Cawee acclaim issue 45a

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Spring 2014 | Issue 45

Celebrating Women in Business

President’s Message CAWEE – Friendly, Warm and Inviting. Friendly, warm, and inviting. This is the first impression that women get when they attend a CAWEE event. Whatever business we are in, we all have to get out and meet new people to grow our sphere of influence. Networking events can be intimidating; walking into a room full of strangers is not for everyone. However, when you walk into a CAWEE event the crowd is welcoming and no one is left standing on the sidelines.

It’s not about stuffing business cards into people’s hands and hoping they call you some day. CAWEE members take the time to build relationships, learn more about each other’s career, and personal lives. It’s not about stuffing business cards into people’s hands and hoping they call you some day. CAWEE members take the time to build relationships, learn more about each other’s career, and personal lives. 2

Spring 2014 | Issue 45

Long term friendships are developed and often business will transpire. Many of our members look to the membership list first when they are looking for a product or service for themselves or when they are looking to refer someone. It’s comforting to know that you have a list of dedicated professionals to turn to. Membership has many benefits, but for me the real impact has been the opportunity to get to know so many wonderful and talented women. When I walk into a CAWEE event, I’m walking into a room full of friends and am sure to have a fantastic time. If you haven’t already, what are you waiting for? Join us! If you are a member, invite your friends to join us, too! Warm regards,

Helga Teitsson, President

4 OptimizeYour

Productivity Spring Clean the Way You Work by Deanne Kelleher

6 What Does

a Real Estate Lawyer Do? by Joanne Prince

8 SEO and


Optimizing Your Online Presence by Susan Ward

10 Setting


How to Protect Your Personal Resources by Anne Brunelle

12 Are You an

Efficient Investor? Become the Investor You Want to Be by Jacqueline Thompson

14 Top LinkedIn

Profile Mistakes You’re Making Why it’s Important to Avoid Them by Sandra Jean Louise

16 Great Greeting


Trends by Laural Carr

19 What Do Immunology,

Kethup Viscosity, and Insurance Have in Common?

The Answer is Heather Freed by Kerry Cathers

20 Writing Strategically by Kerry Cathers

22 What is Graphic Design?

Why it is Important in Today’s Visual Age by Krista Downey

24 Air Canada

Debt Rating by Alison Lamb

29 Mortgage Insurance You’ve Bought a Home, Now What? by Stephanie Kotsopolis

Upcoming CAWEE Events 26 CAWEE International Women’s Day 27

Optimize Your Productivity Spring Clean the Way You Work By Deanne Kelleher Is this Your Life? Do you write your “to-do” lists with determination and focus, only to find that by midday your world suddenly feels like every other day–except for the time you took to write your “to-do” list? Which is working its way to the bottom of a new pile of paper quickly accumulating on your desk? Do you return home exhausted yet unable to sleep? So you play on your phone, surf the net, or watch TV to find some sort of escape? Maybe you wake up the next day with slightly less determination, but still with a desire (maybe even a deep need) to maintain the focus and comfort that you had 36 hours ago when you first wrote that “to-do” list. You want to change the way your day unfolds so you feel like you are accomplishing something…meaningful.

Our energy levels influence our productivity and our ability to focus. Accumulation Our energy levels influence our productivity and our ability to focus. Think about a time when you were drained from a busy week and you suddenly remembered you wanted to buy groceries. If you are like many people,

you skipped groceries and ate whatever was in your pantry or ordered in. While there is nothing wrong with that choice, it demonstrates that we skip doing even those things that are important to us when our energy is low. Challenging situations like death, divorce, or a job change push our energy levels even lower. When this happens our brains function more in survival mode (fight or flight) than in proactive mode. Add in health issues, poor digestion, or poor eating habits and it’s no wonder the “to-do” list gets buried. Naturally, every task we put off accumulates alongside all those other tasks that have been deferred. That pile of tasks itself adds stress. Whether we are speaking of living spaces or work places, unfinished tasks can accumulate to the point where they may need hours, or even days, to accomplish. In a study by Environics Canada*, 40% felt their home office was less than organized, while 58% felt that their clothes closets and wardrobes were less than organized, and just over 40% listed the kitchen as a sore point. Setting up support systems so things can get done is imperative to reduce stress and create happier lives…and, yes, it is attainable!

meaningful task and when it’s complete follow up with something easy. Your accomplishment will boost your energy!

Spring Cleaning Your Task List The smell of spring in the air can be the perfect motivation to get those unruly tasks done! Here are some tools to help you along: 1) Capture all the actions, reminders, ideas, and notes in your head in one safe place. From this list, create one “to-do” list of just the tasks. 2) Sort the task list into three categories: schedule, delay, and delete. Review if you will schedule it in, delay it until a later date, or delete it entirely. 3) Schedule. Looking at the items in the schedule category, put the three most important, or urgent, tasks into your calendar for that week. For the following week, add three or five more tasks to your calendar. Start small and celebrate what you accomplish.

Scheduling ABCs for Optimum Results Manage your expectations and your energy by not trying to do everything in one day, or even one week. As we see in the example above, and we know from experience, trying to do everything on the list now does not work. Prioritize your work. You can spend a lot of time on smaller, mindless tasks for a momentary sense of accomplishment and still have a long list of truly important, but unfinished tasks. Choose one important

Use a calendar that you are comfortable with (paper or digital) and allocate accurate start times and end times to each activity. Group similar activities together to save time and get more done. Plan a morning of running errands and an afternoon working on a project at home. Break it Down. Where a task is more like a project, break it down into individual tasks and schedule them into your calendar. Create a one-page project sheet and keep it in a folder with the project name on it. Or start a one-page digital document that is easily accessible on your desk top. Recruit Assistance. Think about how you can save time by hiring professional help. For example, if you spend seven hours cooking each week, consider hiring a chef or having food delivered. A Concierge Professional could help you with three hours of errands a month. Celebrate. Review your calendar at the start and end of each day. Move what is not completed to another day, and celebrate what you accomplished! By using these techniques, you can get through your “to-do” lists with less stress, feel good about yourself, have more energy, and get more accomplished. And, yes, you can be happier. * Buried Alive, The Toronto Sun Tuesday October 2nd, 2012

Spring 2014 | Issue 45


What Does a Real Estate Lawyer Do? By Joanne Prince Many women have been fortunate to purchase a home–a place where they can shut the world out. Although it seemed difficult at the time (getting a loan and finding money for the down payment and closing costs), you did it. What about the “behind-the-scenes” part of the process that allowed you to get your property on closing day? There are several tasks a lawyer has to complete prior to closing to ensure you get the house you pay for. An estate lawyer is responsible for reviewing the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and making note any important deadlines, such as the requisition date. (You need to ask for particular information and closing dates.) Then the title needs to be searched. This means making sure the vendor is the actual owner and is able to sell the property. If this is for a condominium, the status certificate should be examined for issues such as maintenance fees, condominium insurance, any rules regarding pets, and the amount in the reserve fund, (a reserve to pay for any major repairs to building funded from the maintenance fees). Some decided not to purchase because the reserve fund was not sufficient.


Spring 2014 | Issue 45

The real estate lawyer also needs to check for any liens. These are financial debts on the property, such as mortgages, loans, property taxes, municipality accounts, and construction liens to name a few. If there are any liens, the vendor’s lawyer is asked to pay these debts from the purchase money before paying the vendor.

It is the real estate lawyer’s responsibility to ask for a survey to ensure that the legal boundaries of the property conform to what is listed in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. Ideally, if the purchaser has given more than a month’s notice prior to closing, the municipality can be contacted and a canvass can be carried out to determine whether there are any outstanding building work orders or outstanding property tax issues. Then there are connections to be made with the purchaser’s lender who will want the lawyer to ensure that they will be the first lender on title once the property is obtained on closing. The lawyer must also make certain that they provide all necessary documents to the purchaser to prevent any delay in payment on closing day.

Since the lawyer works for both the lender and the purchaser, it is important that any property issues are addressed and, if there are changes, the lender is informed. For example, a few months ago a young couple wanted to purchase a property that had increased $100,000 in value in a year. I contacted the bank to advise that the property sale may be a fraudulent transaction. The bank assured me in writing that this issue was canvassed prior to granting the mortgage and that there was no issue with the valuation of the property allowing the sale to go ahead. Prior to the sale, title insurance must be ordered to reassure the lender that the mortgage is protected in case there are any title issues that are not discovered prior to closing. Title insurance also protects the purchaser. If there are tenants who will remain in the property, the Landlord and Tenant Board must be contacted to discover any outstanding landlord/tenant disputes. A purchaser should not be a new owner responsible for a prior tenant issue.

If there are no legal or property issues, then closing would be the next step. Documents are created that confirm the transfer of property from the vendor to the purchaser, a mortgage will be registered, along with a consent to act for both the purchaser and the lender. This is usually when a real estate lawyer should meet with their client just before closing to sign all relevant documents. These are the highlights of the many issues that must be addressed prior to closing (for a house or condominium). All these searches and confirmations happen within a very short period of time usually between one and three months. Despite the rush of getting things done, it is very satisfying to see the smile on my client’s face when I hand them their new house keys. This is not intended as legal advice, if you have any residential real estate questions, please call Prince Law Office at 416-469-3443 or visit the website at or follow me on Twitter at @princelawreal.

SEO and eMarketing Optimizing Your Online Presence By Susan Ward The goal of every web developer and site owner is to rank high on SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). For those who are not immersed in the industry, concepts such as “Link building,” “Usability,” and “Analytics,” can be confusing and intimidating. Can there be success without being a specialist? Though there are other, smaller search engines Google is the centre of the online universe. If you are succeeding on Google SERP you are doing well everywhere. There are less than reputable offers to help you get on the first page of a Google search “tomorrow.” Trust your instincts. If it seems too good to be true, it is. What gets you to the top of Google this week could demote you to a lesser page next week. Does this mean you are powerless? Many sites have not implemented basic SEO. With a little elbow grease, it is often fairly easy to rise above your competition. Take an extra minute or two to properly title and tag pages and images, generate a sitemap, or implement multiple links to each page with sub navigation or hyperlinking. Redundancy is a good thing; it makes the site more “crawlable” by search engine spiders. Generate a Sitemap for your site when it is ready to go live.

SERP results are based on a balance of what the search engines consider most relevant to users. Their algorithms guide decisions and they are becoming increasingly organic and authentic every year. They consider best match, proximity, frequency, and authority. They also consider efficiency (nothing broken or falsely redirected). To be successful, you have to be present online. Simply publishing your website or blog is not enough; success comes from a mixture of marketing efforts including social media, email marketing, and building inbound links. SEO is the glue used in all of these that unifies it all. Everybody wants the “big green button,” the quick fix to get them high on the searches and generate business. There is no such thing. Success with online marketing and SEO takes effort and consistency. Use targeted keywords in your title, URL, headline, and first paragraph, use meta tags, and ensure that your site is mobile ready.

Even with all the new technology, the fundamentals of marketing remain the same. It is all about understanding your niche, and creating useful and accessible content for it. The general approach to marketing has shifted away from “commercials”

toward content which is more social. Building trust and relationships, authenticity, and customer service are now the keys to your success. There are some things you can do if you are not quite ready to start emarketing yet. Make certain you add a “sign up” form on your site with an incentive for visitors to actually sign up. This builds your email contact list. Even if you are not planning on using it right now, you probably will want to do so in the future. Or, you can start with a marketing plan as simple as sending a holiday greeting. Even better, use an email campaign to say “Thank You.” Include “social share buttons” so readers can reach your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn page, and your other social media activity directly. Do not make them go through extra, cumbersome steps to follow or to reach you. Also add social share buttons to make it easy for them to share your content whenever they are active in social media. Repurpose existing content. Rework your blog into an article, or shorten it for a Facebook or Twitter posting. Send out a 140 character tease as to what your next blog is going to be. Remember to use photos to enhance the content of these sites. Did I mention inbound links? One of the best ways to raise your ranking is with links pointing to your site, particularly from authentically relevant sites with authority. It used to be important that they were created by linking from one of your keywords rather than from a “click here” or a URL, but this has been demoted to less important. It is still a good idea to mix in some that are linked through keywords rather

than “click here.” Examples of inbound social media links are links to your site from a guest post, comment, testimonial, or a listing on another site’s resources page. Content is often the biggest hurdle people contend with. Zig Ziglar said, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” Get into the habit of writing down possibilities and keeping them in a folder. You will be surprised how many things you have to write about. Some ideas to get you started are reviews of book or industry events, guest blogs, tips and tricks, product announcements, interviews, relevant quotes, coupon offers, free tools or webinars. Think about doing some newsjacking. (Commenting first on a news event brings you to the top of the SERPs.) The possibilities are endless. You need to ensure that content is fresh, authentic, informative, and relevant. It also must fit your niche and your target clients. Nor do you need to be an expert on everything you share. Surround yourself with information so you read and learn from the experts and then send that information out to your followers. Oprah does it; why not you? Consistency is key. Get in the habit of doing a little each day, week, or month. It will pay off. Doing it all at once is actually not a good thing. Link building, for example, should be done gradually over time; all at once is a red flag for fraudulent links. Finding your way to the first page of a Google search is neither as difficult or mysterious as you might think. Tagging and labelling content, a diverse web presence, a consistent emarketing program, and multiple links will bring you to the top of the search engines. And a little bit of elbow grease. Spring 2014 | Issue 45


Setting Boundaries How to Protect Your Personal Resources By Anne Brunelle

It’s a quiet Sunday morning. You are sitting with a coffee and the Sunday paper. The articles are interesting and the coffee is good. The phone rings. It’s a friend. And she needs to talk to you. Now. Is this the end of your lovely day? The choice is yours. We continually set priorities related to what is important. Sometimes the priority is a personal want, like a quiet Sunday. Sometimes it is essential, like going to work on Monday. We decide what we are going to do, but we do not always ask ourselves why we made those specific decisions. People make requests of us every day. They ask for our time, our energy, our money; sometimes one of these resources, sometimes all. We have to decide if we are going to give them what they ask for. One of the trickiest parts of controlling our lives are learning to say “no,” to set boundaries, and to own our resources– our time, money, and energy. So, what are boundaries? Boundaries are the bubbles of respect we build around ourselves. They are the fences that make good neighbours. Boundaries honour both ourselves and the people requesting our resources. 10

Spring 2014 | Issue 45

What happens if we do not set appropriate boundaries? We cave every time someone asks a favour, and then we feel resentment. We end up with too much drama in our lives because we feel that saying “no” (at least to some people) is just too hard. Research has shown that when we create boundaries for the first time, most people (adults and children) will test them three times. Therefore, it is important that once the decision is made to create a respectful bubble to protect our time, money, and energy, we stick to it. Every time we let someone burst our bubble, we have to start all over again. Our behaviour, not our words, teaches others what our boundaries are. One key element of setting boundaries is establishing a known consequence for breaking them. Consequences can eliminate conflict if everyone is aware of them in advance. When we set consequences for someone’s use of our time, money, or energy, the discussion relates to her choice to accept the consequence instead of our decision to say no. Consequences should not add to the drama in our lives; they should be appropriate to the other person and the circumstances. For instance, small children need consequences that are immediate and do not last too long: a time out, or no playing with their favourite toy. It is important to remember that by setting a consequence we are unwilling to follow through on will mean our word means nothing.

But, what if it’s just her everyday issues? Take a deep breath and tell her you will call her back. When you are finished your coffee and paper, decide how much time, if any, you can give her. Only then do you call her back, feeling strong, and in control of your own resources.

Remember, if you use this process and say “yes” to someone, you are not allowed to complain! You made your decision so move forward.


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Back to the friend who called you on your quiet Sunday morning: how do you cope with her call when you need a day of peace? If there really is a crisis, you may need to take the call and handle the problem.


External: Someone asks for your time, money, and/or energy.

This is where most of us fail. We answer right away based on what we think we “should” do or, sometimes, what will help us avoid a messy confrontation. When you get the request, do not say “yes.” immediately. The most appropriate response is: “Let me think about it and get back to you.” This is polite and shows the person that we honour and respect her request as well as our own boundaries. It also gives us breathing space to prepare for Step 2.

Internal: This step is missed by most people.

Do an internal check by asking these questions.

Q1: “Do I have it to give?” If you answered “yes,” then proceed to Question 2.

If you do not have the resources the requester needs, say “no.” Do not apologize; simply find a polite way to tell them.

Q2: “Do I want to

give it?” If you answered “yes,” proceed to Question 3. If you answered “no,” then you have your response. Again, do not apologize, just politely tell them.

Q3: “Under what circumstances

am I willing to give it?” Think how you can best fulfill this request with all the other demands on your time, money, and energy. Think about getting something in return, or what the consequences will be.

External: Negotiation

Get back in touch with the person making the request, state your conditions, and consequences. If she is unwilling to accept your conditions, then she is making a decision to look elsewhere to meet her needs. You can feel good that you took her request seriously, and you took your own needs seriously. The final decision is hers.

Are You an Efficient Investor? Become the Investor You Want To Be By Jacqueline Thompson If you are anything like me, you strive for, and occasionally stumble upon, better ways to become more efficient in your business and personal life. Your life experiences have probably taught you that it’s better to be efficient at something than not. The same is certainly true with investing. So, what can you do to become a more efficient investor? Below are a four ways you can become the investor you want to be. Invest Systematically Do you put a few dollars into an investment, perhaps a stock that you heard was “hot,” then, say a few months later, you put some more money into another vehicle that strikes your fancy? If you continue this haphazard pattern indefinitely, you might not be maximizing your resources. You could end up owning a number of investments without rhyme or reason—a motley assortment that may not help you reach your goals. Instead, consider a systematic approach sometimes referred to as dollar cost averaging. To do so, you begin by identifying

some investments that are appropriate for your objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Then, set up a system where you automatically move the same amount of money each month from your chequing or savings account into the investments you have chosen. When the price of your investments falls, your contribution will buy more shares, and when the price rises, you will buy fewer shares. By doing so, you will be fulfilling the “buy low” part of the classic investment formula.

Set up a system where you automatically move the same amount of money each month from your chequing or savings account into the investments you have chosen. When the price of your investments falls, your contribution will buy more shares, and when the price rises, you will buy fewer shares.

Over time, this technique should result in a lower average cost per investment. Keep in mind though, that dollar cost averaging does not ensure a profit or protect against loss. You will need to have the financial resources available to continue investing even in “down” markets. Reinvest Dividends Among your investments, you may own stocks that can pay dividends. You can take these dividends as cash, but if you do not need the money to meet everyday expenses, it may be better to reinvest the dividends. This is an efficient way to increase your shares, and boosting your ownership in quality shares can be a key to building wealth. (Keep in mind, companies can increase, decrease, or discontinue dividends at any time.)

ability to defer taxes as long as possible. Tax-deferred accounts, such as a TFSA (tax-free savings account), can prevent you from paying the taxes until retirement when you may be in a lower tax bracket. Consolidate Investment Accounts If you have one RRSP with one financial services provider, another with a second, and a separate investment account with a third, you may end up paying more in expenses, fees, and commissions than is necessary. These costs can eat into your investments’ real rate of return, this scattershot ownership method can be inefficient. Consider consolidating all your investment accounts with one provider. Seek to become an efficient investor. You may be pleased with the results.

Look for Tax-Efficient Techniques Another type of efficiency associated with investing is tax efficiency. This refers to your

Spring 2014 | Issue 45


Top LinkedIn Profile Mistakes You’re Making Why it’s Important to Avoid Them By Sandra Jean Louise Are your LinkedIn profile views dismal? Do members fail to connect after viewing it? Setting up a LinkedIn profile does not guarantee you will get the leads or connections you are after. Like other social media platforms, users react to you depending on how you come across. A successful interaction with another member starts with your profile. Here are some common pitfalls you should avoid so you present your best self and attract the best connections.

Your Picture Says 1,000 Wrong Words Let’s face it. Unprofessional or absent photos turn readers off and make them ask whether you really exist, and, if you do, why and what are you hiding. People do business with people they like, know, and trust. Why it’s important? Like any other online network, you have to foster trust. LinkedIn is not Facebook. It is not the place for “selfies”, office party shots, or your daughter’s first pony ride. Get a professional headshot, or have a friend take it with you in front of an uncluttered background. No graininess or pixilation from cropping your face from a crowd. Make certain that the photo is well lit and appropriate for your industry. When you start taking LinkedIn seriously, other members will do the same with you. 14

Spring 2014 | Issue 45

Your Headline Bores Readers There is no question that your job title must be part of your headline. Avoid using an undistinguishable cookie-cutter headline to break from the pack. Why it’s important? A recruiter or hiring manager looking for an accountant is more likely to click on the “Experienced CPA in the volitile oil industry” than the “CPA at ACME Corp.” Your headline is valuable real estate that works with your photo to offer a reader’s first impression of you. Use it to grab the reader’s attention. Start by asking yourself: “What’s the core message I want to communicate to prospects? Why should they click on my headline? What will they learn from clicking?” There are 120 characters in your headline space – use every one of them to connect with readers and to compel them to click on you, not your competition.

You Do Not Tell a Story Sadly, many users still use LinkedIn as a resume-posting site. Your profile is a live page that tells your story to prospects 24/7. Use as many features to showcase your strengths and enhance your professional value. Why it’s important? Telling your story gives viewers a living, breathing picture of what you offer as a professional.

Look for documents, projects or videos to add to your summary to give users a better understanding of your company. Or upload portfolios, links, and blog posts featuring your personal creative work. End your summary with a call-to-action. What would you like the prospect to do? Call, email, or connect? Visit your e-commerce website? Check out your industry-related blog posts? Help the reader out and tell her what to do.

You Do Not Use “Extras” Do you have any awards or certifications you would like to show off? Have you taken any courses that add to you market value? Do you volunteer with organizations you care about? These sections help build credibility by boosting your profile. Why it’s important? Using all the tools available is an opportunity to encourage your overall message. Humanizing your profile with short and engaging data let’s you stand out from the competition. Do not ignore these sections. While you do not need to share your passion for ant farming (unless you really want to), filling these sections out adds more depth, context, and colour to the “Story of You.”

You Do Not Shop Your Profile You have used all the appropriate fields to tell your story and reached the “All-Star” profile level. Great! Time to put your profile to work and reap some benefits. Why it’s important? Profile activity gets you noticed by prospects and enhances your professional value over time. As prospects and influencers see you participating and helping others, they will invite you to connect and the quality of your network will improve. Search for groups and join the ones whose discussions are posted regularly and members offer a good balance of prospects and competitors. Start liking, sharing, and commenting on industry discussions and you will soon see your profile views spike as your activity increases. If you are feeling extra ambitious, start your own group! Building an effective LinkedIn profile does take work. Great connections are not made by chance. If you take the time to craft a strong profile and engage in groups, you will consistently attract key prospects and grow an impressive network.

Great Greeting Trends By Laural Carr The results of our Great Greeting™ Survey greatgreetingsresults2014.html are in, and, as with other years, they demonstrate that cards are still an effective (and appreciated) way to express your appreciation. If you want to engage and retain clients, a physical form of appreciation wins hands down over electronic greetings. Here are some of the things we learned from the surveys.




indicated that their favorite greeting was a physical piece that arrived by mail

You can extend your brand and reinforce your values with your clients by showing appreciation with a physical greeting; and they are in-style any time of the year. Think about how to incorporate the above trends into future campaigns. Remember to start early. A branded and customized campaign plan starts six months before deployment and will garner recognition and appreciation from your clients for years to come!

Though sending a greeting can be more expensive that sending an email, “pass-along” and retention are higher, meaning it pays dividends with your clients–dividends that extend to all elements of your marketing. Almost 1/3 prefer a seasonal greeting combo of a physical piece with an email.



74 80



showed their greeting to others

kept their greetings

Do not just send a card. Make it stand out, make it memorable, and make it artistic. Here are a few suggestions to make your card stand out.

Make it Tactile There continues to be an attraction to textured and embellished greetings that are 3D or have a made-by-hand look. The Works Design created texture with understated embossing to express their heartfelt holiday message using type only–perfectly in line with their firm’s brand.

Combine Traditional and New Media Send a traditional holiday greeting, but include a URL where the recipient can go to for a longer message, a video, or a story about your company.

Embellish the Packaging Catch their attention even before they open your greeting. Many respondents loved seeing embellishments that dressed up envelopes. It created anticipation of what they would find inside. Stickers, personalized stamps, slogans, and wax seals were all popular.

Use Photos People love photos. Matthew Plexman Photography created a retro-themed greeting, using photos in a yearbook style complete with doodles and personalized messages from each team member. It was a unique greeting, but it also showcased their ability to create a fullproduction photo shoot.

Make it Multi-Functional In our survey, several respondents indicated that they enjoyed greetings that can be used as ornaments or holiday décor. This extends a firm’s impact year after year.

Captivate with Video Western University’s President sent a wonderfully charming electronic greeting that captured and shared the tactile sensations associated with the holiday season.

Make it Humorous Humour is popular in greetings, but it can be tricky to create humour with broad appeal for a corporate greeting. Moveable Inc. struck just the right balance. They combined a “folksy” understated greeting, and topped it off with a cheeky message that captured the perfect tone for their brand.

Add Personalization One of the advantages of handmade greetings is that you can individualize them, making them unique to the recipient. You can do this with a handwritten personal message or image.

Embrace Social Media Youthful and contemporary greetings have adopted social media conventions like candy hearts or smart phones adorned with ultra-brief Valentine text sentiments (UR SWEET, LOL, BFF, I (heart) U or :)).

Spring 2014 | Issue 45


What do Immunology, Ketchup Viscosity, and Insurance Have in Common? The Answer is Heather Freed By Kerry Cathers Heather is an independent insurance specialist and investment representative working with business owners and people who are self-employed. She is also a longtime member of CAWEE who, like many of us, took a circuitous route to where she is now. Heather began as an immunologist who, in her words, “started off young and naïve wanting to cure cancer.” When asthma made lab work impossible she leveraged her expertise and moved into sales. She sold equipment to the medical research market and quality control labs. Her customers were varied, including pharmaceutical companies, water treatment plants, and GM. That’s where the ketchup comes in. One of her favourite responsibilities was going down to Leamington to test the viscosity of ketchup for Heinz. When her industry began to consolidate, Heather decided it was time to do something else which would allow her to work for herself. “Everyone who is self-employed has either been downsized once too often or had a horrible boss,” Heather explains. You can only worry about losing your job so many times before you tire of it. This meant moving into uncharted territory. For Heather, it was the financial industry. She explained 18

Spring 2014 | Issue 45

that it was not such a leap as it might seem. To succeed at sales requires product knowledge or people knowledge. Since she already had the latter, having done well selling medical equipment, Heather went looking for an industry that interested and challenged her. Where she ended up was completely unexpected. Heather was licensed in 2001 during one of the market downturns so selling investments was not really an option. That led her to insurance which combines two things Heather likes most: solving problems and helping people. She has continued her education, obtaining a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU), and Certified Health Insurance Specialist (CHS) designations since entering the field. It was a difficult industry to get into. For a while, she made a living, but did not feel comfortable with what she was doing. “Finding a niche will let you sink or swim,” she explained, and for Heather finding her niche made the job all the more rewarding. You do not have to spend much time with Heather to know that she has a passion for the industry.

She gravitated toward working with businesses because it provided more challenges. Their needs are more complex, more diversified, and there are more things to balance when putting together a plan. “From oil riggers to bank executives, all owners are looking at the bottom line; stability of the work force, happy employees, and the smallest amount of manpower,” she explained. But each one has unique circumstances and problems that have to be factored in when choosing a plan. She sees her role as consulting more than merchandizing. She insists you have to get to know the client before you can provide them with what best suits their circumstances on their budget. There is no one-size-fits-all. It has to be personalized for them and for their company and it has to be based on their business. It is not just about short versus long term, or if there is a mortgage to consider. How they approach their employees is also important. Is there profit sharing? What is the employee retention rate? Employees are also approaching insurance and benefits differently than a few years ago. Because people’s attitudes toward work have changed, what an employer offers has changed. “You have to think about things differently,” Heather explains. “Businesses are changing their philosophy of what they are doing and why they are doing it.” The insurance industry is changing significantly, which might be intimidating for some, but to Heather it just adds to the challenge. She likes that the world isn’t

stagnant and sees it as making life more exciting. For example: clients are now able to apply for life insurance without a signature and without ever meeting an agent. “It’s nice to meet the person,” she says, “But what if it’s a person who has no time or someone who has done their research and knows what they want. Is that a person you would want to do business with?” You have to adapt, Heather insists, and you cannot turn people away because you do not like how they approach insurance. “This is the iPad era and you have to embrace change so long as it does not compromise your ethics or hurt your client.” It is not all chaos; the essentials remain the same. “Calculations have not changed for a very long time and are unlikely to. You need a core of expertise and a curiosity of the world and the industry so you keep up. And you need enough of a history to know what to ignore.” It is not just her knowledge of the industry that gives you confidence in Heather. She is very personable and engaging. There is an integrity about her that sets you at ease. She has a way of connecting with people that goes beyond professional; discussions become conversations. She counts many of her clients as friends. If you ever need advice about how to create a great newsletter, hers is famous among her circle of contacts. They even send requests for her annual tax advice edition.

Writing Strategically By Kerry Cathers With social media and the sheer volume of written communication being produced every day writing well is more important than ever, especially for small- and medium-sized businesses. Successful writing is more than proper grammar, correct spelling, and accurate punctuation. These are still important, but with attention spans getting shorter, organizing your information is more important than ever. How do you optimize your writing to get your message across when you have only seconds to do so? The answer is writing strategically. That takes planning. Determine the Purpose Before you begin to write, you must know why you are writing. Promoting your business is not a sufficient response to the question of why you are writing. It has to be specific. There has to be a single reason; you cannot have multiple purposes. For example, you cannot announce that you hired someone and are having a sale. So, are you making an announcement? Are you providing a piece of advice? Are you advertising your product/services? By knowing why you are writing you can remove extraneous information that clutters your message and distracts your readers. You also know what to emphasize and where to put your focus. Determine the Audience You have to tailor you message to the people who will be reading it. The audience dictates your vocabulary and tone. “Industry-speak”

is acceptable when writing for people in your industry, but is unacceptable for members of the general public. Communication with a potential client has a different flavour to that intended for existing clients. Think of what the audience’s purpose is (why they are reading your material) and fulfil those expectations. People reading your blog will differ form those reading your newsletter, and they will expect different outcomes. Blog readers expect information they can use, while people reading your newsletter expect information and announcements about your products/services. Determine the Medium Each medium has its own rules reagarding content, formatting, and tone. You cannot copy and paste text from your website and expect it to work in a brochure. You have to rework the information to suit the medium. Remember that each medium has its own audience. Each has a different purpose in your marketing strategy. Make certain that you publish information in the correct (most appropriate) medium. Write for the medium. Understand How People Read This aspect directly impacts how you structure your documents and, yet, it is often overlooked in discussions about business writing. People will read a website differently from how they read a blog or a newsletter. They are more likely to pay greater attention to a blog because they are not “shopping”; they are looking to be informed. This impacts sentence and paragraph length and word choice.

There are a few universal tendencies that are not dependent upon the medium; they are how the brain works. Knowing what these tendencies are let’s you place your information where it is guaranteed to be read. For example, people give greater attention to the first part rather than the last part of a sentence. That means you put the most important information at the start of your sentence. For example, the sentence: “At this point in time, the president announced, we will cut back on production and focus on distribution,” is burying your point. It is better to write: “We will cut back on production, the president announced, and focus on distribution.” The important information – cutting back on production, and focusing on distribution – are placed where the readers give most of their attention.The rest is not essential. Avoid useless phrases at the start of sentences. These are phrases that provide no information, such as “as it stands,” “needless to say,” “this is a situation which,” or “it is our belief.” Most people only skim when they are reading. Even when they are not, more attention is given to the first and to the last sentences of each paragraph. Put your essential information in these sentences. Mapping Your Document To be effective, your writing has to have flow and logic. To create a cohesive, concise, and convincing argument, there has to be structure. Your document cannot be successful if it is convoluted. Planning keeps you focused on your message. It eliminates extraneous information, provides a logical progression of information and ideas, and it prevents you from repeating

useless information (information that does not further your purpose). The better you plan your document, the easier it is to write. Write down the points you want to make, then rank them as “must,” “should,” or “like.” Concentrate on the “must” items and include the “should” only if there is space. Ignore the “like.” When this is done, rank the items in order of importance, or in a logical order that will be easy to follow. Create topic sentences. They are the first sentence of a paragraph and they identify the topic of the paragraph. Be straightforward. Readers appreciate (and are more likely to read) when information is presented bluntly. If your writing is unclear, they are unlikely to read further. The body of the paragraph supports the topic sentence. It elaborates, proves, or offers examples. If it does not relate to the topic sentence, it is not included in the paragraph. The concluding sentence is where you reinforce your topic sentence by reiterating it. Each paragraph must be closed off to signal to the reader that you are finished with that topic and the next paragraph will be about something else. A paragraph can only have one point. Including multiple points clutters your writing, confuses your reader, and takes emphasis away from your purpose. It also buries essential information where it will not be read if people are skim-reading. Each idea carries equal weight and deserves its own paragraph. Good writing is more important now than ever for small- and medium-sized businesses. To be convincing you have to be strategic and that means thinking about why and how you are writing. Spring 2014 | Issue 45


Why it is Important in Today’s Visual Age By Krista Downey uppose you want to

these elements–even the “white space”

announce or sell some-

around them–to communicate a message.

thing, amuse or persuade

Design is all around us; from humble things

someone, explain a compli-

like gum wrappers and packaging, to huge

cated system, or demonstrate a process. In

things like billboards, to the logo on your purse,

other words, you have a message you want

or even your perfume bottle. Graphic design

to communicate. Well, how do you “send” it?

is a creative process that combines art and

You could tell people one by one, or you could

technology to communicate ideas.

broadcast it over the radio, at a meeting, over

Graphic designers work with drawn, painted,

a loud speaker. All of these are examples of

photographed, or computer-generated images,

verbal communication. However, if you use

but they also design the letterforms that make

illustrations, photographs, and text, you are

up various typefaces found in movie credits

communicating visually. That is graphic design.

and TV ads; in books, magazines, menus;

Designers create, choose, and organize all of

and even on computer screens.

Typography 22

Spring 2014 | Issue 45

Provides Pleasure.

ways Buying alcohol from the LCBO ispualt into an experience.The care that is their everything from the design of of their in-store displays to the design arkable. Food & Drink Magazine is remgood design The LCBO demonstrates that makes for great marketing.


Design informs with email promotions, flyers, direct mail, and catalogues.



Websites are the best example of how design organizes our lives. Websites are online business cards; they showcase portfolios, provide contact information and resumes, and encourage brands.


Logos are the most recognized facet of any business, and, if done correctly, can invoke a perception just by looking at it.

All design plays a role in persuading.sive Advertising design has to be persuad to reach the people it’s targeting. Goo advertising is great storytelling and to designers have to interpret information y tell these stories in a meaningful wa using visuals and typography.

Stimulates and Inspires.

Attracts Attention.

Who doesn’t want to stand out? Good design commands attention.

Apple knows how essential design is for thei products. Many computer companies competer neck and neck with Apple with respect to and product line, but Apple is a head aboveserthevice crowd in design and innovation. Why? Simplicity. “It takes a lot of hard work,” Steve Jobs said “to make something simple, to truly understand, the underlying chal enges and come up with elegant solutions.” It is no coincidence that designers utilize Apple products for their executional purposes.

Why is Design Important? Design communicates braTrust is one of the critical elements of getting people to buy. Regardless of what your target customers believe in or support, a brand encourages these values and beliefs. Good design speaks volumes about a company’s professionalism, product quality, and positioning in the market. It is no accident that many of the world’s top brands are also design leaders. Design helps cut through the clutter, and catches the attention of the right prospects and holds it. Great designers, like visionary business leaders, create value by exploring the psychology of the customer. We live in a very visual society. Design has the power to take a well crafted pitch or concept and accelerate conversation. A well-done design will underscore the message you convey and evoke a response. Designers must understand the customers’ thought process and emotions in order to motivate behavioral change. The bottom line is, design makes a difference. It is no longer optional; it’s necessary for success. Great design leads to differentiation, customer loyalty, and higher profits.

Air Canada Debt Rating

By Alison Lamb Air Canada’s recent increase in credit rating with Moody’s from Caa1 to B3 may signal to Air Canada stakeholders and industry insiders that the airline has finally managed to forecast a more stable outlook. When the rating had been dropped to Caa1 almost two years ago, Moody signalled a prediction that Air Canada would have trouble meeting all of their debt obligations, but was still expected to be able to do so; this is in no doubt due to the fact that, no matter what financial state the carrier is in, the government will ensure its survival. Air Canada has always been in a unique position in the country because there is no other national airline quite like it; the Canadian government cannot afford to allow it to go under. At Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Air Canada is king; almost all the hangars are owned by Air Canada and many international carriers who travel to Toronto require Air Canada to perform their line maintenance rather than the costly alternative of setting up their own stations. Although many of their clients have expressed dissatisfaction with respect to service, Air Canada maintains its monopoly because the carriers have very few options for line maintenance services.

Despite, or perhaps because of, its secure position as Canada’s leading national airline, the company has never been known for a stable financial or personnel situation. Pension payments had been a cause for the downgrading of the debt rating in 2012 due to a lift on the cap of contribution. Moreover, unions are extremely strong within Air Canada and there are often labour issues, be they with flight attendants, maintenance engineers, line crew, pilots, or counter agents. At Pearson International Airport alone, there are constant labour disputes that never make it into the news, and arbitration seems to occur as frequently as coffee breaks. With as serious an issue as pension being up for negotiation at that time, the unions were expected to be particularly aggressive and Air Canada was very likely to find itself with some large cash flow problems. However, the end of 2013 and projections for 2014 provided a different view for Moody’s. The national carrier was predicted to close out the year with $2.2 billion in operating cash flows, more than enough to cover the expected $175 million in pension contributions and $300 million in debt repayments in 2014. Moreover, in the year when its rating had dropped, the company had believed that it

would be taking possession of the first seven of the 37 Boeing 787 Dreamliners it had ordered. Taking possession of new aircraft is an extremely costly endeavour, not only from the perspective of the delivery, but also in anticipation and preparation. When Emirates Airlines ordered the Airbus 380, the delivery delay placed such a heavy financial burden on the company that it took years to recover.

Taking possession of new aircraft is an extremely costly endeavour, not only from the perspective of the delivery, but also in anticipation and preparation. When Emirates Airlines ordered the Airbus 380, the delivery delay placed such a heavy financial burden on the company that it took years to recover. The 37 Dreamliners represent approximately 15% of Air Canada’s current fleet and are meant to replace the 27 Boeing 767s the airline now owns, and which are slowly to be phased out. In anticipation of this, pilots, mechanics, and line maintenance crew are undergoing training on the operation of the aircraft, meaning they will also have to be replaced during their regular shifts, usually through overtime for unionized replacement staff. Two years later, the Dreamliners have yet to arrive, with the first three expected to be integrated into the fleet this spring. Air Canada’s CEO Calin Rovinescu has come up with several cost-cutting plans to increase operating cash flows in the next year. The company’s pension overhang has been eliminated and the carrier is now looking for more cost-

effective outsourcing options for ramp services. Air Canada Rouge, the carrier’s newest wholly-owned subsidiary featuring economic flights to both the Caribbean and Europe, has added 22 seats to each of their jets in order to increase capacity and seat sales. The main airline has also introduced the Boeing 777HD (HD for high density), which has over 100 more seats than its traditional Boeing 777-300 counterpart. This was achieved by eliminating the Executive Class suites and providing less legroom. The Air Canada 777HD aircraft now have Executive Class seats with a pitch (the distance from the back of the seat to the back of the seat behind it) of 44 inches, while Rouge seats have a pitch of 29 inches. Mr. Rovinescu expects the addition of seats per aircraft will cut costs for each seat flown per mile by 15% over five years. In the end, while these cost-cutting measures may represent a less comfortable and less enjoyable travelling experience for passengers, they could make Air Canada a much more stable option for investment. Moody’s current B3 rating signals that, taking into account debt repayment obligations and committed funding to aircraft purchases in the coming year, it expects the carrier’s earnings and debt levels to remain relatively flat through 2015. The one still relatively unknown factor is the success of Rouge which launched in July of 2013. Operating costs and landing fees are relatively high in Canada, which equates to higher seat mile costs for the Montréal-based carrier than the average North American airline. This could play an instrumental role in the success or failure of the low-cost subsidiary. The year 2014 will be key in determining how Rouge will fare and whether Air Canada’s credit rating will continue to predict a positive outlook. Spring 2014 | Issue 45


Visit for the latest news and more information on upcoming events. Upcoming Spring and Summer Events Breakfast Club - Thurs, May 8 and Thurs, June 12, 2014 Start Your Day Off Right! CAWEE Breakfast Networking. The Hot House Restaurant, 35 Church Street, Toronto 7:30 am to 9:00 am Education Series - Tues, May 13, 2014 Zero to 30 – Catching Clients in Seconds! Join us for the May’s Lunch and learn how to best capitalize on every chance or planned encounter you have with potential clients or referrals by perfecting your elevator speech.

The Hot House Restaurant, 35 Church Street, Toronto

11:30 am to 1:30 pm Annual High Tea at the King Edward Hotel - Wed, July 16, 2014 Renew, Recharge, Re-imagine: Tap Your Inner Wellspring This year we are honoured to have a Canadian Icon, award winning journalist, memoir maven, author of My Mother’s Daughter – “A wonderfully honest and enthralling book”–Alice Munro and previous Editor of Chatelaine magazine, Rona Maynard as our keynote speaker.


The King Edward Hotel, 90 King Street East, Toronto, Victoria Room

1:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Spring 2014 | Issue 45

Celebrating Women Business Leaders

Christine Magee President, Sleep Country

Leah Eichler Founder r/ally and Celebrated Columnist

At The Holts CafĂŠ, on Wednesday, March 5th, Christine Magee and Leah Eichler led an inspirational discussion on their professional and personal journeys.

Supported by:

The Federated Press Presents:

Women Leadership


June 3, 4 & 5, 2014, Toronto


Improve your leadership style and build on your strengths to achieve maximum success Participating organizations

Reisman Law Offices Home Depot of Canada Inc. Inc. As Ainsworth a corporate executive, vice-president •B est practices for developing Ryerson University HZX Business Continuity Planning BMO Financial Group Sears Canada Inc. IMAX Corporation Canadian Blood Services or director, you know the importance of Sony Music Entertainment Canada Inc. Intact Financial Corporation CBC English Services leadership skills and preparing St. Mary’s General Hospital Metrolinx CI Financial Inc. developing your leadership skills. Whether it The Data Group Microsoft Cossette Quebec Vetoquinol Ministry of the Attorney General Future Electronics Inc. for a position of power. Xerox Canada Inc. my HR coach Granite Global Solutions is communicating, negotiating, networking, NATIONAL Public Relations Inc. Hay Group Minerals Corp. Hill+Knowlton Strategies managing your careerOrvana path, or achieving • Career management strategies. Conference highlights work-life balance, there are core competencies • Hear inspirational presentations by top-ranking women executives, as they share their career andmaster leadership tipsin order to lead successful you• must Uncover strategies to guarantee professional advancement while achieving greater work-life balance •B est practices for attracting, • Build your professional confidence by enhancing key leadership skills and techniques organizations while accelerating your own • Discover the leadership competencies you need to succeed in today’s workplace managing and advancing professional growth. Optional workshops Coaching Clinic: Three Interactive Sessions to Enhance Your Leadership Style

talented women employees.

an Exceptional Leader by Leveraging Your Natural Talents & Strengths As Becoming a woman, you also know how tough it Pressthe Woman Leadership of the ladder. Year Award. Indeed, can beThetoFederated climb corporate •K theey skills: negotiation This Award, created to recognize exemplary leadership shown by Canadian women, salutes best in the keywomen, grievance women today no longer whether they for are leaders in the private, public is or non-profit sectors. This year’s winner, selected by Federated Press Committee, will be honoured during a special luncheon at the Summit. techniques, communication the challenge of entering the workforce, but tools, networking skills. rather their very visible under-representation within a company’s senior ranks. CAWEE is holding a draw for one (1) ticket to the Women and Leadership Federated Press’ 11th Annual Summit (valued at $3,000). Tickets for Women & Leadership Summit the draw cost $20 each. The winning ticket will be drawn on May 8th at the will build on the success of its CAWEE Networking Breakfast and the forerunners and feature key winner will be contacted at that time.

insights gained by top-ranking women executives as they discuss:

Proceeds from the draw will go to the CAWEE Charity of the Year – Jessie’s Centre. Go to to enter.

Mortgage Insurance You’ve Bought a Home, Now What? By Stephanie Kotsopolis For many individuals home ownership brings an onslaught of new payments, responsibilities, and paperwork. In the midst of the chaos of finding, purchasing, and settling into a new home there is a form that is often hidden and signed without much understanding or forethought: mortgage insurance. Generally tacked on within the mortgage payments themselves, this coverage is designed to pay off your mortgage if something happens to you. However, many fail to recognize what type of coverage they have and whether or not it is going to provide protection when they need it the most. With so many options available, how do you find the right one for you? The bank’s mortgage insurance will cover you for the exact amount of your mortgage; nothing more, nothing less. This means that, while your payments remain the same, your coverage decreases as the mortgage is paid down.

Alternatively, there is the option of a term life insurance plan. Generally speaking, these plans provide coverage between 10-20 years with the option to renew. With this type of plan you choose the coverage that is right for your needs; the best part is that the coverage does not decrease as your mortgage is paid down. It provides you with flexibility and options throughout your lifetime. Flexibility is not a benefit of mortgage insurance through a bank. Your lender owns the policy, thus you cannot move your insurance to another lender, and each time you renew your mortgage you will have to re-qualify for the protection. This could leave you without coverage should you become

uninsurable. On the contrary, with a term life insurance plan, you own the policy personally. You are free to switch your mortgage to another lender, and your policy is protected from creditors and probate fees. All policies are medically underwritten at the time of application, thus there are no questions asked if your family needs to make a claim because you have passed away. Unfortunately, mortgage insurance from the bank is processed differently. You are asked a few basic health questions at the time of application and only if you make a claim will they look into your health records, which may or may not end up with a claim being paid to your family. Let’s not forget the cost factor. A term life insurance plan will usually cost half of what you would pay with a mortgage insurance plan at the bank and the rates remain locked in for the duration of the term. Alternatively, you cannot lock in your rates with mortgage insurance, so your cost will continue to increase even if your actual mortgage balance is decreasing. Why pay more and get less? There are a wide variety of insurance products available on the market. Always speak to an insurance professional before starting a program to make sure you are selecting the product that is right for you and your family. Ultimately, the choice is yours. You can keep paying a higher rate for coverage that may or may not provide the benefit you need, or you can provide yourself with peace of mind in a personal life insurance policy that will provide the right coverage at the time you need it the most. Spring 2014 | Issue 45


Forget Networking. Try Relationship Building. Editor in Chief Kerry Cathers Art Director Krista Downey Assistant Editor/Writer Susan Yellin Contributors Optimize Your Productivity: Spring Clean the Way You Work by Deanne Kelleher What Does a Real Estate Lawyer Do? by Joanne Prince SEO and eMarketing: Optimizing Your Online Presence by Susan Ward Setting Boundaries: How to Protect Your Personal Resources by Anne Brunelle Are You an Efficient Investor? Become the Investor You Want to Be by Jacqueline Thompson Top LinkedIn Profile Mistakes You’re Making: Why it’s Important to Avoid Them by Sandra Jean Louise Great Greeting Trends by Laural Carr What do Immunology, Ketchup Viscosity, and Insurance Have in Common? The Answer is Heather Freed by Kerry Writing Strategically by Kerry Cathers What is Graphic Design: Why it is Important in Today’s Visual Age by Krista Downey Air Canada Debt Rating by Alison Lamb Mortgage Insurance: You’ve Bought a Home, Now What? by Stephanie Kotsopolis Deanne Kelleher is the pragmatic and energetic leader behind kAos Group’s vision and patented Core Four System™ successfully and passionately helps clients identify and implement needed changes to enhance organization in their professional and personal lives. She works as a speaker, trainer, and as part-time faculty at Centennial College. It’s her mission to be educational and entertaining to ensure clients and audiences are presented with the most appropriate information, relevant insights, and are empowered with practical tools to enhance or support organizational systems. If you’d like to meet Deanne you can watch her live at Alison Lam has been involved in the aviation industry since 2010. She owns and operates AeroCare International, a cross-provincial aircraft grooming and maintenance company that offers interior cleaning and exterior wash services to business jets as well as commercial aircraft. She volunteers extensively, participating on the board of directors of two non-profit organizations, bringing her business and entrepreneurial expertise in an effort to promote their continued development. With an MA from Queen’s University in French Literature and an MBA from the Kellogg-Schulich Global Executive MBA Program, Alison brings a unique perspective to her career, projects and endeavours.


Spring 2014 | Issue 45


Joanne Prince, owner of Prince Law Office, has over fifteen years’ experience in residential real estate and litigation. Her office provides comprehensive real estate law services including purchase and sale of residential real estate, mortgage refinancing, transfer of title, and review of status certificates. She is an instructor at the School of Business at Seneca College. Ms. Prince is active in the community serving as board president at Jessie’s, the June Callwood Centre for Young Women, and coach/judge for Ontario Justice Education Network. Contact her at 416-469-3443, or through her website Follow her on twitter at @princelawreal. usan Yellin is a former reporter turned S public relations and communications professional, bringing strategic thinking and media know-how to proactive communications projects. Susan’s forte is taking complex issues and making them into compelling and interesting pieces aimed at specific target markets. She has an in-depth background of the investment management and insurance industries and their issues, but has also written for members of the legal profession and St. Michael’s Hospital and is game for new projects in any field. Contact Susan at 647-218-3241 or at

web design, development and A consulting company, Boost works closely with clients to understand their unique needs, expectations, and budgets. Boost demystifies web development and helps companies build, understand, and get the most from their internet marketing presence. With a Fine Arts and Graphic design education and over twenty-five years of print industry, graphic design, and marketing management experience Boost Principal, Susan Ward, offers a consultative, collaborative approach to web design and development. To set up an appointment with her, visit her website at or contact her at Impagination’s series of fully customized strategic workshops help professionals and service businesses to differentiate their offering, resulting in an easy to implement marketing plan supported by a solid platform. We help identify a step-by-step action plan that captures the business and reflects its key message. This proven process leads to powerful growth. Impagination’s award winning campaigns help businesses differentiate their products and services by leveraging current success and shortening sales cycles. Custom sales tools include print, web, multi-media and one-of-a-kind promotions as well as special events. Kerry Cathers is a writer and copy editor with over twenty years experience. After receiving her doctorate in England, she returned to Canada and worked with a number of companies creating and editing a variety of documents. She worked in-house with an academic publisher before going freelance. Kerry works with small- and medium-sized businesses to improve their communication. EditorsPlus provides a range of services to produce clear, concise, effective documents. This includes writing, copy editing, proofreading, and plain language services. Contact Editorsplus at 647-461-7767 or at Anne Brunelle, Transition Coach whose job is helping you keep the promises you made to yourself. She can be contacted at, www.makingchanges. ca or at annebrunelle/.

J acqueline is the “Financial Advisor with Heart.” For over six years she has used her life experiences and expertise to care for her clients and their families so that they will be able to retire the way they want, pay for a home, fund an education, and save on tax. News from economists, videos and research reports as well as accessing your accounts on my website http://www.edwardjones. com/en_CA/fa/index.html&CIRN=844229. Or you can contact me at (416) 960-2407 or Sandra Jean-Louis is a B2B and Certified SEO Copywriter. She helps IT, Software, and professional service firms generate more leads with powerful web content and marketing collateral. She tweets content marketing tips @Word_Central. Connect with Sandra on Google+ or LinkedIn. At Postrozny Financial Security Inc., we work closely with our clients to clarify their goals and meet their objectives through the development of a comprehensive value-based plan. Our clientele consists of individuals at varying stages of their lives and from a wide assortment of backgrounds. Based in downtown Toronto, we are pleased to say many of our clients have been with us for over 25 years. We work in both the areas of insurance and investment planning. We also specialize in working with small-business owners on employee benefits programs.

Krista Downey, Graphic Designer | Creative Problem Solver. I work collaboratively and quickly to deliver high quality design solutions. I effectively facilitate ideas to action. “I strongly believe great design makes for great marketing.” Contact Krista at 416.577.1251 or by email Heather Freed, CFP, CLU, CHS is an independent insurance specialist and investment representative. She works for her clients to find them the best and most appropriate coverage. Most of her clients are business owners and self-employed individuals looking to protect themselves, their families and their businesses from the unexpected occurrences of everyday life. Heather helps you “Insure Your Freedom.”

Contact Us! 401 Bay Street, Suite 1600 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5H 2Y4 TEL/FAX 416-756-0000 (please leave a message) EMAIL

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