BNQ spring 2017

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Send your stories and pictures to

Sonny Hamid has captured the first signs of Spring with his photograph of the cheery faces of the daffodils. With all the bad news flying around us we could all do with cheering up a bit and no better way to do this than being able to see the signs of better weather, lighter nights and hopefully a little bit of sunshine. Something to look forward to. A Gala Week is being planned in the village later in the year. Read about it in the printed version of Burbage News. More in BNQ later.


Burbage Parish Council - Elections


Wiltshire Council has sifted the nominations. As there are just 10 nominations for 13 seats there is no requirement for an election so from the 4th May 2017 Burbage Parish Council will comprise the following: John Acheson Steve Colling Andrew Fellows Lee Giddings Glenda Pearce Mike Rowland Gill Terry John Thornton Andrew Wheeler Chris Wheeler We have 3 vacancies. Joyce Turner has agreed to continue as Clerk. Andrew Fellows is new to the Parish Council and will join us at the May Council meeting. Richard Lewis and Tony Parmenter did not seek re-election. Both have served the Council well. Richard brought expertise that has been particularly valuable in dealing with planning applications.

He headed-up our planning committee and has organised many Saturday morning planning visits, liaised with Wiltshire Council’s planning department and drafted our combined response to planning applications. He has also done much of the preparatory work on our evolving CCTV project. Tony has been on the Council for a long time. Having lived here all his life, he knows just about everyone. He also knows the history and has background information that has proved invaluable to the Parish Council. He has played a very full part in Council business, frequently involved in planning visits.


So we are three ‘men’ down! Which means we’re under-staffed so we can’t do as much as we would like. We won’t be able to attend all of the meetings taking place to address key issues like support for our children and the aged. We need 3 more councillors to help spread the load; ideally we need someone from Durley and another volunteer from Stibb. Don’t be shy! Steve Colling Chairman Burbage Parish council


Burbage Flower Club met on Thursday 9 March for an evening of basket weaving with the demonstrator Pam Lewis. It was interesting to learn about the different types of willow, how they can be used and what happens to it as it dries over time.

We meet again on Thursday 13 April at Burbage Church Hall, 7.30pm with guest speaker David Moon for an evening entitled “Gardens of the Rich and Famous�. Donna Parmenter

The design the members created appeared to be simplistic but was in fact intricate and required the ability to weave, hold in place and not hit your fellow member with the willow and using nothing more than two hands maybe some teeth were used! The concentration was palpable but it was agreed by all that it was a brilliant evening! [3]


Results of the willow weaving evening enjoyed by the Flower Club Members


BURBAGE FLOWER CLUB At the Flower Club meeting on 13 April we travelled around the United Kingdom and even abroad without having to leave our seats! Thursday's meeting was an evening of audio and visual delight from David Moon LRPS whose talk was 'Gardens of the Rich and Famous' and as he clarified sometimes not so rich and maybe not so famous too. David is an accomplished photographer and is a member of The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain. This society is one of the world's oldest photographic society and was formed in 1853 and in 1854 receive royal patronage from Queen Victoria. The slide show of the places he has visited was created using a Russian programme which he explained that is used worldwide. The pictures were accompanied with pieces of music that also told a story too. The places we were taken to included Holland obviously for the tulips which was a sea of colour. Exbury Garden in Romsey set in 200 acres. We also saw Nymans and the tragic history of the Messel family country retreat. We visited Rudyard Kipling's garden which is situated in Sussex and the rose garden was designed by him. We saw Powis Castle and the 300 year old garden which includes the

original yew trees. These trees and box hedge would take ten men four months to trim but now it takes just a bit less! They would use ladders lashed together and cut it with hand shears but now it's done with a cherry picker and power tools. The Holy Island wall garden of 1911 was restored in 2003 by the National Trust. They used the original planting scheme. We then went to Mary Berry's garden and we were told by David that even though Mary does have a gardener to help she in fact does the majority of the work herself. Cedar House, which we could see from the photos, that this had been a very wet visit but despite this the garden literally sparkles from the raindrops collected on the petals and leaves, almost as if it was wearing very expensive jewellery. We next saw the ‘Horatio Chapple’ Garden at Salisbury Hospital which has been created in his memory. The gardens were designed with patients in mind not just those in wheelchairs but also those in their beds. The gardens and the activities which take place there have a restorative nature for all those that visit and with donations and funding, other hospitals have taken up this mantle. In the next visit we saw Simon Gudgen sculptures, one of which is in Horatio's garden and these are displayed at Pallington Lakes in Dorchester. These sculptures, we were told, start off at £3.000 and that is for table top ones! We didn't hazard a guess for the ones in the gardens! [5]

BURBAGE FLOWER CLUB Monet's garden, which he designed and planted, was as colourful as his artwork and some of this was displayed in his home which we got to see as well. The beautiful flowers and plants were made to seem more vibrant because of the bright sunshine that could be seen beaming down on the grounds.

The next meeting is on Thursday 11 May at 7.30 pm

David proudly told us he was able to have a private viewing to take photos of Sir Cameron Mackintosh'a garden at Starvodale Priory. He had every right to be proud as these gardens are rarely open to the public let alone photographed. You can see how much David enjoyed this visit. Whispers .. by the way the garden includes a giant and I mean giant elephant from the film Les Mis!

and it is a

Flower Demonstration by Rosemary Kerr

We also got to view a video of David's own garden and pond. As you can imagine it was a beautifully planted garden but what made it spectacular was the wildlife that visits it and this was the theme of this section. Julia Russett, chairwoman, enjoyed this very much - well till it got to the bit of a grass snake in the pond - I think she actually lifted her feet off the ground!

'These boots are made for walking'

David was warmly thanked by about twenty members who came to see him.


IT’S A STITCH UP Already the year is a quarter of the way through! We started in January by welcoming two new ladies – Eileen Devenish and Annie Barnard. As usual an interesting range of activities was taking place – dress making, soft furnishing, embroidery, patchwork, tapestry, knitting and crochet. That evening’s Burns Night prompted some who were attending to make tartan outfits/ accessories! One skirt, rather ambitiously, only cut out the day before it was finished for the occasion (apart from the waistband fastening for which a safety pin made do – not seen of course!) The evening was enjoyed and everyone looked wonderful!

wool! She has promised to return whenever she can, however, so we look forward to seeing her soon and hearing all the latest news from her new home. March was quiet by contrast, but another new lady, Vera, came and we had some donations of fabric to sort through. There is always room for newcomers – do come along and see what we are up to. We have ladies of all ages and lots of different skills. It’s great to see what things people do and there is always someone to help if you get stuck or want to try something new. Often there’s an opportunity to hitch a ride on one of the Marlborough Embroiderers’ Guild coach trips - March’s was the Sewing for Pleasure Show at the NEC - Kay lets us know about these.

February was a sad month as we said farewell to one of our founder members Kim Leitch, who has been a very loyal, lively, enthusiastic and inspirational member, sending her on her way with champagne and a card signed by everyone. Almost everyone came to wish her all the very best.

The next session is Saturday 22 April in the Church Centre, 9.30am – 12.30pm. All meetings are advertised in the Burbage News and by posters nearer the time.

Kim has moved to Shropshire with the intention of keeping alpacas and knitting their

DO GIVE IT A TRY! We charge £3.50 and provide tea, coffee and biscuits

WE Helen tel: 810949 or Kay tel: 811093

Once a month


LOOK OUT FOR: Posters around the Village, or in the Burbage News printed edition

WOMAN’S OWN The business was concluded at 7.50pm, but the evening continued on and was spent savouring a very comprehensive selection of cheeses, pate, salad accompaniments and wine.

January The AGM was held on Thursday, January 19th. We welcomed a new member. The committee received a vote of confidence and each member was in agreement to remain in post. The previous year’s minutes and new proposals were accepted.

Conversation flowed amidst a very warm, pleasant and convivial atmosphere as we exchanged news of the past few weeks.

The draft programme was presented, copies of which are available at Woman’s Own meetings.

There was one raffle prize, won by Margaret Slatter.

Rest of the year’s programme May 18th June 15th

Roger Pearce Tall Ships Eileen Devenish Riding for the Disabled

July 20th August 17th September 21st

Fashion Show Theatre ** Emma Butler Forever Hounds Trust

October 19th

Skittles *

November 16th

Christmas Crafts Workshop

December 21st

Candlelit Supper *

Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at 7.30pm in the Church Centre, Eastcourt, Burbage,with the exception of the Skittles Evening which is at The Royal British Legion and the Theatre visit which is usually at The Watermill Theatre, Bagnor, near Newbury. Information for the theatre is not normally available until early Spring. *Members only events are in italics. However, guests are welcome at other times and encouraged to join. Annual fee


Monthly fees:


Wine/food events £2.50 Guests:


**The theatre visit will be a musical “A Little Night Music” by Stephen Sondheim and every effort will be made to secure a group booking, when that opens on 12 April, for the evening performance of Thursday 17 August. A list was circulated at the 20 April meeting for those interested and partners may be included if there is availability. More details of the performance can be obtained from the Watermill website


WOMAN’S OWN February

The talk was very much enjoyed by all present.

Dawn Lawrence gave a talk entitled "Two Steps Behind", which is also the title of her latest book. It has a foreword by Virginia McKenna - founder of the Born Free Foundation.

The winner of the raffle was Linda King.


She is a talented poet and the book is a series of poems based on the threat of extinction to many creatures around the world. This is usually caused by man's activities, especially in the creation of palm oil plantations. Palm oil has many uses, and forests are being felled in order to grow the plants. The title suggests that a lot of our wildlife is now only two steps behind the dinosaur in terms of extinction, and that we should treasure it whilst we still can. Although this is a serious subject, her talk and the poems were both informative and humorous.

About the book Each animal speaks for itself in easy-to-read, rhyming verse. Most of these voices are humorous, a few are sad, reflecting the plight in which wild animals find themselves in today's rapidly changing world. Some animals are exotic unusual ones which might not be familiar; others are old favourites. Not all are endangered, but most are threatened. Their world is vanishing fast. Already by the time readers digest these facts many on the brink of extinction will be lost forever. As the tiger so aptly tells us, 'Man should move both heaven and earth to save the last of me.' Source: "A delightful collection and a fantastic contribution to conservation." Prince Charles, 2014

We were delighted to welcome soprano, Debbie Mansi, who told her story about the path to becoming an opera singer. She found a love of classical music as earlier as junior school age and at senior school was determined to learn the cornet – she ended up playing the trumpet, but achieved grade 8 with distinction anyway! Her music teacher also discovered she had a voice and after taking singing lessons, she also attained grade 8 with distinction. Her first singing role was the “Queen of the Night” in the school production of Mozart’s “Magic Flute”. Accepted by five leading music colleges, at the young age of 18, she chose the Royal College of Music and whilst a student was able to perform at prestigious concert halls such as the Wigmore, Queen Elizabeth and Albert. During her rather short career she sang with the Scottish National Opera and English National Opera and performed throughout Europe. Just at the point where she had achieved the level of dramatic soprano when her career would reach new heights, en route to a performance of Wagner’s “Ring Cycle” at the Edinburgh Festival she sustained an horrific leg injury slipping between platform and train. This put her out of action for eight years and it was then impossible to make up the lost time, although she is philosophically so grateful to be fully healed. She now works for a solicitor but continues to give recitals. She gave a demonstration of how to project the voice assisted by brave volunteer Romaine – opera singers do not need microphones and sang “O Mio Babbino Caro” accompanied by a CD of music – wonderful!

source: She has also written other books for children, and money raised from these goes to the Born Free Foundation.


Helen Minton gave the vote of thanks and the raffle was won by Jackie Kimber. In April we look forward to our Birthday Party – goodness it doesn’t seem like a year since the 50th Celebrations!

BURBAGE & DISTRICT CAMERA & VIDEO CLUB February 2017 Report At the Club's February session, Member Larry E presented a discussion and demonstration on the use of LED studio lighting which he purchased at a very reasonable price from the auction site, ‘’. Examples of the application included portraits and product lighting for pictures to be uploaded on to auction sites. The demonstration was followed by a critique of images taken of the night sky during last month's meeting. Paper copies together with digital files were reviewed and advice given on how to improve astrophotography. This part of the session was led by Member Phil L. Our plans for the next session in March include proposals to travel to Avebury in April to capture the night sky, a subject which seems to have provided much interest to all of the Members and will be led by Member Phil L. In the event that the skies are overcast on that evening, our alternative plan is to provide another demonstration of product photography and members are requested to bring articles which they may wish to offer for sale on an auction site.

Photographs taken on the visit to Crofton and submitted by Phil Leach

For more information please feel free to call Sonny Hamid tel: 01672 811 933 or Mike Bird

tel: 01672 810 574


BURBAGE & DISTRICT CAMERA & VIDEO CLUB March 2017 Report Members were treated to another exciting session of astrophotography at the March meeting of the Club. We were led by Member Phil L and taken at night to the Crofton Windmill which happened to be beautifully lit with amber colour floodlighting all of which added to the attraction of the view at this site. The sky was brilliantly clear but it was very cold! Nevertheless, Members did not seem too bothered about the temperature and just kept firing away at the windmill and the sky. Light pollution was a problem but some post-production processing using Adobe’s Photoshop Elements 15 helped remove some of the unwanted amber light pollution especially when shooting just the night sky away from the windmill.

The cameras were set at time exposure with high ISO speeds as the conditions required prolonged shutter opening times. Other accessories, such as a torch and tripods were also necessary to help us get some good shots. Our plans for the next session in April are to travel to Avebury and try and get some night shots of the silhouetted Silbury Hill and the traffic light trails on the adjoining A4 - weather permitting of course! We welcome new members from Burbage and the surrounding villages all of whom are welcome to join us in sharing this exciting hobby Please contact Sonny tel: 01672 811 933 or Mike tel: 01672 810 for more details.


BURBAGE & DISTRICT CAMERA & VIDEO CLUB Please note that the two images shown below and the one on the bottom right on the previous page also contain streaks of white and/or red lights caused by navigation lights on Army Helicopters passing overhead while we were shooting long exposure shots. The image bottom left on the previous page has been produced by merging two separate images into one to counteract the high contrast range.Â

Photos submitted by Sonny Hamid


BURBAGE & DISTRICT CAMERA & VIDEO CLUB The squirrel was taken at Preshute Church one Monday morning. Mike got within 20 yards of him before getting the wonderful photo.

These two photos were submitted by Mike Bird The Easter Chick was given in a bunch of flowers given to Mike’s wife, Margaret, last year and was hidden (after the flowers had died) under a shrub in Mike’s garden. He survived all the bad weather we had but is now enjoying the sunshine as we all are.



The next three pages show views of the village and the beautiful daffodils and magnolia trees taken by Sonny Hamid






BURBAGE & DISTRICT CAMERA & VIDEO CLUB Our April session was again undertaken outdoors, this time taking night time shots of Silbury Hill and an illuminated Marlborough Town Hall all with a background of car head and tail light trails.

these conditions made the Members even more determined to return another day when, hopefully, the skies would be clear thus providing an opportunity to gain even better images.

Exposure was very challenging and several bracketed shots were taken with the intention that at least one of the series may turn out to be right.

For our next session in May, we are hoping that the bluebells are still out so that we can do some shots of picturesque scenes bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. However, should the weather not permit a visit to Savernake, Members will critique their past work instead.

Despite being Spring, it became really cold specially after standing in the open for nearly two hours but despite the discomfort, Members did not complain presumably because they were so deeply engaged in adjusting camera settings and of course the picture taking.

We welcome new members from Burbage and the surrounding villages all of whom are welcome to join us in sharing this exciting hobby Please contact Sonny on 01672 811 933 or Mike on 01672 810 for more details.

Sadly the sky was very heavily overcast thus the background was dull and grey and

Members of the club setting up their equipment at Silbury Hill



Photographs contributed by Sonny Hamid and Robert Cooper



Marlborough Town Hall with a background of car head and tail light trails (Sonny Hamid)

Our next session is scheduled to start at 19:30 hours at the Burbage Royal British Legion Hall on Wednesday 17 May, 2017. [19]

Burbage & District Model Railway Club participate in construction activities.

Our Members participated in a varied and interesting range of activities during the Club’s March session. We were pleased to welcome another new Member, Ray E, who is a very enthusiastic modeller and who provided many useful hints and tips on how we could improve on the construction of our Club layout. Ray’s input is much appreciated by all of our Members. We were approached by a parent of a young and very enthusiastic modeller with a request to visit us and examine the progress we have been making with the construction of our layout. We agreed to the request for the visit and look forward to showing him our work. We are also helping the young lad build a small layout for him and our Members have agreed to provide the lad with a simple train set type oval with 3 short sidings. The outside (tangential) sidings could be extended onto cassettes or another board at some stage in the future. Young people are always welcome to visit our layout and can also


Some Members undertook the construction of low relief buildings which will be sited behind the tracks whole others completed the building and detailing of a tunnel entrance which forms a scenic break. Members also provided suggestions for a different way of fixing the scenic board to go behind these buildings which will be tried out during the coming days. The Club welcomes new members and also any donations and gifts of unwanted 00/H0 gauge model railway items. So, if you would like to try your hand at this hobby or have some equipment you are not using, please feel free to call me Sonny Hamid, on tel: 01672 811 933 See you at the next meeting.


Every week someone wins £1,000. You could also win a 2nd Prize - £100, plus 2 prizes of £50, 4 prizes of £25 and 20 prizes of £10 Playing the Prospect Hospice Lottery make a real difference to people's lives, enabling us to continue giving expert care and support to patients and their families. "I play the Prospect Hospice lottery every week, and it’s a really easy way to support a charity that means so much to me. Prospect cared for my wife Barbs, both in the Day Hospice, where she met so many people who were going through similar experiences, and in the care she had at the very end of her life. The team there was wonderful. Just £1 a week is a small amount of money but it makes such a big difference. What’s more, if you keep playing, you might even win a prize – I know, because I did!” Paul Charlwood, Swindon

How our lottery works 1

Each chance in our weekly lottery costs £1. You can have up to 20 chances each week.


For each chance you purchase you will be allocated a unique number


The draw takes place every Friday and you will automatically be entered into the draw for each week that you have paid your subscription


28 lucky winners are selected at random by our lottery computer. Someone will win the £1,000 jackpot every week.


All winners’ cheques are sent by post automatically but you can check the winning numbers on our website TICKETS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT LOCAL SHOPS!





2 days

2 stages

7-9 JULY 2017 East Farm, AveBury, Wiltshire nick harper George Wilding Ministry of samba Morganway


Edd Mann

In aid of

Supported by

Registered Charity No. 280093

More acts to follow, for more info visit: [24]

Want to meet people and make more friends? Like to give something back to your local community? Have a couple of hours a week to spare? Come and help us at the Friends’ Hospital Shop. The Friends of Savernake Hospital and Community run a small shop at the Hospital. Open 9.30am - 3.30pm, Monday to Friday, it’s there for everyone - patients, staff and visitors. The Shop is run by a team of wonderful volunteers who each give around 3 hours a week to keep the shop open, take the trolley on to the ward, and chat with our many customers. We’d love to have more volunteers! It’s the loveliest little shop, packed full of useful stuff and helps raise funds so the Friends can award grants for local healthcare needs. It also runs a Trolley Shop up on Ailesbury ward each morning, taking newspapers, sweets and smiles to the patients. We have regular Afternoon Tea meetings, a discount at the hospital café, and a free minibus transfer to the hospital from the free parking at Elcot Lane.

If you’d like to find out more, please email, ring Juliet Bonser on 01672 513862, or visit


Help and support for people who care According to the last census, there are 47,608 people in Wiltshire providing care and support to a relative, child, partner or friend who would not be able to manage on their own. There are many reasons why someone may not be able to cope unaided including physical or mental disability, old age, long-term illness, special educational need, eating disorder or a problem with drugs or alcohol. It is estimated that 3 in 5 people will become a carer at some point in their lives. The problem is that most people will not identify themselves as such – people simply consider themselves as a spouse, sibling, parent, grandparent or friend doing what they would be doing anyway. Many also mistake the word ‘carer’ with

those providing paid care work in a residential home or domiciliary agency capacity. Carer Support Wiltshire is a charity with a team of support workers who can provide information and support to carers living in Wiltshire, at the other end of the telephone, or face to face, along with accessing to counselling and advice relating to your role. All of our services are free and confidential for anyone aged 18 and over and we can offer you the chance to have a break through social cafés, days out, activities, craft groups and complementary therapies. We will shortly be running a monthly carers cafés in nearby Marlborough where you can come along to chat with other carers over a hot drink or two. To find out more about us, or to register for some support, please visit our website, email or freephone: 0800 181 4118 (01 380 871 690 from a mobile).


Health Trainer service from Wiltshire Council

Improve your health,

make positive lifestyle changes! Do you want to: t improve your general wellbeing t build your self confidence and motivation t eat healthier food and be a healthy weight t reduce or stop smoking t be more active t drink less alcohol?

Are you over 18? A dedicated health trainer can assist you every step of the way in achieving and maintaining your goals. They can also help you find other services and activities.

Call us: 0300 003 4566 Email:

helping you to help yourself [27]

Health Trainer service from Wiltshire Council My name is Sanj and I am the health trainer for Pewsey and the surrounding areas including Burbage. It is a free and confidential service. Health Trainers work on a one to one basis with individuals to support behaviour change and improve health. We meet with our clients in places such as the local library, leisure centre etc. We can work with clients who want to improve their wellbeing, including looking at areas such as;

Building self-confidence and motivation Eating healthier food and becoming a healthy weight Reducing of stopping smoking being more active drinking less alcohol I can also signpost and support people to access other services and activities. As a Health Trainer I can work with my client for six sessions building motivation and confidence to enable the client to help themselves and to maintain the changes. I look forward to hearing from you, Sanj.

Appointments can be made by self-referral via or telephone 0300 003 4566


The Burbage News Quarterly Spring issue - due out April 2017 Summer issue - due out July 2017 Autumn issue - due out October 2017 Winter issue - due out January 2018

(article (article (article (article

deadline deadline deadline deadline

19th 19th 19th 19th

March) June) September) December)

Please send us your articles in plenty of time! If you have an event to report on, with pictures, don’t delay - send it in straight away! Email photos and articles to Please put ‘BNQ’ (without the quotes) in the subject line so we know which publication it is intended for Articles from groups/organisations What have you been doing lately? Had a speaker : Been on a trip Made something special? Or do you simply want to let people know more? Why not tell everyone about it in the Burbage News Quarterly? Attract new members by telling and showing everyone what your group is all about

Articles from individuals What interests you? Got a hobby? Want to write a short story? Have you been out fundraising for a good cause? Passionate about something? Why not share it in the Burbage News Quarterly? You can be a one-off, occasional or regular feature contributor. It’s your e-magazine!

Burbage News Production Team Editor (Quarterly online-only magazine) Editor (Monthly Magazine) Cover design (BN Monthly) & occasional cartoons Church content Meet Your Community (BN Monthly) and article support Burbage News website- online diary Diary Email Burbage News website - online directory Directory Email

Val Clowes 01672 811070 Gavin Ketchen 01672 811810 Bill Mather 01672 810924 John & Joy Guy 01672 810767 Chris Redwood 01672 810328 Steve Redwood 01672 810328

Burbage News Quarterly The Burbage News Quarterly is the online-only independent local community e-magazine for Burbage. Items are welcomed from clubs, organisations, businesses and individuals. Items may be edited for zlegal reasons and/or to fit the editorial space. Every care is taken to ensure that articles and wording do not offend, but no responsibility can be accepted for statements made by the subscribing authors. The views expressed may not represent the views of the Burbage News Production Team As the Burbage News Quarterly is an online-only production, you must ensure that permission to publish has been obtained from those person(s) named in your

Burbage News Quarterly Editor: Val Clowes 01672 811070

submission and/or from any person(s) appearing in photographs/images you would like us to use. Any logos or registered trademarks that appear in any issue must also have permission to publish. By submitting an article, story, comment, image or advertisement you are accepting responsibility for the content and are indemnifying the Burbage News from any claim for damages from any person or organisation affected by your submission Any item submitted will be regarded as copyright of the Burbage News unless the contributor requests their material be marked differently

Visit our website:

Unless otherwise marked, all content is copyright © Burbage News 2014 and may not be reproduced without written permission of the editor [29]

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