
Page 28 Business Review | February 2021


EU flexes funding muscle to boost startup ecosystem The European Union is making strides in supporting the growth of the startup industry, having already made equity investments worth EUR 178 million through a specialised fund. EU funds could help Romania grow its startup ecosystem, which currently reports some EUR 36 worth of venture capital investments per capita, still below the European average. By Ovidiu Posirca

EU funding for another 117 entrepreneurial companies is pending review


(EIC) fund has already financed 42

investments with grants and aims to take a

highly innovative startups or small

stake of 10 to 25 percent in funded startups.

and medium-sized businesses, with Euro-

Equity investments start from EUR 500,000

ments as it aims to have its own home-grown

pean funding for another 117 companies

and can reach EUR 15 million, depending on

startup giants. While the value of European

pending review.

the firm’s size and development stage.

companies backed by venture capital stands

he European Innovation Council

In short, the EIC fund blends equity

“For the past several years, EU has been

Alexandru Bogdan, the CEO of startup investment fund ROCA X, tells BR. The EU is deploying new funding instru-

at USD 700 billion, this figure reaches USD 10


showing increased interest in becoming more

trillion in the US, according to a report pub-

competitive and focusing on this segment

lished in late 2020 by and Sifted.

The EU has already provided around EUR 563

of the market, as many successful European

million in grants to 293 companies under the

founders have been lured by US dollars to

KPMG show that in 2020, venture capital

EIC Accelerator programme.

move their businesses off the continent,”

investment across Europe reached a record

Data from professional services firm

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