Catholic Aid Journey Issue 4

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Catholic Aid Journey Official Publication of the Catholic Aid Association

July/August 2009 Vol. 114 Issue 4

2009 Scholarship Yearbook 400+ recipients - Pg 11


Where are they now? Former winners today - 8


New P roduct! “Get your money back” Term Life - 6

From the President

“...the bible question is never ‘Is God speaking,’ but rather ‘What is God saying?” I just finished a wonderful and spiritual book written by Father Robert Barron, entitled “The Strangest Way”. Fr. Barron is most famous for this radio and EWTN TV show called “Word on Fire”. The subtitle of Fr. Barron’s book is, “Walking the Christian Path,” and it’s loaded with spiritual guidance, most of it not easy, but all of it rewarding. I refer to his work not only because I would recommend it as worth reading, but also because of the impact it could have on your life. Jeff Cavins, an instructor for the Archbishop Harry J. Flynn Catechetical Institute, stated that it was one of the best modern books concerning how to understand and live our Faith. If I could sum this reading up in one

sentence it would quote Father Barron when he writes, “... the biblical question is never “Is God speaking:”, but rather, “What is God saying?” God is present in all of us; therefore, we don’t need to seek him out, we need to listen to what He has to say. To read a book like this is moving; however, as Father Baron stated, it is all just “gas” unless we can put our thoughts and beliefs into action. That is the true essence of a book like this. Take action, improve your life, but most importantly, improve the lives of others. It is never about us, it is about He who created us and all that exists. This edition of the Journey is full of examples of The Catholic Aid Association’s efforts to accomplish these spiritual goals. To serve others is to serve Him, and as you peruse these pages you will see many examples of how we are reaching out to others. Your membership is at work, and your contributions play a significant role in this journey. An example of Catholic Aid’s effort to accomplish this mission of helping others – which is detailed on page 24 – is our partnership with the St. Paul Cathedral Youth and their “Theology on a Stick” program. “Theology on a Stick” offers us an opportunity to support an evangelization of our Catholic Faith. Imagine 2,000,000 Minnesotans and visitors from the mid-west coming to the Minnesota State Fair, and walking by, stopping in, reading

On the Cover

Catholic Aid Official Publication of the Catholic Aid Association

July/August 2009

On the Cover Vol. 114 Issue 4

Catholic Aid Association President/Chairman Michael F. McGovern, Northfield Senior Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer Harald Dennis Borrmann, L. Olson, Vadnais St. PaulHeights Lead Director Frances M. Barten, Union Hill Board of Directors Bernard B. Bastian, North Mankato; George Gmach, Rogers; Joseph F. Kueppers, Mendota Heights; John W. Maile, Cold Spring; Deborah M. Pauly, Jordan; Gary E. Polaczyk, Woodbury Magazine Staff Publication No. 093500/Official Publication of the Catholic The Catholic Aid Association


Publisher Michael F. McGovern Editor Jared Roddy Marketing Director ofManager Marketing Steve Steve Wendorf Wendorf

Staff Susan Detlefsen, Rebecca Redlin

Office of Publication: Catholic Aid Association, 3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55126-8098; 651490-0170 or 1-800-568-6670. Postmaster: Send change of address notice to above. Periodicals postage paid at St. Paul, MN. Subscription price is 50 cents a year. Published bimonthly.

July/August 2009

2009 Scholarship Yearbook 400+ recipients - Pg 11


Where are they now? Former winners today - 8


New P roduct! “Get your money back” Term Life - 6

Photo: Bob Pearle

A fine summer day in St. Paul, Minn., in front Photo: Kelsey Smith of the Landmark Center John Nelson of Yankton, the Stevenson family of S.D., and his aunt, Elsie, Jonathan, Ella, Maggie organized a holiday food (the dog), Louis, Sue, drive for a food shelf in Christopher, Ana and Bill November (see page 6). (not pictured).

“Who knows what direction my life would have taken if I had not been encouraged to go into teaching because of this [Catholic Aid] scholarship.” Michael F. McGovern about and even staying for an evening of Faithfilled activities. If you are at the Fair stop by. We are the major sponsor of this event, and we see it as a significant opportunity to live out our mission. Another Catholic Aid initiative designed to help others is our Scholarship Program. Almost every year it expands to accommodate all the young members who qualify. As you can see from all the photos, this year was our biggest yet. Many of you may know that I was a recipient of this scholarship back in the dark ages. Actually, it doesn’t seem that long ago, but when I realize that this year’s winners were born 25 years after I was awarded the scholarship, I guess it has been a while. This program has been popular since its inception, and I often hear about it from proud parents and grandparents. I know that in my case there is a good chance I would not have been able to attend St. Thomas College without the money I received. In those days, to be a recipient you had to qualify and attend a Catholic college while pursuing a degree in teaching. Because of the money I received I was able to graduate with a degree in education and taught for 11 years. My teaching career brought me to my spouse of 38 years, Ann, who I met while teaching in Morristown, Minnesota, her hometown. Four of our five children

Contents 10 2009

Scholarship winner yearbook

See the 400+ young winners of CAA scholarhips.


Where they are now

May the Lord Bless you in every way,




“Get your Money back” Term Life



Theology on a Stick


Company Business


Regional Directory

A new, “zero cost” product is the perfect fit for young families.


Scholarships make a big difference for some in pursuing their dreams. Former CAA scholarships winners explain where they ended up.

were born during my teaching career, and some of the best memories of my life come from those days of teaching and coaching. Who knows what direction my life would have taken if I had not been encouraged to go into education because of this scholarship. Today we will award a scholarship to any qualified member who is attending a certified education program beyond high school. All educational activities can make a significant impact on our young leaders, parents, and religious of tomorrow. The Catholic Aid Association has passed a significant milestone in 2009 by passing the $2,000,000 mark for this program. By improving the lives of our young members, we hope to build loyalty and ensure the security of our organization in the future. I began this column by referring to Fr. Barron’s book on walking the Christian path and the significance of our belief in God. I mention it again as I wrap up to remind us all that we will not be judged for how we helped ourselves, but how we helped others. As Matthew 25:40 says, “And the king will say to them in reply, Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Join TOS at the MN State Fair.

Member stories, CAA tidbits and news headlines.

Wellness, recipes, sales news, board minutes, and memorials.

Find out what’s going on near you! This page is tailored to where you live.

The Clyde family plays at a fountain in St. Paul, Minn.

July/August 2009



ADid t t eYou n t iHear? on Pope watch ‘09 Nominations For the second year in a row, Pope Benedict XVI graced Catholic Aid’s booth at the Basilica Block Party, despite the fact that he was on vacation in the Alps at the time. So while we admit that the real pope was not present, his likeness was as popular as ever. Hundreds of party-goers lined up to have a snapshot taken with His Holiness. The event took place on July 10 and 11 at the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis, Minn. The Basilica Block Party is an annual event drawing thousands of music lovers to see rock concerts and take in the grounds of the Basilica. Catholic Aid attended with its “Picture with the Pope” booth in 2008 and 2009 and in both years it was one of the more popular attractions. More than 1,000 people have had their photo taken with our pope stand up since his first appearance at the Block Party last year. Join us next year!

St. Austin’s Parish Cook out & Concert The St. Austin’s Parish Unit held a matching grant steak fry July 18 featuring steak dinner, door prizes and the band “No Hot Ashes.” Below: Field Representative Robb Smith and a young parishioner of St. Austin’s joke after she won a Twins cap. Two bicycles and a lawn mower were also given away.

Hard-working Youth make mission trip to Minneapolis The St. Paul Council of Appleton, Minn., had a very busy winter! On a cold and blustery day, the youth group and several chaperones boarded a bus to downtown Minneapolis. After warming their spirits at a Mass at the Basilica of St. Mary (photo, top right) they headed out into the cold and handed out blankets, shoes, water, clothing and lunches to the homeless at the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities and the Marie Sandvig Center (bottom left). This same group, back in Appleton, also donated Teddy Bears for Tots to the Swift County Sheriff’s Dept., (top left) created a mitten tree, and made tray favors for nursing home residents (bottom right). St. Paul council’s next big event is the Fall Dinner to support their Education Program. Keep up the great work Appleton!


July/August 2009

How to Contact your Field Representative: Look on the back cover of this magazine. Your Field Representative’s name and contact information should be listed with yours. Otherwise, visit, or call 1-800-568-6670.

We’re talkin’ Baseball...

Delano, Minn. The St. Anthony & St. Ann Council of Delano, Minn., have been a busy bunch this summer. In the top photo, Fraternal Secretary Tony Bauman and Treasurer Rose Winterhal (far right) deliver $3,500 to St. Peter’s School Principal Nicole Belpedio for use in the computer lab. In the lower picture, Kourtney Ryan, Greg and Marie Bauman collect food for the Council’s JOIN HANDS DAY event. 306 lbs. of food and $393 dollars were donated to the food shelf.

They might not be known from Boston to Dubuque, but minor league teams have provided some major league fun for Catholic Aid members throughout the month of July. Membership appreciation events were held with the Duluth Huskies, Alexandria Beetles, Sioux Falls Canaries, Fargo Redbirds, St. Cloud Riverbats and St. Paul Saints. Members cought a few foul balls, some photo ops with the mascots and door prizes. The weather cooperated for the most part too, alllowing everyone to enjoy a great ballgame, fresh grilled food, drinks and meet new people. Membership appreciation events will taper off into the fall, but should gear back up again next year. Make sure you let your field rep know you want to go, and bring a friend to share the fun!

Turn to page 23 for a list of local CAA events

Contact the Fraternal Department at 651-490-0170 to have your event listed in an upcoming issue of CA Journey.

July/August 2009


How to succeed at Life Insurance

Without really paying $

$ $


There’s a new product available from Catholic Aid that offers something that offers a benefit that’s never been available before – a term policy that gives a full refund of all premium payments at the end of the term. It can truly be a zero-cost insurance option.








Paul and Paula Rabaey with their Field Representative Roger Bauer. CAA’s new Get Your Money Back Term product is ideal for younger families like the Rabaeys.


July/August 2009

In 2009, Catholic Aid is focused on its future. We’ve updated our marketing plan, worked to hire more field reps, tried to better honor and recognize our membership, even considered the notion of changing our name. More important than packaging though, we have worked to create and offer a new product that will appeal to a new generation of potential Catholic Aid member. We call it the Get Your Money Back Term Life. In creating this new product category, not exactly a Term product, not exactly a permanent product, Catholic Aid hopes to create an option for young families who otherwise might not be able to adequately cover their insurance needs. Get Your Money Back Term Life offers a number of features that should perfectly suit love-rich but cash-poor families. It guarantees a death benefit amount, a cash value, and the premium amount, so there are never any surprises. The death benefit can be anything more than $100,000, and the product is available to people between 20 and 55 years of age in any of the states Catholic Aid is licensed in.

“...Its another arrow in our quiver to help younger families who have a need for a lot of insurance on a tight budget.” John Tetzloff Return of Premium Term (ROP Term is the industry name) is the “Goldilocks” solution to the life insurance needs of young families who are just starting out, says Special Cases Officer John Tetzloff. “Term was always the lowest cost option for the highest amount of coverage,” Tetzloff explains, “but not technically anymore. With an ROP product, you pay a little more up front – still a lot less than a permanent policy – but at the end of the term, you get it all back in a check. It’s really a zerocost option if you hold onto it.”

Term products are there to provide coverage for debts, he says. Mortgages, school loans, income replacement – you buy Term because you can get a large amount of coverage for far less than with a permanent policy like Whole life. The problem for many people though is if you don’t die, you never see any benefit from your premium payments. Catholic Aid Sales Director Tom Schisler says with an ROP Term product, you’re really just stashing the money away for the period of the term. You don’t get interestthat’s what pays for all of your coverage – but you get the benefits of being a CAA member, coverage for your debts and your family’s livelihood, and a big check to look forward to at the end of the term. Young families typically make the least amount of money they ever will, while saddled with some of the highest debt they will ever carry. In that situation, term has often been the only option. “This provides an alternative,” Tetzloff says. “People say, ‘well, I want term coverage but I hate putting my money into something that I know I won’t get back. That’s not the case anymore.” Schisler says the development of this product has come because young people have difficulty buying a term when they’re confident they’ll outlive it. In researching the new product and bringing it to market, Schisler has had the opportunity to speak with many people in the age group and family situation this product was being created for. “I talked with a lot of younger people who really like the idea of protecting themselves while they’re vulnerable, when they need it, and then getting a big check at the end of the term.” LIMRA International reports that sales of ROP Term products are expected to be brisk. With twothirds of the companies surveyed expecting ROP Term to make up 25% of their total term sales.

Click for more info Get Your Money Back Term: Zero-Cost insurance option Get Your Money Back Term Life is a new Catholic Aid Product in the Return of Premium Term family. Priced lower than permanent insurance, and only slightly more than regular Term coverage, the member is refunded 100% of his or her premium payments at the end of the 20-year term. If the member chooses to terminate the policy early, they will be refunded a pro rata percentage of their premiums. Some features of Get Your Money Back Term Life from Catholic Aid: ( Guaranteed death benefit amount ( Guarnateed cash value ( Guaranteed premium ( Convertable to whole life up to age 70 ( Issue ages from 20 - 55 ( $100,000 minimum face value up to amouts greater than $500k ( Reduces ultimate cost of insurance ( Geared toward younger buyers ( Large cash payout at end of term can be used to buy permanent insurance, invest, pay for college, etc. ( Don’t have to die to get benefits ( Example only: $190k coverage = ~ $70/mo. or $820/year = ~ $16,400 payout at term end “For Catholic Aid, it’s just another arrow in our quiver for younger families who have a need for a lot of insurance on a tight budget,” Tetzloff says. “I think also, the ability to buy this through CAA now just makes us all the more competitive against commercial insurers who may offer the product, but don’t offer our fraternal programs.” July/August 2009


In a legacy spanning 54 years, Catholic Aid Association’s scholarship program reached a special milestone this year. The program awarded $164,500 in scholarships to members in 2009, bringing the program’s cumulative award total to more than $2 million. “We’re proud of our membership for having the vision to start this program five decades ago, and for supporting it for so many years,” said President and Chairman Michael McGovern. “This is truly a milestone worth celebrating.” Establishing A Scholarship Legacy The front page of the June 22, 1955, issue of the Catholic Aid News announced the first appeal ever for scholarship applicants. “Boys and girls” who were members of the Association and were high school graduates were invited to apply for teaching scholarships to any Catho-

lic college in the Midwest. Applicants had to demonstrate financial need, an interest in the teaching profession and have an academic record that proves they could succeed at college study. The scholarships were renewable for all fours years a student was enrolled in teacher’s college, provided that their “scholastic record was satisfactory.” Demonstrating a need of

the times, the program’s purpose was “to increase the number of properly qualified Catholic lay teachers for the elementary and secondary schools of this area.” Dr. Gordon T. Tierney, president of the Men’s Council, recommended establishing a scholarship program at the 1954 annual convention. The original motion states that the program would award 10 to 15 scholarships to students graduating from high school in June of 1955, The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Tierney also served as the chairman of the first scholarship committee, advised by the Archbishop R. J. Connolle, su-

– by Susan F. Detlefsen


July/August 2009

perintendent of schools of the Archdiocese of St. Paul. Eight scholarships were awarded in August of that year to three men and five women: Francis Brawn of Glencoe, Minn.; Pamela Douglas of Cannon Falls, Minn.; Bernetta Lieser of St. Martin, Minn.; Patricia Schwab of Comfrey, Minn.; Loretta Sieben of Hastings, Minn.; Dennis Wagener of Glencoe, Minn.; and Dolores Wagner of New Market, Minn. Photos of the winners were published on page seven of the August 22 edition of CA News, a tradition that continues 54 years later as you’ll see on pages 11 through 19 of this magazine. The unanimous passing of the program at the 1954 convention demonstrated its popularity among Catholic Aid members, who then took active steps to make sure the program succeeded. Just two months after the first scholarships were awarded, the Catholic Women’s Union gave a donation of $1,000 to the fund, equivalent to nearly $8,000 in adjusted dollars today. In the years to come, the scholarship fund continued to receive regular donations from members. Marie Schwantes, scholarship chairman and executive board member of the Catholic Women’s Union, wrote in Dec. 22, 1955 issue of Catholic Aid News that “Catholics have a right to take pride in our schools and an obligation to demonstrate a desire and capacity to meet the major problems facing Catholic education. Therefore, the Scholarship Program, which we undertook at our Convention in September, is

most worthy and necessary.” Ten years later, in an appeal for donations in the April 22, 1965 issue of Catholic Aid News, President Tierney described the thriving program as “one of the most important projects to engage the attention of the members of our organization.”

Changing to fit into a changing world Change is inevitable, and the scholarship program has changed over time to reflect the cultural, religious and education movements prevalent in Catholic and American

society. The scholarship is no longer restricted to students intending to enter the teaching profession. Also, the scholarship has changed to a one-time only award, rather than a renewable scholarship. One thing that has stayed the same for the last few decades is the scholarship amount. While the total giving amounts for the entire program have continued to go up steadily in the past 20 years [see graph on page 9] the actual amount of awards has stayed consistent: $500 for students attending Catholic colleges and universities, $300 for those attending non-Catholic institutions. Considering the skyrocketing cost of postsecondary education these days, the amount of the awards has been revisited several times by the Fraternal department and Catholic Aid’s officers. Each time the amount has been reviewed, CAA has decided to keep the awards the same. Why? “There are two reasons,” explained Kathleen Moriarty, director of the Fraternal Department. “First, we

July/August 2009


want to help as many members as we can through this program. We consider the scholarship program to be a member benefit, which means if you are a Catholic Aid member and you meet the simple criteria of the program, then you receive the benefit.” “Second, the program continues to grow almost every year. While the amount of the individual awards hasn’t gone up, the amount of awards we give out has increased every year in the last 10 years. In 1999, we awarded 154 scholarships. This year we awarded 491, for a total of $164,500 awards given in 2009. That is an amazing number of lives impacted by this program.” In the last 54 years, more than 5,700 Catholics have received a CAA scholarship to help defray tuition cost. That is an amazing amount of people!

Little-known facts about the program There are aspects to the program that aren’t as well known. The average scholarship recipient is 18-years of age and has recently graduated from high school. While this is typical, scholarships aren’t limited to


July/August 2009

this type of student. There is no age limit in the application guidelines, which means a student of any age can apply and potentially receive a scholarship, just as long as they are enrolled for their first year in an accredited program with the intention of earning a degree or certification. Typically, most scholarship recipients are planning to attend a fouryear school, such as a college or university. But again, the scholarship guidelines aren’t limited to just the big institutions. Students who choose to attend community colleges, vocational-technical institutions or job training are also eligible for a scholarship, as long as the program is accredited and the student is on track for a certification or degree.

The future of the scholarship program Moriarty says the scholarship program is going strong, and like all Catholic Aid Fraternal programs, is under constant scrutiny to maintain the program’s effectiveness and continuity. In the future, Fraternal may add scholarships that will be awarded to students based on merit and Catholic service. Also, the Fraternal staff intend to keep in contact with scholarship winners and offer them guidance on several topics, including thriving in a college environment, maintaining a faith life through college and serving as a young leader to their Catholic communities. “There is an enormous link between educational success and financial success,” Moriarty said. “We are proud to help provide some of the means to help our members get the tools that will help them be successful in their careers, which translates to a stronger Catholic community and a stronger Catholic Aid Association.”

CAA Scholarship Yearbook 2009 Once again, Catholic Aid has broken its own record for post-high school tuition scholarships. In 2009, Catholic Aid gave away its 2 millionth dollar for higher education, as part of the $163,800 given away this year. All told, 488 youn members received grants for the 2009-2010 academic year.

Sarah Aaseth Cold Spring, MN St. Scholastica College

Emily Achen Sauk Centre, MN University of MN-Twin Cities

Jeffrey Adlesich Coon Rapids, MN Penn Foster College

Samuel Anderson Apple Valley, MN University of North Dakota

Wes Anderson Burnsville, MN Carthage College

Michael Arens Brandon Arnzen Delano, MN Freeport, MN Rochester Comm. & Tech Coll. St. Cloud Technical College

Matthew Arola Elizabeth Aubin Detroit Lakes, MN West Saint Paul, MN Central Lakes College-Staples Marquette University

Brittany Auch Kayla Bachmann Lesterville, SD North Mankato, MN Northeast Community College University of WI-River Falls

Adam Backes Richmond, MN University of St. Thomas

Ashley Baer Megan Bakken Detroit Lakes, MN Waterville, MN MN State University-Moorhead Carleton College

Joseph Bauer Afton, MN Iowa State University

Derek Baune Samuel Bechtold Redwood Falls, MN St. Joseph, MN South Dakota State University College of St. Scholastica

Zachary Beireis Miltona, MN University of MN-Twin Cities

Colton Bender Yankton, SD University of South Dakota

Laura Berktold Lake City, MN University of WI-LaCrosse

Brittany Berning Jamie Blackwood Albertville, MN Sandstone, MN North Dakota State University Bemidji State University

Rebecca Blenker Melrose, MN University of MN-Crookston

Chelsea Boddicker Mitchell, SD Dakota Wesleyan University

Michelle Boecker Melrose, MN MSCTC - Moorhead

Emily Boeckmann Jordan, MN College of St. Benedict

Kristen Bongard Christopher Bostrom Faribault, MN Hinckley, MN MN State University-Moorhead NW Technical College-Wadena

Eric Anderson Montevideo, MN Ridgewater College-Willmar

Sheila Blonigen Freeport, MN Ridgewater College-Willmar

Elizabeth Ageson Jared Ailts Nicholas Amell Lester, IA Yankton, SD Burnsville, MN South Dakota State University South Dakota State University University of MN-Twin Cities

Maria Bauer New Ulm, MN University of WI-Eau Claire

July/August 2009


Lee Bottelberghe Jessica Bozych West Union, MN Becker, MN North Dakota State University MN School of Business

Casey Brand Valley Springs, SD Mitchell Technical Institute

Krista Brandt Byron, MN Bethany Lutheran College

Ross Brockman Hastings, MN Rochester Comm. & Tech.

Lisa Broderius Glencoe, MN Indiana U-Indianapolis

Eric Bruder White Bear Lake, MN Iowa State University

Bethany Buelt Rochester, MN Viterbo University

Chelsea Breza-Berndt Utica, MN University of MN-Twin Cities

Jillian Britz Andover, MN Chapman University

Aaron Bruns Alex Bruns Gibbon, MN Inver Grove Heights, MN South Dakota State University Northland College

Matthew Bueckers Sauk Rapids, MN St. Cloud State University

Anna Buege Winona, MN St. Mary’s University-Winona

Amanda Bursack Erin Cahill Canby, MN Pine City, MN South Dakota State University Creighton University

Emily Carlson Buffalo, MN St. Cloud State University

Drysen Carsten Kimball, SD Southeast Technical College

Tanner Citterman Ivanhoe, MN Ridgewater College-Willmar

Nolan Cleary Sioux Falls, SD Franciscan U of Steubenville

Evan Cobb Becker, MN St. John’s University

Jason Cook Adrian, MN Morningside College

Matthew Cook Adrian, MN Augustana College

Jeffrey Cooney Sebeka, MN MSCTC-Wadena

Chantalle Cooreman Tracy, MN Augustana College

Jacob Cordes Farmington, MN University of St. Thomas

Jason Cornelison Fort Pierre, SD South Dakota State University

Ryan Couillard Fridley, MN University of MN-Twin Cities

Nicholas Culp Sacramento, CA DeVry University

Sara Dahl Tiana Daun Shoreview, MN Minneapolis, MN N.D. State College of Science University of WI-Madison

Kristen DeGrood Faribault, MN University of MN-Duluth

Cody Dehler Brandon Delbow Tempe, AZ New Prague, MN Scottsdale Community College University of MN-Twin Cities

Stephanie Delbow New Prague, MN Argosy University Nicole

Dellapaolera Norwood, MN SW Minn. State University

Sarah Denne West Fargo, ND Bemidji State University

Mackenzie Derichs Colby Deters Scott Dick Elrosa, MN Osakis, MN Saint Charles, MN MN State University-Moorhead North Dakota State University University of WI-LaCrosse

Kathleen Dierberger Woodbury, MN College of St. Benedict

Sarah Dingmann Richmond, MN College of St. Benedict

Rebecca Dobias Lakeville, MN College of St. Catherine

Isaac Doll Perham, MN University of North Dakota

Blasé Dombrowski Cudahy, WI Marquette University

Nathan Effling Artesian, SD Lake Area Technical Institute


July/August 2009

John Bredeck Albany, MN St. Cloud Technical College

Izak Domonoske Matthew Dotray Elysian, MN Labbock, TX South Dakota State University Texas Tech University

Laura Eischen Shawn Eischens Comfrey , MN Canby, MN MN State University-Mankato MN West Comm & Tech College

Kiersten Ellering Melrose, MN Minneapolis College of Art

Nicholas Elsen St. Peter, MO Linn State Technical College

Stacy Engelmeyer Stephen Enger Brittany Ericson Melrose, MN Madison, MN Prior Lake, MN North Dakota State University MN State University-Moorhead Winona State University

Angela Euerle Litchfield, MN SW Minn. State University

Erin Eustice Ortonville, MN MSCTC-Fergus Falls

Rose Fasching Arlington Heights, IL Wm. Rainey Harper College

Megan Feidt Hampton, MN University of MN-Duluth

Travis Feldewerd Albany, MN St. Cloud Technical College

Chase Ferguson Burnsville, MN Normandale Cmnty College

Vincent Floeder Shoreview, MN University of St. Thomas

Bernadette Foley West Saint Paul, MN Benedictine College

Seth Forst Gibbon, MN SW Minn. State University

Krystal Foss Tony Freitag Hampton, MN Fairfax, MN Inver Hills Community College Alexandria Technical College

Ashley Fritz Perham, MN Ridgewater College-Willmar

Stephen Fritz Perham, MN University of MN-Crookston

Nicholas Froehle Littleton, CO University of St. Thomas

Amy Gadient Zumbrota, MN Winona State University

Emily Gaffke Randall, MN St. Cloud Technical College

Molly Gareis Emily Gasperlin New Ulm, MN Chanhassen, MN MN State University-Moorhead College of St. Benedict

Alicia Gertken Richmond, MN St. Cloud Technical College

Andrew Ghostley Champlin, MN St. John’s University

Joseph Gieseke Winger, MN St. Cloud State University

Vanessa Gindele St. Michael, MN University of WI-Stout

Lisa Gitter Courtland, MN Winona State University

Bridget Gohmann Clearwater, MN College of St. Benedict

Matthew Gray Waconia, MN MN State University-Mankato

Timothy Gregory Victoria, MN University of MN-Morris

Ryan Greske Hastings, MN Winona State University

Jennifer Groetsch Scott Groetsch Albany, MN Albany, MN University of MN - Twin Cities St. Cloud Technical College

Kayla Guck Wadena, MN St. Cloud Technical College

Courtney Guertin Belle Plaine, MN St. Olaf College

Cole Guggisberg Lafayette, MN University of MN-Morris

Moriah Guldan St. Joseph, MO Missouri Western State Univ.

Cody Hager St. Charles, MN University of WI-River Falls

Rebecca Hansen Darwin, MN Morningside College

Isaac Harrington Mitchell, SD Notre Dame

Darcy Hauth Jenny Haynes Springfield, MN Iowa City, IA North Dakota State University University of Iowa

Kathleen Hanten Hanson, WI University of St. Thomas

Priya Felling Albany, MN St. Cloud State University

Zachary Felten Adams, MN Rochester Comm & Tech

Wade French New Ulm, MN MN State University-Mankato

July/August 2009


Shawn Heinze Belgrade, MN Ridgewater College

Olivia Hendrickx New York Mills, MN University of MN-Twin Cities

Kelsey Henry Lakeville, MN Normandale Cmnty College

Caleb Hensel St. Michael, MN University of St. Thomas

Emily Hill Pine City, MN Pine Technical College

Chelsey Hinnenkamp St. Joseph, MN University of MN-Twin Cities

Lance Hinsvark Amanda Hoffman Clear Lake, SD New Ulm, MN Lake Area Technical Institute Winona State University

Joshua Hensel Waite Park, MN St. Cloud State University

Philip Herkenhoff Freeport, MN Ridgewater College-Willmar

Tara Hilgert Bird Island, MN MN State University-Moorhead

Daniel Holdvogt Eden Valley, MN University of WI-River Falls

Katherine Holdvogt Freeport, MN Bemidji State University

Brian Holm Champlin, MN Bethel College

Michelle Honer Jill Honermann Sarah Honrath Perham, MN Wilmont, MN Larchwood, IA MN State University-Moorhead South Dakota State University Wyoming Catholic College

Sarah Honzay Kayla Hovland Olivia, MN Bricelyn, MN North Dakota State University Northwestern College

Elizabeth Huebsch Perham, MN Georgetown University

Thomas Huston Excelsior, MN University of Iowa

Daniel Illies Elrosa, MN Ridgewater College-Willmar

Ethan Illies Spicer, MN St. Cloud State University

Michael Jacobs Buffalo, MN Franciscan U of Steubenville

Zachary Jansen Clearwater, MN Benedictine College

Brianna Jelle Champlin, MN University of WI - Superior

Kelby Jennissen Garfield, MN Concordia College

Michael Job Wesley Job Kelsey Johnson Adam Johnston Freeport, MN Freeport, MN Milbank, SD Hampton, MN North Dakota State University N.D. State College of Science South Dakota State University Concordia College

August Judisch Dakota, MN University of MN-Twin Cities

Brad Jungles Rogers , MN University of North Dakota

Kimberly Jurichko St. Anthony, MN Gustavus Adolphus College

Gabrielle Kachena Yankton, SD Augustana College

Shane Kampsen Paynesville, MN Ridgewater College-Willmar

Kayla Kapsner Andrew Karel Pierz, MN Shoreview, MN MN State University-Moorhead St. John’s University

Elizabeth Kilkus Winona, MN College of St. Benedict

Dustin King Karli Kinsella Caledonia, MN Rice, MN Rochester Comm. & Tech Coll. St. Cloud Technical College

Eliza Ishmael White Lake, SD Mitchell Technical Institute

Jeffrey Kahle New Ulm, MN S. Central Technical College

Mike Kaiser Apple Valley, MN University of WI-Madison

Nathan Kelzer Stephen Kelzer Jessica Kempenich Kari Kemper Mayer, MN Delano, MN Detroit Lakes, MN Melrose, MN MN State University-Mankato MN State University-Mankato North Dakota State University Ridgewater College-Willmar


July/August 2009

Monica Jacobs Chanhassen, MN St. Olaf College

Jonathon Kirchberg Jordan Klaphake Erika Klein Bellingham, MN New Munich, MN St. Joseph, MN N.D. State College of Science North Dakota State University University of MN-Twin Cities

Jacob Knapp Avon, MN St. Cloud Technical College

Lori Kolb Wabasha, MN College of St. Catherine

Janelle Kolles Elk River, MN College of St. Benedict

Benjamin Kolter Onalaska, WI Winona State University

Terence Koren Oakdale, MN University of MN-Duluth

Tyler Koval Kevin Kramer Browerville, MN Eden Valley, MN Central Lakes College-Staples Hamline University

Abby Kratzke Dent , MN St. Mary’s University-Winona

Jordan Kratzke Perham, MN MSCTC-Detroit Lakes

Robert Krueger Eagan, MN University of St. Thomas

Hannah Kuelbs Clements, MN Augustana College

Chris Kueppers Lino Lakes, MN University of North Dakota

Molly Kuisle Rochester, MN College of St. Benedict

Miranda Lambert Faribault, MN South Central Tech. College

Emily Laney Sioux Falls, SD SW MN State University

Brent Larson Robert Laumann Sara Law Canby, MN Buffalo, MN Mounds View, MN South Dakota State University N. Hennepin Community Coll. Winona State University

Rachel Lehn St. Joseph, MN University of San Diego

Theodore Lenneman St. Michael, MN University of MN-Crookston

Emily Lieser Paynesville, MN Ridgewater College-Willmar

Katelyn Loeffler Bemidji, MN Bemidji State University

Meagan Loesch Tyler Mack St. Cloud, MN Drake, MN Carlson School - Univ. of MN Minot State University

Justin Mathiason Julia McGreal Belgrade, MN Roseville, MN MN State University-Moorhead University of MN - Duluth

Gabrielle McGurran-Hanson Minneapolis, MN College of St. Catherine

Ryan McMullen Champlin, MN University of WI-Stout

Dana Meier Cottage Grove, MN Globe Univeristy-Woodbury

Nicole Menke Chris Merten Mankato, MN Alexandria, MN MN State University-Mankato Alexandria Technical College

Heather Meyer Freeport, MN University of MN-Duluth

Ethan Meyer Sauk Centre, MN University of St. Thomas

Brett Meyers Brooklyn Park, MN Boston University

Megan Middendorf Browerville, MN University of MN-Morris

Danielle Miesen Springfield, MN MN St. University - Mankato

Mercedes Miklya Derek Miller South St. Paul, MN Riceville , IA Riverland Community College Iowa State University

Andrew Minten New York Mills, MN MSCTC-Wadena

Kelsey Minten Shoreview, MN College of St. Benedict

Jolene Moenkedick Perham, MN MSCTC-Moorhead

Renee Moes Catherine Moosbrugger Hastings, MN Princeton, MN Inver Hills Community College University of St. Thomas

Jeffrey Moran Rapid City, SD SW MN State University

Kaitlin Marg Winona, MN University of MN-Twin Cities

Amanda Motl Burnsville, MN University of WI-Madison July/August 2009


Sara Mueller Derek Myers Mahtomedi, MN Vermillion, MN Franciscan U. of Steubenville University of WI-River Falls

James Neddermeyer Buffalo, MN St. John’s University

Travis Nordgaard Gary, SD Carleton College

Elizabeth O’Brien Brendan O’Connell Kasson, MN Elk River, MN Rochester Comm. & Tech Coll. University of St. Thomas

Joshua Oestreich Willmar, MN Ridgewater College-Willmar

Matthew O’Flaherty Stephanie Oftedahl Wabasha, MN Crystal, MN MN State University-Mankato Vermillion Community College

Trisha Ollerich Katelyn Olson Baltic, SD Eagan, MN South Dakota State University University of St. Thomas

Anna Oxborough-Yankus Wallingford, CT Pitzer College

Leah Page Janesville, MN South Central Tech. College

Ben Parsley Flandreau, SD Augustana College

Cole Passe Wabasha, MN St. Cloud State University

Jared Pawelk Cologne, MN Macalester College

Brennan Payne Wayzata, MN University of WI-Madison

Alexa Peloquin St. Michael, MN University of St. Thomas

Matthew Peloquin St. Michael, MN Inst. of Production & Recording

Lance Perius Kenneth Petersen Verndale, MN Inver Grove Heights, MN Central Lakes College-Staples University of North Dakota

Nicole Phillips Perham, MN MSCTC-Moorhead

Eric Pieper Jordan, MN MN State University-Mankato

Katie Polman Cottonwood, MN SW MN State University

Megan Pominville Stillwater, MN University of MN - Duluth

Rachel Potzmann Hastings, MN University of MN-Duluth

Matthew Prokosch New Ulm, MN St. Cloud Technical College

Jordan Queckboerner Riceville , IA University of Northern Iowa

Emily Rainey Stewartville, MN University of WI-LaCrosse

Troy Rau Kennesaw, GA Kennesaw State University

Derek Rausch Cassandra Reed Matthew Riley Hoven, SD Lafayette, MN Red Wing, MN South Dakota State University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U. Southeast Technical College

Bryan Rineck Eau Claire, WI University of MN-Twin Cities

Hailey Robb Jeremy Roberge Burnsville, MN Burnsville, MN MN State University-Mankato St. John’s University

Emily Roelike Belgrade, MN Ridgewater College-Willmar

Christopher Roering Loretto, MN St. John’s University

Kyle Rogotzke Katherine Roiger Amanda Rolbiecki Springfield, MN Springfield, MN Eau Claire, WI South Dakota State University MN West Comm & Tech Coll. University of WI-Madison


Trista Norris Spicer, MN Concordia College

Hoss Roemer Wabasha, MN University of WI-LaCrosse

July/August 2009

Kaitlyn Roerick Swanville, MN Central Lakes College

Kayla Neugebauer Mitchell, SD University of South Dakota

John Newton Katie Niehoff Lakeville, MN Osakis, MN Inver Hills Community College Alexandria Technical College

Nathan Nietfeld Belgrade, MN Ridgewater College-Willmar

James Roe LeRoy, MN N. Iowa Area Cmnty College

Mike rosdahl Maple Plain, MN MN State Univ. - Mankato

Anthony Rossini Inver Grove Heights, MN University of North Dakota

Eric Rowekamp Rochester, MN University of St. Thomas

Hannah Ruehling Belle Plaine, MN Cosmetology Training Center

Molly Ruhr St. Joseph, MN Bemidji State University

Joseph Rumpza St. Paul, MN Notre Dame

Brittany Russell Houlton, WI University of WI-River Falls

Kara Salmen Madison, SD University of South Dakota

Robert Sand Albany, MN St. Cloud State University

Nickolas Schaefer Eau Claire, WI University of St. Thomas

Caleb Scherber Rogers, MN University of St. Thomas

Elizabeth Scherber Brooklyn Center, MN Hennepin Technical College

Aaron Schirmers Brea, CA Fullerton College

Mariah Schisler Woodbury, MN University of WI-LaCrosse

Matthew Schmidtbauer Anoka, MN University of St. Thomas

Cole Schmitz Cold Spring, MN Bemidji State University

Amber Schoenfelder Mitchell, SD Mitchell Technical Institute

Cody Schons Alicia Schrank Caitlin Schreiner Ashley Schroeder Tracy, MN Stickney, SD Mitchell, SD New Ulm, MN MN State University-Mankato South Dakota State University South Dakota State University South Central Tech College

Scott Schroeder Richmond, MN St. John’s University

Katie Schulte Shane Schulte Bird Island, MN Mahtomedi, MN South Dakota State University University of St. Thomas

Catherine Schultz St. Charles, MN University of MN-Duluth

Emily Schumacher Stickney, SD Mitchell Technical Institute

Michael Schuster Minneapolis, MN University of MN-Twin Cities

Billi Jo Sczepanski Stephen, MN North Dakota State University

Amber Seifert Kristin Seifert Morgan, MN Mankato, MN Rochester Cmnty & Tech Coll. Winona State University

Michelle Sellinski Blaine, MN North Central University

Angela Sellner Lani Sexton Matthew Shaver Thomas Sheehan Sleepy Eye, MN Millville, MN Delano, MN Rochester, MN South Dakota State University MN State University-Mankato North Dakota State University University of WI-Eau Claire

Mark Sheely Brownsdale, MN University of MN-Twin Cities

Tyler Short Waite Park, MN Columbia College Chicago

Stephanie Silvers Hastings, MN University of WI-River Falls

Robert Simon Bloomington, MN College of St. Scholastica

Andrew Simons Larchwood, IA Morningside College

Gretchen Snyder Eden Prairie, MN University of WI - Madison

Seth Sorensen Buffalo, MN University of MN-Morris

Valerie Speedling Kellogg, MN University of WI-Stout

Anthony Speltz Rollingstone, MN St. Mary’s University-Winona

Robin Stalberger Waubun, MN Bemidji State University

Rachel Stalley Columbia Heights, MN College of St. Benedict

Thorlief Stangebye Tracie Stangl Minneapolis, MN Pierz, MN North Dakota State University Model College of Hair Design

Scott Sobocinski Wabasso, MN Bemidji State University

July/August 2009


Curtis Stark Combined Locks, WI University of WI-Green Bay

Maria Steffl Sleepy Eye, MN S. Central Tech College

Timothy Stickfort Brian Stoks Stillwater, MN Young America, MN Dakota Co. Technical College St. Cloud State University

Molly Stuhr Wabasha, MN Winona State University

Theresa Swedzinski Drew Tarnowski Milroy, MN Superior, MN South Dakota State University Concordia University

Paul Tauber Jorden Taveirne Lucas Teiken Wheaton, MN Glenwood, MN Waubun, MN MN State University-Moorhead Carlson School - Univ. of MN Bemidji State University

Aaron Terres Rogers , MN St. Cloud State University

Amanda Thurmes St. Michael, MN University of St. Thomas

Andrea Thurmes St. Michael, MN Concordia College

John Tix Hastings, MN Univ. of WI-Stephens Point

Andrea Tobias San Jose, CA College of St. Benedict

Aaron Torborg Richmond, MN University of MN-Crookston

Andrew Treinen Ortonville, MN University of MN-Duluth

Patrick Tschida Watertown, MN Viterbo University

Jessica Turnquist St. Michael, MN St. Cloud State University

Dana Underdahl Bloomington, MN University of WI-Eau Claire

Erin Underdahl Bloomington, MN Luther College

Brittney Vander Eyk St. Cloud, MN Concordia College

Jakob Voight Jamestown, ND University of MN-Crookston

Nicholas Vondrashek Rochester , MN Lawrence University

Amanda Wagner Webster, MN St. Cloud State University

Kara Waibel Searles, MN So. Central Technical College

Daniel Wallrich Saint Paul, MN University of St. Thomas

Anna Wanzek Fargo, ND Notre Dame

Mathew Warnert Maple Grove, MN University of WI-Madison

Jeffrey Watson Ortonville, MN University of North Dakota

Nicole Weis Stacyville, IA University of Northern Iowa

Margaret Weiss Hastings, MN College of St. Catherine

Kevin Welle Freeport, MN St. John’s University

Barry Wellnitz James Wentz Louisburg, MN Rochester, MN N.D. State College of Science Loyola University

Adam Wentzel DeGraff, MN Ridgewater College-Willmar

Jacob Werner Britney Weronka Perham, MN Green Bay, WI North Dakota State University University of WI-Oshkosh

Derek Wiechmann Freeport, MN St. Mary’s University-Winona

Ellyn Wiechmann New Richmond, WI University of WI-River Falls

Jena Wiehoff St. Cloud, MN College of St. Benedict

Joshua Wildt Rochester, MN North Dakota State University

Emily Willems Waconia, MN MN State Univ. - Mankato

Amanda Willenbring Richmond, MN University of MN-Morris

Kailee Willert Grasston, MN Century College

Joshua Williams Chaska, MN Iowa State University

Blake Windey Marshall, MN SW MN State University

Mary Claire Wingert Plainview, MN Rochester Cmnty & Tech Coll.


July/August 2009

Cindy Willenbring Richmond, MN St. Cloud Technical College

Ashley Wobbe Rebecca Woelfel Wabasha, MN Wabasso, MN Rochester Cmnty & Tech Coll. Dakota State University

Jessica Wold Belgrade, MN Ridgewater College-Willmar

Bradley Wollum Canby, MN St. Cloud State University

Joshua Wyffels Kayla Yarusso Madelia, MN Lake Elmo, MN MN State University-Mankato University of North Dakota

Amy Zachman Albertville, MN N. Hennepin Cmnty College

Kristen Zenner Belgrade, MN University of MN-Twin Cities

Keni Zenner Belgrade, MN University of MN-Morris

Rachel Ziegler Alexandria, MN College of St. Benedict

Evan Zachmann St. Michael, MN University of WI-LaCrosse

Anna Younger Coleman, WI University of WI-Green Bay

Alyssa Zieglmeier St. Cloud, MN College of St. Benedict

The following students, not pictured, also received scholarship awards from Catholic Aid in 2009. Jacob Achen Sauk Centre, MN University of MNTwin Cities Cody Aderholdt Townsend, WI University of WIGreen Bay Britta Anderson Champlin, MN College of St. Benedict Kolten Anderson Rainier, WA South Puget Sound Community College

Natalie DePalma Eagan, MN Winona State University

Caitlin Gruidl Champlin, MN Winona State University

Carol Dillenburg Pine City, MN Northern Michigan University

Joseph Halloran Bloomington, MN University of Kansas

Josh Eiden St. Bonifacius, MN Winona State University

Mary Hefer Northfield, MN Hennepin Technical College - Eden Prairie

Michael Erickson Wilson, WI Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College

Matt Horning Willmar, MN St. John’s University

Emma Berg-Arnold Saint Joseph, MN Benedictine College

Brianna Fake Delano, MN North Hennepin Community College

Joseph Betcher Hastings, MN University of WI-Madison

Angelyn Feldhage Cold Spring, MN St. Cloud State University

Erin Bray Spring, TX Texas A & M University

Samuel Feldhage Cold Spring, MN St. Cloud Technical College

Theresa Burkhardt Wabasha, MN Rochester Community & Technical College Stephanie Cagle Duluth, MN University of MN-Duluth Tonya Carroll Adams, MN Rochester Community & Technical College Jasmine Davis Maple Plain, MN Normandale Community College Philip Day Mitchell, SD University of NE-Lincoln Emily DePalma Eagan , MN University of MNTwin Cities

Shane Gall Pierz, MN St. Cloud State University Kevin Gapinski St. Cloud, MN St. Cloud Technical College Jacob Gerten Farmington, MN University of MNTwin Cities Jesse Grimes Northfield, MN University of St. Thomas Cristian Grubish Waterville, MN South Central Technical College-Mankato

Shelby Hoyer Morris, MN Moorhead State University Krystin Husmann Zimmerman, MN University of MN-Duluth Mary Kenney Roseville, MN St. Louis University Kimbrilee Klaphake Freeport, MN University of MN-Duluth Shelby Knight Elk River, MN Collin Community College Ashley Knoff Yankton, SD South Dakota State University Cody Kraus Porter, MN South Dakota State University Brady Langlois Crookston, MN Bemidji State University Levi Lawinger Sauk Centre, MN North Dakota State University

Hannah Linz Watkins, MN North Dakota State University

Joseph Paquette Brooklyn Park, MN University of MNTwin Cities

Carey Shay Albany, MN Dakota County Technical College

Evan Warnert Sauk Rapids, MN Minot State University

William Lueck Winona, MN University of St. Thomas

Sam Paquin St. Joseph, MN College of St. Scholastica

Stephen Siegle Carver, MN Winona State University

Lisa Wegman Dover, MN Luther College

Phillip Maniak Brooklyn Park, MN Hennepin Technical College-Brooklyn Park

Michael Pauly Jordan, MN North Dakota State University

Katherine Sliker Milwaukee, WI College of Santa Fe

Erin Wermerskirchen New London, MN College of St. Scholastica

Michelle McCoy Cannon Falls, MN Luther College

Joshua Prudhomme Crookston, MN North Dakota State University

Hannah Molitor St. Cloud, MN Ridgewater CollegeWillmar Kayce Moua Mankato, MN MN West Comm & Tech College-Granite Falls Angela Mueller Cold Spring, MN University of MN-Duluth Kristen Nelson Bemidji, MN Northwest Technical College-Bemidji Isaac Noterman Adams, MN MN West Comm & Tech College-Jackson Abby Oeffling Loretto, MN North Dakota State University Kristin Oney Robbinsdale, MN College of St. Catherine Bethany Ostendorf Avon, MN St. Cloud State University Ashley Overman Freeport, MN MN State UniversityMoorhead

Kelsey Robling Waconia, MN Northern State University Jonathon Schiller Farmington, MN Minneapolis Business College Kirsten Schiller Hastings, MN University of WIRiver Falls Beth Schmitz Garden City , MN South Dakota State University Emily Schmitz Garden City , MN Normandale Community College Danielle Schmitz Wadena, MN University of MN-Morris Braxton Schouten Grand Rapids, MN Indiana UniversityIndianapolis Brandon Schulzetenberg Freeport, MN North Dakota State University

Winston Smith Adams, MN Riverland Community College-Austin

Danielle Wilson Maplewood, MN Winona State University

Stephanie Smith Woodbury, MN College of St. Catherine Claire Spano Bloomington, MN Winona State University Sarah Stoddard Rockford, MN Ridgewater CollegeWillmar

Megan Wingert Plainview, MN St. Olaf College Ashley Witte Champlin, MN Southwest Minnesota State University

Cameron Sutherland Delano, MN Undecided

Andrew Yetzer Lakeville, MN University of WI-LaCrosse

Cassandra Swartzer Montrose, MN University of WIEau Claire

Jacob Yetzer Lakeville, MN University of MNTwin Cities

Emily Theis Cold Spring, MN MSCTC-Fergus Falls

Katherine Yurczyk Avon, MN St. Cloud Technical College

Landon Treftz Yankton, SD South Dakota State University

Elizabeth Zinda Holloway, MN College of St. Benedict

Carly Vaplon Kellogg, MN St. Cloud State University Kevin Vickerman Chaska, MN Winona State University Nicholas Wagner Hampton, MN University of WI-Madison

Matthew Wingard Elk River, MN North Dakota State University

Zachary Zinda Holloway, MN University of WI-Madison Philip Zorn Red Wing, MN Winona State University

July/August 2009


CAA Cookbook

From our kitchen to yours! About These Recipes: Get ready for summer picnics with these light and fruity dishes. The pineapple salad is sweet enough for dessert and the ramen noodle salad is a popular side dish. Your meals will be so popular, picnic guests might just raid your recipe box! Cranberry Onion Chicken

Pineapple Salad

Ingredients: Ingredients:


1c ½c ½c 8 oz 8 oz 1/3 c 1 lg can

Mix together crushed pretzels, butter, and sugar. Spread mixture on baking sheet. Bake for 5 minutes at 350 degrees. Mix together softened cream cheese, cool whip, sugar, and drained crushed pineapple. Add half of the pretzel mix to the cream cheese mixture. Let chill in the fridge. Just before serving put the remainder of the pretzel mixture on top.

crushed pretzels butter sugar cream cheese cool whip sugar crushed pineapple (drained)

Servings: 10 Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 5 minutes

Ramen Noodle Salad Ingredients: 2 pkg 1 pkg 1c 1c 1 1c ½c 1/3 c

beef Ramen noodles cabbage slaw sunflower seeds toasted almonds bunch green onions oil sugar vinegar

Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: none Servings: 10

July/August 2009

1 can ½c 3

packet dry Lipton onion soup cranberry sauce (whole) French dressing boneless, skinless chicken breasts

Preparation Mix together lipton onion soup, cranberry sauce, and French dressing. Spread thin layer on bottom of pan, lay chicken breasts on top, then spread the rest on top of the chicken. Cover the pan with aluminum foil. Put in the fridge for 1 ½ hours. Then bake for 1 ½ hours at 350 degrees. Servings: 3 (Adjust with how much

Preparation Crumble the ramen noodles adn mix with cabbage slaw, sunflower seeds, toasted almonds, and chopped green onions. In a seperate bowl mix together the oil, sugar, vinegar, and 2 packages of the beef flavoring from the the ramen noodles package. Pour the oil mixture over the noodles and chill.

If your family has a recipe that you or your friends rave about, send it to us to share with the whole CAA neighborhood:



chicken you use – can be easily doubled or tripled) Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 1 ½ hours

This is the season when fruit is ripe, delicious and cheap. Take advantage of it; go to your local grocery store or your backyard garden to pick up raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, pears, apples, and oranges. Get your serving of vegatables now too from the local farmer’s market of aspargus, carrots, peppers, lettuce, celery, and cucumbers.

Income for a lifetime You may think of it as the impossible dream, but income for a lifetime can be a reality. According to Catholic Aid’s Director of Sales Tom Schisler and Tom Schisler Director of Sales Special Cases Officer John Tetzloff, immediate annuities are getting a long look from many seniors and other near-retirees because the guaranteed rates they are paying are currently better than a lot of other retirement accounts. Schisler says the reasoning is simple. “A lot of retirement accounts the rule of thumb is that you can take out 4 percent per year plus an adjustment for inflation so your account will not run out of money before you die. With today’s historic low interest though, you can put that same money in an immediate annuity and you can get as much as 8 percent of the initial investment paid to you annually, guaranteed for life.” Essentially, the same balance at the beginning of your retirement can give you a lot more payout with an immediate annuity. There are some things to consider though, Tetzloff says. Access to the principal may be lost, and the payments may stop when the annuitant dies. But over all, it can be a great vehicle for augmenting your retirement income. “There are a lot of options with annuities,” Tetzloff says. “Most importantly, they’re a way to lock-in a guaranteed rate. Today, with near-record low interest rates, annuities are one of the best purchases you can make.”

Val & Kathleen Henning

Beata & don Huebsch

Henning Val and Kathleen Henning will celebrate the 65th anniversary of their wedding vows Sunday, August 9. The Sauk Rapids, Minn. couple will attend 10 a.m. Mass at St. Augustine’s Church and then a private reception hosted by their seven children and their spouses, 14 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Val and Kathleen (Reitmaier) were married October 26, 1944 at St. Peter and Paul’s Church in Richmond, MN. Heubsch Don and Beata Huebsch were married June 15, 1949 by Don’s brother Fr. Vincent at St. Henry’s Church in Perham, Minn. To celebrate the 60th anniversary of their vows, the couple who now live in Mt. Angel, Ore., joined family and friends at the home of their daughter on June 21. On hand to celebrate were their eight children, 20 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren.

Here’s your Chance To support your school!

Announcing the 2009 Catholic Aid Association Catholic Schools Raffle. With the ambitious goal of raising $100,000 for Catholic Schools between September 14 and October 28, 2009, Catholic Aid is putting on a statewide raffle. All costs associated with the administration of the Raffle will be borne by Catholic Aid. This includes purchasing prizes, creating and printing materials and tickets and holding the drawing. Children attending the Catholic schools that have chosen to participate will sell tickets for $5 a piece to friends family and parishioners. The schools collect the money and keep it, sending the ticket stubs to the Catholic Aid Home Office where a public drawing will take place on October 30, 2009. Prizes include a brand new Ford Edge, vacations at Breezy Point, Samsung flat-panel TVs and Apple Ipods. Go to www. to find out more. July/August 2009


Minutes of the May 14, 2009 The meeting opened at 9:45 am at the Home Office with a prayer led by Director John Maile and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. All directors were present. Mr. Kueppers moved and Mr. Gmach seconded that the minutes for the April Board meeting be approved as written; the motion was approved unanimously. The Investment Report was discussed. CAA continues to follow its policies very strictly. The Report now includes historical cost as well as market value on mutual funds. CAA’s investments continue to perform relatively well despite narrowing yields. Most recent purchases may indicate mild improvement in yields. Annuity rates will drop by 50 basis points effective June 1 in recognition of current yields. There was also a review of the CAA financial report as of March 31, 2009. A request was made to provide more details on Real Estate held. Approval of the report was moved by Mr. Bastian and seconded by Mr. Kueppers; motion was passed unanimously. With regard to Policy Governance, Chairman McGovern reviewed the following: • Treatment of Staff: Mr. Bastian moved and Ms. Barten seconded that this be approved; motion carried. • Financial Budgeting: Mr. Kueppers moved and Mr. Gmach seconded that


May/June 2009

CAA Board of Directors

this be approved; motion carried. • CEO Limitations: Ms. Pauly moved and Mr. Kueppers seconded that this be approved; motion carried. • Ends Policies: Mr. Kueppers moved and Mr. Maile seconded, that this be approved; motion carried. • The Accountability of CEO, Delegation to the CEO and Shared Responsibility of Senior VP and Secretary/ Treasurer policies were all reviewed. The Investment Policy was briefly reviewed and several minor typographical corrections were noted. The Board voted, via a motion by Mr. Kueppers and a second by Mr. Bastian, that the Board review more fully after the Investment Committee meets to discuss the Policy. The Board then reviewed an additional Annual Contributions request from a metro area school. The Board discussed this request and granted an amount to be paid over several years. This was largely due to the school’s extraordinary efforts and results in promoting vocations. Mr. McGovern made a motion, which was revised by Ms. Pauly, seconded by Mr. Bastian and unanimously approved by the Board to take this action. Chairman McGovern delivered the President’s Report. • STOLI regulation passed in the House and will be signed by the Governor. This is our desired outcome.

• Mr. McGovern and Mr. Borrmann updated the Board on recent efforts by the Legislature to take away from insurers such as CAA the right to dictate terms of our agents’ E&O coverage. A compromise was reached which is quite acceptable to CAA. • The status of our Credit Union and its relationship with the North Dakota Priests’ Credit Union was discussed. The merger is moving forward on schedule. It was noted that the Credit Union Annual Meeting will seek to approve this merger. • Both life and annuity business continue to trend robustly upward; most importantly, we are seeing the best new member growth, and member retention, we have seen in many years. Our net membership shows an increase year-to-date. • The June Board meeting will be in La Crosse, WI; there will also be a Mass said by the Bishop, the Board meeting and luncheon at the Diocesan Center. • It was noted that all Board members up for reelection have submitted their intentions, in writing, to run again at the 2009 Convention. No other names have been submitted for election to this point. Subsequent to the meeting, and prior to the dissemination of these minutes, a member did in fact submit their name for Board consid-

eration. Details will be reviewed at the next Board meeting. Chairman McGovern and Harald Borrmann then led a broad and detailed discussion about growth opportunities via merger and acquisition within the fraternal community. While opportunities may in fact exist, after much thorough discussion by all members of the Board, and examples of costs and benefits of potential business combinations, the Board believes that only those opportunities where there is a clear and definable benefit to our members should be pursued. Mr. Polacyzk moved, and Mr. Kueppers seconded that while a merger might be a good option at some time, the Board’s present position is not to pursue any current opportunities; this motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Borrmann reported on the ongoing efforts of Risk Management at CAA, including Physical Plant needs inventory, IS security (including data encryption), and Human Resources. He and Deborah Gephart are engaged in a review of the group insurance/benefits program for CAA employees as well as the property/casualty needs of CAA. Mr. Gmach led the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 3:05 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for June 11, 2009, in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

In loving memory of our deceased members June 2009 Mildred Baltes, 93 Union Hill, MN St. John

Leroy Bauer, 76 Marystown, MN St. Anthony

Patricia Baune, 60 Bird Island, MN St. Mary

Clarence Becker, 84 Hastings, MN St. Eliz Ann Seton

Michael Becker, 52 Union Hill, MN St. John

Eldor Berg, 75 New Ulm, MN St. Boniface

Mary Jane Berg, 71 Dimock, SD St. John the Baptist

Ernest F. Bianchi, 77 Minneapolis, MN St. Boniface

John Bravo, 72 St. Peter, MN St. Peter’s

Helen Brick, 94

Aberdeen, SD SS Joseph & Ann

Francis Busch, 87 Union Hill, MN St. John

Victor Degrood, 79 Faribault, MN

SS. Lawrence & Anna

John Dittberner, 73 St. Paul, MN SS Peter & Clemens

Charles Donovan, 86 Yankton, SD Sacred Heart

Casey Duchsherer, 22 Strasburg, ND St. Mary

William Ellenbecker, 66 Little Falls, MN Tri Parish

Hildegarde Fischer, 84 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface

Margaret Fischer, 89 Wabasso, MN St. Anne

Arnold Gimpl, 73

Bemidji, MN Our Lady of the Snow

Theresa Gorghuber, 85 Bertha, MN St. Joseph

Dorothy Graves, 84 Parkston, SD Holy Cross/St. Mary

Gumpert Gruenke, 85 Albany, MN St. Joseph

Mildred Heck, 82

Parkston, SD Holy Cross/St. Mary

Bernadine Hennen, 92 Rockville, MN Mary Imm Conception

Marlene Henry, 51

Melrose, MN SS Bernard/Elizabeth

Margaret Howard, 87 Bird Island, MN St. Mary

Alfred Janisch, 68 Ellsworth, WI St. Joseph

Julianna Kahl, 75 Buckman, MN St. MIchael

Bernard Kalkhoff, 86 Morgan, MN St. Michael

Alice Kelzer, 91 Victoria, MN St. Victoria

Elda Lenneman, 76 St. Michael, MN St. Michael

Roger Lieser, 42

Belgrade, MN St. Francis De Sales

William Masanz, 86 St. Paul, MN SS. Peter & Clemens

Richard Menke, 70 Jordan, MN St John the Baptist

Joseph Mergen, 80 Farming, MN St. Catherine

Julia Naughton, 95 Chaska, MN Guardian Angels

Mathias Neudecker, 82 Clements, MN St. Jospeh

Dennis Newinski, 64 Minneapolis, MN St. Boniface

Adeline Paquette, 87 Minneapolis, MN St. Ann’s

Caroline Pelzel, 96 Wabasso, MN St. Anne

Eleanor Perszyk, 79 Perham, MN Holy Family

Leondard Schlegel, 81

Rogers, MN Mary Queen of Peace

Olivia Schulz, 105 New Ulm, MN St. Elizabeth

Glen Thieschafer, 52 Melrose, MN SS Bernard/Elizabeth

Donna Wersal, 80 Bird Island, MN St. Mary

May 2009 Douglas J. Amberg, 70 Bird Island, MN St. Mary

Maurice J. Burns, 89 St. Charles, MN Saint Isidore

Donald A. Busch, 85 Union Hill, MN St. John

Josephine Differding, 87 Wilno, MN SS Cyril & Methodius

Linda L. Dunlap, 61 Cologne, MN St. Bernard

Lloyd A. Ebert, 77 St. Bonifacius, MN St. Boniface

Lorraine Ehresmann, 79

St. Martin, MN St. Martin

Andrew E. Gill, 42 Jacobs Prairie, MN St. Jacob

Daniel Gruber, 86 New Ulm, MN St. Joseph

Caroline Isaacson, 92 Kimball, MN Holy Cross

Lucille E. Jonas, 77 Waite Park, MN St. Joseph

Gerald H. Koll, 84

Kandiyohi, MN St. Francis of Assisi

Marian Kremer, 88 St. Cloud, MN St. Michael

Julius Kreye, 86 Wabasha, MN

SS Joseph/Kunigunda

Robert J. Kroiss, 88

St. Paul, MN S. Anthony- Maria Hilf

Rose B. Kulisek, 93

Faribault, MN SS. Lawrence & Anna

Lloyd C. Kunkel, 70 Kimball, MN Holy Cross

Thomas Lange, 85 Upsala, MN St. Mary’s

Lawrence Lentz, 79

Sharo Willard, 66

Henry N. Marxen, 92

Lauren Zvorak, 68

Mankato, MN Holy Family

Loretto, MN SS. Peter & Paul

St. Paul, MN SS Peter & Clemens Redwood Falls, MN Holy Rosary

Robert J. McCoy, 85

New Trier, MN St. Nicholas/Theresa

Arthur B. Miller, 89 Sauk Centre, MN St. Paul

Marcella Olson, 88 St. Paul, MN SS. Peter & Clemens

Kevin K. Pahl, 51

Bloomington, MN SS. Ann & Wendelinus

Beverly A. Pillatzke, 75 Sykeston, ND SS. Joseph/Elizabeth

Georgine Portner, 80 New Ulm, MN St. Elizabeth

Rose Schoenberg, 91 Paynesville, MN St. Louis

Raymond Sieg, 88

Sleepy Eye, MN St. Mary

Lorraine Strawsell, 56 Callaway, MN St. Joseph

Delores Swanson, 82 Perham, MN Holy Family

John Tautges, 96 Gibbon, MN St. Willibrord

Edwin Theis, 84 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface

Selma Tschida, 91 Meire Grove, MN St. John

Mark A. Vetsch, 45 Albertville, MN St. Albert

Gertrude Wardwell, 94 Winona, MN SS Joseph/Elizabeth

David Wild, 81

Bemidji, MN Our Lady of the Snow

July/August 2009




very year, culinary artisans around the world strain their collective brains to bring Minnesotans the latest taste treat that can be consumed while attached to a stick. These foodie maestros have brough us mac and cheese on a stick, key lime pie on a stick and even the deep fried Twinkie™ on a stick. However, the latest invention on a stick is celebrating its second year, and it has more to do with feeding your spiritual appetite than your desire for deep-fried taste treats. Catholic Aid Association is proud to sponsor Theology on a Stick, a unique ministry that is bringing the Gospel to the masses at the Minnesota State Fair. Created, staffed and operated by the Cathedral Young Adults group from the Cathedral of St. Paul, Theology on a Stick offers five nights of interactive entertainment and spiritual substance to young people attending the state fair. Over 700 young people attended evening ToS sessions last year, and the Cathedral Young Adults group hopes to top that number in August and September of this year. Catholic Aid members who are attending the fair this year from Aug. 27 to Sept. 7 are invited to join the Cathedral Young Adults group for these engaging evenings. More information can be found at their website, Theology on a Stick volunteers invite fair goers into St. Bernard’s Bulldog Lodge for live music, panel discussions and guest speakers, all relating to the Catholic faith.

Theology on a Stick State Fair Schedule • • • •

Friday, Aug. 28 Saturday, Aug. 29 Wednesday, Sept. 2 Friday, Sept. 4

• Saturday, Sept. 5 Events held nightly include testimonials, live music and entertainment, Grill the Priests, panel discussions and guest speakers. Don’t forget to visit and say hello to Catholic Aid reps and friends!


July/August 2009

Catholic Aid Kids Cool Kid

Name: Elijah Elkerton Age: 9 Hometown: Blaine, Minn. School: Westwood Intermediate The juice on Julia!

Elijah is a sports fanatic! He loves football, basketball, baseball and hockey. He likes hanging out with his big brother Zep and shooting hoops. When he’s not playing sports, he’s playing an instrument - the guitar or the piano. He also likes to read, especially about sports records. Watch out Duke University, Elijah’s ambition is to play football for the Blue Devils. Be the Sept./Oct. Cool Kid! Fill out the puzzles on this page as best you can and submit them to the Catholic Aid Journey. One winner will get a Catholic Aid T-shirt and a special prize! Include your name, age and phone number and send to: Catholic Aid Association, 3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55126.

July/August 2009

Catholic Aid Kids

Incredible Saints artwork and games ©2009 Mario D. Macari. All rights reserved.


ye on the Industry Your sneak peek into current trends of the fraternal life insurance industry Annualized Premium Sales 1st Quarter 2009 Compared to 2008

Fraternal companies buck life insurance industry sales decline of early 2009 A recent published report on first quarter life insurance sales for 2009 revealed the largest drop in the sale of life insurance, 26 percent, in more than 60 years. According to LIMRA, a life insurance industry organization of which Catholic Aid is a member, this was the largest industry decline since 1943. Despite this dismal news for the industry, fraternal companies including Catholic Aid Association are bucking this trend and posting strong sales figures for 2009. Why? Catholic Aid Sales Director Tom Schisler says that the reputations of fraternal companies are strong, and people are turning to that strength “Catholic Aid life insurance sales have increased in the first half of 2009. This is mainly due to CAA’s long history of safety and security, which is valued in these turbulent times,” said Tom Schisler, director of Catholic Aid’s Sales Department. “Our number of applications are down slightly compared to last year; premium face amounts are up.” The life insurance product that saw the largest reduction in sales was variable life insurance, which posted a 61 percent drop in 2009 first quarter sales when compared to 2008. Schisler said this large decline doesn’t affect CAA because the company does not offer variable life products. According to LIMRA statistics, mutual and fraternal life insurance companies fared much better than their stock and brokerage counterparts during the first quarter of


July/August 2009

Source: LIMRA, U.S. Marketplace, July 2009

30 20 10




-10 -20 -30


-40 Stock Companies

Mutual Companies

2009 (see graph above). Mutual companies reported decreased sales of 13 percent. However, fraternal companies as a whole reports a 26 percent increase compared to the first quarter of 2008. Why are sales with fraternal companies doing so much better than their mutual and private life insurance counterparts? LIMRA credits the close relationships that fraternals have with their members, and the perception that fraternal companies have a stronger reputation for trust and security in uncertain financial times. “It’s evident in the current market that trust in the consumer/producer/carrier relationship is important,” LIMRA experts concluded.

NFCA asked to help National Guard families

The message from the White House to fraternals is this: you are needed. A recent meeting between leaders of fraternal societies and the White House Office of Faith-based

Fraternal Companies

and Neighborhood Partnerships in Washington, D.C. was a positive one, reported Joseph Annotti, president of the National Fraternal Congress of America in July. Administration officials were reportedly impressed with the large network of fraternal lodges (like Catholic Aid councils) fraternal societies operate around the nation and the industry’s long history of service to local communities. In a recent blog post, Annotti encouraged members of fraternals to visit, a website dedicated to reporting positive stories of Americans serving each other, and publicizing service opportunities. The Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships is also asking fraternals to hold events to commemorate 9/11, and to connect with local National Guard families with members who are on active duty. Visit to search for volunteer activities by zip code.


Field Representatives in Your Area Mike Barten

Gary Gall, FIC

Matt Bugnacki, FIC

Gregory Gall, FIC

Greg Steele

Dean Demarais, FIC

Tim Parks

Bob Wieber, FIC

320-987-3296 Sauk Centre, Elrosa, West Union

320-251-8163 St. Cloud, Waite Park, Sartell, Sauk Rapids, Foley, Rice

763-263-2450 Becker, Princeton, Zimmerman

320-229-0717 S. St. Cloud, Clear Lake, Clearwater, Little Falls

763-390-7992 Brainerd, Baxter, Nisswa, Cross Lake, Pequot Lakes

763-753-5758 Anoka, Ham Lake, Ramsey, Coon Rapids

320-685-8899 Cold Spring, St. Joseph, Kimball, Watkins

Dave Ehlert, FIC

218-924-4118 Long Prairie, Sebeka, Menahga, Wadena

Bob Sorensen, FIC, FLMI

320-836-2617 Melrose, Freeport, St. Rosa, Greenwald

Peter Spaniol, FIC

763-682-6001 Annandale, Buffalo, Maple Lake

320-363-7462 Regional Manager

Shawn Ehlert, FIC

320-845-6612 Albany, Avon, Bowlus, Upsala, Holdingford

Regional Events Join your Field Reps at these events

The Catholic Aid members of St. William’s Catholic Church in Parkers Prairie, Minn., will host a Fall Festival with a hamburger and hot dog stand and games. For more information, please contact Bob Wieber 218-924-4118.



The Catholic Aid School Raffle Fundraiser begins on this day and runs through Oct. 28. To learn more about the raffle or to learn if a Catholic school near you is participating, call 651-765-6555.




Sacred Heart Council in Freeport, Minn. will host their Matching Grant breakfast from 8:30 to 12:30 PM at the church. For more information, please contact Field Representative Dave Ehlert at 320.836.2617.


July/August 2009



Field Representatives in Your Area Roger Bauer, FIC

651-437-6026 Hastings, Cannon Falls, Red Wing

Rick Mathiowetz, FIC

Mary Harens, FIC

Jeff Plank, FIC


Scott County

Robb Smith, FIC

952-938-5859 Northeast Minneapolis, Fridley, St. Anthony

507-457-0413 Wabasha, Rollingstone

651-295-2040 St. Paul area

Jon Ginther

Susan Stenzel,

Roger Reitmaier, FIC

612-644-0563 Plymouth, Rogers, West Suburbs

ChFC, LUTCF, FIC 507-282-1793 Rochester, Adams, Johnsburg

507-454-4979 Winona

Peter Ryan, FIC 763-972-8283 Delano, St. Michael, Albertville

Dawn Walker

608-539-5121 La Crosse and surrounding area

Gary Rosendahl

952-445-4790 Burnsville

Sam Welter, FIC 952-448-4865 Chaska, Glencoe, Winstead

Carol Lindner, FIC, LUTCF 952-657-2210 Waconia, Victoria, St. Bonifacius

Ryan Selleck, FIC 952-933-0780 S. Minneapolis, Richfield, Bloomington, Minnetonka

Patrick Brown, FIC 888-412-9766 Regional Manager

Michael Gross

651-641-1740 Mahtomedi, St. Paul, Roseville

Keith Jereczek

651-337-1807 Woodbury, Cottage Grove, Stillwater

Regional Events

Join your Field Reps at these events St. Stephen’s Catholic Aid Council in Anoka, Minn. will host their Council Meeting in the Crosier Room at St. Stephen’s Parish at 7 p.m. Please contact Field Representative Tim Parks at 763.753.5758 for more information.



The Catholic Aid School Raffle Fundraiser begins on this day and runs through Oct. 28. To learn more about the raffle or to learn if a Catholic school near you is participating, call 651-765-6555.



St. Stephen’s Catholic Aid Council in Anoka, Minn. will host their Council Pot Luck at 6 p.m. in FCC 1. Please contact Field Representative Tim Parks at 763.753.5758 for more information.



July/August 2009



Field Representatives in Your Area Butch Byers, FICF

Bob Skillings

605-665-4756 Yankton, Mitchell and surrounding area

507-354-7593 New Ulm

Dan Klecker, FIC

Doug Martinka, FIC, CLF

Curtis Wangen

605-336-3930 Sioux Falls and surrounding area

866-942-7710 Winthrop, Redwood Falls, Gibbon

Mike Matuska, FIC

888-799-1257 Regional Manager

Brett Cummings

Dean Warta, FIC

507-345-1324 Mankato, Nicollet, St. Peter, St. James

612-715-5545 Faribault, Farmington, Lakeville, Northfield, Rosemount

800-807-8616 Sleepy Eye, Springfield, Morgan, Comfrey

Regional Events

Join your Field Reps at these events Aug.




15th Annual Bishop’s Charity Golf Classic on Aug. 16 and 17 will benefit the Broom Tree Youth and Family Camp, at the Minnehaha Country Club. For more information call 605988-3765.

Bishop’s Youth Hunt for youth ages 12 to 15 will be held Oct. 6 and 7. For more information or questions please contact the Catholic Foundation office at 605-988-3788





14th Annual Bishop’s Charity Hunt will be held Sept. 28 and 29, in Kimball, S.D. benefitting the St. Raphael Fund for the military and their families. Contact the Catholic Fundation at 605-988-3788 for more details.

The Catholic Aid School Raffle Fundraiser begins on this day and runs through Oct. 28. To learn more about the raffle or to learn if a Catholic school near you is participating, call 651-765-6555.



Annual South Dakota Right to Life State Convention will be held on Saturday, Oct, 10 at Oahe Hills Country Club in Mobridge, S.D.

July/August 2009


Field Representatives in Your Area


Rebecca Anderson

Denise Degerstrom, FIC

Sarah Price

Luke Bauman, FIC

Becky King, FIC

Greg Tallier, FIC

John Klocke, FIC

Lyle Turbes, FIC

320-769-4642 Dawson, Canby, Madison, Morris

320-384-0339 Braham, Cambridge, Isanti, Mora

320-763-4835 Alexandria, Glenwood, Brandon, Osakis

218-841-4600 Detroit Lakes, New York Mills, Perham

Candee Cloos

605-862-6134 Melbank, Ortonville, Watertown

888-274-0459 Fargo, Moorhead, Grand Forks

605-262-0957 Aberdeen and surrounding area

715-473-3844 Wabeno, Antigo, Pelican Lake

320-222-6422 Hutchinson, Willmar, Kandiyohi

Mike Kirchhoff, FIC

Donna Cushman, FIC

Dan Markell

218-739-1617 Fergus Falls, Breckenridge, Elbow Lake, Pelican Rapids

507-530-6433 Pipestone, Marshall, Ivanhoe

218-391-9444 Duluth, Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Cloquet Regional Manager, Northeast

Mike Bredeck, FICF

800-504-6805 Regional Manager, North

Regional Events

Join your Field Reps at these events The Catholic Aid School Raffle Fundraiser begins on this day and runs through Oct. 28. To learn more about the raffle or to learn if a Catholic school near you is participating, call 651-765-6555.



Catholic Aid members of St. Bonaventure in Underwood, N.D. will host their annual Fall Chicken Supper from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the church. Adults are $7 and children 6-12 are $4, children under 5 are free. Menu consists of salad bar, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, homemade buns, dessert and beverages. For more information, please contact Regional Manager Mike Bredeck at 320.598.7380.



July/August 2009


Catholic Aid Association 3499 Lexington Ave. N. St. Paul, MN 55126-8098

Your Field Representative: Your Council Name:

Share the Benefits & win big!

We’re nuts for new members! Our goal is for each council to gain 10 new members by 2010, and we need your help! Catholic Aid will award cash prizes to the councils and individuals whose referrals join us. There will be awards for meeting goals and for those who bring in the most new members.

Get the kit!

At the 2009 Annual Convention, each delegation will receive their 2009 Membership Drive Tool Kit. Enclosed will be tools to help you tell the Catholic Aid story to your neighbors, friends, and other parishioners. Have fun, talk about Catholic Aid’s work in your community and parish, and fill out a referral card on anyone who seems interested. Every new member that joins as a result of your referral counts toward your council and individual total. Remember, new membership is what keeps Catholic Aid strong and active in your community.

Tell ‘em what they’ve won!

* CounCils: Most referrals to become members - 1st Place $1,000; 2nd Place $750; 3rd Place $500; plus $200 to every council that meets the 10-new member goal.

* individuals: 1st Place $500; 2nd Place $250; 3rd Place $100; plus a $20 CAA merchandise

credit to the referring member for each referral that joins Catholic Aid . * Each referral that becomes a member will be counted for both the individual and council. * Referral cards must be postmarked by December 31, 2009, referred parties must become members of Catholic Aid by February 28, 2010 to be counted toward contest totals.

We re nuts for new members!

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