Eseb2013 congress program

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R9 SY11

Chair: Rickard I & Adams M

Time / Room

17:45 – 18:04

18:09 – 18:28

18:33 – 18:52

18:57 – 19:16

conservation of a protected moth

formation and persistence?






Bolund E, Lummaa V

Klingenberg C, Martínez-

Somel M, Wilson-Sayres M,

Álvarez-Castro J

A genome-wide scan for relaxation of constraints in the human lineage affecting specific functional processes

A quantitative genetics approach to equilibrium assessment and equilibrium fitness estimation; an application to study the polymorphism of the human ACP1 in Europe

How has the genetic architecture of key life history traits responded to the demographic transition in a human population?

Abadías N, Esparza M, Sjøvold Jordan G, Huerta-Sanchez E, T, Hernández M Fumagalli M, Ferrer-Admetlla Quantitative genetic variation, A, Nielsen R selection and secular change of skull shape in humans

Poster Session Time / Room

Poster Area

















Symposium 1

O'Brien S, Rodrigues AMM, Buckling A

Experimental evolution on empirical fitness landscapes

PS0557 - Reproductive assurance drives mating system transitions to selfing (D23SY01PS0557) Theologidis I, Chelo I, Teotónio H

PS0027 - Empirical fitness landscapes reveals a limited number of accessible adaptive pathways for an RNA virus (D23SY01PS0027) Elena S, Lalic J, Franke J, DelaIglesia F

PS0637 - Experimental evolution of an RNA virus in mixed host environments (D23SY01PS0637) Morley V, Usme Ciro J, Wasik B, Turner P

PS0107 - Experimental evolution for growth rate and its implications for infection success, coinfection dynamics, and virulence in a trypanosome parasite of bumblebees (D23SY01PS0107) Marxer M



PS0151 - Viral experimental evolution reveals genotypic but not phenotypic historical contingency (D23SY01PS0151) Bedhomme S, Lafforgue G, Elena S PS0203 - Experimental evolution uncovers environment dependent fitness differences among Wolbachia strains in Drosophila melanogaster (D23SY01PS0203) Versace E, Schlötterer C PS0353 - Evolving in an unpredictable world - the E. coli story (D23SY01PS0353) Karve S, Daniel S, Chavan Y, Anand A, Dey S PS0494 - Experimental evolution of heavy metal tolerance in changing environments (D23SY01PS0494) Gorter F, Aarts MMG, Zwaan B, De Visser JGM PS0507 - Evading genetic drift: an experimental test of the probability of fixation of new genetic variants (D23SY01PS0507) Chelo I, Nédli J, Gordo I, Teotónio H PS0539 - The evolution of bacterial mutation rates

under simultaneous selection by inter-specific and social parasitism (D23SY01PS0539) 58

PS0765 - Exploring the validity of representing highdimensional fitness landscapes with a quadratic approximation (D23SY01PS0765) Du Plessis L, Bonhoeffer S PS1054 - Evolutionary consequences of female promiscuity (D23SY01PS1054) Timmermeyer N, Michiels N, Phillips P PS1186 - Social interactions determine mutation rate in Escherichia coli (D23SY01PS1186) Krasovec R, Belavkin R, Aston J, Channon A, Knight C PS1391 - Short-time response function of the modular dilute Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model (D23SY01PS1391) Park J

Symposium 2 Selection and evolution in natural populations PS0014 - Transcriptomic divergence in relation to mating success of lekking great snipes (Gallinago media) (D23SY02PS0014) Ekblom R, Wang B, Blom MPK, Kålås J, Horsburgh G, Burke T, Höglund J PS0094 - Natural selection, quantitative genetics and bioenergetics of an invasive species: the land snail Cornu aspersum (D23SY02PS0094) Nespolo R, Bartheld J, Artacho P, Gonzalez A, Bruning A, Roff D

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