Multimodal Level of Service Guide for King County

Page 49

6.0 appendix


HCM 2010 Model Equations This section provides an overview of the equations incorporated into the HCM 2010 in relation to multimodal LOS. Additional equations, performance measures and explanations can be found in chapters 16, 17 and 18 of the HCM 2010. Pedestrian LOS: Urban Street Facility Pedestrian Facility LOS = (0.318 Segment + 0.220 Intersection + 1.606) * (RCDF) Pedestrian Segment LOS Score: Ped Seg LOS = -1.2276 ln (fLV x Wt + 0.5Wl + fp x %OSP + fb x Wb + fsw x Ws) + 0.0091(V/(4*PHF*L)) + 0.0004 SPD2 + 6.0468


= Directional volume of motorized vehicles in the direction closest to the pedestrian (vph)


= Peak hour factor


= Total number of through lanes for direction of traffic closest to pedestrians.


= Average running speed of motorized vehicle traffic (mph)

Pedestrian Intersection LOS Score: Ped Int LOS (Signal) = 0.00569(RTOR+PermLefts) + 0.00013(PerpTrafVol*PerpTrafSpeed) + 0.681(LanesCrossed0.514) + 0.0401ln(PedDelay) – TCI(0.0027PerpTrafVol – 0.1946) + 0.5997 Pedestrian Intersection LOS is a function of: •

Pedestrian Segment LOS is a function of: •

Vehicle volumes and speeds, % trucks, turning vehicles in crosswalk with peds, cross-street vehicle traffic and speeds, lanes on the cross street, delay waiting for “walk”.

Lateral separation between vehicles and pedestrians, presence and width of sidewalk, vehicle volumes and speeds, % trucks. RTOR+PermLefts

= Sum of the number of right-turn-on-red vehicles and the number of motorists making a permitted left turn in a 15 minute period


= Product of the traffic in the outside through lane of the street being crossed and the midblock 85th percentile speed of traffic on the street being crossed in a 15 minute period


= Low volume factor =1.00 unless AADT <=4,000, then fLV = (2 – 0.00025 * AADT)


= total width of outside lane (and shoulder) pavement


= Width of shoulder or bicycle lane or, if there is un-striped parking and %OSP≥25 then Wl=10 ft.


= On-street parking effect coefficient (= 0.50)


= Percent of segment with occupied on-street parking


= Buffer area coefficient = 5.37 for any continuous barrier, such as trees spaced 20 feet apart


= The number of lanes being crossed by the pedestrian


= Buffer width (distance between edge of pavement and sidewalk) (ft)


= Average number of seconds the pedestrian is delayed before being able to cross the intersection. If delay = zero, use 1.00 seconds.


= Sidewalk presence coefficient (fsw = 6 – 0.3Ws if Ws≤10, otherwise fsw = 3.00)


= Width of sidewalk (ft)


= Number of right turn channelization islands on the crossing. Can take on only the following values: 0, 1, or 2.

multimodal level of service in king county

Made possible by funding from the Department of Health and Human Services and Public Health – Seattle & King County

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