CMD Bridge Jun.

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Content 登橋者言

Cover Story News from Diocese Article Series Articles 聖堂 360 從前,有個 x 教宗 昨天的聖人,今天的我們

Allocutio Comments on Annual Report Assignment Sharing Free of Doubts Prayer Intention Reflection Corner 封面描述

Cover Story 締造和平的人是有福的,因為他們要稱為天主的子女。 天主喜歡和平, 我們但願能於恬靜中感受到天主, 我們應擁有純潔且平靜的心。 教宗帶領特殊祈禱時刻:主,我們恐懼害怕,求祢拯救我們。 暴風雨揭穿了我們的脆弱,叫人看到我們日常行程、計劃、習慣和優先 事項中虛假而膚淺的安全感。它揭露出我們如何麻木對待並拋棄一切滋養、 支持,以及把力量注入我們的生活和團體的事物。暴風雨讓人看穿所有「包 裝外表」、卻忘記滋養我們人民靈魂的意圖,以及用看似「具有救恩力量」 的習慣來麻痺人心的各種企圖。這些看似「具有救恩力量」的習慣,實則無 法訴諸於我們的根基,以及回溯我們年長者的記憶,使得我們在應對逆境時 喪失所需的免疫力。 因著暴風雨,刻板印象的偽裝崩毀倒塌。以往,我們利用這些刻板印象 掩飾向來擔憂自身形象的「自我」;我們各自的形象表露無遺,而且那是我 們無法拋開的共同外表,即:同為弟兄姊妹的外表。 「為什麼你們這麼膽怯?你們怎麼還沒有信德呢?」上主,祢的聖言今 夜觸動我們大家,攸關我們大家。祢對我們世界的愛,多過於我們對世界的 愛。在這現世裡,我們全速前行,自以為強大又無所不能。我們貪婪地賺 錢,任由凡俗事物來吞噬我們,任由倉皇匆促來困擾我們。面對祢的聲聲呼 喚,我們沒有停下腳步;面對世界各地的戰爭和不義,我們沒有甦醒。我們 沒有聆聽窮人的呼聲、病入膏肓的大地的呼聲。此刻,我們在驚濤駭浪的海 上懇求祢,說:「主,求祢醒醒!」 「為什麼你們這麼膽怯?你們怎麼還沒有信德呢?」,從這個講述伯多 祿堅若磐石的信德的地方,藉著天主子民之痊、暴風雨中海星聖母的轉禱。 從這擁抱羅馬和全世界的廊柱,宛如慰藉人心的擁抱,耶穌要求我們不要害 怕。但我們的信德薄弱,我們恐懼膽怯的時候,耶穌再次說出:「你們不要 害怕!」而我們與伯多祿一起說:「我們把一切掛慮託給祢,因為祢必關照 我們。」 -------Sr. Kendy (Bridge Committee)

News from Diocese 近期,聖堂因疫症的緩和而繼續了實體彌撒,但為了應對這變幻無常的病 毒,教會也相對應做出一些抗疫措施,希望保持一個衛生的環境,共度時 艱,就讓我們來看看以下的幾個例子: Christ the King Chapel:

部分聖堂入口提供 口罩,讓教友隨意 取用,以供有需要 的教友使用,並嚴 格保持各堂區的清 To curb the spread of Covid-19, Christ the King Chapel has been equipped with temperature-checking machinery at the entrance. Benches have also been marked to limit the number of people sitting in a row to establish social distancing. Masses have gone smoothly so far.

潔衛生:念或唱天 主經時,切勿手拉 手;在平安禮中, 以點頭代替握手; 祝福兒童時,暫時 不要覆手。


堂區安排教友替每位進出 的人探熱,以確保沒有發 燒人士。

Article Series 良心 「良心」是使人心靈朝向善與真理的指標,是天主在我們內心的聲音, 讓我們走向天主,接受神的旨意,也使我們意識到自己的位置和責任。那 麽,良心既然促人避惡行善,我們又如何知道怎樣判斷對或錯?

教會強調良心是需要培育的。在每一個經驗中我們都在學習。「良心」 也是一樣,是基於我們所知道的東西。但在這裡,我們的知識不只是理性的 知識。在聖經裡這知識更是使人全心全意全靈朝向天主的「心」。我們雖被 原罪創傷,卻「心」總是存在。這就是我們應常常加強靈修生活,常常祈禱 的原因,正是為獲得力量去挑戰我們受傷的人性的軟弱。所以作為個人的指 南,良心有兩個作用:分辨善惡;約束或核准人的行為。

為天主教徒,我們從天主的啟示知道應如何生活及行動。二千年前耶穌 基督來告訴我們該如何生活。我們認識天主的肖像,人生是有目的的,每人 作為家庭一分子來生活:遵守天主的規律,遵從他的旨意。

耶穌當然也知道生活不容易的事實。祂邀請祂的門徒背起十字架跟隨 祂,來給我們更豐富的生命,祂的生命是我們的最深的渴望。但可惜不是每 個人都接受這樣的生命,因這生命與世俗的觀念很不同。為願意跟隨基督的 人,這卻是一條導向永生的路。 --------Sr. Emily (Bridge Committee) -----

Article Our lives have been affected in so many ways by this coronavirus pandemic. We have been struggling to find ways to tolerate stay at home orders. Our stress and anxieties are peaked by the fear of contracting coronavirus as we see each day the numbers of confirmed positive cases and deaths from COVID-19. Our sorrows run especially deep as we experience the reality of death or the struggle for survival of friends or family members as a result of this disease. We see many around us, if not even ourselves, who have lost jobs. Jobs that have sustained them and their families just disappeared literally overnight as the American economy had to shut down in order to curtail the spread of the virus. And furthering these emotions, people of faith are experiencing a great suffering of their spirit through the ongoing inability to worship as a church community. We Catholics are finding it especially painful as we hunger and thirst for the Eucharist, now that our attendance at Mass is limited to live streaming video broadcasts on our televisions and computers.

We see and experience so much suffering on many levels for so many people, and we pray prayers of thanksgiving if we have been spared from this illness and the devastating turbulent side effects from it. And through this experience we have come to realize a deep sense of gratitude for those who are continuing the frontline battle against this disease. Those doctors and nurses, all hospital workers, who are putting their lives on the line to save others. And for all those who continue to leave their homes each day, endangering their own health, to keep us fed and sustained with life-essential things.

We need to find purpose behind this dark cloud that can bring new life to the elderly among us. We need to store away these feelings of today. Lock them in our brain centers of emotion and in our heart chambers of compassion and unleash them through the power of the Holy Spirit once this all ends. To find that precious element of time to spend with those who feel lonely each and every day. We can and must be motivated by our own awareness of the terrible feelings of isolation and loneliness now known firsthand. And let us be moved into action as we recall in sacred Scripture John 10:10 which tells us that “I (Christ) came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.� Let us not allow anyone among us to live short of that abundance while in our midst. Let’s be sure to bring life to all, and bring it to the fullest. -------Admirable

Article The Relationship between the Members Condoning and accepting one another are of utmost importance when it comes to having a brilliant relationship within the Legion. They are the most vital things; at the same time, they are the hardest things. It is crucial for members to cooperate in order to have a good relationship. Or else, one presidium might lose Mother Mary’s grace, and some members may even leave eventually.

On the other hand, the members have to fully figure out the principles of being a legionary. Being a legionary member should not be about your personal relationships. But, it should be about how we spread our love to one another through the power given by Mother Mary, and ultimately, recoup the soul for those who are suffering from sin. Ergo, we cannot neglect the importance of being a legionary.

Jealousy nowadays is ubiquitous, particularly the poison between people. It seems a minor feature, yet, we have to know how it can jeopardize the relationship as well as the consequences it brings. As a legionary, we should turn jealousy and hatred into the love of Jesus Christ. It is also assisting us to apply the virtues in our daily life. And, learning how to assimilate from Jesus. When jealousy comes to our mind, remember to reflect on the one who sacrificed himself to save our life, Jesus.

There is no doubt that we all are sinners, bearing uncountable sins. However, the ones who are always by our side are our Lady of God, Mother Mary, no matter how dark the situation is. Hence, we should serve them but not ourselves. --------Pure (Sr. Vanessa)

Article 愛德不會停 疫情下,週會暫停了、彌撒暫停了、工作暫停了。聖母軍的生活是被打 亂了嗎?我們心中的聖母軍生活可能就是開週會,完成工作,每天念連貫 經,參與彌撒,機械式地重複着。如果是這樣的話,疫情下的聖母軍生活就 只是放了一個假期,而這是不好的。 工作、念經,是聖母軍生活中不可或缺的一部分。我們都知道自己每星 期要完成工作、每天念連貫經,但我們會從愛德的角度出發,去工作、念經 嗎?我如果我們於工作時,抱着一個「做夠數就走得」的心態去工作,我們 的工作是沒有品質可言的;從愛得的角度去工作,我們每分每秒的工作都是 出於愛而去做的,我們是因着天主的名而去做的。 疫情下,愛徳是很重要的。如果我們是抱著愛徳去做工作、念經的話, 即使我們不能出門,我們也會主動為工作服務的對象祈禱,並發花多時間為 自己身邊的人代禱。疫情能夠停止了我們的工作,但不能停止我們的愛德。 聖母軍的生活形式上會被打亂,但我們的愛德行為是要繼續的。


聖堂 360 馬鞍山村聖若瑟堂 上世紀五十年代,馬鞍山開辦了一座鐵礦場,有不少人進入山中開採礦 石。其時山中居民甚多,以致公共服務供不應求。居民聚居於礦場之側,遂 成為一馬鞍山村。由於山中居民與日俱增,方濟會比利時籍的胡文義神父決 定於村落中建立一座小聖堂、修院以及學校,以作福傳工作及幫助村中居 民。聖堂命名為聖若瑟堂,以大聖若瑟為主保。 聖堂由 1952 年開始服務,及至 1999 年由於村中人數漸減而停用。新界 不少聖堂都因教友人數日漸減少而停止服務,但不同舊聖堂的建築物都仍留 在該處,而見證着上世紀香港教區傳教工作的歷史。聖若瑟堂如今日漸失 修,但仍然屹立於村內山坡之上,使人記起當年天主的福音如何於村內傳揚 開去。 小堂樓高一層,為傳統鄉村的簡潔風格,外觀並無裝飾,只有屋頂上的 十字架及門口天主堂三字顯示出此處為一座聖堂。當然,聖堂位處於山坡之 上,其位置令村內居民可清楚見到。聖堂的屋頂為十分常見的三角頂,興建 的方式十分容易,不需加上支柱。聖堂兩邊有窗,以彩色玻璃建成尖拱形狀 窗戶,窗可以打開,以增加通風。雖然聖堂內部現已十分殘舊,但仍可見鋪 上的扁磚及天花上的吊扇,簡單又不失實用。聖堂內本來的長凳與祭台等物 都已被移去,但格局仍依稀可見。聖堂外側有有一鋪上淺藍色瓷磚的底座, 相信是當年的聖母山,但現時已經生長了不少野草和野花。 大聖若瑟為工人主保,相信當時聖堂命名為聖若瑟堂是希望他為礦村的 工人們轉禱。為了幫助和服務遷移過來的礦工和家眷,胡神父亦建立了聖若 瑟小學,可惜現時亦已荒廢。聖堂中的耶穌聖心像現存放於馬鞍山的聖方濟 堂中。 雖然聖堂已經荒廢,但亦提醒我們 福傳工作應有的態度。如果以往在香港 的傳教士們怕辛苦而放棄建立教 會的任 務,我們現在便無機會接觸到天主的福 音了。所以,作為聖母軍,我們實在要 學習他們的堅毅和勇氣,為傳播天主的 福音而努力。 -------SOIL

從前,有個 X 教宗 教宗庇護十世

教宗庇護十世來自家境貧寒的家庭。於 1903 年蒙選為教宗,他的座右銘 是「在基督內復興一切」。他竭力革新教會禮儀,尤其鼓勵信友勤領聖體, 將兒童初領聖體的年齡由以往的十多歲提前到七歲;他也對推動《天主教法 典》的編纂及《聖經》的研讀,作出重大的貢獻。 「聖 庇 護 十 世 是 一 個 把 教 會 帶 進 一 個 新 時 代 的 教 宗 , 我 們 每 天 可 以領聖體是受他的厚賜,他統一了數百年來繁複的教會法規、提 倡 額 我 略 聖 樂 、 推 動 了 聖 經 的 研 究 …… 今 天 我 們 正 面 臨 一 個 大 變 動的時代,我們正有一位偉大的教宗,領導整個教會進行空前的 改革,十月十一日舉行的大公會議是歷史上的轉捩點。聖教有聖 神常駐,最能表現這一點的是不能錯的教宗的措施。聖庇護十世 完成了他那個時代要求他完成的任務,我們求他轉禱,幫助大公 會 議 成 功 , 相 信 他 在 天 堂 上 一 定 含 笑 答 應 的 。」(公教報 1962 年 8 月 31 日)




昨天的聖人,今天的我們 Saints are one of the crucial pillars of support to the catholic church. They are our modest role models and mentors, guiding us in obeying the wills of God, having relatable experiences we may all encounter. The saint I will be introducing today would be our school patron, St.Paul. St. Paul, who was also know as Saul, was born in a Jewish family a little after Jesus’ time. He had many character traits that aided him in maintaining his strong relationship with God throughout his fruitful life, those of that we should follow, too. St. Paul was a man of reflection. His willingness towards undergoing such massive changes from an aggressive persecutor of Christians into a devout follower delineates his readiness to change his mistakes: for a fault confessed really is half redressed. He seriously and solemnly reflected on his attitude towards Christians after his encounter with Jesus on his road to Damascus, blinded, then to see again. God is actually doing the same thing to us: He is constantly dropping a lot of clues through different forms of persons and experiences we encounter in our lives to remind us of our mistakes, and we should be able to reflect seriously on our actions with the humble and open-mindedness of St. Paul in reflecting on our wrongdoings, bearing in mind that it’s never too late to correct them. St. Paul was also a man of strong determination towards justice. He had this strong, unbending will and stance to protect Christianity and to spread faith to those around him, regardless what the effort may take. _“I have made myself a slave to all, so that I might win more of them. … To the weak I became weak, so that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that I might by all means save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, so that I may share in its blessings. (1 Cor 9:19,22-23)”_ The formidable, spirited and zealous faith he had was admirable and should be glorified: he was determined to do what’s right and in line with God’s will, even if it meant that he were to suffer from severe consequences from those who opposed him. We all need his determination to live a better spiritual life: it doesn’t have to be as mighty as sacrificing your life, but we could start with little bits. To stand up for what’s right despite of the strong opposers ,or to bear his determination in spreading faith in God through performing different acts of love and care towards the people around you.

Last but not least, St. Paul was a man of confidence. He believes in himself through his undying faith in God, influencing the people around him. _“For I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel that was proclaimed by me is not of human origin; for I did not receive it from a human source, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ. (Gal 1:11-12)”_ His words illustrates his confidence that had originated from his faith: he knows and is confident in God’s will, spreading the words of God in a more convincing manner. Yes, confidence is not easily obtainable: but with the help of God, we can all strive to be as confident as St. Paul: to believe in ourselves and the wills of God, spreading God’s wills with confidence in our actions of justice and love. -------Child



五月乃聖母月,為我們聖母軍,不只在五月,我們也應該要勤唸玫瑰經。十 多年前,榮休教宗本篤十六世在 5 月 24 日,邀請信友特別為中國教會祈 禱。為甚麼?正如夏主教說,畫公仔不用畫出腸。我們現在所面對的困難, 我們沒有甚麼可以做,也沒有需要去做,正所謂「生有時,死有時。」,當 有些東西超越我們人的所能,我們要懂得尋求一種超性的幫助。

各位聖母軍,我們不需要擔心,因為我們深信,天主就是一切的主宰。天主 要我們堅持,在困難中成長,我們亦知道,當宗教受到逼害,天主教必然首 當其衝。讓我們求進教之佑的轉求,聖母定必保護我們。讓我們也一起追尋 真理,真理使我們平安,使我們自由,使我們免於罪惡,追尋耶穌是我們不 能所欠缺的。我們要團結,即使在黑暗中,也要守望相助。

-------Br. Jonathan (Bridge Committee)

COMMENT ON THE ANNUAL REPORT CMD commented by Medal It is unfortunate that we could not participate in most Curia functions, but we are still happy to be able to meet monthly and be connected through Skype. Also, we think that last year, we were very well informed about the theme which is much clearer than the years before. We hope that this year will be just as fruitful as the year before, even in the midst of all the injustice in the world.

Joy commented by China The theme of Joy’s annual report is Lamb of God. It was not only a good reminder for the members from Joy, but also other legionaries in the curia of our role as children of God. The report sharing was done smoothly, with some parts presented by new young members. They mentioned that they are learning to do more self-reflection in their assignment sharing, which is definitely a good step towards improvement. We hope that the F.1 Catholic visitors can take this year of time thinking carefully about whether they are suitable and willing to serve as a legionary before their commitment. Once again, congratulations!

Admirable commented by Succour Congratulations on this year’s annual report! We appreciate how you guys managed to present online. It is encouraging to see the fortitude and determination that you show in doing a variety of substantial assignments. Hope you guys can recruit more members in the coming year. The theme ‘Windflower’ is also seriously thoughtful and greatly motivated us. Keep it up;)

Fatima commented by Mediatrix I think Fatima is pretty good. Even though there are not much people but they have good spirituality and would not miss assignments just because there are only a few people. They also tried different ways for Assignment Recruitment and I think that you did your very best. Do not be discouraged! We will pray for you guys.

Assignment Sharing Heartslink Community Service Project (for primary students) On Tuesday and Friday, we will go to Aberdeen St. Peter's Catholic Primary School, to help primary five and six students by giving them advice on their homework and providing exercises for their improvement on academic results. Also, religious sharing is provided to them to strengthen their knowledge of our faith. Through this service, our communication skills have improved, and share a closer relationship with the primary students. -------Joy JC Generation Connect Project JC Generation Connect Project is a service for us to visit the elderly home in Aberdeen. Each group consists of around 4 members and an elderly, in every visit, we ask the elderlies about their lives, like what is the most memorable memories in their lives, their most precious friends and families etc. Then we design a ‘book’ about their lives for each elderly as a gift at the end of the project. Although we found it difficult to communicate and chat with some of the elderlies, we tried our best to listen to the elderlies patiently and at last, all groups successfully published ‘books’. Also, some of the elderlies had very negative thoughts and told us there’s nothing worth to be marked or to be remembered in their entire life, so we decided to make the elderlies get rid of those negative thoughts through leading them in the positive way during the time we chat with each other. -------Joy Mobile library 這是介紹一些關於天主教書籍給身邊的人閱讀的工作。每一次當我在做 mobile library 時,我也獲益良多,因為能藉機重新閱讀聖經的內容,特別是 能讓我重新檢視自己的待人和處事態度。記得有次,我和朋友一起閱讀耶穌 教門徒要原諒別人七十個七次的故事時,有很深刻的體會。那時,她正和另 一名同學發生了爭吵。在看完故事後,她雖然並沒有立刻找她的朋友和解, 但是我看到她沒有了之前的怨氣。於我而言,mobile library 是一項工作,更 是能影響他人的內心的使命。 -------Immaculate

FREE OF DOUBTS 1. 常聽説基督教會裏存在著一些異端,哪麼到底甚麼是異端呢? 首先要澄清,「基督教會」這名稱並不準確。如果指的是「基督教」,即十 六世紀反對天主教會而興起的教派,那麼,他們有其對異端的解釋;如果指 的是「基督的教會」,也就是由耶穌基督所創立、我們現在所身處的教會, 即天主教會,「異端」意謂「一個人在領洗後,固執地否認天主所啟示及教 會所定為該信的某端真理,或是固執地懷疑這端真理。」(天主教法典 c.751)領了洗的人,意指所有有效的洗禮,包括天主教、東正教、大部分 基督教等;天主所啟示的真理,如天主是世界的創造主;教會所定的真理, 如聖母是始胎無染原罪的;固執的意思是不尋求解釋,或在探尋教會的解釋 後,仍堅持己見。

2. 為甚麼這麼多年,還未達到宗教合一呢? 同樣需要澄清,「宗教合一」並非教會的目標。的確,有人認為世界的大 同,包括所有宗教的合一,只有一個宗教,取消所有分別。可是,這明顯有 違天主的啟示,因為真神只有一個,就是天主。我們可以友善地與所有宗教 溝通,但不能為了和諧而否定真理,就如我們不會為了避免爭執而認同 2+2=5 一樣。教會所渴望的,也是耶穌所渴望的,是「基督徒合一」,即所 有相信基督的人,都能在同一的教會內相信天主,合而為一。可是,因為基 督創立的教會只有一個,無人有權為了這目的而另創一個教會,所以基督徒 合一的最終目的,是所有相信基督的人,都在天主教會內相信天主。為甚麼 教會努力了多年,仍難以達致這個渴望呢?「破壞基督身體合一的分裂(就 是異端、背教、裂教),都是因人類的罪惡而發生的:哪裡有罪惡,那裡就 有分歧、裂教、異端、爭論。反之,哪裡有德行,那裡就有團結、共融;眾 信徒藉此就能形成一心一德。」(天主教教理#817)不要以為,加入了天主 教會就等於合一,因為為數不少的天主教徒本身對真理和德行都不是那裡認 真,自稱天主教徒者,可以是大奸大惡的人,以為天堂留有自己的位置,本 身就是驕傲。人需要謙遜才能服從真理,各種罪惡正顯示人不願服從天主, 不謙遜,只願過自己的生活。因此,如果要達致基督徒合一,要求的正是每 人的修德成聖。 --------Credit to Fr. Cheung

Homeless People

Let’s pray for all students. Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us a healthy and safe school life. May you grant us strength and a strong will to continue to fight against coronavirus pandemic. For this we pray to the Lord, Amen. China


Vocation We pray for vocations in Christ, that our brothers and sisters could be led towards their true destinies in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. We pray that young Catholics like us are prepared to respond diligently to God’s choice for every one of us, guiding and directing us as we grow in our daily vocations one with the Blessed Virgin Mary. Star

Reflection Corner 有曾想過何時會令一個整天支支不倦的人靜下來呢?相信一個最大的可能 性,就是等待。 一生人要等的東西何其多,小至等巴士和朋友,大至等待扭轉人生的機會。 只要是活著,就無可能擺脫這一環,但大部分人都很討厭它,至少説不會喜 歡這種感覺。不只是因為那對未知的恐懼,還有那種弧身一人的空虛。當只 有自己一個時,內心無論是喜或悲,也只能獨自承受。在寧靜的環境,等待 的折磨,好像越加明顯。 有些人為了逃避等待,會選擇為自己尋找鋪天蓋地的事情去做,試圖透過繁 瑣的生活,而逃避等待的感覺,然而事實是為自己製造新的難關。那麼我們 可怎樣做呢? 我們作為基督徒,應記著無論甚麼事情,都不應怕,因為我們在天之父,一 直也在我們的身邊,抓緊我們的手。只要我們不放手,祂會陪伴我們等待將 來的一切未知。

因為是我,上主,你的天主,提攜著你的右手,向你說過:「不要害怕,有 我協助你。」(依41:13) -------Bridge Committee

封面描述: 1549 年 8 月 15 日,耶穌會會士方濟·沙勿略從鹿兒島登陸日本,開啟了天主教在 日本的發展,他主動學習日語,並與日本傳統的風土民情結合,使日本天主教會 快速發展。但天主教的發展,被當時統領日本的武家政權視為威脅,使天主教在 日本一度遭到禁止的命運 。由於人數日漸龐大的天主教會危害政權的穩定,日本 官方全面禁止天主教,甚至以撲滅邪教的名義對天主教徒直接迫害及消滅。在日 後被稱為「隱匿基督徒」(隠れキリシタン)中大多數集中在今日的長崎縣境內…… 他們模仿和尚,用廟來替代聖堂。或者在郊外享受「天倫之樂」。 19 世紀中葉起,在西方列強挾著船堅炮利,要求開港的情勢之下面臨挑戰,但這 也給了天主教重啟因三個世紀的禁教而中斷日本傳教事業的契機。傳教士試圖進 入日本傳教,最終也成功了。教徒也可以因此與服務的神父接觸,使得這些禁教 以來,仍世代傳承信仰的平信徒被世人所知,此事後來被稱為「信徒發現」,被認 為是日本天主教史上的一個奇蹟! 其實…… 他們有賴天主無時無刻和他們在一起,和他們不同世代團結的力量,令 到天主教在日本順利成為「永久性居民」!

--------Sr. Elizabeth (Bridge Committee)

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