Bridget Marie Magazine November 2010

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MARIE November 2010

Nitalya Williams


Letter from the Editor Welcome to our Accessory Issue Simply Flawless Accessories Classic and Timeless Smile The best accessory is a smile Out on the Town Girls Night Out Mad Hatter Signature hats in Hollywood Tracy N Africa One woman’s journey Style Remix We make over college student Javier One Amazing Dress Nitalya Williams rocks it out Interview with Melie Bianco She designed the handbag on our cover The Possibilities of the Impossible Leslie Lopez writes a moving piece 5 Stylish Questions Nitalya Williams answers Fragrance 101 We chat with Steven the fragrance expert Classic Eyewear One timeless pair of glasses Eye Candy Celebs show their frames

Style Remix


I hope you enjoy our Accessory issue. September 22, 2010 I was invited to a private event Any and all feedback is welcome. for Cirque Du Soleil held at the Kodak Theater in HollyPlease tell your friends about us and wood CA. My very good friend Shelitha Dionne founder if you would like to advertise with us it’s of ( and I took in everything the event in-expensive and easy. Please contact me at had to offer. A show, appetizers, dirnks and even a V.I.P. tour of the construction for the new stage being built. While waiting our turn for the tour I stand behind this tall, beautiful, "A woman can be over dressed but never very fashionable woman and her Mother. After a brief over elegant." conversation I find out that she is an Orthodontist. That didn’t - Coco Chanel matter to me, she was exactly what I had in my head for my upcoming cover. I aske her to to the cover and before you know it’s a month later and we are shooting the November cover with Photographer Joe Lyman. Nitalya rocked every single look I put together. Wearing everything from an afro wig to a short bob to her own hair in a classic ponytail she embraced every style and Jason Vrolijk rocked the shoot like a musician rocks a concert. When it was Editor-inChief a wrap I was a little sad that it went by so fast and it was time to get back to our “Normal Lives.” Look for both Nitalya and Joe Lyman’s Me & Cover Model Nitalya Williams ads in this issue for a Bridget Marie Photo by Joe Lyman discount on their services.

The Cover Model Nitalya Williams Photography Joe Lyman Hair/Makeup Melissa Ulloa Stylist Jason Vrolijk

For today’s Chic & Deliciously Fierce Real Size woman








$6.80 $3.80




$6.80 Handbags available at It’s All About Me Forever

$29.95 It’s All About Me Forever


Smile A smile is the best accessory anyone can wear. Ultimately your smile can control the entire essence of your style. After years of being teased about her teeth leaving her self consious of her smile. Brady Gallardo has endured four years of braces and a well deserved confidence boost. To all those bullies, look whose smiling now!

Model Brady Gallardo Photography/Styling Jason Vrolijk

Jeans from Ross $12.99 Sweater from Ross $7.99

Dress from Ross $14.99

Shorts from Walmart $2.99 Cami from Ross $3.99 Necklace Brady’s own

Sweater from Forever 21 $8.00 Necklace Brady’s own

“Like walking into a closet that dreams are made of!” “Quality product at amazing prices.”

Forever The Block at Orange 20 City Drive West #213 714-456-9660

“An outfit without accessories is like a canvas without paint!”

Mention Bridget Marie Magazine & recieve a discount!

Bridget Marie Magazine Out on the Town

Bridget Marie Magazine attended the “Girls Night Out” event hosted by It’s All About Me Forever. The handbag and accessory store located at The Block in Orange CA was filled with people, music, drinks and all the accessories your eyes can handle. The latest trends in handbags were flying off the shelves due to their amazing quality but reasonable price tags. April 2010 Bridget Marie Cover Model Shaun Fletcher was also in attendance. He was just as much arm candy as the handbags were. “An amazing purse on one arm and a hot guy on the other what more can a girl ask for?” said one shopper. It’s All About Me Forever holds various events so if your interested in attending all you have to do is check out or add them on Facebook. Bridget Marie is out and about passing out Bridget Marie Bookmarkers, Style Award Cards and attending various events. If you are having an event and would like us to do a “Out on the Town” segmant with you contact Jason Vrolijk at

Now get out there and LIVE!

Shaun Fletcher with a Fan and her new handbag!

Newsboy Brad Pitt


Britney Spears

Baseball Cap Ashton Kutcher

Beanie David Beckham

High Fashion Lady Gaga


These Celebs have turned hats into their signature style. Bad hair day? throw on a a hat and create your own signature style. A hat can change your entire look!

Tracy N Africa One woman’s journey to following her passion

Sunday, April 11, 2010 Day in Nairobi Hello everyone! I am at an internet cafe again, so don't expect much... Today two other volunteers - Stella and Vicki- and I came to Nairobi with a staff member from the orphanage- Erick. His family runs a center for children with cerebal pasley. It was great! Erick's family served us tea, and bread with butter! I haven't had butter since I left the states. We visited a family in the slums of Nairobi (mom, I promise it was safe!) who have TWO kids with CP. After that we went to the center where they offer therapy and other services to these family. They work with about 185 kids and work with budget of about $4500/ year!!! We are on our way back to WWB. I missed the kids a bit today. I think I am starting to get attached. One of the girls, Amenia, gave me a hand written note on Friday evening. She said she was happy i was there, grateful for my time and God for sending me. At the end of the note she wrote - "Love God" It made my heart so happy! I know in my heart that it was another way God was communicating with me. I am in the right place right now and need to just focus on not only giving love, but learning to accept love. All for now! BTW - this time on the computer costs 25 schilings. I think it is like 50 cents I love all of you, and bless you for supporting my trip. TracyNAfrica

Thursday, April 22, 2010 Holy Cow! I might be buying a cow for Watoto Wa Baraka! The kids get three good meals a day, but only get milk once a week. A local nurse strongly recommended they drink at least one glass of milk per day. Solving this problem is not as easy as one would think. WWB doesn't currently have the funds to provide milk each day for all 34 kids. Even if they did have the $$, they don't have a refrigerator big enough to keep the milk from spoiling. In addition, the electricity can be unreliable. They have it, but there are many days when it is off for hours at a time. So I started discussing with Zach, the orphanage manager, ways I can help resolve the problem. I told him investing in the children's future is important to me, and I feel a glass of milk a day is necessary for the kids to grow strong and healthy. Zach just came to me and said it would be best to buy a cow. He said buying a cow is not only a long term resolution, but better for the kids. If they have their own cow, they can ensure the milk will be safe to drink. So tomorrow we are going to look at cows. The requirement is that the cow will produce at least 10 liters a day. I will keep you posted on how the purchase is coming along. In the meantime start thinking of names for the cow! Love to all! Tracy


Meet Javier, a 22 year old bank employee and full time business student. For work Javier has to dress professional but we caught up with him in his gym clothes. Using a beat up chair we found on the side of the road and the right accessories we were able to create a classic look with very little money.


Dress shirt from H&M $14.99 Fedora from The Alley L.A. 4.99 Tie from A Yard Sale $1.00 Jeans from Rewear Warehouse $3.00

One Amazing Dress A refreshing alternative to “The Little Black Dress.� this amazing dress is from H&M and only cost $29.99. The dress can be transformed by simply adjusting the sleeves in various ways. Just add the right accessories and this dress is ready for any occasion. ss

Model Nitalya Williams Photographer Joe Lyman Hair/Makeup Melissa Ulloa Stylist Jason Vrolijk

Dress $29.99 H&M Tights $6.00 Ross Belt $5.00 The Alley Crown $4.00 Yardsale Handbag $ 49.95 It’s All About Me Forever

Dress $29.99 H&M Gloves $6.00 The Alley Necklace $2.00 Fashion Bug Earrings $1.00 The Alley Clutch $29.99 It’s All About Me Forever Pumps $29.99 It’s All About Me Forever

Dress $29.99 H&M Belt $1.00 The Alley Necklaces $4.00 The Alley Bangles $4.00 The Alley Headband $1.00 The Alley Tights $3.00 The Alley Hand Bag $79.95 It’s All About Me Forever

Dress $29.99 H&M Belt $2.00 Yardsale Cuff $1,00 The Alley Earrings $1.00 The Alley Pumps $29.99 It’s All About Me Forever

Melissa Ulloa

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Interview with Handbag Designer Melissa owner of

1. What is your biggest inspiration when it comes to designing? [MS] The latest catwalks, street trends that I see during my travels, and materials. 2. How did you get into designing handbags? [MS] I had always been a bag person! While being a design student on a budget, I realized that a bag could easily transform and update my wardrobe to fit the latest trend. Having a bag in the season's shape or color is an easy way to update one's wardrobe without too much financial commitment. 3. Have you ever considered designing clothes? [MS] I actually majored in Fashion Design and Toy Design, but ended up doing accessories! I love accessories! I haven't considered doing clothes yet, but I would love to do shoes in the near future. 4. What is your personal favorite Melie Bianco handbag and why? [MS] This is always one of the hardest questions to answer. I love so many of our bags! I don't necessarily have one particular favorite bag. It's like asking a parent who their favorite child is! 5. What is your advice when shopping for a handbag? [MS] Think about your lifestyle first. The bag should be an extension of who you are. If you like practical, don't go for bags that looks nice but is uncomfortable to wear. Also think about your personality. Do you like color or do you tend to like neutrals? Accessories are statement pieces, so make a statement that is true to yourself.

6. Tell us where your handbags can be seen? [MS] Melie Bianco is carried in fine boutiques across the US. We are also in Nordstrom's Trend Boutiques, Von Maur, and chain stores such as Bebe, Metropark, Arden B, and online stores such as We also opened up our retail online website, because we have gotten so many requests that some of our bags were not carried at local boutiques or on line stores, so our Melie Girls wanted access to ordering styles that they wanted. 7. Who do you think has the best style in Hollywood? [MS] Many stars look chic and trendy, but I would say that Angelina Jolie has great sense of style. She makes anything look effortless and cool. 8. What can we expect to see in the future from Melie Bianco? [MS] More amazing styles! 9. What is one celebrity you would love to see holding a Melie Bianco? [MS] Drew Barrymore 10.What is your design aesthetic? [MS] When designing, I always try to incorporate the latest runway trends, while keeping in mind that our bags also need to be practical and durable. We use the term "affordable luxury" because all of our bags are made in the same tradition as leather bags with quality hardware and components. The only difference between our bags and a leather bag is that we use faux leather. Our designs need to look fashionable after the season is over. I want our Melie Girls to be able to wear their bags after the season is over, without saying to themselves: "What was I thinking!?"



What is your favorite accessory? My vintage East Indian crafted Sterling Silver and Gold draping necklace. What is something in your closet that you can’t live without? All of my jackets. It sets the tone of the outfit. How would you accessorize The Little Black Dress?” A great pair of platform stilettos in like red, teal. Then decorate the neck with a beautiful collar type necklace, small flirty earrings and a fabulous clutch. What is one accessory every girl should own? A great necklace. It’s like body art. What is the best accessory a man can wear? His scent. It doesn’t matter what he’s wearing if his smell is hypnotic. But shoes really say a lot about a man as well.

Stylish Questions with...


The Possibility of the Impossible

Written by Leslie Lopez

Every day at about 3 o’clock the yogurt shop that I work at is taken over by kids on their way home from school. For one of the local private elementary schools it’s become the after school spot for moms to bring their kids to for an after school treat. The moms all sit together at one table and the kids at another. And I have to admit sometimes I like to listen in on the conversation at the kids table. Sometimes kids tend to have a more balanced view of life than the “grown ups.” Anyway, the other day as I was cleaning up, I overheard a little girl say with so much joy in her voice “It’s so exciting!!” So, naturally I took a closer listen to find out what was so exciting, and then she continued “today I rode my bike with no training wheels!” Now I understand the huge moment this is in a kid’s life; a sort of right of passage, but was it really one of those “It’s so exciting!!” kind of moments? A while later, it got me thinking… When was the last time I allowed myself to get so excited about something that the only thing I could do is shout to my friends sitting right next to me “It’s so exciting!!” I have never been the type of person that explicitly expresses extreme emotions, I don’t really scream on roller coasters and I’m probably the most boring person to watch open presents at Christmas. Still, I’m sure there have been times that I’ve been really excited, but I kind feel that the older you get (I realize that I’m not that old) the less “allowed” you feel to just be consumed by a moment of pure joy and excitement. When was the last time you were so excited that you just couldn’t contain it so it came gushing out of you like a tidal wave and you allowed yourself to be overtaken by it? It seems like once you’re no longer a kid, it takes a lot more to excite you. A college graduation, a great job promotion, marriage proposal, etc., and even then how excited to we really allow ourselves to get? All these examples are somewhat life altering, but, riding a bike without training wheels, how is that life altering? The truth is, it really isn’t, but to a kid it seems like the thing that will make their life complete. I think more exciting than the actual act of riding a bike with no training wheels, it’s that feeling of doing something you otherwise never believed that you would; something that felt impossible. I believe that in today’s society and economy we have lost sight of the importance in believing in the possibility of the impossible. As kids we are willing to take the training wheels off, risk falling over and over again, all for that moment we might possibly succeed at riding a bike. As we get older, life informs us that this hope in the possibilities is irrational and a waste of time. What if we refuse to accept this? What if we forget how irrational it might be and fully immerse ourselves in the hope and belief that our wildest dreams can still come true? I think that post childhood we can have the best of both worlds. We can still continue to believe in the impossible, but we can also understand that it won’t shatter our world if it doesn’t happen. What some might consider an irrational belief, I feel is a perfectly rational one. Sure, as we grow up we learn that movies and real life are two separate things and that we can’t fly, but we also learn that when we try to do something seemingly impossible and don’t succeed, there’s usually a group of pretty amazing people that are there to soften the fall and help you get back up. In this way, real life is often way better than the movies anyway. Who says that bikes are the only things that have training wheels? What if life is a series of situations that we start out with training wheels on various parts of the journey of life we get to constantly take them off and see just how much we are really capable of? Why not get excited every time? So, go ahead, try and do something that most would label impossible, apply for a job you don’t feel qualified for, make friends with someone really different than you, or try out an amazing accessory with that outfit that you never thought could be “you”. Who knows, you might surprise yourself and be just fierce enough to pull it off. And if you do pull it off, dive right in, and allow yourself to get so excited that you have to call up your friends and tell them “It’s so exciting!!”

Fragrance 101

We chat with Fragrance Expert Steven M. Steven has 4 years of fragrance experienc and has worked with just about every sce out there.

1. How does one know what is the right type of scent for them? It's always best to go with a fragrance that you feel fits your style and personality. For ex a person who enjoys the outdoors and has an active lifestyle, would probably prefer a c fresh scent. Whereas a person who spends the majority of their time indoors, might prefe thing more warm, or spicy.

2. When shopping for the right scent what is a good rule to go by? The number one rule to shopping for a fragrance is to try it on before you buy it. Many p don't know that once on the skin, fragrance oils mix with your body chemistry, and can c a different scent than you originally expected. This can either be a good thing, or a bad Take the time to try it on and make sure it stays true to it's original scent.

3. What is the proper way to put on colonge? There is no "official" way to put on a fragrance. However, best results seem to be obtain when lightly sprayed on the wrist and neck. Often times people prefer to spray it on cloth which doesn't absorb the oils in the fragrance as well as your skin would.

4. What is the number one mistake people can make when wearing a fragrance? The number one mistake someone can make when wearing a fragrance is wearing too Remember that you aren't the only one that will have to smell you. Sometimes wearing t much of a fragrance can be overwhelming, and suddenly the scent that was once refre and enjoyable, is now obnoxious.

5. What advice to you have for someone that is buying cologne for someone else as a g When buying fragrance as a gift, keep in mind that the person you are buying for may n have the same taste as you. Instead of buying them something you might like, take into eration their type of personality and lifestyle. Also keep in mind past fragrances they've w before, so you have a better guideline to compare a new scent to.

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6. Is it true that the same fragrance can smell different on different people? Yes, this refers back to trying on a fragrance before you purchase it. Fragrance oils always mix with your skin chemistry, and obviously everyones skin chemisty is different. What may smell great on you might smell appalling on someone else. Which might not be a bad thing! 7. Is there a secret to having the fragrance last on you for a long period of time? Yes. Many people assume fragrance will last longer on their clothing; however, fragrance is best absorbed into the skin. If you find your fragrance fading, avoid spraying on too much all at once and lightly re-apply if needed. 8. Do you suggest wearing a certain scent for day and a different one for night? There are always scents that might work better for certain occasions. Personally, I prefer a lighter, fresher scent during the day when it's warm out. When I go out at night I prefer something warmer and spicier. There is no right or wrong scent through no matter what condition you're in. Everyone has their own taste! 9. What do you suggest for someone that doesn't have a lot of money? Fragrance can be a pricy luxury to have. However, if you're tight on cash there are a few things you can do to get your moneys worth. First off, you can always invest in a small sized bottle of a fragrance. These are normally about 15 to 30 dollars cheaper than the full size bottles, and isn't a bad idea when you want to try out a new fragrance. You can also invest in gift sets that are sold at major department stores such as Macys or Nordstroms. Many people don't know that these fragrance gift sets often include much more product (such as lotions, aftershaves, travel perfumes) for only a few dollars more, or even the same price! Avoid getting fragrance at kiosk in the mall or smaller known retail stores, as these can often be old or aftermarket brands (knockoffs). 10. Do you think the bottle has an effect on the actual scent? No. The bottle itself has no effect on the fragrance or it's quality. However, you always want to be sure to keep a lid on your fragrance and keep it in a cool temperature. Doing so will help your fragrance last longer, and keep it's original scent and quality.

Rewear Warehouse Vintage & Thrift

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Donate any old cell phone an recieve 75% your entire purchase (excluding new merch.)

845 N. Euclid St. Anaheim CA 92801



Marie Magazine





Model Ry



yan Gonzalez

Styling Jason Vrolijk

Coat: $14.99/Rewear Warehouse Dress Shirt: $2.99/Rewear Warehouse Tie: $1.00/Yardsale Glasses: $5.00/The Alley L.A.

Jacket: $12.00/Rewear Warehouse Checkered Dress Shirt: $3.00/Rewear Warehouse Tie: $1.00/ Yard Sale Military Cap: $5.00/ Navy Surplus Store Glasses: $5.00/The Alley L.A.

$3.00/Walmart Scarf: $3.49/Ross Glasses: $5.00/ The Alley L.A. Newsboy Cap: $6.00/Ross

Plaid Shirt: $14.98/Rewear Warehouse Glasses: $5.00/The Alley L.A.

Sweater: $11.99/Rewear Warehouse Glasses: $5.00 The Alley/L.A.

Coat: $12.99/Rewear Warehouse Glasses: $5.00/The Alley L.A.



6. 5. 1. Britney Spears 2. Johnny Depp 3. Mathew Morrison 4.Miley Cyrus 5. Megan Fox

EYE candy

Once upon a t Now it’s the cooles accessor


7. 4.

6. Justin Timberlake 7. Marilyn Monroe

time wearing glasses wasn’t considered cool. st thing ever! These celebs show how the iconic ry can instantly transform your style,

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