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Coca and by-products In the Andean culture, the COCA LEAF represents the environment and the hope of the people. Throughout thousands of years, the Andean man has used the COCA LEAF in his daily life in order to encourage himself during hard times, to strengthen his social ties during the highlights of his life, to take care of his physical and spiritual health and to serve as a gift to his Gods. The coca leaf has acted as a guardian of the respectful relations that the Andean man keeps with the land and the life that comes from it. That is why our indigenous people traditionally consider it a “sacred plant”. Due to its great nutritional and healing value, chewing or “acullicar” the SACRED LEAF goes back millions of years and is universally known. Today, Bolivia is working on the industrialization and the promotion of a wide range of products made on the basis of the COCA LEAF such as syrups and medicine drops for bronchitis, asthma and colds; teas for loosing weight, teas that act as diuretics and teas that help digestion; shampoos and soaps; ointments and creams; wines and liquors; teas, candies, caramel and flavored milk as well as coca flour for the preparation of bread, cakes and cookies. COCA TEA may be ingested indistinctly by adolescents, adults and seniors in an approximate amount of three teabags daily in order to profit from its benefits. A decrease in cardiovascular incidents and diseases is notorious in those people who chew the coca leaf. A low incidence in dental cavities is also notorious. The coca leaf is used by many people because of its digestive, circulatory, anti fatigue and anti stress qualities. It also raises the state of mind and acts as an antioxidant. It can be consumed at any time of the day, the best time being after every meal.


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