2016 Spring Camp Dudley News

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Spring — 2016

Camp Dudley News

A Camp Dudley Association Publication Serving Camp Dudley and Kiniya The oldest camp in the country — Since 1885

Work Weekend May 13-15 2016 1st Session Opening Day June 28, 2016 2nd Session Opening Day July 26 2016 CDA Reunion — Westport August 26 -28, 2016 Summer 2017 Applications & Open House Tour Early October 2016

CAMP DUDLEY NEWS SPRING 2016 Camp Dudley, Inc • 126 Dudley Road • Westport, NY 12993 • 518.962.4720



Board of Trustees Matt Quigley, Chairman Peter Allen, Mike Bransford, Bill Bullock, Pat Butler, Bill Combs, Donna Granfors, Peter Groves, Tony Hawes, D’Anne Hurd, Lou Jacobs, Karen Johnson, Robin Johnson, Jack Kotz, Rich Maxwell, Sean McCalla, Whitney Phelps, Karen Ramsey, Dave Ready, Ted Smith, Mark Valkenburgh, Jay Wells, Kathy Wiseman



Featured 14 Dudley & Kiniya Athletics

20 Kiniya Winter Updates

16 Willie’s Week

28 1991 – 25 Years Ago

18 Sustainability in Action

32 The School House is 200!

Departments 2 4 5 8 11 12

From the Directors Letters Small World New Board Members Lost Sheep Chapel Talk


@campdudley Printed by Miller Printing | copyright © Camp Dudley, Inc

22 48 51 58 59 60

Camp Division Heads News & Notes Lost Sheep Weddings Future Dudleyites Obituaries


campdudley.org The Other Fellow First

Year Round Team Director, Camp Dudley Matt Storey Director, Camp Kiniya Marnie McDonagh Business Manager Fred Guffey Leadership, Admissions & Program Director Evan George Kiniya Leadership Development Director Kat Nelson Kiniya Outdoor Director & CSW Mollie Farnham Development Director Dave Langston Database & Operations Manager Dawn Gay Communications Manager Brendan Loughman Dudley Outdoor Program Director Colin Loher Dudley Food Service Director Josh Olcott Kiniya Food Service Director Gail Coleman Dudley Plant & Property Manager Steve Denton Kiniya Plant & Property Manager Mike D’Amico Maintenance Staff Jeff Schwoebel, Ben Sudduth, John Tomkins, Scott Farrell, Angie Hill Arts Director Mark Davenport Office Anita Johnson Camp Dudley Alumni Association Marcus Chioffi, President • Dave Ready, V.P. Publication Assistance John & Martha Storey


Matt #13804

Dear Dudleyites,

In January, we had the privilege of working with the Brunswick School to develop a weeklong Winter Leadership course for several high school juniors. Fourteen young men came to Dudley to learn from each other and more about themselves. The trip included time on campus, skill development at the Stacy Brook yurts, and winter mountaineering in the Adirondack Park. The trip was a tremendous success, and the skills the boys learned were impactful. However, one of the most important things this crew took away with them was the knowledge that they could actually live without their phones for an entire week. One of the benefits of our time at Camp Dudley each summer is the opportunity to become “unplugged.” Most of us are programmed on a daily basis to try and stay connected to friends online. A recent 2015 study by the Pew Research Center suggests that 95% of all teens spend time online daily, with 25% in a category of online “almost constantly.” This constant connectedness is a new phenomenon; it is still uncertain what the long-term effects will be. However, at Camp, we celebrate a different kind of connectedness and because of it, lifelong friendships are made. Here at Camp, boys are greeted on day one by others from all around the world. Within the first hours of their stay with us, they are sitting at a table, sharing a meal and, quite often, cabin laughter. On day two and three, they visit the challenge course for a team building experience with new friends. They are


given the chance to personally connect with others in the cabin, on teams, and on hikes. Budding friendships at Camp are genuine and authentic—built on the shared experiences of being away from home—the kind characterized by eye contact and friendly highfives. These relationships are at the very core of each camper’s experience; in truth, they are the heart and soul of Dudley. When parents discover that there is no technology at Camp, they are often relieved, but sometimes respond with hesitation: “Oh, my son will not like that,” or, “I’m not sure he will be able to make it without his phone.” In reality, campers are at ease without their devices within hours of being here, and oftentimes, even relieved. This comfort and confidence carries over into the strong relationships we witness; how wonderful to be given a chance to forget for a time about the outside world. Our experience with the boys at the Brunswick School reminded me of just how significant a time of being “unplugged” can really be for developing young bodies and minds, even if only for a week. We are proud of the work we do each summer in helping young boys become better connected to themselves and those around them. The skills they are able to develop, away from the “noise” and necessity of their devices at home, can give them the confidence and courage they need to carry back home.

The Camp Dudley News

Marnie #20001

Dear Friends,

Each year, I am grateful for a professional development opportunity through the American Camping Association’s National Conference. As part of this larger camp community, we learn how other camps operate. This, in turn, helps us see things a bit differently while changing our perspective in subtle ways. No matter how different our camps, our missions, and our philosophies, there is always something to learn from other organizations that stirs our creativity and brings new insights to leading our Camps. For me, that is very exciting! This year, the conference was held in Atlanta, GA, where I also had the honor of touring the recently opened National Center for Civil and Human Rights with #11320 Steve Lutz. The Center’s tagline, “Inspiration Lives Here,” comes to life through an interactive, immersive experience presenting civil and human rights issues in different contexts: current vs. historical, domestic vs. international, local vs. worldwide. The Center brilliantly marries events of the past with current struggles around the world and convinces you that you can make a difference! As Steve and I walked from room to room, we paused on inspirational quotes emblazoned on the walls. We both immediately felt the connection to the Dudley and Kiniya experience. In particular, I was drawn to this:

group – to take possessive investment in each others’ struggles where whatever is happening to them is happening to us.” Isn’t this the premise of “The Other Fellow First”? As outlined in Camp’s 2020 Vision Strategic Plan, the greatest responsibility we have as a community is to preserve, maintain, and enhance our beloved Camps. In doing so, we recognize that we come together each summer from widely varied backgrounds and with different stories to share. The only true way to create a fully open and supportive community is to commit ourselves to values of equality and respect all the time, every day. A community that cares deeply about the safety and happiness of every person is by definition a wonderful place for our campers to grow and thrive! Kiniya has much to be thankful for – a breathtakingly beautiful campus, a dedicated leadership team and staff, loyal campers, parents, grandparents and friends and an extremely capable Board. As a team, we work together to foster an inclusive and welcoming community for all. We are so grateful to all of those who have so generously contributed to our past and invite you to visit this summer because INSPIRATION LIVES HERE!

“As much love as I have for my own group, I have for every other Spring 2016


Letters to the Editor

Sunset at Junior Beach, Camp Kiniya #7486 Rocket McElroy, Ottawa Hills, Ohio, wrote, “In the most recent issue of the CD News you asked about nicknames. When my older brother, Paul, went to Dudley (first year 1942) he was nicknamed ‘Rocky’. Because of his Scottish heritage it seemed that ‘Sandy’ would be appropriate, but there was already a ‘Sandy’. So he became ‘Rocky’. When I got to camp in 1947, there was thought given to ‘Little Rocky’ and ‘Rockette’. Happily those did not survive and ‘Rocket’ became my moniker. Jim Shaw was in my cabin - Renssalaer - played with a Y0-Yo all the time. So he was ‘Yo-Yo’. Tom Osgood was the JL with a shock of hair that draped over his left eye so he looked like Veronica Lake. ‘Veronica’ was his nickname. Charlie Ormsby walked around the cabin flexing his 10-yearold muscles and was nicknamed ‘Atlas’. Tommy Walton was nicknamed ‘Isaac’ in honor of the legendary fisherman. Hugh Romney was ‘Nubby’. Bill Wolverton, from Florida, was in Cutler. He was ‘Uncle Remus’ and later just ‘Remus’. Richard Ralph (note the RR initials) got dubbed ‘Railroad’. ‘Lefty’ Bisselle’s brother was a righthander, so, obviously, he became ‘Righty’ Bisselle. On and on it went!” #8437 Lennox “Dice” Stuart, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, wrote to Matt, “I noted a photo of Willie Schmidt and two campers in the Fall CD News. Upon a closer look I saw that the camper on Willie’s right is my son, #13037 Courtney Stuart. Here’s a list of our Stuart CD campers; Lennox Stuart, ‘Bud’ — #3068: My Father - deceased Lennox Stuart, ‘Dice’ — #8437: Author of this email Lennox Stuart , ‘Lennox’ — #12667: My son


Lennox Stuart, ‘Hamilton’ — #22147 My son Lennox’s son, My Grandson Courtney Stuart — #13037: My son Lennox’s son, My Grandson Calvin Stuart, ‘Cal’ — #23677 My son Lennox’s son, My Grandson Potential future CD Campers Gordon Stuart , ‘Gordy’ — My son Lennox’s son, my Grandson Jack Stuart — My son Courtney’s son, my Grandson Henry Stuart — My son Courtney’s son, my Grandson Brooks Stuart — My son Courtney’s son, m Grandson Owen Tucker — My Daughter’s son, m Grandson Not a bad showing if I do say so myself. Thanks for your hard work on behalf of Camp Dudley.” #17001 Ron MacLean, Trumansburg, NY, wrote to Matt, “I always enjoy reading the Camp Dudley News as it triggers pleasant memories. The letter from Ken Hoyt #23659 was the highlight of the issue for me. Ken’s letter reflected on his experiences as part of the Kitchen Crew in 1955, his visit to camp in 2009 and how he received a camp number several years later. The accompanying photograph showing the 1955 commissary staff was familiar to me as that was my first summer in the kitchen and I have the same photo, but I was cropped out of this one for space I presume. I can appreciate Ken’s feelings with this link to the Camp

The Camp Dudley News

in the thirties (?), some of what had been back nine holes were incorporated with front nine holes to keep everything on the clubhouse side of the back road. My understanding is that originally one crossed the road after the fifth hole and played the rest of the front nine over there before coming back to finish on the current 18th hole.”

Dudley family because I, too, received my #17001 from Wheaton Griffin several years after my time at camp. The special Dudley memories and values mean more as the years go by — even after 60 years.” Ed.Note: Sorry you were cropped out Ron! Here it is again with you in it! #6581 Berk Johnson, Mashpee, MA, wrote regarding the Westport Golf Course article: “Sometime early in the century, the course was expanded to 18 holes and was a beautiful and well maintained course. It was shrunk to 9 holes around WW II because of cost and lack of play. At some point the Inn people sold some of the ‘back nine’ to a neighbor and this included two of the original holes. Accordingly, when they reopened the back nine, they had to carve out two new holes . . . #10 which is horrible and #17 which runs through what was their dump at one time. Shots on 17 used to turn up bottle caps and other excitement until recently. While it was called the ‘“Back Nine,’ I was told that that was not quite accurate. When shrinking to nine holes

#23830 Christopher Johnson, wrote from Crown Point, NY. Chris was a Plebe in 2015 and hopes to return to Camp as a Junior in 2016. “Dear Editor, In the last issue of the CDA News there was a wonderful chapel talk called ‘A Life Remembered’ by Ed Schmidt. It was a great story, the story of Willie Schmidt’s life. This issue was so good that I chose to share it with my whole family, my parents and my grandparents. If you haven’t read it, read it (after you finish this of course). So I won’t spoil it. When I read those three long pages, I only loved it more. I had read it before but I wasn’t really giving it my full attention. It is a story you have to read with all your attention. Chapel Talks and Sermons are some of the best ways to show the messages that Camp wants to teach you. Also, sometimes I think that my grandparents wish I was more involved in Boy Scouts as I was in Dudley. So my parents and I like to show them what kind of stuff we are exposed to at Camp Dudley. Read it to others, share it, spread it. Many parents think that their kids can’t go to Camp Dudley because it’s expensive or they don’t think their kids are athletic enough and all that. Parents need to see this story who are still in doubt about sending kids to Dudley.”

Rainbow at Swim Point, Camp Dudley

Spring 2016


Small World #7486 Rocket McElroy, Ottawa Hills, OH, wrote, “Last Saturday I had coffee with a young man, Matt Barchick, whom I had coached (rowing) at St. John’s Jesuit High School in Toledo. He had just been commissioned Second Lieutenant in the USMC and was home on leave prior to starting Basic training. I was telling him about some meaningful experiences I had had in my life and mentioned a camp I attended. ‘Oh, what was the name of the camp?’ Well, there is only one CAMP, I thought, but told Matt Camp Dudley. He flashed a big smile and said, ‘One of my platoon mates went to Dudley.’ Next time you chat with him, ask him his camp number. ‘I’ll send him a text right now.’ (Isn’t 21st century technology, terrific?) Here is what he sent: ‘I’m with a fellow Dudley man. What is your camp number?’ The response: ‘18754’ — his name was Connor Smith. Matt sent him, ‘7486’ (my camp number). ‘First time at Camp was 1947.’ ‘Holy cow! What’s his name?’ ‘Rocket McElroy.’”

replied, “Of course it is!” With that exchange another lost sheep was recovered. John gave Bill his business card and we now have one of our own back in the fold. Glad to have you back, John.

#11527 Joe Maruca Cook, Arlington, MA, who was at Camp from 1974-78. “I was walking around my building at work (the Harvard Semitic Museum) and I spotted this fine young man in a Dudley sweatshirt, visiting the Museum with his school. It was a real treat to meet Will Van Praagh, #23504. He was a Plebe last summer. (I was a #11527 Joe (Maruca) Cook, left Plebe in – gulp – 1974!).” and #23504 Will Van Praagh have Ed. Note: Be sure to read a chance meeting at the Harvard the next Small World note Semitic Museum in Boston. from #8704 Bill Combs below. These things must run in the family, because Bill is Will’s grandfather!

#17920 Conner Smith, Arlington, VA, wrote, “So round about the end of 2015, I’m enjoying a wonderful Christmas Eve midnight service at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Jackson Hole, WY. I’m participating in the less raucous versions of some of my favorite hymns, when none other than #15509 Scott Steen (my senior leader of 2005) pops up three rows ahead of me. I hadn’t seen Steener since his Hike Hut contributions in 2012, and after a discussion on the finer points of ‘The First Noel’ key jangling, we decided to meet up for a few runs on Rendezvous Mountain.

#14729 John Fitzgerald, Larchmont, NY. John was traveling around New York City in early November when he saw a Dudley hat being sported. You know the next question, “That’s not Camp Dudley by any chance is it?” #8704 Bill Combs, looking surprised as he had forgotten that his Dudley hat was on his head,


#14992 Dave Ready, Richmond, VA — while traveling to a Camp Dudley Board of Trustees meeting. “Just got stopped on the MetroNorth Railroad by a proud Dudley dad and fellow UVA Wahoo, Chris Komosa, who noticed my University of Virginia hat and Dudley polo. He raved about the experience of his three boys and so glad they were ‘getting the right message’ from Camp.” Upon arrival at the Sleepy Hollow Country Club, Dave told Board Chair Matt Quigley the story. Matt said, “Chris is a member of the very club where you will be dining and staying tonight.” Ed. Note: Son #23421 Henry Komosa was a Plebe in 2015, #21921 Reid was a JL in the Cubs in 2015, and #22521 TJ was in St. Lawrence in 2015.

#15509 Scott Steen and #17920 Conner Smith on top of the headwall of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. Cheers!

The Camp Dudley News

“Being the experienced local that he is, Scott introduced me to some of his favorite spots, and showed me what altitude can do to a pair of lowland lungs like mine. At the end of the day, I walked away with a snapped pole and the attached picture. Seeing as I wrote my 2014 Chapel Talk on the small world of Dudley and a previous run-in with Scott Steen, I thought it appropriate to send this in.” #9137 Ken White ,Westport, NY, wrote, “While awaiting the start of the UVM vs New Hampshire basketball playoff game at the Patrick gym with grandson Griffin, I noticed a security guard standing on the opposite side of the court. As I looked at him for a few seconds, he looked familiar to me but could not be sure. I approached one of the guards on my side of the court, inquiring if the guard in question might be the person I was hoping him to be. Word was sent across the court and sure enough, it was #12467 Isiah (Ike) Harris, Dudley leader in the ’80s. We chatted for a minute or two as I learned of his three daughters, one of whom attended Kiniya. Upon introducing him to Griffin and exchanging camp numbers, it turns out the three of us have numbers ending with the digit 7. Ike says hello to all his Dudley friends and hopes to attend the reunion this August.”

#16627 Justin Bolger, Washington, DC, writes, “I had a fortuitous dinner with the Ecclesines at my house in DC where I’m a Dominican House of Studies religious brother studying to be a priest. We had an event where several Supreme Court justices spoke followed by dinner. I ended up sitting with Kevin and Joanne Ecclesine and halfway through dinner we realized the Dudley connection. My cousin Alex is good friends with the Ecclesine boys. The Ecclesines also noted some friends of theirs named ‘Judd and Maggie.’ Also funny, since my old band with Maggie went by the same name. I gave them a Yoha! and my Camp number to verify Dudley status.”

Justin Bolger (center) and two of his Dominican brothers enjoy dinner with Kevin and Joanne Ecclesine.

Back by Popular Demand! Honor a Camp Leader Returns in 2016 The hugely successful opportunity to honor that Dudley or Kiniya Leader that made a difference in your life or your child’s life will take place in early June. You will be able to honor that important Camp leader or staff member with an online gift to the Annual Fund during this fast and fun 24-hour event. Watch the Dudley and Kiniya Facebook pages and the Dudley Digest for exact dates and more details. Start planning who you will salute this year!

honor a leader June 13, 2016 | 24 hrs only


Want to help engage alumni from your generation for this event? Visit campdudley.org/service and sign up to help with fundraising events through the Dudley Service Corps.

Spring 2016


New Board Members At the November Meeting of the Board of Trustees, three new members were welcomed, along with new Officers for the Camp Dudley Association. #12335 Bill Bullock, Sheffield, MA

Bill remembers arriving at Camp in 1977. “I had no idea what lay in store for my three idyllic summers. I now realize it changed my life.” Bill and his wife, Bebe, are happy that their three children have now had their own Dudley/Kiniya experiences. Bill graduated from Colby College in 1989, joining the Bank of New England, Fleet Bank and Merrill Lynch. He then followed his passion for the outdoors and fly fishing with the Orvis Company, and as Executive Director of the American Museum of Fly Fishing, both in Manchester, VT. In 2007, Bill and Bebe joined the faculty at Berkshire School in Sheffield, MA, where he currently teaches U.S. History and Economics and Philanthropy, while assisting in Advancement. During his nine years at Berkshire, he has worn many hats, serving as Director of Advancement, Academic Dean and Associate Director of Admissions. He also coaches soccer, squash and golf, and oversees the fly fishing club. “I’m excited to serve our Camps in this new role and look forward to contributing my own skills and experience to help our Camps continue as leaders in changing the lives of children from all over the world,” said

#19629 D’Anne Hurd, Bourne, MA

D’Anne’s Dudley roots run deep . . . her grandmother, Edith Start Hurd, donated Hurd Cabin more than 75 years ago, recognizing Camp’s positive impact on her sons, #3829 Kenneth (D’Anne’s father), #3943 Russell, #3944 Robert, and #4535 Gilbert. Many Hurd family members have attended Dudley, including sons #17629 Eric and #18629 Doug Forsythe, both campers, leaders and, in Doug’s case, D-Head, between 1999-2014. D’Anne’s service to Dudley began in 2003 when she joined the Dudley Girls’ Sub-Committee charged with establishing a camp for young women. She served on the Board (2006-10) championing Kiniya’s acquisition while serving on and chairing numerous committees. D’Anne’s business career combines law and finance (JD/MBA) at large (PepsiCo, Inc.) to small companies (Boston tech start-ups). She has served on public and private company boards since 1993. D’Anne currently works as an independent Board Governance Consultant with the National Association of Corporate Directors, sharing leading boardroom practices. She is also an independent trustee of the Pax World Funds and the Pax Ellevate Global Women’s Index Fund, the first broadly diversified mutual fund to invest in companies demonstrably advancing women’s leadership. D’Anne, who is married to George Forsythe, says, “I am thrilled to be planning for Dudley’s future and supporting Marnie and Matt as they instill values and teach leadership to the young men and women in the Dudley family.”

Bill, Addy, Silas, Liam?, and Bebe Bullock Bill.


The Camp Dudley News

D’Anne Hurd

CDA Names Officers #24278 Karen Johnson, Lewes, DE

#14992 C. David Ready, Richmond, VA

Karen’s 20+-year career with The Rouse Company in retail real estate marketing has provided experience in advertising, media strategies, event planning, budgeting, customer service, risk management and tenant relations. Karen is now a Senior Account Director/Brand Strategist with COHN Marketing, working with retail real estate companies to define their brand and propel it forward. As an International Council of Shopping Centers member, Karen mentors the next generation of marketers in advertising/media courses through the John T. Riordan School for Retail Real Estate Professionals.

David graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy and the University of Virginia, and has applied his communications experience in service of educational communities. He was Director of Communications for the Packer Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn, NY, for 10 years. He returned to Richmond in 2014 to oversee marketing and communications for Trinity Episcopal School. Before entering school administration, he spent three years teaching and coaching at Brewster Academy, Wolfeboro, NH.

While dating #12078 Drew Johnson in the 1990s, Karen made her first trip to Dudley. “I remember stepping off the train and knowing that Dudley would hold a special place in my heart.” Karen and Drew returned every August to visit, then as a family when sons, #22078 Sam and #23078 Luke were born. In a 2001 stop at the Schoolhouse before their 9-hour drive home Karen recalls, “I announced to Drew and then-toddler Sam, in this perfect spot, that a new camper (Luke) would be arriving the following spring.”

David succeeds Marcus Chioffi as President of the CDA. Hailing from Richmond, VA, David was hypnotized by then Director Willie Schmidt’s slideshow and arrived as a Junior in 1989. Over the next 15 years, missing only one summer, he rose through the ranks to become Senior D-Head in 1997-98. As editor of both the Dudley Doings and Last Whistle in the early 2000s, David helped implement the Arts Majors program. “When I look back I am particularly proud that hundreds of campers had the opportunity to see their own writing in print,” he says.

Karen also brings practical experience as a Dudley wife, parent, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law and aunt. Said Karen, “I am grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Camp Dudley Board and helping wherever I can.” Her happiest Dudley memory? . . . whenever James Mayo includes “This is My Father’s World” in the Parents’Weekend Hymn Sing.

His wife Emmy, son Thomas (3), and infant son Curtis were all in attendance at the 2015 CDA Reunion in Westport. “Outside of my immediate family, Camp Dudley has been the single most important influence in my life — personally, professionally, spiritually,” says David. “I could not be more honored to serve my fellow Dudley alumni in this role.”

Drew, Karen, Luke and Sam Johnson

David, Thomas, Curtis, and Emmy Ready

Spring 2016


New Board Members #14571 Peter Groves, Bronxville, NY

Pete started at Camp as a Cub in 1988, when he tentatively signed up for a half season. Five days in, he called his Dad and said he wasn’t coming home. Pete was a full-season camper as a Cub, Plebe, and Junior, and came back for two more summers as a JL and AL. Pete’s camping days stretched from 1988 to 1994. Pete attended Exeter, Yale, and Columbia Business School. He was a Partner at McKinsey & Company and recently joined the hedge fund Bridgewater Associates as the Head of Research. Pete and his wife, Sameena, now live in Bronxville, NY, with their two young children, Wyatt and Zadie. Pete sings “The Dudley Hymn” and either “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” “Climb Every Mountain,” or “Amazing Grace” to each of them every night, a tradition he’s maintained since their

arrival. Pete also leads the family through regular rounds of “Put Your Hand in the Hand” and “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” As ever, Pete sings badly, but with conviction. “I’m excited to lead the next era of Peter, Sameena, alumni connecWyatt, and Zadie Groves tivity and community efforts, and to get to know the Kiniya family,” said Pete.

Thanks to the outgoing Board members!


Mike Stevens and his family

Marcus Chioffi

Scott Martin

Rick Commons

The Camp Dudley News

Board Chair #10643 Matt Quigley thanked #12434 Rick Commons, #12289 Scott Martin, #13820 Marcus Chioffi, and #11373 Mike Stevens for their years of dedicated Board service to Dudley.

Lost Sheep Help them get reconnected! campdudley.org/contact/reconnect/

#7504 Charles James Semerad #8965 Rexford “Fordie” Titus III #9433 James Leech Jr. #10523 Douglas Bargar #11654 Donald Bedford #12228 Robert Campbell #13299 Jeanne Thrower #14517 Matthew John Prezzano #15858 Heinzi Westpfall #16178 Hank Rooney #18115 Kyle Casey

Lost Sheep 2016

By#15932 Charlie Zabriskie

We’re thrilled to report that our LOST SHEEP project actually works — really well! Thanks to you, Dudleyites on our Lost Sheep lists are being tracked down around the world and reunited with Camp at an impressive clip. Let’s keep at it! We recently reconnected with #12026 Ken Keuffel Jr., a Lost Sheep since the ’80s. Welcome back, Ken! Regrettably never a camper, Ken (aka “Ya Gotta Be Euffel Keuffel”) was recruited to Camp in 1976 as a JL, encouraged to get involved by #10801 Dave Donahue, who had played football for the legendary Ken Sr. at Lawrenceville School and who thought Ken Jr. would be good for Camp and Camp good for him.

Dudleyite #11463 Tom Bolster showed up out of the blue at Ken’s dad’s funeral. Dudley shows up out of the blue in all sorts of places. When we run into fellow Dudleyites out in the world, we should take full advantage of those instances by celebrating the moment AND making sure Camp knows where they are. Camp has given us so much. Next time you come across a Dudleyite, encourage them to get back in touch with Camp and share their memories like Ken has. Our respective stories are what perpetuate the Dudley magic.

Ken grew up in Lawrenceville, New Jersey and eventually ended up in Winston-Salem, NC, where he lives today with his family (including Kenneth III). Ken reports that he attends a Methodist church where he often finds himself reminiscing about Witherbee hymn sings. Music was a pillar of Ken’s time at Dudley. Bob Kindred recruited him into the Rhythm Ramblers early on, and then persuaded him to pull double duty as a babysitter for Bob’s kids. Although Bob never paid him in dollars, he fed him hoagies and played Charlie Parker jazz albums. Labor laws aside, it was a satisfying form of comp. Many years later, Bob repaid the favor by headlining at Ken’s wedding in Tucson, where he split stage time with a Mariachi band. Ken lost touch with Camp for many years, but he was reminded of the Dudley spirit in 2006 when fellow

Spring 2016

Lost Sheep #12026 Ken “Euffel Keuffel” seen here in the 1979 production of “The Questioning of Nick,” has returned to the fold!


Chapel Talk at Dudley This chapel talk was presented to leaders and staff in the preseason of 2015 by parent and year-round staffer, #22830 Anita Johnson. Anita’s message beautifully captures the thoughts of so many parents as they prepare to send their children to Camp for the summer.


ood Morning. I want to start off by saying that Chapel Talks are my favorite part of the Dudley Day, and so I sought out some advice from my 12-year old son. He gave me two pieces of advice: “1. Don’t make it too long, or they will stop listening, 2. Don’t get all sappy up there, it’s a boys camp.” I will try to make it short, but I can’t promise to not be sappy, as the subject matter is my whole heart.

Beckman. Hanging out at the Hike Hut was out of the question, and at one point, his buddy needed to come to my bank window to check his balance, and Christopher hid off to the side. I would have had no idea he was there except that his buddy said, “Is Christopher Johnson your kid? He is my buddy and he is right here.” I am sure Christopher wished I was somewhere far away too!

My name is Anita and I am fortunate to be a part of the year-round team, but more than that, I am fortunate to be a mom of one of your campers in the Plebe division. I have a unique perspective as a parent. I don’t get to be hours away, thinking about and wondering how he is doing, trust me, there were many times last summer when I thought it might have been easier to be in Darien, watching the mailbox for my weekly letter. Although Christopher and I had very little contact last summer (I think he said five words to me, “Mom get away from me!”), I was very much tracking his daily process. I was never more familiar with the daily schedule, I searched the camper mail, looking for my name on an envelope, and as kids lined up for the store, I stared like a crazy person, hoping to catch a glimpse of my child. I was definitely “KID SICK.”

Although I was able to track camper #23830’s movements like a CIA Operative, I was not able to witness the moments of triumph on the fields, the deep understanding of the vespers the night before, the moments of uncertainty as he tried something new, and the pure joy on his face as he danced to the Wednesday night show music. But my unique perspective as a Dudley parent who also works here became favorable at times, as I would get small bits of feedback from some of you. There was the time that Big Joe told me of Christopher’s first Skin Diving Lesson, and how he was terrified to trust the mask and snorkle, but he powered through it and was swimming around in no time, or the time when Aaleiyah was doing a vesper to Monkey’s best-dressed Cubs, in their pj bottoms and dress shirts and blazers, and someone farted, and Christopher said in a small voice “excuse me.” I walked into the office one morning and both Matt and Evan couldn’t wait to tell me the story of Christopher throwing his whole division under the bus that was about to take them for Cubby ice cream,

He, however, was not homesick in the least! In fact he avoided the office to the highest degree. Trips to Brody meant making his buddy walk around the back of


The Camp Dudley News

because he not only admitted to the cheating scandal, but implicated everyone else too! And a few of the DA’s shared stories about Christopher on the fields and how my very un-athletic child (my description not theirs) had a hit in baseball, and although he was thrown out at first, his whole team cheered as if he had hit a grand slam! And how there was a game of Ultimate, where the only game plan was that Christopher Johnson was going to score, even if it meant throwing to him every time until he succeeded, and by the way, it worked, well I think they lost the game, but Christopher scored!

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Even though I tried my hardest to be a “helicopter” parent in disguise, I missed my child so much it sometimes hurt. But the benefits he gained by spending the bulk of his summer away from us were immeasurable. The entire Leadership team worked hard to ensure that he and the other 700 kids that came here had a transformative summer. Camp Dudley and its 131 years of history have provided the foundations and structure for an amazing experience, but it is all of you who will bring the Dudley Spirit to your campers. As I, and all of the other parents, prepare to entrust you with our children, please be mindful of the treasures you are about to receive. They mean everything to us and even if it is just for 3 and ½ weeks, they need to mean everything to you too! Please bow your heads — Lord, please allow me to let him go for 3 ½ weeks, and give these men the tools they need to pick him up.

A happy camper . . . Christopher Johnson Spring 2016


Camp Pillar: Athletics

Athletics at Dudley and Kiniya by #20595 Kat Nelson and #16404 Blair Dils


ne look at the plaques that hang in Beckman Hall and it is obvious that Athletics and team competition has long been an integral component of a boy’s daily life at Camp Dudley. Within the first few hours of their summer session, boys play soccer, basketball, football or run through a “combine” at the Bach track to get them ready for team play. Across the lake at Kiniya, there has been a gradual shift from only individual sports offerings to now a robust team competition component to the athletic program. Increasingly, the athletics programs for boys and girls are looking more and more similar. Athletics Heads Blair Dils and Kat Nelson sat down to discuss the recent history of their programs, the strengths and some of the challenges of meeting Campers’ needs. Both are familiar with how the other half live—Kat was head of the tennis program at Dudley in 2007 before she took her talents to Colchester; Blair has served as a guest soccer instructor at Kiniya on several occasions. Here’s that conversation;

Lacrosse is a favorite sport at Kiniya!


BLAIR: How would you characterize changes in the Kiniya athletic program as you begin your ninth year there? KAT: In the beginning there were no team sports, there were no competitions. When I came over from Dudley we started by introducing basketball and softball and then later we added lacrosse. We had friendly competition, but we weren’t really keeping really score or keeping track of how many wins and losses. Now our spirit of competition is at an all-time high. We introduced a whiteboard outside the dining hall that keeps track of points. Everyone knows the standings and the culminating championship games. Because there are only four teams in each division, everyone has a shot to win a championship. The boys’ model has been a good model for us. How have things changed for you at Dudley? BLAIR: On the boys’ side, not surprisingly, our model has changed less in the twenty plus years I have been there. We’re still guided by our team majors and our individual majors, but the changes we’ve seen are more of an effort to try to cater to the changing interests of the campers. Some of our older alumni might not like to hear this, but baseball is on the decline so we’re playing fewer baseball games at Junior and Senior levels. But, we’re playing more flag football than ever. Senior football has become the marquee sport these days perhaps the way baseball was back in the ’50s and ’60s. We definitely still want to introduce campers to many sports and challenge them in that way, but we also want to cater to our campers and make sure that we’re staying current with their interests.

The Camp Dudley News

BLAIR: What are some of the other challenges you face as an athletic department at Kiniya? KAT: Initially, we were challenged with putting girls on teams with others their same age. We only had two divisions for sports, so we had nine-year-olds playing with eleven-year-olds who could be at very different stages of athletic performance and development. We really looked into how we could make that more even, and now we have three divisions for sports. One of the other challenges we have is making sure that we’ve provided campers with enough background in some of the sports to really make them competitive. We want to make sure we are following the rules that are required of the sport and holding them to the same standards that they would be held to if they were playing for a school or team back home. BLAIR: We’re definitely dealing with the same kinds of issues, but increasingly on our side of the lake it’s dealing with campers who come and want to get really good at their sport, whatever that sport is, and trying to balance that with campers who want to try a sport for the first time. Trying to blend in those two types of athletes with those individual needs is a challenge. I don’t think that challenge is ever going to go away, but it’s nice that we’re able to offer the skill development that you talk about. Evan George has done a nice job at Dudley of getting the coaches to develop a curriculum for each sport for the instruction of the basic skills a camper needs to have to participate in that sport.

Ready for a little friendly Flag Football competition.

a team game even if they don’t know a sport. In the last five years or so there’s been a renewed emphasis on making sure the campers get quality coaching all day long. But that kind of coaching of coaches couldn’t happen if we didn’t have a veteran A-Hut staff. So if a leader doesn’t know as much about coaching basketball, let’s say, they know they can go to a veteran A-Hut staff member and get some help. Our leaders are very receptive to seek advice from the veteran coaches that we have at Camp. How about for you? KAT: It’s similar to the way the Hike Hut asks Leaders to be ready to lead a hike when they get hired. Our Leaders have to be ready to coach a game. They may not know how to play lacrosse, but we’re going to give them the tools—just like we give the campers the tools—and they’re going to learn how to be a coach who is inspirational and one who can provide simple plays and strategies to carry out on the field.

KAT: We tend to think of Athletics from the perspective of the Camp’s relationship with the camper, but how does the Athletics program impact the leadership ranks? BLAIR: Lately, on our side of the lake, we’ve put a lot of emphasis on coaching in the pre-season, whether that’s giving Leaders talks about coaching or giving them specific skills about how to run a warm-up for Spring 2016

Kat Nelson and Blair Dils


Willie’s Week During the week of July 22, 2015 we celebrated what would have been Willie Schmidt’s 86th birthday. We honored his memory and celebrated his passion for educating kids, scholarship, photography, history and fun. Perhaps the highlight of the week was the release of about 500 of Willie’s slides from the 1980’s and 1990’s. If you didn’t get a chance to see them, you are not too late! Visit campdudley.org/willies-week and take a look. You might even find that you have been tagged. Stay tuned for another release of old slides on the Dudley Facebook page later this summer!

Sustainability In Action By #14962 Josh Olcott & #22406 Mollie Farnham

At Camp Dudley and Camp Kiniya, we are committed to creating a culture of sustainability through educational programming, healthy living, environmental stewardship, and responsible business practices in our campuses and communities. 1






Sustainability Steps Achieved: 1. Summer 2015 saw the completion of the Dudley compost building. Hundreds of pounds of food scraps were turned into nutrient rich soil for the garden (as opposed to becoming sludge in a landfill). The Senior Division helped Jeff Schwoebel maintain the pile as part of their service. 2. Dudley’s solar panel power generation, carbon offset, and cost savings are now tracked online. Since April they generated over 21,000 kilowatts, offset CO2 emissions (equivalent to driving 34,454 miles, or planting 213 trees) and saved a total of $1,260! 3. The farm-to-table major continues to be popular! Campers learn to grow, harvest and cook delicious organic veggies. Onion rings, French fries and personal pizza are a few favorites. 4. Green Mountain Compost takes all scraps and leftovers from the Kiniya dining hall and hosted the farm-to-plate major for a tour of their industrial facility. Amidst steaming piles of nutrient-rich soil (they decompose meat and dairy too!) our campers discovered just how valuable and fun dirt can be. 5. Kiniya’s bees brought liquid-sunshine honey to the table and pollination expertise to the fields once again. With the honey bee world wide population down 90% due to nasty pesticides, we are doing our part to keep populations healthy. 6. Did you know Kiniya’s point is a protected beach and very important nesting site for the endangered spiny softshell turtle? This year VT Wildlife specialists found 33 undisturbed nests with 49 observed hatchlings.


Winter Updates By #20001 Marnie McDonagh


While many have been disappointed in the lack of snow in Vermont this winter, our Maintenance crew has been delighted with warmer than usual temperatures that have carried us through January! The Kiniya Team have been hard at work on a number of major projects, scheduled for completion well ahead of Opening Day! Thanks to the generosity of both the family of an alumnus and the family of a current Board Member, the last two of our camper cabins in need of renovations, Casbah (1) and Hernandos (2), have been demolished and work is underway for brand new cabins to take their place. We’re thrilled that in 2016 every camper will live in a cabin that has been renovated within the last decade! In addition to the cabin renovations, our Kiniya Maintenance Crew is building a new Publications Department (3) from the ground up! This 12’x12’ building will house our photo and video equipment and provide a private office space essential to creating Wednesday Night Slideshows and The Spirit Publication. This is thanks to a very generous gift from another member of the Kiniya community.




The Camp Dudley News



The 4th Dudley-Kiniya Online Auction is officially on the calendar! We are currently looking for donations of auction items that will get our community excited. Donate your sporting event or entertainment packages, food specialties, golf outings, gift baskets, professional services, vacation homes, treats for campers, or unique camp memorabilia...all high demand items! Please visit campdudley.org/auction to list your item. Our goal in 2016 is to raise $50,000. That’s the equivalent of scholarships for 10 campers! What could be more satisfying? The event will begin in late August and run through mid-September. Additional questions? Contact Dawn@campdudley.org.

Bid Big to Support Camp Scholarships


Max Patterson, Cub D-Head Junior at Dickinson College 9th Summer at Dudley


Brian Degen, Cub Asst. D-Head Sophomore at Princeton University 9th summer at Dudley

Max Patterson is returning to run the Cubs again this summer after a very successful stint at the helm in 2015. Max grew up in the Buffalo area and started at Dudley as a Senior in 2008. He’s joined this year by Assistant D-Head Brian Degen of Rye, NY. Max and Brian worked closely together in the Cub Division last summer and look forward to continuing the tradition of magical Cub summers at Dudley.

Jonah Florence, Plebe D-Head Sophomore at Kenyon College 10th summer at Dudley

Jonah Florence steps into the role of Plebe D-Head after a successful turn as the Assistant D-Head in the Plebes last summer. Jonah grew up in Decatur, GA, and currently plays lacrosse for the Kenyon College Lords. Jack Merrifield of San Diego, CA, is returning to Dudley after taking a summer off to see what a “real world” internship looks like. He wisely decided to return to Westport in 2016!


Peter O’Brien, Junior D-Head Sophomore at Santa Clara University 9th summer at Dudley


Dylan McCann, Junior Asst. D-Head George Wells, Senior Division Head Senior at Elon University Sophomore at Middlebury College 10th summer at Dudley 11th summer at Dudley

Pete O’Brien, Rye, NY, returns for his third summer as a Leader and takes the reigns of the showcase division... the Juniors. Along with leading the Junior Division Pete can be seen as the lead guitarist for the Funkatronics here on campus. Dylan McCann, a native of Bronxville, NY, is stepping into the Assistant D-Head role for the first time this summer after he graduates from Elon in May.


Jack Merrifield, Plebe Asst. D-Head Sophomore at SMU 10th summer at Dudley

Jack Flanagan, Senior Asst. D-Head Sophomore at Boston College 9th summer at Dudley

George Wells, from New Canaan, CT, returns to the Senior Division this summer to take over as the D-Head. George started his leadership career in the Seniors and is happy to be returning after two successful summers working with the Juniors. Jack Flanagan hails from Delmar, NY, and is excited to be taking on this new role as the Assistant D-Head after a terrific first year as a Leader in 2015.

The Camp Dudley News


Hanna McPheron, Junior D-Head Senior at UC Santa Cruz 10th Summer at Kiniya


Phoebe Quayle, Junior Asst. D-Head Junior at Adelphi University 11th summer at Kiniya

Hanna McPheron is returning for her third summer as Junior Village Division Head and is joined by second year Assistant Division Head Phoebe Quayle. After this summer, the two will have combined for a total 21 summers at Kiniya. Hanna and Phoebe are thrilled to be working together again this summer and have already started planning ganzas, council rings, and more!

Ellie Schwoebel, Senior D-Head Freshman at Wells College 8th summer at Kiniya

Megan McSherry, Senior Asst. D-Head Freshman at USC 8th Summer at Kiniya

Ellie Schwoebel will be taking the reigns as Senior Village Division Head this summer. Ellie hails from Westport, NY, and has had experience working on both sides of the lake! She will be joined by Assistant Division Head Megan McSherry. Ellie and Megan will both be celebrating their 8th summer at Kiniya and are excited to be stepping into their new roles.

We always love to hear from our friends during the holidays! Office Staff Member, Anita Johnson created a hanging collage with all of the cards sent to Westport! Spring 2016



Interested in what’s going on at Camp Dudley & Kiniya? FOLLOW US ONLINE! All of the latest news, pictures, and video from Westport and Colchester can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and of course www.campdudley.org 24

The Camp Dudley News


D.C. Alumni Group Gathers for Hymn Sing By #21013 Sarah “Bear” McDonough

Down in the nation’s capital, we had a great time holding hymn sings with a group of camp alums that live in the DC area. We gather together at the apartment of Sarah (Bear) McDonough to laugh, tell old stories, and, of course, sing our favorite camp hymns. Per tradition, we start with a rambunctious first half and follow it up with a reflective second half to think about the week behind and the week ahead. We phone in out-of-towners for “Study War No More” solos, so if you see your phone buzzing on a Sunday night, don’t hesitate to answer! We typically gather ten to fifteen regulars including #17982 Matt McElroy, #17920 Connor Smith, #17654 David Fitzpatrick, #167384 Taylor Brown, #16730 Rick Raymond, #18912 Will Dobbs-Allsopp, #21883 Kelly Dale, #20297 Chloe Potash, #18108 Harry Jackson, #19494 Katie Gray, #17391 Pat O’Leary, #18641 Rob McDonald, #19193 Conor

Joyce, and #19430 Peter Huff. We even have our own set of hymnals, thanks to the wonderful generosity of Marnie, Matt, and Fu! Some months we are lucky enough to have great guest appearances featuring #18306 Eric (Monkey Man) Soderstrom, #18794 Tom McDonough, #18583 Teddy Dale, #16627 Justin Bolger, and others. Some of our Sundays even begin long before the hymn sing hour (with an afternoon extravaganza!) and we end each Hymn Sing taking turns running Vespers. The DC Hymn Sing ends with the ‘Final Six’ as Bear and Chloe wrote the Kiniya Hymn into each of the Hymnals! Anyone interested in joining us for a Sunday Hymn Sing, please reach out!

Spring 2016


2016 Winter AL/JL Leadership Week By #23685 Colin Loher

In late December, sixteen young leaders assembled at Dudley to participate in our 6th annual winter leadership experience. This was by far our most well attended winter leadership week and that was because for the first time we invited JL’s to the course. This fun-filled, five-day course/adventure provided participants with a unique opportunity to enjoy one of their favorite places with some of their closest friends during a special time of the year. It was even more special with the arrival of our first significant snow! The focus of the week was outdoor leadership. To that end our young leaders were provided with: • 2 days of a Wilderness First Aid course and certification from Stonehearth Outdoor Learning Opportunities ( AKA: The SOLO School ), • Lots of outdoor skills practice in which leaders practiced their outdoor cooking skills, • Time exploring and relaxing at our remote Stacy village. Big thanks go out to our superstar leadership team: #13758 Jake Rutter, #24014 Tom and #24015 Jenn Brayden, and #22645 Raphie Mettle. This course benefitted greatly from their individual leadership, outdoor knowledge, and wisdom. A big part of the reason the course was so successful was because of their mentorship. The pictures tell the story. See the full gallery: campdudley.smugmug.com/Events/2015-Winter-Leadership-Trip/


The Camp Dudley News


Matt Giles (L) on the Weebee stage in the early 2000’s

Basketball has always been my obsession, but I was especially manic during the five or so years I worked at Camp Dudley. Whether it was recruiting rankings, or coaching moves, or halfcourt sets, I followed everything related to the bouncing leather ball. So when Joe Mantegna, the head coach of Blair Academy, then (and now) a top high school program in New Jersey, dropped by Westport to run a few sessions for basketball majors in the summer of 2005, I was stoked. It wasn’t that I had questions for the coach — I had many of those — but I more wanted to pick his brain about recruits, and what he thought of various prospects like Peyton Siva and Lance Stephenson (this was pre-Google’s omnipotence in all corners of the web, so I really had to deep-dive into the fan forums and grainy VHS tapes to expand my knowledge). After I graduated

college and started freelancing, I realized this obsession could be something I could possibly make money from. I started working as a fact-checker for ESPN the Magazine, and in my free time, contributed college basketball content for the magazine (my first piece was on Chicago State’s David Holton, a 5-foot-8 point guard who led the country in scoring). That gig led to further writing opportunities — with 350-plus Division I schools in the country, there are a lot of players with a lot of interesting backstories — and I now write for the New York Times, Deadspin, NBC Sports, the Washington Post, Vice Sports, and FiveThirtyEight (among others, and along with my full time job as an editor at Popular Science). That passion, fostered during those days at Camp Dudley as a Leader in Columbia and Wesleyan, has continued to fuel a career that I never envisioned.

Spring 2016


25 Years Ago, the Summer of 1991... From the Archives, with special thanks to #12664 Ted Smith


represented Dudley’s 107th season and #7405 Director Willie Schmidt’s 17th. Willie reports in mid February that, “Camp will be full and 3/4 of last year’s summer staff will be returning.” Nationally, George H.W. Bush is President, the Soviet Union dissolves, the Gulf War is underway, and the NY Giants nip the Buffalo Bills 20-19 in the Super Bowl. The Dow hits 3000 for the first time. Bill Clinton will seek the 1992 Democratic nomination. Ted Smith, then a Leader in Linwood recalls, “Dudley, that summer, was like an ocean wave that starts as a swell far out to sea, approaching land with gathering force and determination ahead of its thunderous landfall. From 1988-1994, we knew Willie would not be our Director forever. With that in mind, my generation of Leaders (who had been campers in the late ’70s and early ’80s under Willie) was now in our ‘summers-from-college, Leader-age-prime,’ and we wanted to ride that wave to the shore of Willie’s last summer. None of us could figure out how he maintained his energy, his positivity, his passion for Dudley, and his love of Dudleyites summer after summer. We just knew we wanted to be around him, have him as a boss, and soak in his aura for as long as possible.”

The CDA News featured Armed Services Dudleyites #12802 Pat Butler, serving with the Navy 7th Fleet, in the Pacific and Persian Gulf aboard USS McClusky; #12415 Ben Sudduth, USMC, approaching five years of service, specializing in fire fighting. The Director’s Reunion tour reaches 45 cities, including a new “international push” to the Caribbean, London, Hannover, Germany, and Amsterdam. Twenty-seven European boys attended Dudley this summer. A 30th Anniversary German Exchange Program celebration is set for 1992. Regarding leadership, #12664 Ted Smith recalls, “In looking back at the 1991 Last Whistle, one thing that strikes me is a Leadership corps that remains devoted to Dudley in 2016, as fathers of current campers, as current Staff members (some of whom have not missed a summer since 1991!), and as Board members including former Chairman #11889 Dwight Poler. The photo gallery is full of Dudley legends like #8070 Ben Nelson, #6056 Will Prior, #7593 Tom Walton, #12689 Carl Koenig, #11003 Mike Marks and future Director #12141 Andy Bisselle. Those men came to Dudley every year, imparting their wisdom and spreading their kindness to campers and leaders alike.”

The Dining Hall Chaos . . . 1991


The Camp Dudley News

#15296 Big Joe and #15589 Dawn Maiurano, as well as #15305 Nurse Sheila Kapper were all at the beginning of their remarkable Dudley careers. #13081 Jack Mingle returned and was a Leader in a cabin after barely leaving the dining hall for all of those years in the early ’80s. #12931 Scotty “Sly” Sylvester was establishing himself as a legend in his own time, whether it was when he raided Witherbee’s costume closet to put on a dress every morning, or his weekly sparkler-as-accessory launching of the Dudley Doings every Thursday at noon, or his ability to bring the entire camp community to a silent Zen moment as we enjoyed his guitar and singing mastery.

Scotty “Sly” Presentation

The 6th Annual Plebe Divisional “Saratoga Night” was held, complete with racing forms. Dudley and Pok-O-MacCready have a major inter-camp exchange and competitions. Revs. #11584 Pete Allen, #10846 Bob Langston and #18500 Bill Harper were all on Nuggets from the summer of 1991: the Chapel platform, (as they continued to be in 2015.) A new Adams Cabin for women is built. #11301 Doug Sears • 113 full-season (20%) and 444 (80%) half-season retires after 26 years to be replaced by Ben Nelson. campers Two of the three published Chapel Talks in the LW ques• In ’91, 44 boys of color attended Dudley, approxtioned the first Iraq War, which was raging during that imately 8% of the community. Scholarship Partners summer. Just as Dudley persevered and flourished in other included the Baltimore Rotary, Syracuse YMCA, times of war, 1991 saw Leaders openly questioning the wisdom Newark Boys Chorus, Tampa Bay Boys and Girls of that war in the moment it was being waged overseas. Club, Fort Worth Star Telegram, Covenant House NYC, Rupert Perkins Fund, Baltimore, Hearst Foundation, Hannover Germany Y, St. Maarten Rotary, Netherland Antilles, Exchange Club of Kiawah.

• The CDA Man of the Year is #2423 Jim Cutting, a camper in 1915, who pitched for Princeton, and underwrote a Cutting Scholarship Fund, as well as the then Office (now the Hike Hut) expansion.

• Camp recognizes the passing of #7681 George Nelson, #8438 George Sudduth, #3239 Bill Oakley, Parent Ende Perry, and #4019 Berkeley D. Johnson Sr.

• Director Willie Schmidt is urged by family, friends and Board Members to “slow down and think about retirement.” He would serve until 1994, with #9398 Wheaton Griffin named Director in 1995.


Spring 2016


50- and 75-Year Pins We are proud to recognize the following recipients of their Dudley pins, representing dedication to Camp for 50 and 75 years, respectively. If you have reached those milestones, but have yet to receive your pin, please let Dave Langston know at Dave@campdudley.org.

50-Year Pins Awarded

75-Year Pins Awarded

#8115 David Gaffney Boca Grande, FL #10225 Daniel Appleyard, Naperville,IL #10279 Robert Baldwin, Princeton, NJ #10292 David Bargar, Lakewood, NY #10210 David Bellaire, Atlanta, GA #10272 R. William Brouse, Kent, OH #10224 Peter Bruenn, Carmel, NY #10203 Donald Dunbar, Bloomfield, CT #10277 Robert Eager, Chatham, NJ #10233 Clinton Furnald, South Hampton, NH #10278 David Garretson, Princeton, NJ #10204 Donald Liddell, Milton, Ontario #10254 R. James Miller, Ithaca, NY #10226 Bruce Orr, Darien, CT #10235 Scott Perry, San Pedro, CA #10248 J. Campbell Plowden, State College, PA #10311 Howard Tomlinson, Princeton, NJ #10232 William Vogel, West Hempstead, NY

#6131 Elliott Bates, Southbury, CT #6177 Ted Bermingham, Cabot, VT #6206 Les Cizek, Fort Bragg, CA #6160 Charles Cowley, Bellingham, WA #6068 Conrad Frey, Grantham, NH #6072 Scott Halstead, Bethesda, MD #6057 Peter Leighton, Fairfield, CT #6150 Sam Maples, Frederick, MD #6168 James Parsons, Oakham, MA #6151 John Ryan, Clifton Park, NY #6102 M. Cabell Woodward, Rye, NY

Dave Langston awards #8115 David Gaffney his 50-Year Pin at the Old Boys Luncheon in Venice, FL.


The Camp Dudley News



n the weekend of March 11th, the 2016 Kiniya JLs gathered at Camp Dudley to spend the weekend catching up and participating in leadership exercises. We discussed what it means to be a leader at Camp Kiniya as well as the skills we can use when leading our cabins and teams. We spent a lot of time talking about the mission statement and main goals that Camp Kiniya and Dudley share as well as how we work towards these goals during the summer. Along with these discussions, we spent time understanding our own leadership styles and how we work with each other. We carried the energy from these workshops outside where we learned how to cook in preparation for hiking trips. We bonded as a group over Gail’s fabulous cooking (including her famous 7 Layer Bars!). Overall, the weekend was a great experience. This weekend really brought a lot of awareness to us as to what it takes to make sure young girls have the best sum-

mer of their lives and how much the camp is invested in preparing us JLs for the summer. As a group we are much more equipped to lead cabins and feel confident going into this summer. (Submitted by #21412 Gretchen Willmuth)


n the weekend of March 18th, Dudley hosted 19 young men who will be taking a big step up the leadership ladder to become Junior Leaders in the summer of 2016. By our estimate, this was the 20th year that Dudley hosted a JL Leadership Weekend. This gathering is an opportunity for the JLs to think deeply about what it means to lead at Dudley, to work with campers, and to begin learning the ropes of cabin leadership. The JLs this year were lucky to be assisted during the weekend by a stellar group of former and current Leaders and Staff. Joining our Director, Matt Storey, and Admission, Program, & Leadership Development Director, Evan George were Development Director, Dave “LangFu” Langston, Outdoor Program Director, Colin Loher, Food Service Director, Josh Olcott, Mark “Davo” Davenport, Jake Rutter, Dave Nelson, Tommy Dils, George Wells, and Rapheal Mettle. Discussion and exercises centered around our Mission, Motto, Vesper, a Chapel, and an Extravaganza. Judging from the & Core Values, working with boys, understanding the Daily success of the weekend the boys at Dudley are in for quite Schedule, practicing some outdoor cooking skills, and a summer. thinking about different leadership styles. The JLs also (Submitted by #15017 Evan George) took ownership of the experience and led a Council Ring, a Spring 2016


The School House is 200 Years Old! Built in 1816 on Camp Dudley Road with limestone from a nearby quarry, the School House served schoolchildren of Westport for 100 years, closing its doors in 1916. At its prime, the school had 24 students and a library of 84 books. The School House has a commanding view of the Lake, the Champlain Bridge and the Adirondack Mountains. It has been a special place for generations of Dudleyites.


The Camp Dudley News

Helping the Other Fellow — #21649 George Rettaliata, Bay Shore, NY, was at Camp from 2010-13, where he must have learned what it means to put “the other fellow first.” The CD News recently spotted this story:

Since 5th grade, George has enjoyed helping children with special needs, in and out of school. A Varsity Tennis player for Long Island’s Chaminade High School, George wanted to find a way to combine his passions for tennis with working with special needs children. In 2014 he approached the director of Challenger Athletics – a local non-profit that fosters the growth of children through sports. A volunteer at Challenger Lacrosse program, George spoke to the director about expanding the program to tennis. In January 2015, Challenger Tennis was born. The program, free to the athletes, was quickly at capacity. George procured donations . . . 50 new Prince racquets and indoor tennis court time on Long Island. He coordinates 50 athletes, their families, and 100 registered “buddy” volunteers and pros every Saturday at tennis clinics. The program is unique. Each athlete is paired with a buddy/mentor so it is a 1:1 ratio, greatly enhancing the experience. The children have fun while learning the life-long sport of tennis. The courts are full of laughter, while friendships are formed.When the clinics are over, athletes are proud of what they accomplished and their buddies are rewarded knowing they made a difference and a new friend. Said George, “I loved my four summers at Dudley. Since day one, we learned the importance of putting the other fellow first. The effect this had on my life helped me to see the potential of an idea like Challenger Tennis. I hope the impact Challenger has on those involved is one that will stick with them forever, just how Dudley has George (left) coaching tennis stuck with me.”

#23225 Ryan Marrus, New York, NY, will be

at camp for his 4th summer in 2016. A soccer player, Ryan made the website of the Downtown United Soccer Club’s (DUSC). “Last month, Ryan Marrus, a member of the BU14 Blue travel team, had the experience of a lifetime at Yankee Stadium during the season finale against the New England Revolution. He met pro players on the field and was also honored for his community service. A volunteer coach, Ryan raised more than $10,000 to support City in the Community (CIC) after school programs.” Explains Ryan, “When I first started with DUSC as a 7-year old, I met Paul Jeffries, who coached another City Soccer program and asked for my help. It took a little work to get started. The first time almost no one showed up. I then teamed up with Adolfo Lee at PS 134 and was hooked, working with a small group of kids aged 5-8 on skill development and small-sided games. I was also then preparing for my bar mitzvah, which includes a service project. My work with CIC seemed like a natural fit. With the backing of the new NYC Football Club and Paul Jeffries, the program was stronger and I could see the progression of these kids’ skills and felt a real connection. The CIC’s ‘healthy hat trick’ program taught good eating and exercise habits through soccer. I asked people to consider a donation to CIC rather than gifts for my bar mitzvah. Donations started coming in and I raised more money than I had ever expected. I still get up every Sunday I don’t have a soccer game and head over to meet Adolfo and the kids for a couple of hours. It feels really nice to know that they valued and enjoyed having me coach them.”

Spring 2016

Ryan (right) with his CIC soccer kids


The Camp Dudley Annual Fund Up and Over the Top in 2015 By #10555 Dave Langston, Development Director, Camp Dudley and Camp Kiniya


ur Camp community is truly amazing! Each year the goal of our Annual Fund is to raise enough money to support the scholarships for more than 250 boys and girls, augment our leadership development activities and help keep our facilities in top shape. That goal was $820,000 in 2015. After counting the final donations, dated December 31, 2015, we are pleased to report that you pushed us past our goal to an exciting $840,430! What an accomplishment! So meaningful to our boys and girls who come to the shores of Lake Champlain each year! Thank you! It took more than a year-end push to assure our success. We are grateful to the more than 200 donors

who “Honored a Camp Leader” with a gift during our online event in June. The donors who gave during “Willie’s Week” also helped move us forward, even as they enjoyed a large sample of Willie’s slides in the process. In the following pages we say THANK YOU to the more than 2,000 individual donors who gave gifts, both small and large to the Annual Fund and other needs at Camp. Each gift truly does make a difference! Thank You! Camp Dudley, Inc. continues to be a qualified charitable organization, 501(c)(3), so our donors are able to give generously and enjoy the benefits of tax deductions to the extent allowed by law. Thank You!

Alumni Families Make it All Happen!


The Camp Dudley News

Thank you all! Fiscal Year 2015 Donor List Michelle Aaron Joseph and Margaret Acerra Colin Achilles #18847 Nancy Achilles Kelly and Paul Adams Randolph Adams #8574 Richard Adams #13988 Stephen and Kathryn Adams Philip Adil #12168 Maixing Ai and Xiaomei Leng Hugh and Elizabeth Aikens Russell Alber and Jaye Borriello Robert #7062 and Sandra Aldrich Charles Alexander #11778 and Margaret Inui Richard #10887 and Kim Alexander Michael and Anne Alix James #11144 and Patricia Allen John Allen #7294 Peter #11584 and Tracy Allen Phyllis and J Allen Roland and Katherine Allen Cynthia Alling Bennett Allison #21695 John and Melissa Almeida Hoyt #10939 and Pamela Ammidon Finn Amster #21126 John and Colleen Amster Bernard Amyot and Francine Ethier Jennifer Anda and John Underwood Judith Andersen Carleton Anderson #19856 Heiko Anemueller #15245 Peter Angelica #19106 John Angiolillo #17494 Anonymous Nicholas Ansell #21518 Angelika Antal #23588 Laura Anthony #4821 Brian and Traci Anton Richard and Mary Antonelli Jonathan #9528 and Ruth #17528 Appleyard Robert #9447 and Deborah Appleyard Peter Ardery #10756 Gerald Ardolino #10312 Gerald Ardolino #10436 Jeffrey #11457 and Maria Ardolino David Armet Thomas Arnold #19508 and Martha Bolster William and Margaret Aronsohn Matthew #14841 and Daryn Art Robert and Catherine Avery Gordon #13652 and Kesti Aysseh Griffin Azrak #22167 Dickran and Sally Babigian Tom #22026 and Sarah Bailey Bain Capital Childrens Charity Limited David #13359 and Elizabeth Bainbridge Sam and Molly Baker Samuel and Collins Baker William Baker #22347 Bruce Baldwin #21254 Pamela Baldwin David Ballinger #19529

Kenneth and Kendra Ballinger Rudy and Cathleen Balseiro Baltimore Rotary Foundation Manu Bammi and Katrina Cary Douglas and Elizabeth Banbury Reid Banbury #21675 Benjamin Barba #22795 Matt and Jennifer Barba Christopher #13681 and Kelley Barnett Harry Barnwell #20723 Nicholas #11323 and Kate Barnwell Dave Baroody #14696 and Bethany Silva #21096 Bill Barrett and Jennifer Millett-Barrett C. and Diana Barrett William Barrett #21565 Robert and Maureen Barry Karen #13322 and Bart #14209 Bartholomew David #13402 and Beth Bartlett Michael #10003 and Judith Bartlett Shannon Bartlett #20403 Randolph #13485 and Louise Barton Randolph #8323 and Margaret Barton S. Garrett Bastable #16590 S. Jeffrey and Susan Bastable Elliott Bates #6131 Albert and Elizabeth Bauer Thomas and Marguerite Bausano Gary #10164 and Hope Bazer Alexander Beal #21270 Bruce and Kathryn Beal Dexter Beals #9541 Beane Family Fund of Maine Community Foundation James and Catherine Beane James Beane #20970 Nicholas Beane #21130 Paul and Sarah Bechta Edwin #12767 and Brooke Beck William Beck #10838 and Joanna Murray Rodney #7975 and Liz Beckwith – B Peter and Adele Beekman Will Beekman #14884 Matthew Behrens #20797 John Bell #6749 Mary and Ronald Bell Steven Bell and Wendi White Tianta Belton-Heads and Thomas Heads Ronald and Nancy Bendelius Peter #12786 and Amy Benedict J Wyatt Bennett Brian #11094 and Susan Benninghoff James #13516 and Lurleen Benzian Eleanor Beram Danielle Berg #23605 Tomas and Margaret Bergstrand Geoffrey and Dana Beringer Arnold #11909 and Ann Berlin Bruce Bernann #8559 – B G. Wayne and Rosemary Berry Matthew Berry #17161 Richard #10361 and Carla Berry A. William #7906 and Sandra Bertsch Hilary Bertsch #13864 Anne and Clyde Bethel

Spring 2016

Vijay Bhirud #15920 Roger #18678 and Bonnie Bigelow James #12279 and Julia Billingsley John Billingsley #12637 Carolyn Bingham Michael and Eryn Bingle Stephanie Birney #24021 Philip #7441 and Holly #13283 Bisselle Thomas #13744 and Julie Bisselle Walter Bisselle #8161 and Val Longson Kenneth #9563 and Joy Black Greg and Cathy Blackburn W. Bradford #13746 and Nina Blaicher Roger #9119 and June Blanc Alejandro and Gloria Blanco Rita Blanton John Bliss #9064 Paul and Dina Blom Eric and Eliza Bock Terry and Kerry Bock Matthew and Emily Boland Barbara Bolger and Don Barley Andrew Bolster #10935 and Heidi Paul Carrie Bolster Elizabeth Bolster #14239 Joseph #12079 and Sarah “Tink” Bolster – B Luke Bolster #21645 Michael Bolster #10793 and Sukey Ryan Richard Bolster #13244 and Linda Monastra Thomas #11436 and Misuk Bolster Charles and Wendy Bolton John and Cathy Bonczek Bradford #14655 and Alexandra Bonner Sean and Alicia Bonner Irving #17872 and Linda Borden John and Jennifer Borenius Andrew Borinstein and Hilary Vartanian Jonathan and Anne Boucher Glenn #11348 and Gina Boulton Robert Boulton Bill Boutelle #11517 Charles #9979 and Frances Bowen James and Kathleen Bowers George and Frances Boya Holly Boylan-Flego and Edward Flego Cassidy Boylan #21081 Amy Boyle


David #8928 and Elizabeth Boyle Edward #12365 and Christina Boyle John-David #15328 and Molly Boyle – B Margaret Bragg Malcolm Brand Michael #13033 and Gretchen Bransford Thomas #24014 and Jennifer #24015 Brayden Randy Breeckner #21001 and Kenneth Johnston Valerie Brefka and Hadwen Fuller #13810 James and Susan Brewer Henry and Susan Bristol Richard Broad #9163 and Tamara Tayloe Thomas and Katharine Brock Russell and Lisa Broderick Robert and Mary Brody Nicholas Brooke #21574 Paul Brooke and Kathleen McCarragher Jere and Lynne Brophy R. William Brouse #10272 Edward #7800 and Mary Lou Brower Gregory Brower #13198 and Huai-en Tsai-Brower Andy #11387 and Stephanie Brown Gordon Brown and Louise Howlett James #6880 and Elizabeth Brown Malcolm Brown #19882 Norman and Holly Brown Scott and Holly Brown Taylor Brown #16384 Russell and Elisabeth Brownback Jessica Bruenn #20454 Paul Bruenn #10735 Sheila Bruenn Zoe Brugger-Lobdell #24058 Dermell Brunson #16431 James Brust #14140 and Sophia Lin John #7446 and Meridee Brust Peter Buchanan #6556 Richard #9760 and Patricia Bucher William #8751 and Ethel Buck Paul #24011 and Jessica Buehler George Bukawyn #19551 John Bukawyn #18861 James Bullock #21461 William #7261 and Edith Bullock William #12335 and Barbara Bullock William Bullock #21135 Brendan Bumgardner #21996 Daniel and Patricia Bumgardner Paul #8855 and Cami Bunn Thomas and Emilie Burack Daniel and Susan Burke Herbert #11310 and Ellen Burke Patrick and Kimberly Burke Donald and Elizabeth Burney James Burns and Lucy Owen Nelson #10050 and Suzanne Burns Peter Burr #9459 – B R. Stuart #10678 and Carla Bush Arthur and Elizabeth Butcher Caroline Butler #22254 Catherine Butler #21141 David and Clare Butler John #11541 and Kim #22041 Butler Margot Butler #22256 Patrick Butler #12082 and Sarah Funke C & N MANUFACTURING, INC. C. Richard Cadigan #7449 Benjamin Cady #15198


Alfred #8798 and Toni Cady – B Robert #8811 and Linda Cady James #12146 and Amy #23646 Caffry Michael and Tiffany Caiati PJ #14278 and Diane Calello Stephen and Jennifer Caley Seth #13628 and Kirtley Cameron Giulia Campana #20535 Duncan Campbell #23181 Gordon and Dorsey Campbell William #8457 and Anne Campbell Sami Canaan #21934 Regis Canning #10974 and Doreen Maddox-Canning Thomas #11846 and Paula Canning – B Glen and Melissa Capelo John #12845 and Jocelyn Capen A. Richard and Laurel Caputo Michael #14215 and Karen Carbone Edgar #5616 and Joan Card Sharon and Oriethel Carey Chad and Regina Carls Austin Carmody #22172 Shawn and Gail Carmody Thomas and Mary Carmody Jeffrey and Christa Carone Estate of Donald L. Carr #7313 – B Timothy #12908 and Nancy Carr Thomas #7221 and Anne Carrier – B J. Patrick and Beverly Carrigan David and Elizabeth Carroll Alexei Carstensen #19770 Andrew #9977 and Marilynn Carstensen Haley Carstensen #21477 Eric and Lauren Carter Gerald and Carol Casey Jack and BJ Casey William #8545 and Joyce Cash Robert Cassady Scott and Elizabeth Castellano Mary Ann Cate Liam Cazeault #21686 Lara Cazemajou #21155 Patrick and Heidi Cazemajou Michael #10252 and Yvonne Cech Anna Cerf #24064 Arthur and Melissa Ceria Jeff and Tanya Chambers Jeffrey Chambers #22333 Hugh Chaplin #5424 John Chaplin and Jill Adams Tyler #12640 and Jennifer Chapman John Chappelear #7981 and Ingrid Chappelaer Robert #11754 and Nanette Chappelear

The Camp Dudley News

Stephen and Jennifer Charney Christopher Chase #13492 Frederick #10171 and Linda Chase – B Robert and Marilynn Chase Nicholas and Andrea Chermayeff Thomas #9147 and Lynn Cherry Andrew Childs #21840 George Childs #12444 and Miya Asato Hilary and Katherine Childs Nicholas #11187 and Barbara Chinlund Marcus #13820 and Joan #16964 Chioffi John Christen #20735 James and Kathleen Christie Yullin Chui and Shao Xing Liang Craig #11507 and Sarah Churchill Karel Churchill Peter Churchill #21507 Jean Churchman Frank Ciancio and Clare Verre-Ciancio Cameron Cianciolo #21650 Jeffrey #12950 and Heather Cianciolo James and Alison Cirenza Les Cizek #6206 David #9467 and Virginia Claiborne Christopher #8249 and Frances Clark Christopher #11720 and Jennifer Clark Christopher Clark #13249 Jonathan #7927 and Priscilla Clark Kenneth #8712 and Shirley Clark Richard #8041 and Linda Clark Constance Clement Carleton #9191 and Linda Cleveland Brian and Valorie Clevenger Charles Clifford #13149 and Tara Callahan Nicholas Clifford Nicholas #12379 and Maria Clifford Barbara Close and Paul Swirbul Charles Close #22613 Cortney Clulow Nicholas Clulow #23619 Peter Codella Matt and Maureen Coe David Coffin #5288 – B James and Kathy Colby Cole Birches Foundation Victoria #17865 and Jack Cole David Colegrove Edmond #17699 and Lauren Colegrove Gail #20005 and Syd Coleman James and Joan Colligan Charles Collings #9991 Daniel and Deborah #14008 Collins William #8704 and Lynne Combs – B

Richard Commons #12434 and Lindsay Mc Niel William and Suzanne Congdon Paul and Carol Connors James Cook John Cook #15181 Stephen #13121 and Loraine Cook Michael #10581 and Colleen Coombs Peter #8707 and Niramon Coombs Richard #12167 and Julie Coombs Larry #14707 and Helen #23221 Cooney Frank and Margery Cooper James and Stacy Cooper Lee Corbett Rex #12928 and Stacy Corbett Allen #9385 and Betty Ann Cornish Kirkham Cornwell #9351 John and Jacqueline Corrado Scott Corrigan and Brooke Picotte Frank #10908 and Susan Coughlin James and Caroline Coutre Esther Cover Richard and Linda Cowan Lucinda Cowdroy Timothy Cowen #10397 William Cowles #7756 Peter #8679 and Dale Coxe Christopher and Elise Coyle Richard #9827 and Lynn Coyle – B Carol Coyne #13281 W. Carroll Coyne #6245 – B Christina Coyne #14255 and Fanning Hearon #12495 Robert #8580 and Jamison Craft William Craig #10789 and Mia Van Den Heuvel Michael and Rebecca Cranna Winslow Crannell #7809 Ian #9060 and Mary Ann Crawford – B Brian Cropper #18434 Linda and John Crow Thomas #7370 and Carol Crowe – B Benjamin Crowder Boglarka Cser #23163 Saoirse Cunniffe #23612 Christoph and Paula Cushman Philip #12932 and Susan Cushman Robert #10352 and Kathryn Cushman Caroline and Richard Cuthbert Collin Cutting #23273 Pete #24173 and Raechel Cutting Amanda D’Arbanville #20321 Joseph and Lisa D’Virgilio Michael D’Amico #20298 and Emma Cobb Kevin and Cathleen Daly Donald and Susannah Danforth

Clara Dannemann #20371 Eric and Margaret Dannemann Alexander and Susan Daugherty Mark #11264 and Cathy Davenport Simon and Laura Davidson Carl Davis #14820 Christopher Davis #12080 George Davis #13862 and Susan Bacot-Davis J. Baird and Pat Davis James Day #14128 David and Dixie De Luca Edwin #8336 and J. Lynn Dealy Peter #13027 and Julia Deane Caroline and John Deans Kim Deans Elizabeth Decker #24075 Isaac Defelice #24103 Brian Degen #19892 John Degen #21582 Kevin and Lisa Degen Gregory #14837 and Kristen deGrandpre Robert #6921 and Joan Dehlendorf Luciano #15841 and Julia Del Guzzo Charles and Patricia DeLana Caroline Delaney #20113 Luc and Lucienne Delfeus Greg Delves and Sara Beaney John #16242 and Alison Dempsey John and Shelley Dempsey R. Thomas #9942 and Mary Jo Dempsey Thomas and Melinda Dempsey Donald and Victoria DeMuth Caleb Denton #20668 Stephen #21047 and Suzanne Denton Zachary Denton #19747 Owen Devlin Edward and Willow Dew Kyle Dew #21148 Daryl and Arden Dewbrey Alexander #12410 and Maria Diamandis Julio Diaz Estate of William Dietz #6084 – B William and Marcia Diggs Blair #16404 and Jessica #14504 Dils Miranda Dils #20404 Thomas Dils #19304 Douglas #11702 and Maureen Dimitri Michelle Dimitri #20102 Claude and Elizabeth Dinaro Kerry Dinneen and Samuel Sutphin Peter #10626 and Sally Dinsmore – B Timothy Ditzler and Lynn Seely Arthur Diver #10781

Spring 2016

Brynne Dixon #24052 Thomas and Sheila Doar Henry Dobbs-Allsopp #20670 Leslie #21107 and Frederick Dobbs-Allsopp Ed Dodge #13814 Carl #13803 and Katherine Doerge Robert Dohm #7954 Brigid Dolan #21569 Kathleen #15569 and Brendon Dolan Margaret Dolan #21669 Jim and Renate Dolphin David #10801 and Elizabeth Donahue Joseph Donahue #13469 and Katharine Alfond Molly Donahue #21004 Philip Donohue #14541 Richard Donovan #16318 Douglas Doolittle #10748 and Anne Beall Stephanie Dorsey David #10333 and Katherine Doub James #9649 and Nancy Doub David #9549 and Sandra Doubleday David and Nancy Dove John and Molli Dowd John Doyle and Kira Baker-Doyle Timothy Doyle and Mary Morris Adele #24020 and William Drake Patrick and Anne Droesch Andrew and Lynn Dudgeon William Dudley Jennifer and Dave Duggal Donald Dunbar #10203 Fred and Lesley Duncan Skylar Dunklebarger #21887 Seth Dunn #13484 Chad Dupuis Lukas Ebeler #19180 Dillon Ecclesine #19023 Maureen Ecclesine Marina Ecklund #23422 Jon Edie #11977 Richard #7987 and Linda Edie – B Rick #11762 and Betsy #18762 Edie Evans and Kristen Edson Braden and Carolyn Edwards David and Shirley Edwards Ellie Edwards #10475 Stouffer and Carrie Egan Thomas and Cathleen Egan Brinley #23788 and Terrence #23789 Ehlers Aidan Ehrenberg #18886 George and Elizabeth Ehrhardt Grayson Elder #20373 William and Katherine Elder George #11393 and Mary Ellen Eldridge Matthew Eldridge #21193 Peter and Phebe Elliott Stephen and Sarah Elliott Thomas #11638 and Stephanie Elliott Liza Elman #24055 John and Barbara Emery Mark and Anne Engel Jeff and Barbara Erdmann Robert and Shannon Erdmann Frederick #8968 and Jean Erdtmann Kristen Erickson Bass Piroska Eros #24016 Thomas #9457 and Diane Ervin William #9558 and Sheri Ervin


Ray #12949 and Carolyn Evans Torrey #13148 and Noelle Evans Robert and Mary Everett Jeffrey Evers #13134 Christopher and Michelle Ewan Elaine Ezerins #23621 William Fahy #21154 Charles Fairchild #13278 William #6191 and Roberta Faloon – B Alison Farr #24022 Gregory #9106 and Catherine Farrell Nicholas Farrell #15910 Scott #23724 and Crystal Farrell Donald and Bridget Fawcett Frank and Barbara Fee Jay and Jodi Feeney Christopher Feifs #16319 Helmuts Feifs Jonathan Feifs #14919 and Stephanie Beck Harvey #8732 and Arlene Feldmeier Gregory and Dana Feller Douglas Felt #8783 Adam Ferguson #14384 Andrew #15945 and Elizabeth Ferguson Bruce and Pamela Ferguson Doug Ferguson #11521 G. Neil Ferguson #10085 Sharon Ferraro Matthew and Jamie Ferrelli Thomas #13513 and Nancy Ferry James #8772 and Mary Fewlass Gerald and Deborah File Charles #9162 and Linda Findlay Ian and Lynn Findlay Joseph #17847 and Maria Finetti John and Anne Fink Beatrice Firempong John #12170 and Amy Fischer Marlon Fisher #16119 David Fitzpatrick #17654 Craig Fitzpatrick #3611 – B David #12857 and Ingrid Fitzsimmons Christopher and Heidi Flagg William Flagg #10458 – B David #11365 and Linda Flanagan Dean #12739 and Jessica Flanagan John Flanagan #19965 Peter Flanagan #19365 James and Christine Fleming Caleb Florence #19130 Jonah Florence #19583 Justin Floyd #19182 Geoffrey #12782 and Karyn Flynn James and Linda Flynn John and Vivian Flynn Michael #11948 and Julie Flynn Carolyn Fogerty Gerald and Jean Forcier Alexander Foster #22760 Chris Foster #12004 and Pauline Merrill Douglas #6707 and Ann Foster Drew #11752 and Elaine Foster Harlan #13000 and Sarah Foster Jennifer and Jon Foster Scott #7820 and Christa Foster Torrey #11168 and Mary Foster Torrey Foster #7114 and Anne Russell Torrey Foster #21168 Townsend #6648 and Dorothy Foster


James #6327 and Betsy Fowler – B Mark and Tracy Fox Michael and Kimberly Fox Scout Fox #24030 Christopher and Catherine Franck Vincent and Debra Franco Andrew #12308 and Colleen Frank Peter and Kelly Frank Ramsey and Suzanne Frank Errol Frankel and Elise Falkinburg James Frankel #18534 David and Mika Frechette Maxwell Freeman #21661 Timothy and Stephanie Freeth John W. #13792 and Susan Frehse, Sr. – B Robert M. (deceased) and Dale Frehse, Jr. – B Robert M. #13392 and Jessica Frehse III – B Conrad Frey #6068 Timothy #12284 and Shobha Frey Richard #13202 and Jennifer Fricke David #13763 and Keri Frisch Donald Frisch #7639 Richard Frisch #7640

Peter and Elizabeth Frith Audrey Fuller #5538 Hadwen and Corinne Fuller Jay Fuller #10083 and Leta Peacemaker Warren #9698 and Maureen Fuller Frederick Gaertner Adam and Jennie Galaburda Charles and Laura Galante Michael and Regina Gallary Nicholas Gambal #19709 Paul and Anne Gambal Christopher #12437 and Leticia Gammill Lee #7234 and Jane Gammill Isidro Tomas Garbanzos and Ma Caridad Paras Ian and Amanda Gardiner Oscar Garfein #12690 John #8474 and Janet Garnjost Patrick and Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Gay #21124 Dawn #19524 and Eric Gay Nathan Gay #18724 Gregory and Kimberly Gaynor Russell #13429 and Sherry Gebhard

The Camp Dudley News

John and Libby Gedney Deidre Gehrke #8488 Mark #12233 and Lori Ann Gehrke Daniel #15708 and Elizabeth Geiger Michael and Barbara Genetti Ann George Dan and Nikki George Evan #15017 and Diana #18079 George – B Larry and Helen George H. Leland Getz #5822 Ziad Ghafour and Lisa Lisi Justin and Melissa Gibbons Charles and Kathryn Gilbert Gregory Gilbert #21596 James and Kathleen Gilbert Peter #11907 and Marian Gilbert John Gillespie #12989 and Caorlyn McQueen Peter #14662 and Alexis Gillespie Jack and Jennifer #14002 Gillis Sara Gillis #20204 Keith and Dawn Giovannoli James and Deirdre Glascott Eric Godolphin and Marie-Claude Bedard Gordyne Golly #6691 Stanislav Golubenko #16224 Ralph and Barrie Gonzalez Erica Ashlie Goode Emily Goodwin #20466 Kelsey Goodwin #20278 Michael and Elinor Goodwin Richards and Catherine Gordon Robert and Elizabeth Gorman John Gornell Peter #9897 and Connie Gosline Katherine Goss #24084 Darren Gough and Susan Stafford-Gough Wyatt Gough #22833 James Goulard #8923 Kathryn Grabowy #20050 Wolfe Grand #13715 and Amanda Riley Mary Grandy Courtney Granfors #20222 Donna #23222 and Roger #11202 Granfors Robert #11201 and Susan Granfors Chris and Amanda Grant Gilson Gray #8305 and Jean Zimmerman Katharine Gray #19494 Jack Green #20743 William #7388 and Peggy Greenawalt Charles Greene #17732 Cutler #14061 and Julie Greene James #9732 and Marritje Greene James #17032 and Amanda Greene Hugh #7991 and Joy Gregg Hugh #14082 and Marisa Gregg Paul and Linda Gridley Daniel #6595 and Sarah Griffin Emma Griffin #20027 Geoffrey #13046 and Sheri Griffin Michael #12227 and Genevieve Griffin Jeffrey and Tracey Grills Paul #7532 and Mary Lou #17532 Grinwis – B James Grohsgal #15343 Robert #9804 and Devora Gronauer Robert Grosek #19451 Brian #13468 and Kathryn Groves Peter #14571 and Samina Groves Thomas and Jennifer Groves Elizabeth Growney #22079

Alec Guettel and Christine Smith Frederick #17600 and Jan #18394 Guffey Sherri Guffey #19601 James Guimaraes #17185 Matthew and Jennifer Gurka James Gurley #13869 Stephen and Jessica Gushee James #8556 and Ann Guthrie Gianela Gutierrez Peter Haar #14570 Meredith Habermann #23253 Robert #7648 and Barbara Hadden David and Lara Haffenreffer Curry Hagerty George Hagerty #12022 and Martha Louise Armstrong Grace Hagerty #21029 John Hagerty #21169 Eric and Charlotte Haims Dea Halasz #24026 Ed Hall #12307 Ivan Hall #6404 Jeffrey and Robin Hall John Hall #21792 Erik Hallenbeck #16204 Stephen and Mary Halloran Geoff and Catherine Halstead Kathryn and Bob Hamilton John #9172 and Suzanne Hammond – B Kenneth and Ranson Hanau Linard #12262 and Lynn Hancock Patrick Hanford Priscilla Hanford Martin Hanley Torrence Harder #8849 Walter Harlos and Annie Coughlin Spencer Harman #13610 Austin Harper #19903 Blake Harper #18778 William #18500 and Carolyn Harper Steven and Allison Harr William Harrigan #21598 Jacob Harrington #23651 Kyle Harrington #24076 Vincent Harrington #23258 Brian Harris #15031 Isiah #12467 and Deborah Harris Peter #12521 and Sarah Harris Anthony Hart #20815 John Hart Thomas and Nada Hart Zachary Harter #24102 Hendrik and Susan Hartong Oliver Harvey #23167 Andrew and Kristin Harwood Henry Harwood #21599 George #11851 and Emily #14824 Haskell Christopher Hastings #22642 James #6976 and Margaret Hastings Nicholas #12242 and Kimberly Hastings Noah Hastings #21642 Drew #10055 and Maureen Hatcher Matthew Hawes #13821 Matthew Hawes #21605 Ruppert #22832 and Edwina Hawes Brennan Hawken #13838 Shannon Hawkins Frederick Hayes #21602 Virginia Hearon

James and Carrie Heffernan Barbara Hemingway Margaret Hemingway Samuel Hemingway #9823 Timothy #9165 and Anne Hemingway Andrew #12344 and Anne Henderson Ashleigh Henderson #22339 Laurel Henderson #20176 David #11931 and Jennifer Hendricks John Hendrie Charles and Laurel Henneman Edward and Penny Henneman Richard #9122 and Eileen Henning Robert #8953 and Jean Henning Andrea Henter #24019 George Hering #8321 Edward and Alexandra Hermes C. Joseph Hertlein #9255 Lambert Heyniger #6987 Chris Hickerson and Anna Aguilar Naokatsu and Takako Hikotani William and Allison Hill-Edgar Angie Hill #20613 and Gavin Wallace #23613

Kenneth #8497 and Fredlyn Hill – B Daniel and Pamela Hinton William Hodge #16176 John and Lisa #14561 Hoey Christopher #13642 and Laura Hogan Christopher and Catherine Hogan Erin Hogan #20393 William #11793 and Pamela Holding Andrew Hollander #21174 Bart Hollander and Catherine Sanderson Joel and Elizabeth Holmes Edwin #8314 and Susan Holt Dana #9594 and Alicia Hooper Richard #10037 and Teri Hooper Thomas Hooper #12427 Arthur Hopper Bruce #13737 and Nona Hoskins Tameeka Howard Nathaniel #12449 and Mimi Howe Jay and Jennifer Howlett M. Mavin Howley Sachi Howson #20354 Walter and Barbara Howson

Spring 2016

Kenneth #23659 and Lucy Hoyt Keziah Hoyt #21119 Robert and Susan Huber Robert Huber #20680 Harry Hudson #23199 Stephen #19199 and Darcy Hudson Roger Hueglin #21787 Roger and Theresa Hueglin John #9919 and Jane Hufnagel Peter Hulbert #15997 Matthew Hull Roger Hull #7477 Kathryn Huller #20965 Stanley and Katherine Huller Peter and Deborah Hunsberger Jeffrey #12002 and Dariane Hunt D’Anne Hurd #19629 and George Forsythe Douglas Hurd #10074 and Cynthia Parlato Hurd John #9935 and Elaine Hurd Matthew #14935 and Catherine Hurd Michael #9653 and Lori Hurd Peter Hurd #9284 Charles #11416 and Margaret Hurdman James Hurley Benjamin Hynes #21678 William Ingraham Mary Interdonati #22004 Colin #12113 and Louisa Ives Todd Ives #16770 Lawrence and Rieko Ivy Allen #10811 and Lori Jackson Carl #17098 and Monica #21028 Jackson Jeffrey Jackson and Susan Kaupie-Jackson Stuart Jackson #10036 William #16851 and Nicole Jackson Louis #23033 and Joan Jacobs Christian #13872 and Laëtitia Jacquemont James and Laura Jaffe Daniel and Melody Jagoe David #12907 and Karen Jahns Wayne Jahns Michael #10131 and Barbara James Toby James #7837 – B Larry and Cathy Jameson Jay and Aimee Jamison Blair #13452 and Bonnie Jennings Brian Jewell #19737 Christopher Jewell Dean and Ann Jewett Wagner and Carleen Joash Barbara Johansen Anita #22830 and James Johnson Berkeley #6581 and Sue Johnson – B Blair Johnson #19319 Blake and Lisa Johnson Charles #8252 and Martha #18252 Johnson Charles Johnson #12152 David and Amy Johnson David #11544 and Susan Johnson Edward #13426 and Vanessa Johnson Eric and Eunice Johnson Joan Johnson Karen #24278 and Drew #12778 Johnson Paige Johnson #22287 Robin #23787 and Gregory Johnson Thomas and Julianne Johnson Chris Johnston #14300


Morgan Johnston #20929 R. Michael #12429 and Lisa Johnston Richard #11553 and Claudia Johnston William and Meredith Johnston Alexander #14045 and Sunan Jones Brian #16691 and Cynthia Jones Curtis and Hope Jones Justin Jones #21260 Mathew Jones Conor Joyce #19193 Bradley Jubitz #21178 John Juzaitis Al #8191 and Mea Kaemmerlen – B David #7838 and Siegrun Kane Matthew Kantack #16884 Sheila #15305 and Fred #17537 Kapper John and Nancy Karpinski Peter Karpinski #14094 and Mettet Ducat-Karpinski Bruce and Christy Kaskey Greg and Maia Kats Alexandra Katz #22797 Joseph Katz and Denise McEvoy Dina Kaufman #17376 C. Carr #13048 and Lara Kaufmann Luke #8180 and Kathleen Kaufmann James and Marcy Kearney Daniel #13020 and Jessie Keating Craig Keenan #12169 William Keeton William #13585 and Marylisa Kein John Kelleher #21179 Mark and Anne Kelley Ryan Kelley #20751 Tamara Kelly #24051 Daniel and Julie Kenary William Kennard #5125 – B Holly #19976 and J. Halisey Kennedy John Kennedy #17976 Judith #19700 and Daniel Kennedy John Kenny and Mary Beth Hogan Matthew Kephart #19383 George Kilby and Kathryn Keen Thomas and Deborah Kilday Sebastian Kim #20683 Sarah Kimmorley #24053 Estate of Paul King #3994 – B


Tony and Sorrel King Jeffrey and Allison Kingsley William #8867 and Beth Kingston Robert #11945 and Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Dodd and LaVern Kittsley Jane Klaus-Scarborough Marc Klaus #12938 Frederick #4291 and Patricia Klein Kasey Klingenberg #22831 David #9600 and Kathleen Knapp George #10043 and Ellen Knapp William #7480 and Elizabeth Knowles Christopher and Susan Komosa Reid Komosa #21921 Timothy Komosa #14085 Daniel Koob and Elizabeth Walton Koonce Foundation Haley Kopfler #21368 Michael and Amy Kopfler Taegen Kopfler #20896 Paul and Jennifer Korngiebel Mark and Leigh Kossick David Kotz #12190 and Pamela Jenkins John #7951 and Katherine Kotz – B Peter #12135 and Carolyn #20635 Kotz Nicholas Koukopoulos and Carolyn Hume Leigh Ann Kowalchick-Porphy and Jeffrey Porphy William and Kristen Krag Cooper Kramer #15981 John Krueger #18785 William Krueger #19616 Owen Kula #20753 Pippa Kula #20407 Isabella Kulukundis #24088 Hazel Kurlansky Richard and Dawn Kurth Susan #14247 and Greg Kuruvilla Steve and Kim Kuster Glen #12650 and Joanna Kutler Madeline Kutler #21150 Miles Kynigos #21616 Stefanos and Anne Kynigos Gerald #9940 and Donna LaGrange Robert and Viola Lake Charles #10013 and Heather Lalanne Douglas Lambert #15422

The Camp Dudley News

Eileen Lambo Mia Lambo #20898 Marshall #9101 and Billie Jo Lamison Tim and Amy Lamitie Houston #6842 and Jenifer Landis Emily Lane #20168 Derek Lang #24104 Mark Langan #10084 Nicholas Langan #9988 and Donna Goodwin John and Jacqueline Lange David #10555 and Lora #17855 Langston – B Drew Langston #16246 Matthew Langston #16855 Robert #10846 and Karen Langston – B Malindi Lankatilleke Brian and Tracy Lannigan Ralph #12330 and Larraine LaRovere Christopher #11955 and Tara Larrison David and Joyce Larrison Max Larrison #21955 Timothy #12602 and Kitty Larrison Joshua and Ashley Lathrop William Latour #10001 Robert Laughlin #9028 Kenneth Lauritzen #10022 – B Frederick #7544 and Louise Lawler Robert and Leslie Lawrence Todd #11730 and Lory Lawrence Kenneth and Sarah Lazarus Molly Lazarus #21815 Jane #21219 and Nicholas Lee Joseph and Mary Lee Margaret Lee #23219 Blair #12728 and Georgia Lehnert Timothy and Diane Lehnert Paul Leibfried and Laura Harrigan Raymond and Anne Leinen William Leinen #16207 Joshua Leland #16029 Luciana Lenihan Anthony #12609 and Helen Leonard Anthony Leonard #22009 Danford Leonard #11841 and Robin St Germain Daniel Leonard #15779 Doctor and Virginia Leonard John and Dorothy Leonard John-Daniel #17349 and Laura Leonard Robert Leonard Madeline Leopold #23844 Beau #13896 and Jennifer Lescott Kenneth and Teresa Lesczynski Gregory and Kelly Lesko Christopher LeVine and Erin Pender-LeVine George Lewis #14249 Michael Lewis #11080 William Lewis #7179 Andrew and Heather Liberi Elena Licursi #20410 Paul Licursi #21084 Peter and Giselle Licursi Daniel and Stephenie Lievense Nancy Lindsay Ernst and Carol Linnemann Nancy Lione Daniel Lipin #16321 and Tal Drori #21974 Kaylee Litch #23591 Gene #8686 and Sally Little – B William and Margaret Little James #11615 and Janet Lloyd

Peyton #12386 and Casey Lloyd Robert and Margaret Lloyd Thomas Lobue Harry and Terry Lockhart Louise Loening William Loew #14973 and Raquel Scheid Colin #23685 and Erica #24185 Loher Selina Lokko and David Croyder Bonnell and Rosemarie Lombardi David #9227 and Lynne Lone Christopher and Merrill Long William Long #14158 Bruce Longley #11644 and Kathy Keane-Longley Robert #8391 and Birgitta Longnecker Brian Longo #22190 Connor Longo #22191 Elizabeth Longo #20859 Kevin Longo #21068 Philip and Leila Longo Alfred Loomis Charles Loomis #22634 Mark and Stephanie Loomis Olimpia Lopez Brooke Lossmann #23201 Brendan Loughman #15877 Jeffrey #12720 and Stacey Low Timothy #12319 and Loriann Low Jane Lowry John #11156 and Meleda Lowry – B Robert and Daryl Lubin Todd #13785 and Aimee Lubin Richard and Kathleen Luci William #12522 and Jennifer Ludington Luigi Fatato Foundation Inc. Michael and Chartier Lukacs Gregg #13878 and Rebecca Lurcott Paul Luthringer and Lisa Hogan Paul #7381 and Carol Lutz – B Claire Lynch #20412 Joseph Lynch and Susan Dunlap William Lynch #22193 Esther Lyttle – B David MacAllaster #10740 Jeff MacBean #13564 Chelsea MacDougal #23192 Shelby MacDougal #23200 Trevor MacDougal #24077 Christie and Douglas MacKenzie Leslee MacKenzie Robert #10501 and Diann Mackenzie Bruce #6322 and Virginia MacLaury John and Janice MacLaury John #7131 and Sophie MacMahon Peter Macy #13888 John #13174 and Katherine Madden Carol Magee-Jones Robert Magill and Amy Frisch Leslie Maher David #12850 and Elizabeth Mahler Brian Mahoney #10264 Joseph #15588 and Dawn #15589 Maiurano Peter #15385 and Lauren #19555 Maiurano Andrew and Elizabeth Malis John and Kathryn Mangel William Manning #11887 Edward and Laura Marhefka Vlad Marhefka #19845 Mike #11003 and Susan Marks Andrew #12225 and Jennifer Marrus

John and Candace Marsellus Ian and Laura Marsh Owen Marsh #22640 Mahala Marshall-Rutter #20958 Robert #8399 and Jane Marshall Andrew and Sharon Marston Bruce and Joan Martelle Mackenzie Martin #21289 Scott #12289 and Andrea Martin Andrew #10599 and Melissa Martzloff Peter Maruca #11819 Brock Marvin Maryland Athletic Trainers Assoc., Inc. Michael and Judith Mason Vivian Mateo Annice Mathurin Howard and Kristina Matteson Douglas #11334 and Ann Matthews Edward Matthews Gregory #10743 and Anne Elise Matthews Steven and Fiona Matthews Michael and Michelle Mauboussin Frederick and Christine Maxfield Richard #9701 and Page Maxwell Walter and Jean Maxwell James May David and Tina Mayer George Mayer #5031 – B Joshua Mayer #13751 Peter Mayer #17321 Mathew #13747 and Christy Mayhew James Mayo #14866 Kenneth McAllister #8200 Conor McAuliffe #15117 Sean #14016 and Samantha McCalla Dylan McCann #19331 Madeleine McCann #20317 Robert and Suzanne McCann Tim and Catherine McCann Jack and Lisa McCarthy Cameron and Robin McClearn Gordon #12787 and Krista McClellan William #11426 and Mary McClellan Cynthia McClintock William McClintock #21198 Matthew and Susie McCloskey

Spring 2016

Douglas McClure – B William #9610 and Jo McConaghy Margaret McConnell Paul #12220 and Suzanne McConnell Alexandra McCormack #21539 Christian McCormack #17039 Kathleen McCormick #20171 Kevin McCormick #11871 and Catherine Cantwell Matthew McCormick #19044 Meghan McCormick #20071 Douglas #11741 and Elizabeth McCracken Savannah McCray #23665 Catherine McCutcheon #22465 Michael #8665 and Windsor McCutcheon William #10065 and Theresa McCutcheon – B Patrick McDermott #21624 Sean and Dorren McDermott Thomas and Carole McDermott Marnie McDonagh #20001 and Robert Sophia – B John #5875 and Ann McDonald Patrick and Kristen McDonald Jack McDonough #21626 Mary #13331 and Peter McDonough Sarah McDonough #21013 Thomas McDonough #18794 John #12394 and Bronwyn McElroy Matthew McElroy #17982 Neil #8894 and Sue McElroy Marissa McGhee Jennifer McGinn #24078 Peter McGlynn #12666 Ronald and Constance McGlynn Scott #13050 and Alexis McGlynn Douglas and Jane McGrath David and Elizabeth McGraw Walter McGraw #21547 Juanita McGrew Kevin and Elizabeth McKelvey Joan McKeown #18178 Robert #10883 and Sara #14525 McKeown Thomas McKeown #18795 William McKeown #11170 and Kerry Mckeown #14256 Bolster McKinley #19399 Kari McKinley #19231 Martha McKinley #20608 Schelling #10231 and Annie McKinley


Willa McKinley #22008 Edward #11582 and Colleen McLaughlin Kevin and Barbara McLaughlin John and Susan McLean Patrick and Judy McLevey Paul and Adrienne McManus Scott and Valerie McMurray Michael and Sarah McNamara Patrick McNamara #19630 Richard and Neely McNulty Hanna McPheron #20444 Zoe McPheron #20975 Kathryn McSherry #21810 Megan McSherry #21379 Michael and Sheryl McSherry Ryan McSherry #19327 Charles #11211 and Julia Meade Thomas and Joan Meade Berbeth Meisel Donald Meisel #10215 – B Andrew Melitz and Tracy McVeigh Alex Mendels Thomas Mendl #10463 Jesus Merayo and Ana Martin Abigail Mero #24068 Tomas Mero #23188 Walter #8697 and Elizabeth Merriam John and Nicole Merrick Marshall #10914 and Virginia Merrifield Raphael Mettle #22645 Peter and Stafford Meyer Henry and Sheelyn Michael Thomas Michael #22221 Jordan Mickens #21983 Edward #10915 and Margaret Midgley Brooke Mildon #24085 John and Jane Millard Beth Ann Miller #24031 Carsten Miller and Molly Ready Catherine Miller #23150 Christopher and Anne Miller Donald and Evelyn Miller Emily Miller Garfield Miller #9570 Hillary Miller Howard Miller #9059 Preston Miller #19556 R. James Miller #10254 and C. L. Schelhas-Miller William Miller #19414 Matthew Minford #21216 John Mingle #13081 John and Elizabeth Mitchell Eric and Mary Mollman Vanessza Molnar #24018 Harvey #6766 and Elizabeth Monroe Craig and Diane Montgomery Robert Montgomery #9116 Robert #9344 and Veronica Montgomery Ian Mook #21307 Elli Moon #15042 Charles #11886 and Susan Moore E. P. #8838 and Delia Moore Michael Moore Mauricio and Simoni Morato Richard #12833 and Catherine More Joseph and Paige Morganti Ryan Morin #24024 John and Karen Morneau Andrew Morris #14359 and Eliza Russell


Daniel Morris #15359 Emily Morris #21438 Richard Morris and Lisa Caputo Triffin #13725 and Gregory Morris David and Kimberly Morse William and Margaret Morton Bruce Moses #12659 and Jisook Lee James Moses #12592 Kelsey Moum #21752 Paul and Francesca Moum Frank #6505 and Deane Mountcastle – B Christopher #12248 and Lisa Mowry Patricia and David #13397 Muccia Tim #13097 and Katharine Muccia Paul Mudie and Kathy Kelley Richard #13193 and Shirar Mugler Peter #7865 and Jerilyn Muhlhausen Robert Muhlhausen #16265 Thomas Muhlhausen #18165 Brian and Kristen Mullaney Joe Mullendore Dawn Muller #9274 Stephen #7211 and Judith Muller

Sara Nelson #19270 Steven #17681 and Kathryn #20595 Nelson Barbara and Lawrence Neugebauer Brian and Lynne Newman Sara Nicholas #13313 and Stephen Herzenberg Allen Nichols Foster Nichols Robert #11344 and Catherine Nichols Patricia and Erik Nicolaysen Charlotta Nobel Justin #16126 and Jodie #18095 Noel H. Peter #8258 and Kathy Norstrand David and Jane Novak Christian and Ann Nugent Andrew and Suzanne O’Brien Elizabeth O’Brien Peter O’Brien #19938 Brian #12913 and Suzanne O’Callaghan Patrick and Robin O’Connell Sean #13161 and Deborah #22161 O’Hara Paul and Clarissa O’Hern Sean and Winnie O’Keefe Michael O’Leary #18191

Richard #9801 and Cherri Mulligan Michael and Alexis Mulvihill Brian and Elizabeth Murphy Daniel and DeAnn Murphy Daniel and Heidi Murphy James and Jenny Murphy Timothy #15114 and Chandler Murphy Erykah Murray #21384 Randy #16125 and Catherine Murray Stephen Murray #7104 Samantha Muther #21531 Levente Nagy #23589 Stephen Nakamura #13807 and Ingrid Ramos Harold and Laura Napper Juanita #21195 and Wayne Napper Kristy Napper #23295 Samuel Napper #21211 Pete Nash #21532 Robert #7680 and Judith Neale Roseanne Nelson Ledoux #17251 and John Ledoux Ben #8070 and Pamela #13326 Nelson David Nelson #18070

Timothy O’Leary #18883 Robert and Joy O’Neil Megan O’Neill #22372 Peter O’Rourke #19045 Julie O’Brien Michael and Karen O’Keeffe Mark O’Neal #17119 Michael and Catherine O’Neal Charles O’Rourke #18555 Matthew O’Rourke #17782 T. Kevin O’Rourke and Edith Thurber Charles #8859 and Susan Oakley Katherine Oakley Tom and Gretchen Oatman George Obergfoll and Cyma Zarghami Jared Olcott #17113 Josh #14962 and Jennifer Olcott Richard #10296 and Gay #24196 Olcott Terry Olin Meagan Oliver #20194 David #7493 and Lindsay Ormsby Peter Ormsby #11333 – B

The Camp Dudley News

Kaycee Orr #24070 Kristen Orr #20625 William Orr #10087 James #11743 and Anne Orvis Paul #7200 and Celia Orvis – B Paul #11419 and Dawn Orvis Robert Osmond – B Steven and Maggie Pace Christopher Packard #14614 William and Nancy Packard Diane Padalino Keith and Katy Pagnani Eric Pan and Elizabeth Wilcox Andrew and Belinda Paredes Jessica Parker Christine Parreira David and Jennifer Parsekian Garrett Parsekian #20708 Kay Pashley #7330 – B Charles #14054 and Lea Parsons Katie Parsons #23653 Michael #11159 and Robin Pastore Laura Patterson #13298

Randy and Carrie Pertak Jack Petersen #21217 Clark #13162 and Hadley Peterson Kurt and Mary Peterson W. Peter #9100 and Mary Peterson Timothy Petty #14491 and Kate Kerrigan William and Nancy Petty Robert Pfenning #8407 Bill and Elaine Phelan Peter and Ingrid Phelan Richard Phelan and Gina Germano William #15898 and Meredith Phelan Christopher #12354 and Mary Phelps Judson #8498 and Barbara Phelps – B Whitney Phelps #22898 and Troy Soka – B Mary Piazza #20203 Luke Picher #21640 Kevin #8408 and Hetsy Pickard Spencer and Eliza Pickard Fred and Mary Pickering Sean and Jane Pirtle William #12430 and Virginia Plumb Nathan and Jane Podkaminer

Maxwell Patterson #20698 William and Eliot Patty Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Warton and Garrison Thomas #11814 and Lisa Paxson Lance Pearson and Kathryn Canas John #7093 and Marilyn Peatman Nicholas Peck Palermo #22850 Jennifer Peck Andrew and Suzanne Peisch Laurence and Alexis Pelosi Arlinda Peoples Jessie #24296 and Nicholas Pepe Brian and Kimberly Peralta Alexandra Perrin #20435 C. Christopher and Virginia Perry Christopher Perry #17049 Christopher #12764 and Alison Perry – B James #12222 and Elizabeth Perry Osgood Perry #20764 Scott Perry #10235 William #9246 and Marie Person Kolby Pertak #23187

C. Chandler #8409 and Bonnie Pohl Robert and Rebecca Pohlad Dwight #11889 and Kirsten Poler – B Henry #7689 and Gail Poler – B Michael #7083 and Petrea Poler – B Timothy #11740 and Sara Poler Charles Poletti William and Mary Jean Polk Eric Pomerance and Susan Jackson David and Ellen Port Ian Porter #21503 Sarah Post Thomas and Nancy Post Chloe Potash #20297 Alexa Powell #22301 D. Scott #10459 and Pamela Powell Douglas and LeeAnn Powell Gregory #10877 and Carol Powell Peggy Powell Ridgway #11680 and Frances Powell Thelma Powell Timothy Powell #16849 and Jane Phelan #19496

Spring 2016

Peter #8722 and Colleen Prescott Doug Prezzano #14212 E. Peter #8012 and Susan Prezzano Richard Prezzano #8517 Donald Price #9148 John Priesing #6790 David and Darnney Proudfoot Peggy Purdue-Staats #24157 James and Elisabeth Purdy Andrew and Margi Putney William #6377 and Lisa Putney – B J. and Elizabeth Pyle Jacqueline Quayle #4685 Oliver #9135 and Sara Quayle Phoebe Quayle #20135 Randall #9555 and Sibyl Quayle Andrew and Sarah Quigley Matthew Quigley #10643 – B Peter #11184 and Nancy Quigley Bruce and Carolyn Quinn David Quinn #23184 Randall and Amy Rabenhorst Mikhail and Natalya Radik Sally Ragland Andres Ramirez #24023 Cristopher Ramirez #19117 Karen Ramsey #22443 and Giles Troughton Jack and Cindy Randall Benita Randolph Ruth Rankin John #14516 and Elizabeth Raycroft Derrick Raymond and Eileen Melvin James #12957 and Heather Raymond Sarah Raymond #20957 Russell and Ann Marie Raymundo George #6338 and Claudie Razook C. David #14992 and Emmy Ready Mary Ann Ready Kersey Reed #19338 Richard and Lynn Reed Matt and Ali Reeder Charlotte Reeves #22303 Michael and Christy Refojo David and Alison Reilly John Renwick #21230 John #12530 and Kelly Renwick Matthew #16323 and Emily Renwick Nicholas #14230 and Jamie Renwick Thomas and Sabrina Rettaliata David #11796 and Elizabeth Reusswig Peter #11396 and Emy Reusswig William #7277 and Nancy Reusswig George #12823 and Casey Reynolds Bertha Rhoads #13309 Brenda Rhodes Patrick and Mae Rhoten Benjamin Rice #19972 Morgan Rice #21807 Kenneth Richieri and Kathryn Obler Peter Richieri #21225 Drew Rider #18801 Sarah Rider #20916 L. George #7905 and Nancy Rieger – B Brian and Jane Riley Margaret and Richard Riley Michael and Martha Riley Robert Rimberg and Jennie Melora-Rimberg Aquiles Rincon and Beatriz Tabares Bradford #12229 and Julie Ring


James and Katie Robinson Vincent #14800 and Jane Rockel William Rodden #14416 William and Madeline Rodden Christopher #13565 and Danyel Rodgers Esteban Rodney Edward Rogers #22205 Matthew #13891 and Meghan Rogers Richard #8891 and Gay Rogers – B William Rogers #17761 Ashley Rolls #15291 Allison and Scott Romig Zhan Rong #21226 Jorian and Elizabeth Rose Lee #5772 and Janet Rose Scott #12263 and Patti Rose Martin and Betsy Rosen Howard and Mary Ellen Rosenberg Andrew Rosenburgh #12295 and Lorraine Fontanes Nicole Ross #22836 Lauren #19888 and John Roth Nicholas Roth #18288 Samuel Routhier #17129 Catherine Rowley #21054 J. Stapleton Roy #9109 Derek Rozycki John and Mary Louise Rubin Mark and Tracy Rudd Todd #15192 and Colleen Ruff Christopher #12506 and Caroline Russell Dale and Kathryn Russell Hyde #13694 and Cassandra Russell John #7694 and Constance Russell Max Russell #22706 Thomas #8599 and Judith Russell E. Paul Rutter #9758 Jacob Rutter #13758 and Glenn Patterson #21158 W. Whitfield #9411 and Harriett Rutter Zac #14758 and Amanda Rutter Chandler Ryan #22088 Dennis #12188 and Robyn Ryan Jonathan #12476 and Barbara Ryan Patricia Ryan Patrick and Renee Ryan Thomas and Karen Ryan Edward and Lacey Rzeszowski Linda Saarnijoki #19408 and H. William Davis #9408 Jonathan #10381 and Karen Sager Timothy #10924 and Margaret Sager Brandt and Margaret Sakakeeny – B Quentin Sakakeeny #20768 Jeff Saladucha and Katie Vogt-Saladucha Robert Salmon #15458 Dorian Samboni #23152 and ESPERANZA ERAZO Nixon Samboni #23585 Edgard Sanchez and Olivia de Anda George Sanders #8698 Christian Sandford #20712 Jose and Amy Sandoval Lincoln Sandoval #23099 Regan Sandoval #23346 Fernando Sanjurjo #21232 Natasha Santiago Matthew Sargent #18399 Ross #12028 and Kerry Satterwhite Della Saunders Harriet Savage Peter #14369 and Erin Sayer Marie-Louise and Raymond Scanlan


Peter and Allison Scanlan Charles #11282 and Hyland Schaller Horace #7289 and Helen Ann Scharges Fred and Patricia Schaum Guy and Cynthia Scheffler Nicholas Scheffler #21727 Adam #15993 and Amy Schildge Ronald Schildge #16024 and Story Parker Ronald Schildge Randal Schlemmer and Lauren Barley Michael #15288 and Julianne #21288 Schloat Matlock and Amanda Schlumberger Ian and Camille Schmidek Beth Schmidt #13405 Carl Schmidt #7322 – B Edward Schmidt #11260 Matthew Schmidt and Michele del Rio Steve Schmidt #10875 and Mary Tanneberger #14251 C. William and Linda Schneidereith William and Ashley Schofield Taylor #12916 and Kim #18916 Schollmaier Charles #12868 and Leslie Schott Jon and Caroline Schoudel

Jacob and Lauren Schramm Frederic #7701 and Susan Schrodt – B Charles Schubert #7146 John and Roberta Schuldt Jeffrey Schwartz and Dawn Gangi Patrick and Whitney Schwarz Philip and Kelly Schwehm Carol #20637 and Jeffery #22337 Schwoebel Danielle Schwoebel #21337 Hannah Schwoebel #22637 Paul and Patricia Scola Nancy Seabol #13741 – B Douglas #11301 and Yvonne #13306 Sears Luke and Jane Sears Thomas and Jennifer Seeman Ben #12818 and Brooke Seessel Alan Segal Madeleine Seibold #20862 Seitz Family Partnership Benjamin Seitz-Sitek #21234 Patrick Seitz-Sitek #22550 Howard and Jana Seitz Richard and Kristin Selvala

The Camp Dudley News

Fabiola Seminario and Jose Puig De La Bellacasa Scott and Shana Sepkovic John and Dana Service Duncan Sewall #19658 Gordon Sewall Scott Sewall #19172 John #7119 and Lorna Seward John #13349 and Courtney Seward John #12292 and Jenny Sharpless Anthony and Sheila Shaw Kevin Shaw #24056 Brent Shay #19517 – B Chung Shea and Kaori Aoyama Robert Shearer and Linda Smith-Shearer Christopher Sheldon #18012 Liam Sheldon #22635 William #9670 and Sara Sheldon Faith Shepard Thomas #12473 and Stacey Shepherd Tom and Jennifer Sheppard Michael and Bonnie Sherman Jeffrey #12817 and Cheryl Shieh George #11262 and Jennifer Shively John and Laura Shmerler Alexander #8767 and Patricia #19067 Short – B Joseph #14167 and Elizabeth Short Justin Short #15167 Corey Shuman #17563 Jon and Shannon Silsby Peter and Merrill Simpson Thomas #9663 and Elizabeth Simpson Steven Sitek and Marie Seitz Joseph and Joan Skelly Thomas #12533 and Molly Skilton John Scott #11084 and Karen Slater Gregory and JoAnn Slattery Allen Smith and Katherine Megrue-Smith Amanda Smith #23671 Barbara Smith #5903 Bruce and Amy Smith Christopher #11898 and Deborah Smith Christopher #16741 and Ashley Smith Connor Smith #18754 Connor Smith #17920 David #11554 and Nenita Smith David Smith #11261 and Alison Gerstell Diane #23168 and Mike Smith Edward and Christie Smith George Smith J. Kevin Smith Jeffrey #9944 and Marie Smith Jeffrey Smith and Kristin Allosso Jesse Smith #22827 Philip Smith #11119 and Jodi Duerr Phillip and Amy Smith Roger and Frances Smith Theodore #12664 and Laura Smith Andrew #14033 and Virginia Snow Hans Soderquist #17526 Erik Soderstrom #18306 John and Ann Sorice Frances Soverel #9756 Wesley Spahr #12762 Peter Spaulding #14942 William #6228 and Catherine Sperry – B Douglas and April Spilling Emma Spinale #21404 Thomas #9264 and Deanne Spoor Steven and Suzanne Srebnik

Elinore Standard Eric Stark and Kristin Sorenson David Starr #10455 Edward Starr #10093 Rodger Stebbins #10617 Thaddeus Stebbins #17484 Andrew Steen #14932 and Karen Lloyd #18073 Douglas #15409 and Lisa Steen Douglas #12651 and Sara Steen Mark #13054 and Katja Steen Rodger #9503 and Leslie Steen Scott #15509 and Leslie Steen Ernest #8527 and Anna #21527 Steiner – B Robert and Margaret Stengel Paul #12230 and Kristine Stephens Sterling Name Tape Co. G. Michael Stevens #11373 and Leila Garret-Stevens – B William Stevens #21373 Donald #7314 and Jeanne Stevenson Cristobal Stewart and Sophia Dhu-Stewart Micah Stewart #24049 and Emily Abriuzzi C. Roland #9061 and Carole #19061 Stichweh – B Radford #7198 and Wendy Stone William and Christina Stoops M. John #8804 and Martha #18204 Storey – B Matt #13804 and Jessica #16999 Storey – B Dorothy Storms #3526 Thomas #10400 and Carolyn Storrier Peter and Jaime Stournaras John #8436 and Edith Stovel Jack Strange #16927 William Stratton #15069 and Mollie Farnham #22406 Robert #8608 and Lynn Stroud – B Lennox #12667 and Elizabeth Stuart John and Jill Stueck Janice Sturchio C. Ronald #9177 and Barbara Sturz Jonathan #14177 and Hope Sturz Paul #9574 and Laurie Sturz Michael and Bridget Subak Ben #12415 and Nicky Sudduth John #7881 and Ann Sudduth Mallory Sudduth #20415 Megan Sudduth #20425 Todd #13179 and Danielle Suhar Christopher #13005 and Katherine Sullivan Connor Sullivan #22853 Dean and Stacey Sullivan Denis and Patricia Sullivan Eugene and Ann Sullivan – B George #8439 and Mary Sullivan J. David Sweeny #11994 Peter and Sarah Sweeny Michael and Kristen Swenson James and Susan Swindell Sally Sword #15400 – B William Sword #18655 – B Jill Swoverland Scott Sylvester #12931 and Christina Lowery #n/a Krisztina Szalkai #24017 Darius and Suzanne Szwarcewicz Joseph and Wendy Taggart James #7235 and Susan Taylor John Taylor and Alison Rosa Phillip Taylor Phyllis Teeter Fernanddo Tello #15269 Svetlana Temirtasheva Tracy Tenney #13288

Jeffrey and Christina Teschke Alfred and Patricia Tessier J. Bradford Tewksbury #12358 Mac #9272 and Porter Thayer The Gisel Family Fund at the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo The JJCJ Foundation, Inc The Mountaineer The PRA Trust The Storey Grandchildren Philip and Kathleen Theoharides Sarah Thomann #20938 J. Stuart #12426 and Jane Thomas James and Eileen Thomas John and Anne Thomas Steven and Arleen Thomas Carlton and Nancy Thompson Carlton #12124 and Anne Thompson Dewey #11640 and Katherine Thompson Jerrod Thompson #22209 Joseph Thompson #23650 Sara Thorpe #18904 Mackenzie Timbel #20951

Ned and Marguerite Timbel Patrick and Katherine Timoney Heather #13320 and Paul Titterton P.J. Titterton #19667 C. Kent #8958 and Sherilyn Titus Christopher and Denise Todd John #22431 and Gail Tomkins Stephen #11186 and Patricia Tomlin Howard Tomlinson #10311 and Kathryn Poole Kristen Tomlinson #20611 Richard Tomlinson #9606 and Julie Welch – B Curt Tong Stephen and Stephanie Tonra Thomas and Nancy Tornga David and Alice Tornquist Matthew Tornquist #22643 Roger and Patricia Torpie Roger Torpie #11839 Sylvia Tospann Christopher Tousant #15193 Harry #9123 and Bonnie Tower Estate of Loris Tower – B Daniel and Frances Tozzi

Spring 2016

James Tracey and Wendy Scofield Anne Tredwell Graham Tredwell #18755 Helen Tredwell John #11164 and Susan Tredwell Treiber Family Foundation Bruce #10067 and Virginia Treiber – B H. Craig #9968 and Lora Beth Treiber – B James Treiber #21625 John #9816 and Carol-Ann Treiber Matthew Treiber #19825 Peter #10524 and Irene Treiber – B Peter Treiber #17525 Scott #10525 and Jo-Ellen Treiber – B Samantha Treiber John #10268 and Nancy Trent John and Maggie Trimble Peter #8612 and Jenda Trowbridge Thomas #7714 and Delinda Trowbridge Toni Truesdale Rene and Kelly Tullier Robert #12486 and Emily Turek Philip #9784 and Barbara Turrell William #9404 and Elizabeth Tyler William #16804 and Hayley Tyler Justin and Veronica Ucko Edward #12615 and Heather Ughetta William and Mary Ughetta Joseph #11815 and Monica Uhl John #11904 and Mary Ulin Richard Ulin James Underhill #10391 John Underwood #19871 Charles #8276 and Beth #19876 Updike – B Stuart #7582 and Karen Updike – B Peter and Ann Usher Timothy and Karla Valas Mark #15133 and Emily Valkenburgh – B Roger and Virginia Valkenburgh Nicolas and Meg Valls Richard and Beverly Van Duyne James #8444 and Colleen Van Hoven Whitney and Alex Van Praagh Peter #12508 and Amanda Van Vranken Ann Vandersteel John #11673 and Kimberly Vanneck Reeve #8972 and Jane Vanneman William #8674 and Irene Vanneman – B Renata Varga #23807 Shaquan Vargas Viera Vargovicova Alexandra Vassilopoulos Bonita Vaughan #15900 C. Anthony #12655 and Emily #14777 Verbeck Anne Vernon #20948 Sara Verrone Dwight Vicks #24100 Elizabeth Vogel William #10232 and Shawn Vogel Pieter Voorhees Jeremiah Wade #21665 Micahel Wade and Mary Malone McCarthy Robert Wagner #9933 and Nancy Wilson Katie Wainwright John #8025 and Evelynne Waite


Derek Waldron #23196 Domanick Walker #21982 Felicia Walker and Jeffrey Saferstein Richard and Karen Walker Diane Wall Richard Wallace #21364 Pamela Waller Bruno Walmsley and Kathie O’Callaghan Benjamin Walsh #18104 Lucas Walsh #19202 Michael Walter – B Janet Walther Bruce #9576 and Nancy Walton Daniel #14155 and Maureen Walton George #7593 and Judith Walton Fionnuala Ward #24050 Raymond #9901 and Cornelia Wareham Elizabeth Warner #20353 Samuel Warr #4625 – B Wilson and Emily Warren William Wasley #22157 Richard Wastcoat #11561 James and Lauren Watkins Barbara Watson-Rawls Charles #13062 and Anne Watson Katherine Watson John #9216 and Penelope Watt Earle #11067 and Becky Weaver James #6652 and Marge Weaver – B George #6463 and Judy Webb – B Michael Webb #23227 Justin Weddle #13436 and Ferrell Motlow Peter Wehmann Robert and Annie Weibel Edwin and Lisa Weibrecht John #13096 and Stephanie Weinstein Nicholas and Amanda Weinstock Alice Weissbecker #8472 John and Faith Weldon William and Jeanette Weldon Ann Welles #5445 George Wells #19674 James #14107 and Robin Wells Mason and Kathryn Wells Steven Wells and David Shevlin Eva Wertimer #21049 John Wertimer #19649 Stephen Wertimer #10649 and Jane Bolster #13282 Thomas Wertimer #10994 and Raylene Salthouse Bernadette Wessels A. Ward #9394 and Pam West – B David #9675 and Mary West – B Cooper Westendarp Felix Westpfahl #15250 Matthew and Kimberly Wetty Mark #14115 and Carolyn Whaling Elizabeth and Denis Whelan Geoffrey #11903 and Lisa Whelan Susan Whelan Addison White #21165 Andrew #12965 and Jacqueline White Carter White #6859 and Becky Christner David and Carrington White Donald #9137 and Barbara #9137W White Gerrit #8032 and Elizabeth White Henry and Lorraine White Henry and Lorraine White Kevin White and Anne Giordano Robert and Judy White


Roger and Allison White William and Heather Whitman Martha Whitney Kyle Wichser #16943 Jamie #10420 and Brooks Widdoes Philip #7729 and Cynda Wilcox L. Douglas Wilkerson Sherwood and Magrieta Willard Alan #7896 and Luanne Williams Bruce Williams #9527 David and Carolyn Williams Greg and Alice Williams Jessica Williams #20954 Thomas Williams #21496 Christopher and Virginia Williamson David #12731 and Catherine Willmott Peter #7731 and Michele Willmott – B Hank and Lynne Wilson John and Cindy Wiseman Kathryn #23372 and Richard Wiseman Robert #13057 and Jennifer Withington Bernhard #8541 and Elizabeth Witter Michael and Carolyn Wojciechowicz Rebecca Wojciechowicz #21479 David and Kristen Woll Franklin Wood #11729 Matthew and Renee Wood David #8914 and Elizabeth Woodbury William and Fidelma Woodley Steven Woods William #12109 and Trisha Woodson M. Cabell Woodward #6102 – B W. M. Cary #7071 and Margaret Woodward Harold Woolley and Susan Abanor William and Tricia Workman Wesley #12824 and Melissa Wright Wesley #15284 and Elise Wright

The Camp Dudley News

Sylvia Wu and David Chuang Zachary and Tracy Wydra Patricia and Tom Wynn Michael Wynne #15427 Emily Yandoh Kofi Yankey #21684 Scott #11911 and Helen Yeager Daniel #23164 and Grace Yoo David Young #13102 Edwin #10058 and Linda Young Natanya Young #22426 Paul #7755 and Susan Younger Charles Zabriskie #15932 Eric and Stephanie Zeigler Gregory Zeitler #9974 William Zellweger #16813 Scott and Alison Zoellner

Note: A “B” denotes a member of The Chief Beckman Society. Please notify dave@campdudley.org of any errors or omissions.

The Beckman Society #11373 Michael and Leila Stevens Planned Gift to Dudley

Become an Evergreen Donor Today “Dudley has been an important part of my life for over 40 years since I arrived as a Cub in 1973. Virtually every member of my family feels part of the Dudley family. I was the first generation of my family to attend camp, but my parents fell in love with the place and Willie Schmidt got them to donate the Stevens Lacrosse Field in 1978 which they thought they were doing anonymously until Willie made the announcement! My sisters, Kristin #13293 and Stephanie #13303, served on the staff in the late 1970s and were part of the first group of women to receive Dudley camp numbers. My wife, Leila, and I were married at Dudley and the selection of Camp for our wedding was Leila’s idea because she loves the place. Our sons, #21373 Will and #22073 Owen, both share our love of Dudley. Our Weimerdoodle’s name is Dudley and he lives the camp motto every day. For us, Dudley is a special place that we all cherish so when Leila and I updated our estate plan a few years ago, we decided to include a commitment to Dudley and Kiniya by becoming part of the Beckman Society. We hope that other people join the Beckman Society so that Dudley and Kiniya can continue to thrive for generations to come.” #11373 Mike Stevens Legal Name: Camp Dudley, Inc. Tax ID #: 14-504974 Contact for Executors: Dawn Gay, dawn@campdudley.org

Dudley and Kiniya are blessed by donors who give consistently throughout the year… similar to our north country evergreens which retain their needles throughout the year. Perhaps you might prefer to give this way, electronically, allowing us to save paper and postage. Evergreen donors support the Annual Fund with a monthly donation, deducted directly from their credit card. As an Evergreen Donor, you give automatically and monthly to the Annual Fund, making it easy for you and benefitting our Camps year round. It’s easy on your budget and terrific for our campers. “That was easy!” says Dave Ready, Camp Dudley Association President and a new Evergreen Donor. “Its great to know that something just as simple as setting up a Netflix subscription can help to make sure that Dudley and Kiniya continue to give all campers the best summer experience imaginable.”

Become an Evergreen Donor! Visit campdudley.org/givenow and select the “Donate Monthly” button.

* Camp Dudley does not provide financial planning or tax advice. Please contact your financial planner, CPA or lawyer to most effectively structure your gift plans. Spring 2016


News and Notes #5616 Eddie Card, Tampa, FL, and 1987 CDA Man of the Year, writes to update all his friends. “Going down the mountain . . . but just happy to still be in the game. Daily workout consists of minimum exercise and short stroll in River Landing; heading for 95 and thrilled just to be on board.” Eddie says, “Joan is very involved in exercise class (3 times per week) Joan and Edie Card and bi-weekly bridge group; busy with house duties and looking after me after 65 years of marriage. She’s quite familiar with the routine.” Ed and Joan joined us for our annual “Dudley Old Boys Gathering” in Venice, FL, in March.

#7800 Ed “Nutsy” Brower, Vallejo, CA, reported great pride in having three grandchildren, #21698 Ben, #22698 Kai-Kai, and #23398 Kendyl at our Camps in 2015.

#7381 Paul Lutz, Marietta, GA, proudly shows off his “favorite Christmas gift” he received from his niece. Editors Note: Thank you! What a great gift and tribute to a loyal and terrific friend!

#7951 Jack and Katie Kotz, Kiawah Island, SC, had a pair of wonderful visits around Thanksgiving of 2015 with Dudley friends. In one Jack and Katie Kotz host “Bear” and Donlittle party, they na Granfors and Rich and Page Maxwell had #11202 Rogfor dinner in Kiawah Island, SC. er “Bear” and #23222 Donna Granfors, and #9701 Rich and Page Maxwell over for dinner. Shortly afterwards, #9137 Ken and Barbara White, along with their grandsons from Westport, NY, connected with Kotz’s for a great meal as well.

Paul Lutz and niece, Brenda Rhodes, showing off his favorite gift.

#7593 Tom “Isaac” Walton, Queensbury, NY, reported that Judy and he had followed their grandchildren’s athletic schedules and were their biggest cheerleaders during the fall. Both #12093 Derek and #14008 Debbie, have three boys. The NY grandsons (Collins) play football and lacrosse and the NH boys (Waltons) play soccer. Tom and Judy have spent time in their New Hampshire lake house during summers and holidays. Their Dudley family includes Debbie’s sons, #22093 Kevin, #22593 Sean, and #24308 Danny, who will be attending Camp 2nd session this summer with his cousin #24293 John Walton who is Derek’s third son. John’s big brothers are Nick and Ryan. Judy writes, “I also have a number, but never felt I earned it – #14593.” Editors Note: Knowing Tom, Judy, you definitely earned it!


#7809 Win Crannell, Dahlonega, GA, who was at camp in the ‘50s and 60s, really stirred up the archives when he spoke with Dave Langston on the phone. “There was a guy who taught fly fishing to the boys at Camp in the 1950s. Any idea who that might have been?” Dave then sent out this question to some “old boys.” Ideas came in ranging from Chief Sunrise, to “fishing parties” led by one Downing Braley. #7593 Tom Walton, #8032 Gerrit White and Win were all big fishermen in those days as was the Director, Bob Marshall himself, who would rev up his boat at dawn, grabbing some unsuspecting camper to join him. Well, the master fisherman was identified . . . #7941 Edward S. “Ted” Jarvis from Toronto, CA, on staff in the ’50s.

#8032 Gerrit White, Mahwah, NJ, updated us with the news that his retirement years have been good, filled with lots of travel, good health, and five enjoyable grandchildren. #8314 Edwin Holt, Thousand Oaks, CA, wrote that he and his wife are retired and involved in non-profit charity activities. “I have great memories of Camp Dudley from the 1950s and want to get back there

The Camp Dudley News

sometime!” Editors Note: So glad you are still practicing “the other fellow first.” Hope you can join us for the CD Reunion in Westport, August 26 – 28, 2016! #8436 Jack Stovel, San Carlos, CA, continues to enjoy the West Coast life. “DeeDee and I head for Phoenix for five days of SF Giants spring training. We have never been, but lots of our friends have. We found that Road Scholar had a trip, which simplified the logistics for us. Also continuing with French lessons, and plan to go back to France next fall to tour parts of France we haven’t seen.” Jack was at Camp in the 1950s. #8474 John Garnjost, Bluffton, SC. After a half-century of giving back to his “other love” – rowing – through officiating, John was granted emeritus status by U.S. Rowing. His heart is “still in a launch and at the starting line,” but the time was right to put away his megaphone and flags. John also has vivid memories of the 1956 Olympics at Dudley! Janet and John continue to enjoy life at Sun City Hilton Head in Bluffton. #8498 Jud Phelps, Yarmouth, MA, shared news of his and Bonnie’s recent travels to Alaska. “We had a fabulous trip!” said Jud in a recent letter. Jud was at Camp from 1953-57. Dad Sidney Phelps was here in 1927 as camper #4121.

Jud and Bonnie Phelps on an Alaskan cruise

#8704 Bill Combs, Millington, NJ, is on quest to have “small world” encounters with Dudley alums in every country he visits. (See page 7 for Bill’s report from New York City.) Bill was most recently (mid-February) spotted near the leaning Tower of Pisa, sporting his Dudley cap. Bill and Lynne were enjoying a trip with friends while he continued his “small world” quest.

#8767 Sandy and #19067 Patricia Short, Baltimore, MD, were pleased to arrange a Dudley gathering to attend a Loyola basketball game in February. Dudley faithful gather at the Short’s before enjoying a Loyola College basketball game. Even though the event was snowed out in January, a great group gathered for some Dudley fellowship, good food, and a chance to see the neighborhood team in action. If you look carefully at the picture you will see a few “Old Guys” joined the fun. Thanks Sandy and Patricia! #8914 David Woodbury, Somerset, NJ, writes that he has finally “downsized” to be close to five grandkids. He reports, “We have one for Dudley and four for Kiniya in the future.” David, at Camp in the 1950s, was a longtime resident of Summit, NJ. #9024 Peter Rhoads, Warner, NH, told us that, “Linda and I are staying at #9060 Ian Crawford’s apartment in New York this winter while they golf in Florida. We have three grandkids (two boys and one girl) all four years old and getting ready for camp in a few years. Hope to get to Dudley this summer.” #9137 Ken White, Westport, NY, writes, “While taking a family bike ride on Kiawah Island, SC, last Thanksgiving with family and Dudleyites Nancy White, Steve White, #????? Justin Floyd, #20837 Jeremy Lacey, and #22547 Griffin Santose, an attractive woman passed us by. Looking familiar, and knowing the #6707 Doug Foster family gathers at Kiawah during Thanksgiving, I called out, ‘Susie Foster!’ Indeed, it was Susie and we chatted on the bike path while catching up. You never know where you will run into a fellow camper.”

Bill Combs in Pisa

#9191 Carleton “Cleve” Cleveland, Naples, FL, reports that he has “moved” to Florida earlier in Spring 2016


News and Notes 2015, but “toggles” back and forth to Connecticut for business. He planned to join our Florida “Old Boys” gathering in March. #9351 Kirk Cornell, Albany, NY, offers the following advice for those looking for “low effort-high reward hikes.” “Try ‘The Pinnacle’ behind Bolton Landing,” suggests Kirk. Editors Note: The Pinnacle is just a five-minute drive from Bolton Landing, and the trail to the Pinnacle summit provides a panorama of Lake George. The trailhead starts across the street from 139 Edgecomb Road in Bolton Landing. There is a small parking lot if you drive in a 100 feet or so.

#9555 Randy Quayle, Lake Placid, NY, wrote, “Sibyl and I just returned from 2 weeks visiting friends in Phoenix, AZ, and then Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. It was our last fling (with lots of golf, swimming, whale watches, and beach time with plenty of sun and temperatures in high 80s), before going to work 24/7 in the sugarbush from now until late April. Not sure how the maple season will go — warm weather and limited snow pack may have significant impact on sap output. We spent Thursday-Sunday tapping 950 trees and finished in record time (easy walking without deep snow requiring snowshoes…). Lots of help from #11846 TC Canning who spent the weekend working with us. TC returned this year (2nd season for him) as an expert with the cordless drill tapping the trees. Also had help

#9408 “Rusty” Davis and #19408 Linda Saarnijoki, Watertown, CT, announced their retirement from Taft on November 1, 2015. Rusty started at Taft in the fall of 1972 teaching physics. He coached golf and basketball during his early years at the school, and started the girls’ soccer program in 1974, coaching the girls’ team for 24 years and guiding them to four consecutive New England Championships from 19881991. In 1973, he was appointed the dean of the Middle Class, a position he held for many years until he took the job of dean of students for 12 years, and then ran the Residential Life program before becoming the assistant headmaster. Rusty holds the Donald Oscarson ’47 Master Chair at Taft. Linda joined the faculty of Taft in 1976. Since then, in addition to teaching, Linda has taken on various administrative duties, including class dean, dean of faculty, director of the library and head of the English department. Her coaching duties included varsity field hockey and varsity volleyball, and supervision of the outdoor program. After returning to full-time teaching for five years, Linda returned to administrative work as dean of faculty in 2013. Linda holds the William E. Sullivan Chair in English. Their daughter, #20108 Eliza Davis, was at Kiniya from 2007-2014, and was a leader in 2013 and 2014. Liza is a Taft School graduate now studying at Princeton. Said Headmaster Willy MacMullen, “ Can a teaching couple do more for a school, together and individually, than Rusty and Linda? I’m at the front of a long line of teachers who were mentored by them, blessed with their friendship, and inspired by their dedication. Linda is the absolute model of what teaching at Taft at its very best can look like. And Rusty, one of our greatest coaches ever, a fascinating and riveting physics teacher, has guided Taft in some of our most challenging moments. Great organizations have a compass that points the way forward, no matter the conditions: Linda and Rusty have been Taft’s compass.”


The Camp Dudley News

#9897 Peter “Larry” Gosline, Peterborough, NH, writes, “I’m doing some interim hospital CEO work, but planning on retiring north of Boston in a few years. Family is doing well and happy. All four children are gainfully employed and scattered over the US.” Peter and his brother #9747 Scott were at camp in the ’60s.

TC and Randy, setting the maple lines.

from Sibyl, our daughter Jo and her husband, Oliver as well as 6 friends. Now we have to do vacuum check while weather is warm and sap is running.” Randyand Sybil’s “little project” has benefitted the Shipman Youth Center in Lake Placid. #9558 Bill Ervin, Falmouth, ME, reported that #9554 Cleve Penberthy visited from Spokane, WA. Bill writes, “We visited and played golf in Portland, ME! Great to see such a wonderful guy!!” Bill and Cleve dominated the Dudley basketball courts in the early 1960s. #9663 Tom Simpson and Betsy retired to St. Augustine, FL, in June 2015. They are enjoying life and are only a short drive to the beach. Editors Note: We are wondering when “The 5 Platters” will make their grand comeback. It would be great to see them at the 2016 Reunion, Tom!

Four of the 5 Platters in 1972. L to R: #9408 Rusty Davis, #10065 Bill McCutcheon, #11295 Tom Brereton, and #9663 Tom Simpson

#9901 Raymond Warman, New York, NY, was at Camp in the 1960s and wrote after the Fall CD News arrived. “I’m excited to have a grandson – now five – who might give me a way to reconnect more formally. I remember my days there with such fondness.” Editors Note: Thanks for writing Ray. Bring your grandson to the CDA reunion August 26-28, 2016. You can show him the ropes and start the reconnecting now. #10215 Don “Mize” Meisel, Lawrenceville, NJ, writes, “After a decade of bicycling, training, touring, hundreds of pounds lost and found, and thousands of miles spun, that era has come to a close. I’ve rekindled my childhood passion for tennis and have made new friendships as a result.” #10235 Scott Perry, San Pedro, CA, is a teacher advisor in the Los Angeles Unified School District. He helped launch their “Farmer in the Classroom” program, getting fresh produce and farmer educators to participate. Editors Note: We’d love to have you visit and see how the Dudley and Kiniya Farm-to-Plate majors measure up! #10436 Jerry Ardolino, Jr., Somerville, MA, wrote after reunion. “I had a GREAT visit last August at Reunion weekend. Having my sisters come back to Dudley to see our dad, #10312 Jerry Sr., receive his 50-Year pin was priceless!” #10846 Rev. Bob “LangFu” Langston, Syracuse, NY, reports that he is in the middle of his 20th year of service to the Onondaga Hills Presbyterian Church and is celebrating his 30th year of ordination in ministry. Editors Note: Must be about time for you to start attending the “old boys” events! Congratulations!

Spring 2016


may know the satisfaction of attaining knowledge and understanding. My enthusiasm for the school and its future was wonderfully reinforced by the bright students, the talented faculty, and the caring parents with whom I met. I certainly now concur that Maple Street is a beacon of excellence in a beautiful Vermont setting. After 24 years in independent school education, I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of a school where “joyful learning” is a cherished cornerstone of the academic ethos and where each child is supported and challenged as they grow socially, emotionally, and intellectually.

News and Notes

#11871 Kevin McCormick, Rochester, NY, says, “KitI would like to offer heartfelt thanks to Mark Tashjian ty continues her very busy practice but still found time and all the members of the Search Committee who made to run me another She also madeprocess. a medical feel somarathon. welcome during this entire At every trip to step Haiti this past year. She hopes to make simi- and I was able to ask questions, gather information, lar trips to countless developing countries toStreet’s improve hear stories of Maple risewomen’s from the little health house as part retirement plan. continue to as an onof7aher to its current status in INew England teach and see patients to inspire young established leader while in K-8 trying education. I applaud Nancy Holmes Calicchio and Fran for their doctors. We enjoyed a great tripBisselle to Ireland thiscombined past 18”years of service to Maple Street. Their tireless efforts to summer.

build a truly great school have yielded impressive results a very short amount of time. In particular, I wish to #12026inKen Keuffel, Winston-Salem, NC, recently thank Dr. Bisselle for being such a valuable resource to me reconnected with Camp and wrote, “I’m still connectas I looked at this incredible leadership opportunity.

ed through occasional visits with #11260 Ed Schmidt, #11436The Tom Bolster, #12163 Kindred, future of Maple StreetBob School is bright.and With a stable #10801enrollment David Donahue. David played football for of motivated students, genuine partnerships my dadwith at Lawrenceville the 1970s. Boband wasstaff the parent body,School and an in impressive faculty in a jazz band that played at my wedding. I married who deliver on their promise of academic excellence, Gabriela Rojas in Tucson 1997. Our son, Kenneth Maple Street will sooninstart planning for its 20th birthday I cannot to be partisofthe such a fantastic Keuffelcelebration. III, will turn 13 inwait March. ” aKen Founder moment in the school’s history. In the meantime, I look and Lead writer at Memorable Memoirs. Editors Note: to working Glad toforward have you back! with all members of the community

Fanning, Christy, Miles and Aicher

#12495 Fanning Hearon, Saxtons River, VT,

has accepted the appointment as the next Head of School at Maple Street School in Manchester Center, VT, succeeding #18141 Fran Bisselle, as we strategize on how to continue offering the most outwho will become Head of the Hathaway array of academics, arts, and athletic options in #12465standing Mike Derrick, Peru, NY, is continuing his Brown School in Shaker Heights, OH, (see Vermont. In summary, I cannot wait to bring my energy, quest for the US Congressional seat which includes Fall 2015 CD News, p.46). creativity, and passion for childhood education to Maple Westport. He was a leader in ’79 and ’80 before atStreet starting July 1st. tending West Point. Mike explains why he is running Said Board Chair Matt Samuelson, “Fanning for office. “After spending three decades serving our rose to the top extensiveuspool of highly My wife, Christy, and my two boys, Miles and Aicher, join me in thanking youofforanwelcoming and allowing us to country in the Armynew andchapter the Department of State, I begin a fruitful in Manchester. qualified and impressive candidates. He is a have moved home to the place that launched me into compassionate and accomplished educator, a I look forward to meetingagain. all of you over the course of the next severalleader weeks and life. Now I seek to contribute I know leadership proven withmonths. an enduring commitment — that was my purpose while in the military. This to academic excellence and joyful learning, and With much and experienced gratitude, remarkable regionappreciation needs strong, leaders someone who is familiar with Vermont and our to keep pace with the rest of our state and our counculture, politics, and landscape.” Fanning has try. I am running for Congress to make sure that my spent the last five years as the Assistant Head of Fanning M. Hearon III hometown of Peru, and all of the communities in New School and Academic Dean at Vermont Academy, York’s 21st District, have the opportunity to thrive and Saxtons River, VT. Fanning and his wife, #14255 grow.” You can learn about Mike’s campaign at Christy Coyne, sons #19895 Miles (19) and #22255 derrickforcongress.com. Aicher (15),•both whom attend Mercersburg 322 MAPLE STREET • MANCHESTER CENTER, VT • 05255 • PHONE: (802) 362-7137 FAX: of (802) 362-3492 • MAPLESTREETSCHOOL.COM Academy in Pennsylvania, are Dudleyites all. #12768 Erik Lenihan, New York, NY, reported his marriage of a year ago, to wife Dara. Editors Note: Said Fanning, “It is both an honor and a privCongratulations to Erik and Dara. ilege to become Maple Street’s next Head of School. I cannot wait to bring my energy, creativity, and passion for childhood education to Maple Street starting July 1st.”


The Camp Dudley News

#13057 Bob “RP” Withington, Oneonta, NY, is still working as the Biology Lab Coordinator at SUNY Oneonta. Editors Note: “RP” please help us track down your “lost sheep” brother #13367 William! Thanks! #13373 Jonathan Edwards, Dewinton, Alberta, Canada, reported in from Germany where he was coaching the Canadian Junior National Luge Team (a bit advanced for the Luge Individual Majors that were offered at Dudley a few years back).

Jonathan Edwards (far right) and the Canadian Junior National Luge Team during training in Germany, January 2015.

#13552 Matt Sanderson, Winnetka, IL, was named CEO of SmithBucklin company on January 1, 2016. SmithBucklin provides management and services to trade associations, professional societies, technology user communities, industry consortia, charitable organizations, corporations, and government institutes. He and his wife, Rory Hackbarth, have two children, Jane and Neil. Jane is enrolled to attend Kiniya in summer 2016. #14525 Sara and #10883 Bob McKeown, Longmeadow, MA, wrote after the fall CD News arrived and shared an article about Sara’s job as an Emergency Department Nurse at Johnson Memorial Hospital in Stafford Springs, CT. To read about it, please visit www.golocalmagazines.com. Search for May 2015 and go to page 8. Sara loves her work and is grateful that her skills are in demand.

#15031 Brian “Huggy Bear” Harris, Stowe, VT, filed this year-end report. “Sold my house in Boston. Bought a place in Stowe, VT, moved there, got engaged and baby on the way all in 2015!” Editors Note: Congrats, Huggy, on a huge year. Please send us some photos when you are able. #15069 Bill Stratton, Colchester, VT, has recently released his second book, which is being well received. “These Things Too Have Shape” is available from bookstores, Amazon, and his publisher, Winter Goose Publishing. Looks like another good read Bill!

#16440 Jason Diggs, Frederick, MD, is a Suzuki Violin and Viola Talent Education Instructor. He performs on occasion with the Harrisburg Symphony, Two Rivers Chamber Orchestra, National String Symphonia and other ensembles in the mid-Atlantic region. Read more about Jason’s work at http://www. jadiggsmusic.com/. #16650 David Moore, Brooklyn, NY, was recently promoted to Senior Forrester in the New York City Parks Department. He is also president of the NY State Urban Forestry Council. David and his wife, Leyla, call Brooklyn home. Editors Note: David, we hope that by the time you read this we have your contact info so we can take you off the “Lost Sheep” list.

Spring 2016

#6241 Larry Gosnell, Pittsboro, NC reported that he recently celebrated his 90th birthday! His celebration included a get-together with his four children, various grandchildren, and even great grandchildren. Congratulations, Larry!


News and Notes catch up on the 10 years that have passed since she was last at Camp in 2006! Katharine is a graduate of Bucknell University and the University of London. She currently works as Senior Consultant, Financial Services Advisory for Ernst & Young and resides in NYC. Marnie and Katherine Watson at the NYC Open House.

Bo and Willa McKinley wrap up their respective Connecticut College basketball careers.

#19399 Bo and #22008 Willa McKinley, Westport, NY, both finished up varsity basketball careers at Connecticut College in February. Both played all four years and led their teams this season as captains. Congrats to both on your amazing careers at CC. Bo played in 23 games this season, averaged 7.1 points per game. Willa played in 24 games this season, averaged 7.6 points per game. #19588 Jared Leibowitz, Burlington, VT, is currently a junior at Middlebury College and quarterback of the football team. He is majoring in political science. #20220 Katie Shusdock, New Preston, CT, will be spending six months, May to November, in Palmer Station, Antarctica, with the Detrich Lab of Northeastern University. Her work there will include fishing trips on the icebreaker RV Laurence M. Gould and catching Antarctic ice fish in order to study their embryo development, including dissections and genetic sampling. She will also manage the aquariums and fish incubators at the station. Editors Note: Enjoy your adventure and please send pictures! #20252 Katharine Watson, New York, NY, was scrolling through her Facebook feed when she noticed the NYC Dudley-Kiniya Reunion was happening just blocks away. Katharine dropped everything and headed straight to the West Side Y to see Marnie and


#20571 Samantha Williams, Canberra, Australia, visited Kiniya in November 2015. Sam worked as a member of the Kiniya Arts Staff from 2001 – 2008, leading the community in Hymn Sing as our Music Director last summer. Sam thoroughly enjoyed retracing her footsteps on the Kiniya Marnie and Sam during her visit grounds and visiting to Kiniya last Fall. some of her favorite locations in Vermont. After returning to Australia, Sam headed west to visit Kiniya pal, #20002 Michelle (Spouse) Morabito. Michelle and her husband, Tony, reside in Harvey, Western Australia, with their three beautiful boys: Levi (6), Beau (4), and Noah Sam and Michelle reconnect in Western Australia. (1). Sam works for the Australian Department of Immigration and resides in Canberra, Australia.

The Camp Dudley News

#20975 Zoe McPheron, El Cerrito, CA, has been traveling abroad in England and Germany in December 2015. She connected with #22781 Vera Reinecke who was a German Exchange camper in 2012. Vera took Zoe to visit Camp Abbensen. Says Zoe, “It’s really a beautiful place and I felt so glad to show them my little part of Kiniya as they showed me Abbensen. It seems so similar to Kiniya but at the same time it’s so different. I’m so glad we do the exchange every year, and am so excited to meet the new girls coming to Kiniya summer 2016!”

#21124 Anderson Gay, Westport, NY, joined a very special list of Westport School boys on February 4, 2016. Anderson scored his 1,000th point in the basketball game against Seton Catholic. The last player to hit this lofty mark at Westport was Anderson’s brother, #18724 Nathan. Congratulations, Anderson! #21364 Dick “D-Train” Wallace, Middletown, RI, and #13804 Matt Storey shared a little adventure on the high seas back in January. The evidence of their success is below! Editors Note: CD NEWS Pubs guy #15877 Brendan “Lefty” Loughman has certified the image below is not “photoshopped” so, congratulations guys!

Zoe McPheron (left) and Vera Reinecke on a tour of Camp Abbensen in December. Dick Wallace offered a few fishing tips to Director Storey as he prepares for the 2016 Fishing Derby in Westport!

#21614 Alex Borinstein, New York, NY, is a sophomore at Packer Collegiate Institute in New York. He founded and captains the Ultimate Frisbee Team. A little Dudley influence here maybe?

Eric, Anderson, and Dawn Gay after the game where he reached 1,000 points!

#22428 William C. (Will) Dudley, Williamstown, MA, was named the next president of Washington and Lee College. Currently, Will is provost and professor of philosophy at Williams College. Will and Janette Kessler’s son #22614 Cole and daughter #22868 Ella have been at Dudley and Kiniya for several years, and both participated in the NOLS program last summer. Will, who spoke at Dudley Chapel in August 2011, Spring 2016


News and Notes assumes the presidency in January 2017, as the 27th president of W&L, in Lexington, VA. #23845 Betsy Lyles, Decatur, GA, celebrated her ordination to ministry on December 14, 2015 at the Davidson College Presbyterian Church in North Carolina. Betsy will continue to serve as the Director of Recruitment and Admissions at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur. Congratulations. So glad to have you speak in the Dudley Chapel!

Betsy Lyles during her ordination

#24072 Dyani Bryant, Moriah, NY, placed 6th in the Junior Luge competition this past December in Calgary, Canada. Dyani was part of the Dudley Kitchen staff in 2015! Congrats, Dyani!

Dyani Bryant’s Luge Logo


Dudley Old Boys Gathering, Venice, FL Our luncheon this year at the Venice (that’s Florida, not Italy!) Yacht Club drew a robust group of 30 Old Boys and Gals. #5616 Eddie and Joan Card made it down from Temple Terrace with friends Dave Handing and Mary Marcell. Eddie started at Camp in 1937 and shared the story of Chief Beckman spotting him in a local Westport/Port Henry baseball game and offering him a scholarship on the spot. “That opened doors for me that I still can’t believe.” Eddie ran away with the low number award. #7865 Pete and Jeri Muhlhausen drove from Hudson, FL, to join the fun. #7441 Phil and #13283 Holly Bisselle came from Sarasota. Responding to Chairman Matt Quigley’s comments Eddie Card . . . low number . . . about construction 5-6-1-6! possibilities near Roe Lodge, Phil said, “Be careful, one of Captain Cavalenko’s horses is buried there. I can show you the exact spot.” Phil and Holly were getting ready for their 80th birthday celebrations. Brother #8161 Walt “Righty” Bisselle was on hand, with a short commute from his and Val’s Venice home. The short distance award went to Jean and Jerry Forcier, who had a 4-minute walk to the Yacht Club. Conversely, the “above and beyond the call of duty” awards went to #9675 Dave West, #9191 Carlton “Cleve” Cleveland, and #8767 Sandy and #19067 Patricia Short who had to navigate a traffic nightmare on interstate 75 to make it up from Naples. Cleve recalled the arrival of the Hungarian refugees after the 1956 uprising . . . “super soccer players. I had Levente (Urchi) Delaczy and Danny Gaul in my cabin. They had no clue about baseball but discovered that if they were hit by a pitched ball while batting they could go to first base. So several of them would

The Camp Dudley News

intentionally step over home plate and take a ball in the stomach, and run proudly down to first.” #7906 Bill Bertsch and Sandy brought recently discovered “lost sheep” #8115 David Gaffney and Nancy up from Boca Grande. Said Bill, “Listening to Ed Card was inspiring. His story had similarities to Ed Schmidt’s talk at chapel last summer, speaking of his Dad’s experience and the Dudley influence on Willie.” #14800 Vince and Jane Rockel came down from Sarasota as did #19269 D’Anne Hurd and George Forsythe. #18204 Martha and #8804 John Storey came up from Placida to attend the party, too! #10555 Dave Langston, Development Director and #10643 Matt Quigley, Board Chair, provided a good update on The Old Boys and their gals, gather again in Venice, FL. Dudley and Kiniya, and a view to the future. It was great to have them join us. For those who missed this gathering . . . same time next year. So “save the date” . . . the first week in March, Venice, FL, . . . details to come.

Late Breaking: #22743 Rose Bransford, Minneapolis, MN, had a great snowboarding season and will be competing in the U.S. Snowboard Nationals at Copper Mountain, CO, April 1-7th. Rose, who has been at Kiniya since 2012, is the daughter of #13033 Michael and Gretchen Bransford. Rose Bransford, in red jacket, competing in Snowboard Championship!

Spring 2016


Weddings #16770 Todd William Ives and Maeve Patricia Egan and were married Friday, December 11th, 2015 in Miami, FL. There were a few Dudleyites in attendance: #12764 Chris, #11171 Brian and #10235 Scott Perry, #12091 Trip Ives, #14240 Mark Kendrick, #16865 Kevin O’Donnell, #16849 Tim and #19496 Jane Powell, #15189 Ben Cady, #16741 Chris Smith, #16423 Terry Austin, and #17157 Oliver Schipper.

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Ives

#17699 Ned Colegrove and brother of Dudley “First Lady” Jessica Storey, married the former Lauren Tochterman on October 24, 2015 in Peachtree City, GA. #13804 Matt and #16999 Jess Storey were in attendance. The newlyweds live in Atlanta, GA, and will be honeymooning in Italy this June. Lauren is a registered nurse while Ned is the Assistant Athletics Director at Georgia Gwinnett College in metro Atlanta.

#20030 Nicola Fitzgerald and #20544 Oliver Gaddum, from New Zealand were married in 2015. They are delighted to be welcoming their first child in spring of 2016. We really would love a picture when he/she arrives. Nic and Olly served as Kiniya staff members in 2007. Congratulations!

Family attending Ned and Lauren Colegrove’s Wedding. L-R Brother Dave Colegrove, Sister Andrea Shaver with daughters Emme and Mallie, David “Pops” Colegrove, Lauren, Ned, Brother Kevin Colegrove with wife Kiyomi and son Nico, Jess and Matt Storey.

Please send your news of Weddings and Future Dudleyites, along with photos, to dave@campdudley.org. We all want to congratulate you! Nicola Fitzgerald and Oliver Gaddum celebrating their happy day!


The Camp Dudley News

Future Dudleyites #14961 Mike Skelly, Floral Park, NY, writes, “My wife, Mary Beth, and I welcomed the birth of our first child, Joseph Michael Skelly, on December 2, 2015. Joseph is already counting the days until he can visit Cub Alley!”

#15708 Dan and Liz Geiger, Darien, CT, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Lucy Roxane Geiger October 13, 2015.

Love the hat, Dan! Joseph Skelly thinking about swimming with Champ in a few years.

#15133 Mark Valkenburgh, Belmont, MA, and his wife Emily became proud parents of Jamie McAllister Valkenburgh. Jamie arrived just before midnight on March Mark and Emily Valkenburgh welcome baby 18, the Martin Jamie. Luther King Holiday. “Valky” wrote: “He and Emily are doing great – the little guy is eating and sleeping like a champ and flirting with all the nurses. We are totally over the moon and there really are no words . . . just joy, love, and awe.”

#16107 Ashley Baker, La Jolla, CA, wrote, “Wishing you all a wonderful 2016 from La Jolla! 2015 was a wonderful year for us. We were blessed with a baby Ashley Baker and Future Kiniya camper girl, Windsor Eliz- Windsor Elizabeth Baker Greer abeth Baker Greer, born June 24, 2015! She was very healthy, weighing 7 lbs. and 8 oz. We are all well, and now suddenly very busy with a baby on the move! We spent the holidays in Fort Worth, TX, where she was the fourth generation to be baptized at the First United Methodist Church.” Ed Note: So glad to have reconnected with you Ashley. #16389 Christian Hakim, New York, NY, wrote to Matt in November. “Good news on the home front, camper number #35000? Andrew Joseph Andrew Hakim smiles thinking about Hakim, was born being ‘Mid mountains and lakes.’ on 10/1/15! He is a Dudleyite — he just doesn’t know it yet!” Congratulations!

Spring 2016


Future Dudleyites #18646 Geoffrey Carrigan and his wife Cassie, Colorado Springs, CO, announced the arrival of Adleigh Grace Carrigan who was born on November 13, 2015. Congrats to all. Adleigh will make grandpa (Patrick) extra jealous as soon as she gets her camp number.

#23228 AaLeiyah Clifford, Dublin, CA, reports Skylar Kailani DeSimas was born on February 21st, 2016. She weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz. and is 20 inches of perfection.

#18646 Geoff, Cassie, and future

AaLeiyah Clifford with Broc and baby Skylar

Kiniya camper Adleigh Grace Carrigan

PRINTS FOR SALE! We’ve had a number of alumni say to us after viewing our photos online “Hey . . . that would make a great poster.” We’ve listened! All proceeds go towards the Camp Dudley Scholarship Fund



The Camp Dudley News

Obituaries #5442 Nicholas Vogel,

Hempstead, NY, who was at Camp in 1936, died on August 1, 2015 at the age of 92. A WWII fighter pilot, Nick was a successful accountant, teacher and lawyer. Nick grew up in Bronxville, NY, graduated from Hempstead High School and attended Hofstra College before enlisting Nick Vogel in the Army Air Forces in March 1944. He trained as a pilot, became a 2nd Lieutenant assigned to the 9th Air Force, 405th Fighter Group, 510th Fighter Squadron. Vogel flew missions in Northern France, Africa and Germany . . . his first mission in support of Gen. George Patton’s troops during the Battle of the Bulge. His P-47 Thunderbolt was shot down over Düsseldorf, Germany in February 1945, and, after sustaining injuries, he spent three months in a German prison camp. He was liberated in May, and awarded the Air Medal and the Purple Heart. After the war, Vogel returned to Long Island and Hofstra, for his degree in accounting on the GI Bill. He played on Hofstra’s varsity baseball and basketball team, which he captained. There he met his future wife, Olive Armstrong, whom he married in 1948. They lived in Roosevelt and Hempstead and had two sons. Vogel received his MBA from NYU and law degree from Brooklyn Law School in 1955. He taught at Hofstra for more than 40 years, while practicing law and accounting. He was an avid golfer at the Homestead Golf Club. He is survived by sons #10232 William of West Hempstead, Gregory Vogel of Fayetteville, NC, and a sister, Eleanor Koehler of Smithtown, seven grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. His wife predeceased him on Thanksgiving Day 2014.

Lawrenceville School in 1947, and Trinity College in 1951, where he captained the swim team. He served in the U.S. Army from 1951-54 as a 1st lieutenant in the Korean War. In 1958, he married Sally Smith, who predeceased him in 2004. In 1959, he began a twodecade career with Marsh & McLennan insurance, retiring from Donald F. Smith & Associates in 1988. Known for his kindness, humor and faith, Tim was dedicated to helping others, volunteering at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Offender Aid and Restoration, the COPE Center, and as a volunteer fireman, on the town council and planning Board. He was an avid golfer and paddle tennis player. In addition to his wife and his parents, he is predeceased by his two brothers, Rufus B. Cutting and Aaron B. Cutting. He is survived by his children, Molly Werner (Paul) of Whitehouse Station, #11179 Timothy Jr., (Stephanie) of Basking Ridge, and Lucy Probert (Jim) of Ridgewood; and by four grandchildren #22738 Annie and #22038 Jimmy Probert and Sally and Charlie Cutting, as well as many nieces and nephews.

#6327 James Fowler, Alexandria, VA, died on Jan-

uary 20, 2015. He attended Camp from 1955-1959 and received his 50-Year pin in 2001. A Marine Colonel (USMCR-Ret.), he was born in Mineola, NY, and grew up in Larchmont, NY. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1952, and was commissioned in the United States Marine Corps as a Second Lieutenant. He had a long and distinguished career with the Marines, including service in Korea as a Rifle Platoon Leader, in Vietnam in 1966 as an Infantry Battalion Commander. At Headquarters Marine Corps in 1974 he

#5938 Tim Cutting, Essex Fells, NJ, passed away

on January 20, 2015. A Dudley camper from 19391945, Tim once told the CD News of the day in 1945, while working on the K-Crew, when he heard on radio that WWII had just ended. He ran to the dinner bell and rang until everyone in camp gathered around and cheered the great news. Tim was born in Montclair, NJ, lived in Essex Fells, NJ, for over 75 years and then Basking Ridge in 2012. He graduated from The Spring 2016

Grandson #22038 Jimmy being greeted by his grandpa Tim Cutting at pickup his Cub year.


Obituaries created the Marine Corps Marathon, which attracts 30,000 participants today. He also worked at the CIA. Jim received an LLB from Georgetown University 1958, an MBA from UVA’s Darden School 1960 and an LLM from Georgetown Law School 1961. Released from active duty in 1970, he taught business law at LIU in Southampton, NY and in 1973 received an MS degree from Columbia University School of Business. Retiring from active duty in 1982, he joined the Office of the General Counsel of the Navy. In 1985 he joined Chesebrough-Ponds, serving 20 years as Director of Corporate Security. He was a life member of the Army-Navy Club, the NYAC, the Union League Club, and the Order of St. Crispin, for highly decorated Marine officers. He was devoted to his family and friends, had a spirit of adventure, love of learning, and enjoyment of his dogs. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Betsy Fowler, and his cousins, Jack, Anne, Neil, John, Mary, and Nicholas Callaghan.

#7256 Lawrence “Larry” Reynolds Pugh, of

Naples, FL, and Falmouth, ME, passed away on December 3, 2015 at age 82. He was at Camp as a camper and leader in 1945, ’47, ’50, ’52-53. Born in White Plains, NY, he graduated from the Salisbury School and Colby College and was a U.S. Army Larry Pugh veteran. Larry served as CEO and Chairman of VF Corporation, an apparel manufacturing company, whose brands include Wrangler, Lee Jeans, and Vanity Fair. During his tenure he grew sales tenfold, making VF the largest publicly-held clothing company. He also served as president of Samsonite Luggage, director of Black & Decker, and chairman of UNUM. He was a life trustee at Colby College. In his “retirement,” he devoted his time and leadership to the boards of multiple community and educational institutions, including the Alfond Scholarship Fund, Portland Museum of Art, Reading Hospital, US Biathlon Olympic committee, and Maine Medical Center. He additionally served on the boards of the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Artis-Naples board, Naples United Church of Christ, and Boys & Girls club of Collier County. Larry was also the recipient of numerous awards including two honorary doc-


torates. He loved the game of golf, and sharing it with his friends and family. Larry is survived by his wife of 59 years, Jean Pugh; his two daughters, Deborah Pugh Kelton (Bill,) of Maine, and Diane Pugh Esecson (Matt) of Hawaii; his four grandsons, #16856 Tucker Kelton, #17456 Josh Kelton, #17356 Austin Esecson and #17756 Kyle Esecson.

#8035 Dorn Walker Younger, 75 of Canton, CT,

passed away September 3, 2015. Dorn attended Camp in 1950 and 1951 along with his brother #7755 Paul Younger. Dorn was born in Pittsburgh, PA, graduated from Barrington, IL, High School in l957, attended Amherst College and graduated from DePauw University in l962 with a Bachelor’s Degree of Music in Theory and Composition. He co-founded the DePauw Men of Note with Frank Jacobs, was a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. He then received a Master’s Degree of Music from the University of Redlands, CA. Dorn was a regional sales representative for musical instruments, a professional jazz musician playing trombone and piano, a conductor, composer and arranger. He was a member of the United States Army Reserve. Dorn was an active member of the Simsbury United Methodist Church. He was the husband of Patricia Gates Younger for 53 years and leaves daughters Karen Younger Morrison (Ed) and Kristin Gates Younger, grandsons #19535 Tyler Dorn Morrison and #20835 Jeremy Edward Morrison, brother Paul H. Younger (Susan), nieces Jamee Younger Tenzer (Michael) and Alyssa Gail Younger and nephew Paul H. Younger (Meredith). He also leaves brother-in-law Richard T. Hill and nephews James R. Hill (Shirley) and Thomas R. Hill (Stephanie).

#11564 Joseph Halm, Alexandria, VA, passed away in July 2014. Joe was at camp from 19741976. His wife, Jo wrote: “Joe passed away very suddenly while at Lake George. He was 51 and in seemingly perfect health. The day after climbing Giant with his daughter, he had a massive heart Joe Halm attack. Joe loved Camp Dudley, the place that introduced him to climbing – a passion to the very end.” Joe was a teacher at Espicopal High School in Alexandria, VA, which posted this note in

The Camp Dudley News

their magazine. “Episcopal community mourns the loss of EHS teacher, coach, mentor, and friend Joe Halm. A member of the EHS faculty since 1996, Joe was a pillar of this community, admired by students and faculty alike.” The Adirondack High Peaks Foundation described Joe as “ an avid outdoorsman, hiker, 46er, teacher, mentor, family man and friend. Joe spent many a summer working at Silver Bay YMCA of the Adirondacks and mentoring young people to the ways of being educated outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen. He led expeditions into the wilderness and to many or all of the High Peaks and climbed mountains around the country. He touched the lives of numerous individuals within a school classroom and nature’s classroom and will be sadly missed by all who knew him.”

Carmel Powers Davenport, Brunswick, ME,

passed away on November 12, 2015 in Lewiston, ME, at age 92. #11264 Mark “Davo” Davenport, her son wrote, “Just short of her 93rd birthday, she was jovial and cracking wise right up to the very end.” She was born in Somerville, MA, in 1923, educated at Saint Mary Star of the Sea in Newport, VT (where she learned perfect French), and Brockton, MA, where she graduated from high school. She married Raymond Gould Davenport, who predeceased her in 1973. She then returned to New England settling in Brunswick, ME. She worked for 25 years in the libraries of Hawthorne and Longfellow elementary schools, sharing her love of books, music, history, and sports with many generations of Brunswick children. She was active in local politics, the Mid-Coast Retired Educators Association and the Coastal Maine Humane Society. Carmel possessed encyclopedic knowledge of “good” jazz, Frank Sinatra, World War II and all things British. She shared her love for the New England Patriots and Coach Belichick as vehemently as her loathing of Walter O’Malley, who should have “left the Dodgers in Brooklyn where they belonged.” She is survived by her daughter, Rachel Davenport Dutch (Steven) of Valrico, FL; her son, Mark (Cathy Law Davenport) of Port Henry, NY, and NYC; four granddaughters: Emily Dutch (Andrew Galloway- Long) of Sacramento, CA; Claire Burdge (Daniel) of Writtle, UK; Susan Dutch (James Freeman) of Pudsey, UK; #21264 Bridget Davenport (Bob Nasr) of NYC; and one greatgrandson, August Gabriel Burdge of Writtle, UK.

Cornel Burgtorf, Hannover,

Germany. On December 16, 2015 we learned of Cornel’s passing. Wolfgang Funke, YMCA General Secretary wrote, “We are very sad and regret to inform you that our chairman of many years’ standing (19792006) and honorary member Cornel Burgtorf died in the Cornel Burgtorf night between Sunday and Monday. With Cornel Burgtorf YMCA Hannover loses a man who always supported us wholeheartedly. He was a person who committed himself to an extraordinary extent to YMCA Hannover and left an important mark on our organization. Thanks to Cornel’s visions about YMCA Hannover in the midst of an international family, YMCA Hannover is still in very close contact to its various international partners. We can’t be grateful enough for the endeavor he showed over the many years. All this illustrates that he deserved rightly to be awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. Cornel loved the different shades of the various cultures and we were able to learn a lot through his attitudes for our work at YMCA Hannover. No matter which partner I was talking to, in the end I was always asked to pass on regards to Cornel. Cornel Burgtorf was an ‘international’ in the truest sense.” Cornel visited Dudley and made a point of staying in touch with Dudley friends from the 1960s through the 2000s.

#14706 Ingrid Mangold, Hannover Germany. We

learned of Ingrid’s passing away in Hannover on February 7 following a brief illness. She and her husband #9791 Eberhard had been the indefatigable promoters of the Abbensen and Dudley Exchange program for more than a half century. They spent a year working at the Rye Country Day School in Rye, NY. They would have been married for 50 years in June. Every Dudley group that visited was introduced to the warmth of the German people through Ingrid and Eberhard. Recalls one exchange camper, #19304 Tom Dils, “I remember being a nervous but excited 14-year-old stepping off the plane at the Hannover Airport during the summer of 2009. I was one of six campers on the German Exchange, but unlike many of my buddies, I’d never traveled this far away from home. The overnight flight

Spring 2016



Ingrid (second from right) and Eberhard Mangold greeting the 2009 German Exchange group at the Hannover Airport.

was exhausting, but exciting for what awaited us. Well, the Mangolds made sure that we didn’t have to wait long, greeting our group at the gate with a breakfast of orange juice and Haribo gummy bears. This probably kicked off my month-long addiction to German candy and chocolate, but I also felt so welcomed and appreciated. Knowing from the first minute we arrived that we had the support of the Mangolds made it even easier to embark on that ride through Germany and let it take us places we’d never imagined.” Added #11264 Mark “Davo” Davenport, “That was classic Ingrid. If she was ambulatory – she once came to the airport in a hip to toe cast after a bad leg break – she was there to greet her ‘American friends.’ She will be deeply missed by her many friends at Dudley and in America.”

Millicent Hope Treiber, Old Brookville, NY, died

peacefully on September 14, 2015 surrounded by her loving family, many of whom are Dudleyites. Hope was born in Morristown, NJ, raised in Sayville, NY, where she played soccer and was a cheerleader. She was proud of her participation in the war effort as a plane spotter in the tower of the old Sayville High School. She graduated from St. John’s Episcopal Hospital Nursing School as an RN. Hope married Howard F. Treiber in1949 and moved to Old Brookville in 1955 where they raised their six children. Hope loved her home most when it was filled with her children, grandchildren and friends. She was an active golfer, tennis player, jogger, and worked out at the Glen Cove Y. Hope loved nature, whether feeding birds, watching baby birds in her birdhouses, butterflies, insects, bird nests, or her ever-blooming garden. She was an accomplished crossword aficionado and a dedicated


Jeopardy fan. Fiercely independent, she always put others’ needs ahead of hers. She was a remarkable mother and grandmother and will be missed so very much. She is survived by her brother, Henry C. Haer (Sally); her children - #9816 John H. (Carol-Ann), #9968 H. Craig (Lora), Millicent Hope #10067 Bruce D. (Virginia), #10524 Treiber Peter S. (Irene), #10525 Scott R. (Jo-Ellen), Pamela H. Treiber Baldwin; 18 grandchildren, and many nieces, nephews, and loving friends. Hope was predeceased by her husband, Howard, her sister, Joan, her niece, Robin Gross, and her parents, Henry C. and Mae Lillian (Murphy) Haer.

#16927 John (Jack) A. Strange Jr., Bryn Mawr, PA,

died at home on February 21, 2016 from heart complications. He was 32. Jack attended Camp from 1996-2001 and again in 2004. He was a Camper, Aide, JL, Jack Strange AL and Leader. Jack was born in 1983 in Astoria, OR, and graduated from Skidmore College, BA in Government in 2005. He worked as a patient advocate in Philadelphia, PA, for eight years and then pursued graduate school in Counseling Psychology from Rosemont College, Rosemont, PA. His goal was to graduate and begin a career helping others, especially veterans suffering from PTSD. Jack was in his last semester of school, planning to move to Burlington, VT, to work and live near the mountains and enjoy his favorite sport of skiing. Jack was a loving son, brother and a faithful friend to everyone. He had a cheerful, kind spirit and will be remembered for his keen sense of humor and debating skills, particularly politics, football, music, and current events. His childhood friends, teammates, and coaches from the Queensbury School and West Mountain remained close. His years at Skidmore where he matured as a scholar and made lifelong friends left an indelible mark. Rosemont College loved Jack’s insight and contribution to the field of counseling psychology. Jack is survived by his parents John Strange Sr. of Potomac Falls, VA, and Kelly M. Dempsey of Lake George, NY; his sister Lyndsay Strange of Salt Lake City, UT, and many aunts and uncles and cousins.

The Camp Dudley News

Loved Place

By #23373 Alec Brown


walk on the damp grass approaching the entrance sign of one of my favorite places in the world, my camp. Next year I will walk to the same sign feel the same wet grass

smell the same lake and have the best time again. As you walk down the Chapel Hill you hear Matt the director greeting campers, and the laughing kids having a ball. As I walk down to Swim Point I see the beautiful landscape of Lake Champlain, the lake and the mountains. As my team huddles up before the last half of our basketball game and I smell all the sweat and, the smell of victory. My camp and all the great people in it are sacred to me. My camp is in Westport, NY, on Lake Champlain, which is very special to me. It is special to me because it is two of my favorite places combined Lake Michigan and the Highlands. I feel a strong connection to the Dud because it has a strong vibe, and they always find a fun way to do things. Along with that it has many activities I like such as athletics, outdoors, water sports, and music. During camp I feel joyful, relaxed, and I’m always in a happy mode. Dudley has introduced me many new activities what I really like, one of them, which is sailing. I traveled to camp this year knowing little about sailing, but next year I will sail my friends all along the lake. My brother also comes up to camp with me we made great memories there and tell them on the way home. I like Dudley more than any other place because I have no one bossing me around, and I have freedom to do whatever I want to. I can sail on the lake, play golf, shoot hoops, play cards, paddleboard, or do archery all in one place the Dud. The Dudley experience allows me to be myself because no one will judge you, try new things, and meet new friends. This place is unlike any other because I will always see an adult at home, but here there are no parents and happy modes all around you. Camp Dudley is one of the greatest places on Earth and I hope I can go there for many more years to come!

#23373 Alec Brown, Summit, NJ, was a Cub in 2014 and returned as a Plebe in 2015. When asked to write a piece for English Class, Alec broke the mold of his classmates, many of whom were writing about home, and crafted these words. Alec hopes to return to Camp in 2017, after some time on a family trip this summer.

CAMP DUDLEY, INC. 126 Dudley Road Westport, NY 12993-1700


PAID Pittsfield, MA Permit #121

Kiniya girls on NOLS, 2015

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