drugs directly to consumers, a practice … prohibited in most other countries.” More: Ads in “public schools … buses … corridors … cafeterias … naming rights to parks and civic spaces … blurred boundaries, within journalism, between news and advertising … marketing of ‘designer’ eggs and sperm for assisted reproduction … buying and selling … the right to pollute … campaign finance in the U.S. that comes close to permitting the buying and selling of elections.” What is certain: Capitalism is eliminating moral values, as Nobel economist Milton Friedman and capitalism’s philosopher Ayn Rand had been preaching to the generation. As Sandel puts it: “Each party to a deal decides for him- or herself what value to place on the things being exchanged. This nonjudgmental stance toward values lies at the heart of market reasoning, and explains much of its appeal.”


I do want to address a couple of Mr. Ferrell’s points: For the rest of the world, capitalism is not working: A billion live on less than two dollars a day. How many of those billion people live in industrialized capitalist societies? How many live in pre-capitalist agrarian societies? Hmmm? As for the “examples” he gives, those are not moral issues, they concern the most efficient way to pay for those endeavors. One last thing: If you Google Bing “capitalism” and click on “images” you will find a bunch of graphics both for and against it. Contrary to what seems to be a popular belief, capitalism does not cause poverty. Poverty was a pre-existing condition. Capitalism is a cure for poverty. It may not be 100% effective, but it works better than anything else.

ask the rabbi


There are five simple instructions in this verse: 1) Take the staff, 2) Gather the assembly along with Aaron, 3) Speak to the rock, 4) Bring forth water, and 5) Drink. Instead, Moses added to the Holy One’s instructions. Moses took the staff, gathered

Land. The punishment, though severe, was a high price to pay for attempting to add to the work of the L~rd. Justification and sanctification comes solely through the grace and love of the Holy One, not by our own righteousness. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not from yourselves—it is the gift of G~d. It is not based on deeds, so that no one may boast.” -Ephesians 2:8-9 The rock that was stricken in Exodus 17:6 was a picture of our Messiah Yeshua who

was stricken for His people. “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our pains. Yet we esteemed Him stricken, struck by G~d, and afflicted.” -Isaiah 53:4. The second striking in Numbers 20:8 suggests that Messiah would need to be stricken a second time to provide the needs of the people. The rock was to be spoken to as the “living rock” “….and all drank the same spiritual drink— for they were drinking from a spiritual rock that followed them, and the Rock was Messiah.” -1Corinthians 10:4


n the book of Numbers, chapter 20, verse 8, the L~rd spoke to Moses saying, “Take the staff and gather the assembly, you and your brother Aaron. Speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will give out its water. You will bring out water from the rock, and you will give the community something to drink, along with their livestock.”

the assembly along with Aaron, but now Moses speaks to the people. He addresses them as “You rebels”. In his obvious frustration he lifts the staff and strikes the rock, not once but twice! Then the community drank. As a result of his disobedience to the Holy One, Moses would not be the one to lead the Children of Israel into the Promised

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both poles guilty

THE CONTRADICTIONS OF LIBERALS AND CONSERVATIVES ost Americans who are in the slightest degree politically active are inclined to hold one of the two chief political positions common in this country, what we call conservatism or liberalism. In fact, each of these blocs constitutes not only a political grouping, but a cultural group as well, each with its favorite publications and web sites, radio shows, almost its own distinct ways of dressing and eating. Although there is much that one could say about these two groups, I want to comment on one thing only about them. This is that each of them is conscious of the claims of the common good and firmly committed to restraint of human passions, backed up even by the authority of law, in one sphere or area of human life, and equally committed to a laissez-faire policy in another sphere. While each group seems to be aware of the dangers that unrestrained acquiescence in human weakness poses to the social good in one area, each is equally blind to those same dangers in another and equally crucial sphere of life. Before I discuss this further let me state that I am speaking, in regard to both liberals and conservatives, of their professed views and concerns. How far these square with their actual personal conduct or with the laws they enact when they are in power is not to the point here. Every group has its hypocrites, people who fail to live up to the standards they profess, either through succumbing to human weakness or on account of a conscious policy of duplicity. But such hypocrites and their failings are not my concern here.



What of liberals then? Liberals are very aware of the dangers that the unrestrained pursuit of wealth poses to society, of the potential power of wealth, especially concentrated wealth, to corrupt the political process and to skew public policy in its own favor. Liberals quite rightly point to the tremendous power of the rich to influence the political process, to shape tax policy, environmental and labor legislation, and many other kinds of laws and regulations, in their favor. They likewise realize that when society allows free play to the passion for economic gain, people in general will begin to look at every relationship and transaction with solely an eye for their own personal gain. The desire to gain tends to color the whole of the life of society. Moreover, liberals are quite willing to em-


ploy the power of the law to ensure that the force of human greed does not violate the common good. A progressive rate of taxation on higher incomes, inheritance taxes, taxes on sales of stock, even a tax on net wealth are advocated by many liberals. Liberals realize that the mere fact of the existence of a desire for more money on the part of people does not give those individuals any right to pursue that desire at the expense of the common good of society.

But while laudably alarmed at the power of the rich and ready to take legal steps to curb that power, liberals suddenly em­ brace a free for­all­attitude when it comes to sex. Individu­ als want sexual pleasure, only repressed puritans and prudes want to prevent this. No matter how much the unrestrained pursuit of sexual pleasure may harm the common good—as in the effects of divorce or out­of­ wedlock births on women and children, not to mention the ac­ tual children murdered before their births—none of this mat­ ters. From being zealous for the common good and ready to place all manner of restraints on human conduct in the economic realm, liberals run to the other extreme and embrace a policy of laissez-faire when it comes to sexual matters. It is hard to understand how liberals do not see, or profess not to see, that the unrestrained pursuit of sexual pleasure can do as much harm to the social fabric as the unrestrained and anti-social pursuit of money. But liberals do not see this. A disordered notion of freedom constitutes almost their entire approach to sexual morality. But what of conservatives? Conservatives are very aware of the dangers that the unrestrained pursuit of sexual pleasure poses to society, of its power to create any number of social pathologies. Conservatives quite rightly point to the stabilizing influence of intact families and to


the many benefits such families bring to the whole social fabric. They rightly are concerned that the selfish pursuit of individual pleasure harms others, such as children and abandoned spouses, as well as society as a whole. They likewise realize that when society allows free play to the passion for unrestrained sexual pleasure, people in general will begin to look at every relationship and transaction with solely an eye for their own personal pleasure. The desire for erotic satisfaction tends to color the whole of the life of society. Moreover, conservatives are quite willing to employ the power of the law to ensure that the pursuit of pleasure is kept within bounds. They advocate tax policies that favor families, laws preventing same-sex unions, making divorce and abortion more difficult, restrictions on the sale of contraceptives to minors, even harsh laws on teenage sex. Conservatives realize that the mere fact of the existence of a desire for a maximum of sexual pleasure on the part of individuals does not give those individuals any right to pursue that desire at the expense of the common good of society. But while laudably alarmed at the potentially corrosive power of the unrestrained pursuit of sexual pleasure and ready to take legal steps to curb that power, conservatives suddenly embrace a free-for-all attitude when it comes to money. Individuals want to get rich, only envious liberals and socialists want to prevent this. No matter how much the unrestrained pursuit of wealth may harm the common good, none of this matters. The effects of wage stagnation on marriages and families, the devastation of neighborhoods and cities by companies moving abroad simply in order to get the highest return on their investment with no regard for society—none of this matters. From being zealous for the common good and ready to place all manner of restraints on human conduct in the sexual realm, conservatives run to the other extreme and embrace a policy of laissezfaire when it comes to money. They even invent an ideology that pretends that the pursuit of private wealth somehow redounds to the benefit of all, despite much experience showing the falsity of this. It is hard to understand how conservatives do not see, or profess not to see, that the unrestrained and anti-social pursuit of money can do as much harm to the social fabric as

witnessing political corruption for a reason the unrestrained pursuit of sexual pleasure. But conservatives do not see this. A disordered notion of freedom constitutes almost their entire approach to economic morality.

From the editor...

I still cannot understand why the Republican party refuses to admit that they have been fired and we, the people, don’t want them anymore. Some good people were caught in the crossfire but that was necessary collateral damage in the fog of this war on the politicos that forgot they work for us... we DO NOT work for them!. The beautiful thing about America is the ability to have a bloodless coup. We are in the midst of a reveloution and it will end at the ballot box. The next step is Term Limits for the professional politicians in the senate and congress. We would not have to pass a law for it. All we would have to do is pass a law that their salary would match the average

American income. Watch how many of them would suddenly not having a burning passion just to serve the American people anymore. There is nothing wrong with wealthy people governing United States citizens. In many cases they bring wise fiscal ideas with them. But they need to be able to do it on the average American salary.


This is the sad situation of the majority of politically conscious Americans today, a situation that both political blocs, with the willing cooperation of the media, are only too glad to maintain. About the only remedy I can suggest or hope for is that more and more individuals will see through this state of things and realize that there is no requirement to adhere to either the liberal or the conservative party line. Americans like to pride themselves on their freedom, but they exhibit little freedom of thought when it comes to politics. But if enough of us begin to think a little, then it is just possible that we might begin to have a little sanity in our political life. And who knows—it might even spread?

they told us was their formost priority. When did they forget it was their decision to be in the world of politics that demands that they have skin like a rhino. Ironically, it was a RHINO (Republican In Name Only) that got them fired. A man who is famous for the phrase.

For presidents we should have a one time six year term. Good or bad. For followers of Christ, we will have no term limits because we will rule and reign with Christ Jesus for all eternity. This period of fleshly politics is just good training on why we need a perfect, flawless Theocracy.

As a staunch Republican for over 30 years I was both dismayed and encouraged by the unprecendented political upheavel that we have witnessed this past year. So many conservative politicians that I had looked up to and admired have shown their true colors. Because of a personal offense they are now willing to sell out the very ideology

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