2023 Carmel Catholic High School Graduation Program

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Class of 2023 Commencement Ceremony

Class of 2023

Commencement Ceremony May 2023
Baccalaureate Mass

School Leadership

Board of Members

Rev. Carl Markelz, O.Carm.

Rev. Robert Colaresi, O.Carm.

Br. Daryl Moresco, O.Carm.

Sr. LaDonna Manternach, BVM

Sr. Karen Conover, BVM

Sr. Kate Hendel, BVM

Board of Directors

Dr. Daniel Abben

Mr. Charles Bartels, Vice Chair

Mr. Richard Caffarelli

Mr. Ric Elert, Chair

Sr. Margaret Geraghty, BVM

Ms. Julie Goodman ‘85

Rev. Gregory Houck, O.Carm.

Mr. Robert Hickey

Mr. Kenya Jackson

Ms. Amy (Johnson ‘87) Junge

Mrs. Marisue Lacher

Br. Thomas Murphy, O.Carm.

Hon. Michael Nerheim

Dr. Genice Reed-Daniels ‘86

Mr. Christopher Salvi ‘08

Rev. Jeffery Smialek, O.Carm.

Sr. Carol Spiegel, BVM

Mr. William Sturm

Mrs. Barb Sullivan

Dr. Lori (Van Erden ‘88) Ventura, Secretary


Dr. Bradley Bonham


Mr. Jason Huther

Centered in Jesus Christ, Carmel Catholic is a college preparatory high school, empowering students to be servant leaders filled with zeal for faith and scholarship. Rooted in the charisms of the Order of Carmelites and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Catholic community embraces a tradition of dignity, diversity, and justice.

Mrs. Haley Adams ‘12

Mrs. Jennifer Arvidson ‘00

Mr. Chris Avgerin

Mr. Steve Ballerine ‘89

Mr. Tim Barclay

Ms. Kathryn Battista

Mr. Benjamin Berg

Mr. Brian Bernhardt

Mrs. Michele Bertaud

Mrs. Kathleen Bidstrup

Mrs. Virginia Biegel

Mr. Brian Blaszczyk

Mrs. Kirsten Bobber

Dr. Bradley Bonham

Ms. Kristin Borrino

Mr. Nate Brill

Ms. Laura Budris ‘90

Mr. Mike Burback

Mrs. Jennifer Burkhalter ‘90

Mrs. Gina Carmody

Ms. Angelina Castillo

Ms. Courtney Ciampi

Mrs. Elizabeth Coppins

Mr. Robert Covek

Ms. Molly Daluga ‘06

Mrs. Julie Donner ‘99

Mr. Phil Donner

Ms. Theresa Donohoo

Mrs. Sarah Doyle ‘93

Mrs. Jessica Eccles

Mrs. Debbie Eppel

Mrs. Amelia Faulstick

Mrs. Andrea Fitzpatrick

Mr. Eric Franklin

Mrs. Kambra French

Mrs. Roberta Froemke

Mr. Brad Geary ‘81

Ms. Lisa Giebler

Mrs. Susan Gille

Ms. Tara Gille ‘07

Ms. Theresa Goh

Ms. Shannon Gomez

Mrs. Kathleen Griffin ‘68

Ms. Jiawei Gu

Mrs. Ana Gutierrez

Mr. Jose Gutierrez

Mr. Jim Halford

Mr. John Halloran

Faculty and Staff

Dr. Peggy Halloran

Mr. Carl Hansel

Mrs. Joyce Haqq ‘89

Mrs. Christine Hartnett

Mr. Dan Henrichs ‘92

Mr. Ryan Hornung

Ms. Suzanne Huntemann

Mr. Jason Huther

Ms. Erin Kerger

Ms. Krista Koellner

Mr. Ken Kordick

Mr. Raymond Krawzak

Mr. Joe Kreppein

Ms. Alanna Kurek

Mr. Robert Kuykendall

Mrs. Marisue Lacher

Mrs. Lydia Lang

Mrs. Shannon Lanphier ‘11

Mrs. Caitlin Lees

Mr. Brendan Leetch

Mrs. Ewelina Lenczewski

Ms. Kendra Lindell

Mrs. Shelley Lindgren

Mr. Mike Looby ‘75

Mrs. Erin Major ‘00

Mr. Manuel Marinez Garcia

Mr. Michael Masterton

Mr. Alejandro Mateo

Ms. Olivia McAleer

Mr. Jason McKie

Mr. Tim Meister

Mrs. Susan Meyle

Mr. Billy Moore

Ms. Esmeralda Mora

Mr. Cesar Morales

Ms. Maria Murczek

Ms. Billie Nickerson

Mrs. Rebecca Norton ‘02

Mrs. Bianca Nowaczyk

Mr. Kevin Nylen ‘98

Mr. Joseph O’Donnell

Ms. Sarah O’Donnell

Mrs. Kacey O’Keeffe

Sr. Blessing Okere

Ms. Michelle Orth

Mr. David Pazely ‘01

Mrs. Anne Phoenix

Mrs. Rina Pietrantonio

Mr. John Plaiss

Mr. Mark Plaiss

Mr. Mark Pos

Mrs. Lois Poulos

Mr. Michael Poulos ‘80

Mr. Jeffrey Ptacek

Mrs. Michelle Ptasienski ‘92

Mrs. Wanda Pucci

Mr. Alex Rafferty

Mr. Sean Rank

Mr. Roy Rash

Ms. Tylee Resetich ‘11

Ms. Sydney Rovik

Mrs. Rita Salit

Mr. Joe Schultz

Mr. Gregory Schwab

Mr. John Sheehy

Fr. Christian Shiu

Mr. Brian Smithe

Mr. Thomas Smithe

Mrs. Emily Solarz ‘09

Mr. Jacob Solarz

Mrs. Elizabeth Spagna

Mrs. Denise Spokas

Mr. Colin Spude ‘05

Mrs. Milena Stanimirova

Mr. Brian Stith ‘01

Mrs. Monica Stolte

Ms. Amy Strutzel ‘95

Mr. John Titterton

Mrs. Michelle Titterton

Ms. Patricia Van Spankeren ‘95

Mr. Ricardo Villalobos

Mr. Jack Waddle

Mrs. Kathy Weber

Mr. Mike Weeks

Mrs. Gail Wegener ‘71

Ms. Carla Wehrheim

Mrs. Jaime White

Mrs. Adriana Young

Mr. Matthew Zell

Procession of the Graduates

“Pomp and Circumstance” Edward Elgar, Composer

Baccalaureate Mass

Introductory Rites

Liturgical Procession

Entrance Hymn Now Is The Time (Kendzia)


Now Is The Time

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1998, Tom Kendzia. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.

1.Speak, O Lord, your servant is listening; you have the words of everlasting life.

2.Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.

3.I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever.

Liturgy of the Word Responsorial Psalm Here I Am (Alonso) Gospel Acclamation Alle, Alle (Angotti) Homily Prayers of the Faithful All: Lord, hear our prayer 396 Gospel Acclamation—Alle, Alle & # 4 4 REFRAIN œœ œ œ œ ‰ j œ Al-le,al-le,alœ œ œ œ le-lu-ia! œœ œ œ œ ‰ j œ Al-le,al-le,alœ œ œ œ le-lu-ia! & # œœ œ œ œ ‰ j œ Al-le,al-le,alœ œ œ œ le-lu-ia! œ œ œ j œ œ j œ Al-le-lu-ia! . ˙ Œ & b b FINAL REFRAIN œœ œ œ œ ‰ J œ Al-le,al-le,alœ œ œ œ le-lu-ia! œœ œ œ œ ‰ J œ Al-le,al-le,alœ œ œ œ le-lu-ia!

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Offertory Hymn Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (Bird, Powers)

Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, Whom in ancient prophecy

God revealed to Saint Elias By a far off distant Sea.

Rise again on God’s creation, Bring to bloom this arid place

With the white cloud of thy beauty and the rainfall of thy grace.

Prayer over the Gifts

Eucharistic Prayer

Holy, Holy, Holy Mass of St. Ann (Ed Bolduc)

& b 8 6 œ œ ‰œ œ ‰ Ho-ly,Ho-ly, œ œ œ œ œ œ Ho-lyLordGodof . œ œ ‰ hosts. œ œ œ Heav-enand & b 8 9 8 6 œ j œ earthare œ œ œ j œ œ ‰‰ . œr fullofyourglo-ry. Hoœ œ œ œ j œ san-nainthe & b j œ œ œ ‰ high-est. œ œ œ œ j œ Bless-edishewho œ œ œ comesinthe & b œ œ œ nameofthe . œ j œ ‰ . œr Lord. HoJ œ œ Œ j œ san-na,hoœ œ œ œ j œ san-nainthe & b j œ œ œ j œ high-est.HoJ œ œ Œ j œ san-na,hoœ œ œ œ œ œ san-nainthe . œ . œ high-est. Text © 2010, ICEL Ed Bolduc Music © 2011, WLP

The Lord’s Prayer Sign of Peace

Memorial Acclamation Mass of St. Ann (Ed Bolduc) Great Amen Mass of St. Ann (Ed Bolduc)
Communion Rite & b 4 4 œ œ Whenwe . œ j œ œ œ eatthisBreadand . œ j œ œ Œ drinkthisCup, & b . œ j œ œ œ wepro-claimyour œ œ œ œ Death,OLord, ‰ j œœ œ un-tilyou & b . œ j œ comea. ˙ Œ gain, ‰ j œœ œ . œ j œ un-tilyoucomeaw gain. Text © 2010, ICEL Ed Bolduc Music © 2011, WLP & b 8 6 œ J œ . œ A-men, œ œ œ . œ a-men, . œ œ œ œ œ œ a. œ œ ‰ men. & b œ J œ . œ A-men, œ œ œ . œ a-men, œ œ œ j œ œ a. ˙ men. . ˙ Ed Bolduc Music © 2011, WLP & b 4 4 . œ j œ œ œ LambofGod,you . œ j œ œœ œ takea-waythe ˙ . œ j œ sinsofthe & b . . ˙ Œ œ œ world,have œ ˙ œ mer-cyon . ˙ Œ us. . œ j œ œ œ LambofGod,you & b . œ j œ œœ œ takea-waythe ˙ . œ j œ sinsofthe . ˙ Œ world, œ œ ˙ œ grantus w peace. Ed Bolduc Music © 2011, WLP
Lamb of God Mass of St. Ann (Ed Bolduc)

Communion Hymns

Taste and See (Moore)

Do Not Fear To Hope (Rory Cooney)

Reckless Love

Prayer after Communion

Concluding Rites

Final Blessing

Recessional Hymn I Send You Out (Angotti)

287 I Send You Out

1.I baptize you in the name of the Father. I baptize you in the name of the Son. I baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Go out and spread Good News!

2.Well, it’s time for us to become people with spirit. It’s time for us to become people of love. It’s time for us to know that Jesus Christ is risen, forgives our sins, and brings new life!

Transition Instrumental Music performed by members of the Jazz Band, directed by Mr. Tim Barclay

288 I Say “Yes,” Lord/Digo “Sí,”

What A Wonderful World (Words and music by George David Weiss and Bob Thiele. Arranged by Mark Brymer) - sung by the Carmel Catholic Choir, directed by Mrs. Joyce Haqq

Text and music © 2000, WLP & # 4 4 ‰ . r œœ œ œ I sendyouout REFRAIN œŒŒ . œ œ ona œ œ œ œ ‰ . r œœ œ œ mis-sionoflove.Isendyouout & # œŒŒ . œ œ ona œ œ œ œ ‰ . r œœ œ œ mis-sionoflove.Isendyouout œŒŒ . œ œ ona & # œ œ œ œ œ ‰j œ mis-sionoflove,and œ œ œ j œ œ J œ knowthatI amwith & # J œ œ j œ j œ . œ youal-ways ‰ J œœ œ œ œ œ œ un-tiltheendoftheworld. w & b b b 4 4 VERSES Invocation Œ∑ Ó Œ Cantor œ œ I Disay go œ œ œ œ All œ œ “Yes,” “Sí,” my SeLord. ñor. I Disay go & b b Cantor All
John Angotti

Commencement Program

Principal Address

Mr. Jason Huther, Principal

Commencement Address

Mrs. Michelle Titterton

Presentation of the Graduates

Mrs. Jennifer Burkhalter, Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning

Mr. Phil Donner, Senior Division Moderator

Mrs. Jaime White, Assistant Principal for Student Services

Conferring of Diplomas

Dr. Bradley Bonham, President

Mr. Jason Huther, Principal

Valedictorian Address

Siona Mishra

Blessing of the Graduates

Faculty and Staff

Closing Remarks

Mr. Jason Huther, Principal

Jacob T. Ackerman

Micaela Sarah Ann Ackerson

Tatiana Yulissa Alba

Francisca Byrne Alivia

Joshua Ames

Tyler Charles Armstrong

Elena Maria Ashley

Nicholas Abraham Asllani

Eden Claire Avila

Caleb John Axente

Justin Hilario Baldovino

Robert Douglas Balinovic

Allison Anne Barhorst

William Charles Bartels

Che’Nyeah Ashunti Bates

Vitaliy Beker

Gabriella Grace Belmonte

Matthew Eric Berner

Duncan Andrew Billings

Abigail R. Blanchette

Shaylea Christine Bodo

Leighton Thomas Boll

Sean William Booher

Diego Bostho

Bradley R. Brink

Grant Campbell Brown

Caitlin Kelly Brunk

Lilly Liu Bruschuk

Arturas Bubenas

Paolo Luca Nicholas Bucaro

Sean Michael Burchard

Chloe Elizabeth Byrne

Yizhao Cao

Charlie Joseph Capulong

Alejandro Alberto Cardona

Anabella Casillas

Jose L. Castro Jr.

Cara Marie Cazzini

Paulina Ceja

Luke Michael Cerwin

Class of 2023

Yejin Chang

Nora Ann Christensen

Jackson Matthew Clatch

Ashley Anne Coe

Grace Erin Conarchy

Arianna Rose Conzelman

Lainey Oliva Cordova

John Albert Crow

Mason Kenneth Cunningham

Delaney Patricia Dahm

Jacob Justin Dankelson

Miles Henry De Keyser

Joseph Michael De Rosa

Madison Lucille DeBennette

Victoria Deja

Hunter Thomas Del Re

Jacob Jeremey Delos Reyes

Nathan M. Di Legge

Ian Michael Divane

Ryan Dulen

David Alexander Boyd Durdan

James Liam Dwyer

Brock Edward Ellis

Justin Espinoza

Helmuth Aiden Fendel

Ana Flora Fernandez Vant

Keira Jean Fitch

Emily Margaret Fix

Dylan P. Franada

Ahna Frede

Kate Elizabeth Frels

Meagan Elyse Friese

Adam Albert Galdoni

Alexya Marie Garcia

Michael Salvatore Gargiulo

Naomi Olivia George

Regi Alexandra L. Geslani

Reva Alexandra L. Geslani

Christine Gillespie

William Michael Joseph Gillespie

Mia Maloney Gillis

Alessandra Gonzalez

Marco Emileo Gonzalez

Mathew Gonzalez

Kyler Thomas Gornick

Abigail Elizabeth Graham

Vanessa Ann Greco

Jose E. Gutierrez

Emma F. Haas

Thomas Anthony Harmon

Olivia Betty Harold

Greta Elizabeth Harrison

Frederick James Haslam

Juan I. Hernandez

Mateo Payton Hernandez

Brooklyn Rose Higgins

Shen Hong

Willie Victor Hornburger

Nicholas P. Hriljac

Yang Hu

Meredith R. Hubbartt

Michael William Huffman

Giuliana Rose Jansen

Trent Lei Jansen

Alice Jade Jiang

Arja Joshi

Santino James Kane

Amira Gisele Kareem

Frank Andrew Kasper

Michael Paul Kemp

Madeleine Fung Kiel

Seungbeom Kim

Ainsley Lynn Kness

Nicholas Michael Kolesar

Madison Rose Konen

Genevieve Mercedes Cyra Kowalik

Stephan Y. Kruglov

William Dalton Kula

Brendan Patrick Lacke

Nicholas James Leaf

Sohui Lee

Wyatt Jackson Lenger

Charlie Patrick Lenihan

Nicholas Daniel Leskovec

Toby George Ling

Fanghong Liu

Hannah Maddox Livingston

August Christopher Lombardo

Matthew Hans Lotze

Jiarui Luo

Jacob Sarkis Lutzke

William Castle Luvisi

Madison Diane Machala

Thomas Michael Maloney

Evelyn Manzanarez

Adam J. Matusiewicz

Katherine C McCorkle

Kaylie Patricia McKenna

Bridget Elizabeth McLoud

Kelly Michelle McLoud

John Jeremiah McMahon

Anthony Gino Medici

Elijah T. Melnick

Nathaniel Meves

David Miramontes

Siona Mishra

August Jack Monroe

Mark Patrick Moseley

Katya Murua

Yasin Syed Mustafa

Scherazada K. Natsch

William Michael Niese

Madeline J. Nikolai

Kaitlyn Elizabeth Novak

Lucas Alexander Onan

Marissa Rose Pagano

Jovani Kenneth Palumbo

Isabella Panelo

Luke Joseph Pankau

Harry F. Partridge, IV

Nataly Estefany Patton

Faith C. Pavlos

Lauren Kate Perez

Phan Le Khanh Quynh

Kate Lauren Pieters

Alexandro Pineda

Georgia Christina Pissios

Ruben Popoca

Maddux Andrew Ptasienski

Joshua Puga

Estefanía Darcelle Quiñones Alba

Camille Therese Rafie

Camryn Leigh Rapplean

James Stephen Reim

Jack Andrew Renn

Justin Nathanial Reyna

Brady Robinson

Hailey Elizabeth Roesler

Aidan Thomas Rogalski

Clare Regina Roth

Ava Lanning Ruby

Anthony Kenneth Ruscitti

Caedan Joseph Santi

Gabriella Danielle Sarallo

Maya Monika Sarwa

Bradley Nicholas Schaefer

Alaina Marie Schaid

Daniel Martin Schmelz

James Alan Schott

Madelyn Brianne Selz

Nitish Sharma

Hannah Elizabeth Smith

Kyla Jordyn Smith

Dominic James Sorrentino

Joseph Ross Sorrentino

Julio César Soto

Paulina Nicole Sroka

Lucas Alexander Stanford

Nathaniel E. Starzec

Peter Andrew Stavros

Connor Robert Steffen

Alyssa LeAnn Stieber

Caroline Elizabeth Stretti

James Peter Morgan Stubitsch

Yujin Sung

Benjamin Matthew Swiat

Leon Paul Swiatkowski

Tyler Talbot

Abigail Marie Tekampe

Jui An Teng

Daniel Lema Tezzo

Carson Thomas

Olivia Rose Thomas

Loreli Ann Tito

Mary Catherine Titterton

Colin R. Ulbrich

Lilyan Mari Urbain

Rogelio Vargas

Conner Nicholas Vauk

Fitzroy C. Walsh

Daniel Roger Wayman

Christian Welch

Xavier J. Wheeler

Colin Patrick Whelan

Sarah Elizabeth Whelan

Andrew V. Wierzchon

Charles William Wild

Jordan Reann Wood

Riley Wygant

Yuxiang Zhao

Trent Wayne Zimay

Honor Regalia

Valedictorians and Salutatorians

Golden medallions

Student Advisory Leadership Team

Intertwined white and gold strand and tassel

Members of Carmel Catholic Honor Societies are adorned with Honor Cords for our Graduation Ceremonies.

International Thespian Society

A royal blue strand and tassel with a gold strand and tassel

Mu Alpha Theta

A light blue strand and tassel with a gold strand and tassel

National Business Honor Society

Intertwined hunter green and white cord and tassel

National Chinese Honor Society

A deep purple and metallic gold cord and tassel with a light purple and metallic gold cord and tassel - royalty, prosperity, power

A Twin Coin Knot - wealth and peace

Two Lucky Clover Knots - good luck and a bright future

National English Honor Society

A gold strand and tassel with a royal blue strand and tassel

National Honor Society

Two Year Members - a royal blue strand and tassel with a gold strand and tassel

One Year Members - gold cord and tassel

National Honor Society for Dance Arts

A light blue strand and tassel with a white strand and tassel

National Latin Honor Society

Purple cord and tassel

Science National Honor Society

Intertwined gold, green, and purple cord with a gold tassel

Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica

Intertwined red and gold cord and tassel

Société Honoraire de Français

Intertwined red, white, and blue cord and tassel

St. Damien of Molokai Honor Society

Intertwined royal blue and white cord and tassel

St. Thérèse of Lisieux Honor Society

Intertwined brown and gold cord and tassel

Alumni Parents and Alumni Grandparents of the Class of 2023

Christopher Bartels ‘89

Michelle (Nutschnig ‘89) Bodo

Eric Bodo ‘89

Kathleen (Tschanz ‘94) Booher

Karla Rosas ‘97

Edmund Conarchy ‘85

Meaghen (O’Connell ‘94) Dahm

Ryan Dahm ‘95

Rebecca (Ambacher ‘94) De Rosa

Father of William Bartels

Mother of Shaylea Bodo

Father of Shaylea Bodo

Mother of Sean Booher

Mother of Jose Castro

Father of Grace Conarchy

Mother of Delaney Dahm

Father of Delaney Dahm

Mother of Joseph De Rosa

Marytherese (Wegener ‘71) Ambacher Grandmother of Joseph De Rosa

Edward Ambacher ‘71

Karen (Johnson ‘89) Gillespie

Lauren (Maloney ‘95) Gillis

Patrick Graham ‘84

Kristine (Konen ‘93) Higgins

William Huffman ‘87

Kathleen (Asma ‘88) Kane

Danielle (Eigner ‘93) Konen

Kenneth Konen ‘91

Kristen (Kwasiborski ‘91) Leaf

Cynthia (Kipp ‘88) Lenihan

Grandfather of Joseph De Rosa

Mother of William Gillespie

Mother of Mia Gillis

Father of Abigail Graham

Mother of Brooklyn Higgins

Father of Michael Huffman

Mother of Santino Kane

Mother of Madison Konen

Father of Madison Konen

Mother of Nicholas Leaf

Mother of Charlie Lenihan

Rebecca (Ledesma ‘89) Leskovec Mother of Nicholas Leskovec

Tina (Gattuso ‘99) Lutzke

Martha (Hilliard ‘94) Maloney

David Maloney ‘94

Michael McMahon ‘78

Mother of Jacob Lutzke

Mother of Thomas Maloney

Father of Thomas Maloney

Father of John McMahon

Maria (Zupec ‘86) Monroe Mother of August Monroe

Christopher Monroe ‘87

Michelle (Karrigan ‘92) Ptasienski

Andrew Ptasienski ‘92

Michael Rapplean ‘98

Father of August Monroe

Mother of Maddux Ptasienski

Father of Maddux Ptasienski

Father of Camryn Rapplean

Dorie (Hertel ‘89) Roth Mother of Clare Roth

Violet Santi ‘98

Raymond Santi ‘72

Mother of Caedan Santi

Grandfather of Caeden Santi

Therese (Donnellan ‘83) Sarallo Mother of Gabriella Sarallo

Timothy Swiat ‘95

Father of Benjamin Swiat

Brian Tekampe ‘95 Father of Abigail Tekampe

Deborah (Miholic ‘71) Tekampe

Arthur Tekampe ‘72

Christine Velican Thomas ‘90

Thomas Thomas ‘89

Brian Stith ‘01

Grandmother of Abigail Tekampe

Grandfather of Abigail Tekampe

Mother of Olivia Thomas

Father of Olivia Thomas

Stepfather of Lilyan Urbain

Michelle Wheeler ‘97 Mother of Xavier Wheeler

Andrew Carvajal ‘97 Stepfather of Xavier Wheeler

Daniel Whelan ‘89 Father of Colin Whelan and Sarah Whelan

Board of Directors Family of the Graduates

Chuck Bartels, Grandfather of William Bartels

Faculty and Staff Parents of the Graduates

Ana Gutierrez, Mother of Jose Gutierrez

Jose Gutierrez, Father of Jose Gutierrez

Michelle (Karrigan ‘92) Ptasienski, Mother of Maddux Ptasienski

Brian Stith ‘01, Stepfather of Lilyan Urbain

Michelle Titterton, Mother of Mary Titterton

John Titterton, Father of Mary Titterton

Faculty and Staff Blessing of the Graduates

Grateful for the blessing of our years together, and with great hope in the future open before you, we ask God our Father to bless you.

Together we have shared life and lived life; we have grown and loved.

Together we have learned that sharing is the greatest form of learning. And love of others is wisdom itself.

You always have our support and encouragement.

Take with you your great gifts –your youth and vitality, your kindness and decency, your humor and great zest for life. Give them to all you meet.

Color your life with –

A zest for Christian living.

A commitment to goals that are noble and true.

A fortitude to accept the challenge of life.

A humility that says, “God, I need you.”

A love expressed wholesomely in deed and truth.

We pray that you always walk in the friendship of Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit, today and all days until eternity.



Carmel Catholic High School Faculty and Staff

Carmel Catholic High School Maintenance Personnel

Mr. Tim Barclay, Band Director

Mrs. Lori Bishop

Ms. Laura Budris, Director of Student Activities, Senior Class Moderator

Mr. Philip Donner, Senior Class Moderator

Mr. Eric Franklin, Broadcast

Mrs. Kambra French, Director of Mission Effectiveness

Mr. Brad Geary, Technical Support Specialist

Mrs. Sue Gille, Registrar

Mrs. Joyce Haqq, Director of Choral and Liturgical Music

Mr. Ken Kordick, Director of Alumni Relations

Mr. Joe Kreppein, Security

Mr. Tim Meister, Chief Building Engineer

Ms. Sarah O’Donnell, Publications Coordinator

Mrs. Rina Pietrantonio, Office Manager, Principal’s Office

Mr. Mark Plaiss, Deacon and Faculty Member

Fr. Christian Shiu, Chaplain

Mr. Brian Stith, Chief Enrollment and Advancement Officer

As a gift, electronic access to the graduate photographs taken upon stage departure will be emailed directly from VIP to parents of the graduates.

Carmel Catholic High School Faculty and Staff send congratulations to the graduates and their families. Best wishes for a bright future!

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