Juliette Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31046

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Juliette Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31046 Juliette Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31046 Related

Can you get your own insurance when renting a car? When going to a rental car agency such as Hertz or Avis they strongly 'encourage' you to purchase insurance. Can you get your own insurance that covers you in their cars rather than having to pay the insanely expensive insurance they offer? How exactly will the small business I work for be affected at all by the health care bill? I work for a small business that employs around 15 people. The owner purchases insurance for all the employees. I keep hearing opponents say that this bill is going to hurt small businesses, but I don't see how it would hurt the one I am employed by. My company already purchases insurance, and even if it didn't, we don't have the 50 or more employees required for the government mandate to purchase insurance to apply to us. Therefore, it seems like everything will remain the same for us. If someone out there can offer me any insight as to how my company will be negatively affected by this bill, please come forward." Hardtop convertible increase my car insurance? I know your car insurance increase with a convertible, but will it also increase as much with a hardtop convertible? I was thinking of getting the VW Eos, does anyone have one? Is it a good car? The other car I have been looking at is the Ford Edge but everyone tells me Ford vehicles don't whole their value? What you think I should get?" "Fender bender, but did not have insurance?" hypothetical situation, fender bender. I was in a fender bender, I was not the Fault person, but I did not have any insurance. Does the fault person insurance have to pay me for the damages done to my car even though I didn't have insurance when it happen? the insurance company refuse to pay me for any damages done to my vehicle. If I take them to court will I win. (the question is for me to know if I can get sued because my insurance company is not paying for the damages done to the other vehicle, but she did not have any insurance so they refuse to pay anything.)" Why are my car insurance rates so high? To start, my girlfriend is insured completely separate from me and in no way affects my policy. My girlfriend was recently in a car accident. This is her second at-fault accident in a 2 year period. Her car was totaled in the accident and she was trying to get quotes for insurnace on a new vehicle she will be financing. She has been getting quotes around $270/mo and below with the history I stated above. She did have one company give her a quote of $170/mo, then State Farm said they could forgive her first accident and she would have to pay around $136/mo I have never been in an

accident, I have never received any type of ticket, I have nothing on my record. Getting a quote on the exact same car (2004 Toyota Rav4), just in my name and with the financing in my name, my quotes average $300. This is insane. My car is currently going through my parents insurance so I only pay $40.00/mo to them and it's all good, but I decided to get some quotes on my car just to see how much it would be... The car is a 1994 Toyota Corolla, 4DR sedan. I am 19 years old, will be 20 very soon. Like I said, I have a CLEAN driving history. My quotes on this car are as follows for liability coverage: Allstate: $113/mo Progressive: $162/mo State Farm: $262/mo Now, to me, this is insane. My girlfriend's insurance was about $50.00/mo on her Dodge Stratus. She wrecked it. The insurance on her new car, which was only liability again, was just $60.00/mo. Now she is getting the $135 to $170/mo quote for full coverage on this Toyota Rav4. If anyone can help me understand how she can get cheaper FULL COVERAGE insurance with her driving history than I can get of LIABILITY insurance with my history, please do. This makes no sense to me at all." I have a few questions about car repairs and auto insurance? first off, i was in a small accident a couple weeks ago, and was wonder how much it would cost to have the following repaired: 1. the hood is very minorly damaged, there is just a small gap where the hood closes, plus a little scratched paint on one side (very minor) how much would it cost to have that straitened out? 2. when the front end got hit, it shifted it over a little, so there is a small gap inbetween the inside corner of the headlight and the grill area, how much to straighten that out? 3. also, in regards to insurance, is it allowed to have two different people insured on one car through different insurance companies?" How much would insurance cost? I'm 19 and just passed got my driving license. I live in Yorkshire (I think that me living in Yorkshire reduces the cost of insurance a bit). How much would annual insurance cost for something like a Mazda Rx-8 (2000-2006). Also if possible how much would it cost for a Volkswagen Golf GTi or a BMW E series. I know I havent given much information about which cars but let's just say a car priced between 2000-4000. Also if I do the Pass Plus course how much would that reduce it by? I just need an estimate by the way to get an idea of the prices. By the way I am a first time drive and male. Thankyou What is a 6-month premium (car insurance) ? What is a 6-month premium (car insurance) ? Say it's $200 a month for 6 months. Does that mean after 6 months it will be higher ? It should be illegal for the amount car insurance comanies charge for young drivers!!? Having my driving test next month and looking at buying a car soon, either a clio or corsa. I have just got some quotes for a clio and a corsa and all i can say is that its ...show more" Do i need insurance to title car? do i need insurance in order to title the car to my name so i can sell it?

"Car insurance dilemma - named as main driver but not, what should I do?" I recently agreed to be a named driver on my au pair's car insurance to lower her premiums & as I may indeed drive the car on occasions. Now I discover that I am named as the main driver which is definitely not the case. As she has made this statement, am I right in thinking that this couldn't be held to be a lie on my part (unless I then signed a statement to say this was true or similar?) I have provided my license details for the insurance company but haven't made any statement. are there any possible repercussions for me? How do insurance companies check such things?" I might be pregnant where do i go to get a test were i have no insurance? I have taken a HPT and it came up negative, but i didn't get my period. I have no insurance I just moved and started a new job. So where do I go without paying a lot of money?" "Automobile incident question. Who pays, the business or insurance?" Im just curious, if a branch of a tree hit my car and cracked it moderately, and i was parked at the parking lot of a gym, does the damages get payed by my insurance or from the gym? If my gym tells me that the insurance pays for it, should i demand the gym to pay?...since my insurance cost might increase because of this incident." What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ? What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ? Car insurance and accidents? I was at fault in an accident. So insurance had to pay the damages and premiums will go up. Will it go up higher if I have them fix my car also? If I fix it myself will that cause it to go up less than if I use insurance money? Will one point on my license make my insurance rate increase? I have been driving for about two years. Being a new driver, my insurance rate is of course considerably high (on a side note, I think auto insurance is legalized theft). Now. Aside from that, I received a speeding ticket. It was 83 mph in a 55 zone. Oops. In court, the judge reduced it from two points to one point on my license, and the record now shows 64 in a 55. Should I expect an increase in my insurance rates? I am insured with Allstate." "Whats a cheap military car insurance, with low down payment?" i know usaa, but i want options.. im in florida.. if that makes a difference" Iininsurance on celica or rx 8?

Heres my situation at the moment currently i have celica,supra and skyline in my drive way and have rx8 and rx7 comming this summer Now i know i wont be able to afford insurance on rx7 supra or skyline But im wondering rx8 evolve (231ps) or celica How much would insurance cost Info on me No ncb Got driver license for few months 18year old University student living away Live in uk midlands" Farmers insurance song? What's the song from that farmers insurance commercial were there doing the driving simulation with distractions? Insurance against mental disorders? Is there any insurance plan that offers income protection on becoming disabled(long-term or short term). In particular disability to work due to a mental disorder. If i was to buy a car 300 miles away from where i live what would i do about insurance and driving back? Hi Question pretty much says it all, , I cancelled my insurance few months ago when i sold my car, so it wouldnt be a matter of ringing them up and transferring over. I dont know how it works could i just drive it back and say i have just bought it if for whatever reason if i get pulled??" What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24? What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24? Does a veterinarian get life insuranced? does a veterinarian get health insurance? Cheapest Car Insurance Deal For A 17Year Old In The UK? Cheapest Car Insurance Deal For A 17Year Old In The UK? How much will an Acura integra GSR 2 door insurance cost? How much will an Acura integra GSR 2 door insurance cost? Juliette Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31046 Juliette Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31046 Insurance Costs for a P Plate Hyundai Tiburon? I live in Melbourne and want to get an idea on the insurance? (I already know its a lot) Thanks

Do you know of a good motor insurance company? I have just bought a merc. Need a good and reliable insurance company. Please suggest one. Insurance company help? Ok so im getting insurance in manhatten because i live there ..... but my vehicle is garaged in long island ..... I have to tell the insurance company ? and do i have to show proof ? if so what kind of proof is there to show ? How does arbitration work between 2 car insurance companies? I was in a car accident about a month ago. My car insurance agreed that the accident was 100% not my fault. The other car insurance company is trying to say that it was 50% my fault( which is totally ridiculous because the other driver was cited by police for failure to yield). Today i got a phone call from my car insurance company saying that my claim is now going to arbitration. What can i expect to happen next? What can I do to prepare my self? I am very frustrated with this whole thing. I know this car accident was 100% not my fault. I dont want to be blaimed at all. I forgot to mention that i live in NY state. Thank you, Zack" Car insurance question? It it legal to drive my mother's car if I have my license and the car itself has insurance but it is under her name, not mine? I'm in Illinois and 18 if that makes any difference." Unemployment Insurance for Teenagers? The business I have worked at for 3 years has just announced they are shutting their doors at the end of the month. I am only 17 but have been told that I am still able to apply for unemployment benefits...which I know next to nothing about. Basically, I've only worked 10-20 hours a week for a wage slightly above minimum. It's just been a part time job for me since I'm a student and involved in several sports and challenging classes. However, I'm still trying to save money for college, so...what do I actually get when I file for unemployment and am hunting for a job? Anything? Sorry if this question sounds ditzy...I don't know much about the workforce." What would insurance cost on 98-2000 ford explorer? I want to get an older suv to use in the winter somewhere between a 1998-2001. I dont expect it to be nice so I dont plan on carrying comprehensive coverage on it only collision. Can anyone give me a very rough estimate on what this might run? I tried the insurance quote sites but I dont want to go through all the forms. Thanks How much is home owners insurance in Scottsdale AZ? How much is home owners insurance in Scottsdale AZ?

Can i survive without auto insurance? I'm 16 and a half. I live in California. I got my drivers license yesterday. My dad has farmers insurance. Adding me to his plan will double his monthly bill. I am a VERY good driver, i live in a small city, and i never go on the freeway. Is it alright if i drive without adding myself to his insurance plan? i don't think $200/month is necessary. Also, it is not legal to drive in California without financial coverage so if i get pulled over, will i get into trouble?(the car's covered so im partially covered rite?). Thank you" How to get health insurance for a pregnant woman in California that is a LEGAL immigrant? Ok, my fiancee is pregnant. She's a legal resident, but from what I understand, she isn't supposed to use any type of public benefits (aka welfare) and we really don't want to either. I have company health care (HMO), but my company won't pay for her, and for me to add her onto my plan is like $900 more a month (IT IS INSANE!!!!!). She doesn't work as she is a stay at home mom. We are not married, but we were planning on an October wedding before she found out she was pregnant (7 weeks), I imagine we are still going to stick to our plans. How can we have this baby? I make $36,000 and live in San Diego. This would be our 2nd child, I can barely make ends meet. Before you judge me about having another kid without the true financial means, she was on birth control for 2 years. We don't know how this happened, but I guess it's not true 100% protection. Are there any insurances we can get? How can we get help with this baby? What can we do? Thank you for your help." Cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old? I think they're group 1 or something, because insurance is a ripoff, so a car thats cheap to insure and runs would be great? Any recommendations and can someone explain this whole insurance group malarky to me please? I will most likely be a Named driver too and my mother will be the Main, if this makes any difference, thanks." Charged with impaired and insurance (CANADA)? I was charged with impaired driving when i was 21. I fought it in court and it did nothing but make me spend lots of money and drag things out even more. Now i am 24 and get my full license back at the end of this month. I have had my license for the last year but with the interlock ignition condition on it. Not being able to afford the ignition interlock i decided to not drive. I am seeking advice from a insurance broker or somebody who has been charged with impaired and has gone through this. ON average what do you think i will be paying for insurance? Do you have any suggestions to make? I have a feeling i wont be able to afford it and will still take public transportation but i am curious. Please only answer if you have dealt with this situation Do farmers get cheaper car insurance through (NFU?) Farmers union? (uk and NI)? Just seen an NFU and was wondering... With 5000 what is the best car I could buy and insure at 17?

the car would be second hand. "What insurance would be cheaper, an 81 corvette or a 2005 car and newer? my friend wants to buy an 81 corvette and his mom wont get it for him because of the high insurance but she says she would by him a newer car some where else would the insurance be less because its an old car or would it be more because they dont make the parts anymore Why does / or should my Car insurance RISE? Since I have changed my car insurance co, my insurance rates had dropped... only in small amounts - but they have dropped over the past few periods. Suddenly, my rates RISE! =:-o I have had no tickets, no accidents, no reason on my record leaning toward any reason to rise my insurance costs. - I am calling my agent, tomorrow to ask about this. Should I expect the reply to be all insurance rates rise... there is no avoiding it! or how should I design AN ANSWER to this issue to develop a $aving reply?" Car insurance!!!!!? im just about to turn 17 and ive brought a 1.4 306 i no its not going to be cheap, any desent insurance companys out there??" Landlord's insurance in NJ? I have few rental properties in NJ and looking for an insurance company that provides landlord's insurance policies. I will appreciate if you could arrange to send me few names of insurance companies. Thanks What's your monthly car payment? And Insurance? I'm interested to see what people pay for their cars and car insurance compared to me. I'm a single 28 year old female living in a city. (RI) I pay $282 for a new Jetta lease and insurance is $157 per month. Just seeing if this is the average.... I'm also moving to NY suburbs and am considering changing my insurance, anyone know if I can do this if I own a home in RI still? RI has month to month sales tax, but has higher insurace premiums and NY wants sales tax up front, but NY suburbs insurance costs half as much as what I pay now. I wonder if its worth it to switch states???" What is my insurance going to cost? I'm going to get my license when i turn 18 (yes the day I turn 18) and I was just now thinking abt insurance. I've never really thought about it before. So can those who have been through the getting insurance thing help me? Here's some things to add up: 1. First time driver (litterly just got license and vehicle) 2. Did not do a drivers ed at a high school (heard it costs more if u don't take it) 3. Going to drive a big 4x4 diesel truck 4. I'm a male And that's abt it I guess. Idk what insurance company I'll be using. Probably my moms insurance company. But I don't know what it is. Also. The insurance will not be under her name (if she can even do that) because I'll be an 18 year old adult. How much is insurance going to cost every month? Thanks

Can I get car insurance from a country in the EU (but not in the UK) when living and driving in the UK? I am looking for cheaper car insurance, I was wondering whether it would be cheaper to get insurance from an EU country, such as France, then drive in the UK. I am a young driver and have recently passed my test. Also is this legal?" Medical insurance coordination of benefits help? Husband & wife both have group medical insurance with their employers. His insurance is a bucket plan through Cigna called an HSA. It pays for the first $750 & then he has to meet another $750 before anything else is pd. Her insurance is Healthlink PPO with $250 deductible. If husband's insurance pays for his chiropractor bills in full (as not over $750 total) can these bills be submitted to her insurance to help meet the family deductible of $500? We live in IL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! 23 & Auto Insurance...never had any in my name? ok, so i haven't gotten my new vehicle yet. I won one through the company i work for. I will be getting my new ride in about 6-10wks. Cheverlot Equinox 2010. I have never had car insurance in my name, my dad always took care of this kind of stuff for me. well since this car will be in my name, i was wondering do alot of the insurance companies go based on your credit score? i don't have good credit at all and worried my rates will be very high. I would like some companies listed that you know is cheap but also has discounts for my age with kids. I have 3 kids and i am 23, someone told me State Farm will give me a discount for my kids. Anyone heard of this? Or any other companies that do this. Thanks ANY information about AUTO insurance will be greatly appreciated. As far as the coverage also, i don't have a clue about any of these deductibles they are asking about when i go to some of the sites online for quotes! Thanks" Would it be better for our government to give everyone health insurance or? Produce more health care resources by increasing funding for medical schools and work to flood the market in health care services thus making it more affordable for everyone? How much does car insurance for minors cost? I live in Victorville, California and I'm 16 years old. What is the average price for car insurance in my area and for my age?" Juliette Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31046 Juliette Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31046 Is insurance high for a base acura rsx or just the s-type model? I'm a 21 year old male with one speeding ticket. I like the design on the rsx, but I've heard insurance is ridiculous on them. Is this true for the both models, or is the insurance rate for the base model significantly less than the type-s model? Thanks for

any help!" Please help me! car insurance!? So my friend is selling me his car. Its not payed off yet and he cant give me the title until it is payed off. He doesn't have insurance on it. Can I put insurance on the car, even though I don't own it? And can't I just put Liability on it even though it's still being payed for?" When will my car insurance go down? Had a wreck in January first one I've ever been in I'm 28 my ex was driving and hit ice totalled my car, my insurance jumped to 190 from 120 how long until it goes down?" Car insurance quotes tripled overnight? I've been getting my car insurance quotes ready for the 1st of september. As soon as i was able to get a quote for the 1st of sept (my renewal) my insurance quotes went from 1100 to about 3900 This is ridiculous, its been a few days and it hasn't changed yet. Starting to panic a bit now, i have 2 years no claims and this is a stupid amount. Will this likely go down soon? Thanks" WIll my mom know if i go to planned parenthood under her insurance? I am 18 years old and under my mom's insurance. I want to go to planned parenthood, but don't want her to find out. I can't afford to pay on my own, but if i use the insurance, would the insurance company notify her?" USAA Insurance on an RX8? I am currently 19 years old and have a license with no infractions or anything like that. How much around would the insurance cost for a Mazda RX8, any of these years (2006-2010), for USAA?" Are there life insurance policies for seniour citizens? Are there life insurance policies for seniour citizens? Home owners insurance? Are there any company's that offer home owners insurance with monthly payments instead of one lump sum? Liability Car Insurance and Car Age? I am wondering about how old a car should be to only have liability car insurance on it. Also, can you get liability on any/all cars, or just ones that are a certain age or older?"

Help!Do you know about Nation Wide Insurance in France? I have a class project about Nation Wide Insurance....If you know anything or any sites to look at please help. Is it possible to work part-time and get health insurance? ? I have a really good part-time job that doesn't provide health insurance, but I like it and it pays better than most places in the small town where I live. I need to have health ...show more" Older Model Mobile Homes Insurance? My sister & husband are buying a 1975 Moblie Home in New York State and need Insurance on it, All the insurance companies they looked at said it is too old. My question is where can they get insurance for a older type moblie home ?" "If I do not have health insurance in Fremont, California, and I want to deliver a baby?" how do I deliver it with low income, also, if you are going to suggest Tri City, is that good, what are your experiences with that place? I think it is Tri Shitty. Also, what else do you suggest besides Tri City? Please help me I am one month pregnant and need to figure out where to deliver a baby Also, I just wanted to mention if you are pregnant and applying for health insurance do not tell them that you are, they refuse you flat, just tell your doctor the truth about your missed period date at your first appointment, fight with this backwards health insurance country" Will I considered to drive a car without insurance? Hi. I been driving without insurance for months because my mom told me to wait until her insurance expired and will add me to her policy in june. My mom add me to her policy a few days ago and my car insurance will only start valid on june 2, 2013. Yesterday, I was pulled over and got a ticket. Will I considered to drive a car without insurance? My mom was very mad at me because I didn't get any ticket for months and not involve in any accidents and now only 10 days until my car insurance valid, I got a ticket. Please help, I don't want to have 2 violation case especially drive without car insurance" Who does cheap moped insurance in the uk? im 16 and just got a moped, im just looking for my cheapest option. any suggestions?" Where can I find professional liability policies for a surgeon? This is for a finance project. If I need to pay fro professional liability insurance, on what website can I find this insurance. Will I have to pay for it by myself, or does the hospital/company I work for pay the insurance for me." How much would i pay for car insurance? Estimate?

I know that it depends on a lot of factors but can you estimate how much i would pay for car insurance on a monthly basis - I am 18 years old - will be driving either a 1999 or 2000 model - will be attending college after the summer - clear background - this will be my first car - I live in a very wired and exotic place called MARYLAND Will health insurance cover IVF procedure? As of right now, my health insurance have been covering all of my wife procedure of IUI and her surgery for unblock 1 of her tube. But after 3 procedures of IUI and all are negative, I think my Dr will go to IVF next and just wondering if health insurance will cover the IVF procedure." What kind of insurance should young marrieds have? My husband and I are 30 and 35 and in good health. He works and I'm a stay at home wife. I'd like to ensure that, should something happen to either of us, the other is 'taken care of' financially. What kind of life insurance policy should we consider? Are there other types of insurance policies we need like disability, etc?" "Pregnant, parents health insurance?" I just found out that I am pregnant, and i am currently under my parents health insurance, I am 20 and a full time college student, will my parents insurance drop me because I am pregnant? If I quit school they will also drop me right?" My parents wont pay for auto insurance!!!? I passed drivers ed and I am 16. I have been 16 for a while and I want to get my permit. All i have to do is take my test. But my dad says I cannot take the test because he doesnt want to pay for teen driving insurance? What are ways to convince him? He does not want to put me under his car insurance. Also how much is average teen auto insurance? Just all around not depending on car or etc. Does employer needs to provide medical insurance? Hi I am a foreign worker, working here in US, do employers need to provide medical insurance or not??" Whats up with renter's insurance? is there home insurance for apartment dwellers? Negotiating a car insurance claim? Long story short, consensus feel that my car (hit by an uninsured Crown Victoria) is going to be considered a total loss tomorrow when the adjuster checks it out. My main concern is, if I feel I am offered an unfair amount for my car, what would be a good way to negotiate with them? And what do they use to base their offer on? I've already checked Autotrader and other sites for a replacement for my car, and this model is very sparse (5 total within 500 miles, only searching by year and model/trim), only

being sold by dealerships that want a LOT more than I paid for the car a year ago. Can I cite those examples, or do I have to use something like KBB or NADA appraisals? I've never had to make a claim with an insurance company before, and the only thing I know is the reputation of insurance companies." Rent insurance for tenants? I am soon to be renting a property with my fiancee and I want to find out about rent insurance. I found a company online that provides insurance for tenants that pays the rent in case of job loss, etc. but now I can't find it. Do such companies exist, and where can I get such insurance? Can anyone recommend any?" Juliette Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31046 Juliette Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31046 Insurance price for a 16 year old? I'm 16 live in Minnesota and i want to get a car maybe around $5000 just wanted to know how much a month it would cost for insurance with and without my parents Car accident with no insurance? I was stopped at a red light behind two cars. Both cars started to go and so did I the next thing I knew I had hit the car in front of me. The car in front of me hit the car in front of him. We all pulled over my car isnt to bad but I drive a suburban, the car in front of me was a smaller car so his looked a little worse. Nobody was hurt, and all cars were drivable, so we decided to not call the police we just all exchanged information. After we had finished and they left I immediately called my insurance lady to let her know what happened. I am not super clear on this next part, we have been going back and forth with our insurance since that call and will continue to fight it. When I called the insurance lady she said I wasnt covered. She said that they had received the last payment much later than it was due (not sure how because it was mailed the same time as always) but because of that our insurance had been cancelled. A couple of weeks ago they had chased our check, she said we were reinstated as of yesterday (the day of the accident) but because it was the same day they werent liable to pay the damages. We are going to keep fighting them because I dont think its fair. Even if they decide that they wont pay we can afford to just pay for the damages to the rear end of the car in front of us, because know matter what happened I am at fault for following to close. We cant afford to pay out of our pocket also for his front end and the rear end of the first car. Shouldnt those damages be covered by the car I hit because he was obviously following to close to the car in front of him? Im a little freaked out with all this, this is the first accident I have ever been in and we have always had insurance, so we thought. The insurance company did say they mailed us a cancellation notice but if they did we have never received one." What company provide cheap life insurance? What company provide cheap life insurance? Buying a new car on pay monthly + insurance ?

Hello, I am 17 years old. If I were to buy a new car on pay monthly (e.g Ford Fiesta/Fiat 500 at 150 per month) then does this include road tax and insurance? If not, then what would it cost me in terms of insurance (I live in london, and will keep my car in a locked garage)" "Car Tax, MOT, insurance cost me 500; others pay much more; time for a consumer revolt?" Car Tax, MOT, insurance cost me 500; others pay much more; time for a consumer revolt?" Will a ticket for expired license plate or possession of marijuana make my insurance go up in cost? I got both at one time. How much would i pay for car Insurance? How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 28 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 8 years ago" "Young drivers (in your early 20), how much are you paying for car insurance?" Young drivers (in your early 20), how much are you paying for car insurance?" Do people know the truth about insurance drops? Why are 2% getting their insurance dropped, they don't meet the requirement of Affordable Care Act. Or in other words those insurance policies have worse coverage then Obamacare." How much should car insurance cost me? im 16 and ive been saving some money for a while and i bought a 1998 honda civic, im currently paying $265/month for insurance is that too much, because im not sure im going to make the insurance this month because my hours were cut" Which company offers the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old male? im 17 and i need insurance and wanted to know the cheapest How to lower my auto insurance? Ok so I bought my 2004 volvo S60 2.5T AWD on 05/11/2011 and the insurance is killing me. I'm 20 years old and had my license for 2 years. I know it goes down when you've had your license for 3 years but that won't help right now. I'm with GEICO right now paying 371.00 a month! I know and this is actually the cheapest insurance company I was able to get!! My last payment will be on 10/11/2011 and then I will have to start a new policy. However I called them and asked them if my rate will go

down once I renew with them, and they said no...... Well I did a new quote online and my rate would be $318 a month so I don't know why they keep telling me it won't change!!!!! So my question is can my mom get the insurance even though it's my car?" Affordable insurance? I want to start a new job They will offer me and my family a great insurance plan expense free The only catch is that it will not take affect for 6 months The present plan paid for by my employer will only last for 30 days once I leave this job Does anyone know of a basic affordable health insurance plan that i can purchase for 5 months Thank You Is the maintenance/insurance costs on a 1998 Porsche Boxster expensive? Is it more expensive than a Corolla? Would my maintenance costs go way up if I trade in my 2000 Toyota Corolla for a 1998 Porsche Boxster? Would my insurance costs go way up if I trade in my 2000 Toyota Corolla for a 1998 Porsche Boxster? I only have an additional $1000 per year to pay for any additional costs, would this be enough to cover the extra insurance and maintenance costs of an old used Porsche Boxster, one that seems to need quite a lot of mechanical work done at a Porsche dealer, compared to my old and flawless Toyota Corolla? Are Porsche dealers really expensive or is that just a myth? I drive a 2000 Toyota Corolla and over the years I change my own oils, my own fluids, and have only taken it in twice for tire alignments, that's it. The costs are extremely low. Now I see a 1998 Porsche Boxster for sale, with a slightly leaky engine and a Balking automatic transmission for sale. I would like to have fun and buy it, but I cannot afford any more than about $1000 per year in maintenance costs. Also, my insurance on the Corolla is dirt cheap, and I don't want to pay that much more when I get the Boxster, i don't want any surprises. What do you think? For a person with very limited resources, Should I keep my trusty old Corolla, or get the Boxster?" Vehicle usage and auto insurance rates? i just noticed on my insurance policy it states one of our vehicles is used for work/school. it should say pleasure use, will that change the rate at all?" How much is insurance for a street Motorcycle ? How much would it cost me monthly for insurance on a street motorcycle. Original cost of motorcycle 4,500. I'm under 18 and have a GED hope that helps. Thanks" Sooooo how much would a 16 year old car cost for car insurance on a 2008 BMW 750i??? (on his dad's plan :D)? In new york (brooklyn). Thanks! Estimated insurance cost for this car UK? hi im 17, just about to take my test and it looks like this will be my first car. what do you think the insurance will be on it. i know it will be high but i just wondered how high

haha. can you ask for a quote if you don't own the car and haven't passed yet? ie a generalised quote i live in a very good area with off road parking and garage." Insurance low balled me on my totaled car? My car was rear ended and totaled in an accident. The insurance now is offering me a lowball offer that is not even close to my fair market value. They used CCC Services that found 3 comparable cars advertised for sale over 350 milles away from my zip code to determine my fair market value. Is this even legal or reasonable at all??? I researched and found 5 comparable cars within 50 miles of my zip code and faxed it to them but they don't seem to care. What do I need to do? I can't buy car within my market with the payout they offer. What is the best thing to get the insurance to raise the payout??? thanks I don't have car insurance but i have a license? I'm confused, i dont have my own car but i drive my mothers car and THAT car has insurance. I dont get it, if i drive it do i need insurance under my name or is it good enough if the car has insurance under her name? I hope i havent been driivng illegally all along...." Does geico insurance policy with full coverage cover a stolen car that was left unlocked? Does geico insurance policy with full coverage cover a stolen car that was left unlocked? Just turned 50 - can you get cheaper insurance if you are over 50? It was my 50th bday last week and I'm trying to cut down on my car insurance costs. Can anyone recommend any insurers that offer cheaper prices for drivers over 50? Car insurance in ny plz help!!!? ok so i just received my junior driver license and i drive my moms car, my mom has insurance on the car but its under her name! does she need to add me to her insurance or i can drive since the car has insurance under her name! she has gieco and i live in flushing ny" Insurance for new driver? I'm 20 and just got my license. I don't really know much information about car insurance. I live with my parents and I use their cars. But in a couple of months, my older brother is sending his car to me, since he can't take it to Japan. Can I drive my parent's cars without myself being insured and use my parent's insurance? or Does my name need to be underneath theirs?" Cheap car insurance with dui in california?

i know drinking and driving was dumb and dont drink anymore for a year. i need car insurance where can i find the best deal something cheap for a whole year for liabilty for my shitty car. Juliette Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31046 Juliette Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31046

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