Weekly Bulletin 1 February 2019

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Welcome Back Welcome to Indra Information Evenings Grammarian Uniforms and Presentation Immunisation Program 2019 Summer Sport Season Captains and Vice Captains Academic Excellence and Scholars of the School University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Scholars Monash Scholars Program Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship Mathematics Assistance Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department Term Dates 2109

Middle School

Start of Year

Friday Afternoons Year 8 Camp Year 8 Outdoor Education Welcome Back Drinks Uniform Requirements in Term 1 Annual Photos Curriculum Information Evening

Junior School

The New School Year Dates Ahead


Dates Ahead

Music Careers Calendar

Camberwell Grammar School 55 Mont Albert Road Canterbury Victoria 3126 T +61 3 9835 1777 registrar@cgs.vic.edu.au www.cgs.vic.edu.au

Edition 37, 1 February 2019

From the Headmaster Welcome Back Welcome back to the 2019 school year! A special welcome to all of you who are new to Camberwell Grammar School, and I hope that you will all feel a part of our learning community very soon. I would like to thank all staff involved in the vacation activities, our students are very fortunate that our teachers are prepared to give their vacation time to provide such rich and rewarding experiences. Our year began well on Tuesday with two intensive but very productive Professional Development Days for all staff, and with students returning to School yesterday. It has already been a busy first week! Last night we hosted an Information Evening and a Welcome Back Drinks function for Junior School parents, and tonight we have Welcome Back Drinks for Middle School parents in the Camberwell Room in the Sports Centre at 6.30pm. Our Senior School Welcome Back Evening will also be held at the same venue on Friday 8 February at 6.30pm. These functions are an excellent way to meet other parents and to discover important information about the year ahead. I am very grateful the members of our Parents’ Association who organise and host our welcome back functions each year. We value greatly the support we receive from our parent support groups and I thank them for the warm welcome they extend to all families at the beginning of each year.

Welcome to Indra I am very pleased to welcome a new member to our community, a beautiful golden Labrador called Indra. Indra is an Ambassador dog for the Guide Dogs Association of Victoria. She will live with Mr Dayan Ramalingam and his family, however she will visit our School daily. Her ‘base’ will be in Reception and our Health Centre, and students will be able to visit her and take her for walks at recess and lunchtimes. It will be great to have her around and I am sure the students will enjoy having this additional ‘staff member’ as part of our family.

Information Evenings As outlined in my recent email to the whole school community, may I remind you of the upcoming dates for our information evenings: Year 12 Information Night and Parent Education Evening On Monday 4 February in the Performing Arts Centre commencing at 7.00pm, there will be a Year 12 Information Evening followed by a presentation at 8.00pm by our guest speaker, Adolescent Psychologist, Mr Andrew Fuller. Year 11 Student and Parents Information Evening On Wednesday 6 February in the Performing Arts Centre commencing at 7.00pm. The purpose of the evening is to provide an explanation of the structure, procedures and rules of the VCE, and to suggest some strategies which the School, from its previous experience, believes will help to make this year successful in every sense. Head of House and House Tutor Evening On Wednesday 6 February at 7.00pm, there will be an opportunity for Year 9 parents and parents of new boys to the Senior School (Years 10-12) to meet their son’s Head of House and Tutor. Although it is a busy time of year, I encourage as many parents as possible to attend these Information Evenings as they will provide parents with information about the year, including school expectations and arrangements.

Grammarian The Grammarian was distributed after Assembly yesterday, and students should have brought home one copy per family. All 2018 Year 12 students will be posted a copy of The Grammarian. If your family did not receive a copy, please pick one up from the Development Office.

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Headmaster Welcome Back Welcome to Indra Information Evenings Grammarian Uniforms and Presentation Immunisation Program 2019 Summer Sport Season Captains and Vice Captains Academic Excellence and Scholars of the School University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Scholars Monash Scholars Program Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship Mathematics Assistance Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department Term Dates 2109

Middle School Start of Year

Friday Afternoons Year 8 Camp Year 8 Outdoor Education Welcome Back Drinks Uniform Requirements in Term 1 Annual Photos Curriculum Information Evening

Junior School

The New School Year Dates Ahead

Uniforms and Presentation At the beginning of each new school year I ask for the support of our parents in ensuring that all students are properly attired, and that their hair is neat and tidy and in keeping with the guidelines set out from page 24 of our School Diary. I ask those few students who need to take some action about their hair, shoes, or belts to do so as a matter of urgency. It may be that some boys are asked to return home until they are able to get an appropriate haircut. Heads of House will be the final arbiters of what is considered ‘appropriate’! Our students have an excellent reputation in the community for the way that they wear their uniform and I am keen to ensure that we maintain this. I would also like to remind parents that it is important that the correct school sports uniform is worn when having a Physical Education lesson or competing in sporting events (p.26/27 in the School Diary). Our students represent us in the way they behave and also in the care they take with their appearance when they compete with students from other schools in sporting competitions and it is important that we give a very good impression.

Immunisation Program 2019 This year’s Immunisation schedule will include the Year 7 HPV (Human Papillomavirus Vaccine – Gardisil9) – and the Boostrix (Diptheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough) Vaccine. The first round will be on Thursday 14 February and the second round on Thursday 15 August. For Year 10 students, The Department of Health and Human Services Victoria recommend the Meningococcal ACWY - Menactra vaccination, and this will be provided to Year 10 students this year by the City of Boroondara Immunisation Service on Thursday 14 February. Consent cards will be sent home in the first week of term and need to be returned by Thursday 7 February, even if your son is not being vaccinated. A timely return of consent cards means that your son will not miss out on these vaccinations. If you have any queries regarding our school vaccination program, please feel free to contact our Student Health Coordinator, Ms Rhonda Nicholson on 9835 1777 or shc@cgs.vic.edu.au.

Summer Sport Season Captains and Vice Captains Congratulations to the following students who have been appointed as Swimming Captains and Vice Captains for the Summer Sport Season: Captains: Jack Amling, Corey McCabe and Max Foulds. Vice Captains: Jasper Fodor, Peter Zhao and Matthew Bryson.

Academic Excellence and Scholars of the School At the beginning of each year we awarded Certificates of Academic Excellence to Students in Years 10 and 11 on the basis that their academic results from the end of last year. Certificates are awarded to students in the top 10% of their Year Group. At Year 12, Scholar’s badges are awarded to the top 10% of our students based on their work in Semester 2 last year. A further group of Scholars may be appointed at the middle of the year. I was pleased to announce the following recipients at yesterday’s Assembly:


Dates Ahead

Music Careers Calendar

Year 10

Year 11

Luke Doblin

Sam Parmenter

Philip Alex

Kieran McAuley

Aidan Harris

Jaimen Quach

Rhys Campbell

Hamish Monckton

Andrew Ho

Nicholas Robinson

Tory Crosgrove

Mitchell Reid

Jack Hu

Sam Schwenk

Jamie Garnham

Alexander Ryan

Isaac Hui

James Stambe

Geoffrey Gong

Ryan Tam

Zac Kelly

Kieran Teoh

Haotian Huang

Sonny Wang

Alex Lew

Jayden Thai

Jason Li

Philip Wang

Zach Lewis

Sean Yang

Sean Liu

Matthew Wu

Elijah Pannozzo

Wilson Zhu

Emmanuel Marcus

University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Scholars In addition, two of our current Year 11 students, Rhys Campbell and Matthew Wu were successful in being awarded a Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship from the University of Melbourne. This is an academic enrichment program designed to support high-achieving Year 11 and Year 12 Victorian secondary school students. While still at school, the program offers opportunities for participation in workshops and seminars, and students will be able to interact with the University and with other Kwong Lee Dow Scholars.

Monash Scholars Program Monash University also presents scholarship awards to students in Year 11. Their program, which is ongoing over Years 11 and 12, aims to build a personal network of peers and academics that will last through to university. Based on mid-year results from 2018, Year 11 students Tory Crosgrove, Jamie Garnham and Sonny Wang were selected as Monash Scholars for 2018-2020. Page 2



Welcome Back Welcome to Indra Information Evenings Grammarian

Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship Congratulations to Henry Smith (Year 11) who is the recipient of the Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship for Science. This scholarship was given to the school in a bequest from Mr Kenneth Atock, an old boy, and is awarded to students for their academic performance in the Sciences, to promote and encourage scientific education with the emphasis upon studies of outer space and rocketry amongst scholars attending Camberwell Grammar School. In light of Henry’s consistent high-level academic performances in Science last year he is a most worthy recipient of this scholarship. Year 12 Scholars

Uniforms and Presentation Immunisation Program 2019

Jack Amling

Lachlan Melville

Daniel Bowers

Oliver Papillo

Nicholas Browne

Michael Pham

Ian Chen

Max Ramm

Lachlan Doig

Matthew Ridley

Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship

James Gunasegaram

Niko Verrios

Mathematics Assistance

Alan Jiang

Edward Wu

Thomas Lee

Andrew Zeng

Kevin Li

Tianyi Zhou

Summer Sport Season Captains and Vice Captains Academic Excellence and Scholars of the School University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Scholars Monash Scholars Program

Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department Term Dates 2109

Middle School

Start of Year

Friday Afternoons Year 8 Camp Year 8 Outdoor Education Welcome Back Drinks Uniform Requirements in Term 1 Annual Photos Curriculum Information Evening

Junior School

The New School Year Dates Ahead


Dates Ahead

Music Careers Calendar

Lucas Liu

Mathematics Assistance We will again provide regular after-hours Mathematics assistance to any boy who would like additional assistance with their mathematics. A Mathematics teacher will be available every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3.30pm to 4.15pm in W318, in the Wheelton Centre commencing Week 2. The after-school classes provide an opportunity for boys to speak to a Mathematics teacher, not necessarily his own one, about any issues of concern or to have a difficulty cleared up on a one to one basis. These after school classes are not just for those for whom Mathematics is customarily a difficult subject. They are for boys of all levels of ability in Years 9, 10, 11 or 12 to use whenever they would like additional individual assistance. The Middle School also offers morning Mathematics assistance. Lunchtime assistance can also be arranged by students with their teachers. If your son would like assistance with any aspect of his studies, please encourage him to contact his Subject or Form Teacher to facilitate this process.

Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department Camberwell Grammar School have entered into an agreement with Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department, who will provide any student attending Camberwell Grammar School with a 50% discount on their attendance fee, a saving of $250. The offer does not include any further expenses such as X-rays and blood tests. Also, should your son need to be admitted to hospital, he will require private health cover. This offer will cover your son 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Further information is available on the flyer attached to this Bulletin.

Term Dates 2109 Term dates for 2019 have now been finalised and details are given in the box below. I do respectfully ask that all school families take these into account when planning overseas and interstate trips during 2019. Whilst it is unavoidable that, from time to time, some parents do have to ask permission for their sons to leave early at the end of a term or arrive late at the beginning of a new term, it is so much better if students have the minimum absence from school so that they can benefit as fully as possible from the teaching program. TERM 1

Thursday 31 January

Friday 5 April


Tuesday 23 April

Friday 28 June


Tuesday 16 July

Friday 13 September


Monday 7 October

Thursday 12 December


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Labour Day

Monday 11 March

Good Friday

Friday 19 April

Easter Monday

Monday 22 April


Thursday 25 April



Queen’s Birthday

Monday 10 June

Melbourne Cup

Monday 4 November Tuesday 5 November

Welcome Back Welcome to Indra Information Evenings Grammarian Uniforms and Presentation Immunisation Program 2019 Summer Sport Season Captains and Vice Captains Academic Excellence and Scholars of the School University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Scholars Monash Scholars Program Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship Mathematics Assistance Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department Term Dates 2109

Middle School

Start of Year

Friday Afternoons Year 8 Camp Year 8 Outdoor Education Welcome Back Drinks Uniform Requirements in Term 1 Annual Photos Curriculum Information Evening

Junior School

The New School Year Dates Ahead


Dates Ahead

Music Careers Calendar

Paul Hicks, Headmaster

Middle School Start of Year Welcome back to all parents and boys for the 2019 school year. I trust that the holidays provided a good opportunity for some rest and relaxation and that all are fit and healthy as we commence the new year. The William Angliss Building came to life on Thursday, when our Middle School (MS) returned from holidays, including over 130 new boys wearing Camberwell Grammar School’s (CGS) 133 year old school uniform for their first time. Whilst the material and design has changed, the school motto (Spectemur Agendo) and all that it entails will help to shape our boys during their time here. I congratulate all of our new boys on the poise and maturity that they approached the start of their Camberwell Grammar journey. I trust that this is the start of a long and successful association with the School. Our returning boys also made an impressive start and I thank the many boys who have so warmly welcomed new boys and staff to the school. Your acts of kindness go a long way to strengthening our community. Camberwell is a very busy place, with boundless opportunities to share, learn and grow. Those who are feeling a little overwhelmed in the early stages, need to know that they are not alone and time will allow these emotions to settle.

Friday Afternoons This term we are focusing on House Athletics and House Competition Round Robins as part of our Friday afternoon program. Finishing times will vary depending on the activity.

Year 8 Camp

All Year 8 boys will have access to an online form, which includes camp information and parental consent, regarding the Overnight Surf Camp. Next week’s camp provides the boys with a wonderful opportunity to bond with their new classmates and Form Teacher. The beachside locations are idyllic and the activities are always incredibly popular, with the surf lessons a major highlight. It is imperative that these forms are completed online and submitted by Tuesday 5 February.

Year 8 Outdoor Education This program begins for Year 8 in Week 3. Boys will have the opportunity to select two options throughout the year. One in Term 1, the other in Term 3. Given the limited places, not all boys will get their first preferences. Information will be made available on Schoology prior to the selection day next Tuesday at 8.30am in Form Period. • Horse Riding • Indoor Rock Climbing • Off-Road Bike Riding (Basic) • Rowing • Sailing • White Water Kayaking Queries regarding Outdoor Ed or Camps can be directed to Mr Rhys Thomas ret@CGS.vic.edu.au.

Welcome Back Drinks I am hoping to see many of our Middle School parents at our Welcome Back Drinks, which is being held tonight in the Camberwell Room, commencing at 6:30pm. The evening is very relaxed and provides a great opportunity to meet with and speak to other Middle School parents.

Uniform Requirements in Term 1 I spoke to the boys this morning about uniform requirements in Term 1. The blazer is optional, except on special occasions such as next week’s photograph day. All boys are encouraged to wear a cap or hat at recess and lunchtime unless they are playing in the shaded Atrium area. The boys should also wear their caps when they have PE lessons or sport training sessions. Boys now have the option to wear short or long socks available from the Uniform Shop. The boys are permitted wear PE uniform to school if they have PE in the first period of the day. They are able to go home in their sports uniform on days when they have PE classes in the afternoon or sports training after school. Boys must get changed into school uniform at the end of their PE lesson at all other times. Boys can wear runners at lunch for games in the Sports Centre and are permitted to change into PE attire at this time. This is always a popular option if the boys have PE in period 6. We encourage boys to take great pride in the way the school uniform is worn and cared for.

Annual Photos Form and individual portrait photos will be taken on Monday 4 February. Boys will need their blazer on this day. Please refer to the school’s policy regarding neat and tidy haircuts. Page 4



Welcome Back Welcome to Indra Information Evenings Grammarian Uniforms and Presentation Immunisation Program 2019 Summer Sport Season Captains and Vice Captains Academic Excellence and Scholars of the School University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Scholars Monash Scholars Program Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship Mathematics Assistance Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department Term Dates 2109

Middle School

Start of Year

Friday Afternoons Year 8 Camp Year 8 Outdoor Education Welcome Back Drinks Uniform Requirements in Term 1 Annual Photos Curriculum Information Evening

Junior School

The New School Year Dates Ahead


Dates Ahead

Music Careers Calendar

Curriculum Information Evening On Tuesday 12 February, we will be hosting a Middle School Curriculum Information evening, commencing at 7.00pm in the Middleton Theatre. Mr Scott Wyatt, Deputy Head of the Middle School, will speak about our curriculum across the year levels, including information about Schoology, homework, assessment and reporting. Troy Stanley, Head of Middle School

Junior School The New School Year It is great to be back in session and if the enthusiasm of the boys and staff is anything to go by, we are in for a splendid year. I enjoyed the opportunity to greet and meet boys and parents as they made their way into school on the first day and look forward to enjoying the year with you and your sons. I also extend a special welcome to all new boys and their families. It won’t be long before the boys feel settled and have a real sense of belonging at their new school. At the conclusion of our Opening Assembly yesterday the boys lined the footpath leading to the Junior School and greeted the new staff and students with a handshake and a welcome. In the words of the song “Consider Yourself” sung at the Assembly, the boys can “Consider themselves well in”. I look forward to working together to develop the home/school partnership that enables our boys to realize their very best. A key to our success is keeping the channels of communication open. The Weekly Bulletin is sent each Friday by email to all families. The Bulletin is our way of letting you know what has, and what will be happening around our school. Each Junior School class has a web page, accessed through the parent portal, that allows us to share the daily life of the classroom, the boys and their achievements, as well as providing information and resources for parents. Please make a point of visiting the web page regularly. We will also send home notices related to school events and excursions. Your attention to these and prompt return of any reply slips is greatly appreciated. Lost notices related to school events and excursions can also be accessed through the website. The other prime means of communication is the student diary, which is a good means of getting a message to or from school. We ask that it is checked and signed daily. Let’s stay connected as we enjoy this year together. As mentioned at the Welcome Back evening Mrs Emmett, Junior School Librarian currently on long service leave, is moving to the country, and Ms Ariela Nucci, Junior School Art, is keen to return to teaching at the secondary level. Both will leave at the end of term to pursue their aspirations and, while sorry to see them go, we are grateful for all they have brought to our school and wish them every happiness in their next adventure.

Dates Ahead Monday 4 to 6 February Wednesday 6 February Friday 8 February Monday 11 February 11 February Monday Wednesday 13 February 16 February Saturday 20 February Wednesday Thursday 21 February Saturday 23 February Tuesday 26 February Wednesday 27 February Thursday 28 February Wednesday 6 March

Year 5 Camp, Camp Week Away Digital ID photos (All Students, Year 5 ID will be taken 26 February) Assembly, 4B Hosts, Middleton Theatre, 8.50am Friends of Norge Meeting, 8.50am to 9.30am, Development Office Junior Swim Squad Commences, 7.00am to 8.00am Parent/Teacher Interviews Booking Online Year 4 Camp, Anglesea Junior School Swim Squad commences, 3.30pm to 4.30pm Junior School AGSV Swim Trials, Mentone, 9.00am to 11.00am Parent/Teacher Interviews 3.40pm to 9.00pm Parent/Teacher Interviews 3.40pm to 6.00pm Junior AGSV Swim Trials, CGS, 9.00am to 11.00am Numeracy Parent Information Session, 8.30am to 10.00am, Wheelton Building W310, W311 Junior School Photo Day, Including Family Photos Photo Day (including Family Photos and Year 5 ID) Prep-Year 1 Literacy Parent Information Session, 8.30am to 9.30am Year 4 and 5 Parent Cyber Safety Evening, Camberwell Room, 6.45pm to 8.30pm Parent Spelling Information Morning, 8.30am to 9.30am

Howard Kelly, Head of Junior School

Sport Summer Sport Commences This Weekend The school year has begun and the AGSV Summer Sport season recommences immediately this weekend for all students other than the Year 7s. We welcome the Year 7s and other new students to the School and wish them well in their sporting endeavours in the variety of sports on offer.

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The Sport Department like to recognise students who achieve outstanding sporting feats. Please let us know if your son has done so by emailing me at dos@cgs.vic.edu.au.

Welcome Back

Social Media


Welcome to Indra Information Evenings Grammarian Uniforms and Presentation Immunisation Program 2019 Summer Sport Season Captains and Vice Captains Academic Excellence and Scholars of the School University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Scholars Monash Scholars Program Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship Mathematics Assistance Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department Term Dates 2109

Middle School

Start of Year

Friday Afternoons Year 8 Camp Year 8 Outdoor Education Welcome Back Drinks Uniform Requirements in Term 1 Annual Photos Curriculum Information Evening

Junior School

The New School Year

Keep up to date with news and information by following the School Sport’s social media: Instagram, Facebook,Twitter @CamberwellSport and TeamAPP (or download from the App Store). Lachlan Crawford, Director of Sport

Music Welcome Back Happy New Year to all students and the CGS community. We are looking forward to more fantastic Music events and activities in 2019. Our Conductors are busy selecting concert pieces for this year. With the MidYear Concert, September Concert and a myriad of other events to prepare for, it’s going to be a busy and exciting year. Welcome to the incoming Year 7 students, who our Music teachers will meet at choir rehearsal and in Music class very soon! A highlight of Year 7 Music is Class Band, where students have the opportunity to learn a new instrument in small tutorials. Semester 2 culminates in all Year 7 musicians forming a band to perform for teachers and parents. The Term 4 Concert gets bigger every year! Please contact your Instrumental Teacher or the Music Office if you have any questions regarding music lessons, sheet music or instrument hire.

After-School Keyboard Classes There are still a small number of places left in our After-School Keyboard Classes. These are commencing in the Junior School on Wednesday 13 February and will run at the following times: Pre-Prep, 3:15pm to 4:00pm, Prep, 4:00pm to 4:45pm and Years 1 and 2, from 4:45pm to 5:30pm. The classes are being taken by Ms Rachael Martin who has taught with the Yamaha Music Education Centre for 14 years and who is passionate about providing musical education for young children that develops a solid technical foundation in a fun and creative atmosphere. Fees are $22 per class with materials additional each semester (including books, backing tracks, and theory materials). If you would like to secure a place for your son, a deposit of $88 to cover the cost of the first 4 classes is requested. To make a booking, please click here. There is a limit of 8 students per class. Greg Roberts, Head of Keyboard

Dates Ahead

Ben Bishop, Director of Music

Dates Ahead



Music Careers Calendar



Monday 4 to Friday 8 February

VET Classes Commence This Week

Thursday 28 March

CGS Careers Evening

Monday 3 to Friday 7 June

Year 10 Work Experience Week

Tax File Number (TFN) Any student will need a tax file number when starting work and all students undertaking a tertiary education require one. Importantly, students cannot enrol in a CSP (Commonwealth Supported Place) course at university without a Tax File Number, so current Year 12s should get one now. You must apply for a TFN online and have your identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office. To apply and see a list of participating Post Offices, visit TFN Application.

Medicine and Health Course Wizard The Medicine, Nursing and Health Faculty has created a new tool to help students identify which undergraduate course in medicine, nursing and health sciences is right for them. Visit the website at Medicine & Health Course Wizard.

Work Experience Year 10 students are reminded to continue bringing in their work experience forms for processing. If students need help finding a placement, they should drop by Student Services during lunchtimes.

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Welcome Back Welcome to Indra Information Evenings Grammarian Uniforms and Presentation Immunisation Program 2019 Summer Sport Season Captains and Vice Captains Academic Excellence and Scholars of the School University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Scholars

CGS Careers website What if your child cannot find his work experience form? Or perhaps you cannot find an important date or have time to wait for the next careers update? For everything careers related, remember to visit our Camberwell Grammar School Careers website www.camberwellgrammarcareers.com – bookmark it now! Lynette Reiger, Careers Counsellor

Calendar Term , Week 1 Day




4 February

Year 5 Camp Weekaway (4 to 6 February) Digital ID photos (All Students) and Middle School Form Photos Year 12 VCE Students and Parents Information Evening, PAC, 7.00pm Friends of Performing Arts Meeting, Highton, 7.30pm Mr Andrew Fuller Presentation, “How to Set Yourself up for a Great Year” - VCE Students And Parents, PAC, 8.00pm


5 February

CHINESE NEW YEAR Music Scholarship Auditions, Highton, (5 to 7 February) Parents’ Association Committee Meeting, Phillips Room, 8.00pm


6 February

Year 6 and 7 Meet the Form Teacher, WAB, 4.00 to 8.30pm New parents to the Senior School - meet the Tutor/Head of House Evening, WLC/HRM, 7.00pm Year 11 VCE Students and Parents Information Evening, PAC, 7.30pm


7 February

Middle School and Senior School Year Reps and Angels ‘Welcome’ Morning Tea, Development Office, 8.30am Year 8 Surf Camp, Bellarine Peninsula and Surf Coast, (7 to 8 February)


8 February

Friends of Norge Meeting, 8.50am Year 6 and Year 7 Level Assemblies, 2.45pm to 3.20pm Senior School House Music Rehearsal, 2.45pm to 4.00pm AGSV Swim Meet, Mentone, 4.00pm Senior School Parents, ‘Welcome Back’ Function, Camberwell Room, 6.30 to 8.30pm


9 February

AGSV Summer Sport, Round 6 Information Morning, Middle and Senior School with Scholarship Exam, PAC, 8.30am

Monash Scholars Program Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship Mathematics Assistance Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department Term Dates 2109

Middle School

Start of Year

Friday Afternoons Year 8 Camp Year 8 Outdoor Education Welcome Back Drinks Uniform Requirements in Term 1 Annual Photos Curriculum Information Evening

Junior School

The New School Year Dates Ahead


Dates Ahead

Music Careers Calendar

Sport Diary Dates Day




2 February

Round 5 AGSV Summer Sport


9 February

Round 6 AGSV Summer Sport

Support Groups

Page 7

Cafeteria Roster




4 February

Joanna Richards, Sarah Sunderland


5 February

Claire McCuaig, Fiona Lewis


8 February

Sweet Lee Brown, Astrid Toms

PLUS Roster



2 February

Sally Turnbull, Joyce Jiang, Vivian Lathouras


6 February

Sarah Golz, Sarah Sunderland



Welcome Back Welcome to Indra Information Evenings Grammarian Uniforms and Presentation Immunisation Program 2019 Summer Sport Season Captains and Vice Captains Academic Excellence and Scholars of the School University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Scholars Monash Scholars Program Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship Mathematics Assistance Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department Term Dates 2109

Middle School

Start of Year

Friday Afternoons Year 8 Camp Year 8 Outdoor Education Welcome Back Drinks Uniform Requirements in Term 1 Annual Photos Curriculum Information Evening

Junior School

The New School Year Dates Ahead


Dates Ahead

Music Careers Calendar

Year Representatives and CGS Angels Welcome Coffee Morning Thursday 7 February, 8.30am to 9.30am The Headmaster, Dr Paul Hicks and the President of the CGS Parents’ Association, Mrs Cathy Garrard warmly invites all Year Representatives and Angels to the Welcome Coffee Morning in the Camberwell Room of the Sports Centre. RSVP here www.trybooking.com/457087

Middles and Senior School Year Representatives Meeting (following the Welcome Morning Tea) Thursday 7 February, from approximately. 9.30am to 10.30am. Development Office Round Room.

Parents’ Association Meeting Tuesday 5 February, 8.00pm. Phillips Room, Performing Arts Centre.

Senior School Welcome Drinks and Savouries Friday 8 February, 6.30pm to 8.30pm. The Camberwell Room, Sports Centre. RSVP here www.trybooking.com/BAKTR

Friends of Performing Arts General Meeting Monday 11 February, 7.30pm. Highton Music School Box Office Tickets. Please see attached flyer for information on box office tickets.

CGS Auxiliary Annual General Meeting Wednesday 20 February, 9.00am (coffee from 8.30am) Development Office, Round Room. All are invited to attend. Cafeteria Volunteers The Auxiliary is urgently seeking assistance from parents who are available to volunteer 1-2 mornings per term to assist staff in the cafeteria. We ideally like to have two parent volunteers per day. The hours are from 9.30am to 1.00pm. It is a fun way to meet other parents and feel connected to the CGS community. There will be an induction held for new volunteers on Monday 11 February at 8.30am in the CGS cafeteria, however it is not a requirement that you attend this session to be able to volunteer. The volunteer signup link can be found here www.volunteersignup.org/MHFDX.

OCGA Events Wednesday

13 February 2019

OCGA Lawn Bowls against Old Scotch, MCC Bowls Club Hawthorn


15 February 2019

OCGA Golf Challenge 2019, Kew Golf Club (See flyer below)

Diary Dates Year 8 Parents Coffee Before Camp Pickup Date: Friday 8 March Time: 1.30pm till pickup Venue: Town and Country Café and Garden Address: 24 Whitehorse Road, Balwyn Year 8 Parents’/Guardians’ Dinner – Save The Date Date: Saturday 16 March Details to come. Year 10 Parent Function - Save The Date Date: Saturday 16 March Details to come.

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Welcome Back Welcome to Indra Information Evenings Grammarian Uniforms and Presentation Immunisation Program 2019 Summer Sport Season Captains and Vice Captains Academic Excellence and Scholars of the School University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Scholars Monash Scholars Program Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship Mathematics Assistance Cabrini Malvern’s Emergency Department Term Dates 2109

Middle School

Start of Year

Friday Afternoons Year 8 Camp Year 8 Outdoor Education Welcome Back Drinks Uniform Requirements in Term 1 Annual Photos Curriculum Information Evening

Junior School

The New School Year Dates Ahead


Dates Ahead

Music Careers Calendar

Page 9

Links to Flyers •

Friends of Performing Arts Box Office

Parent Education Seminars for CGS Parents For 2019

Cabrini Emergency Department Offer Flyer

Parent Education Seminar

Hamlet Year 11/12 2019 Production

The Impact of Video Games Flyer

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