Spectemur Issue 2 2022

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Looking back to inform the future

School From the Headmaster’s Desk.......................................................... 2 ANZAC Day Dawn Service.............................................................. 4 Embracing the Spirit of Reconciliation.............................................. 6 History of the Houses.................................................................... 8 Green Pages............................................................................... 12 Journey into the Junior School....................................................... 14 From the Experts. . ........................................................................ 16 New Staff Profiles . . ....................................................................... 18 Teaching and Innovation................................................................ 20 News from Around the School.. ...................................................... 22 Year 6 Camp............................................................................... 27 The Inaugural Richard Gill Memorial Concert.................................... 28 Musical Interludes........................................................................ 30 Senior School Production.............................................................. 32 Sport.......................................................................................... 34

Community Alumni News.. .............................................................................. 36 Alumni Profile . . ............................................................................. 38 From the Archives........................................................................ 39 Community Events.. ...................................................................... 40 Obituaries................................................................................... 44 Connect with Us.......................................................................... 45

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


From the Headmaster’s Desk

Time is a slippery thing. It can slow to a crawl when we are bored, and speed by when we are lost in a task. Conceptually we understand that there is a past and a future, but we are trapped in a constant ‘now’. Our bodies are effectively oneway time machines, moving constantly into the future one moment at a time. My Year 7 History students find this quite a mind-expanding idea. We live in a constantly evolving present, moving towards, but never quite getting to a future, and remembering, but never able to return to a past. We exist only in this moment. The present, however, is complicated. We are overloaded with sensory input; there is too much information and too many competing versions of reality. History gives us a guide to our present, it helps us to understand how we got here, and it provides a guide to how others have dealt in the past with the issues we now face. The past is the only place we can look to help us understand our present. Sometimes it can give us a road map, complete with hints and examples, of how to manage difficult issues; at other times it can be a guide for what not to do. Our School has a long history, and it has changed enormously from the small community school established in St John’s Sunday School building by Arthur Bertram Taylor in 1886. Tens of thousands of students have been educated here in those 136 years, by hundreds of teachers. Some of those teachers, such as Ian Mason and John Allen, taught boys for over 50 of those years. We know that the School has had its ups and


downs, and there are some things we regret happened at all, but the vision of the School has always been one of faith in the power and value of education, and the belief that a trained and rational mind is the best tool we have to deal with the vicissitudes of life. Looking back over that history gives us the chance to learn, to admire, to criticise and to applaud, to celebrate and regret. We try to resist the desire to eulogise or glorify, while at the same time recognising that, on the whole, the School has been a powerful force for good. I am reminded of that fact at every past student event I attend, where I have the privilege to learn what has become of our graduates over the decades. I am constantly impressed by their quiet selfpossession and the many and varied ways that they have sought to create value in their world. This edition of Spectemur is backward-looking in its focus and it gives us an opportunity to reflect on how the past lives on in our present, and how what has gone before helps shape us as we are today. We are currently in the very early stages of developing a new Master Plan for our School. We are speaking with a range of people about how education will change in the decades ahead, and how best to prepare for those changes. As we creep slowly into our future we acknowledge the lessons of our past, we seek to learn from them, and be ready for times to come. Dr Paul Hicks Headmaster

“We are currently in the very early stages of developing a new Master Plan for our School. We are speaking with a range of people about how education will change in the decades ahead, and how best to prepare for those changes. As we creep slowly into our future we acknowledge the lessons of our past, we seek to learn from them, and be ready for times to come.”

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


ANZAC Day Dawn Service

On Monday 25 April, Camberwell Grammar families, staff, and members of the community gathered to show their support at our annual ANZAC Day Dawn Service, held in the Wheelton Amphitheatre. Hundreds of guests honoured the memory of Australian soldiers and, in particular, our past students who lost their lives in war. The mood, the lighting, and silence throughout the service were especially moving. Thanks to those who helped make this a memorable Service once more, especially to Ben Radelczyk (Year 10) our Bugler, and Evan Cooke (Year 8) our snare drummer. Thanks also to our Officer Commanding MAJ (AAC) Michael Neal, CUO Hamish Campbell-Cowan (Year 12), CAPT (AAC) Michael Daniel, and the Officers and Cadets of the Camberwell Grammar School Army Cadet Unit.


During the first week of Term 2, we also held a special ANZAC Assembly for the Senior School where our School Historian and Archivist, Dr David Bird, spoke movingly about past students who had fought in the First World War. We particularly remembered past students who had lost their lives while serving our country. Mr Hamish Green read out the names of the fallen Grammarians and as each name was read, a member of our Cadet Unit came forward to stand in silent tribute. It was a poignant reminder of the loss that the School community suffered at the time.

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


Embracing the Spirit of Reconciliation This year, Camberwell Grammar has sought to strengthen its relationship with Indigenous Australians and to embed Indigenous perspectives throughout the curriculum. To that end, a number of new initiatives have been introduced, while existing programs have been developed. The year commenced with Murrundindi, the Ngurungeata of the Wurrundjeri community, offering a Welcome to Country ceremony for Junior and Middle School students. Additionally, he worked with Year 9 History students to bring an Indigenous perspective to their study of the settlement of Port Phillip. During Reconciliation Week, former Indigenous scholar, Alexander Greenaway (2021), addressed both Senior and Middle School students at Assembly on Sorry Day, May 26, to share aspects of his journey as an Indigenous student and now as an emerging artist. He, along with another former Indigenous scholar Luke Tiery (2019), will design a series of posters that


will be displayed around the School to promote an awareness of the significance of acknowledging country. Recognising that it is not only students who need to learn, the motto for Reconciliation Week 2022, Be Brave, Make Change, has informed the working party of staff who continue to develop the School’s Reconciliation Action Plan. This group, along with other interested staff, will attend a program of cultural awareness training with Leon Egan, an experienced Indigenous Education Professional, which will no doubt inspire a range of enriching initiatives for the School community more broadly. Ms Stephanie Bohni Year 8 Form Teacher

Year 8 Indigenous Studies Week In June, Year 8 students undertook a week of Indigenous studies. This program of on and offsite experiences immersed students in Indigenous culture through art, music, history, the natural world, and guest speakers. The week aimed to extend students’ appreciation of what it means to be Australian while fostering a deeper understanding of, and respect for, Australia’s Indigenous people and culture. Many of the activities focused on ensuring that students acquired knowledge of Australia’s history, the injustices that many Indigenous people faced, and their resilience and strength in confronting and overcoming these challenges. They also learnt about the strength and vibrancy of Indigenous culture today, with the opportunity to hear from a range of Indigenous Australians who generously shared their knowledge, their stories, and their perspectives. Throughout, a strong emphasis was placed on reconciliation and strengthening the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples for the benefit of all Australians. Mr Shaun Burke Head of Middle School Operations

“Fostering a deeper understanding of and respect for Australia’s Indigenous people and culture.”

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


History of the Houses Who were the individuals behind the House names and what was their connection to the School? School Historian and Archivist, Dr David Bird, shares some insight into the origins and men behind the Houses. Today, there are eight Houses and, in the Senior School, each House is made up, on average, of 85 boys from Years 9-12. Tutors and respective Heads of House are responsible for the ongoing pastoral care of each student within the House. Outside the classroom, the life of the School community is very largely exercised through this House System. Not only do Houses organise sporting, cultural and charitable activities, such as the much-loved House Music Competition and ubercompetitive House Athletics, but they attempt to achieve the basic ideals of the School, which is the close co-operation between all its members and the care for each individual in their total education.


Headmaster Alfred Hall, ‘the Old Boss’, presided over the introduction of a House system in 1924, with the original four Houses, Cresswell, Macrow, Maxwell, and Browne, and Camberwell Grammar’s pastoral care system has been based around the operation of the House and Tutor system ever since. To the regret of the retired Alfred Hall, the Council of the newly-sited School saw fit in 1935 to rename three of the Houses, replacing Hall’s original titles with those of two Council members and one other associated family (Macneil, Robinson and Summons) who were key members in the transition of the School between 1926-27.

Derham (established in 1924) Derham began its journey as Creswell House. From 1873-1912, Reverend Arthur William Cresswell was the Anglican minister of St John’s, Camberwell (where the School was sited in 1886. Cresswell also taught Scripture, Chemistry and ‘Physiology’ at the School. He had been instrumental in the establishment of Arthur Taylor’s school at his church in 1886 and his three sons were foundation Alumni. However, after the introduction of the Houses, some Alumni pressure led to Derham replacing the name of the late Reverend Cresswell after only a single term. The House was then named after the late Major-General Francis Derham (1901), who attended Camberwell Grammar in its earliest years, and was one of the founders of the OCGA in 1910. He was the most outstanding Grammarian veteran of the Great War, serving at Gallipoli and on the western front. Mr Hall’s personal solicitor and close friend following the war, he served on the Council from 1926-1951. He was a prominent industrial lawyer in Melbourne and frequently addressed boys on Speech Night and on cadet occasions.

“Outside the classroom, the life of the School community is very largely exercised through this House System.”

In 1910, and in cooperation with others, Derham also helped to establish Camberwell Grammar as a Church of England Public School and was connected with the school for over 60 years.

Macneil (established 1924) Macneil was originally established as Macrow House, which stuck until 1935. William Macrow was a past student (1903) serving in the cadets and he received the Old Grammarians Cup for Sport in 1907. A Victorian Sheffield Shield cricketer before the war, he enlisted in the AIF, serving as a Lieutenant in the AIF in Belgium and France, 1916-18, where he was awarded the Military Cross for ‘conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty’. In 1935, the name was changed to Macneil, a tribute to the family who were the owners of Roystead, the original property on which Camberwell Grammar now stands. The property was purchased at auction in 1934 for £12,500 and the Macneil family assisted with a gift of £750.

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


Robinson (established 1924)

Summons (established 1924)

Known as Maxwell House prior to 1935, George Maxwell MHR was a patron of the School and a prominent Melbourne lawyer. He had also taught at Melbourne private schools. He chaired Camberwell Grammar Speech Nights for over twenty-five years, frequently addressing the boys, and was a close friend of Alfred Hall.

Before 1935, Summons was originally Browne House. The solicitor Walter Browne was a member of a prominent Camberwell family. Browne donated many prizes to the School and there were important links between the Browne and Hall families stretching back decades – Grammarians were even allowed access to the tennis courts of the family’s Camberwell estate, ‘The Hollies’. Browne was also the godfather of Alfred Hall’s only son Ingle and assisted his close friend in the acquisition of new sites further up Burke Road in the direction of Canterbury on Burke Hill as the School bid farewell to the Junction in 1908.

In 1935, the name was changed to Robinson House after Mr J.G. Robinson, who was the first Secretary of the School Council from 1927 and remained a member of the Council as a representative of St. Mark’s Vestry until his death in 1962. Mr J.G. Robinson was actively associated with Camberwell Grammar School for over 40 years. He was instrumental in the acquisition of the Mont Albert Road property and in the appointment of subsequent Headmasters.

Post name-change, the House became Summons after the late Dr Walter Summons, a long-standing member of the Council and the personal physician of William Angliss. He was instrumental in lobbying Angliss on many occasions to extend loans to the School, including at the time of the acquisition of Roystead.

Bridgland (established 1972) Bridgland House was chosen in recognition of Mr Lionel Bridgland, a Councillor for almost thirty years, mostly on the Finance and Executive committees. He was inducted as a Life Governor in 1960 and was associated with the Outward Bound Movement and instrumental in the acquisition of the Bambara property, 1962-63, intended to operate as a school bush camp. He was also closely associated with the School raising sufficient finance for much of its post-war expansion. 10

Schofield (established 1972)

Clifford (established 1986)

Schofield commemorates the name of Archdeacon James Schofield, who, as Vicar of St. Mark’s, became ex officio Chairman of the School Council when the School was incorporated as a non-profit making company limited by guarantee. It may be said that the existence of the modern-day Camberwell Grammar School is largely due to Archdeacon Schofield’s energy and initiative.

Mr Bruce Clifford, a past Grammarian and Life Governor of the school, attended Camberwell Grammar School from 1927 to 1937, and has had three sons also pass through the School. He joined the School Council in 1964, and became Treasurer in 1968, a position he held until 1985. A Commerce graduate from the University of Melbourne, he was for many years Company Secretary of Associated Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd. During his seventeen years as Treasurer, Mr Clifford was actively involved in the School’s continuing expansion, particularly in the purchase of the adjoining properties of Kingussie, Walsh Street and Norge. It is a tribute to his calm direction that one of the two new Houses was named after him.

An Oxford graduate, he was formerly a Professor of Sanskrit and English at a college associated with the University of Madras, India. His wife, a Victorian, found the Indian climate stressful, so the couple moved to Melbourne during the war, intending to return to England after the end of hostilities. However, they stayed on, Schofield soon lecturing in Theology at the University of Melbourne and becoming the vicar at St. Mark’s in 1921. Having presided over the foundation of Camberwell Girls’ Grammar in 1920, he was instrumental in the transition of Camberwell Grammar to a church school in 1926. He was the first chairman of the Council but declined the offer of the inaugural headship of ‘Camberwell Church of England Grammar School’. Schofield, now an Archdeacon, resigned from the Council in December 1938 and left the parish of St. Mark’s for the vicarage of All Saints’, East St Kilda. As the vicar of St Mark’s he had been the inaugural Chaplain of Camberwell Grammar, playing a seminal part in the development and administration of the School, often behind the scenes.

Steven (established 1986) Mr John Steven has also had three sons through the School. A Civil Engineer and Town Planning Consultant, Mr Steven first became a member of the School Council as a representative of the Parents’ Association in 1974, was a member of the Executive Finance Committee, and served as Deputy Chairman from 1987 to 1994. He played a major role in the creation of the Shenley Ground and the development of the Junior School on the Norge site. Steven House will be a constant reminder of his services to the School.

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


Green Pages

Resource Smart Schools Workshop In May, Camberwell Grammar was pleased to host the Term 2 ResourceSmart Schools workshop. ResourceSmart Schools is a free program offered by Sustainability Victoria that supports Victorian schools to embed sustainability across the school facilities, community and curriculum, while saving resources and money for the school.

establishing the School’s carbon emission baseline, before working out the most efficient avenues to cut our footprint as deeply as possible. Our findings and future projects will, of course, be the subject of future updates – we can’t wait to share the journey with you! Mr Will Hone Sustainability Coordinator

Our Sustainability Cooridnator, Mr Will Hone, spoke to the visiting group comprised of teachers from a range of schools in our area about the many initiatives and projects happening around the School and how Sustainability has become a core pillar within the School’s structure and values. Mr Hone and Ms Katrina Massey then helped show them around the School, finishing off at the wonderful kitchen vegetable gardens outside Kingussie.

Carbon Credits Explained As you may well be aware, Camberwell Grammar will be Carbon Zero by 2030. Obviously, this does not mean we will not produce any emissions at all – landfill, for example is our most significant greenhouse gas vector, our pool is heated by gas and we need to take buses to and from sports and camps. We clearly cannot simply stop these things from happening, and so need to buy carbon credits to cover such unavoidable emissions. Sold on an international market, carbon credits represent an opportunity to essentially take from the atmosphere what we put in. There are two basic forms of carbon credits – one pays a landowner to capture carbon through, for example, trees (which are the very image of carbon dioxide taken from the air and made into wood). Another avenue to cut atmospheric carbon dioxide is to avoid these emissions from entering the atmosphere in the first place – for example, providing people with efficient stoves so they do not need to burn wood to cook food. Being a market means there is a vast array of options, with certificates generated from Arnhem Land to Africa, from the mountains to the seas and many places in between. Assessing which types of certificates best suit our school will, eventually, be one of the (many) jobs we will share with our consultants at CERES. In the meantime, we are auditing operational data and 12

Year 6 Sustainability Week Sustainability Week was an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the diverse environment they live in and, at the same time, appreciate the impact they have on it. The many elements over the week were once again a wonderful learning experience for the Year 6 students. Activities and experiences included a trip to Melbourne Zoo, an engaging walk in the natural elements at the Dandenong Ranges 1000 Steps, viewing the natural world from a different perspective at The Mighty Micro Monsters in 3D at Imax, and a walk in the Botanical Gardens to understand how it all fits together. Students also constructed Bee Hotels and learnt how imperative the humble bee is to our plant life. They concluded the week by debating a range of topics on sustainability from vegetarianism, electric cars, and animal rights to genetically modified food. For many students, it was the first time they were involved in an official running of a debate. Mr Dominic McLaughlin and Mr Nathan Jones Year 6 Form Teachers

Use this handy infographic to see if your shoes match the Tread Lightly Criteria.

The Shoe Drive We all know know how quickly kids either grow out or wear out their shoes. They either get handed down or thrown in the rubbish – adding to the hundreds of millions of shoes that end up in landfill each year. Not just landfill – our oceans too, with a shocking 110 million shoes washing up on Australian beaches every year. Yet only 1% of shoes are recycled. The components which make up sports shoes often take over 1000 years to decompose, having a tremendous impact on the wellbeing and health of our environment.

The Biodiversity Audit The first phase of our Carbon Zero plan is discovery – where we audit every aspect of the School’s operations in order to develop a reliable understanding of our carbon footprint. As a part of this process, we conducted a Biodiversity Audit of the campus where 15 students observed and noted plant and animal habitats around the School, collecting extremely valuable data to aid our progress towards a climate positive future. Findings from the day show that areas which abound with native flora led to an increase in animal diversity.

It means it’s time to take action! Tread Lightly is a national recycling initiative that recycles unwanted sport and active lifestyle shoes and gives them new life as useful products. Camberwell Grammar is working with them to collect as many shoes as we can in our community and do our part to prevent the dangers fast foot fashion has on our environment. We are calling on all parents, teachers and students of our community to make their own positive impact on the environment by simply bringing in their old shoes. The donated shoes will be broken down and recycled into everyday items, such as room flooring, anti-fatigue mats, playgrounds, and gyms all around Australia – a much better purpose than floating around the ocean. So, how can you help? Easy! Bring in your shabby old shoes to the Towards2050 collection point on Open Day, 8 October! Harrison Haintz Prefect for Sustainability Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


Journey into the Junior School For many past and present students at Camberwell Grammar, their journey here began in the nurturing environs of the early years’ programs of the Pre-Prep and Prep classes. In 1908, when Camberwell Grammar first moved to the Burke Hill site, the School established a Preparatory School for its youngest students, known as ‘the Tinies’, in the School residence. Demand for schooling in the early years continued to grow and, according to School Historian and Archivist, Dr David Bird, once the School moved to Mont Albert Road, a Preparatory School building was constructed at the front of the property in 1936 which began to take on students under the age of six. By 1944, then Headmaster Henry Tonkin insisted to the Council with some urgency that extra accommodation was needed on-site, particularly a Kindergarten room as space to accommodate the younger students was becoming a


concerning issue, with the School forced to utilise a ‘playroom’ in neighbouring Kingussie and another room at Frognall, a RAAF station, in Mont Albert Road. With the arrival of Headmaster Michael Searle in 1950, an arrangement was struck with the St Barnabas Anglican Church in Balwyn Road to accommodate a new Camberwell Grammar Kindergarten off-site, firstly in the Church Hall and then in a separate classroom from 1952. The youngest members of the School remained off-site until 1961 and a new wing for the expanding Preparatory School was constructed at Mont Albert Road. This new wing included facilities for the Kinders, or now Prep class, who were finally


moved on-site from Balwyn Road. With the creation of Norge Junior School in 1984, the Prep class was finally suitably accommodated as an indispensable component of this section of the School. Fast-track a decade later, and in 1994 the four-year-old PrePreparatory Centre was opened in Norge, with teachers Kaye McDougall and Kim Kishazi leading the class. The learning program in the Pre-Preparatory Centre is broad and balanced, combining a rich play experience with a range of guided learning activities that encourage the boys to develop at their own pace, adding another integral year level to the educational development of students entering Camberwell Grammar’s Junior School. From our youngest in Pre-Prep, we encourage each and every student to embark on a lifelong learning journey and seek to foster this love of learning through knowing and nurturing them, from the critical and formative years in Norge through to their final Year 12.

“Through their inquiry and their play, the boys learn those vital finding out skills as well as learning how to live and work together. For the boys and their families, a mighty journey has begun!”

‘From the time our youngest boys romp into Pre-Prep on that first day they are urged to explore their expanding world, to ask questions, and solve problems together. These are indeed ‘the wonder years’: “I wonder what would happen if…”, “I wonder why…”. Through their inquiry and their play, the boys learn those vital finding out skills as well as learning how to live and work together. For the boys and their families, a mighty journey has begun!’ says Mr Howard Kelly, Head of Junior School.

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


From the Experts Camberwell Grammar past student and Head of Impact at The Man Cave, Matt Defina (2009) discusses how outdated views of masculinity are no longer serving younger generations of men and women, and how ‘Rites of Passage’ can play a positive role in the lives of maturing boys as they transition into adulthood.

Challenging the historical lens of masculinity My time at Camberwell Grammar as a student was incredible, but it was by no means perfect or easy. I fondly remember the cold morning hockey trainings on the JTO with Mr Webster, the quirky art classes with Ms Kelly, and the ever-insightful literature classes with Mr Allan. There are plenty of students that had it much tougher than I did at school, but one thing I think was consistent for everyone was this need to wear a ‘mask’ to school every day. This mask of masculinity has been a persistent feature of masculinity in the last 100+ years and is not unique to Camberwell Grammar.

REDEFINING GENDER ROLES The theme of ‘looking back to inform the future’ is very relevant when it comes to understanding masculinity and ill-mental health across all generations and genders. The current generation has inherited a model of masculinity that is reminiscent of what was required during wartimes, but it is now outdated and no longer serving us. Just 10, 20, 30, 50, 100 years ago, it was clear that a man needed to get a paycheck and provide for his family. It was clear that a woman needed to find a man, get married, and have children. But as we’ve evolved, we’ve recognised these rigid gender roles don’t serve us, and especially don’t serve women. The impact of this outdated model is clear. Suicide is the biggest killer of young men in Australia and one woman dies every week at the hands of her intimate partner (who is 95% of the time a man). If we don’t do something, these statistics will continue or get worse. HOW DO WE SOLVE THIS? We need to get upstream and prevent young men internalising the belief systems and attitudes of a traditional model of masculinity (such as wearing a mask) which leads to worse mental health outcomes, relationships, level of violence, and life outcomes. The future is not about making masculinity wrong, but about expanding it and allowing boys and men to embrace more of their humanity.

THE CURRENT CHALLENGE It’s a confusing and challenging time to identify as a man. There are a lot of mixed messages: Be a man… be strong, be tough, don’t show emotion, have lots of sex, hustle every day. Be a man… open up, talk about your feelings, it’s okay to cry, reach out for help. Boys and men every day are receiving these contrasting messages, leaving them in the middle trying to work out which one is actually right.


REINTRODUCING RITES OF PASSAGE To do this, we need to reintroduce Rites of Passage (ROP) into our communities. Young men need challenges during their teenage years, held safely by their elders, in which they can meet their edge and learn more about who they truly are. Our programs at The Man Cave are built on this model and designed to give young men the skills and tools to reach their full potential, build healthy relationships, and contribute to their communities. You can also use this model to bring more meaning into the lives of the young men you’re connected to. We grow when we’re uncomfortable.

‘Boys that are not initiated into adulthood, will burn down the village to feel the heat.’ African Proverb WHAT IS A RITE OF PASSAGE (ROP)?


A ROP is a process in which the individual transforms into a new identity. It consists of three key stages and must all be held by the elders, who are like the cocoon supporting the caterpillar to become the butterfly:

If your son has or is going through the ROP that is The Man Cave, you can support him by asking him questions, sharing wisdom through stories, creating time for quality connection and acknowledging his unique gifts and strengths. But don’t be attached to his response, he may not react how you expect or want him to. Trust that he is listening and knowing you’re there to support him is the best way you can can be there for him.

1. Separation: this involves separating boys from their usual physical and emotional environment (e.g. a camping trip, a holiday house without tech). 2. Transformation (made up of 4 stages): a. Story: boys hear stories from their elders about what life was like when they were a teenager, the challenges they had to navigate, and their success stories. b. Challenge: boys now go through a challenge of their own (e.g. camping in the bush by themselves, trekking a marathon, climbing a mountain). c. Vision: now they’ve overcome the challenge, it’s time to create a vision for their future, what kind of man do they want to be in 5-7 years? d. Honouring: it’s now time for the elders holding the process to openly acknowledge the young man’s unique gifts and strengths. Young men are longing to discover and be seen for their unique attributes, not their achievements. Reintegration: having been through their challenge, the young man is acknowledged for having overcome his challenge. It’s now important for his community and family to grow with him and to be open to any new ideas, beliefs, or goals he has for his life.

For further information on The Man Cave and its objectives, visit themancave.life Further Resources Read The Man Box study, Jesuit Social Services jss.org.au/what-we-do/the-mens-project/the-man-box/ Read The Making of Men by Dr Arne Rubinstein. Watch the documentary The Mask Your Live (available on certain streaming services, including Amazon Prime). Watch Sex Education on Netflix (to reconnect with what High School was really like). Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


New Staff Profiles

At the start of the year, we welcomed Mr Alex St Vincent Welch as our New Head of Junior School Music, and Janine de Paiva as our new School Chaplain. Here we learn a bit more about them.

Welcome to Alex St Vincent Welch Head of Junior School Music The root of the word ‘educate’ comes from the Latin root, educare; ‘to lead out’. Whilst politicians suggest we need to stuff more in, I’m aspirational that our role as teachers is to ‘lead out’ of a learner their innate skills, interests, and their full potential. As a music teacher, my passion is to make our students more musical, music being already so intrinsic to who we are as human beings. At Camberwell Grammar, it feels like we have so much scope from Pre-Prep to Year 12 to find and lead out the boys’ musicality. I grew up in country NSW and Queensland, and whilst my parents aren’t musical, they instilled in all of us a love of music and the rigour and discipline required to achieve anything. I was convinced to play the Oboe at university, but you’ll find me happiest tinkling the ivories, composing and playing. I taught in Brisbane before moving to Canada to enjoy the -30ºC winters and verdant summers. I studied conducting at the University of Toronto and then moved to London to teach at a school where their school choir sang on film soundtracks, like The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. I’ve been back in Melbourne for 5 years now and am thrilled to be back teaching boys. They make me work really hard. I’m deeply passionate that every child should have access to a rigorous and joyful Music Education. There is surprising neuroscientific research about how transformative music is for


the developing brain – one researcher having described it as ‘food’ for the brain. Music is this remarkable human tradition that connects us beyond language and can transform how the brain works at a cellular level. And here we are thinking that all I do is roll around on the ground singing songs and listening to Bach with Year 3! I’m currently studying Educational Neuroscience at the University of Melbourne, and I believe that the course is really informing how we should be designing our curricula for the 21st century and thinking deeply about what our boys need in and out of the classroom. What struck me before I even began in the classroom is the enduring commitment so many people have made to the School. Having taught at some very old schools in Canada and the UK, Camberwell Grammar is young by comparison. However, there seem to be some wonderful traditions that are being preserved and celebrated, particularly those that are musical. Whilst my big thinking starts with ‘how could I, in my tiny microcosm, contribute to the rich history of this school’, every day I’m looking forward to simple things like just being in class and connecting through music. I’m looking forward to nurturing those things from the past that the last two years have dampened, like performances and massed singing. Part of teaching boys is guiding and ‘leading out’ that boundless energy, and I can’t wait to get stuck into trying some wild and creative things.

Welcome to Janine de Paiva School Chaplain I have been overwhelmed with the warm welcome to Camberwell Grammar that I have received and already feel very much at home. It was initially a daunting move for me to leave a community I had belonged to for over 30 years, but I am excited about the possibilities and opportunities that await me here. Camberwell Grammar has a very strong reputation within the community so I arrived with very high expectations, and I have certainly not been disappointed!

the sky! Especially sunrises and sunsets. I’ve often been known to shout to anyone who will listen – ‘will you look at that sky?!’

I started my work life as a primary school teacher which I loved but truly found my vocation in 1997 when, along with my husband and six-month-old baby, I moved to MLC Marshmead as Chaplain. It was this opportunity to combine my teaching skills with my passion for sharing the good news of Jesus with others that cemented my direction and focus. It was also in this setting where my family lived within a community that ignited our desire to be a part of intentional communities where members worked together to bring out the best in each other in a spirit of mutual support.

I really believe that Religious Education should be about ‘What can I learn about religion that will make me a better member of the communities to which I belong?’ In other words, for me it is about how can the teachings of Jesus enable me to care about others and make this world a fairer, kinder place. Religious Education should be about empathy, respect, and hope.

My happy place is the beach! It is a location that each member of my family relishes, so it keeps us together as a unit there. There is something about the rhythm and majesty of the ocean that reminds me of the awesomeness of God’s creation. I love

I am married to Chris who is a social worker with a huge heart for working with people who live on the margins. He currently works with people experiencing homelessness in our state. I have two grown-up children – a son who is a secondary PE teacher and a daughter who is a nurse. And we have a very silly but lovable cocker spaniel! As a family, we love the beach, sport, entertaining, and music. I love the fact that my two children still sit around the dinner table most nights with us as we discuss the events of the day and issues we are similarly passionate about.

One of my life’s mottos is ‘Know Jesus and Make Jesus Known.’ With that in mind, I am looking forward to working with the School community to enhance the spiritual life of the School, to provide another resource for Pastoral Care, and to do my part to ensure that each person has the opportunity to truly flourish.

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


Teaching and Innovation The Xipell Collection Our Head of Art, Mr David Williamson, gives us an overview of a beautiful collection of Australian Art, the ‘Xipell Collection’ which has been left to the School by past student Jos Xipell (1949), who passed away earlier this year. The historically significant collection of Australian Art will be housed in ‘Dorset’. I first had the opportunity to meet Jos in his home about 8 years ago. I was immediately struck by his willingness to share his collection and to talk about his lifetime collecting Australian art. His house was full of art, and his love for his wife, family, and horse racing was evident through the many photographs which filled his home. Art books were prominent on every bookshelf and table, usually open at a page or with a sticky note hanging out to remind him of an artwork or for reading at another time. Every wall was filled salon style with the works he had collected. He talked with great fondness of certain works and recounted stories of conversations he had with particular artists and how he acquired this piece or that. He was passionate, and I was overwhelmed. I remember him saying that some of the works in the collection might not be the artist’s best, but they were ‘what he could afford’.

Jos’ passion for art was ignited by his art teacher, Ian Bow, at Camberwell Grammar in the 1940s. Jos said that Bow influenced the students to seek out original subjects for themselves regardless of theme, from the local scene to social issues. In December 1960 Jos saw the collection of the late W.R Seddon offered for sale by Joel’s Auction House. Jos later wrote that that experience planted the seed of forming a collection of his own. Jos said that to embark on collecting works of art was like setting out on an adventure, not knowing where it would take you. It was an addiction – pleasurable and full of wayward tracks, frequently frustrating, and sometimes triumphal. The choice of the collector is always affected by what is available and how wide the embrace could be.

NOLAN, Sidney Robert (1917–1992) Australia, Quilting the Armour (Ned Kelly Series), 1970–71

TJAPALTJARRI, Clifford Possum (1932–2002) Australia (Indigenous), Sugar Ant Dreaming


ANGAS, George French (1822–1886) Britain/Australia, Interior of Mount Gambia, c. 1844

“It is hoped that this collection will now stimulate curiosity and fuel passion about art and, in particular, Australian art”

‘The Xipell Collection’ includes works by Indigenous artists such as Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri, distinguished female artists such as Grace Cossington Smith, Australian Impressionist works, and serves as a broad survey of Australian painting up to the 1950s. Jos noted ‘the collector is mirrored by the collection which in turn is shaped by opportunity’ and that the collector, unlike a public gallery, can be idiosyncratic – stimulated by curiosity and fuelled by passion.

to generate works that reflect their time and their ideas. The diversity of works, styles and techniques across a broad range of media in the collection will also inspire students in their own art-making and give them the opportunity to use the works as starting points for their own art practice. But the collection will not only be used by art students, as the works themselves reflect history and are a visual snapshot of the past which History and English students will also find fascinating.

It is hoped that this collection will now stimulate curiosity and fuel passion about art and, in particular, Australian art and collecting in our current students. They will use the collection to identify the influences of time and place and the cultural and political settings in which, and the purpose for which, the artwork was made. The collection is a glimpse into the past, telling stories of life, of Australian identity and belonging. It provides cultural comparisons and, viewed through a contemporary lens, students will be able to see that current themes and ideas evolve, as does culture itself. The collection will inspire students through personal and cultural reflection

This collection will be a nucleus for student learning in the Arts and gives our students the chance to see the work of well-known artists on the actual canvas – not just in reproductions in books or the internet. There is something to be said about standing in front of an artwork – being able to see the brush strokes, the depth of colour, and all the technical nuances of the work.

ARMSTRONG, Ian Morton (1923–2005) Australia, Barkers Road, 1977

PAREROULTJA, Otto (1914–1973) Australia (Indigenous), Central Australian Landscape

DE MAISTRE, LeRoy (Roy) Leveson Laurent Joseph, Courtyard by Night, c. 1936

LINDSAY, Lionel Arthur, Repos

We are proud to have been entrusted with this significant collection of work – the result of the passion of many artists, and of one collector. Mr David Williamson Head of Art

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


News from Around the School

In early April, Senior School Cadets spent quality time at the Cadet Bivouac at Puckapunyal. The camp introduces the Cadets to bush camping and provides them with an opportunity to put their skills into action in a practical environment. Well done to all involved on a successful event.

Congratulations to Julian Lim (Year 10) who recently represented Australia in the Junior and Cadet Fencing World Championships in Dubai. Julian has also been selected to represent Australia in the Senior World Championships in July in Cairo and the Commonwealth Championships for Cadet, Junior and Senior categories in August in London.

2022 Gladwyn Cup The Gladwyn Cup in Term 2 sees students assume the role of ambassadors to the United Nations Security Council, observing the protocol of the institution and emulating its process for considering resolutions. Delegates are presented with three proposed resolutions on international issues and can amend them, debate them, and rally the chamber’s opinion for or against them to further their country’s goals. After five hours of solid debate, negotiation, and diplomacy, France emerged victorious due to the consistency of their skills across the three resolutions presented. Congratulations to Kerry Sun (Year 12) and Ishaan Nandurkar (Year 12).


Junior School Leadership Congratulations to the students elected to the Junior School Leadership Executive. This leadership team will work together to promote and lead the Junior School in fundraising for community organisations and implement school-wide programs to promote the School’s values, friendships, House spirit, and sustainability.

Congratulations to CDTCPLs Aren Dosser (Year 11) and Lucas Chan (Year 11) who attended the Adventure Training Award (ATA) camp run by the Australian Army Cadets in the April holidays. Both successfully completed and were awarded the ATA, the highest award a cadet can receive.

Congratulations to our brilliant musicians Howard Zhou (Violin), Charles Campbell-Cowan (Flute), Freddy Branson (Flute), Tiger Diao (Saxophone) and Lachlan Wong (Oboe) who were awarded their AMEB Diplomas in Term 2. Joshua Hui (Cello) was awarded his Diploma in absentia.

Year 8 Outdoor Education Program A highlight in the Middle School calendar, this program allows students to participate in two different outdoor activities during the year, getting them out into the fresh air where they can learn new skills, and perhaps even find a new hobby! Activities include rock climbing, horse riding, white water kayaking, sailing, mountain biking, rowing, and sea kayaking.

With our commitment to prepare our students for life beyond school, and with our location in one of the country’s most high-profile seats in the Federal Election, Camberwell Grammar students had the opportunity to hear from two key candidates who ran for Kooyong. We were pleased that Senior School students initiated these events. On successive Fridays, The Hon Josh Frydenberg and Dr Monique Ryan spoke to the students about the importance of young people engaging in the democratic process, and invited students to ask questions about the issues important to them. It was wonderful to see our students so thoughtfully engaged in the political process and with the confidence to share their views with these candidates.

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


Esther Toh, a Camberwell Grammar classroom music and Double Bass teacher, was invited to play the double bass as part of the ensemble performing The Prayer with Anthony Callea at cricket legend Shane Warne’s Memorial Service held at the MCG in March. This esteemed privilege highlights the caliber of music teachers our students are fortunate to have here at Camberwell Grammar. Image credit: Channel 9 TV

Wild Action Zoo

Junior School Cross Country

Just how soft is a sugar glider? And what do tree goannas like to eat? Ask one of our Prep students and they will be able to tell you! Prep students had a wild encounter with Wild Action Zoo, which brought in an array of Australian animals for the students to experience.

In May, Years 4 to 5 competed in the Junior School House Cross Country event. All students participated with great enthusiasm and determination, running either 2 or 5kms.

Highlights included meeting the four-month-old and critically endangered woylie or brush-tailed bettong, the young Frogmouth, Popcorn, and the very, very large black-headed python!

Summons was the overall winner, closely followed by Schofield. Congratulations to the students who achieved 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for each year level, and to Samuel Cai (Year 4) who won the House Cross Country for the second year in a row!

Junior School Artist in Residence Program with Happy-Decay In Term 2, the Junior School students were involved in the colourful and collaborative Artist in Residence program with street artist, Happy-Decay. Artist Bjarni worked with the students to brainstorm and incorporate the Junior School’s growth mindset and School Values into a mural to decorate part of the playground. Students drew on things that were important to them, such as their Yeti mascot. Each student then had the opportunity to paint a section of the wall and watch the whole process of design right through to the refinement of the mural. The mural is a visual connection of our School Values: a place where boys are creative, are encouraged to be expressive, to have fun learning and, of course, it makes the Junior School grounds a very colourful space to play!


Thirty students from Years 4 to 6 competed in the annual South Yarra District Schools Cross Country Championships. Camberwell Grammar competed well across all age groups, showing great stamina and determination, and finished 5th overall. Congratulations to all the students who participated, and especially to Thomas Robertson-Brown (Year 6) and Noah Atkin (Year 4) who progressed through to the Beachside Division Cross Country event.

BODi Day Year 7 students participated in the annual BODi (By Our Deeds Inquiry) Day. The theme was ‘Overall Health and Wellbeing’. Students participated in fun activities that enhance health and wellbeing, including fitness/gym, running, yoga, pilates, nutrition, and sleep workshops. Students also watched a performance by award-winning theatre company Brainstorm Productions. Their show The Hurting Game is a live theatre experience that addresses issues of perfectionism, anxiety, peer pressure, and digital citizenship.

Congratulations to Taran Rose (Year 11) who recently competed in the 2022 Australian Senior League State Baseball Championships in Geelong.

During the April holidays, James Kerferd (Year 11) participated in the Australian Youth Orchestra’s National Music Camp.

Taran’s Eastern Athletics team secured the National 2022 Senior League State Championships title and will now represent Australia at the 2022 Senior League Baseball World Series in South Carolina, USA, in July.

This fabulous opportunity saw him perform Rachmaninoff’s Symphonic Dances with the Alexander Orchestra. However, the highlight for him was playing Strauss in the Doghouse in a Double Bass Quartet!

The David Williams Gallery Art Exhibitions Term 2 saw two exhibitions held in the School’s David Williams Art Gallery.

Year 11 Exhibition showcasing the amazing work from last year’s Year 11 Art students, created in difficult circumstances during lockdown.

Year 8 Emerging Artists Exhibition showcasing the artistic talents of our Year 8 students, from ceramic lighthouse sculptures and drawings, to the plight of polar bears articulated through their landscape and clay.

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


Community Connections IDAHOBIT and Respect Week On 17 May, our Senior School students supported International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), which celebrates LGBTQIA+ people worldwide and raises awareness for the work still needed to combat discrimination. Students held a delicious bake sale at lunchtime, where a variety of sweet treats, badges, pens, and more were on sale to support the LGBTQIA+ community. During Respect Week in May, students and staff were also involved in self-improvement and self-awareness training and activities around the theme of Respect. The program focused on helping students become more successful in life by establishing positive relationships, influencing positive growth in and out of the School, developing a positive mindset, and, ultimately, helping us all live by the School’s values and apply them to daily living. Senior School students also heard from past student Rob Vienet (2012), an Associate at Allens Law firm, who spoke on the topic of Respect at Assembly.

National Volunteer Week In May, we celebrated National Volunteer Week and all our parents who participate and assist in the day-to-day life of the School. We are very fortunate to have a wonderful school community here at Camberwell Grammar, made even more special by the important roles parents play and the volunteer work they do throughout the School. Whether in the form of parent helpers, class representatives, the various Friends of Groups, cafeteria volunteers, and those who look after the Pre-Loved Uniform Shop, parents play a vital role within our School and we are so appreciative of the time, effort, and support that goes into these undertakings. Thank you for being the sausage sizzle starters, the pudding mixers, the event organisers, uniform sorters, packers, makers, and all-around doers!

‘Courage to Care’ Education Breakfast Panel At the end of May, Ashton Semczyszyn (Year 8), supported by Noah Smith (Year 8), attended the ‘Courage to Care’ Education Breakfast Panel at the Ark Centre in Hawthorn East. A range of experts and academics talked about the importance of ‘Taking Upstander Action’. Holocaust Survivor Speaker Dr George Deutsch spoke, and Upstander Program graduate Ashton was interviewed, sharing his views on the importance of students learning about historical events, where upstander behaviour prevailed. Both students enjoyed talking with guests and were excellent ambassadors for the School. 26

Year 6 Camp

Year 6 Camp: Manyung I was slowly wound up higher, and higher. I was petrified of heights. The wind blew in my face, rocking me as I hung there. ‘3 . . .2 . . .1!’ counted my peers, what seemed like hundreds of meters below me. I yanked the string holding me in place. For a split second I just floated there, I thought something might have gone wrong. Then, with a sudden drop, I felt like my lungs were in my mouth. The wind blistered against my frozen cheeks. Down I went. I was flying over the ocean and just when I thought I would be flung out, lost somewhere in Port Phillip Bay, the swing pulled me back in. I am so glad that I overcame my fear of heights. That was one of the best activities, The Giant Swing.

Later, we had the most delicious food. It was tender, juicy, and even crunchy. All of the meals were different and fit for kings. Our time at Camp Manyung involved bike riding, archery, crate climbing, leadership challenges, tree-top zip-lining, and a gnarly flying Fox through the trees. The staff comforted us when we were scared and even had a go themselves. We all made new friends and had the most amazing time. Maxwell Cai, Tom Robertson-Brown and Arjun Chaal (Year 6J)

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


The Inaugural Richard Gill Memorial Concert Over a weekend in early April, Camberwell Grammar hosted the Inaugural Richard Gill Festival of Strings. Advanced string players from Camberwell Grammar, Presbyterian Ladies’ College, Scotch College, and Melbourne Girls Grammar gathered on the Friday night, all day Saturday and Sunday morning, with the festival culminating in a Concert on Sunday afternoon. The 107 students worked with celebrated conductor Graham Abbott on a special arrangement of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. In the first half, each School individually performed a short work of string orchestra. Each student sat with a desk partner from another school, so it was a fun way to discover the common struggles all string players have. It was also a joy to work with infinite detail on a much-loved masterwork. Maestro Abbott revealed so much background about the life of an Orchestral musician, Beethoven’s world, the art of performance, the discipline of artistic expression, and the balance of colour. 28

At the performance, Richard Gill’s widow, Maureen Gill, and Ben Bishop gave moving speeches about Richard Gill’s commitment to music education in Australia. The 107-piece string orchestra was sensitively led by Camberwell Grammar student Mathieu Ly (Year 12), who performed his violin solo with his characteristically warm sound. Maestro Abbott said ‘the result was astonishing and I loved working with the students in the lead-up to this afternoon’s performance. The event was made all the more powerful by the presence of Maureen Gill, Richard’s wife, who spoke beautifully to the audience of Richard’s life and work.’ Ms Rachel Atkinson Head of Music Academy

“The 107-piece string orchestra was sensitively led by Camberwell Grammar student Mathieu Ly (Year 12), who performed his violin solo with his characteristically warm sound.”

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


Musical Interludes It has been wonderful to see our musicians across the School return to the stage for performances during Term 2.

Chamber Concert In May, Senior School musicians delighted at the Chamber Concert. The evening included performances by the energetic Drumline and the Senior School Symphonic Winds rendition of the theme song from The Incredibles, as well as the Senior School Orchestra, playing Thunder and Lightning Polka by Strauss, conducted by the Director of Music Ben Bishop. Congratulations to all who took part, including past student Daniel Watson (2021) who re-joined the orchestra to perform the trumpet solo with the Chamber Orchestra in Concerto pour Troumpette by H. Tomasi.


Jazz Night Camberwell Grammar held its first Jazz Night in May with the Middleton Theatre stage decked out with soft lighting and tables to create a moody ‘jazz club’ atmosphere. There were superb performances by the CGS Big Band, Middle and Senior School Stage Bands, Guitar Ensembles, and Highton Strings. It was also wonderful to see many students stand up and sing, showing great courage and showmanship. Congratulations to all the musicians, the music staff, and Friends of Performing Arts for creating a memorable evening.

Junior School Soiree In the Junior School, the Music program aims to foster a lifelong love of music, with students from Years 3 to 5 introduced to a variety of string, woodwind, and brass instruments and encouraged to develop their performance skills through regular concerts in large ensembles and as soloists.

In June, Junior School musicians had the opportunity to perform at the Junior School Soirée, which included renditions of Bach, Chopin, Schumann, and Beethoven.

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022



The Threepenny Opera Each year, Mr Stocker never ceases to outdo his previous efforts in constructing the Senior School Production, with this year being a quintessential example of his incredibly (and sometimes concerningly) creative mind, hiring the globally acclaimed Spiegeltent for six performances. The Spiegeltent itself has seen the likes of Europe and America, travelling all over the globe for hundreds upon hundreds of performances, arriving here at Camberwell Grammar in April in preparation for The Threepenny Opera.


By Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill In collaboration with Elisabeth Hauptmann Based on "The Beggar's Opera" by John Gay English translation by Simon Stephens Original Orchestrations by Kurt Weill

Directed by

Brechtian theatre is always an interesting genre of production that strays further from the curve of conventional theatre than any other style. The Threepenny Opera encompasses this concept in all regards, with its edgy lyrics and even edgier dialogue, drawing the audience from their seats with a certain tenacity only found in Brechtian theatre. Each character has their own backstory and interesting complexities, a particularly admirable concept always observable within Bertolt Brecht’s works. No character is perfectly good, no character is perfectly bad, rather, they serve to be caricatured representations of society. Mr Jonathan Jeremiah Peachum, played by myself, as the stereotypical exploitative businessman, Captain Jack Macheath played by Fletcher Von Arx (Year 12) as the sleazy underdog criminal overlord, and many more. These characters were portrayed to an indescribably entertaining and impressive standard by our absurdly talented cast, from the intense


Andrew Stocker Musical Director

Ben Bishop

Costume Design

Jennifer Bennie Set & Prop Design

Mark Wager

7:30PM Thu 5 – Sat 7 Mon 9 – Wed 11 MAY 2022

trybooking.com/ BYPMZ

Mrs Celia Peachum played impeccably by Lexie Smith (Year 12) and the hilarious Officer Tiger Brown by Harry Watson (Year 11), to the devious antics of Kimaya Gunatilaka (Year 12) as Lucy Brown. These characters were not without musical talent either, with well-deserved compliments to the breathtaking voices of both Emmanuelle D’Adamo (Year 9) and Annabel Nelson (Year 12) portraying Jenny and Polly Peachum respectively. The energy in the wings was never lacking in quantity each night we performed in the Spiegeltent, having been the first production truly uninterrupted by Covid-19 for two years. In fact, given the circumstances of performing in the Spiegeltent, the audience was more intimately intermingled with the production than ever, with every glance and emotion displayed visible to the actors onstage. This aspect of performing in the Spiegeltent was perhaps what made

The Threepenny Opera as special as it was, being able to perform within such proximity to the audience, amping up the immersion and authenticity of each line to a level otherwise unachievable performing from a distance. To say that it was an absolute honour to be a part of this production is a dire understatement. In particular, I’d like to commend Fletcher Von Arx as well as Lexie Smith for their endlessly diligent efforts in helping me support and lead the cast, as well as the rest of the cast for being such amazing company in my last show here at Camberwell Grammar. A truly unique, one-of-a-kind storyline, alongside complex characters, an unforgettable stage and, most importantly, a remarkable cast. Thank you all, and congratulations on a fantastic six-show run. Colin Jiang Captain of Drama

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022



Thankfully, we have been able to enjoy an uninterrupted Winter Sport season this year, much to everyone’s satisfaction. Programs are in full swing, and students are taking full advantage of being involved in their respective sports.

finishing in the top 16 of their respective Junior and Senior competitions. Of our Baseball teams, competing in the Melbourne Winter Baseball League, the Under 17s (3 wins, 2 losses) and Under 13s (3-3) are leading the way.

Just over halfway through the season, there have been some encouraging results across the Program. Our Badminton teams continue to dominate the AGSV, highlighted by the Firsts, who are undefeated and sit on top of their ladder. Our seven Division 2 and 3 Badminton teams all have heavily weighted win records too. The same can be said for Hockey. The Firsts are undefeated, which included an important win against Trinity Grammar. The 7/8A team has won all of their matches, while the two Inter A teams have also performed well. One of the biggest improvers of the season so far, the Cross Country squad is currently sitting in 2nd place on the AGSV ladder and is pushing long-standing powerhouse Marcellin for the premiership. It will be a fascinating finish to their season in Term 3. Firsts Football had an encouraging win against Yarra Valley Grammar and are hopeful of having their most successful season for some time with upcoming matches against PEGS and Peninsula. The Inter B Football team has experienced great success and has won all their matches to date. Fielding a relatively young and inexperienced squad, Firsts Soccer performed admirably against the might of PEGS and Marcellin early in the season and later recorded their first win against Yarra Valley Grammar. The 8A team has performed well, highlighted by hard-fought wins against Trinity and Mentone.

There were many individual highlights throughout the term too:

Of our non-AGSV sports, the Snowsports squad has been training hard for the upcoming Falls Creek Family Week and Camberwell Cup in the holidays, as well as the Victorian Interschools Snowsport Championships being held in Term 3. The Fencing squad has performed well, with many students


Callum Yates (Year 10) competed in the Independent Schools Golf State Final at Long Island and played exceptionally well. Callum demonstrated excellent course management skills to finish in equal 10th place, an outstanding achievement. Taran Rose (Year 11) competed in the 2022 Australian Senior League State Championships. His team, the Eastern Athletics Team, won the title and will now represent Australia at the 2022 Senior League Baseball World Series in the USA. Jordan Yang (Year 11) was selected to represent Victoria at the Under 19 Australasian Badminton National Championships, which will be held in Adelaide from 5-10 July. Owen Lim (Year 8) will also compete at the Australasian Badminton National Championships in the Victorian Under 15 team. Over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend, Basketball Victoria hosted the National Junior Classic, which included elite representative teams from across Victoria and Australia. Ryder Cheesman (Year 10), Charles Webb (Year 9) and Jarvis Neal (Year 8) were members of the Under 16 National Championship winning team, while Chandler Siegle and James Burgess (Year 7) were members of the Under 14 National Championship team. Ryder was also named the MVP of his Championship game. Mr Lachlan Crawford Director of Sport

Spotlight on the Sports Academy With Winter Sport in full swing, we asked two Camberwell Grammar students who are involved in our Sports Academy, headed by Mr Jamie Watson, what it is like to be involved in the Academy and receive the specialised coaching that it offers.

Joel Burton – Year 10 My Academy sport is Basketball, and I have been in the Sports Academy since Year 7 in 2019 with my coach, Mr Steve Blackley. The best thing about participating in Basketball Academy is how influential it is to improving my skills, especially when important games are coming up on the weekends. As a shooter in Basketball, my shooting can sometimes get less consistent. However, Sports Academy gives me enough training to get prepared for my games on the weekends. I would highly recommend this to other students. Whether they are serious about their sport and want to make the major leagues, or just get into the Firsts team for the School, the Sports Academy is a great place to start.

Connor Laird – Year 12 I originally joined the Sports Academy program to focus on my Summer Sport, Cricket. However, through the program I have also been offered additional support and training for my Winter Sport, Hockey. The most rewarding aspect of being involved in the Sports Academy and Emerging Athletes’ Pathway is the access we have to specialist coaches and professionals. The opportunity to gain personal assistance and advice from Nutritionists, Sports Psychologists, and Physiotherapists, and to have personalised strength, conditioning, and training programs in your chosen sport, is really valuable. The Sports Academy specialist coaching sessions have provided me with the insight to not only improve my game through refinement of skills, but to also adopt a holistic approach to sport. I now understand the importance of good nutrition, mental health, and a positive attitude as well as physical conditioning to improve my skills and abilities. Also, the friendships and connections I have made through the program have played a monumental role in my schooling pathway since Year 9 when I joined the EAP. I would highly recommend this program.

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


Alumni News Congratulations to Adam Moore (2018), winner of the 2021 Bachelor of Arts Medal, from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne. Each year the Bachelor of Arts Medal is presented to a graduate determined to be the highest achieving student across the three years of the course. In November 2021 Adam completed his Bachelor of Arts majoring in Classics and Ancient World Studies.

Year 11 and 12 Economics students enjoyed a talk by Associate Professor Chris Berg (2000) about gaming applications (GameFi), Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Decentralised Finance (DeFi), smart contracts, and why he thinks blockchain and cryptocurrency will power the global economy of the future. Professor Berg is a Principal Research Fellow and Co-Director of the RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub, the world’s first dedicated social science research centre studying blockchain technology, based at RMIT University, Melbourne. In May, Year 11 students attended a presentation on career skills with guest speaker Anthony O’Brien (1999), Head of Human Resources ANZ, IVECO Trucks Australia. Anthony spoke to students on employability skills, shared his tips on writing a job application, what to include in a resume, and attending an interview.

Simon Swingler (1986) is launching a new art initiative, Art Worth Saving, a project that supports Australia’s endangered species and contributes to the regeneration of their habitats through donations from sales with 10% of each beautiful fine art print sold donated to habitat conservation organisations Bush Heritage Australia and the Tasmanian Land Conservancy. Art Worth Saving’s official launch exhibition will be held in August at No Vacancy Gallery, QV Building, in Melbourne from Tuesday 16 – Sunday 28 August (opening night Thursday 18 August, 6.00-8.00pm). The exhibition will feature the art of a number of respected Melbourne artists, including David Booth aka Ghostpatrol, Lucy Hardie, and Rick Matear. Visit artworthsaving.com.au for more information. 36

Congratulations to Jonathan Gumley (2006) on his new position as Chair of the Industry Advisory Committee for the National Centre for Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics at the Australian Maritime College, a specialist institute of the University of Tasmania.

PGA Golfer Blake Collyer (2014) spoke to Sports Academy students about his journey since leaving Camberwell Grammar and how he maintains focus under stressful moments during tournaments. Students had the opportunity to ask questions relating to golf, becoming an elite athlete, and Blake’s future dreams and aspirations.

During Food Allergy Week in May, Seong-Lee Ang (1994) launched his new business venture, Buddee – a range of nut-free and school-safe spreads. The inspiration behind Buddee was after discovering that both his children (including his son who is currently in Prep at CGS) suffer from anaphylactic food allergies, which was of significant concern especially as they approached school age. Seong-Lee’s mission was to create delicious nut-free spread alternatives to Nutella and peanut butter that children can safely eat at school without putting others at risk.

facility in Melbourne, using at least 95% Australian ingredients and packaged in recyclable glass jars. Buddee was not just created for families with allergies, but for all families as an easy, healthy, and safe lunchbox option. This gap in the market was quickly recognised by the major supermarkets, and Seong-Lee is very excited to announce that Buddee will be stocked nationally in Woolworths and Coles from August and September 2022 respectively. For more information go to their website www.heybuddee.com.au and follow their social media @buddeespreads

Buddee comes in 3 flavours: Chocolate, Smooth, and Crunchy, and is free from the top 10 most common food allergens in Australia (including nuts, dairy, gluten, soy, sesame, and egg). They all deliver high Health Star Ratings (Smooth: 5 Star, Crunchy: 5 Star, Chocolate: 4.5 Star) and are proudly manufactured in their purpose-built allergen-friendly

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


Alumni Profile

William Westerman (2005) In early primary school, I watched the film Sink the Bismarck!. I have no idea whether it was the first war film I ever saw, yet it stands out vividly in my memory, such that I have determined it to be a formative experience setting me on the path to becoming a historian. Released in 1960, it told the true story of the eponymous German battleship during the Second World War. The black and white film is a typical British production of the era, an attempt to stir the population’s patriotic spirit and remind it that Britain had, despite the crippling financial cost and steady loss of empire, been victorious in the Second World War. Fascinated by the hunt for the Bismarck, which the film depicts reasonably accurately, I sought to explore more exciting facets of the Second World War. I devoured numerous films and documentaries, although to my detriment I only started reading books recreationally on the topic once I had finished my undergraduate studies. Over time, my interest matured, and I have developed a genuine fascination of how military organisations have functioned over the centuries. I am now a professional historian, with a PhD and several books (including one esoteric entry recounting the AFL’s 1996 merger between the Fitzroy Lions and the Brisbane Bears) to my credit. I am currently working at the Australian War Memorial writing the Official History of Australian Operations in Iraq, 2003-2011. My affection and aptitude for history was constant during school. When I came to Camberwell Grammar for an interview with the Head of Middle School, he asked what my favourite subject was. Expecting the standard answer – Physical Education – he was taken aback by my honest response. At Camberwell Grammar, studying Latin effectively provided a second history subject, and I owe Mr Tuckfield a great debt for the way he brought antiquity alive through language, story and culture. My penchant for history must have been obvious to my peers, as at my Year 12 formal I won an award for the student most likely to return to Camberwell as a teacher (in history, they specified). As at least two other 2005 leavers now work at the school, the organising committee proved better at putting on a dinner than at prognostication. In Year 12 I studied History Revolutions, and remain somewhat bitter that my interpretation of the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917 as a coup driven 38

by a small elite against the ineffectual Provisional Government was seemingly not in line with the examiners’ reading of events. Rather than accepting any fault of my own, I attribute this as the reason I fell just short of 50 for the subject. Leaving Camberwell, I found studying history at the University of Melbourne underwhelming. The notable exception was ‘Modern American History, 1890-1990’, which lays claim to being the only course I attended in full during my first three years as an undergraduate, deservedly so because it was an interesting subject and well taught. Somehow, despite my relatively unexceptional performance – at the time, other aspects of university life were more appealing than studying – I surprised myself by being accepted into an Honours year, where, again to my surprise, I graduated relatively highly. At some point, I decided that I would regret not attempting to pursue a career in history. Seeking advice from several established Australian historians, I managed to convince Professor Jeffrey Grey of the Australian Defence Force Academy to take me on as a PhD candidate, despite missing my flight to Canberra and subsequently being quite late to our first meeting. Not long after graduating I was employed by the War Memorial as a Research Assistant for the Official History series covering Australia’s involvement in recent conflicts (Afghanistan, Iraq, and East Timor), and have remained on the project ever since. While I have certainly embraced the cliché of ‘following my passion’, to turn this into a viable career required hard work (increasingly so at each academic level) to ensure that I was wellplaced for opportunities when they arose. Career advancement also required networks and relationships, as well as the undignified but necessary task of self-promotion and ‘putting yourself out there’. Unlike other aspiring historians, I am fortunate in that the field of military history benefits from institutional support for projects, grants, publishing, and employment opportunities – something unrivalled in most other fields. Finally, no matter how much I have achieved, there is no guarantee that my current job in the field will not be my last, such is the fickleness of the market and the profession. Knowing this, I have attempted to enjoy every minute of my work, giving thanks that I can earn a living doing what I love.

From the

Archives ‘Those who spend their school-days at Camberwell Grammar will have as much beauty in their characters as there is in their splendid environment.’ Headmaster Henry Tonkin, August 1935. The history of Camberwell Grammar is the key to looking back to inform the future, particularly when considering the current ethos of the School – Learning, Respect, Integrity, Courage, and Optimism. These traits considered so important in the twenty-first century are found in the origins and early history of the School from 1886 onwards when the early headmasters of Camberwell Grammar realised that their institution was not simply to be a site for examination cramming, but was also to constitute a vital component in the development of a boy’s character. The founder, Arthur Taylor, pursued from 1886 at St John’s the goal of graduating pupils exhibiting ‘the effortless grace of the gentleman with the rugged individualism of the striving businessman’. The 1887 Prospectus also stated that Camberwell Grammar was ‘conducted on the lines of an English Public School, with a view of turning out well educated Australian gentlemen’. With few exceptions, it did so. The ‘Australian gentlemen’ produced by the School from 1886 onwards had consciously studied ‘Latin, Greek, French, Bookkeeping, Algebra, Geometry, and Physics or Physiology’, soon supplemented by ‘Shorthand, Physics, First-Aid and Practical Carpentering’, but the development of their personal traits was considered paramount. The School soon gained a reputation for a certain gentleness, cultivated by early Headmasters through, amongst other practices, rarely utilising corporal punishment so common elsewhere. The School’s reputation was already so marked by the 1890s that Grammarians usually travelled home from the Fermanagh Road campus in groups owing to regular ‘pitched battles’ with ‘less privileged’ state schoolboys who considered the scholars of Camberwell Grammar something of a target. Despite these perils, Grammarians were always proud to uphold the gentlemanly ethos of their institution. Under Taylor’s successor, Alfred Hall (1891-1926), Camberwell Grammar was publicly noted for producing ‘the highest principles of citizenship’ in its student body. These qualities were well illustrated during the challenges of the Great War (1914-18) both on the field of battle but also at home on the Burke Road campus, where the School demonstrated a notable tolerance towards those of German descent; Richard Heinrich Löhn (1919) of Canterbury, for example, a Prefect (1918) and Athletics champion remained a respected and honoured member of the student body without suffering the prejudice common elsewhere. Soon after, the Grammarian could boast of ‘gentlemanly qualities and the spirit of manliness’ as the School transformed in 1926 from a private business into what was briefly called the ‘Camberwell Church of England Grammar School’. Once the School was re-sited

The whole School, 1904, all aspiring to be ‘Australian gentlemen’.

to the Roystead campus in 1935, Headmaster Henry Tonkin (1932-49) immediately stressed that his aim was to encourage a gentler character amongst the boys, producing ‘a feeling of inner contentment’ suited to the beauty of ‘their splendid environment’. Tonkin’s wartime Annual Report of December 1941 was even clearer in reminding parents of his goal: ‘While it is most important to acquire knowledge, it is far more important that boys should develop those individual qualities that go to make the good citizen, for there never was a time when the world was more in need of good citizens.’ Not all parents agreed, but ‘The Lizard’ was insistent and his confidence in the boys was confirmed in June 1946 when his boarders courageously extinguished a fire that had broken out in one of the wooden outbuildings of Roystead. The Melbourne Fire Brigade was impressed by the boys’ courageous response and by the qualities they had exhibited during this episode – ‘damage under £20’. However, no leader of the School had stated so explicitly the aims of Camberwell Grammar in moulding character as did Michael Searle (1950-54) on his assumption of the Headmastership. Major Searle summarised his goals thus: to help each boy to develop his natural abilities; to encourage each boy to widen his horizons and become a whole man; to give each boy opportunities of becoming aware of and practising his responsibilities as a citizen. Critics thought that this emphatic Englishman would fail since ‘he has had no experience of teaching young Australians with their freer and more independent life than young Englishmen’, but Searle’s aspirations were fully in accord with the original vision of Arthur Taylor nearly seven decades earlier. Therefore, were it possible for those early leaders and the 4,000 boys who had passed through their portals by 1955 to examine the School’s 2022 ethos, they would recognise and endorse those qualities of Learning, Respect, Integrity, Courage and Optimism, correctly asserting that such behaviour had been evident from the beginnings of their School on Tuesday, 2 February 1886. Dr David Bird School Historian and Archivist

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


Community Events School Events Year 7 Mother’s Day Breakfast – Thursday 5 May 2022

The annual Mother’s Day Breakfast for Year 7 students and their mums was held in the Camberwell Room. The event was led by Year 8 students Smith Whitehead and Julian Thornton, with special guest speaker School Captain Ben Bosmans, and followed by a greeting from our Head of Middle School, Mr Troy Stanley. Junior School Mother’s Day Breakfast – Friday 6 May 2022

Junior School mums were warmly celebrated at the annual Mother’s Day Breakfast in May. Mums and students enjoyed a delicious breakfast, and mums were gifted beautiful handmade cards. The students finished off with a sweet rendition of ‘Isn’t she lovely’ to great applause. Thank you to all the parent helpers and Friends of Norge for arranging this special event. William Angliss Dinner – Wednesday 11 May 2022

The Annual William Angliss Dinner brings together families across the Middle School for a wonderful dinner with a guest speaker and the opportunity to enjoy the company of old and new friends. This year, the guest speaker for the evening was past Grammarian Matt Defina (2009), Head of Programs and Impact Organisational Psychologist for The Man Cave. Matt shared some very fascinating insights into emotional intelligence, positive mental health, and respectful relationships for boys and young men. Thank you also to our Head of Middle School, Mr Troy Stanley, and to our Community and Development Office for organising a very successful and informative evening. 40

OCGA Events Generations Breakfast – Wednesday 6 April 2022

The Generations Breakfast celebrated the many families who have entrusted Camberwell Grammar School with their education over multiple generations. Alumni from the class of 1961 through to 2000 came with their sons, grandsons, and nephews from Pre-Prep to Year 12. 50 Year Luncheon – Sunday 1 May 2022

The 50 Year Lunch was held in the Camberwell Room. Alumni that left the school in 1972 or prior gathered to catch up with classmates and share stories of their school days. Dr Paul Hicks welcomed the attendees and Grace was said by Rev Stewart Taplin (1965). Past Director of Music, Mr Trevor Henley (1969), led the singing of the school song. The toast to the school was given by Mr Ian Kirwan (1948) and his son Dr Andrew Kirwan (1972). Andrew and Ian are the first father and son to attend the lunch. New members of the 50 Year Chapter were presented with their 50 Year Badges by Mr Chris Kelly (1969) Past President of the OCGA Committee.

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


10 Year Reunion – Friday 13 May 2022

It was great to see so many alumni from the class of 2012 for their 10-Year Reunion. Canberra Network Function – Wednesday 18 May 2022

Alumni living and working in Canberra gathered at the Vinyl Room, Next Hotel, for the ACT Network Function. Dr Paul Hicks, Mrs Susan Hicks and Mr Ryan Whitehead (1994) hosted the event. 20 Year Reunion – Friday 27 May 2022

The Class of 2002 gathered at Camberwell Grammar for their 20 Year Reunion, joined by the classes of 2000 and 2001, who were finally able to gather together for their 20 (now 22 and 21-Year Reunions) after two years of disruption. 42

Careers Night – Wednesday 25 May 2022

The annual Careers Night saw 21 alumni return to Camberwell Grammar to speak to current Year 10 students. Alumni in Art and Design, Business and Finance, Engineering and Construction, Health and Medicine, Law and Society, Marketing and Media, and Science and Technology spoke about their career journeys and experiences. A noticeable difference this year was the number of people who spoke of how sustainability influences their work and many of the panelists noted that their career journey had taken them in totally different directions than what they expected.

The Roystead Society and Gallery of Achievement Dinner – Thursday 9 June 2022

The Roystead Society and Gallery of Achievement Dinner was held in the Camberwell Room. The eight alumni nominated in 2021, together with two alumni from 2022 were inducted on the evening. Mr Ian Robertson AO (1973), who was inducted in 2013, was the guest speaker. The Charles Francis Award for Ethics was presented to Ishaan Nandurkar (Year 12). INDUCTEES FOR 2021: Professor John Tonkin (1956), Dr John Ward (1957), Dr Justin Playfair AM (1961), Mr Robert Wallace (1969 dec.), Mr Peter Barker AM (1973), Mr Timothy Millikan (1987), SQNLDR Sean Hamilton CSC (2001), Mr Johan Durst (2008). INDUCTEES FOR 2022: Dr Michael Liffman AM (1964), Mr David A Haintz AM (1983).

Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


Obituaries MICHAEL BARRETT (1975)


10 December 1957 – 11 June 2022

1 February 1932 – 23 April 2022

ANTHONY HOGG (1978) 12 November 1960 – 6 June 2022 JOSHUA CHARLES HERDMAN (1996) 26 May 1978 – 4 April 2022 Josh lived an extraordinary life – one filled full to the brim, bursting with laughter, happiness, and overflowing with his special kind of magic. For more than 40 years, Herdy, as he was also known to his friends and family, chased the peaks of life, never satisfied with the orthodox. He was forever dreaming of the next adventure, exploring new places, constantly pushing the boundaries, and challenging the status quo. Josh chose a blissfully unconventional path, and we couldn’t have been prouder of him. During his time at Camberwell Grammar, Josh was a decorated student and athlete. A school Prefect, House Captain of Summons, he also played in the Firsts Cricket and Footy teams and enjoyed water polo and swimming, amongst other sports. Health and fitness remained a passion throughout his life, and he loved nothing more than spending time surfing with friends. For the past 14 years, Josh’s life has centred around Bali where he ran successful bars and restaurants. Josh and Bali became synonymous, and he introduced many of his loved ones and friends to the island, its natural beauty, incredible people, and its charm. He was loved by his staff and colleagues who in their tributes described him as the King of Seminyak. Josh was a man of exceptional kindness – he gave to orphanages, he helped to rebuild earthquake-stricken communities, he raised funds for the Balinese people and local businesses during Covid-19, and he gave love, support, and financial backing to strangers who were having a difficult time. He simply wanted everyone around him to be happy and to live better lives. Josh was larger than life in every way, he had a gravitational pull that drew people to him and a magnetism that made everyone want to stay in his orbit. He was an amazing listener, he focused on what mattered to those around him, encouraged his friends’ successes, and gave confidence and support without hesitation. ‘In life, you generally don’t remember what somebody says to you, but you always know how they made you feel.’ Josh left an extraordinary mark on so many. Cam Lee, Hugh Taggart, Adam Gregory, Anthony Kettle and James Nooney 1996 CGS School Friends

At Camberwell Grammar, Joseph (Jos) excelled in all the activities he attempted. In his final year, he was the runner-up to the Dux of the School, and he gained his school colours for football, tennis, and cricket. With both his father and uncle doctors, he was expected to follow the family tradition which he dutifully obeyed. His marks throughout his undergraduate years at Melbourne University where always, predictably, in the top 10% every year. Not surprisingly, Jos decided on a career in pathology. His approach to his work was always meticulous and he was highly regarded by his colleagues at the Austin Hospital where he was the head of Anatomical Pathology. Woe betides the surgeon tempted to fudge a report on a failed operation, Jos’ post-mortem report would always reveal the truth. Jos had a special interest in renal and bone disease and would regularly attend overseas meetings to present his papers to fellow international specialists in these diseases. He seemed destined to follow the life of the solitary and lonely academic – that was until Thecla Broderick entered his life. She showed him the joy and happiness that flowed from loving and allowing someone to love you back. Above all, Thecla made Jos laugh. Thecla also introduced Jos to the favourite Broderick sport – horse racing. His stockbroker temporarily forgotten, Jos devoted his time and obsessive nature to the study of the form of his and Thec’s latest horse. Jos started collecting paintings while still a medical student, and over a lifetime he carefully assembled a very significant collection of early Australian art. He meticulously researched the providence of each and every painting he bought, sometimes to the acute embarrassment of the respected auction house. After Thec, art was his passion. It was his wish that the entire collection remains intact and, accordingly, he bequeathed it to his old school, Camberwell Grammar. Sadly, Jos was not well enough to attend the formal presentation of the ‘Xipell Collection’ last month at the School’s Dorset House. Some years ago, I asked Jos ‘What gives you the most pleasure? Adding yet another painting to your collection, or seeing your horse win at Flemington?’ He answered, ‘John, Thec gives me the most pleasure.’ The good years could not last forever, and after Thecla passed away in January last year, Jos’ enthusiasm for life progressively declined, as did his health. I hope Jos has found Thecla, and that they are now planning their next major trip – their journey together through eternity. They will of course travel five stars. John O’Sullivan (1956) Cousin


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Spectemur I Issue 2 – 2022


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