Photography Yearbook

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BRIEF TITLE Photography Yearbook The Brief Design the Photography yearbook publication to be delivered as part of their end of year show exhibition. Concept/Proposition Unseen

Considerations How best can the layout design of the publication best show the photography? How can the publication be sectioned and ordered to create flow? How can the publication communicate the concept of Unseen given the book is a showcase, how can type and layout communicate this? What finishes can be use communicate a highspec quality of the photography course What paper qualities best show photographs and where and how much do they cost? How can the visual style be expanded over a range of material that can be used to promote the end of year show exhibition? And how will the publication be packaged appropriately?

Background 24 Year 3 photography students are graduating this year, for their end of year exhibition they require a publication to be distributed as part of this which will showcase a snippet of their exhibited work. The publication should also act as a persuasive document that can be viewed by prospective students and investors of the college and it’s courses.

Mandatory Requirements Use of the concept and name of the publication Unseen. Publication should be a square format perfect bound measuring 210mm x 210mm. Publication must be within the budget of ÂŁ2500.00

Target Audience Graduating photography students and their tutors, visiting photography professionals, End of Year Show visitors.

Deliverables Mock-ups of publication along with final Yearbook publication. Mock-up of proposed promotional material.

Tone of Voice Professional, simple, intriguing.

Duration & Deadlines Interim Dealines (see timetable) 23.05 (print deadline) 03.06

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