2021 Ramah Berkshires Annual Report

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Camp Ramah in the Berkshires is a vibrant summer camp community, where children grow in a beautiful and safe setting, surrounded by life-long friends and nurtured by spirited role models. From sports to the arts, swimming to outdoor adventure, camp is infused with the best of the traditions and values of Conservative Judaism: love of mitzvot, Hebrew language, and the land and people of Israel; commitment to inclusion and Tikun Olam; and the joy of learning and prayer.

We are so proud of [our daughter] for being at Camp and experiencing this new adventure.
- Jared Balanoff, First Time Camp Parent
Camp is infused with the best of our traditions and values
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As anyone who has ever been to Camp knows, the ritual of Havdalah is a special time. If you stand in just the right place during those critical moments, you can hear the singing and see the spark of the candle from just about every corner of Camp. Shabbat ends; the week begins. But despite the promise implied in the name, the dividing line between holy time and normal time is never quite so exact, especially at Camp. After all, at Ramah all time is holy time, and Shabbat somehow feels more normal in Camp than perhaps anywhere else. As the stars appear above us, we chant the words that promise clean divisions between one thing and the other, but it never feels quite so carefully compartmentalized.

That turned out to be true of this ongoing pandemic as well. We had imagined, after the lost summer of 2020, that kayitz (summer) 2021 would represent a clean break from the confusion and uncertainty of the year before. But it was not to be. We entered the summer with COVID numbers low and hope for a true separation from what had come before; we ended the summer with rising cases beyond our gates and a new wave upon us. And yet: 2021 was not 2020. We opened Camp. We brought nearly 800 campers and well over 200 staff to Wingdale and we kept them safe. It wasn’t easy. There was no coming or going from Camp, some of our normal programming could not happen, and everyone from the youngest campers to the oldest staff were very much trying to figure out what summer camp in an ongoing pandemic should look and feel like. Also, it rained. A lot.

But we did it. We ran a safe, fun, joyous summer camp. We created some division, at least, between what had been and what we could do. The shouts and songs of happy campers once more provided the soundtrack

of the summer, and we danced and played and laughed and learned and prayed our way through a summer that felt–mostly–more normal than not. We are grateful for those summer months; months that turned out to be a respite from a storm that we thought would end but is still raging. We are grateful to the staff who came not knowing what it would be like to be in Camp every moment of every day for almost nine weeks. We are grateful to our doctors and nurses who worked tirelessly this summer to keep Camp healthy. We are grateful to the parents of our campers who trusted us with their children even as circumstances and protocols seemed to change weekly.


And we are grateful to you. You helped us when the night seemed darkest, and you helped us when the dawn finally came–uncertain though it was. Without you there would have been no Havdalah between last year and this, because our light would have been snuffed out long since. Without your unending and generous support, we could not confidently plan for success with whatever the future may bring. This past summer was extraordinary in so many ways; we cannot wait for what comes next. Thank you for giving us the foundation for that hope, and thank you for assuring that Ramah Berkshires will continue to a place where Havdalah marks not the end of sanctified time and the beginning of something mundane, but rather reminds us that, at Camp, every moment is truly holy.

The 1st Annual Ramah Berkshires Light Parade was a campwide event that featured over 20 floats that were created, designed, built, and paraded through Camp by chanichim (campers). This beautiful and unique event was the beginning of a new summer tradition!

The yahadut (Jewish learning) program for our B-side edot (rising 8th-11th graders) was re-envisioned for Kayitz 2021 - and landed as quite a success! By combining these edot, we were able to offer over 25 bechirot (electives) to choose from over the course of the summer. These electives allowed the chanichim (campers) to tap into a variety of areas of interest, from outdoor education to music, art, storytelling, and more! Some highlight electives included: “Israeli Elections Simulation,” “Drash & Dragons,” “Process Painting: Created in God’s Image,” “Parasha Podcast,” and “Jewish Music in the United States Today.”

We are grateful for our campers who brought such wondrous happiness to Camp.
Yahadut E LE ctiv E s L i G ht P a R ad E
AnnuAl RepoRt 2021 5
CAmp RAmAh in the BeRkshiRes4

Kayitz (Summer) 2021 was the inaugural summer for “Becoming GESHER” - an exciting and unique leadership program designed for our Gesher chanichim (rising 11th grade campers). Each week of the summer focused on a different midah (value) - Gibush (unification), Etz Chayim (“Tree of Life” - i.e, Torah), Shivyon (equity), Hitbodedut (self-meditation), Emunah (faith), and Ruach (spirit, energy). Throughout the summer, the Gesher chanichim had many opportunities and experiences to demonstrate these values as they experienced their final summer as chanichim, and began to prepare for their transition to tzevet (staff).

LG bt Q+

This summer was filled with opportunities for LGBTQ+ campers, staff members, and allies to explore their identities, to connect to Jewish tradition and learning, and to build community within the larger Camp kehillah (community). The establishment of our first “Keshet Club” provided a weekly space for our LGBTQ+ campers and staff members to gather together to talk, play games, and reflect on what it means to be part of the LGBTQ+ community at Camp Ramah in the Berkshires.

I really can’t overstate how much my husband and I appreciate what you all pulled off this summer. I know it was super challenging and took sustained effort... thank you again.
- Carrie Marlin, Camp Parent
bE comin G GE sh ER
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Newly cut trails on Ramah Mountain allowed for more frequent small-group hikes and campouts this past summer.

It was many of the imperfections that helped make this past summer close to perfect. [Despite the pandemic], something that remained unadulterated, ever-present, and true was the kehilla of Ramah Berkshires.

Camp has always been my home away from home. To see it from the staff perspective was a deeply enriching experience.

A new igul (campfire circle) on B-side gave our B-side chanichim (campers) many opportunities this summer for B-side chanichim to participate in outdoor cooking for bishul boker (breakfast) and even bishul aruchat erev (dinner). This new-and-improved igul definitely earned its coined name “Igul Bet-ter.”

As a counselor you really do have a profound impact on the campers and they have just as much of an impact on you. I’m truly grateful for every single part of Kayitz 2021 - bubble and all.”

The chanichim (campers) enjoyed learning how to maneuver through this uniquely designed Ninja Course, built behind the Ulam. The chanichim (campers) had a blast jumping off, sliding down, and climbing up the newest inflatable addition to the agam (lake). ninja course agam inflatable hikes Three Ramah Berkshires’ camper productions - High School Musical, Cinderella, and Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat - were enjoyed in our beautiful new outdoor theater, complete with a full stage, lighting, and production tower. outdoor theater campfire circle
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We cannot thank you and your staff enough for everything you have done and all that you continue to do to keep our kids safe and happy!

-Donna & Noam Kritzer


Ramah sER vic E c o RP s F ELL ows

The Ramah Service Corps, a program through the National Ramah Commission, has enabled us to engage three summer staff members to assist with year-round programming. We were thrilled to have Jared Blatteis, Maya Rabinowitz, and Shosahana Scheinberg as our 2020-2021 fellows, and we are delighted to welcome Mitchell Black, Dina Ocken, and Abby Stern as our 2021-2022 fellows.


This past year, during the non-summer months, we have

t z E v E t Lov E

Thanks to the generosity of many Camp parents, our incredible, dedicated, and hard-working tzevet (staff) members were showered with “staff appreciation” this summer through delicious food, special outings, and exciting staff programming. Highlights included fresh bagel breakfasts throughout the summer, a special delivery of Chickie’s, a visit from Rita’s Ice, three times weekly fresh coffee and hot chocolate from Dunkin’, and an evening at a rented out movie theater. Our tzevet truly felt the love!

s ta FF tR ainin G

Our Shavua Hachanah (staff week) is filled with special speakers, staff trainings, and skill building sessions for our entire summer staff. Two of the guests we welcomed this summer were Rahel Bayer, CEO of The Bayar Group and Lindsay Fram, a nationally renowned Sexuality Educator and Trainer. Rahel Bayar, a former sex crimes and child crimes and child abuse prosecutor, ran a training session about setting safe boundaries and preventing abuse at Camp. We welcomed back Lindsay Fram who spoke to the tzevet (staff) about creating a safe and wonderful summer for all campers through an exploration of issues of equity, rejection, and consent. We feel fortunate to have been able to provide these important and engaging training and professional development sessions that set an important tone for the summer.

THESE INCLUDED: regular COVID-19 testing (we administered an estimated 4000 PCR tests over the course of seven weeks!); the addition of an outdoor “satellite” Chadar Ochel (Dining Hall) that enabled us to divide the number of campers and staff gathering to eat at one time; the addition of new covered outdoor program spaces, including a huge “circus tent” in the middle of Camp; outdoor triage areas set up adjacent to the Marpeah (infirmary) in order to prevent crowding of campers who were not feeling well inside the “marp” building; special activities and treats for our staff members who were unable to leave on days off because of our closed camp “bubble”; and special in-camp programming for campers in place of our typical out-of-camp trips (for example, we hosted an amazing carnival during “intersession” – the days between first and second session). We are so grateful that the measures we took not only enabled us to run a COVID-free summer, but also allowed us to add new and exciting programmatic elements to the 2021 Kayitz experience.

$100,000 AND ABOVE


Harold Grinspoon Foundation

Eileen and Jerry Lieberman

$36,000 - $99,000

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Jewish Community Response and Impact Fund

Karen and Jonathan Kaplan

Alan Queen

$20,000 - 35,999

Adina Avery-Grossman and Harman Grossman

Victoria and Benjamin Feder

Atara Jacobson and Scott Bieber

Stacey and David Leibowitz

Heather and Adi Rabinowitz

Michael Ravitz

Mindy and Alan Schall

$10,000 - 19,999

Rebecca and Joe Alkon

The Eibshutz-Raphan Foundation, Inc.

Melissa Kushner and Jeremy Kaplan

The Nachshon Project

Sarah and David Nanus

National Ramah Commission Susan Och and Brian Kalver

Stefanie Katz Rothman and James Rothman

$5,000 - 9,999

Amy and Rick Atlas

Amy and Jeremy Biloon

Daniele and Steven Bleier Renee and Mark Covitt

Federation of Jewish Men’s Club, New York Metro Region

Ann Goldhirsch and Barry Love Robert Haar

Joanna Kasirer and Josh Kaplan

Rabbi Dara and Simon Klarfeld

Blossom and Ed Leibowitz

Illana and Adam Margolis

Cynthia Moss and Vittorio Terracina

Jaclyn and Gonen Paradis

The decrease in dollars distributed in 2021 was due to a decrease in requests for support.

*We are pleased that we were able to meet the needs of all incoming camper families, ensuring that all enrolled campers were able to spend the summer in camp.
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OPERATING FACILITY INVESTMENT 2017 2018 2019 2021 $928,011 $1,099,296 $1,286,026 $1,359,290 CAMP IN COVID DONORS THANK YOU FINANCIALS 2021 OPERATING REVENUE 2021 OPERATING EXPENSES הבר הדות Over the past 4 summers your support has allowed us to provide over 1.6 million dollars in financial tuition assistance. 83.6% 29.5% 11% 44.7% 14.8% 9.64% 6.2% .539% TUITION & FEES $5,535,505 CHARITABLE GIVING $638,225 GRANTS $410,735 OTHER INCOME $35,663 SALARIES & BENEFITS $2,833,560 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS & FACILITIES $941,442 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION $699,710 PROGRAM & OPERATIONS $1,871,424 THANKS TO THE GENEROUS SUPPORT OF OUR COMMUNITY, IN THE SUMMER OF 2021 WE WERE ABLE TO MAKE MANY ADJUSTMENTS AND ACCOMMODATIONS TO PROTECT THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF OUR CAMPERS AND STAFF, AND TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF COVID-19. 2018 2017 2021 2019 Financial Assistance in Financial Assistance in Financial Assistance in Financial Assistance in $436,560 $377,194 $397,463* $454,146 ! THIS LIST INCLUDES ALL DONATIONS FROM JAN. 1 – DEC. 31, 2021

Noam Rubinstein

Arielle Greenbaum Saposh and Yoni Saposh

Harriet and Rabbi Joel Shaiman

Leslie and Jeremy Teicher

Ayelet and Jeffrey Teitelbaum

UJA Federation of New York

Monica and Lester Weiss

Selma and Daniel Weiss

$2,500 - 4,999

Sheara and David Arbit

Audrey Atlas

Susan and Joel Berman

Lindsay and Will Bressman

Caspe Foundation

Jessica Yood and Avi Deener

Alisa and Daniel Doctoroff

Amy and Andrew Forrest

Diana and Liron Gitig

Lisa and Joshua Golomb

Lynne and Arnold Gordon


The Herman Forbes Charitable Trust

Linda Holof-Saposh and Rabbi Stuart Saposh

Sofia Hubscher and Adam Wallach

Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ

Suzanne Katz and Richard Friedman

Sarah Klagsbrun and Eric Weinstein

Ilana and Simmy Kustanowitz

Rabbi Luciana Pajecki Lederman and Alon Lederman

Liquid Screen Design, LLC

Batya Nadler and Matthew Albert Michael Och

Shelley and Josef Paradis

Martha and Hugh Pollack

Francie and Stephen Teitelbaum

Elena and David Zislin

$1,800 - 2,499


Steve Baumgarten

Rebecca and Ari Berman

Sara Bucholtz

Deborah and Ari Burstein

Gena and Lawrence Cobrin

Corinthian International Foundation

Erica and Ephraim Edelman

Lori and Steve Fineman

Vivian Fried and Leonard Podair

Valerie and Mark Gerstein

Sarah and Robert Goodman

The Arie and Eva Halpern Family Foundation Inc.

Jenna Statfeld Harris and Aaron Harris

Rhonda and Richard Kahn Elana Kaminetzky and Brian Cohen

Annie and David Kaufman

Leah and Aaron Lipskar

Barbara and Charles Mann

Liz and Yuval Marcus

Deborah and Jeffrey Moelis

Park Avenue Synagogue Erynne and Ari Rennert

Josie Sandler and Joshua Flug

Naomi and Ari Saposh Jane-Rachel and Rabbi Aaron Schonbrun

Aviva and Steven Seiden

Sarah and Jeremy Sokolic Ellen and Jay Steinberg Martha and Ari Swiller

Shoshi Talesnick and Rabbi Barry Katz

$1,000 - 1,799 Mia and Jeremy Abelson

Nicole and Michael Adler

Meryl and Stewart Ain Orli Almog and Ben Levy Loren Altshuler and Andrew Sapira Tamar and Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz

Phillip Bausk Tahlia and Jordan Bliss

Roslyn Braun

Jessica and Jeffrey Brown Jody and Jonathan Caplan

Sandra and Richard Cohen

Cari and Rabbi Mitchell Cohen

Karen and Daniel Covitt Heather and Jesse David Michelle and Michael Dittelman

Lisa Fishman and Sam Lehr Eric Freedman

Jennie Friedman and Ross Zelman Nili Gitig

Arielle Glaser and Jordan Herzog

Jordana Horn Gordon and Jon Gordon Yvette Gordon Alison Grann and David Gutstein Max Green

Jessica Green Rebecca Green-Kaplan and Leonard Kaplan

Ilene and Jeffrey Greenbaum

Marian Gross-Koblenzer and Jonathan Koblenzer

Penina Grossberg and Matt Epstein Sarah and Elie Hirschfeld Rebecca Kahn

Jordana Klein and Adin Meir Deborah Kruger and Robby Tepper

Eillene Leistner and Barry Winiker

Jennifer Leon and Joshua Hirsch

Aliza and Benjamin Mann Jill and Jason Paris

Julia Paris Andrea and Jeremy Perler

PSEG Erica and Jeremy Rosenfeld Rachel and Joshua Schanzer

Bree Schonbrun and Ian Dumain Rose and Dan Shames Heidi and Robert Silverstone

Elyce and Steven Smedresman

Elizabeth and Daniel Spevack Sherry and Doron Steger

Nancy and Harold Tepper

Rebecca Tobin and Ari Ungar

Ruth Weinreb and Bennett Ashley Lynn and Gil Weitzman

Melissa Werber

$500 - 999

Rabbis Rachel Ain and David Levy

Orly Arbit

Bank of America Matching Gifts

Tamar and Scott Barbash

Sharyn Ben-Zvi and Ken Unger

Sherry and Stephen Boguchwal

Melissa and Jonathan Boguchwal

Debbi Bohnen and Adam Wall

Jennifer and Nick Brown

Ellie Carmody and Daniel Stone Neal Chalofsky

Barry Cohen

Lori Cohen and Alon Gitig Joan and Rabbi Martin Cohen

Rochel and Leonard David Jeremy Deutsch Faye Dittleman

Rabbi Moshe Edelman

Rachel Engelberg Karen and Noah Estrin

Jennifer Feldman

Jenna and Ori Foger Josh Fox

Jonathan Funk and John Arnold Andrea and Benjamin Genek Leslie Glubo

Rachel Goldrich Amy and Jon Goldstein

Rena and Andrew Goodman

Amy and Scott Gottesfeld Brenne and Eli Grossman

Sara Gubins and Michael Bijaoui

Adar and Sam Gurvitch Emma Haddad and Russell Steinthal Fanny and Sheldon Handel

Judy and Robert Hirsch Sigal Hirsch

Max Hirsch

Anne and Ari Hoffnung

Alison Joseph and Matt Kirschen Jessica and Adam Kaplan

Randi and Justin Kattan

Rebecca Kurland

Sara and Benjamin Levin

Alyssa and Sam Levy

Talia and Marc Metson

Sarah and Alex Mishurov Elaine and Ronald Morris

Marlene Noveck and Steven Goldstein

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Talya Oberfield and Rabbi Ari Lucas

Lauren and Andrew Orenstein

Barbara and Peter Paris

Pfizer Foundation

Matching Gifts Program

Renah and Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz

Rebecca Raphael and Eric Feuerstein

Emily and Gil Raviv

Susan Ticker and Cantor Henry Rosenblum

Amy Perle Rosuck and Craig Rosuck

Ari Sarna

Abigail and Robert Schlaff

Ilene and Michael Schlank

Rachel Schwartz and Craig Goldstein

Danielle and Adi Segal

Ranit and Gabriel Shiff

Ilana Sidorsky and Joseph Robbins

Dana Siperstein

Susie and Scott Smedresman

Tamara and Rich Solomon

Ezra Steinberg

Sandi and Alexander Stern


Dina Ufberg and Samuel Goodman

Ilana and Michael Verstandig


Dottie and Donald Wagner

Marni and Mitchell Weinberg

Melissa and Brian Weiss

Paula Kramer Weiss and Jeff Weiss

Faye Wurman Rev Trust

Arlyne and Alan Zagon

Elaine and Joseph Zeitlin

$360 - 499

Denise and David Abner

Linda Adams

Rabbi Rachel Aranoff

Alexandra and Jason Auerbach

Sara Beckerman

Dalya and Jonathan Berger

Danya and Marc Berman

Jennifer Bernell-Majzner and Marc Majzner

Catherine and Jeff Brown

Susan Cantor

Stephanie Carmel

Ella and Noah Chinitz

Toby Cobrin

Lauren and Ian Cutler

Michael Dinowitz

Jennifer Dugdale and Benjamin Sommer

Jennifer Eisenberg

Amy and Bruce Engelberg

Gabriel Feldman

Dana and Adam Fine

Deena Fraint

Adam Friedman

Michael Garfinkle

Dale and Steven Gindi

Karen and Henry Glanternik

Carol and Philip Goldsmith

Brent Greenspan

Rebecca and Jerry Gumpel

Avi Hoffman

Nina and Adam Kantrowitz

Deena and Howard Kestenbaum

Ariela Keysar-Coy and Peter Coy

Joy and Benno Kimmelman

Ella and Sam Kohn

Liba Kornfeld and Rabbi Ethan Linden

Leah Krakinowski and Andrew Silberstein

Arielle Mallen and Jonathan Kuritzky

Debra Kroll and Alexander Mandel

Rabbi Dahlia Kronish-Maudlin and Joshua Maudlin

Natasha Labovitz

Beena and Steven Levy

Jacqueline and Jeffrey Lisenbaum

Judith Margolin and Seth Schwartz

Adria and Philip Metson

Stephanie Novak and Marc Weinstein Dana Ostrow and Seth Theriault

Lisa and Rabbi Harry Pell Dara and Jason Rogoff

Howard Rombom

Rabbi Paula and Jeremy Rose

Steven Saltz Ilana and Robert Saposh

Bruce Schreiber

Jessica and Yoni Schwab

Sarah and Rabbi Daniel Schweber

Judy Fried Siegel and Jonathan Siegel

Yaira Singer and Matthew Binstock

Sarah and Joshua Smith

Rachael and Michael Smolow

Rhoda Sperling and Ted Hollenberg

Harriet and Harold Spevack

Shira and Joseph Steinberg

Amy Sugarman and Marc Damsky

Elana and Brian Tepper

Nathan Tondow Risa and Jeff Torkin

Shelly Tsirulik

Haley and Max Vogel

Beth Berman Wechsler and Steven Wechsler

Justin Weitz

Joshua Wohl

Robin and Scott Wohlstetter

Calie and Jason Yousha

$181 - 359

Brenda and Steven Albert Anonymous (2)

Paul Appleby

Abigail and Ben Archibald Evan Ashley

Elana Axelrod

Shari and Ted Baran Liza and Gary Barth

Sheryl and Eric Bassin

Amy Bebchick and Jeffrey Brown

Matan Berkowitz

Beth Berkowitz and Joshua Henkin

Melanie and Marc Blatteis

Geraldine and Paul Bloch

Mara and Daniel Braunfeld

Lori and Len Brooks

Brooke Capps-Yaroni and Allon Yaroni

Helen Chernikoff and Daniel Kirschbaum

Rachel Pecker and Ari Zelman Sharon Zucker
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Melissa Chizzik-Schnall and Andrew Schnall

Naomi and Seth Cohen

Lauryn and Adam Covitt

Ethan Coy

Sarrae Crane and Rabbi Jonathan Waxman

Ava and Jeffrey Cushner

Serena David Jill Davis

Julie Domonkos and Daniel Leffell

Tammy Dorff

Fay and Kenny Duftler

Renee Dunn

Naomi and Gerald Eisenberger

Lili Ezrapour

Caroline Fox and David Shechter

Rebecca and Rabbi Keven Friedman

Anne Friedman and Saul Finkelstein

Jessica and Rabbi Jason Fruithandler

Omer Gamlieli

Michelle Katz and Cantor Adam Frei Shai Katz

Vanessa and Adam Kerchner

Pamela Kessel

Daniela and Steven Klein

Samantha and Wilson Knight

Naomi Ko and Avi Urbas

Margalit Cirlin Koffler and Caleb Koffler

Anne Kohn and Charles Gold

Dalia and Joseph Lerner

Judy Levenstein and Phil Kruger

Allison and Martin Levine

Jackie Lewis

Kim and Jeff Lichtenstein

Jenny and Randy Longman

Jennifer Mandra

Elisa Marcus and Dror Bikel

Jacob Margolis

Tova and Stuart Markowitz

Caryn Marlin and John Shaw

Stephanie Nussbaum and Michael Kress

Nancy and Nissim Oron

Chava and Craig Ortner

Naomi and Mark Paul

Ari Peskoe

Dina and Douglas Propp

Alexandra and Haskel Rabbani

Marta Ravin and Abraham Leinwand

Amy Rebenstock

Howard Rebenstock

Michael Reifman

Faith Roessel and Matthew Slater

Arlene Rogachefsky and David Black

Philip and Jenifer Romm

Ilana and Paul Rosenberg

Deedee Rosenfeld

Jodi and Michael Rosensaft

Rachel Rodnyansky

Barbara and Paul Schwartz

Michelle Shenfeld

Julie Shikh

Shira Lee and Daniel Silver

Toby and Allan Silvera

Sharon Barr Skolnik and Hillel Skolnik

Elizabeth Solomont and Phil Levy

Aron Sotnikoff

Ruthie and Eliezer Stavsky Shira and Josh Stein

Daniel Stern

Sarah and Michael Stern Lauri and Charles Stern

Cantor Elizabeth Stevens and Mark Popovsky

Laura and James Sugarman

Esther and Garth Symonds

Lisa Szubin-Katzman and Jay Katzman

Michal Telem and Marc Melzer

Rachel Glasser

Samuel Glassoff

Adele Goldberg

Barbara and Howard Goldberg

Carrie and Joseph Goldberg

Ariela Bellen Goldenberg

Rachel Goldman and Bob Johnsen

Jennie Goldress and Andrew Eisenberger

Aliza and Steve Goldstein

Aytan Goodman


Jenna and Elliot Gordon

Jonathan Gottlieb

Graham Holdings Matching Gift Program

Joshua Gruber

Shira and Robert Grunstein

Max Gurvitch

Ben Guzik

Rabbis Hilly Haber and Rachel Marder

Bennett Heller

Jana and Todd Helmrich

Danielle and Steven Herbst

Alison Hoffer

Oren Hoffman and Ari Mishkin

Oshrat Hoffman

Alison and Joshua Holden

Sharon and Matthew Holden

Samantha Hollenberg

Dara Horn and Brendan Schulman

Dena Hubscher

Israel Bonds

Sharon Jacob

Sara Kabakov and Greg Pitts

Aliza Kahn

Marcia Kahnowitz

Didi Kalmanofsky

Rabbis Amy and Jeremy Kalmanofsky

Sue and Sam Kamens

Michelle and Evan Kantor

Beth Mayerowitz and Eugenio Brauner

Linda and Paul Mayerowitz

Jessica and Ross Mehlman

Midway Jewish Center

Galit Mizrahi and Arnold Franklin Uri Moche

Daniel Mohrer

Rabbi Loren and Jeremy Monosov

Julie and Richard Morgulis

Network for Good Yoav Nudell

Madelyn Roth Miriam and Adam Ruchman

Jill and Eric Sacks

Amalia Safran

Jennifer Saine and David Griff

Susan Salwen

Danielle Salzberg and Daniel Kochavi Michael Sanow

Diana and Ilan Scharf

Scott Scheff

Rachel Schindler

Rena and David Schlussel

Ivy and David Schreiber

Rebecca Theise and Chaz Firestone Leah and Michael Traub

Shira Tydings-Bressler and Lee Bressler

Danielle Violette-Birnberg

Valerie Wald and Jeremy Goldman

Shirley Wald

Benjamin Werber

Sherry Woocher

Robert Yontef

Nora and Barry Yood

Judith and Allen Zaks

Rachel and Daniel Zar

Michelle and Shaun Zeitlin

AnnuAl RepoRt 2021CAmp RAmAh in the BeRkshiRes 1918 DONORSDONORS
You are doing GREAT JOBS in a very difficult situation - THANK YOU!” - Camp Parent, Kayitz 2021

$1 - 180

Cheryl Abbani

Elizabeth Abrahams

Julie and Mark Abramowitz

Louise and Martin Abrams

Aleeza and Andy Adelman

Seth Adelsberg

William Adelson

Ariella and Barry Adika

Larry Agin

Leslie Agisim

Deborah Weiss Aizenberg and Gabriel Aizenberg


Molly Baraff

Hannah and Yoni Bargad

James Bass

Isabel Bass

Shari and John Bates

Amy Bebchick and Jeffrey Brown

Pearl Beck and David Fisher

Matthew Benak

Sharon Berger

Anna Berger

Adam Berke

Jane and Steven Berkowitz

Randi Berkowitz and Jonathan Regosin

Nathaniel Berman

Rachel and Mark Berman

Anna Bessendorf

Betty and Donald Bieber

Tamryn and Jason Birke

Gabrielle Blady

Deborah Blady

Helene Blieberg

Miriam and Matthew Block

Shayna Block

Ronda and Andrew Bloom

Michelle and Jonathan Bloom

Irit Carsanty

Rafi Chesler

Nathaniel Chevan Elizabeth Chipkin

Lauren Cimbol

David Clements

Nava and Adam Cohen

Rebecca Cohen

Sarah and Asaf Cohen

Yishai Cohen

Sharon and Henry Cohen

Leora Cohen and Rabbi Joel Levenson

Nomi and Harold Colton-Max Benjamin Cooper

Rachel Cooper

Arthur Cooperman Ella Cooperman

Brooke Cowen

CT Male Associates

Jennifer and Daniel Cubell

Jeremy Davis

Sheryl and Emily Dennis

Chana and Josh Diamond

Sarah and Michael Diamond Ricky Dinowitz

Lawrence Dombrow

Matthew Drescher

Rachel Drucker

Hallie Dunn

The East Northport Jewish Center

Malka Edelman

Stephen Edelman

PJ Edelman

Barry Edelstein

Dina Eidman

Leora Einleger

Jodi and Fabian Eliasson

Elana Elster and Jordan Horvath

Iris Engelson and Hyman Rosen

The Esrig Family

Tali and Stan Etra

Eliza Ezrapour

Jodi Ezratty

Jacob Feinberg

Max Feinblatt

Marcy Felsenfeld and Kenneth Gold

Gavi Young Fenster

Sarah Ferbank

Merisa and Asher Fink

Bella Fink

Harrison Fink

Jacob Fink

Jacob Finkelstein

Jeannie and Scott Fisher

Elana and Ariel Fishman

Justin Fiszer

Adiel Fleischer

Brett Fleisher

Aaron Frank

Miriam Fridman

Joshua Friedman

Sarah Friedman and James Fraiman

Daniel Friedman

Ariel Friedman

Robin Friedman

Ari Friedman

Barbara Freedman and Mitchell Wand

Anna Frischman

Beth and Michael Fruchtman

Roberta and Zvi Albert

Sari and Rabbi Uri Allen

Jessica and Andrew Alter

Liat and Daniel Altman

Anonymous (4)

Rachel Wainer Apter and Jonathan Apter

Matthew Arbess

Josh Arbit

Molly Arenson

Avi Argaman

Shira Arzt

Moti Asif and Matthew Blank

Alyssa Austern

Gladys and Yehuda Azulay

Jesse Badash

Aaron Blum

Amy Blumenfeld

Joanne and Elliot Bramnick

Susan Brecher

Sarit Brecher

Mollie Breger

Cindy Brody

Laura Brody

Rachael Siegel Bronstein and Ronnie Bronstein

Sari Brusso

Deborah Burkhoff

Adam Burton

Corey Busk

Annie Cannon

Benjamin Caplan

Ann and Rabbi Sandy Zisser Ariela and Andrew Zizmor
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Shira Hutt and Jonathan Cornwell

David Immerman

Yoav Jacob Lauren and Jonathan Jager-Hyman

Daniel Jaret

Sarah Jarvis

Lisa and Spencer Jesner

Gail Joseph

Isabella Jureller

Bernice and Gilbert Kahn

Rabbis Naomi Kalish and Robert Scheinberg

Hadas Kalmanofsky

Aviva Kamens

Elan Kane

Aaron Kaplowitz

Ann and Andrew Karmin

Jackie and Donny Furst

Liz Fusco-Bergman and Billy Bergman

Michelle Gavens and Brian Margolis

Rabbi Lisa Gelber

Max Geller

Jamie and Paul Gerber

Deena Gilboa

Deborah Gillman and Daniel Kass

Rabbi Bruce Ginsburg

Luciana Giorgi

Stephanie and Brian Gitnik

Elisha and Ari Glazer

Ariel Gleaner

Jason S. Goldberg

Abra and Michael Goldemberg

Jacob Goldenberg

Eric Goldman

Leslie Goldress

Myrna Goldstein

Alix Gollomp

Betty and Hank Golomb

Asya Gelfand Goodman

Debbie and Simon Goodman

Sydney Goodman

Maor Gordon-Guterman

Grandstand Sports & Memorabilia, Inc.

Beth Green

Linda Roberts Greenblatt and Marc Greenblatt

Leah and Peter Greenspan

Harry Griff

Sam Griff

Nofit and Arthur Gross Sue Gross Zoe Grossman

Ilene Grossman

Sandra and Jack Gruenberg

Alan Gruenberg

Samuel Gubins

Adina and Shlomo Gunsburg

Lisa Gutkin

Naomi Gutstein Ben Gutstein

Jacob Gutstein

Allison Guttenplan

Rabbi Yael Hammerman

Hillary Kroll

Rachel Kroll

Michael Krulee

Talya Kula

Pamela and David Kuperstein

Mark Kushner

Helene Kushner and Roy Horowitz

Heidi and David Lackowitz

Jessica Landsberg

Darren Langer

Alan Lavin

Shayne and Eli Lazar

Rebecca Leeman

Asher Leffell

Deborah Leffell

Debbie and Dan Lehman

Stephanie Handel

Kimberly and Marc Harrison

Cindy Hecht

Alyse Heilpern

David Heller

Beth Heller

Eve Heller

Ethan Heller

Amy and Kirk Henin

Barbara and Harvey Hennes

Ali and Adam Henslovitz

Mala Hertz

Sarah Hirsch

Renee Hirsch

Sherri and Scott Hockfeld

Gail Hoffer-Loibl

Rachel Hoffman

Ian Hollenberg

Ari Holsten

Jocelyn and Shawn Holt

Renee and Rabbi David Holtz

Paul Horvath

Marisa Horwood

Jonathan Huberman

Eric Leiderman

Rochelle Leinwand

Jeffrey Leon

Laura Leon

Abby Lerner

Aaron Lesserson

Hope and Rabbi Melanie Levav

Ariel and Wolf Levenson

Sandra Levenson

Leslie and Jason Levin

Ann Levin

Zachary Levine

Sonya Levine

Rosalind and Ronald Levy

Rhonda and Gary Lillianthal

Ben Linden

Toby Kass

Mara and Ezra Kassin

Aviva Katz

Ariel Katz

Michele and Spencer Kaufman

Julia Keltz and Zachary Seiden Robert Keltz

Cara Kessler

Leia Kessler

Rebecca Kevelson

Brenda and Victor Khabie

Jonah Kimmelstiel

Jeremy Kimmelstiel

Jonah Klausner

Karine Kleinhaus-Aizenberg and Salo Aizenberg

Lori and Steven Klinghoffer

Julie Koenigsberg

Gavriella and Rabbi Noam Kornsgold

Yaffa Kornsgold

Jodi Kraushar

Nancy Kriegel and Andrew Butler

Alex Kristal

Douglas Kroll

AnnuAl RepoRt 2021CAmp RAmAh in the BeRkshiRes 2322 DONORSDONORS

Leslie and Michael Linn

Maya Liran

Hannah Lorman

Nathan Maidenbaum

Alec Mais

Judy Malavsky and Robert Scott

Naama Malomet

Yaakov Malomet

Elisheva Malomet

Maayan Malomet

Beth Mann

Matan Mann

Ariel Marcus

Ehud Marcus

Erika Marcus and Charles Neuman

Hannah Margolis

Karol Markowicz

Carrie and Joel Marlin

Tovah and Josh Marmer

Steven Matthews

Debbie and Jeff Meiliken

Rachel and Yaron Meiner

Samuel Mernick

Deena and Dan Messinger

Amy Michelman and Eli Isaacson

Harold Michels

Jennafer Miller

Felicia Miller and Benjamin Leeman

Loren Miller

Joyce and Richard Miller

Rachel Miller

Uri Monson

Sharon and Stephen Morganstern

Samara Moritz

Jackie Moses

Matthew Murray

Jessica and Randy Nathan

Randi Navon

Isaac Nemetz

Erica Neuman and Robert Reese


Jeremy Ney Claire and Aaron Nierenberg

Arielle Nissenblatt

Jeannette Norris

Ilana Nossel and Jordan Kolar

Renee Nossel

Adar Novak

Alissa Nussbaum

Mike O’Connor

Rachel Ohayon

Neil Orans

Rachel and Hal Ossman

Zoe Owens Lisa and Robert Patchen

Joy Perla

Josh Pines

Odeya Pinkus

Naomi Podair

Naomi Polinsky

Richard Pollack

Marissa Feiwus Pollack

Natalie and Rabbi Michael Pont

Gabriel Pont

Rabbi Paulette Posner

Inna Postolov and Joshua Stillman

Alexi Praskin

Lev Pravda

Jessie and Ryan Pressman

Price Waterhouse Coopers

Rachel Prince

Melissa and Yoram Puius

Miri and Daniel Radomski

Frances and Jason Raede

Rita Rak

Jacob Rak

Lynda Rath

Micaela Raviv

Jessica Raviv

Emily Rebenstock

Allison Rebenstock

Naomi Skop Richter and Joseph Richter

Rebecca Rimsky and Daniel Stecker

Stacey and Cantor Bruce Rockman

Reuven and Judy Rohn

Wendy and Mitchel Rosen

Maria Rosen

Robyn, Alan and Evan Rosenbloom

Madeline Rosenfeld

Phoebe Rosenfeld

Joshua Rosenfeld

Ellen Rosenwald

Yael and Zach Rosenzweig

Gabrielle Roth

Loren and Mark Roth

Rabbis Amy Roth and Noam Marans

Stefanie Roth

Lauren and Bruce Roth

Dana Roth Benjamin Roth

Ben Rothman

Shira Rubinstein and Eric Schechtman

Elizabeth Rubinstein

Samuel Rude Eitan Rude

Elena Russo

Sarah Saad

Michael Sacks

Aliza Sadiky

Melanie and Daniel Sadok

Elana Safran

Ilana Saltz

Marcy Salwen

David and Alice Sandgrund

Lieba and Daniel Savitt

Renee and Herman Savitz

Ariella Savitz

Phyllis and Michael Schafrank

Marilyn Schamroth

Julie and Phil Schanzer

Jane Schechter

Adina Scheinberg

Leah Scherer

Julia Scherzer

Ben Schluger

Lisa and Eric Schmutter

Alex Schoenbart

Sally and Gordon Schonfeld

Sari and Jeremy Schulman

Jessica Schwartz

Julie Schwartz

Ilana Schwartz

Annabelle Schwartz

Alex Schwarz

Debra Schwarz

Rachael and Ari Sclar

Rebecca and Jesse Seiden

Lisa and Dan Serviss Michelle Shandler

Eliana Shapiro

Zohra Shaukat

Caryn and John Shaw Debbie and Greg Shaw

Naomi Shechter

Katie Shepard Adam Shiff

Liliya Shikh

Julie and Jeffrey Shlefstein

Ariella Shua

Elijah Siegel

Rachel Siegel

Nicole and Rabbi Dave Siegel

Deborah Siegel

Bonnie and David Silvera Isaac Silvera

Haskell Silvera

Mitchell Silverman

Michael Silverstone

Max Silverstone

Mitchell Simon Melissa Siskind

Debra and Art Skaroff

Ilana Skolnick

Tara and Jeffrey Skolnik

Kristin Smaldon

Julia Sohn

Justin Sohn

Erica and Cantor Alan Sokoloff

Arielle Sokoloff

Jesse Spevack

Adele Spickler

Emily St. Lifer

Lois St. Lifer-Fields

Reuben Stavsky

Stephanie and Ari Stavsky

Zachary Stecker

Lenore and Fred Stein

Arielle Stein

Rina Steinberg

Blair and Jonathan Steinberg

Sharon Steinberg

Dov Stern

William Stern

Abigail and Stewart Sternbach

Rachel Stone and Rob Bernstein

Phyllis Stone and Glenn Davis

Sara Stopek

Sarah Emmerich Sturm

Daniel Sucher

Mark Sugarman

AnnuAl RepoRt 2021CAmp RAmAh in the BeRkshiRes 2524


Sutton Place Synagogue

Devora and David Teitelbaum

Rebecca Teitelbaum

Randi and Yaacov Teplow-Phipps

Stephanie and David Tepper

Gilad Thaler

Tanya Thaw

Lisa and Rabbi Robert Tobin

Ariella Toeman

Ilana Sarna Toledano and Shai Toledano

Danielle and Tony Tomich

Cheryl and Steven Topal

Minday and Mark Treitel

Rabbi Anne Tucker

Judith and Bob Turkewitz

Jessica and Josh Turnof

Debra and Adam Verstandig

Gina and Philip Vinick

Jake Waksbaum

Leora and Yoni Warren

Hillary Wasserman

Jennifer and Jared Wasserman

Jo-Ann and Howard Waxman

Tammy and Robert Ween

Lori and Marlon Weinberg

Leah and Joel Weinberg

Ariel Weinberger

Naomi Weinblatt

Paulina Weinreich

Lisa and Dov Weinstein

Gail and Raymond Weinstein

Debra and Randy Weinstein

Rebecca Weintraub and Jeremy Edelman

Dayna and Larry Weintraub

Caroline Koppel Weintraub and Eric Weintraub

Hannah Weintraub

Lisa and Cantor Mike Weis

Melissa and David Weisman

Eli Weiss

Melissa and Brian Weiss Kira Weiss

Michal Weiss

Vicki and Russell Wenger

Ellen and Yoni Werlin

Gideon Weiss

Cheryl Wexler and Arthur Rosenberg

Louise and Michael Widland

Ben Winchell

Evan Winiker

Heather and Eugene Wishnic

Chava and Matthew Wolin

Elana Wolloch

Sarah and Benjamin Yavelberg

Emily Yolkut

Savannah Zedeck

Daniel Zipkowitz



Richard Friedman, President

Harriet Shaiman, Senior Vice President

Rick Atlas, Development Vice President

Adi Rabinowitz, Finance Vice President

Atara Jacobson, Vice President

Rebecca Kahn, Vice President

Lani Kustanowitz, Vice President Sue Och, Vice President

Adam Wallach, Secretary

Hugh Pollack, Chair


Pat Davidson, Honorary Vice President

James Schlesinger z”l, Honorary Vice President

Pauline Siegel z”l, Honorary Vice President

Robert Hirsch, Past President

Steve Goldstein, Past President

Charles Mann, Past Chairman

Richard Skolnik, Past Chairman

Amy Winiker Forest, Alumni Association President


Jon Apter

Ari Berman

Gena Cobrin

Marc Damsky

Ian Dumain

Moshe Horn

Jeremy Kaplan

Marc Kushner

Rabbi Luciana Pajecki Lederman

Adin Meir

Sarah Nanus

Chava Ortner

Julia Paris

Rabbi Harry Pell James Rothman

Alan Schall

Jeff Shlefstein

Sarah Sokolic

Eric Weinstein

Lynn Weitzman

Matt Albert, Alumni Association

Representative to the Board


Rabbi Ethan Linden, Director

Aleeza Adelman

Seth Adelsberg

Dana Ben-Avi

Talia Feldman

Elana Fishman

Allen Frangione

Tali Herman

Susan Kennedy

Rabbi Noam Kornsgold

Adina Rothman

Yoni Saposh

Jane-Rachel Schonbrun

Jason Smalley

Emily St. Lifer

Ayelet Teitelbaum

My kid is crazy happy thanks to you!
- Stacey Rockman, Gesher Camper Parent
CAmp RAmAh in the BeRkshiRes26

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