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Stimulation Nation When I read about the effect the recessry sion is having on the magazine industry in BUST’s Editor’s Letter (Feb/Mar ’09), I became quite distressed. What would I do without BUST? I realized that prompt action was required to o ensure that express my love and, more selfishly, to the best magazine ever continues to exist. I went online and purchased a two-year subscription. I then bought the 19 back issues that were not already in my collection. Thank you for being there for all of us. And know that we are here for you, too. Kathryn Oatridge, Watertown, NY I had eschewed buying women’s magazines because I was fed up with being encouraged to feel like I wasn’t thin enough, didn’t spend enough on clothes, and couldn’t give the perfect blowjob. Then I discovered BUST, and now I’m a devoted subscriber. Hurrah for a magazine that celebrates art, intellect, friendship, diversity, and the sheer fabulousness of women. But I’m concerned for the future of my favorite magazine in the current economic turmoil. So I’ve created my own BUST stimulus package: Every month, I will buy something from the BUST Boobtique or from one of BUST’s advertisers. I’m not loaded, but I need enough birthday, baby shower, and Christmas gifts to keep it up (and of course, a girl’s got to treat herself occasionally!). I encourage all BUST readers to join me: Let’s make sure BUST is never in danger of going bust! Jen, via email The editors respond: Thanks so much for your kind words and great ideas you guys! As always, we can’t spell BUST without U.

BUST-ing With Love I want to thank you for all your creativity and awesomely smart and funny content. Thank you for never talking down to your readers and for making me feel proud to be a quirky, intelligent woman! How can you not love a magazine that puts Amy Sedaris jumping out of a cake on the cover (June/July ’08)? That features lesser-known but way-fabulous heroes? That rocks out its music pages with spot-on reviews? That’s tapped into the DIY-ers of my generation with tons of great resources for fabric arts, crafts, recipes, and fashion? Yay, BUST! Betsy Lam, Chicago, IL My seven-month-old boy, Oscar, is fascinated with Lily Allen on the April/May ’09 cover. This has become one of my favorite pictures of him. Julie Tiknis, Chicago, IL

Get it off your chest! Send feedback to: Letters, BUST Magazine, P.O. Box 1016, Cooper Station, New York, NY 10276. Email: Include your name, city, state, and email address. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. // BUST / 007

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