The Greatest Kiniya Treasure

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In search of inspiration for this year’s Open House Tour, I came across the most incredible treasure in Kiniya’s Archives – an original brochure from 1928, approaching Kiniya’s 10th Season! The brochure begins by stating: The Camp’s purpose lies in its name for Kiniya, which means “to inspire,” “to recreate.”

to feel that the Camp is not only run for them but, to a large extent, by them – that is, that they themselves are responsible for the happy atmosphere of the Camp, for the success of its work and for the well-being of their fellow campers.

As we approach Kiniya’s 10th summer as a part of the Dudley family, I have found great comfort in knowing that there are many similarities between the experience of 1928 and the one we share today.

• The first building one comes to, driving through the grounds is Taku Tipi (now known as the Welcome Center). “Taku Tipi” was the generous gift of patrons, campers, staff and friends in 1923.

Here are some direct quotes:

• Kiniya is a small camp, maintaining a large staff, which enables it to render the highest possible service to the individual girl. Its sunny fields, sandy soil and beautiful wooded shores, its gently sloping beach and magnificent views, both of the • Field sports stand next in popularity to water Adirondacks and the Green Mountains, combine in sports. They are considered most important in making for Kiniya a promoting health, happiness and certain fine traits splendid situation. of character. • Eligibility is based solely upon a girl’s ability to be an influence for good in the very intimate group life that is led at Kiniya. • The girls are made 1928 Kiniya Prospectus: Kiniya’s Greatest Treasure

• The “Trips from Camp” that are taken each summer, to new shores and mountain regions, are not only interesting but they bring into the girls’ lives experiences of primitive life and impressions of nature that are of priceless value. • The quiet hours spent in the Arts Building develop the girl an individual. Group consciousness, for the time being, is lost and

individuality given free rein. The girl is here able to create something of her own imagining and accomplish it through her own effort. • Sunday at Camp is a quiet day for reading, writing and resting . There is a picnic supper servied by the Aides, and after supper, the Song Service.

• Some of the happiest hours of the summer are often spent singing, dancing, rehearsing plays, playing games or enjoying more quietly an evening fire. And no atmosphere fosters better camp friendships and group spirit. It’s so nice to circle back to our founding years and realize that there are a lot of similarities between the “now and then.”



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