CCO Church Partner Playbook 2022

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OVERVIEW Since 1971, the CCO has worked closely with local churches from various denominations to call college students to serve Jesus Christ with their entire lives. With over 20 million students from around the world studying in the United States, we view the college campus as the most strategic mission field. There are over one million international students studying in the United States, and campus demographics continue to reflect increasing racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity. By reaching the college campus, we reach the world. The CCO’s vision is to see a generation of college students transformed by the power of Jesus Christ and His Gospel, in partnership with the local church, reaching the world for the glory of God. The CCO is committed to reaching the college campus through partnership with the local church. We partner with the church in order that students regularly hear the Gospel preached, are discipled through intergenerational relationships, participate and serve in corporate worship, and actively serve in the church during the college years and beyond. We understand the church to be the source of and proper context for the Great Commission of gathering, equipping, and sending students into the world as disciples of Jesus (Matthew 28:16-20).


The church is actively engaged in mission to the next generation of college students. College students hear the good news of Jesus Christ and participate in the life of the church. College students are discipled in Biblical Theology, Spiritual Formation, and Missional Engagement. College students become life-long church members and leaders who serve Jesus Christ in their families, vocations, and communities.

This playbook outlines the path to establishing a thriving partnership between a local church and the CCO to reach students with the Gospel. We co-labor in every aspect of this mission: we prayerfully explore ministry opportunities in the church and on campus, discern a unified vision, determine a ministry model and strategy, and collaboratively evaluate ongoing ministry. When we share every aspect of the ministry, we share in its fruit as well.


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