Jan-Feb Living 2009

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Teaching Sunny By Debbie L. Jensen


.G. Evans of Big Spring got a blonde Labrador Retriever puppy from his company as a retirement gift a few months ago. He named the adorable, good-natured dog Sunny; but it wasn’t long before he noticed a problem. Sunny seemed scared of everything, especially noises — other dogs barking, the vacuum cleaner. Evans’ wife couldn’t use her hairdryer anymore, and walking Sunny was more like running the gauntlet than taking a casual stroll. Enter Trellis Lucas, a Big Spring dog trainer who has been able to help Sunny — and especially Evans — conquer most of these fears. After only a few sessions, Sunny has mastered some basic obedience such as “sit” and “come” and has taken a walk around the training facility without


seeming to notice two other dogs strategically positioned there. Lucas said it was clear something had scared Sunny — possibly the plane ride he took from South Dakota to his new home in Big Spring, or maybe a fight at the kennel where he spent his early months. Whatever happened can’t be changed, so it is Evans’ job to show his new pet that he is safe now. “If his fear is other dogs, you don’t drag him up to a fence with dogs barking behind it, but you might gradually move one step closer, and step by step he will see that — because you are not scared — he doesn’t have to be,” Lucas said. One morning recently, she positioned her own dog, a large Belgian Tervuren, along with a small Sheltie inside the show ring at the Big Spring Kennel Club training facility on Third Street.

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Then she urged Evans to take Sunny for a walk around. Once that was done, Lucas took the leash and introduced Sunny to Jag, the large dog that looks similar to a German shepherd. It took several tries, but finally the two touched noses without the Lab cowering in fear. “Dogs are just like people,” Lucas explained. “If they fear certain things, they can learn that those things that were fearful are not so anymore.” Last week, they turned on the hairdryer while Sunny walked around. Soon they will vacuum the floor while she trains. Success stories are all around: Even the Sheltie, named Henry, was once so frightened by the hairdryer that he attacked his owner for turning it on. Now he allows his fur to be blow-dried after a bath. Lucas, whose interest in dog training dates back to her childhood on a farm with working dogs, said she enjoys teaching the basics to an eight-week-old puppy — a clean slate in the dog world. But many dogs have issues, and it’s these that often bring owners to her for help. “Dogs are intelligent animals and they have different personalities,” she said. “Some are shy, some like to learn, some get bored easily.” An example is Jag, who Lucas said will get into trouble if he is not stimulated by his environment. Labradors are often calm, but can be shy and might need more incentive to train. Lucas said she has helped owners deal with many issues, but the only problem she doesn’t like to tackle is aggression against people, which takes a firm training hand. Most bites, she said, are not unprovoked, although people

— especially children — may not understand the cause. While some breeds get a bad reputation, Lucas said it is really the match between owner and pet that needs attention. Take Chihuahuas, for example, which have bitten this trainer more than any other breed — yet people often buy them for children thinking that their size makes them more suitable for a home with kids. “Companion dogs were bred for certain jobs, and these will match with characteristics of the owner,� she said. “You should try to match your lifestyle and your temperament to the breed.� A good place to find out about different breeds is the dog show sponsored by the Big Spring Kennel Club each year. Afraid you can’t have a dog due to allergies? Lucas said the real culprit for many people is oils in

the fur that trap allergens. She uses dryer sheets to de-static her dogs’ hair and bathes them regularly to avoid watery eyes and sneezing. Think a mixed breed might be a better choice? Lucas said she is a big supporter of rescuing animals from shelters — just be sure you spend time with the dog and know what you are getting. And once Fido is home, give him some basic obedience to conquer bad habits learned while on the loose or surrounded by other offenders. “Be careful, because mixed breeds can have the worst of both breeds, not necessarily the best,� Lucas said, explaining that is why so many “Heinz-57� dogs end up in shelters. And backyard breeding is a gamble that pet owners need to avoid, Lucas said. “I always support spaying and neutering,� she said. There’s a new crop of popular

television shows about dog training these days, and while they are entertaining, they have also have served an important purpose, Lucas said. “I think people see that some of the problems are not permanent. There is a solution if you are willing to work on it,� she said. Some dogs have more problems than others, but any dedicated owner can have a good pet if they are willing to work a little, Lucas said. She enjoys teaching people of all ages how to train their dogs. Besides, Lucas said, more happy owners means fewer dogs end up in shelters, something that is good for the whole community. “I especially like working with kids and their dogs,� she said. “These are the next generation of dog owners and it’s important to start them out right.�



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Men in CHURCH By Debbie L. Jensen

The Rev. Sharon Wiese of First United Methodist Church greets longtime member Hayes Stripling Jr.


lues about the Rev. Sharon Wiese’s sense of humor and her ministry are readily displayed right on her desk at First United Methodist Church. First there’s the wooden sign naming the new pastor and first woman to hold the position “Bro. Wiese” — a reference to the discomfort some people might feel about having a woman minister. Then there’s the bumper sticker proclaiming “Real men do belong in church” — a sign of the calling she feels to encourage men to take their place in the pews and lead their families in faith. “In my first congregation, which was in a very small town, no church


in town had a woman minister,” Wiese explained about the wooden sign’s origin. “I had a man in my church, a cotton ginner, who told me ‘I’ve called my preachers Brother all my life, so you’re going to be Brother.’” It’s a title she readily accepts and even suggests to children that it’s funny, but fine. The sign was made by a wood shop class at the high school in another town where she served. This is Wiese’s (pronounced Weesee) 12th year in ministry, and while she’s been called by many titles, it’s the ministries she has led that have made all the difference. One of those is ironically about men. “It’s a passion of mine to see more men take their place as God has

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gifted them to lead the family,” Wiese said. “Without that, I think we see the boys then coming up and asking ‘Who do I look up to?’ and this is a very serious issue.” The preacher cites her own flock as an example of what men can accomplish. “We have a great many active men who have wrestled with some of these issues and come out on the good side of that.” She cited statistics that if children grow up going to church with just their mother, only half will continue in the church as adults. If the father also attends church with the family, however, Wiese said, more than 90 percent of those children will grow up keeping the faith. “God has burdened me particularly with this issue,” she said. Continuing the irony, Wiese started her work at FUMC on Father’s Day — when she preached about what makes a Godly father. Although not her only ministerial mission, it is an important one, Wiese said, and related to another strong calling — counseling for marriage and family issues. “God has given me a counseling ministry that I never anticipated,” she said. “I do a tremendous amount of counseling. I am divorced and God has used that to help me help other people.” Although Wiese remarried, it was not until after an extended period as a single parent to her son, Cody Griffin — now 29, married and active in his own church. “Their faith life is so strong, such a strong part of them,” Wiese said with a loving smile. “That is a joy of my life.” Although her son went through what Wiese calls “all the typical stages” of a child and teenager, and sometimes resisted going to church, he supported her decision to answer when she felt God’s call to the ministry. “God opened all the doors I needed, including making it OK with my son. I moved him all the way to Kentucky (for seminary),” she explained. “Now he is one of my

Rev. Sharon Wiese laughs with Robert Hill, left, and Lee Emerson at a Wednesday noon Bible study at First United Methodist Church. strongest supporters.” Another one of those is her husband Bill, whom Wiese calls “God’s man for me” and describes as the perfect husband to a wife in ministry. With his love of practical jokes, his outgoing personality, and ability to unite others, Bill Wiese “breaks the mold” she said. But the pastor also has many new supporters now, including Murray Murphy, a member of First Methodist since 1985. “She is the type of person who is giving all of us — young and old, male and female — a new and innovative way to be a faith community ourselves, and how to be good shepherds and good examples to unchurched people in our community,” Murphy said. “As God directed her and as she accepted the call to come here, it was a great blessing for our church.” He said her leadership style has been very effective in bringing the membership together for their goals. “She identifies her mission and her vision of her ministry and makes it very clear what she wants to do, and where she wants us to go,” Murphy said. “She takes on the leading of the church as a shepherd, and does it in a

very inclusive way. She asks for opinions, looks at all different segments of our church, and then we as a group decide where we need to be and how we’re going to get there.” Wiese admits to having help in getting adjusted to her new job — divine help, that is. “I prayed that God would give me favor here, that he would make the way for me,” she said. In fact Wiese said all the challenges in her life — accepting her original call to the ministry, her divorce, raising her son, and remarriage — were resolved through prayer, which she describes as “profound and powerful.” “God has done incredible things when his people ask with a believing heart,” she said. “I wake up in the morning talking to Him, I go to sleep talking to Him, and I listen to Him.” In this first year at First Methodist, Wiese said she makes new discoveries every day and looks forward to the Christmas season with her new

congregation. “I am so enjoying the uniqueness of Christ’s work in this congregation — projects like the Living Christmas Tree and Christmas Eve service,” she said. “We have been so blessed coming here and we want to be a blessing to this congregation.”

Sharon Wiese, pastor at First United Methodist Church, visits with Agustin Ypina, associate pastor, left, and Lee Freeze at a Bible study.

201 West Marcy

Big Spring, TX 79720



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That painful sore throat Could it be a cold, strep throat or tonsillitis? By Scott W. Barclay, D.O.


uring cold weather, it’s not unusual to get a scratchy throat – and sometimes the surefire comforts of chicken soup, hot tea and a warm blanket don’t make a difference. When sore throat symptoms persist, you often wonder if it’s from a cold, strep throat, or tonsillitis. A sore throat can often simply be caused from the common cold – or it can be more serious, requiring antibiotics to






make the nagging pain go away. Sore Throat A sore throat can often be the first sign of a cold. In this case, your sore throat usually gets better or goes away after the first day or two and is often followed by other cold symptoms. Unfortunately, there is no cure for a sore throat caused by a cold virus, but there are things you can do to minimize discomfort and get better more quickly. To speed healing of your sore throat and cold, be sure to get enough rest, and remember that a healthy diet and plenty of fluids also help to speed healing. Although over-the-counter cold medications may relieve cold and sore throat symptoms, the benefits are minimal. Pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can offer relief from the aches and pains of a cold and sore throat. Sore throat sprays and lozenges can also soothe the throat and numb the pain temporarily. Antibiotics should not be used to treat a cold virus and sore throat, since antibiotics are effective only against bacteria. The inappropriate use of antibiotics is the prime reason so many bacteria are now resistant to once potent antibiotics. Strep Throat Strep throat, which is caused by the Streptococcus bacteria, is a

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major cause of sore throat and tonsillitis. With strep throat, the pain is often more persistent and severe. Strep throat is almost always associated with a high grade fever and swollen, tender lymph glands along the neck without cold symptoms (i.e. a runny or snotty nose and/or cough). While a cold goes away on its own, strep throat usually requires antibiotics. Strep throat spreads through close contact with an infected person and/or sharing an infected person’s personal items. If not treated properly, strep throat can sometimes lead to more serious illnesses, such as rheumatic fever, a disease that may harm the heart valves. If you have symptoms of strep throat, visit your doctor for an examination and a strep test, a painless test that looks for Streptococcus bacteria. If you have clear signs of strep throat, your doctor will most likely start you on an antibiotic treatment in order to kill the bacteria causing the infection. With proper treatment, strep throat can usually be cured within 7 days. If after 7 days you don’t feel any better, let your doctor know right away. Also, even if you feel better after a day or two, never stop taking the prescribed antibiotic until the full dosage is taken. The bacteria can still be alive,

Cold symptoms - Sore throat - Runny nose - Sneezing - Cough - Headache - Nasal congestion - Fever may or may not be present

needed to absolutely know the difference. Regardless of the cause of your sore throat, be sure to get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids, use a vaporizer, and take over-the-coun ter pain relievers. Eating soft, soothing foods such as ice cream, milk shakes and soup will also make your throat feel better. Strep tonsillitis symptoms If the tonsil infection does not - Sudden sore throat - Loss of appetite respond to antibiotics or oc- Painful swallowing curs repeatedly – or if the tonsils - Red tonsils with white spots interfere with sleep and breathing - Fever – your doctor may recommend a - Headache tonsillectomy, the surgical remov- NO runny or snotty nose al of the tonsils. (usually) For any sore throat conditions, - NO cough (usually) call your doctor if you experience nausea or vomiting, earache, Other Tonsillitis symptoms headache, skin rash, painful joints, - Sore throat shortness of breath, dark urine or - Bad breath - Fever chest pain. - - - -

Voice changes because of swelling Painful swallowing Swollen lymph glands in neck Tonsils are swollen and may have white or yellow spots

even if you are feeling better. Other Tonsillitis Sometimes, other bugs cause tonsillitis. If the tonsillitis infection is bacterial, like strep, then antibiotics are given. However, if the tonsillitis infection is viral, antibiotics will not help. The virus will just need to run its course for the sore throat to go away. Only with an exam by your doctor will you know whether your tonsillitis is caused by a virus or bacterium. If your physician is uncertain, a quick inoffice strep test can be performed. Occasionally, a throat culture is

Dr. Scott Barclay recently joined the Family Medical Center team of physicians with a new office on the second floor of the Malone & Hogan Clinic, “Cornerstone Family & Sports Medicine”. Dr. Barclay is a board-certified and experienced family practitioner who looks forward to making a positive difference in the health of our community. He’s thrilled to have moved his family and his practice here, and is now accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment, please call 264-6361 or visit www.BigSpringDoc.com for

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Looking for the Perfect BRUSH


ust as golfers search for a new club and fishermen examine the latest rod and reel, artists also hunt for the absolute best tool for their work. In my supplies carrier art tote I counted 20 brushes of assorted sizes and shapes. An artist should take great care in choosing a brush. Our strokes are such a personal thing — the same as our handwrit-

By Kay Smith ing or signature. Leading brush manufacturers state our relationship with their products is intimate and are an extension of our hands. These magic wands, according to them, will produce a unique touch to our art given by fingers and wrist motion. When choosing a new brush, we should consider how our working habits will affect the final masterpiece. Even Geor-

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gia O’Keeffe, who was famous for her bold and bright colors, was said to have used a separate brush and cup of water for each color she used. In contrast, some painters let their brushes sit for long periods of time in either dirty water or turpentine. Every artist would be wise to make a habit of testing brushes before buying. Watermedia artists interested in using bristle brushes instead of sable might consider several factors. After you get the sizing out of your new bristle brush (usually made from hog hair), spread the hairs apart to see the individual bristles. The tips should show split ends, called flags, at least two or three splits. These make the brush hold paint and allow painters to control the paint better at

the tip. If there are no flags or splits, you won’t have the loading capacity or the control you need. Artists who use bristle brushes with watermedia should also know that over time, if you don’t let the brush dry thoroughly after you have finished for the day, the bristles will literally pop the ferrule. Learn which brushes will last the longest. For example, Yarka, a large brush manufacturer, insists its brush handles are superb as they are made of birchwood. This wood has been kiln-dried, stained, and varnished with a polymer-based nontoxic varnish. The birchwood, being a light wood, holds up very well under the most demanding studio conditions. How you clean and care for

your brushes is just as important as how you use them. Another manufacturer, Loew-Cornell, suggests that when loading, using, or cleaning your brushes, work the hairs in their natural direction. Do not leave a brush soaking in a liquid for extended periods, resting on the hairs or bristles. Never allow paint to dry on your brush. Also store them lying flat in a horizontal position or if dry, with their heads upright so there is no pressure on the hair. As for Kolinsky sable, if you buy one of these Cadillacs of the brush world that can have a couple of hundred dollar pricetag, you’ll want to make sure to store them with mothballs or cedar wood shavings if putting them away for awhile so as to prevent moth infestation damage.

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406 E Marcy Drive Big Spring, Tx 79720

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I bought two sable 1-inch watercolor brushes back in 1993 and to date both still outperform the most expensive synthetic ones. With more companies making and selling many different mixes of hairs, styles, bristles and purpose brushes, there exists for the artist too many choices. Unless you are comfortable with the touch of a brush in your hand as the extension thereof, you

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won’t really be able to maximize your potential as an artist. You might even think you don’t paint very well because your brush is not of decent quality. A superior brush will almost flow by itself and will really stimulate your creativity and build confidence with each piece painted. Artists should try out a number of available brushes and find the ones that will help them make their own unique mark. My students are always welcome to use any tools I have to help them make a decision. Brushworks 2106 Scurry Big Spring, Tx 79720


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designed 3 bedroom, 2 bath with beautiful features including custom kitchen cabinetry with Granite countertops, elegant formal dining, relaxing sunroom, separate office off spacious entry, fireplace, double garage. Pretty landscaped lawn, rock waterfall, outdoor fireplace, covered patio, sprinkler sys., workshop/extra storage/RV cover.

QUALITY CONSTRUCTION THROUGHOUT! Beautiful and newly constructed 3 bedroom, 2 bath with study/office, separate formal dining, WB fireplace, high ceilings, crown molding, custom kitchen cabinets, spacious closets, sprinkler system and 2 car garage. Near college and elementary school.

PERFECT SETTING - Remodeled 4 bedroom, 3 bath with 2 living areas, study/office, formal dining, beautiful kitchen with Granite countertops, wonderful garden/sunroom, abundance of storage and closet space, 2 car garage. Large corner lot with gorgeous parklike landscaping. Approx. 3,500 sq. ft.

BEAUTIFUL ALMOST NEW HOME in Coahoma ISD. 3 bedroom, 2 bath with separate formal dining, breakfast area, WB fireplace, master suite with custom ceiling and jacuzzi tub, covered patio, storage shed/workshop, double garage. Built in 2006.

WONDERFUL TRI-LEVEL HOME in beautiful residential area. Approx. 2,606 living sq. ft., 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, formal living, large gameroom, sunroom, fireplace, 3 car garage. Lovely landscaped corner lot, covered patio, spa/hot tub.

PAMPER YOURSELF - Two newly constructed town homes with superior design and quality. 2,384 sq. ft. of relaxed, carefree living with wonderful features including custom cabinets, Granite countertops, central vacuum sys., upstairs loft/den, oversized double garage. 2 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, WB fireplace, lots of closet and storage space..

Home Realtors

432.263.1284 - 800.295.8938 - www.home-realtors.net

DESIGNED FOR FAMILY COMFORT AND ENTERTAINING - Updated home with approx. 2,857 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, 2 living areas, 2 dining areas, WB fireplace. Pretty backyard with in-ground pool, covered patio, double garage and double carport.

BEAUTIFUL EDWARD HEIGHTS home with recent updating including new interior/exterior paint, tile and carpet. Charming backyard with great privacy and a country living feel. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, WB fireplace, 2 living areas, 2 car garage.

PLENTY OF LIVING SPACE in this 3,365 sq. ft. Kentwood home. 4 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths, 3 living areas with balcony/loft, WB fireplace, formal dining, carport, garage, inground pool and cabana. Bathroom & shower outside by pool. Move-in condition!

GET THE BEST FOR LESS! Excellent Highland South location, updated 3 bedroom, 2 bath with WB fireplace, covered patio, sprinkler system, 2 car garage. Very well maintained in great condition! 1,876 living sq. ft.

COMFORT AND STYLE is yours to enjoy in this recently updated Highland South Home. Approx. 2,227 living sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 living areas, WB fireplace, pretty kitchen with recent new cabinets and countertops, skylights, sprinkler system, 2 car garage.

AN IMPRESSIVE AND IMMACULATE HOME - 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath brick with approx. 1,927 living sq. ft. Central heat/ref. air, WB fireplace, pretty ceramic tile, nice wood deck, storage shed, 2 car garage. Kentwood.

www.coronadohills.net - www.highlandsouth.com - www.kentwoodneighbors.com

MOVE-IN READY! Great 2 bedroom, 1 bath brick on approx. 2 acres in Coahoma ISD. Lots of recent updating including cabinet countertops, carpet, tile, A/C and fence. Extra home in need of some TLC is included with this property.

YOU CAN'T GO WRONG purchasing this great property. Could be residential home or used for commercial. Spacious 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, separate formal dining, WB fireplace, central heat/ref.air, 2 car garage. Nice location, approx. 2.07 acre.

ATTRACTIVE, LARGE FAMILY HOME with in-law plan, could also be a separate apartment or small business. Lots of possibilities! Approx. 3,703 sq. ft., 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 living areas plus large basement for gameroom or additional bedroom, WB fireplace, 2 double garages, RV carport, upper and lower level yard areas. A great buy!!

LARGE FAMILY HOME with open arrangement. 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, central heat/ref. air, covered patio, storage shed, water well for yard, corner lot with large pecan trees, 2 car garage and 2 car carport. Coahoma ISD.

UNIQUE HOME in lovely neighborhood. 2 bedroom, 2 bath with 2 living areas, central heat/ref. air, nice kitchen with concrete countertops, covered patio, storage shed, masonry fence, carport.

RECENTLY UPDATED - Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath with huge living area, garden/sunroom, formal dining, pretty ceramic tile and carpet, recessed lighting. Nice workshop, barn/stable, 3 car carport, land sectioned into 3 fenced lots.

Home Realtors

432.263.1284 - 800.295.8938 - www.home-realtors.net



CHOICE SETTING in this very pleasant neighborhood! Attractive 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick home with 2 living areas, recent updates including paint, tile and fence. Well manicured yard, covered patio, storage shed and carport.

GREAT CONDITION! Nice 3 bedroom brick with 2 living areas, central heat/ref. air, WB fireplace, pretty kitchen with lots of cabinets, oversized double garage could also be nice workshop. $70's.

COLORADO CITY LAKE - WATERFRONT PROPERTY - Water view from living area and front porch. Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath with approx. 1,980 sq. ft., updated kitchen and nook with sunny bay window, formal dining area, covered patio, metal workshop /storage connected to 2 car carport, dock needs some TLC. Great buy, priced in $70's!!




PERFECTLY CHARMING 2 bedroom in great location and with lots of recent updating. Recent new windows, tile, countertops, fixtures & lights, beautiful refinished wood floors throughout. Central heat/ref. air, bonus room, storage shed, property includes extra lot with 2 car carport.


location near college and elementary school. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, nice windows, auto sprinkler in front yard, storage shed, garage, additional parking in back. $70's.

and move-in ready. 3 bedroom, 2 bath with 2 living areas,central heat/ref. air, floored attic for extra storage, wood deck, sprinkler system, 2 storage buildings and 2 car garage.

office could be used as 4th bedroom, formal living area, central heat/ref. air, storage shed, carport. Parkhill Addition. $70's.

home on 2.438 acres. Recent new interior & exterior paint, roof, septic, wiring and carpet. Newer windows in bedrooms and living room. Central heat/ref air, carport. $70's.


Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath with central heat/ref. air, recent new carpet, updated kitchen and baths, storm windows, 1 car carport.

www.coronadohills.net - www.highlandsouth.com - www.kentwoodneighbors.com

PRICE REDUCED on this remodeled 3 bedroom, 1 bath brick home. Central heat/ref. air, separate formal dining, 1 car carport. Great starter home!


EXTRA NICE 3 bedroom, 2 bath in College Park Addition. Central heat/ref. air, masonry fence, covered patio, storage shed, circular drive, utility room off garage. $60's.




START OFF THE NEW YEAR owning your own home. Nice buy on this 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick with central heat/ref. air, 2 living areas, nicely updated with recent carpet, tile, doors and cabinets.

ADORABLE HOME in convenient location. 3 bedroom with updated bath, spacious kitchen, garden/sunroom, central heat/ref. air, large backyard, storage shed, storm cellar and garage. $51,500.

PARKHILL - Well kept 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath with 2 living areas and 1 car garage. Nice curb appeal, great neighborhood. $40's.

NEEDS SOME TLC but has lots of potential. Large home with 3,225 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3 living areas, lots of living, dining and kitchen space. Priced to accommodate updating and repairs. $40's.


YOU CAN'T BEAT THE PRICE on this updated 4 bedroom, 2 bath brick with central heat/ref. air, large backyard with metal fence and storage building. $61,500. Nice curb appeal!

Home Realtors

VERY AFFORDABLE 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in good location, central heat/ref. air, updated windows and tile, bonus room, storage shed. Lots of space for the price. $50's.

DELIGHTFUL SMALLER HOME featuring 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, central heat/ref. air, nice backyard, sprinkler system, storage shed and carport. House is wheel chair accessible. $41,900.

with kitchen cabinets, countertops, carpet, bathroom fixtures, paint and doors. A newer filtration system and pressure tank for well, new septic system in 2008. Nice 2 bedroom, 1 bath located on 1.68 ac. $60's.

EDWARD HEIGHTS - 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath with central heat/ref. air, fireplace in living area, washer/dryer/refrigerator stay, big back yard, storage shed, storm cellar, 1 car garage, 2 car carport.

COAHOMA ISD - Cute 2 bedroom, 1 bath with large yard and lots of mature trees. Central heat/ref. air, nice carpet throughout, 2 car carport. Price reduced to $24,000!

432.263.1284 - 800.295.8938 - www.home-realtors.net

Commercial Properties 507 E. 4th - NICE COMMERCIAL BUILDING with approx. 7,953 sq ft. Display and customer service area, storage area, two offices and rest room, warehouse with skylights and overhead door. Good location.

307 W. 4th - GOOD COMMERCIAL BUILDING SITE - Property has 3 lots, concrete building, the two houses on property will be moved.

1901 W. 16th - NICE PROPERTY with approx. 9,900 sq. ft. plus additional metal building with 2,000 sq. ft., paved parking, 5 acres included.

502 E. FM 700 - PRIME LOCATION for any commercial business, for sale or lease. Approx. 11,242 sq.ft., fenced, 2.52 acres.

105 SPRING CREEK - BRICK CHURCH BUILDING with pews, 9 class rooms, large front lot, fellowship hall, approx. 2 acres. Sand Springs.

710 S. GREGG - GOOD INVESTMENT PROPERTY - Nice brick office building, recent updating and landscaping, large parking area, high traffic location.

1701 & 1703 GREGG -SPACIOUS PROPERTY in high traffic location. Could be used for variety of businesses. Also includes 2 bedroom, 1 bath house behind property at 207 W. 17th.

1011 W. 4TH - GOOD COMMERCIAL LOCATION- Nice building with approx. 7,356 sq. ft., office area, shop, living quarters and completely fenced back yard.

611 GREGG - GREAT BUSINESS LOCATION with approx. 1,572 sq. ft., central heat/ref. air, basement, storage shed. Could be used for variety of businesses.

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Lots and Acreage


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Kentwood -5.08 acres, South of Merrily St. Kentwood - 89.10 acres, East of Kentwood. Stanton - 7.10 acres, beautiful building site. $35,000. Hearn - 3.86 ac., undeveloped land, $11,500. Baylor Blvd. - Morgan Ranch Estates, 5 and 10 acre tracts. Driver Rd. - Country Club Estates, fantastic building sites. S. Goliad - 9.681 ac., prime acreage, beautiful building site. Campestre Estates - 5ac. tracts - $12,500. (32 tracts available). 1106 Todd Rd. - 38.48 acres, 2 wells, windmill, storage barn.

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N. Birdwell Lane - 2 lots, residential or commercial, $12,500.


Baylor St. - 18 residential lots, $6,500 each. Parkland Estates - Thorpe / Wasson, $35,000 each. Fenn Ave. - Residential lots available, $7,500 ea. Kentwood - 17 lots west of Rebecca. Forsan - Warren St., nice building lot, $4,500. Connally - 7 lots, $11,500. Parkway Rd. - 70 lots, great building opportunity, $250,000. Coronado Hills - 6 residential lots. $49,000. Scott Drive - $18,000. 712 Craigmont - $17,000. 720 Craigmont - $17,500. 3802 Dixon - $8,000. 3800 Dixon - $8,000. 3802 Parkway - $4,000. 3800 Parkway - $4,000. 4000 Vicky - $8,000. 2513 E. 25th - $10,000. 1308 E. 6th - $8,000. 712 Colgate - $6,850. 702 Caprock - $36,000.

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Life can be healthy, balanced and fun! Scenic Mountain Medical Center Launches New Program for Women


f you’re like most women, incredible demands are placed on you every day. Healthy Woman, a free community resource provided by Scenic Mountain Medical Center (SMMC), offers monthly health seminars and interactive events covering a wide variety

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of women’s issues. It’s designed to provide women of all ages with the information they need to maintain a healthy body, mind and spirit. Fun, Educational Kickoff The Healthy Woman program will kick off in style Thursday, Jan. 22 at the newly-renovated “Old Hardware Store” in historic downtown Big Spring. Following a women’s health expo that features health screenings, giveaways, exhibits and demonstrations, guests will enjoy dinner and be captivated by the inspirational story of nationally known keynote speaker and author Suzanne Metzger, Ph.D. The 11year breast cancer survivor leads workshops and writes columns about self-motivation. Using humor, Metzger says women have always taken care of everyone else — children, parents, grandchildren, husbands/partners and even pets — before they’ve taken care of themselves. Her message: It’s time women put

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themselves first, or they may not be around to take care of their loved ones in the future. SMMC has been planning for Healthy Woman for more than a year, assisted by 18 women who make up the new program’s advisory council. “These women are leaders in our community in a variety of ways,” said SMMC Chief Executive Officer George Parsley. The Healthy Woman Advisory Council includes Donna Burcham, Hillary Edwards, Kara Freeman, Brandy Grant, Maruca Haas, Helen Hernandez, Trisha Hobdy, Rhonda Hoffman, Mitzi Knight, Jessica Martinez, Cynthia Scott, Shelly Smith, Linda Kaye Stallings, Amy Vidal, Debbye ValVerde, Anne Ward, Debbie Wegman and Diane Wood.

“These women will provide guidance to the program, ensuring that the issues that concern the women of Big Spring are being addressed by SMMC,� said Parsley. Healthy Woman is coordinated by SMMC Marketing Director Kim Howell and Senior Circle Advisor/Director of Volunteer Services Anita Cline. Women, who make between 80 percent and 90 percent of all healthcare decisions, often balance careers, primary and secondary families, caring for parents and civic work. Healthy Woman’s free monthly health seminars, events, e-mails and other great benefits strive to empower women with the knowledge and confidence to make informed healthcare and wellbeing decisions for themselves and their loved ones. Become a Healthy Woman! Membership is free and the benefits last a lifetime. To join Healthy Woman, for more information about the health expo and kick-off or to register for upcoming events, visit www.smmccares. com or call (432) 268-4842 or 268-4721 today.


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Capturing the Moment


hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. What a great opportunity to capture some wonderful images to share with family and friends. With all the activities associated with the holidays in the past, it’s time to look forward to a new year. Some of you have made a list of your New Years resolutions. One of the things I resolve to do this year is to take more images of the world around me. Sometimes I fail to notice the beautiful scenes before me because I’m in too busy getting from point A to point B. As some song writer once wrote, “You’ve got to stop and smell the roses.” To be able to accomplish this goal you have to do one thing. You guessed it. You have to carry your camera with you. How many


By Bruce Schooler times have you been driving to work and you saw the most beautiful sunrise ever? I know it has happened to me. You can still enjoy the gift that God has given you, but it sure would have been great if you could have captured it to share with others. I am going to be carrying my camera with me more this year. You do not want to keep your camera in the direct sunlight if you leave it in your car, especially on the dash. Keep your camera in the camera bag on the floor of your car. In my film days, I would keep my camera in a styrofoam cooler during the hot days of the summer. I always wondered why my camera smelled like bologna. With your digital camera, just do as I mentioned above and keep it in the camera bag. Unfortunately, we also need

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to worry about our camera being stolen. I always put something over my camera bag so it cannot be seen. It also goes without saying that you should always lock your car, even if you are just running into the store for a gallon of milk and some bologna. Are you picking up a theme here? Did I mention diet was on my list too? Anyway, as I was saying, lock your vehicle. So you have your camera handy and you’re fired up ready to capture that award-winning image and nothing happens. No beautiful sunrise, no horses galloping across the pristine pasture, no …. Well you get the idea. What do you do? Why don’t you give yourself an assignment? That’s what we do at our Big Spring Art Association meetings. Every other month we draw a

food). You may also have a hobby such as model railroading or quilting that could be your ongoing photographic project. I hope that 2009 is your year to do wonderful things, not only with your photography but in your life.

card from an envelope to see what the subject for the next meeting is going to be. In the envelope, we have different items such as pets, trees, the color red, junk drawer, etc. The subject for our meeting in January is “umbrella.” Each member is to create a work of art containing an umbrella. This causes us to use our imagination and be more creative in our work. Consider this an invitation to join us Jan. 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the basement of the Howard County Library and see what the members have created. You can also give yourself an assignment that is ongoing. I enjoy capturing windmills and old barns. Whenever I see one, I usually pull over and take a few snaps. If I didn’t have my camera with me or the lighting is not good, Ill make a note of the location and return later to take the picture. You may have a favorite subject that could be your ongoing project, whether it’s antique cars or ham sandwiches (must remember diet, don’t think about

Remember to call us at Red Barn Studio if you have any questions or comments. Our phone number is (432) 466-3315. Our Web site is Theredbarnstudios.com

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from all of us at J Rutledge Realty Christie Larson, Vanessa Jordan, Jeannie Rutledge, Zac Hall, Leah Hughes

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Spinal Disc Disease By Dr. James Riley, D.C.


pinal discs are found throughout the spine from just below the 2nd cervical vertebra to just below the 5th lumbar vertebra. These vertebral discs are located between the vertebral bodies or between each spinal bone. The discs are made up of a very tough outer fibrous cartilage called anulus fibrosus and a viscous material called the nucleus pulposus which is found inside the anulus fibrosus. The outer layer I would compare to a radial tire in which the tissue is very tough, durable and strong, and yet — like the radial tire — it also has a little give to it or flexibility. Located inside the center of the anulus fibrosus is the nucleus pulposus, which I would compare to the jelly inside a jelly donut. The nucleus pulposus is a very thick fluid that provides the shock absorber characteristic to the disc. The two main purposes of the spinal discs are to act as a shock absorber for the spine and

a spacer for each vertebral segment. When a person takes a step, there is a certain amount of force that travels up the leg through the hip and sacroiliac joint and into the spine. The force then travels up the entire spine, dissipating or diminishing the further the force travels. The discs absorb this force by compressing or shrinking and then returning to its normal width and shape after the force has passed. This characteristic allows your spine and therefore your upper body to move in so many directions and to the greatest degrees such as bending over to touch your toes. The discs also act as spacers between each vertebra, keeping the spinal facet joints from impacting on each other and keeping the hole that the spinal nerve exits through enlarged. Now with a general understanding of the spinal disc and there function, I will talk about the two main problems that people have with their discs. The first and most common issue that people have is a degenerative disc or a disc that has permanently shrunk in thickness/ height or decreased in size due to wear and tear. This wear and tear can be normal or abnormal. By this, I mean a person who has not injured his or her spine by lifting or trauma. Without an injury to the spine, the spinal bones (vertebra) will remain in proper alignment and therefore will have normal wear and tear on the discs. With normal wear and tear on the discs nearly everybody’s disc will last their lifetime. There only a few people with weak discs which will wear out or decrease in thickness/ height with normal wear and tear.

People with abnormal wear and tear to the discs will wear their discs out at different rates depending on: how severely the area with the degenerative disc was injured, if the person had the injury treated, if the injured area is properly maintained with chiropractic manipulation to maintain proper alignment, and if the injury was severe enough the person should also be properly maintaining the spine with a home stretching and exercise program. The spine is mechanical and just like any moving part, needs to be in proper alignment or there will be abnormal wear and tear to the discs as abnormal forces are placed on the them, causing early deterioration. If the person has had severe injuries and does not properly maintain his or her spine, then the discs can show the degenerative processes in only a few years. If the injuries were minor and the person does not maintain his or her spine then the process could take 20 to 30 years to show the degeneration of the discs. The second most common problem with the spinal discs are injuries to the discs which cause tears in the anulus fibrosus. The least of these injuries is called discitis, and is basically inflammation of the disc comparable to a sprain/strain injury to

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ligaments and tendons. All other injuries to the disc involve a tearing of the anulus fibrosus which is called in general terms a herniated disc. In fact though, a herniated disc is actually broken down into different categories based on the severity of the herniation. When a disc has a tear in the anulus fibrosus the inside part of the disc, the nucleus pulposus, is pushed or squeezed to the outer edge of the disc. If the tear is small and does not tear through the outer anular fibers then the nuclear material makes a small bulge in the donutshaped disc. I would compare this to taking a balloon and squeezing it making a small bulge pouch out. If the tear is bigger but still does not tear through the outer fibers, the nuclear material makes a bigger bulge which is called a protrusion. Now, if the tear is significant enough that the outer fibers are

also torn, the nuclear material actually is squeezed outside the disc itself. This is called a prolapsed disc. The treatment for degenerative discs is simple. First, keep the spine in proper alignment by seeing your chiropractor and keeping your core muscles strong with exercises. You might have to have some rehab if your core muscles are deteriorated too much, but once you are on your feet and have learned how to properly exercise then you should be able to continue your exercises on your own at your home or a gym. Occasionally a person will wait to long to seek treatment, allowing their disc to have an 80 percent or more loss in disc height. In these cases surgery may have to utilized to alleviate the back pain associated with the degenerative disc. There is no treatment — either

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medical or chiropractic — that will bring a degenerative disc back to normal. The best we can do is to stabilize the disc to keep it from wearing out further. Once the spine and disc are stable, the pain will alleviate. A radiographic exam is the easiest and most inexpensive way to determine the degree of wear and tear to a spinal disc. However, a radiographic exam is not necessary unless the examination warrants it or the patient is not responding to treatment. The treatment for a disc bulge and protrusion is to manipulate the spine into proper alignment. If the bulge or protrusion is the result of an acute injury, rehab of the spine will likely be needed. Therapeutic modalities can also be utilized before your chiropractor manipulates the spine. Acute disc bulges usually require home rest for a short period of time to allow healing to begin without further aggravation of the disc. Now a disc prolapse will require a referral to a neurosurgeon or an orthopedic spine surgeon. Once the nucleus pulposus is outside the disc itself, the only option is to surgically remove the prolapsed material. Your chiropractor will perform the proper orthopedic and neurological exam to determine the proper course of treatment and if an M.R.I. and or a referral is necessary. I hope this column helps you to better understand your spinal discs and a few of the problems associated with them, so that you can better take care of yourself. Your spine is very complex and these are just two problems that can give you back or neck pain, so take care of your spine because you only get one.

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