Celebration of Scholars

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Celebration of Scholars

The Bound: Journey to Overworld Matthew Gehrz, 2012

Major: Graphic Design and Theater 
 Hometown: Racine, Wis. Faculty Sponsor: Laura Huaracha

“The Bound: Journey to Overworld” is the beginning stage of what I hope to expand into my senior show for my Graphic Design degree next year. The ultimate goal is to have a gallery worth of concept art all centered on the fictional story I am writing entitled The Bound. This project includes a chapter from a graphic novel, a movie poster, and concept art for a video game. The combined samples piece together a synopsis for the story, introducing the main characters, their world, and the driving conflict of understanding the existence of a whole new world and its sudden appearance to life on Earth. I hope here to provide a subtle look at the fundamental truths and beliefs of my life such as the importance of staying true to one’s identity, no matter what; seeking a balance of strength from within and from without; and choosing to rise against any odds if your goal is worth fighting for. My work is centered on the creation of conceptual images by hand and by computer. At the end of the project I will present characters, locations, conflicts and other imaginative nuances that inhabit the world which I have envisioned. I plan to see this project through to its completion, and use it as portfolio work after I graduate from Carthage.

What Influences Underage Alcohol Use? Kristin Gierke, 2012

Major: Sociology 
 Hometown: Mount Prospect, Ill. Faculty Sponsor: Wayne Thompson

This research examines underage drinking as an ongoing occurrence that has a selection of facilitative factors. What causes youth to drink alcohol prior to being of legal age? There are predictive factors that will be reviewed within this study. The first predictor reviewed is one’s involvement in athletics, which has negative effects on alcohol use for adolescents. Another factor will be gender, as past researchindicates that males drink alcohol more frequently. Peer influences may increase exposure to positive evaluations that encourage drinking alcohol. Bonds with parents, schools and religion have a restraining influence, discouraging drinking. Differential association theory suggests that drinking alcohol is learned behavior, highlighting the importance of peers. Social control theory suggests that social bonds to conventional others, especially parents, provide a buffer against using alcohol since it might harm or compromise those relationships. Data come from the representative samples of adolescents who completed self-report questionnaires. Implications for social policy are suggested along with suggestions for basing policy on empirical findings.


Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements of Ground Basalt Compared to Soil Particle Size Erin Gross, 2013

Major: Physics/Pre-Engineering 
 Hometown: Madison, Wis. Faculty Sponsor: Kevin Crosby

Two laboratory experiments were conducted at the University of Arizona with Dr. Marcel Schaap in order to observe the saturated hydraulic conductivities (Ks), the ease with which water can flow through a saturated column of soil, of various particle sized basalt soils. Saturated hydraulic conductivities were determined for basalt, ground for 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes, in small columns that simulate surface soil. The rate of water flow, pressure head, cross-sectional area, and length of the column were recorded and used to get Ks values for each grind of basalt in the smaller columns. In order to witness how a soil profile would act however, Ks values were calculated in a larger column with 20 minute ground basalt. Tensiometers were placed equally among the column to measure the pressure head in 6 different sections in order to observe how Ks varies in longer soil dimensions. Statistical analysis was done on the soil particle size data and the average value will be compared to the saturated hydraulic conductivity of each basalt type. As the average value of soil particle size increases, the Ks value will decrease. Saturated hydraulic conductivity is a unique and important value that will be calculated on a small and large scale and compared to particle size in order to study how these values can affect soil water flow rates.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Max Grothman, 2013 
 Major: Accounting 
 Hometown: Green Bay, Wis. Faculty Sponsor: Julie Dawson

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance is an IRS-sponsored program designed to offer free tax preparation services to low-to-moderate income families who otherwise could not afford these services. Over 30 Carthage students volunteered this tax season with members of the United Way at the Kenosha Job Center. This volunteer program ensures that each client has an accurate tax return and receives every deserving tax credit. The service provided is crucial to the Kenosha community. Sessions run biweekly from February 1 through April 15; however, there is consistently more demand for tax preparation than can be fulfilled by preparers each Tuesday and Saturday. Carthage accounting professors instruct participants on how to complete the tax returns. Each student must complete IRS certification before volunteering at VITA. First year VITA volunteers often are certified at a basic level while returning volunteers are encouraged to become tax certified at higher levels to be able to complete more technical returns.VITA volunteers prepared 691 federal income tax returns in 2010, an increase of 27% compared to 2009. The refunds totaled $689,620 and saved clients $130,000 in tax preparation fees. Carthage students logged 800 volunteer hours in the 2009 tax season. These students gained the ability to ask technical questions, learned how to explain tax implications to clients, and were able see the tax code applied in a real world situation.

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