Biofuel and the KeyStone Oil Pipeline

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News and Specials from East Coast Truck and Trailer Sales!

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Fall 2011



More and more, when you talk about transportation, the subject of energy quickly Alternate Energy - Biofuel follows. Nothing strikes fear into the heart of Americans like high fuel prices. Most of this newsletter touches on alternate fuel or the need to increase our domestic supply of Keystone Pipelin XL Project Completion oil. Fear of oil scarcity is only one dimension of fuel and transportation. Fuel also represents great opportunity for jobs and industry growth. I would love to hear your Watch Out For Wear opinions on transportation and fuel, so send them in. Sincerely, Michael Saks Editor of Haulin

Alternate energy is growing but it's still no where near the impact of oil. One day it may be a huge supplement to oil usage or maybe even an equal (I am really dreaming now). One thing to consider though is not every alternate fuel is limited to the benefit of just providing fuel. Natural Gas represents an opportunity for the United States to actually create thousands of jobs since the vast majority of this resource is in the United States. Electrical power can be generated from a number of sources that we can produce here; like wind power, thermal energy, or coal. Biofuel, while offering the obvious benefit of fuel, offers a potential benefit that is overlooked but still significant. Biofuel could be used to dispose of waste that is filling landfills and polluting the environment. Biofuel comes from many sources. It can come from agricultural products or agricultural waste. It can also come from waste that would otherwise end up in landfills. Basically every tank of biofuel (if derived from garbage) could reduce space that we would have to give up for a landfill. This is already something that we, the taxpayer, are financing. Anytime you pay taxes, agencies like the EPA and your local public works department use these funds to pay for multiple waste disposal options. This waste has the potential to become fuel. So why not take that money and get the side benefit of disposing of it in your tank, instead of a landfill. You basically skip the middleman and reduce your dependence on fossil fuel. Traditionally Here Is How Your Tax Money Is Being Spent: Waste Is Created

It costs money to transport and burn it You pay for it in your taxes (ouch) Ugly landfills are created and expanded using land that could be used for other things like parks, homes no one wants to build near a landfill You also pay high prices for fuel that goes in your tank Here Is A New Way Of Changing That Process To Cut Your Fuel Costs: Waste Is Created

It costs money to transport and burn it A company takes the waste and refines it into fuel This creates jobs which means taxes are spread over more people reducing your burden You still have to pay some taxes (I know...I have tried to remove that one but it just won't go away) BUT... The tax money that would have gone to waste is now being used to subsidize the refinery and your cost of fuel You pay less for fuel at the pump You have less ugly landfills and cleaner air

11/2/2011 10:11 AM

News and Specials from East Coast Truck and Trailer Sales!

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The cost of getting rid of waste didn't go away. All we did was take a step that wasted the energy and used it to reduce the price of fuel for the consumer. We traded the landfill for your gas tank. Not a bad trade to reduce pain at the pump.

Saw an article about the American Trucking Association asking for the new keystone pipeline XL project to be completed. I don't want to get too technical here but the pipeline will bring gas from the Northwest and Canada to the rest of our energy starved continent. I don't think there should be a second thought by Congress or the Office of the President in what to do. I can sum up my recommended path in three simple words:


A Pipeline In America (or North America) Means A Lot Of Good Things For You And Me Like:

Cheaper gas More jobs here refining fuel from our wells versus another country using their middle eastern workers to refine fuel from their wells No panics WHEN trouble breaks out in the middle east (and trouble will break out in the middle east) I know what you are thinking, I have railed on and on about alternate energy. I am not changing my mind on the importance of alternate fuel. What I am getting at is that for energy prices to remain affordable for Americans we need BOTH domestic gas production and alternate fuels like gas, hydrogen cells, and biofuel. This is great because we don't have to choose any one direction. We don't need to argue in Congress for years on end. We need all of let's start drilling.

The mark of a good strap is how well it takes wear. American made B/A Car Hauler and Towing straps are some of the most durable on the market. B/A straps weather the storm and resist rips, cuts and tears that come over time. This means they are actually cheaper than imitation straps because you don't have to replace them as often. They are also a lot safer.

11/2/2011 10:11 AM

News and Specials from East Coast Truck and Trailer Sales!

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East Coast Truck & Trailer Sales wants to be your premier dealer for truck and trailer sales, parts and service. We sell a variety of parts from tie down bars, chains & clusters, strap technology, chrome, dollies, safety gear, and more. Please call us anytime at 1-866-849-2178. Sincerely, Michael Saks, Internet Commerce Manager East Coast Truck and Trailer Sales

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East Coast Truck and Trailer Sales | 2906 Elmhurst Lane | Portsmouth | VA | 23701

11/2/2011 10:11 AM

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