The Jews of Baltimore - Vol 1/2

Page 241

He had to build up from the tilings he alone possessed. Asked what were his present views of what brought success in business his reply was: "Adaptability for the work undertaken; judgment, with courage to execute it, and, of course, integrity and hard work." To friends.

a query as to why he, a boy without friends, should leave his European home and come to Baltimore, he said: "I had heard that Baltimore was not so large as New York and there was a better chance here. Having decided to go into business in this country, I selected Baltimore as the place. The advantages to-day that Baltimore possesses are greater than they were then.

This city



the best jobbing market in the country, and there are

jobbing houses than are possessed in any other large city.



more and better

surprise some people,

The Baltimore Bargain House is helped by this fact, and so Buyers from all over the country are beginning to appreciate that the reasons why prices are more reasonable in Baltimore than in New York but


it is,

nevertheless, a fact.

every other jobbing house in the city.

or Philadelphia or other large cities less


that the business houses of Baltimore operate under

expense than they do elsewhere.




In the beginning the Baltimore Bargain House handled notions only; clothing, dry goods

and jewelry were added, and gradually new depaitments were taken on until now practically everything in the jobbing line except staple groceries are handled. The house has no traveling representatives except its buyers. Several of these spend most of their time in Europe, scanning the markets for things to fit the trade of the house. The trade deals with the house either through personal calls or by its catalogue. A million catalogues are sent out annually and draw trade to Baltimore from all parts of the United States. Porto Rico, Cuba, the British West Indies and Newfoundland send in large orders, and there is a special export department with a Spanish correspondent to look after the mail and circulars.

CASH OR The records



show that thousands

of merchants are brought to Baltimore through its efforts, and a general trade participates in these visits. Mr. Epstein has a phrase worked into every department of his business that has proved of advantage. It is "More goods for the same money, or same goods for less money." It made a hit, along with other ideas that were worked out. One-price system with all goods plainly marked is a feature that is rigidly adhered to. A rather notable thing is that the entire business of the house is done either on a cash basis or on thirty days' credit, that being the longest terms given to any customer. of the house



the Barre Street house, where the business started in 1881,


was four years


removed to 34 Hanover Street, occupying the first floor, 30x90, and cellar. Two years later the entire building was occupied. The increasing business compelled removal in 1893 to larger quarters at 216 West Baltimore Street, in a warehouse 30x150. This was followed two years later by adding the next-door buildings, 218 to 220 West Baltimore Street. Two years after that the premises 10 and 12 North Howard Street were secured for the purpose of manufacturing clothing. These premises are utilized entirely for such purpose.

SEVENTEEN ELEVATORS KEEP BUSY. The growth of the business

in later years necessitated the addition of the adjoining build-

ings on Baltimore Street, Nos. 204, 206, 208, 210, 212, 214, 216, 218 and 220, and even this large increase of space did not prove equal to the increase of business, and the property on Fayette Street, 213 to 221,


was acquired, buildings torn down and

This building




modern warehouse


connected by bridges and tunnel M'ith the buildings on Baltimore

These buildings contain seventeen freight and passenger elevators and a moving platform which handles 3,000 pounds of freight a minute, besides being equipped throughout


with the latest sprinkler system, standpipes and hose for fire protection. Even after this it was found necessary to purchase Graham's storage warehouse and

building was constructed


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