Journey to Engagement

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Canton Local School District’s

Journey to


Dear Stakeholders, This ebook symbolizes the journey, two years in, of our staff, students, and parents towards a great school district that is focused on engagement and becoming a learning organization that prepares all students for success in a global society. We can certainly attest to the fact that we are well on our way but the road still extends farther ahead. Our work begins in the summer of 2010 with a District Design Team of teacher leaders, students, parents, and administrators who volunteered their commitment to the work. Their leadership and courage will spark our transformation into an innovative and collaborative district focused on student engagement. I believe we can make this a reality; join with me as the journey continues! Kim Canton Local Schools District Design Team 2010-2011 Kim Redmond • Nicki Howard • Dale Rush • Jay Moody • Lisa Rogers Stephanie Rosselli • Todd Osborn • Meghan Fricke • Eric Brickwood Chris Noll • DaNita Berry • Becky Steinke • Katie Nolen • Nick Stepanovich Amy Eibel • Mason Boldizar • Lisa Hookway • Samantha Haney, student Tristan Gooding, student • Natalie Volpe student • Katie Holshu, student Jen Ward, parent • Bob Nolte, Schlechty consultant

“I believe that there is much that schools control that can make it possible for boys and girls to enjoy the kind of exciting relevant, twenty-first-century education that their teachers, parents and grandparents, and the larger community want for then and that those who teach and manage our schools should be accountable for ensuring these things happen. What I find objectionable is the tendency to make the state rather than the local community the focus of accountability and the parallel tendency to hold teachers and schools accountable for things over which they have little control.” ~Phillip C. Schlechty, Creating Great Schools page 2

Table of Contents Year One 2010 - 2011 Pages 5 - 27 Year Two 2011 - 2012 Pages 28 - 59 Year Three 2012-2013 Pages 61 -

ON THE COVER are Faircrest Memorial Middle School Students, Latishia Spencer and Celina Kennedy working on tessellations using foam shapes pieces in John Hopple’s eight grade math class.

page 3

Canton Local Schools Our Beliefs • The purpose of schools is to open minds, expand thinking, and instill a love of learning that allows each child to prepare for the future. • Every day we foster a culture of pride in our schools, created by positive relationships and meaningful work. • We are committed to preparing our students to be flexible, collaborative, creative, life-long learners. • All our students have the potential to learn more than they are currently learning, and it is the responsibility of all they encounter in our schools to support their learning. • The focus of all school activity is the design of high-quality, engaging work that students find interesting and relevant and that challenges them to reach their highest potential. • Schools that are focused on engagement are the responsibility of the entire community; we take pride in the relationships among our community and our schools, characterized by collaborative partnership, open and honest dialog, mutual respect, and trust.

page 4

Year One-2010-2011 What do we want to be 5 years from now? What is engagement? What are our beliefs, vision and mission? What is design? How will roles change? How do we honor traditions? The role of the District Design Team is to be the future thinkers and leaders of the organization. Our District Design Team spent the next year pondering the above questions and many more.. We read, we discussed, we researched, experimented, and learned to work together as a learning team. Our culminating product was our beliefs, beliefs we are committed to acting upon every day. Our challenge will be to have our beliefs felt in every corner of the district. Kim

“If public schools are to meet the needs of American society in the twenty-first century, they will need to transform themselves from organizations in which the core business is producing compliance and attendance to organizations in which the core business is nurturing commitment and attention. (An organization’s core business consists of those things on which the organization’s attention is fastened and toward which most of the organization’s energy is directed.) This transformation will necessarily disrupt the way schools define critical roles, and this in turn will disrupt critical social systems.” page 4

July 7, 2010 Admin team introduced to Bob Nolte Renewed expectations for 4 principals to attend Principals’ Academy Commitment to educational initiative long term

m Canton Local Leadership Tea July 7, 2010 8:30-11:30 Agenda s Academy and how ncipals expect at the Principal Pri can at Wh al: Go ce? inform the work of Central Offi




Kim Redmond’s Experience and




Principals First



Central Office Team

will this


Feedback/reflections/next step of the future. past is stronger than the vision the of l pul the t sen pre is sion Until pas

page 6

July 11-14, 2010 Supt. Leadership Conference

Why testing is not good for: Students Innovation Transformation -or Communicating how we really are doing

“The relationship between the superintendent and building principals, more than any other factor, explains the ability of school districts to ensure that building-level change efforts are sustained beyond the tenure of the initiating principal and that whatever positive effects there are become distributed throughout the system. ~Phillip C. Schlechty, Creating Great Schools page 7

July 18-22, 2010 Principal’s Academy

Go o d to have 1st han d experien ce an d un derst an ding o f the time lin e.

ation m r o f s n The tra . O. as of T an. g e b l a cip a Prin

et ay to s n w e c i i n Was a before work o dt ble the ta egan. Helpe se sb sen school ocess make g. in pr make school build in the

Apprec ia think t te d the ime ab o ut future practic e ~ o ver a r c hing Schlech ty umb rella

Conversation w/other administrators from different states was refreshing

“If Working on the Work is to become a habit in a school, the principal must exert strong leadership to ensure that this is the case. ” ~Phillip C. Schlechty, Creating Great Schools page 8

page 9

August 2-3, 2010 Sippo Lake Executive Assessment Canton Local Schools District Design Team 2010-2011 Kim Redmond Nicki Howard Dale Rush Jay Moody Lisa Rogers Stephanie Rosselli Todd Osborn Meghan Fricke Eric Brickwood Chris Noll DaNita Berry Becky Steinke Katie Nolen Nick Stepanovich Amy Eibel Mason Boldizar Lisa Hookway Samantha Haney, student Tristan Gooding, student Natalie Volpe student Katie Holshu, student Jen Wardm parent Bob Nolte, Schlechty consultant

July 20, 2010 I would like to thank you for agreeing to participate in our Capacity Retreat on August 2-3, 2010 8:00-3:00 at Sippo Lake (directions attached). You are a key leader for Canton Local and I know that, like me, you want us to continue on the path to greatness. These two days will focus on assessing the capacity of our district to support the changes we need to transform into the school of the future. As a way to introduce you to the work ahead, I invite you to go to the following website: www.schlechtycenterorg and explore. To enrich our conversations in August, if you would view the video in the middle of the home page entitled, The Way Things Are, The Way Things Should Be. A part of this video there is a short survey I hope you will complete, print out, and bring. I will not be graded. I look forward to these two days and our work together. We will have a light continental breakfast and lunch each day. We will start promptly at 8:00 and end by 3:00. Please dress comfortably! Thank you again for your time and commitment! KIM

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Comments........ • • • • • • • • • • • •

Good meeting spot! Setting goals based on system capacity. Like having the student’s input! Rated our district then talked about where we were Not excited at all! Another meanless change. Was our evaluation of capacity accurate? NO Honest conversations When we rated some of the groups got all fancy with numbers like 3.52 or 3.4 Wow - Sippo Lake I love this place but “What are we doing here? I am confused! This stuff rocks! ~ How wonderful that an entire distric thas their staff experience this! A little confused about what needed to be done Liked the string experience where we identified needs Amy Szwast arrived still in the dard about what we are getting ourselves into... sounded cool, though.

page 11

Sept 23-24, 2010 23rd - building visits PM - DDT (4-6:00) 24th DDT

Hard Work

Digging deep into our roles and where we fit in

Canton Local Schools District Design Team September 23-24, 2010 AGENDA

September 23, 4:00-6:00 pm

Bringing forward our assessment of capacity-any questions?

Update of RttT Proposal-Options and Challenges

Orientation to roles, responsibilities and the work plan for the District Design Team

Introduction to: A Strategy for District Transformation

September 24, 8:00am – 3:00pm

Overview of Three Phases of Transformation

Phase One Details-Developing a Future Orientation and Establishing Direction

Making the Case Vision, Indicators, and Evidence

Accountability Current status of 4 Critical Systems: Direction; Knowledge Development and Transmissions; Recruitment and Induction; and Evaluation

An Overview of Schoolhouse Transformation, featuring principals and teachers

Assignments and next steps

page 12

October 17-20, 2010 1st WOW Conference Atlanta Plans/Discussions of Collaboration (until we got off the plane)

Belief session helped to focus on need to develop ours

Easier to understand

Plane Conversations

Conversations over dinner

Sippo Lake conversations became much more clear (yes they did we have purpose!)

Great Session on Design -saw fully the power

10 folks! -

Nick Stepanovich Teresa Purses Mason Boldizar Megan Fricke Eric Brickwood Amy Szwast DaNita Berry Becky Steinke Katie Nolen Nicki Howard

Design Protocols


Clear: compelling Standards Video (too much fun – Fricke, Amy, Eric) That plane ride was so productive, collaborated on some great stuff! People came back excited

Everything became so much clearer! We can do this!

page 13

November 16-17, 2010 16th→ School Visits PM DDT How to address need for change in each building? 17th DDT Discussed progress & plans for future. Lead Teacher Meeting on November 16, 2011

“Rather than being viewed as platforms from which knowledge can be distributed, schools and classrooms will need to be thought of as platforms that support students as they work on and with knowledge. In other words, schools and classrooms need to become platforms for learning as opposed to platforms for teaching.” ~Phillip C. Schlechty, Creating Great Schools page 14

Canton Local Schools District Design Team November 16-17, 2010


November 16, 4:00-6:00 pm - A Design Activity - Reports from Atlanta-what is “Working on the Work”? - Some early reports from the schools - Using SocialCast-what are we learning about it? - Work Group session-if time… - Work Group session, Nov 16

What are we learning about the need for change in public education? In Canton Local?

What resources have we explored that are compelling to us, and that would be compelling to our customers, as well? To which customers?

What more do we need to think about and learn before we begin “making the case” to others?

- November 17, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm - SocialCast Q&A - Design Activity - Work Group Sessions and Reports *Messages and customers - Ten Things *Customer groups - Phase One of Transformation *Standard 3

page 15

What we Parents Want.... 1. Canton Local communicates at all levels throughout the school experience. 2. Canton Local provides opportunities beyond academic, athletic, and social skills. 3. I feel my child is safe at school through out the school day. 4. All staff members at Canton Local care about my child individually. 5. I made the right decision by choosing to send my child/children to Canton Local Schools. 6. My child is college or workforce ready. 7. I feel supported as a parent. 8. My child looks forward going to school. 9. My child and/or I feel comfortable in approaching the staff of the schools. 10. I feel I am working with my child’s teachers and the staff of the school (The Power of Us.) 11. My child is prepared to make a difference in the world. 12. Canton Local values my child as an individual academically.

Staff What do you want the staff to say about Canton Local Schools? 1. I would send me child here - Proud of our school 2. This is a great place to work - Look forward to coming to my job 3. Staff feels appreciated - Feel make a difference by what they say and do 4. Positive amd collaborative school culture 5. Teachers and students feel safe 6. Resources are accessible for all teachers 7. Innovatice school climate - Engaging learning environment 8. Confidence in preparing our kids for the future - based on understanding of our students needs 9. Staff is equally committed and collaborates towards the mission 10. Our administration supports us

“I am now firmly convinced than ever before that if teachers are to design more engaging work for student, those who control schools and the way schools operate must be prepared to design schools and school districts in ways that are supportive of this activity.” ~Phillip C. Schlechty, Creating Great Schools page 16

BELIEVE... 10 things we want students to say about Canton Local Schools 1. We are ready for our; we were challenged and prepared! 2. We took pride in our school and community, and this is recognized in our actions 3. We believe faculty and staff cared deeply about each of us! 4. We have respect for our school, community, each other and ourselves. 5. We had customized learning experiences in a safe and engaging environment. 6. We have choices about what, how, when, and where we learn. 7. We learn, support and encourage each other through our successes and failures. 8. We enjoyed school every step of the way. 9 I was challenged to reach excellence in every aspect of my education...academics, art, atheltics, character, wellness and service. 10. Can I go back? 11. Canton Local inspires me to be a lifeong learner. 12. I have the opportunity of expressing my opinions without being laughed at or voice matters. 13. Because of Canton Local, I will make a difference in the world.

What the Community Says?

*1. Our schools are the “Pride� of our community *2. We have the best of all things: Time honored traditions that honor the past and forward, 21st century thinking - where students are responsible for their learning. *3. Our school district is fiscally responsible in all decision-making. *4. I feel welcome in our schools and we trust our students and staff. *5. Our students are prepared for the future. *6. Our schools have high expectations for ALL students. *7. All students contribute to their community. *8. I am fully informed and know I have a voice. *9. Our facilities are safe, functional and accessible to ALL. *10. Wellness is stressed in our schools. *11. Technology is fully utilized in our schools.

page 17

Places to Go

Sources of Ideas and Presentations for the Canton Local District Design Team (NOT in Order of Importance—Add Your Own Discoveries and Send to Kim Redmond!)

Websites Wes Fryer: (also search for Steven Johnson video) Teaching Paperless: Many videos about education today and in the future Check out videos by Pink and others, Phil’s blog Math, Technology, Engagement: Seth Godin’s blog: Ian Jukes website: Don Tapscott’s site:

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January 25 - 26, 2011

Lewis & Clark Comments... • Great video/discussions as we begin to blaze the trail • Must adapt or will fail to find a place like N.A. • Love the video & historical reference !! • Using outside sources to get further • Caught the vision and getting excited. • Cool movie that related to our new adventure • Liked the analogy

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C4D Training March 14-17, 2012 In Louisville, KY Nick Stepanovich • Understanding the process and difference between Design vs Planning • Worked with others in similar situations • Importance of asking questions vs answering them • 4 – Steps to quality design

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March 29-30, 2011 2nd WOW Conference Charlotte Socialcast! People began to ask more questions The importance of Beliefs became evident

10 folks! Gay Welker Derek Faiello Cassie McGuyrt Gregg Clark Dale Rush Jay Moody Lisa Rogers Melissa Kalb Amy Szwast Nicole Bowman

It was great to see this growing and gaining life!

Worked with Derek Faiello on sharing a lesson with our team that had us all engaged! FMMS Staff came back with so many positive comments! Started the work immediately! Tons of “who� work took place. Engagement assessments getting started.

Canton Local Schools Our Beliefs • The purpose of schools is to open minds, expand thinking, and instill a love of learning that allows each child to prepare for the future. a culture of pride in our schools, created by positive relationships • Every day we foster and meaningful work.

• We are committed to preparing our students to be flexible, collaborative, creative, life-long learners. • All our students have the potential to learn more than they are currently learning, and it is the responsibility of all they encounter in our schools to support their learning. • The focus of all school activity is the design of high-quality, engaging work that students find interesting and relevant and that challenges them to reach their highest potential. • Schools that are focused on engagement are the responsibility of the entire community; we take pride in the relationships among our community and our schools, characterized by collaborative partnership, open and honest dialog, mutual respect, and trust.

The writer’s group: Chris Noll, Amy Eibel, Dale Rush, Lisa Hookway, Jay Moody, Nicki Howard, Meghan Fricke, Jen Ward and Kim Redmond

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FMMS March 30, 2011 What would it look like? 1. working as a learning community

Evidence of Progress in FMMS • We are meeting in smal groups that continue to grow in numbers

2. using the district’s beliefs

• Our beliefs are so new that we will contue to use them as a guide

3. “big picture” of what students are to know

• meetings to unpack standards • beliefs need to wrap around the standards -having a draft available • pacing charts/nine week plans

4. collaboration between grades and disciplines 5. core business results in higher satisfaction for individuals and as a staff 6. teachers share a common language

• this happens, but not purposeful -teachers making connections as they teach • getting opinions from other teachers in different • staff openly sharing strategies used within the classroom

7. Principal use time and resources differently to support teacher collaboration 8. New Work has been designed and shared with all

What if?

• We are in the What If stage • our whold community was on the same page • We were able to understand what all contents are doing at any given time • we clustered WOW teachers as a pilot run • we had time to utilize the coaching curcles on a regular basis • everyone had the same view of what the core business is ... designing engaging work

• those that participated in the WOW conference use the language during conversations • sharing out of language at other meetings (design qualities, engagement, design, teachers as leaders, customers, etc.) • PLC meetings are moving inthe directions • openness to use time more effectively

• we all used a common language to describe our core business

• teachers are beginning to gather information on the hard to teach concepts as we look for time to move forward

• we free up time to lead teachers through the design process and coaching circles

page 23

Year Two-2011-2012 In Year Two, our District Design Team continued their work while supporting the emergence of School Design Teams. Our beliefs were presented at Convocation and began to come live within our schoolhouses. Each School Design team focused on two things: defining the beliefs within their schools and designing engaging work. By the end of Year Two our vision was created in our culminating product, Portrait of a Canton Local Graduate. We are transforming the Canton Local way! Kim June 2, 2011 Voluntary DDT Executive Annual Review

page 24

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Summer 2011 Vica Socialcast This is where Social cast fizzled……..

page 26

July 2011 Leadership Academy June 2011 Schedule work to offer student choice classes Preparing for The Great Canton Local - (Mallory) Frank joined group Plan for Lead Teachers was developed

June 2011 Schedule work to offer student choice classes

Preparing for The Great Canton Local ~Mallory

Plan for Lead Teachers was developed

~July 2012 Mallory Floyd and Frank Kruger joined the group. page 27

August 2011 Nick & Amy PD session on Getting to know your “ WHO�

90% of Walker teachers were exposed to design

First Involvement Meers

Katie Nolen & Meghan Fricke led PD Design Qualities

This was a great 1st step in the design process! Really introduced this concept to many throughout the district!

Entered the program -John Hopple

page 28

Monay, August 22, 2011 DDT + School Design McCalls

Great “Kickoff” for 2011-2012

Tons of energy

• •

I had to wear a cheerleading uniform! First time in nearly 20 years! Lead teachers were selected

Loud creativity & enthusiasm, great day & experience

ABC’s of Walker

“In Working on the Work framework, teachers may sometimes instruct but will no longer view instruction as their primary functions, because other sources of instruction are available in the time frame of an individual student, not just for the entire class.” ~Phillip C. Schlechty, Creating Great Schools

page 29

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September 12-15, 2011 Coaching 4 Design Louisville, KY Katie and Mallory Designed 1 day training for Lead Teachers

TV slideshow of FMMS engagement affirmation of “what’s” true at our school

Great intro for many!

August 2011 Never laugh at Georgia Teachers riding in the back of a pick up truck in Kentucky!


“When teachers prepare to design work that engages students, they must begin by identifying the motives and values students bring to their work. Then the individual teacher designer, usually working with colleagues, can begin to imagine ways of linking these motives and values to work that has characteristics most likely to be responsive to those things about which the students care.” ~Phillip C. Schlechty, Creating Great Schools page 33

Monday, September 26, 2011 School Design Teams Building the Work of School Design Teams Today’s Agenda: Nature and Functions of the School Design Team Our Team - Organizing for Results

Norms, Schedule, Resources

Designing for Results

Designing for Whom?

Designing for What Outcomes?

Using Design Qualities

Questions and Next Steps ••• Comments..... - CS Protocals / organize - FMMS developing PLC plans for beginning of the year - FMMS Room 100 fpr Design Time -WOW Network Web •Identified roles -Push for cultural shift -2011-2012 Weekly Design Team Meetings during PLC time -Plan, Plan, Plan -Choice class gained momentum throughout the year! page 34

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011 District Design Team

• Started planning “Design vocabulary” Roll-out Friday mornings @ Walker • Direction more clearly defined by building • Wider invitation to join School Design Team (Walker)

A. Question for SDT members of DDT: On the basis of your team’s work together yesterday or today, • What plans are in the works for the year? (Refer to handout format) • What issues have your decided to focus on? • What outcomes do you want to achieve? • How will you do your work? • What resources and support might be needed from DDT, Central Office, or Schlechty Center?

What are your steps between now and November?

B. Kim: • What are the capacity-building and major changes for the coming year? • Assessment of current capacity, current needs, current constraints, and discussionof high-leverage actions to be undertaken Reflections or second thoughts on original assessment- what do we know now that we didn’t know then? • For November: everyone needs to study two of the SIX Critical systems and come ready to discuss strengths and weaknesses overall, across the system Directional, Knowledge Development and Transmission-with particular reference to Phases 1 & 2 in Transformation tool. Come armed with “What ifs?”

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C4D • Coaching For Design training for Lead Teachers Katie Nolen • Nick Stepanovich • Mallory Floyd

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October 27, 2011 WOW Conference Chattanooga, TN • Staff Sharing from Chattanooga WOW’ers • Group Me was born! • Friendships - 1st detailed understanding - Climbing the Mountain • Lots of sharing and rich conversation’ • Great experience from the FMMS crew, Staff came back motivated – clearer picture of work to be done • Things are coming together @ the district more design teams meeting in the morning and district decisions are being made w/our belief system in mind • Walker excitement went to the next level with the WOW’er folks WOW’ers – Jeff Moore, Frank Kruger, Celia Mastroine, Lisa Bryan, John Hopple, Melissa Kalb, Chris Bergert, Brenda Pachan, Michele Pedone, Steph Berardo

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011 District Design Team • Work on traits for our future CS graduates! - Dale Rush, Nicki Howard, Eric Brickwood, Amy Szwast

Vision for Canton Local Graduates Innovator

Communicator Communicator


Contributor A Canton Local graduate recognizes their role as a global citizen through service and altruism.

A Canton Local graduate will create new ideas, processes, and products resulting in substantial positive changes and solutions.

With an understanding and knowledge of diverse audiences, a Canton Local graduate will expertly communicate across our global society.

A Canton Local graduate will recognize, expect, and produce high quality performances and products.

A Canton Local graduate will be a beacon of knowledge, a pillar of integrity, and an inspiration for others to follow.

A Wildcat: •Takes risks willingly •Anticipates future needs •Produces novel and creative solutions •Learns from the past to better our future •Adapts to everchanging world

A Wildcat: •Listens actively •Understands the audience •Chooses the best mode of communication •Articulates a clear message •Respects differences •Reflects and evaluates progress

A Wildcat: •Creates with craftsmanship, integrity and respect •Builds and raises standards of quality •Demonstrates consistency of excellence •Exemplifies timeliness and strong work ethic •Demonstrates persistence and determination

A Wildcat: •Influences and compels others to take action •Displays courage in the face of adversity •Makes informed decisions •Serves as a positive role model •Challenges others to reach their potential •Takes initiative through intrinsic drive

A Wildcat: •Changes the community and the world for the better •Takes ownership for healthy life choices •Volunteers time and talents to help others •Leaves a “Pawprint” on all encounters

• Senior posters in cafeteria • New Broadcast • Student Survey

• FMMS Staff surveyed on evidence of Belief #1 In November 2011 Belief #1 Feedback from FMMS - 10 - Choice Classes - 7 - WOW - 5 - Project/Presentation Assessments (vs. paper/pencil assessments) - Webquest /Use of Technology - 4 - Design Work - One-on-One Computing - 2 - Design Team- Grade LevelCareer Plans - 1 - Enthusiastic Teachers - Helping Others (Jingle Jammies/Penny War, etc.) - Study about different cultures, societies, people - (outside their world) - Big Picture Activities = Cross curricular, engaging students I development of lessons & creation of rubrics - Making students “own” their choices - The students come to school The students are completing assignments - Giving kids ‘choices’ in class - Higher Level Questioning Giving students opportunities to go above & beyond the basic requirements of the school day (solo & ensemble; drama; math team; art competition, chess club, history day, dance club) - Guest Speakers sharing interest/passions - Giving Students opportunity to share their work/performances w/an audience through…sports, FMMS TV Display, band/choir, Veteran’s Day - Group Dynamics to foster teamwork in accomplishing project goals - Kids are showing enthusiasm for learning - Activities that relate to student’s lives/high interest - Writing Activities & Journals with Choices - Many “products” displayed around the school

Agenga • • •

Feedback Calendar for the year Coachine Circles • Let’s watch one • Let’s do one


• I feel confident at this time to toll out small circles at the high school and let them grow. • Watch a coaching cirle in action or take part in a few more. • I would like to know exactly what is expected of me such as a time line/ calendar. • I want to lead and bring support to others I just don’t want to move to slow or too fast. • I need the directions for protocol/guidance/group norms written out so they’re easy to see and refer to. • I need a little more practice. • I feel ready and able to roll out and use the deals presented and valued by this group. But would like more guidance in how to deal with the “tough” apples within our schoolhouses. • More authentic practice with coaching and being the coach. • I really think I can do this as long as we are given the “time” to get it done. • I need more practice in coaching circles with peers I am comfortable with this. • More training on the type of questions to ask, and comments to make to a group or individual. • To be more confident, I would need to be put into a coaching situation with a coach, coaching me along the way. • I need more familiarity with design qualities and coaching circles. page 39

What contributed to your level of engagement? • • • • • • •

A real lesson begin presented Being involved in a coaching circle See it! (the coaching circle) Eveyone being open and honest Discussion The lesson Authentic practice

page 42

page 42

+++ Mallory Floyd +++

Four teacher teams: Rachel Torgerson Cathy Ferrell Heather Buzinski

Tom Shaheen Emily Fox Johnson Danielle. Elliott Katherine Huston Kristie Sigler

Betsy Williams Sheila Doerschuk Allyson Ridenbaugh Erika Karovic

Janet Barcus Jen Brown Tonya Cunningham Debie Davidson

Mallory Floyd

page 43

Thursday, January 12, 2012 W.O.W Design Academy Agenda “The key to improving the schools is improving the quality of the work students are provided.” - Phil Schlechty I. II. III. IV.

Design Matters video Welcome & Purpose DQ Introductions The Process - Step 1 • Prewriting • Content and Substance – Picture of Success • Assessing Engagement and Achievement

Break – 10 min Coaching Circle V. Design vs. Planning – Extreme Home Makeover Lunch

VI. Step 2 • Product Focus • Organization of Knowledge • Clear & Compelling Product Standards • Protection from Adverse Consequences for Failures Coaching Circle VII. Step 3 • Affiliation • Affirmation • Choice • Novelty & Variety • Authenticity Coaching Circle VIII. Putting it all Together – Unit Design Format


Engagement Survey

Monday, January 23, 2012 School Design Teams Amy Eibel started helping Walker at Coaching Circles, Wonderful experience. Brought ideas back to try at FMMS.

These were great! It was wonderful to be a part of!!

Walker Design Days happened end of January for 2 days

• Hug Walker learning experience • Portrait of Graduate Discussions • 1st Coaching Circles? • FMMS planned Coaching Circles for February • Side note when the student driven newspaper comes home, I love reading it and knowing I was part of this design process! So proud of these individuals! • Critical Design Protocol Coaching Circles • Student Surveys • PLC Meetings in AM • December 2011 FMMS participation in Coaching Circles @ CO • Staff surveyed on evidence of Belief #2 (small group) in January 2012 continued on next page.

“If we want more students to be more engaged and more intrinsically motivated to learn academic subjects and see how mastery of those subjects can help them do things they care about, we need to design schoolwork differently. We need to honor many forms of intellectual work that currently are not honored in the narrow definition of what matters in school.” ~Phillip C. Schlechty, Creating Great Schools page 47

Canton Local Belief #2 ‘Every day we foster a culture of pride in our schools, created by positive relationships and meaningful work.’ What evidence do we have that we support the above belief? *Students return to say hello to teachers *Students feel comfortable asking for help *Staff gets along well together *Opened up the possibility of ‘student voice’ *PLC time used to talk about teaching/learning/ curriculum and now designing *Clean building-classrooms-hallway What do we need to do differently to align to this belief? *FMMS T-shirts – sell red and grey *Athletic pep rallies for our teams and CSHS *Wildcat of the Month on marquee *T-shirt war between grade levels *Spirit store *Showcase ‘best work’ on announcements *Continue to tie in ‘relevance’ to work **Need to ask kids what we ne

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 District Design Team Subcommittee worked on portrait of CL graduate -great team -format and language discussions -document produced to bring back to DDT • Design Fridays and South • Dancing Man Video Leadership (Loved that!) He was so great and true of the way things work!! • Feb. FMMS coaching circles AWESOME!! ª Many new design participants. Great feedback. Teachers want to do more! Especially in summer.(Meers participated)

Poll everywhere -student voice -teacher use in classroom

page 48

February 8, 2012 Lead Teacher Meeting Feb. 2012-2013 2 Coaching Circle Days -20+ teachers participated -6 coaching circles -new staff (haven’t joined design work at PLC time) joined coaching circles -positive feedback – wanting more opportunities to do coaching circles in summer Below - FMMS Staff gathered pictures of Belief #3’s evidence for TV sharing in February 2012

page 50

March 4-7, 2012 WOW Conference Charlotte, NC Definition of High Quality Education nt e h m g Hi gage En SBT



Base Camp

t we a h fw o w vie w with *Re kno ts from ric s t s i d s acro tr y oun c e th

WOW’ers Rachel Torgerson, Lindsey Brant, Katie Kreitzer, Brian Mohn, Kristie Sigler, Mallory Floyd, Jeremy Noll, Greg Williams, Emily Fox Johnson

“When students are engaged, they are related to the tasks they are involved with in a different way that when they are strategically or ritually compliant. Among other things, the relationship between these students and their work is generally unconditional. They are committed to the task, and the commitment is not contingent on the presence of rewards that are extrinsic to the work or the threat of punishment or negative sanctions.” ~Phillip C. Schlechty, Creating Great Schools page 51

C4D Training March 14-17, 2012 Louisville, KY Nick Stepanovich • Understanding the process and difference between Design vs Planning • Worked with other in similar situations • Importance of asking questions vs answering them • 4 - Steps to quality design

Monday, March 26, 2012 School Design Teams FMMS team developed a great plan to start off the year in 2012-2013 New ReadyFest experience CSHS Design Fridays targeting those who have not been “tapped� (Plan) New attendees for Design Friday Engage O meter Who am I Lots of Readyfest conversations and engaging parents Hows?? Walker -survey -vis. work -welcome flyer Parent Survey passed out and collected

page 52

Tuesday, March 27, 2012 District Design Team Focus on Faircrest Design of Readyfest: Conferences Sharing out of work at staff meetings (Feb. 2012 – May 2012) Canton Local Graduate finalized – This is something to be proud of 9th grade team begun “Web Based Portfolios” for students to show/ demonstrate how this applies to them

page 53


(activities that contribute) April 11, 2012

Lead Teacher Meeting

Lead Teacher Year end Celebration May 17,2012

“Teamwork makes DREAMS work!”

April 2012 • Monday Design Meetings -Focus -Designing Readyfest -Designing conferences 1 – Readyfest -community groups -athletic groups -athletic meetings for parents/players -grade level commitments -organization of a formal informative session 2-Conferences -gathering parental input -set dates -incorporating Explorer results

page 54

Continue coaching circle with voluntary staff

6 total groups

Clarity of Purpose & Values SDTs are O.K. on this, but there is still work to be done

w/rest of staff

Messaging will be critical for this at the beginning of

the year, i.e. “The design work will fit in w/OTES, RTI, OIP, etc.”

• Decisions made on Look to our “vision of a Canton Local Grad” as our value system

• Inservice for staff purposefully designed • Investment of PD $ for continued work

a UNIFIED front for each building... a direction for everyone to follow... a commonality

We need to utilize staff who have moved bldgs. to share

work (Ricketts, Sternberg)

We need to continue to work across bldgs. to share

ideas & leadership (coaching circles)

Maintaining high expectations & raising the bar -students will expect this work from staff once they are introduced *BELIF #4 *Jeff Moore’s comment about continuity from Walker FMMS CSHS -the system will break down if this doesn’t continue throughout the school experience

page 55

Leadership Commitment

• FMMS Emerging Leaders 2012-2013 Student Club

• Lead Teacher Supplementals

• Sent people to WOW Conferences

• Literacy specialist job developed

• Building Principal to Building Principal

• Peer Leadership W O R D

• Listening to all stateholders & voice of others

• Empowering students & teachers alike

• Who am I? Opening up to establish relationships

• Know the product

• Redesigning lessons

• Set goals for future students

• Sharing time w/one another

• Safety net for failure for staff & administrators

page 56

Sense of Direction FMMS executing plans for future work during school Design Team Meetings

All staff on same page

kids on DDT Beliefs

Future Planning

*Portrait of a CL Staff Member!

Portrait of CS Grad

Classroom Collaboration

Start year with a bang!

Need to “connect dots”

BDT to compliment the work of DDT

High School is moving slowly but surely “slow & steady” “wins the race”

working one educuational intiative through

page 57

RESOURCE ALLOCATION FLEXIBILITY • Building & sponsor extended learning opportunities - FMMS • Student schedule allocation of time to provide choice - FMMS • Shared staff for WOW work • Release Days for Coaching • Summer PD Design Academy • Katie Nolen schedule • Set aside PLC time • DDT Meetings / SDT Meetings • WOW Conference & more

What next

Needs work

• Continue to protect TIME • Linking grants to the work. •How do we release staff during day to work?

page 58

Infrastructure for Taking Action Katie Nolen made available for leadership / coaching circles / design work @ Walker Clear communication about roles, responsibilities and opportunities John Hopple tech support @ FMMS - embedding technology into academics Continued development of lead teachers - and building more leadership! Continue giving opportunities to design and participate in coaching circles DDT Mtgs. and SDT Mtgs. - Continue to meet & lead the district forward “Design Vocabulary� used intentionally in everything... especially summer PD classes!

page 59

Assessment Mechanisms WOW Work





# of participants @ each training

Lead teacher roles for / defined by building needs

parent / community surveys (future)

Design impact OTES

Attendance #’s

# of coaching circles/ # of participants

year map at each building to target growth

# actively engaged in teaching / learning initiatives

**system of documentation of work done

staff surveys

Classroom engage - O - meter

WOW staff training exit surveys for student input

momentum of engaged staff on journey

page 60

coaching circles

OAA scores



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