CEE at Illinois International Programs

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in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



INTERNATIONAL 146 (19%) DOMESTIC (non-Illinois) 109 (15%)

DOMESTIC 219 (30%)

DOMESTIC (Illinois) 503 (66%)


Photo: CEE students celebrate Chinese New Year in the M.T. Geoffrey Yeh Student Center, an event hosted by CEE International Programs and the student organization Civil China, and open to all CEE students, faculty and staff.

Our international community is a vital part of our excellence and reflects our steadfast commitment to diversity, inclusion, global engagement and impact in today’s society. – University of Illinois President Timothy Killeen

FOR CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, THE WORLD COMES TO ILLINOIS CEE at Illinois is proud of its strong international ties, which help us attract the world’s brightest students to Illinois and provide domestic students with opportunities to experience technical and cultural diversity. Overseas collaborations enable CEE at Illinois to offer expertise to emerging educational institutions worldwide, foster faculty and student exchange, achieve global engagement in teaching and research, and prepare our graduates to be the world’s leaders in civil and environmental engineering.


INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DOMESTIC STUDENTS Many CEE students have the opportunity to travel the world as part of their coursework. In recent years, students in the CEE 449 course have traveled to locations in Africa and Mexico. The Global Leaders in Construction Management program has visited construction sites around the globe. Graduate students working with faculty members on research projects have found themselves in Sub-Saharan Africa, Nepal and India. Closer to home, our more than 20 student organizations feature several with an international focus. At right, CEE at Illinois student members of Bridges to Prosperity celebrate a newly completed bridge in Patzula, Guatemala. Additional opportunities include Study Abroad and International Programs in Engineering. PUBLISH.ILLINOIS.EDU/CEE449-SGWI/ GLCM.CEE.ILLINOIS.EDU CEE.ILLINOIS.EDU/STUDENTORGS ENGINEERING.ILLINOIS.EDU/IPENG STUDYABROAD.ILLINOIS.EDU

3+2 B.S.+M.S. PROGRAM Cooperative agreements with overseas universities facilitate student exchange and collaborations in research and education with top programs in international partner universities. Among them, the 3+2 B.S.+M.S. program allows international students to spend their senior year at Illinois, obtain a Bachelor of Science degree from their home institution, and continue their education to earn a Master of Science degree from CEE at Illinois. The CEE curriculum offers 10 primary disciplines – seven traditional areas plus three interdisciplinary programs: Construction Engineering and Management Construction Materials Engineering Environmental Engineering Environmental Hydrology and Hydraulics Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Structural Engineering Transportation Engineering Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure Systems Energy-Water-Environment Sustainability Societal Risk Management CEE.ILLINOIS.EDU/3PLUS2

RESEARCH PARTNERSHIPS Since the founding of the university in 1867, Illinois civil and environmental engineers have had a long history of significant research contributions and impact. Faculty members and alumni of our department have contributed to some of the greatest civil engineering achievements in the world. Today, we address society’s greatest engineering challenges around the world through our commitment to global engagement. Our students benefit from this rich research environment; even undergraduate students find many opportunities to gain research experience. The department is at the forefront of national and international research. Our faculty are the world’s experts in their fields, conducting cutting-edge research, defining emerging areas, and collaborating across disciplines and across borders. CEE.ILLINOIS.EDU/RESEARCH

“The dynamic and increasingly complex higher education landscape in the 21st century provides opportunities to explore, to expand our intellectual boundaries, and to engage across disciplines to seek innovative solutions to some of our world’s most challenging problems.” – Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela, Vice Provost for International Affairs and Global Strategies, University of Illinois


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering College of Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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