Cancer Is Curable! (2011)

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Why do we cook? And why actually people need to cook and what do they cook? They cook meat, cereals, vegetables to improve the taste. Why does it happen? In wild nature we will never see something like that? All leaving creatures living in natural environment eat what the nature gives them, not trying to improve their food. They simply have no need to improve something that is already good and tasty. Carnivoras eat raw flesh, herbivorous animals eat fresh grass, frugivorous creatures eat ripe fruits. There are no living creatures that could not eat the food destined for them in natural form. When a human initially takes the food that is not suitable for her/him, she/he has nothing to do but to make it edible and eatable somehow. If she/he takes the food that is suitable, there is no need to cook it. In both cases the food we eat is taken from nature. But a human is not at all happy with the food she/he takes from nature. Maybe we just take something inappropriate? Lets take pigs for example, they will eat natural raw potatoes with pleasure. But wolfs are not interested in potatoes at all. Nature has taken care about each creature in a proper way. For each creature there is appropriate, ready to eat food. And all that food is alive. But a human does not notice it. She/he’d rather take living food, cook it, converting living food into the dead one. Thus, he/she performs two very strange actions: he cooks what is already ready for consumption and he/she transforms living food into dead food. It is not clear how it is possible to make already good for eating food better while killing it with cooking, or mixing different kinds of food together. For each creature food serves better when consumed separately. That’s what we do: we take a vegetable marrow, cut it in slices, cleanse from inside, rub its pulp with salt, add some cream or cheese, sprinkle with slices of mushrooms, put all this stuff into oven for 40 minutes and only after that we would eat it. It is hard to understand how something dead can nourish a living body and supply it with necessary life power. We put into oven some tasteless food and after some time we open the oven and expect to take out something tasty. And if we do not like the taste of it, we’ll try to add something else. And we never even bother to think what huge transformations happen with this food in the oven. But we need to figure out what actually happens to this food after cooking. Let’s look at nature: when a ripe fruit stays under sun rays, it starts decomposing very fast. 30

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