The Goldmine, Fall 2012

Page 42

22 Seconds Aubrey Vandall Appendix A: Glossary of Terms

22 Seconds: The amount of time it takes for a man to enter a coffee shop(see Coffee Shop), steal money, and get into a getaway car(see Car). It’s interesting to think about the time relationship each person experienced during the Event(see Time).

Alexander: Alexander Maverick Hawk Fox. Alexander is one of my employees at the coffee shop and has been a good friend of mine since we attended high school together. His mind doesn’t work the way most people’s minds do. He has this innate ability to see the good in almost anything while simultaneously seeing the very worst in it and completely appreciating both sides. He boils everything down to an indescribable reactive idea, its essence that he can then imagine in different situations. When he meets people, he understands their nature, how they work and act, and tries to guess how they would act in different circumstances. All with surprising accuracy. This gives him a unique perspective on things and enables him to analyze and see things the way a good therapist might. His advice and consultation would become helpful in therapy(see Therapy). His greatest flaw is in that if he can’t understand something, if he can’t give it meaning, it troubles him to the end of his wits. It envelopes him, and he can’t get past the problem. When this happens, it can take days for him to recover. Luckily, the Event was not one of those times. Alexander will always come across as warm and one of the nicest people you’ve ever met. He gives off the sense that he genuinely cares about everyone, and it’s because he does. He has this way about him that even when he is being a pervert, which is always, he does it in a way that makes you feel like he is being completely innocent.

Car: Vehicle that takes someone from the scene of a crime. The car pulled into a parking spot just outside the shop’s west entrance. A man stepped out, leaving his door open and ran into the shop(see Entrance). The diver then pulled out a ways so when the robber(see Clown) exited, they could get out quickly. The car was a silver four door Honda, or a Grand Am, depending on who you asked(see Perception). The car would actually become critical in the police investigation and in part, the ease of mind of the people involved in the Event. It simply felt good knowing the police were working hard to help us. From the moment cops had the car’s description, they began pulling over every silver four door car they saw on the streets. Within half an hour, they had already snagged four cars which was, to me, a pretty impressive number for the size of my town at 11 at night(see Lawton). The car looked like a piece of crap.

Clown: A ridiculous man in a ridiculous outfit. This specific clown knew he was going to rob us and decided rather than invest in a mask or gloves, he was going to make those things himself. Very Macgyver. Using two t-shirts, he covered his face, save for his eyes, which, on a side note, were rather unremarkable. I got a good look at him at the register(see Register) and even though they were all I could see of his actual person, I can’t recall anything about those eyes.


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