For a new driver 21 or younger, how much did your monthly car insurance decrease every six months? E

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For a new driver 21 or younger, how much did your monthly car insurance decrease every six months? Every year? If you are 21 or younger, and pay for your own car insurance. If you have not had any accidents, or ticket violations applied to your driver's license....How much did your monthly car insurance decrease each year? What was your monthly payment from 16-21 years of age if you did NOT drive a sports car? Please list the state you reside in, and whether you live in the city or suburbs. Thanks. Related

Can I get my car back from the impound using anothers insurance? Recently my car was impounded due to no insurance - stupid I know - and now I can't retrieve it without insurance. The problem is the only way I can get insurance now is if I pay for a full year, can't afford that much so I have very few options now available, if any. What I want to know is can I insure myself using someone else's insurance and retrieve the car that way? Will the police and impound accept this type of insurance? And will I even be insured due to what happened? Because of what happened I now have 6 points so I realise it will be difficult to get insured. Thanks and hope someone can help. By the way this happened in the UK." Flood insurance? Will the poor people who have suffered Flood Damage have a problem with the Insurance Companies. I ask this question because a Friend of mine had Gazebo wrecked in recent storm. Insurance Company refused payment on the grounds (ACT OF GOD) In texas can they deny u car insurance? I got a new car today and my bf got a ticket in my old car today. I heard if u have an unpaid ticket than I cant get car insurance on my new car... Is tht tru Minnesota car insurance rates increas with a speeding ticket? Can car insurance rates increase after a speeding violation as a Minnesota resident if the violation takes place in Florida in a Florida registered vehicle? Is insurance cheaper if you have had experience on the road? I am 16 driving a moped I'm looking to get a car when I'm 17, will insurance be cheaper for me because I drive a moped?" Good auto insurance deal? Which insurance company in Toronto offers good deal for one or two company cars?

License in insurance? What would it be for? How would I go about obtaining one, and is it a solid field to get into? I currently work in member service for health insurance and am looking into getting into a different type, but I see a lot require a license in insurance." Insurance quotes and reviews? l've found a reasonable insurance price on a Vauxhall Corsa 1.0 litre Club, but l was curious as my Dad has never heard of this company so l reviewed it and it said 1* for most websites! Should l go by reviews or does it matter? l want to make sure that it is a reliable insurance company just in case anything was to happen! lt's called Brokerking. Thanks in advance xxx" How does a speeding ticket affect insurance costs? My parents own the car that I drive and cover insurance fees (I pay for gas/oil/maintenance). I got a speeding ticket today for $156 for going 52 in a 35 zone (if that price is legitimate and fair in CT, I'm not sure), but I'm curious as to how that will affect insurance costs? Anyone with knowledge in the area, your responses are much appreciated." I saw on TV awhile back a life insurance policy you can use while your still living? I saw it awhile ago on television that it's a life insurance policy you can use while still living such as to pay for children's college and stuff? Do they still offer this and from what company is it from? Question about how much you think my insurance will be??! please help? I'm 17. I just got my license. I will be put on my grandmas insurace. She has one car. We plan to share that till I can get my own. the car is a 1995 sc400 lexus. how much do you think its going to be a month?! Need advice on getting speeding ticket reduced? I got a ticket for 50 mph in a 35 mph. The officer reduced the ticket from 55 mph to 50 mph and advised me to plead not guilty and show up in court. He said he would be there and more What happens if you don't pay your car insurance? I've been paying an exorbitant amount of money for State Farm insurance for quite some time. I'd like to cancel it and get insurance from Progressive instead. Opinions on the companies aside (that's not the issue), what will happen if I just stop paying for State Farm and buy the Progressive policy? I'm all paid up til today." Insurance for honda civic?

Does anyone no how much insurance is for a Honda civic, I am 17. Do i have any hope of getting any?" What cars cheap on insurance but still has over 200 hp? I'm 18 and I've got a 2.0L 2010 ford focus with just over 150 bhp with my insurance 1,700 but I'm looking for a car with over 200 bhp but still below 2,500 on insurance but under 12,000" Is purchsing second car make your car insurance cheaper? Is purchsing second car make your car insurance cheaper? I'm 17 just got my driving licence (UK) How can I get my insurance cheaper? I'm 17 just got my driving licence (UK) How can I get my insurance cheaper? What are the contents of an insurance premium? What are the contents of an insurance premium? Would a 2002 Mustang Coupe have high insurance? I understand most sports cars cause a spike in insurance money for young drivers. Would a 6 cylinder 2002 Mustang for a young driver under your parents policy be much more expensive? If so, how much?" What is a typical range of costs for teen auto insurance? I have to say - this field is RIPE for a good consumer survey that gives some general ranges of insurance by state or region. Nearly everything online - (correction EVERYthing) on line links to get quotes from insurers (commercial sites) . Fine, but suppose a kid is in the early stages of learning about cars and parents are new to the kid driver insurance game and they just want to get a feel for ranges of prices based on region, car type, first time driver, male/female, etc. Let's assume a modest new car in the $25,000 new range and a responsible kid with middle income family - good insurance history. The new driver is added to current parent policies. Is the range $1000 to $3000? Or narrower ... $1500 - $2500." I have a WA state license and got a speeding ticket in NY state -- will my insurance rates go up? The officer who issued the ticket in NY said that it was a 3 point violation (14 mph over the speed limit). But WA state does not have a points system. Will my insurance premiums go up? I have a bare bones Geico policy. Affordable health insurance?

I have no insurance, been unemployed over a year, no dependents, am not pregnant, and have no serious medical issues I'm aware of. If it matters, I'm not a US citizen, I'm a permanent resident alien. Which means I can work and pay taxes, but can't vote and don't get called for jury duty. I live in California. How do I find decent affordable health insurance? Are there any sliding scale clinics in San francisco for someone in my position? There seems to be options if one has kids, is pregnant, has a serious illness, or is a vet. I'm none of those. Also, I'm way past the time period to sign up for Cobra. Thanks in advance!" How much on average would it raise my parents' car insurance if.....? i were to get my license? Is it legal in the state of Kentucky to own a car without auto insurance if I don't drive? Is it legal in the state of Kentucky to own a car without auto insurance if I don't drive? Car tax and insurance? how mich is yax and insurance on a car for over 25s my bf is nearly 25 and starting to drive xxx For a new driver 21 or younger, how much did your monthly car insurance decrease every six months? Every year? If you are 21 or younger, and pay for your own car insurance. If you have not had any accidents, or ticket violations applied to your driver's license....How much did your monthly car insurance decrease each year? What was your monthly payment from 16-21 years of age if you did NOT drive a sports car? Please list the state you reside in, and whether you live in the city or suburbs. Thanks. Motorycle Insurance (NY)? I am looking into buying a bike now, but before i do, i want to know, how much is the average amount an 18 yr old male would pay per month for insurance. I'm not looking for insurance sites that i can get a quote from, since i have not decided on the bike to get so any quote might be off. Any roundabout estimate would be very helpful, plus if u can recommend a bike that wouldnt cost me a fortune that'd be helpful too =)" Health insurance question? i am 17, and will be 18 january 12th. i curently live in california, but will be going to arizona to start college in january. my parents have signa nationwide health insurance, and i was wondering if i would still be covered if i only wnet to school part time? i am considering going part time because is is about 2000 more dollars to take 4 classes rather than two, and i am still waiting for my financial aid which wont come until after january. any help would be appreciated, thanks." How much would my insurance be for a mustang 1994 & 17 yr old.? Would i have to get my own insurance or have my parents put my car on there insurance since its gonna be in there name b/c i only have a permit

How much will it cost to run a car in the UK (17 Years Old)? I know insurance is a good 4-5k but how much does it cost to run (Fuel, Etc.) I have a job and I work about 15 miles away.. I drive about 100 miles a week and I work for 5 days during the week. Any help will be appreciated!" Will my insurance still go down if I have a really cheap car for my first year then a more expensive one after? When my sister first got her car she crashed. I don't want to buy a new car and have that happen to me because it will cost a lot to have it repaired so I have decided to get a car for no more than 600 for the first couple of months, hopefully a year if it will last that long. I'd like a fiat 500 after that year and because I want to personalise it I would have to buy it from the showroom and it's 14,000 :-|. The money isn't the problem because I've been saving for ages to get this car but I am worried about the insurance on it. If I get a car for 600 first (it will be my first car), and have no accidents for a year and get a more expensive car (the fiat 500), will my insurance on that car still be high? I will be 18 when I get the cheap car and 19 when I get the fiat and Im a girl, if that helps." Is car insurance higher for red cars? I already know car insurance is going to be SKY HIGH for me since I'm eighteen and I've had my license for only about 2 years (Even though I've never been in a single car accident or recieved any kind of ticket *knock on wood* =]) But I just wanted to know if it is higher for red cars than other colors 19 yr old looking for a fast & cheapest insurance car...? So im 19 and looking for the best option in car with a cheap enough insurance <2,000. Wanting a car that is about as fast or sporty as im going to get for also <2,000. Any suggestions ???" Why does the political left compare obamacare to car insurance? car insurance is to cover the other guy, people often have liability only which give no personal coverage whatsoever!!! ca" Cheap insurance in northern ireland? I am a 21 year old driver with 3 years no claims bonus and my insurance is still a fortune!!! is there any dealers out there that is a bit better on it?? Best car insurance for my situation? I'm 18 years old. I have had one accident about a year ago and have received a ticket last month, what would be the best insurance that is affordable. Right now I'm on my mom's insurance and it's really high. I want to be on my own insurance that would be negotiable with my bad record. If someone could also give me some advice on how to

lower my cost of insurance without switching that would be helpful too." How much for car rental insurance? hi i will be renting a car for 2 weeks and i need to know whether it is necessary to take car insurance and how much would it cost? also will it vary if I am less than 24yrs of age? i do not own a car and so dont have any auto insurance. i just need to know an approx figure... :) What is the average cost for health insurance a month? I need to know the cost for health, and dental insurance a month." Cancelling car insurance? I currently have car insurance through State Farm and I pay $318 a month. I looked into 21 Century insurance and the quote says I will be paying about $180 a month. My current insurance expires June 11th but my next bill is due May 25th. How do I go about buying/cancelling insurance? I would like to cancel State Farm by May 20th and begin my new insurance that day so I won't have to pay those crazy premiums anymore. Should you Always have health insurance whenever going under the knife ? I would like to get a breast augumentation, and I was wondering if most people has health insurance whenever going under the knife? My credit is not good,but I've heard of something called Credit Care, is the health insurance included? If not,which health insurance is the most affordable and covers cosmetic surgery?" What car companies have the highest insurance rates? Highest to lowest would be a good way to list them for me. I'm 17 my car is in the garage how much would I be looking at on insurance for a weeks cover on a 106 1.4? I need to get to work and back so I need to use a car, how much would this roughly cost? THANKS" NJ car insurance? NJ My daughter borrowed my car and was in a minor accident. She has her own insurance. My insurance company paid the other drivers claim and my insurance went up. Shouldn't my daughters insurance pay the claim. We have twoseparate companies. Finding taxi insurance and licensing in Florida.?

I'm trying to find an insurance provider for my taxi in Pinellas County, Florida and can't seem to find anyone who provides insurance to taxis. I'm also trying to find out where to go for licensing and what type of licenses i need. Does anyone out there have any information that may help?" How do you renew you social insurance card? my boyfriend lost his social insurance card and he would like a new does he go about getting one and how much does it cost? I'm trying to get Heath care insurance? I'm a type 1 diabetic I'm trying to get a job but if I do my current insurance will not pay for my diabetic supplies.My medical supplies are really expensive what are my options ? How i can find a cheap car insurance? How i can find a cheap car insurance? Which car insurance company offers the cheapest price for a teenager?? Which car insurance company offers the cheapest price for a teenager?? "The older the car, the cheaper the insurance?" Ordinary cars not the high end luxury ones. I'm thinking about a 240sx S13. Basically from 1989-1994 hatchback. Anyone who owns a 240sx/180sx please give me advice? All I know is I want an RB25 swap (the RB26 is hard and it's expensive so I'm sticking with RB25. Plus it's cheaper than the SR20) and wide kit, and Silvia front (Sileighty). Thanks!!" How much is insurance on a 250-500cc bike? Im probably going to purchase a ninja 250, but whats the average insurance price? or in California?" What's the best and cheap health insurance for self employed in US? What's the best and cheap health insurance for self employed in US? For a new driver 21 or younger, how much did your monthly car insurance decrease every six months? Every year? If you are 21 or younger, and pay for your own car insurance. If you have not had any accidents, or ticket violations applied to your driver's license....How much did your monthly car insurance decrease each year? What was your monthly payment from 16-21 years of age if you did NOT drive a sports car? Please list the state you reside in, and whether you live in the city or suburbs. Thanks.

How do you apply for health insurance? How does health insurance work? Are there any good arguments for requiring health insurance. Ive only heard arguments against it? Ive heard the car insurance one, not very solid. I also have heard there will be hardship exemptions and certain levels of income earned that will determine how much help will be given in purchasing insurance. Just looking for somethings to note when someone brings up this part of the bill" "%100 liable for totaled vehicle, very low settlement. help please?" The auto insurance company says i am 100% liable to the damages, received mail from the auto insurance company, it said im responsible for 18000 for the vehicle however they will pay any 3rd party damages i hit a traffic light and rear ended a car . I called them to ask for payment options and they offered me 13000 one time payment and its settled. Why is it so cheap? im very confused" Auto Insurance Increase? My family lives in New Mexico and my son is planing on moving to Arizona I want to keep him on my insurance but when he changes his drivers license to the state of Arizona will my insurance go up? Motorcycle insurance? I'm just wondering how much this will cost if I get one in the future. I'm 17. I have had a car accident recently (last thanksgiving). And yes, I was at fault. I don't feel like naming my excuses... the insurance companies won't care anyway. But don't worry, no one was hurt. So anyway... what prices are we looking at if... 1. I get it now with my parents insurance? (we own four cars... I already have one) 2. I wait until I'm 18 and move out to a college dorm and have it as my only vehicle? 3. sport bike vs regular bike? 4. I wait a few years until the car accident is off my record? No lectures about safety please. just give me some numbers." Am i paying too much for car insurance? I am in my early 30s. A single male, no kids. I have a pretty much spotless driving record. The only ticket i have had in the past 10 years that i can think of off hand was for not using a turn signal, that was over a year ago. Other than that, nothing in around 10 years. No claims on my insurance in over 10 years either. I drive a 2001 Ford ZX2, its a compact car-for those not familiar with it , it would be similar to a Chevy Cavalier or Dodge Neon. Oh, im paying $700 every 6 months for full coverage car insurance through Nationwide. I have been with them ever since i started driving. This seems like alot. Is it? My friends tell me im overpaying, yet when i call around other places to get quotes i never find anything cheaper. In fact several places have told me to stay where im at. I dont have a problem paying it, but im just trying to find out if this sounds about right and fair as far as the price goes. Anyone out there a insurance agent?"

Best Term Insurance plan ? Should I take Term Insurance Plans ? I am of age 28 years ? What are term insurance plans.. what do they cover, do they cover any accidental disability, or medical disability, or natural death or do they cover only sudden death like death from accident or murder or calamity death etc? Please elaborate. Also tell which are best term insurance plans in india ?" What is the average cost to own a car in the UK? If you went for the cheapest car for Insurance, gas mileage, ETC. What is the average cost a month to own a car in England?" How do you get insurance and registration over the phone? I'm not sure how this works? Can someone let me know. I'm insuring my motorcycle but the insurance I want is cheapest if I do it over the phone. Car Insurance Laws in Arizona? Is it illegal to drive without car insurance? I have insurance on my car, it is just a pain because it's so expensive and a waste of my money. My friend told me the state requires it and you could e put in jail if you do not have insurance, and I know illegal immigrants that do not have insurance that drive get away with this **** everyday." Checking Insurance Quotes? May be a stupid question but can you check different insurance quotes even if you haven't passed your test yet, just to get an idea of how much it will be ?" Who sells the cheapest car insurance? Who sells the cheapest car insurance? Car insurance on a 95-98 toyota supra? im 16-female..remain a B+ average. it would be full coverage... and i know the color can make a difference..prefreably white..maybe black. anyone know the ball park insurance price it would be for me? Life Insurance questions? Why do life insurance companies often charge different rates for males and females? Who pays more by age, male or female, and why do you think this is so? Come back later and respond to two other classmate's posts and answer any responses to yours." Average car insurance cost for a 21yr old?

driving for over a year, with just a small car, any ideas? Cheers" Where can i get the best deal on sr-22 insurance? i live in pleasant hill iowa right off of des moines and i need to get the best quote on sr-22 does anyone a good insurance company? A question regarding health insurance for couples? me and my girlfriend have been dating for two years now. i plan on proposing to her this spring, but we can't afford a wedding yet. i was wondering if me and her could get an affordable health insurance, or would we need to get married to do that? i was also thinking, that if we would have to prove marital status, that we could marry at a court house, then eventually i'd propose and have a formal wedding in the future. what do most couples do in this situation, when finding good health insurance? we're healthy, no illnesses and the only prescription my girlfriend has is for her birth control. i also plan to start my own business, so getting our own insurance would be essential. thanks!" Health insurance. Self employed.? Hello. I am 24 and self employed as a driver. Live in Minnesota. Made little to no money last year after all expenses. Broke even. Have no insurance. Health insurance I mean. I have looked and everyone has plans you can buy from 68$/mo with 10k deductible and so on. All are pretty much the same for my age. Being self employed. Struggling to make money. Doesn't the state have their own low cost insurance I can apply for. Anything besides the Buy your insurance Today type deal. Thank you in advance !!!!!! How much would car insurance cost for a first time buyer? I'm 20, male, and buy a brand new car and it will be my first time driving, how much would I expect to pay for insurance in the first year?" Cheapest auto insurance? Cheapest auto insurance? How much midwife cost w/wo insurance? I am not sure if my insurance covers midwife expenses, hence any advice shall be helpful. Also, where can I look for a midwife who accepts insurance? Possibly ask my OB or hospital ? please advice" Will a citiation for having my brights on raise my insurance? And do I need to notify them? I have never had any other citations or anything else. Will a speeding ticket make my insurance go up in texas?

i got pulled over when i was 4 hours out of san antonio tx on my way to corpus and i dont have to make a court appearance nor do i have the time cuz i hafta pay my ticket by the 20th of this money. i called the court and they said all i have to do is just pay the ticket. i don't want my parents to find out of they'll flip out. Will my insurence go up? how can i stop it? Buying auto insurance? Can two brother's buy auto insurance regardless of if they live together or not? What/how does car insurance work? as you may have gathered i am not the smartest person to know how car insurance work! im learnin how to drive soon and i might get a car of my own so i can practice in my spare time and i guess ill be insured in that car i know its an absolute must to have car insurance and i think you have to pay taxes? how do they all work? what does insurance cover/not cover? i've been told if i get into an accident, i wouldnt have to pay for any of the damage cuz insurance covers it all BUT you have to buy insurance? slightly confused by that... plz explain to me in a very clear, concise manner as if youre talkin to a 5 year old child how car insurance work. for reference how much insurance costs, im a 20 year old female" For a new driver 21 or younger, how much did your monthly car insurance decrease every six months? Every year? If you are 21 or younger, and pay for your own car insurance. If you have not had any accidents, or ticket violations applied to your driver's license....How much did your monthly car insurance decrease each year? What was your monthly payment from 16-21 years of age if you did NOT drive a sports car? Please list the state you reside in, and whether you live in the city or suburbs. Thanks. "If I get an insurance quote from a price comparison site, am I guaranteed the cheapest price? Is there likely to be hidden costs? Can you buy auto insurance the very moment you buy a car? Do insurance companies work that quickly? Can I call an insurance company the instant I buy a car and say, Hey, I just bought a car. I want to get insurance for it. ? I think companies should do this because if I take off from the dealership without insurance, and somebody hits me on the way home, I'm in trouble, right? I looked everywhere for this information, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Could somebody clarify this issue for me?" Do I need my own car insurance? I have paid my car off to my mom. She paid for it initially and is the listed owner of the vehicle. I'm 20 years old. Since she is the owner does that mean she will always have to be the primary driver listed on the insurance? If I move out after I graduate in a few months, do I need to get my own insurance plan on the car or stay on hers? I plan to keep her house as my permanent address for at least a few years until I really settle

down. It would be cheaper to stay on the plan with her, but can I do that if I don't live in the same household?" Are there any affordable insurance companies out there for carpenters? i need to obtain general liability and workers comp. to start my business. looking for affordable insurance in louisiana, (preferrably in baton rouge)." Does an insurance company have to insure a rebuild title? for a car that has been rebuilt does the company have to insure it? Where could I find health insurance that covers these things? I'm a very healthy person, I've never had any major illnesses and don't do anything that would risk a major hospital visit (of course I know that things do happen), I just want the health insurance that covers: Doctor visits and Medications I have been diagnosed with GAD by a general psychiatrist and he recommends I take medication for it, I don't typically visit a doctor but I felt I needed to see one asap. I've never had health insurance, I'm 19 years old and I live on my own, I'm about to be married in a month and I just would like to know where I can find affordable health insurance where I won't have to pay too much for a doctors visit and for medication. Thank you" Will Getting a license in a different state lower car insurance? If you originally have a drivers license in one state, and move to a different state and get a drivers license there, can it lower your car insurance. I've heard from some people that it can because when you apply for car insurance they won't see any tickets you may have had originally, but I've also heard that no matter what they can see your driving history." How to get only eye insurance in new jersey ? Hi , I have bcbs nj health insurance independently , not from my employer , but they dont provide eye insurance indepently , it should only be from an employer , ......pls someone suggest other insurances where they provide only eye coverage like UNITED or GURDIAN etc" If I drive a car that has insurance but not in your name in Florida? If there is a car accident can I get in trouble? Meaning can I get a ticket if someone rear ends me? A friend of mine was in an accident and they were rearended the car owner had insurance would that cover said friend? Do auto insurance brokers/agencys lie . they said ill pay 49 monthy and 134 down for insur. could this be lyin? ya basically this auto insurance agency asked sum ? in person and compared rates and the lowest price was some company was offering $49 monthly and $134 down .. i was trying to get 40 a month and shes like there is nothing i can do .. then i was asked

how can i be sure that this will be the monthly fee and they wont charge more and she said there will be no hidden fees this is what they charge . we are ligitiment insurance agency ... but i dont know i feel like the down is probly profiting them big time and i feel like the monthly payments will some how be higher than 49 monthy and she is lying about hidden fees Why is there such a discrepancy between replacement cost of my house between insurance companies? My current homeowner's insurance has the replacement cost of my home at $189,000. I've been shopping for insurance and I've gotten estimates anywhere from $250,000 to $700,000. Other agents say I am way under-insured. When I asked my current agent why they set the replacement cost so low, the agent said that I do not have to replace it with the exact same brick Victorian house, I can get a nice modular home for even less than $189,000. My question is why there is such a variation in replacement costs between agencies and why the current broker seems to think I deserve less than I have now?" Does anyone know how much it cost to insure a honda integra ivtec 2006 model car ? i was wondering if anyone has this car and how much they pay for insurance. i am under 25 years old living in NZ. car has no modifications or anything all factory standard and is parked in garage at all times. Who is the best life insurance company that pays out? I am looking into getting life insurance probably not term life insurance just regular not sure yet however a lot of my friends have had problems with life insurance companies not paying out even though they where still within the life insurance contract guidelines so I am scared..I have heard a lot of positive things about farmers and that they always pay out as long as it is in within the guidelines they provided when you signed up for the insurance . does anyone know of a company that for sure will pay out ? also can I take a life insurance policy out for my mother id like to do so because she does not have one so I am worried something may happen and I will be stuck with bills ? I know I will have ta pay more because of her age but that is okay with me I feel like it is well worth it as long as the company pays out any advice ?? Thanks Health insurance help? usually, how much does it cost monthly for health insurance in california, marin county?" Good fast car with low insurance? For my first car my parents offered to pay my insurance and I make the car payments, problem is I really like sports cars and would like something fast. They reject every car I show more" Is it expensive to insure a Prius?

I want to invest in buying a toyota prius but I heard that the insurance for these vehicles is expensive. I have Allstate insurance. Anyone who owns a prius, is the insurance more" Car Insurance - Older owner still has insurance on it? I had my car signed over to me on the 2nd November and received my V5 back on the 10th. I got the car insured ASAP as required on a daily basis. I have recently found out that the previous owner STILL has insurance on it and has arranged for it to be fully cancelled on the 1st December to collect their no claims bonus. Obviously I cannot make them cancel the policy but does this invalidate my insurance until the 1st Dec/make it illegal to use my car until this date? How much do you think it would cost for a 20yr old to insure a toyota yaris? Ok so I have my heart set on owning a Toyota yaris. I want a new ish car, I'm thinking of a 59 plate which would probably cost me around 6700, which I'm willing to spend. However I'm really confused by the insurance. In my head I anticipate that the insurance would cost me anywhere upto 2000 with me only being 20. But I went on a price comparison website and entered my details as accurately as possibly and it quoted me the lowest comprehensive cover price of about 500. I only want a 1.0 litre engine Toyota and I know that its in insurance group 2 or 3, but surely the insurance would be far more than that?! How much do you think it would cost to insure. I passed my test 3years ago and have been on my parents insurance since!" What to do about Young Driver's car insurance? I'm 17 and currently looking at buying my first car with insurance sometime during next year. I've been looking around on a lot of price comparison sites and the cheapest I could honestly find was 3,000 a year. I even tried putting myself on my dad's insurance through them and it was still in the 3000's. I have tried with a number of cars, mainly from group 4 insurance as anything below that tends to be really new cars that boost up your premium. Ideally, I'd like to buy my friends Peugeot 306 off him which is a 1.9 diesel that is usually really cheap to insure compared to most other first cars . However since this huge insurance increase I'm finding it impossible to get prices below 3000. Does anyone know of anyone specialist insurance sites for young drivers that offer cheaper prices or does anyone have any tips for filling out the forms to lower the price? I've tried everything I possibly can but I may have missed some important thing. I just know I don't want to pay 3000 a year for a car that I'm buying for 400. I see no logic there, what so ever. I'd rather crash my car and then buy another 6 of them." Car insurance when buying a new car? I may be buying a new car this weekend but the renewal on my current car insurance isn't due until December - what is the usual procedure for this? Do I just call them and advise of the change of car and pay the difference? Also will my new renewal date then be in October every year? Or will I still then have to renew in December? Why does Allstate keep increasing my insurance rate?

I am 26 years old, in California. I have had Allstate for almost 2 years now, and every 6 months my rate increases. It went up $200+, and I have not had any tickets/accidents/claims, and I have not moved. When I asked them about this, they just said they are adjusting their rates due to zip code. Seems like bologna to me. Has anyone else had this problem? Which insurer do you recommend?" When I turn 17 will my car insurance or any kind of insurance rate decrease? My dad wont pay for my car insurance until I'm 17 because he says it does down greatly but I asked some people and they said it doesn't change. What kind of health insurance do i apply for? I have a one year old son and he has had medi-cal off on and they give me so many problems and i'm tired of him having medi-cal. I recently reapplied because they stopped it again, but this time i added his father on there since he has no type of medical insurance either.4 weeks went by and i haven't recieved anything in the mail so i call and ask what is going on. The lady was extremely rude to me and tells me they denied my application because they never recieved a packet that requested birth certificates,social securities, proof of income etc. And i tried to explain to her i never recieved the packet that requested any of that and that's why i was calling to let them know and she said well they already denied you so you need to apply again i'm tired of medi-cal my poor son deserves i was wondering if anyone knew of something else i could apply for? it's just for my son and his father i'm still under my moms insurance so i don't need it but i have to apply for them since i'm the mother of my child obviously. We live off of $400 every 2 weeks and have other things to pay please someone help!" Does anyone know where i can get cheap and affordable health insurance from in wisconsin? Im looking for cheap or affordable health insurance ,, sure cant seem to find any .. does anyone have an answer" How much does it add to your insurance if you add a body kit to your car worth about 500 if your 18??? How much does it add to your insurance if you add a body kit to your car worth about 500 if your 18??? For a new driver 21 or younger, how much did your monthly car insurance decrease every six months? Every year? If you are 21 or younger, and pay for your own car insurance. If you have not had any accidents, or ticket violations applied to your driver's license....How much did your monthly car insurance decrease each year? What was your monthly payment from 16-21 years of age if you did NOT drive a sports car? Please list the state you reside in, and whether you live in the city or suburbs. Thanks.

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