The Centrifugal Eye - February 2010

Page 33

―Self-Leashed‖ By K. R. Copeland, 2010

33 Jennifer Hollie Bowles is an empath, but she is entirely too self-absorbed. She is the editor of The Medulla Review, and her work has been accepted for publication in The New York Quarterly, Thieves Jargon, Word Riot, The Ampersand Review, and blossombones, among many others. Jennifer writes more than she breathes, but she has yet to find a publisher psychotic enough to publish her first novel, Surreal Self. Contact Jennifer (

We are who we are creating who we are every second lives spent in multi-perspective perspectives simul-simultaneously ourselves and observing ourselves outside of ourselves seeing while looking speaking while hearing doing while planning — at the same time — like paintings of ourselves on the walls of the others we are

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