CCO Church Partner Playbook 2022

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Prayer serves as the starting point to dream and discern ministry calling and capacity between the CCO and your church to reach a local college campus.


Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest. / Matthew 9:38




We encourage you to gather a group of church leaders and congregants to pray about the mission field of the local college campus and dream about how the Holy Spirit is calling you to the campus and potential partnership with the CCO. In prayer, God often increases our concern for college students, moves us toward compassion, and compels us to action. Paying attention in prayer to the work of the Spirit in the church and on campus can either confirm a calling and capacity for campus ministry and partnership with CCO or redirect your church or the CCO to a different ministry call or timing.


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Vision: Lord, reveal to us your heart and vision for college students and the next generation of your people. Grant us wisdom to know how our church body might faithfully join you in transforming college students to transform the world. Would partnership with the CCO help us reach the next generation of college students? Context: Lord, we pray for our local campus—students and university employees in our congregation—asking for your kingdom to come on campus and in the lives of students. Resources: Lord, show us your provision for campus ministry. Who might you be calling to serve in this ministry? What resources have you given our church to steward toward the mission field of the college campus?


Take the time you need to pray, listening for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Is your prayer team gaining the following: • a unified sense of calling to reach your local campus and students with the Gospel? • a confirmation that your congregation is ready to engage the mission to reach students on the local campus and welcome and disciple a diversity of students within the congregation? • a capacity to resource campus ministry through the stewardship of finances, staff, and volunteers?


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