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Making the right first


Stressed with exams? Why learn code? Client profiles | Interview with PwC School Leaver | M&S & Tesco School Leavers | The Review Room | BF Kitchen

contents Editor’s letter


Making the right first impression


Stressed with exams


To travel or not to travel


Why learn code?


M&S School Leavers


SPACE | Bright Futures & MyKindaCrowd


PwC: School & College leavers opportunities


BFKitchen: Chocolate chip cookies


App Review



Tesco: School Leavers

The Civil Service: Apprenticeships



Bright Futures University Societies


editors letter It has been a really busy few months since our last School Online Magazine and there have been lots of exciting changes here at Bright Futures. At the beginning of 2015 we announced our merger with MykindaCrowd. For those of you that don’t already know, MyKindaCrowd are a Social Enterprise whose mission is to level the playing field for all students, when it comes to making the right career choice. By coming together we now have the largest network of Schools, Colleges and universities in the U.K. It is great to hear about all the great events that you have run so far and also the initiative shown where it isn’t always possible for clients to come in and have a physical presence – well done! Please do continue to share your achievements with us and it would be great to have some pictures from your events to include in the next edition. It is great to hear about all the work experience opportunities that are being offered as a result of the Companies engaging with pupils at your events, what a great result all round! Here at Bright Futures we love to share information, best practice and knowledge. This can vary from equipping someone with enough information for them to take the

decision to go to University, apply for an Apprenticeship Scheme or deciding what type of event to run at their School. We hope that by having a connection with our network you are able to gather information, ideas and knowledge that help you make the right choices for you. We have included a number of tips on how to cope with certain aspects of School life, making the right first impression as well as some great Apprenticeship schemes with some of our Corporate Investors. Our aim is for you to go on and achieve your goals and find a job that is right for you. We want you to find a good fit for you, not for you to try and make yourself fit.

The articles included in this edition will help you on your way ……..

Happy reading

Claire Head of Society www.brightfutures.co.uk claire.libby@brightfutures.co.uk Follow us on twitter @BrightfuturesNT

*If you don’t have a Society at your School then set up your own! Contact us at society@brightfutures.co.uk and we can get you started right away!



making the right first Making the right first impressions is critical in all situations, be it for a part time job interview, an interview for University or even meeting someone new at School. We have created 5 tips to help you make the best possible first impression. And remember‌

You will never get a second chance to make a first impression


Tip #1 – Eye contact

Good eye contact shows a lot of things. Firstly it shows you have respect for the individual. Eye contact is the simplest way to show that you are on the same page as the other. It also shows that you are interested and engaged in what they have to say. Giving strong eye contact also shows that you are confident in yourself and ability, but be careful; too much eye contact can get a bite weird!

Tip #2 – Strong hand Shake

There is nothing worse than a limp handshake. You may be surprised but there are companies out there who train their staff on how to give a ‘good’ handshake. Why you might ask?. Well a hard and strong handshake is hard to forget. However there are many DO NOT DO’s when it comes to giving a handshake. Firstly do not have wet hands, that is never a good look. Secondly do not be too dominant, the idea is the other person has their hand intact after. Lastly never give a politician handshake. That’s where you use two hands to cover or cup the other person’s hands. No one likes it – it’s too personal, you also have to earn the right to do it!


Tip #3 – Clear confident voice

It is never good when the person you meet cannot make out your name or what you are saying as your voice is quite and you are mumbling. You need to make sure you are clear when speaking. Try speaking slower and make sure your pronunciation is correct. You may also be aware that you have a strong accent, if this is the case it is even more important that you slow your words down, and also try and avoid using any slang.

Tip #4 – Ask questions and show an interest

Asking questions is critical. It shows that firstly you have an interest in that person and what they are saying. But it also shows to the person you are listening. The best way to prove your listening is by asking questions that relate to the conversation topic. However do make sure they are meaningful, do not just ask questions for the sake of it!

Tip #5 – Be on time

5 minutes early is on time, 5 seconds late is late. If you arrange to meet someone then it is vital you arrive on time. In being late you are showing a lack of respect and interest in the individual. It is also never a good opening to a conversation “Sorry I am late”. If you feel that you are going to be late, maybe something you are powerless to happens, ie a delayed train. Then make sure you contact the individual to inform them of your situation and that you are going to be late.

If you follow these 5 tips then you should find that your first impression you give is a positive one!


Stressed with exams? ,

don t panic... Exams are part and parcel of life. We will all have to do at least one in our lifetime be it in education or work. There are some who love exams, and almost count down the days till exam day. However the majority of people find exam periods a very stressful time. So how can you cope with this exam stress? Well we have created some tips you may want to use.


Tip 1: Be prepared Quote - “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” – Benjamin Franklin When preparing for an exam you need to make sure that firstly you know what you are supposed to have learnt. You also want to find out the format of the exam, how long it will be, how the marks are allocated, what time is it and where is it. If you are not sure on any of this then ask your teacher or look at the marking scheme that is normally put on the exams board’s website. This is particularly important at GCSE and A-levels as there are so many exams and they can all be structured differently. Making a timetable is another way of helping you to prepare. This will help you to make sure you put aside the right amount of time for revision. However you do need to make sure you stick to the timetable, one way of achieving this is sharing it with a friend, parent or teacher. In doing this you make others aware of your plans and they will help you to stick to them. A timetable also helps you to break down revision into manageable chunks, making revision as a whole easier and clearer. Also you may want to vary the timetable so that you do not get bored. This could include doing one topic for a few hours and then another topic after.

Tip 2: Take a break

Some say that we can only concentrate properly for a maximum of 45 minutes at one stretch. Others have said that the longer an individual tries to focus on one thing, the less their brains are able to deal with it effectively. So this would suggest that taking a scheduled break will help you and your mind stay refreshed. If you find yourself cramming in revision into every given minute or stressing over the up and coming exam, then you may want to simply take a break. That could be anything from walking the dog, cooking some food, watching TV or ringing up a friend. Whatever you choose to do, just make sure it is unrelated to your exam and revision, and let your brain have a welldeserved breather.

Tip 3 : Eat and Drink well

Eating and drinking are something we all naturally do. However when it comes down to revision and exams we tend to forget the very basics. Not eating or drinking correctly can have a serious effect on your overall performance. You need to make sure you keep your blood sugar levels steady so that you do not experience

any energy dips. You want to make sure you avoid foods such as biscuits, sweets and chocolate. Instead you should focus your attention on eating proteins like chicken, salmon or eggs as well as making sure you also eat plenty of vegetables and carbs like wholegrain bread, rice and pasta which release energy slowly. On the day of the exam you may be so nervous that you can’t eat. If this is the case, do not panic, your body will catch up later. But do make sure you drink plenty. Staying hydrated is very important, however do avoid sugary drinks and fruit juices as that can make you feel jittery and also mess up your energy levels. The best thing to do is to stick with good old water, or if you fancy something warming then try a herbal tea. Caffeinated tea and coffee is also fine and can act as a perk. But try and stick to about three cups a day, and if you have problems sleeping, drink your last one in the late afternoon.

Tip 4: Exercise

Exercise is firstly great for your health but it is also one of the best ways of dealing with exam stress. Exercise can be anything, we are not suggesting running a marathon but you might wish to take the dog for a walk around the park, go for a bike ride or even a swim. Exercise helps to reduce physical tension and releases natural feel-good chemicals to the brain, which is always nice! With exercise however you may find motivation can be an issue. One way to get round this is to rope a friend in; this makes it much harder for both of you to make excuses.

Tip 5: Relax and sleep well. Taking time out to relax can really help, especially if you are really anxious. Try and find a nice calm and quite space where you can sit for a few minutes. Spend this time slowly breathing deeply in and out also try and focus your mind of something pleasant like a nice holiday you once had. Getting a good night sleep is also extremely important, it is accepted that you will be tossing and turning the night before an exam. However when you find yourself worrying about not being able to nod off it will only makes matters worse. One way to cope with this is to maybe read a book or play some relaxing music before bed. Try and stay away from your laptop or TV as it that will not help you switch off. Lastly if you find yourself really not being able to get to sleep then don’t panic. You will find that adrenaline will kick and that will help get you through the exam.


To Travel or Not to Travel? Compulsory education is coming to an end for many of you. Some of you may be going straight into University however others may be looking to take a year out before going into Higher Education. For those of you wishing to take a year out you will find yourself facing the question of what to do with the year. Two options are you could take your year out to go travelling and explore the World, or you could find a full time job and increase the bank account! To help you make a decision we have spoken to two School leavers. One of whom went traveling and the other decided to take their year out to work full time. Below you will find their answers to the questions we asked and hopefully this will help you discover what may be best for you!

The Traveller: Question 1 – Where did you go traveling and how long did you go for? I went to Hong Kong for three days as a stopover on my way to Australia. Here, I did the Macau Tower Bungee Jump from 233m! I then went to Australia and worked in a Sydney Theme Park. I stayed here for a month and a half and then spent 2 months travelling up the East Coast. I then flew back to Sydney to celebrate Christmas on Bondi Beach, and then repeated my coast travel once more! In total I spent 6 months in Australia before returning home – I had the time of my life. I went on boat trips in the Great Barrier Reef, camped out, scubadived, saw the Opera House and so much more.

Question 2 – What made you decide to go travelling? I liked the aspect of having complete freedom. I also had no commitments at home so it wasn’t as hard leaving as it could have been. I also liked the fact that it was a big adventure – going to the other side of the world, not knowing where I was, and living off my own back. Question 3 – What do you feel you gained from going travelling? I feel as if I came back a different person. I grew up an awful lot. It made me appreciate the value


of money and everything I previously took for granted. I gained a lot of confidence as I was surrounded by unfamiliar people – once you realise everyone you’re with is in the same inexperienced boat as you it puts your mind at ease and makes it easier to make friends, most of whom will be lifelong friends.

Question 4 – What are the positives of going travelling compared to working? I learned a lot of valuable life lessons. I learned independence and finding my own way, rather than depending on other people to guide me constantly. You are not committed to something either as you are in work, you direct your own life out there. You learn how to cope completely alone.

Question 5 – What are the negatives of going travelling compared to working? You have less work experience to put on a CV, and obviously less money. Travelling is very expensive. You also don’t have the consistency and stability that a regular job brings – when you travel you don’t know what is around the corner. The unfamiliarity of it all can also be quite lonely and scary, especially if you are prone to homesickness.

Question 6 – If you had your time again, would you change anything in regards to travelling? I had a working holiday Visa, which meant I was allowed to work. I would choose to have worked more out there, as it would have provided more routine, extra income and possible Visa extension providing I had a suitable job. I would then have been able to experience the rest of Australia and possibly other countries.

Question 7 – Would you recommend travelling to everyone? Yes, 100%! It was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. I learned a lot, gained many friends, and saw incredible things. I would recommend everyone does this at some point – it’s worth it.

The Worker: Question 1 – why did you feel travelling wasn’t for you? I wouldn’t say travelling isn’t for me, it is definitely an option for me a few years from now, but right this minute I chose to work.

Question 2 – What have you done instead of traveling? I am working full time in an office for now.

Question 3 – what do you feel you have gained from working? I have gained a sense of independence. You don’t understand the working life until you are doing 40 hours a week and earning your own money. You don’t appreciate money until you have earned it yourself. I feel I have gained a purpose of self-efficiency and responsibility, and managed to earn a good salary for my age in a competitive working world. I feel much more mature than I did when I finished my A-levels.

Question 4 – What are the positives of working compared to travelling? As travelling is not off the cards for me, I would say that its good to have some time where you earn your

own money and find your way a little before throwing yourself into an unknown place entirely. This way, if you decide to travel, you are a lot more clued up on how to save and spend money. Working naturally matures you as well. You gain a sense of responsibility, purpose and professionalism. You also manage to earn a good wage, and save some money too, as well as spend it as you wish. If you are not sure what your path is, working can give you some ‘reflection time’ whilst you work out what it is you want to do, whilst earning.

Question 5 – What are the negatives of working compared to travelling? It’s hard because I imagine, without future plans, it would be easy to fall into a lifetime of work without getting out and doing what you would like to do. You need to work, but at the same time you need to achieve your goals. Working full-time can be a shock at first! It consumes a lot of your previous free time, and can get exhausting. You are also tied to a commitment that you cannot abuse. You need to adapt to the working attitude, which can be hard as it is different from School life.

Question 6 – If you had your time again, would you change anything in regards to going into work? I would budget better, and make sure that at some point I had time to go and travel somewhere before I start University, which isn’t hard to do. However, once you get to grips with working life, it’s good to have a solid and consistent thing in your life. Your work colleagues are usually great too!

Question 7 – Would you recommend going into work after School to everyone? I would, yes. I think it gives everyone that independence they’re missing when they leave School, as it’s easy to blend in and be spoon-fed a lot at School. Working gives you a breather, and a taste of the ‘adult’ world that often offers both direction and maturity that you take with you to wherever you are headed.

We hope that hearing the views of those who have been there and done it might help you make a decision on how to spend you year out. The most important thing to consider is that you have fun, learn and develop yourself.


Why Learn

? Code Some of you may be aware but code is the big topic this year. Children as young as five are going to be taught it in School and the government has been heavily promoting the learning of code. The common stereotypical view is that young people are supposedly tech savvy, however how many of you know the difference between CSS and HTML?



So what is code?

For those of you that do not know, code is a language in which computer programs, apps and websites are written. Just like there are lots of languages spoken around the world, there are also a variety of different programming languages. You will find classes running at local Colleges across the country and there are also classes put on by private companies. However you may want to learn from the comfort of your own home which is certainly possible by using paid-for and free instructional websites, which will teach you all the basics of a variety of systems.

So will learning how to code help you earn more?

Well according to the government’s National Career Service, starting salaries for computer programmers in the games industry start at around £25,000, rising to between £30,000 and £50,000 with more experience and responsibility. Not a bad pay packet at all! Also coding provides you with the ability to create apps. These can be very hit and miss, with plenty being given away for free, or failing to turn a profit. However there are plenty which do make a profit because they attract new audiences or provide a platform for advertising. For example Flappy Birds made a big impact in 2014 where on average it made $50,000 a day.

It’s the language of the future

Some people say Chinese is the language everyone needs to know in the future; well maybe they should add coding to that too. Coding is a universal language which is drastically changing the world. Knowing how to code or at least be able to interpret it will be vital for future success especially with technology becoming ever more dominant in our lives.



I said

“Now I’m on a roll.”

Management Scheme for School Leavers Ready to go from ambitious school leaver to talented Commercial Manager in under two years? Then say yes to this super fast scheme packed with on-the-job learning, customised training and real-life project work. It’s fun and challenging and will give you everything you need to run your own £multi-million M&S department – in only 18 months. Fast-track your career in retail now. Visit retailschoolleavers.com We’re here to chat on WhatsApp: 07834 335603



to M&S

SPACES – An Overview Employers, Schools and students face the same challenge: growing skills and an engagement gap with young people. MyKindaCrowd | Bright Futures find exciting and innovative ways to reach young people with inspiring career messages and critical employability skills. In March 2015 they are opening the first of a national network of physical spaces. Partnering with City & Guilds, each space will engage with that region’s College students.

How SPACES work Students work in teams to complete work inspired projects and workshops. Each challenge is mapped to the students’ curriculum of learning, validated by City & Guilds, and runs over 2 or 4 weeks depending on the student group. Each project helps students to transfer their studies from the classroom to the world of work and practice valuable employability skills along the way. Projects are run onsite at College and are facilitated by experienced MyKindaCrowd Youth Tutors. They’re fun and interactive whilst also being challenging at the same time. Supporting companies take part in a panel selecting the team with the best solution to the challenge, and will announce the prize for the winning team such as a days work experience or equivalent. Companies have exclusive time with young people who are eager to find out about career

opportunities. Colleges build sustainable employer engagement with supporting companies from their local area and nationally. Students can engage deeply with brands, bring real world relevance to their lessons as well as preparing for the world of work, and have an opportunity to show their passion, enthusiasm and potential. Along the way Students learn about planning, decision-making, presentation skills, clear communication, personal responsibility, productive working relationships and key skills for finding and securing employment in future. About MyKindaCrowd | Bright Futures MyKindaCrowd and Bright Futures work with over 4,500 Schools and have societies in over 50 University campuses. Trusted by students and educators alike, with over 32 years’ experience working with young people and their influencers. MyKindaCrowd and Bright Futures help employers reach the next generation of talent from School leavers to graduates, and recruits them on to work experience, internship, apprenticeship and graduate programmes. We use a mix of face-to-face workshops, work inspired challenges, and rich video content. We provide employers with a unique platform of career-focused talent, across all year groups and degree disciplines, to tap into for your recruitment. We work with entrepreneurs, government organisations, and leading companies such as Nestlé, Lloyds Banking Group, Channel 4, PwC, Tesco, HSBC and Allen & Overy. 13

The experience stays with you

Lucy on client site with the National Trust

Business Insight Week Career Open Days Open Evenings Virtual Events Flying Start degree programmes School and College leaver careers From a 240 UCAS tariff Voted employer of choice by students in The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers survey for eleven years running.

School and College Leaver Opportunities 2IğFHV DFURVV WKH 8. » Join summer or autumn 2015 Traditionally, there has only been one story when school comes to an end. University. Degree. Career. But things have changed. With PwC, there are now many professional opportunities for high achievers straight out of school. So your story can go anywhere. You might start by joining us on our Business Insight Week while you’re still DW VFKRRO WR ğQG RXW ZKDW LWłV OLNH WR ZRUN DW 3Z& ,I \RX FDQłW MRLQ XV IRU D full week, you could attend one of our Career Open Days or Open Evenings. <RXłOO ğQG RXW PRUH DERXW MRLQLQJ XV VWUDLJKW IURP VFKRRO RQ RXU )O\LQJ Start degree programme, where you’ll get paid work placements alongside a traditional university experience, or on our School and College leaver programme, which fast-tracks your career by combining real paid work ZLWK VWXG\ WRZDUGV D SURIHVVLRQDO TXDOLğFDWLRQ Do well in any of these opportunities, and you could get a job offer. Just like Lucy. She took the opportunity to join PwC straight after her A-levels. $QG QRZ VKH RZQV KHU RZQ ĠDW DQG LV D TXDOLğHG &KDUWHUHG $FFRXQWDQW managing her own prestigious clients.

Take the opportunity of a lifetime www.pwc.com/uk/schools ZZZ IDFHERRN FRP 3Z&&DUHHUV8. © 2014 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved.

Diverse people make us stronger

We’re one of the world’s leading professional services organisations. From 158 countries, we advise some of the most successful organisations, entrepreneurs and private businesses. We tackle lots of different issues for loads of different organisations, entrepreneurs and private businesses. We help with big deals and big changes to their structures and businesses. We advise them on

tax. We make sure they’re getting the most out of their IT. We help them plan ahead to manage risk, make sure they’re sustainable, and profitable. Everything to do with measuring, protecting and enhancing what matters most to our clients.

Our events: Find out more about the opportunities we have on offer by attending one of our event. Whether this is during our virtual chat or an event in one of our offices, hear more about what we do, what we look for, and our recruitment process.

Our opportunities for School and College leavers include:

Do you like a challenge?

School & College leaver programmes: Work and earn a competitive salary while you study towards a professional qualification. We have opportunities in Assurance, Consulting, Deals and Tax.

company profile

We think it’s important that you know the full range of opportunities available to you, so that you can make the choice that’s right for you. Whatever decision you make, we want you to consider joining us.


Right now you have lots of decisions to make. Do you go to University? Do you study a sponsored degree? Or do you explore your opportunities for starting work now?

If you’re in Year 12 or 13 try out the National Skills Employability Challenge! You could win an iPad mini and work experience with us. Have a go now by visiting www.nsechallenge.co.uk. This challenge closes 13 March 2015.

Take the opportunity of a lifetime. www.pwc.com/uk/careers/schools www.facebook.com/PwCCareersUK @PwC_UK_Careers 15


Chocolate Chip

Cookies Ingredients

350g/12¼oz unsifted flour 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 1 tsp salt 225g/8oz butter 175g/6¼oz caster sugar 175g/6¼oz soft brown sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 eggs 350g/12¼oz dark chocolate, crumbled


1. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5. 2. In a bowl, combine the flour, baking soda and salt. 3. In another bowl, combine the butter, sugar, brown sugar and vanilla extract until creamy. Beat in the eggs. Gradually beat in the flour mixture. Stir in the chocolate. 4. Split the pliable dough into two halves, rolling each out into sausage shapes, approximately 5cm/2in in diameter. Wrap them in cling film and transfer to the refrigerator until ready to use. 5. When you are ready to bake the cookies, simply cut the log into slices 2cm/¾in thick and lay on a baking tray, widely spaced apart. Bake for 9-11 minutes. 6. Serve. 16

ESPN Score Center


Pic Stitch

ESPN Score Center

Pic Stitch


This app is completely free and it allows you to check up on the latest sporting results quickly and discreetly when necessary (that is, with your phone under the dinner table or even at the back of a lecture hall), for your favourite teams in more sports than most other apps. Sports that are included are football, rugby, cricket, American football and ice hockey.

Pic Stitch allows you to combine multiple photos into one beautifully framed picture. You can use this app to create before-and-after sequences, combine lots of different holiday snaps or produce a photographic series. Pic Stitch also allows you to share your masterpieces on social media.

This app allows you to create to do lists. Instead of writing list after list on paper and leaving them all over the house. This app allows you to write a list on your phone, it then uses cloud technology to ensure your lists is synced and shared, where needed.


“It all started on Christmas Eve 2012 when I got a call to say “You’ve got the job”. I had just secured myself a place on the first ever Tesco Technology Higher Apprenticeship! Having been out of education for a couple of years and trying to find out what I wanted to do, I came across the Technology application at Tesco. This was perfect for me, passion for technology, check. Hunger to drive my own career, check. Looking for innovative ways to push the boundaries of technology, check! There’s always a buzz around the office and people always have time to talk to you about what they do and their passion for the technology they’re working on. The supportive environment is a great place to help you develop and learn new things, both at work and at college (Hertford Regional College is our partner college for the Level 4 apprenticeship qualification). From working with specific technologies to working across multiple teams to create something new for our customers, Tesco Technology is a place for you to flourish!’’ Neekul Patel, Technology Apprentice

“I’ll never forget how excited and determined i was to have this opportunity with Tesco. So here I am, working in the office as a Trainee Merchandiser on babywear, as well as having the chance to study every other Wednesday at the Fashion Retail Academy. Coming from a school environment was a big step but I’ve never felt so inspired by the people who I’m surrounded by and working with. There have been a lot of positive moments throughout my short time in F&F, although I would say the best moment was having the opportunity to become the Clothing Rep in the Early Careers Society, and I’m the only School Leaver on it which is amazing to share my views and ideas with the rest of the society. From my experiences here, I’ve learned to take every opportunity I can. If you’re like me and want an opportunity that you can make the most of, this is the company you should be in!’’ Sammy Storton, Trainee Merchandiser

Tesco Early Careers



Civil Service Apprenticeship Scheme Civil Service

The Civil Service needs talented people who take pride in what they do and have the commitment to develop their skills whilst undertaking a full time job. Our apprenticeship schemes offer exciting opportunities for School leavers and non-graduates. We offer two core Civil Service-wide Apprenticeship schemes:

Apprenticeship Scheme (Level 4) Business Administration: This professional will learn key modules such as Business Strategy, Marketing and Organisational Cultures Commercial: This professional will support their organisation in sourcing and negotiating the best deals on products and services Cyber Security: This professional has a passion for technology, good problem solving skills and can articulate complex issues clearly to a wide range of people, including senior management Digital and Technology: This professional will have passion for technology to receive intensive training in software development and web operations

Finance: This professional will receive key training in accounting, budgeting, monitoring and planning. Operational Delivery Apprenticeship (Level 3) This professional will gain the above qualification in addition to on-the-job experience, coaching and mentoring. This will help our apprentices develop the knowledge needed for employment and career progression on the front line in different public-facing environments. For those who need it, this scheme also gives the option of working towards Level 2 English and Maths.

Why choose a Civil Service Apprenticeship? • Significant work experience and a certified qualification. • A permanent role after completion of either apprenticeship. • A spring board into a Civil Service career. • A competitive salary (minimum salary £19,500 pa Civil service fast track apprenticeship) • Operational Delivery Apprenticeship (minimum salary £15,000 pa) • Locations nationwide

company profile

Civil Service Fast Track

For September 2015 Intake: Applications will remain open until 10 April 2015 For further information and to apply for a place on either scheme, please follow the link below www.gov.uk/civil-serviceapprenticeships

Follow us at www.facebook.com/CSFastTrackApp or on Twitter @CSFastTrackApp


Continue your journey with Bright Futures at University... Bright Futures is currently established in over 50 universities across the UK. If you want to continue being part of its growing success, find your society below.


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