CCO Church Partner Playbook 2022

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APPENDIX A | MINISTRY RESOURCES DESCRIPTION CCO CAMPUS MINISTRY PLAYBOOK + ARC OF DISCIPLESHIP The Church has, throughout her history, worked to “equip the saints for the works of ministry, to build up the body of Christ” (Eph. 4.12). The CCO seeks to come alongside the church to disciple the next generation of college students in three primary areas: Biblical Theology, Spiritual Formation, and Missional Engagement. The Arc of Discipleship serves as our curriculum for this discipleship. The Arc consists of 72 weeks worth of whole-group teaching, small-group studies, prompts for triad discipleship, activities, resources, prayers, and more. CCO staff are trained in this curriculum through ongoing training provided by the CCO. Biblical Theology — The people of God are a people of a particular story. That story is revealed to us through the Scriptures. Students prepared to serve the Church and the world know the story of God and where they fit into it. Students learn to view the world through the lens of the Bible, specifically through the four-part Biblical narrative of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Consummation. Spiritual Formation — Living in this story can be difficult. Sin, opposing cultural narratives, and a host of other forces threaten to pull us into other stories. Remaining rooted in the True narrative, the Biblical narrative, requires practice. Students equipped to serve the Church and the world embody the practices that God’s people use to sustain their Christian life—practices that keep us rooted in the Story of God and out of which true mission flows. Students will learn the spiritual practices that have formed the people of God throughout history and continue to do so in the present age. Missional Engagement — We disciple students to view the world Biblically and conform every aspect of their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in service to the Church and the world. College students are the leaders of tomorrow in the Church, the neighborhood, the market, the academy, the public sphere, and more, so it is crucial to give students mentored leadership in each of these areas during their time in college. College is the perfect time to be taught and shaped for leadership within the context of the Church. The CCO’s Campus Ministry Playbook is the how-to manual for creating rhythms and structures designed to engage students with the Arc of Discipleship in the context of the campus and the church. It includes a bird’s-eye view of the typical CCO year, as well as guidelines for pioneering CCO ministry. We expect that staff will take the descriptions here and find ways in which to implement them within their particular school and church context.


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