Canski 2013 14

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This is a good thing. It allows bootfitters to develop their skills quickly as they learn what works and what doesn’t work. This is why bootfitters who have worked at area shops for a few seasons tend get it right. If they get it wrong they hear about it as soon as their customer can limp back to the store. At CAN-SKI we’ve been fitting ski boots in Whistler since 1986. That’s a lot of ski seasons and a lot of ski boots. We’ve had the time to learn how to get it right. Our philosophy is simple. We believe the first order of business is to match the skier to a ski boot so that it will require the least amount of customization to make it work properly. We’ve learned what works and what doesn’t work. Custom insoles or footbeds really do help with both fit and performance. They benefit almost all skiers which is why we offer a Fit Guarantee which includes a footbed. If you start with the good solid foundation a proper footbed provides it’s much easier to create a great fit that lasts. Skiers benefit immensely from proper alignment. A simple cuff adjustment most often works but in some cases canting the bootsole will be required. The benefits of correct alignment are immediate. The importance of warm, dry feet can’t be overstated. It’s not just a comfort thing. Any skier will ski better if their feet are comfortable. Battery operated boot heaters, electric socks, even special custom liners can drastically improve comfort on those chilly days. We strive to match skiers to boots in such a way as to minimize aftermarket adjustments but there will always be skiers who require that kind of work. Our bootfitters are very good at trouble shooting problems with ski boots and providing solutions. That’s what they do – day in and day out. Comfort and performance are key. That is why CAN-SKI offers a Boot Fit Guarantee. We know we can stand behind the boots we sell. We prove it every day. - 88 -

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