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Citynow District seeks to shield staff from ‘traumatic’ footage

CorneliaNaylor cnaylor@burnabynow com

The Burnaby school district is reviewing the way it provides police with security video footage of crimes that happen near local schools.


One of the goals is to prevent staff from being traumatized by looking at the footage

Since the beginning of the school year, there have been at least three major police incidents near school district buildings including two homicides.

On Oct 17, the bodies of a man and woman were found dead in a car near Alpha Secondary School

A day later, Burnaby RCMP Const ShaelynYang was stabbed to death by a homeless man who was shot during the altercation right beside the school district’s head office off CanadaWay

And on Nov 10, a man allegedly exposed himself and committed an indecent act in front of students at Maywood Community School in Metrotown

An annual video surveillance program report presented to the school board Tuesday said staff plans to review its policy “in consideration of recent incidents either near or within our facilities ”

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